, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, June 3, 2011, Pancho Harrison

Gary's Blog Map

Jun 3, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011, Pancho Harrison

Theme: Sounds Like I ate it. The first word in each of the two-word theme answers is transformed  from a  "EYT" sound ending into a different word with the similar "EYD" sound ending, creating  a new, and rib tickling phrase. There is a A B B A pattern to the replacement word ending.

Well, our first offering in some time from Mr. Harrison, who was the very first constructor we encountered when the original cast of the Corner was switched to the LA Times puzzles. Lemonade here, so let's see what Pancho has learned in the last two years.  

17A. Family member whose age is showing?: GRAYED UNCLE. The beautiful boy and girl whose pictures I have posted make me a GREAT UNCLE, who also happens to have GRAYED.

27A. Horse-cavalry soldier who's hardly capricious?: STAID TROOPER. Most STATE TROOPERS are rather serious, scaring looking people.

46A. Aggressive drug enforcement strategy?: RAID INCREASE. I wish the bank would arrange a RATE INCREASE on our savings accounts; my first thought was it could have been clued as needing more bug spray.

61A. Bride's unraveling problem?: FRAYED TRAIN. Well, I guess a few honeymooners without any cash hopped on a FREIGHT TRAIN to see the world, and the brides were likely to have an old gown.

On to the show:


1. Pilfer: SWIPE. Well, STEAL also has five letters, starting with S, tough start.

6. Massenet opera: THAIS. Wow, follow that up with this opera (pronounced TA EES) based on the novel of the same name by Anatole France, and we are going very slowly. It is from the French lack of a soft TH we get T'ank You, T'ursday and T'em.

11. JFK, but not LGA: DEM. Not the airports, but the politicians they are named after, as Kennedy was a Democrat, and Fiorello LaGuardia was a Republican.

14. Distinctive characters: AURAS. I think this must be a typo, as an aura is a distinctive CHARACTERISTIC.

15. Wrap-up: RECAP.

16. Chill: ICE. Dear, it is time to chill the champagne.

19. Co. led by David Sarnoff until 1970: RCA. They owned NBC also for many years; his son went to the Rectory School, which is the reunion I am just back from attending.

20. Tivoli's Villa d'__: ESTE. This magnificent home and grounds were built by Cardinal Este, who was a son of Lucrezia Borgia, if anyone is watching the new miniseries. It has magnificent GARDENS.

21. Staff entry?: REST. This tricky clue refers to a musical notation, I believe. JzB?

22. Worn down: EATEN. The waves of the ocean eat away the shoreline.

24. Solid alcohol: STEROL. Sterols are also known as steroid alcohols. We all are familiar with the important animal one called CHOLESTEROL. They are not Scotch, frozen and eaten with a fork.

26. Vortex: EDDY. A shout out to Eddy B.

33. Line of clothing?: HEM. My mother was a wonderful nurse, but we used to have to stand by a staircase to mask the different lengths of our pant legs.

36. Jubilant cry: HOORAY. Hip, hip!

37. Pool game, perhaps: POLO. Nice deception, as water polo is played in a pool, a serious game, unlike its cousin MARCO POLO. Not to be confused with 11D. Unsportsmanlike conduct: DIRTY POOL. And as Jerome would point out a POOL can become a POLO.

38. "Unlimited free mileage" rental pioneer: ALAMO. This company began in Florida back in the 70s and was a boon to the business traveler with mileage free.

40. Washington Sq. campus: NYU. Greenwich Village New York.

41. Bikini, e.g.: ATOLL. Not the bathing suit, the islands.

42. Vacation site: ISLE. More islands.

43. Baker's container: PIE PAN. Whatever happened to the Mother Butler's Pie Shops?

45. Golfer Westwood who replaced Tiger Woods as World #1 in October 2010: LEE. Since replaced by Martin Kaymer and now Luke Donald.

49. H.S. math course: CALC. Calculus, not your easy math.

50. One who digs your jive: HEPCAT. Old beatnik talk from the 50s.

54. Swindle decoy: SHILL. The paid associate who plays the game and wins, so others will try.

56. Feint on the ice: DEKE. Any BRUIN or CANUCK fans out there? It is just an abbreviation of DECOY.

59. 39-Down recipient: HERO. 39D. Award for a 59-Across: MEDAL. One of those combinations that can't be solved on their own.

60. John of England: LOO. Not Elton, but the WC.

64. Homer's donut supplier: APU. Are you doubters beginning to see the Simpsons are an important part of Americana?

65. Dog-__: EARED. As a reader, I do not like when people do this to books.

66. Western party: POSSE. Again, deceptive, not a hoe down, but a group put together to chase bad guys.

67. Junio, por ejemplo: MES. June for example, months. We have had this before.

68. Titles: DEEDS. Titles to real property, and our first legal word of the day.

69. Unsettling expression: SNEER. My favorite is this FACE

On to the other half.


1. Wise guys: SAGES. Not the Sopranos, actual smart people.

2. Knack attachment?: WURST. This German food is not spelled KNOCKWURST

3. Hot: IRATE. I wanted to put in HOT DOGS in the wurst way.

4. Sugar daddies, e.g.: PAYERS. Finally old enough to be one, and I spent all the money already, damn.

5. Ethnic ending: ESE. Japanese, Portuguese etc.

6. "__ Lies": Schwarzenegger film: TRUE. I liked the MOVIE but maybe not anymore.

7. Brooding group: HENS. Nice imagery.

8. Invoice abbr.: ACCT. Usually followed by NO.

9. Editor's add-on?: IAL. Editorial.

10. Muscle beach brand: SPEEDO. Tight and tighter.

12. Behold, to Livy: ECCE. A bit of Latin crosswordese, meaning BEHOLD.

13. Ornery: MEAN. A good western word.

18. Traveling circus organizer in a 1964 film: DR LAO. A wonderful MOVIE with Tony Randall

23. Take in: ADOPT. I would love to adopt those four puppies.

25. First century Roman emperor: OTHO. Ah, the unexpected benefit of having a son who wants to be a Roman Archaeologist, and explaining to me about the YEAR OF FOUR EMPERORS . A very obscure answer.

26. Hatch back?: ERY. HATCHERY, another way to disguise a suffix.

28. Greek column style: IONIC. Which do you like best, Doric, Corinthian or Ionic?

29. Where some pairs are separated: DRYER. The case of the missing sock.

30. Brownish gray: TAUPE.

31. Glamour rival: ELLE. The magazines.

32. Part: ROLE. In a play.

33. Narrow margin: HAIR. He won by a hair.

34. "Lohengrin" soprano: ELSA. If you click no other link, listen to this MUSIC .

35. Motivated by spite: MALICIOUS. From the Latin MAL, meaning bad.

41. "As I Lay Dying" father: ANSE. One Faulkner's best NOVELS .

43. __ Park: Pirates' field: PNC. I can never remember if this is for Pittsburgh National Corporation or Provident National Corporation, so I looked it up, and they merged to form PNC.

44. Sounded satisfied: AAHED. Are you ooers or aahers?

47. Skinny or small, probably: ILL-FED. I associate this with skinny only, but I guess it is correct.

48. "You've Got Mail" writer/director: EPHRON. NORA is a very talented woman.

51. Belay: CEASE. A nice nautical term as we near the end.

52. Surface: ARISE. What kind of problems were coming out for Jim Tressel at Ohio State?

53. Office supply: TONER. Messy stuff.

54. Grand __: SLAM. How fitting during the French Open.

55. Optimism: HOPE. I hope you have enjoyed this Friday presentation.

56. Show gumption: DARE. I dare to believe it has turned out well.

57. Got a load of: EYED. Once you have eyed the work of this resident eye patient.

58. Converse competitor: KEDS. Yes, I wore, as converse were for basketball players and I was too short after 7th grade.

62. Actress __ Dawn Chong: RAE. Tommy Chong's pretty little daughter is now 50 .

63. Decorates in a prankish way: TPS. Toilet Papers, which I guess will be my exit line as we have put another Friday to bed. Enjoy all.  No French lesson, but a very fun and doable puzzle with a couple of very hard clues, and a witty, concise theme. Thanks Pancho (oh Cisco!).



  1. Good morning, Lemonade, C.C. and gang - almost tripped up right off the bat by putting 'steal' for 1A, but then I noticed 2D, which seemed like it had to be 'wurst'; that lead to 'swipe' and helped me fill in the NW. Except that I confidently put in 'sterno' for 'Solid alcohol'. Once that was resolved I needed perps to get the Massenet opera, then my next goof was putting 'admit' for 'take in', which took a while to fix. 'Otho' only fell because we've had it before. I had a pretty smooth run the rest of the way except for needing perps for the 'As I Lay Dying' father.

    I thought the theme was very clever, but for some reason I zeroed in on the 'aye' in 'Grayed Uncle' and thought it was gonna go in a different direction. 'Bikini' and 'isle' brought back some great recent memories, offset somewhat by the less-pleasant memory of middle-aged and older gentlemen whose taste ran to Speedos. South Beach caters to the European trade, which in this case has its plusses and minuses...

    Lemonade, good job with the blog. I had the same thought about 'aura' -- it seems more of a characteristic than character.
    Today is National Doughnut Day, always a happy day, and National Repeat Day. National Repeat Day.

    Did You Know:

    - It isn't that manufacturers can't record on both sides of a CD or a DVD -- it's that they don't. The general industry preference is to give consumers a colorful label on one side, as opposed to a two-sided disc with twice the capacity.

  2. Morning, all!

    The NW corner almost proved my undoing as well. I had ALECS at 1D until nearly the bitter end and most of the other clues in that section were just too tricky. I figured out the theme, but couldn't think of a phrase with UNCLE in it that fit the pattern.

    I finally removed ALECS and put in MAGES. It was still wrong, but at least it got me the GRAYED UNCLE answer, after which I finally understood the clues for 2D and 3D, which then got me SWIPE at 1A (and the correct SAGES at 1D).

    Seriously, though -- an AURA is a distinctive character? I agree with Lemonade that it must be a typo. That one really kept me from seeing the light for a long time.

    ANSE and DRLAO were complete stumpers, but I was able to eventually get them via the perps. I've heard of the movie with Tony Randall before, but only in crossword puzzles and I never knew anything about the plot. As for ANSE... nope. Never heard of it, although I have at least heard of the novel by Faulkner.

  3. Hello Puzzlers - What Dennis said, except that OTHO was unknown to me. Had STERNO in for a looong time.

    This was one of those rare puzzles in which grokking the theme actually helped with the solution. Having long, reliable fill such as STAID TROOPER really moved it along.

    Hand up for "characteristics" in the AURA clue.

    Lemonade: I vote for Doric architecture. I have my reasons!

  4. Hello all,

    Hard row to hoe for me. Knew obscure things (for some) like DR LAO and THAIS. Don't get AURAS.

    Interesting write-up, Lemonade. Have to go back for more links.

    Had a long cry after "My Boy Jack." Did you know that the fellow who played Rudyard wrote the script? Talk about talent (David Haig). D. Radcliffe was super, no?

    Time to try to sleep. Lots of problems with Uverse lately. Well, has been a pain since the beginning, but getting worse. Tried to find a similar service out here. No way, it seems. (They raised prices on me and tried to charge me a bundle for replacing the cable--completely eaten through by rodents--running unprotected on the roof. (Years ago this same outfit attempted to swindle us, a long srtory.)


  5. Good Morning, Lemonade and friends. Wow! Great write-up on what I thought was a very tough puzzle. Even after I had sort of figured out the theme, I still had to look at it for a while before I truly caught the progression.

    Hand up for wanting to start 1-Across with Steal. SWIPE was slow in coming because I had some difficulty with the Down clues as well.

    Loved the comment about your mother's sewing!

    Those from California probably know this, but the term Sugar Daddy
    was coined by Alma Spreckles, who married the much older and very wealthy Adolf Spreckles. It was the pet name for her husband because Adolf was a sugar baron whose family had made its fortune in the sugar industry. Not to be confused with this type of Sugar Daddy.

    The temperature officially reached 103F here yesterday. The hottest for this early in the season.

    QOD: Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. ~ John F. Kennedy

  6. This was a difficult, but clever puzzle to figure out. I figured out the theme by the second entry and that helped with the last two theme answers.

    I really liked some of the misleading clues--33A Line of Clothing, 11A JFK, but not LGA, & 66A Western Party.

    I did need to google some of the names. I enjoyed having to help my husband with the NW corner. He has been working Crossword puzzles for over 40 years & I am relatively new at it.

  7. Good day folks,

    This puzzle kicked my butt big time. Too many unknowns in the North to even bother mentioning. I did manage to to fill in the Central and South, but it was a grind. And today I decided to use a pen, so most of it is "hard to read" with all the write overs.

    Thought of EddyB and Splynter when I filled in 56A... Deke.

    Like Dennis, I entered steal for 1A. Unlike Dennis, I wasn't smart enough to uncover the error. Hell, I'm half German and never knew knockwurst was knackwurst.

    Oh well, another hectic day for me and this failure will be out of mind soon.


  8. I was absolutely bitch slapped by this one. HTG and still couldn't finish. This says it best. Sigh!

  9. Hmmm ... steal, sterno, nero, an opera and movie I've never of ... damn, this puzzle was MALICIOUS & MEAN (entries I actually got).

    I think my Rorschach Ink Blot Test looks like ...
    "A bat" (lol).

    Time for some of that liquid alcohol.
    Thanks Lemon, I think a Scotch would be perfect.

    Cheers !!!

  10. Good Morning Lemonade, C.C. et al.

    Super write-up, Lemon! I agree, that the Lohengrin link is a must. Thanks for sharing that beautiful piece.

    This one almost did me in, with all the clever deception, tough clues, and a bunch of my own mistakes. Basically, “what Dennis said”. I love coming late to the blog- it saves me so much time writing up my own posts, LOL.

    At 56A I was racking my brain trying to remember the discussion we had long ago about the fake move in hockey. And I thought, “I bet EddyB knows this one”. As soon as I thought that, the word DEKE just popped into my head. So thanks, EddyB for unraveling the bottom for me (whether intentionally or unknowingly).

    But it finally all came together, and I really had fun with it. Clever, consistent theme, and nice solid fill made it a very enjoyable Friday offering.


  11. I think the AURA clue is just fine...

    1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
    2. one such feature or trait; characteristic.

    (from Random House Dictionary)

  12. I started with STEAL, then got HENS and ECCE , but then hit a wall for a long time. Worked down through with WAGS, then had to resort to Google for DR LAO, ANSE, PNC, THAïS and STEROL. Took a while to grok the rhyming theme fronts, and never did get the T -> D switch. The NW was last to fall, and only after resorting to crossword tracker--pure cheating of course, but it got it done.

    Germanophile that I am, I was embarrassed not to get WURST right away, but was thinking of having a knack for something, also was with mafia for wise guys. Thought MALICIOUS was good fill.

    That mark over the 'I' in THAïs is called a diaeresis, not an Umlaut. it's used mainly in French to separate vowel sounds that would otherwise be diphthongs. Umlauts are Germanic and occur only on A, O or U.

  13. Good morning, Lemonade, C.C. and all ye Friday peeps. This was a toughie!

    Knack attachment? Gotta be Knick. Hmmm, that's gonna change Steal to... skate?

    Early emperor with four letters? Nero, of course. Works with Alamo, but not with Sterno. Dog tired? Nope!

    I finally got enough to get RAID INCREASE and saw the theme and that helped me straighten out the rest of my mess. All in all, it was a rocky ride and our constructor was bordering on DIRTY POOL in some spots, but it all worked out after an hour of frustration.

  14. Good morning all. Lemon, nice erudite informative write-up, thanks.

    Seemed tough today. The center took a long time to fill in; also couldn't start the theme words at first. Took a break, made oatmeal, raised the flag and read the morning paper. Returned to the puzzle and quickly filled in most of it including the theme, Hand up for wanting 'sterno' for STEROL. Knew, though, that 'ol' was a suffix for alcohol compounds. ESTE was a WAG. I liked the clueing for LOO and WURST. Needed red letter help with KEDS and DR LAO.

    Have a good day.

  15. Oh, and I also started with NERO for OTHO, which I finally looked up, and I also started with ADMIT for ADOPT. Wasn't fooled by JFK/LGA or ATOLL. Thought of DOG-TIRED for EARED, but waited to perps there.

  16. Hi gang -

    Yes, REST is an entry on a musical staff that indicates when to NOT play. NOTE also fits, alas.

    I've always enjoyed Pancho's puzzles, and this one has a lot of good stuff in it, including a clever theme. But this one was more annoying than fun.

    "Hatch back?" is a serious contender for the most egregiously awful affix clue ever. Cleverness does not justify the wrongitude. "Editor's add-on" is more honest, at least, but I hate self-referential clues.

    OTTO or OTHO was Charlemagne's grandson 900 years later, and NERO fit.

    When I was in HS, CALC was not one of the math courses. TRIG was.

    HENS is just the plural of a chicken, not a group.

    JFS validated AURAS, but it's still a WTF?!?

    Throw in an opera nobody ever heard of, and the 18th century expression ILL-FED that you will never encounter today, and . . . well, I'm not exactly IRATE, but it does make me want to SNEER.

    Anyway, happy Friday, everyone.

    JzB not a COOL HEPCAT today

  17. JazzB:
    I agree.
    My second 'toast' is to you !!!

  18. Hi There ~!

    Thanks for the write-up, as this one smacked me around pretty good, too - THAIS, DR. LAO, ANSE....

    The NW corner took the longest, but thanks to the theme, I scraped together GRAYED, and that helped, but I WAGed most of the rest of it.

    I am in the group with a "meh" for AURAS, and I got caught with STEAL first, too.

    Plus, I didn't help myself with a typo of my own with DITRY POOL - that's the 'down' effect....

    Yeah, I am rooting for Vancouver, Lemonade - it was a battle between my Canucks and Eddy B's Sharks - and my brother is a Bruin fan, so we will be at each other for the next 10days - and he will try a DEKE on me this Wednesday, I am sure ~!!


  19. Good Morning Everyone, I agree with everything Jazzbumpa said@9:43...and most of what Barry G. said and a lot of what Kazie wrote, and followed Avg Joe (not the best view) to the end.

    I agree that CALCulus wasn't offered in my high school. Trig was the class I dropped.

    Lemonade, thank you for so many explanations. I got it via perps, but I couldn't figure out what ETHNICESE was...D'oh!

    I was so sure of STERNO and DORIC...HOORAY, at least I got PIE PAN...sigh...

    I've enjoyed Pancho Harrison's offerings in the past, but this one beat me to a DNF.

  20. Good Morning C.C., Lemon and all,

    Thanks, Lemon; back to the links later. Had to get the explanations for my WAGs: DR LAO, DEKE and OTHO.

    I did a Spitzboov move and took a break { actually, a nap}. It took off from there.

    Working all over, the theme emerged at FRAYED TRAIN and I was able to fill those in. I agree with the AURA club, JSF; sometimes ,IMHO, there are definitions and then there are ‘usage’ explanations, where I get to decide if it fits into my vocabulary or not. Also, being partial to constructors, I am grateful to you for your effort, because I like to give some slack in a crossword puzzle. {After I’ve bitched, of course.} Thanks.

    Thanks, to you Pancho. It was a neat challenge. Hurry back.

    Now on to Lemon’s recommendations.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  21. Apropos to nothing -

    A riddle -

    What follows .... H B C N O F P S K V Y I W ?

  22. Hello all.

    Enjoyed to write-up more than the
    puzzle. Welcome to the WBC - White
    Beard Club.

    Game 2 tomorrow. Can't believe
    Burrows wasn't suspended for pulling a Tyson. Go Boston!

    We seem to be stuck in the 60s.
    Jet stream needs to move to the North.

    Take care.

  23. In the school where I taught here, kids could take a combination course called trig-precalc. But in recent years they were also offered a full calculus course through the two-year university campus next door, and got credit at both school and college for it.

    Where I went to school myself, you could saturate your curriculum with mostly science and math in the last two years, or do what I did, and keep three foreign languages and take something called "Math 3" which gave a taste of both trig and calc in a somewhat watered down version all in one course instead of separately.

  24. More riddles-

    1. (easy) What synthetic fiber was named by anagramming the word expands ?

    2. Whats common among the words - escalator, celluloid, cornflakes ?

    3. ( easy ) These two three-letter words are pronounces exactly the same, yet have no letters in common.

    4. What country's former and present capital cities are anagrams of each other ? ( Hint - in Asia )

    5. What US state is named in French ?

    6. What mathematical expression (in words) remains true, even after anagramming ?

    7. Finally, phew ! ... What other country calls itself the United States ?

    Backronym is for word or words, retrofitted to make an acronym around a suitable name.Thus, USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening of America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism ).... ACRONYM ( A Contrived Result Of Nomenclature Yielding Mechanism).

  25. Hello, Lemonade, C.C. and Friday strugglers.

    Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Most of you have already iterated my experience. Yowza! This was tough! I skipped around until the SE finally yielded its secrets and FRAYEDTRAIN gave me the theme, not that it was any easier. And it has been several decades since I read As I Lay Dying. Time to reread it.

    Skipped some more, took time out for a shower and breakfast, a la Spitzboov, then hopped around.

    Had NERO then OTTO, finally OTHO and recalled STEROL from somewhere but LOVER instead of PAYER though SWILE made no sense.

    Another error was SEEDS for titles and stared at ILL FES for a long time.

    Thanks for the extreme challenge, Pancho.

    Have a lovely Friday, everyone!

  26. 1. spandex

    5. Illinois

    Must go now.

  27. I'm out of the LOOP on that one Counselor.

    Don't spit while swimming. That's how a DIRTY POOL becomes a DROOLY PIT.

    Odd how the ILLFED can be FILLED.

    And OTHO always gave a HOOT...

    For the life of me I cannot see how anyone can possibly have a problem with the "Characters" clue.

  28. Tivia, like any spice, a little goes a long way. Too much just ruins the whole meal. One or two a day is fine. Start your own blog if you want have a list every day.

  29. One of the things I have learned after blogging regularly now for a while is the clues presented are all vetted and passed on by experts. To me, it does not diminish my personal reaction to some which are too strained. I have never considered character and characteristic as synonymous, but apparently I was wrong. However, the fact some leaned in the same direction I did suggests my comment was not out of line, notwithstanding it being wrong.

  30. Was a pre-war baby so it took 6 yrs
    for the baby boom to catch up. HS
    was 10, 11 and 12th. It was Algeb,
    Geom and Trig/Analys. (some of Brian's classmates went up to UC Berkley for Calc). Also avoided Nam
    by spending those 6 yrs in the Navy. HS was was math, sci and Spanish.

    Have to get dressed and get some more blue berries. Love blue berries.



  31. Absolutely no reason for an Emily Dickenson poem today, other than I like her and I know many of you do too.

    The Moon is Distant from the Sea

    The moon is distant from the sea,
    And yet with amber hands
    She leads him, docile as a boy,
    Along appointed sands.

    He never misses a degree;
    Obedient to her eye,
    He comes just so far toward the town,
    Just so far goes away.

    Oh, Signor, thine the amber hand,
    And mine the distant sea, --
    Obedient to the least command
    Thine eyes impose on me.

    - Emily Dickinson

  32. Lemonade,
    Not out of line at all. It's a well-reasoned and widely echoed opinion. I liked what Creature said at 11:01am: "sometimes, IMHO, there are definitions and then there are ‘usage’ explanations, where I get to decide if it fits into my vocabulary or not".

  33. Well, this turned out to a terrifically fun puzzle even though I had the same hangups in the NW corner. At least I got the theme answers...whew!

    Surprised myself at THAIS and that I remembered DEKE and I now have APU firmly in my brain for anything Simpsons.

    Lemonade...great blog


    C.C. My appologies for not congratulating you for last week's wonderful puzzle...fantastic job...:o)

  34. I don't have the stats for the Los Angeles Times, but a recent study of the accuracy of the clues in the New York Times for the year 2010 revealed this- There were only 5 inaccuracies in 30,000 plus clues. I have no reason to believe that Rich Norris and his crew are any less careful.

    It's one thing to say a clue is obscure, clunky, awkward, boring, odd, or poorly phrased. It's quite another thing to say it's wrong when it isn't. Or, heaven forbid, a "typo".

  35. C.C., creature, you both expressed it much more politely than I was about to. Well said.

  36. Awesome Blossom,
    Typo happens with LAT. There was one last September. No one spotted/complained on the blog. I did not notice myself until Rich emailed me.

  37. CA, With no better reason than you've provided for posting an Emily Dickenson poem, I'll post this song that mentions both her and Robert Frost as well.

  38. C.C.- Well, there you go. Last September was almost nine months ago. One typo... that's a hell of a track record. Odd that nobody caught it. Do you remember what it was?

    Lemonade- Most of the time in my posts I'm trying to be a little humorous, a tad zany... Have a bit of fun. At times, however, my opinions are given with way too much noise. It's my nature to be loud. And often undiplomatic. I want you to know my comments about the "Character" clue stepped over the line in terms of civilty, but were not meant to be a shot at you, or a truly personal shot at anyones opinion. I've great affection for you and most others at the Corner. I hope you, and others, accept my heartfelt apology for making a big deal out of nothing and speaking before thinking.

  39. My deep apologies to CC and all of you others on this blog. I shall Cease and Desist, after this post.

    In case, someone is curious about the answers : --

    Late for work riddle : These are single letter Element chemical symbols, in ascending order of Atomic number; Hydrogen, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Phosphorus, Sulfur etc. The last such symbol is that of Uranium - U.

    1. Spandex, 2. All 3 were once trademarks, like velcro, xerox, kleenex 3. You and ewe ( similar to ;- eye and I ). 4. Kyoto - Tokyo, Japan 5.. Vermont, from French vert ( Green) - Mont (mountain). 6. Eleven + two = twelve + One 7. Mexico. Full name - Estados Unidos Mexicanos.( United States of Mexicanos ? )

  40. Jerome, you're always quick to support the constructors and the editor. I agree and think they do an incredible job with hardly any missteps. Today's AURA clue seemed a bit off to me too as it did to some others, though I got it OK and wouldn't complain. (I appreciated your thoughtful apology.)

    I had questions about two clues/answers from sometime during the last year and I'm wondering about your POV. One clue was something like Jobs creation/IMAC. I thought Jobs should be possessive and have an apostrophe as in Jobs' creation. I don't remember the other clue but the given answer was UKELELE. The correct spelling is ukulele though you can find the other spelling (misspelling?) in some dictionaries as a variant. Was that just an oversight do you think? Nobody else said much so I wasn't sure if I was just missing something.

    I enjoy your comments.

  41. Hi gang, I had to go red letters with today's puzzle but I chuckled an several of the clues...

    What's the complaint about Aura again?

    Here's a link to Aura at

    "1. A distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness.
    2. A subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.
    3. Pathology . A sensation, as of lights or a current of warm or cold air, preceding an attack of migraine or epilepsy. "

  42. Apropos of nothing but curiosity... Asking the math whizes:
    In a popular nsaid commercial this statement is made, "A body at rest tends to stay at rest, but a body in motion tends to stay in motion."
    I know they mean "stay active"
    but isn`t the second part anti laws-of-physics?

  43. anon, this is Newton's First Law.
    Anyway, it all reads:

    Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that form the basis for classical mechanics. They describe the relationship between the forces acting on a body and its motion due to those forces. They have been expressed in several different ways over nearly three centuries, and can be summarized as follows:
    1.First law: Every body remains in a state of constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. This means that in the absence of a non-zero net force, the center of mass of a body either remains at rest, or moves at a constant velocity.

    2.Second law: A body of mass m subject to a net force F undergoes an acceleration a that has the same direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass, i.e., F = ma. Alternatively, the total force applied on a body is equal to the time derivative of linear momentum of the body.

    3.Third law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear. This means that whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This law is sometimes referred to as the action-reaction law, with F called the "action" and −F the "reaction". The action and the reaction are simultaneous.

    The three laws of motion were first compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687.Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects and systems. For example, in the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion, combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

  44. Newton's apologistJune 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM

    According to Sir Isaac Newton's laws of motion - (I think, the First law - );-

    A body not under any external force, shall stay at rest or at a fixed velocity ( read 'speed' ).

    Think of a hockey puck on (frictionless ) ice ..... or better - a bullet fired in outer space, without any pull of gravity, moving in a vacuum - ...... the bullet will accelerate to its top speed, based on the expelling force of the gunpowder ... and then, will keep moving at THAT FIXED speed, forever - since there is nothing to slow it down.

    An object already in motion, needs an external force like, gravity, friction or wind resistance to slow it down. This is entirely consistent with Newton's laws.

  45. Anon.6:03, Lemonade and EddyB already answered this but I thought I would add my two cents. Newton's First Law seems to go against common sense because bodies in motion don't seem to remain in motion in a straight line. That's because most every moving object is being acted upon by either friction (a force) or gravitation or both. A rolling baseball would keep rolling in a straight line except the force of friction slows it down. A pop fly would keep going straight up except for its weight caused by gravity.

    Newton was a very bright guy to figure this out since his first law seems to be contradicted by the movement of everyday objects.

  46. C.C. and Dennis,
    Thanks for the citing-= it means the world to me.


    I was missing your poetry and had made a note to mention it. I have reread it a bunch. Thanks.

    Forgot to acknowledge Jazz's fantastic new word- 'wrongitude'. "Cleverness does not justify the
    wrongitude." Of course, Jazz,in your case it does. Thanks.

  47. Greetings, all,

    DNF for me today. Agree with JzzB and CA. One thing I'd like to know, though: how in the world did you find that DR.LAO movie? The word 'circus' isn't even in the title. I found "Circus World" but there was no character or actor with a 5-letter name ending in 'o'.

  48. Hello everybody. Good to 'see' you all this fine Friday. Tough puzzle today; I had to look up a coupla things in order to finish it. Yawl have described your experiences with it, which were very similar to mine. For example, I overconfidently entered STEAL,

  49. Bill G- It seems that Jobs was a punctuation error and Ukelele was not given as a variant spelling. I can see that happening once in a while. When you're editing 30,000 clues a year stuff happens. Also, we don't know if this was the constructor's/editor's fault or something that happened down the line in the setting up and printing process. However, these kinds of errors are very, very different from a clue being outright misdefined. That is a true rarity. Really.

  50. A Jerome rant in motion tends to stay in motion...

  51. (light bulb going off over my head!)
    So...perpetual motion must be free of frictional/gravitational forces in order to remain perpetual? Right?
    as in outer space away from any gravitational pull from any body/object. That brings up another question: Could "bouncing" (caroming) off the gravitational pull of a body/object be used as a "sling-shot" to impel a craft farther into space? Any theories on that?

  52. BTW: I`m the civil anon asking the physics questions.

  53. Anon @ 8:13 I'm not an expert in that field, but I seem to recall that our early space probes did exactly that. They used the gravitational pull of the moon to gain speed in a near miss and then rocketed away.

  54. Anon- Actually, that's pretty clever.

  55. Good evening Lemonade, C.C. and all,

    Lemonade's sneer, and Avg Joe's cartoon explained how I felt about the xwd today. Too tricky for me.

    Loved "line of clothing"/ hem, and how could we not love loo, although we've had it before, andTrue Lies. Had Doric for Ionic. Never got to the frayed train...lordie, what a mind.

    Enjoyed your write up Lemonade, and all the extras. I will read anything by Nora Ephron.

    Hahtool, hadn't heard the Spreckles story before. I think I lost many a filling while biting down on a Sugar Daddy.Uh oh..Lois?

    Fred Astaire was Leslie Caron's "Sugar Daddy" in Daddy Long Legs.Where did those sweet movies go?

  56. Thanks for the call-out, gang.

    Actually, I can see "Jobs creation" as not being a typo. The c minor fugue was a Bach creation. Many lame attempts at humor are jazzbumpa creations.

    In this case, the proper name becomes a noun modifier, like the football player, or the chocolate cake.

    Plus, you could spell that stringy thingy as "Youkuhlaylee" and I might not realize it's wrong.

    Happy weekend and Cheers!

  57. Jerome:

    I accept that you are both most often correct, and passionate about your avocation. I never take anything at the blog personally, as I know none of you, and there would be no basis for a personal attack on me. I have received various direct and indirect criticism on my comments and my blogging, and as long as they keep the conversation going, I am fine with it. My statment about the character/characteristic was not intended to be an indictment but a suggestion. I make mistakes every time I blog and do lots of corrections in the last 30 minutes of the work. Then when I read it after it publishes I often see more. I guess my point was charactersitic would have been sufficently vague as a clue for aura. Anyway, as each constructor has his/her own stamp, so do we. Jerome, don't stop being you, I promise one day we will do a puzzle together. Thank you all for reading and commenting, and C.C. it is always a fun day when you appear.

  58. If we ever manage to get this group together somewhere, it's just gonna be one big damn lovefest. I'm buying the first round.
    Jerome and Lemonade, two class guys. What are you drinking?

  59. windhover- Budweiser and Old Crow.
    What... you think I can afford to drink like a farmer?

  60. Jerome,
    I figure I'm golden for the night after buying one round. Patron for me.
    True story: about 15 years ago, when I was a 50 year old cleve student on hiatus from farming and living well on 6K/yr, I was in DC for a meeting of NFFC, a farm group. We ate at a Salvadoran restaurant out Connecticut Ave. I wanted to buy the group a shot of Patron. Several members of this group, and one in particular, lacked a Y chromosome, if you know what I mean. I counted 24 people at two tables. I asked the waiter the price, it was $7/ea. I said, "How about $100 on the tab, $10 cash for
    you?" Best money I've ever spent, and paid dividends for several years. But hey, don't mention it, OK?
    And for you; how about a Murphy's and Woodford on the side?
    Another long day in the hay field @ 90+. I'm out of here.

  61. Damnyouautocorrect,
    I was a 'college' student b

  62. Windhover, I was trying to figure out what the hell a 'cleve student' was; thanks for clearing that up.

  63. Good Evening, folks! Wow, what a puzzle! Thank you Pancho, for a toughie, but with a good feeling when finished.

    Just a "Pancho" comment. In high school I took Spanish for a couple years. We had to use a Spanish name during the class. I selected "Poncho" for my name and used it all year. Finally, at the end, the teacher realized that I had selected the name for "raincoat" instead of the correct "Pancho." He corrected me. I never forgot that.

    Thank you Lemonade14 for the various write-ups and comments. You were quite verbose today. That is good!

    I started this on the bus going to work, got the W side done. After work I was selling onions and worked the rest of the puzzle. Took me about 2 1/2 hours total.

    GRAYEDUNCLE and FRAYEDTRAIN came easily. the other two took a while.

    ECCE helped in the NE. Knew that from other puzzles, ie ECCE HOMO, behold, the man. Referring to Christ.

    MALICIOUS took a while because of CALC. I did not want to enter that because I never had Calculus in high school. Finally I gave up and entered it.

    Like most of you, I had NERO for a while. Finally knew HOORAY had to be it and that gave me OTHO and STAIDTROOPER. Had DORIC instead of IONIC for a while. A couple writeovers.

    The only thing that saved me on this puzzle was the fact that I am almost fastidious about not writing an answer down unless I have a crossword that I believe is correct. Otherwise I would have had wrong answers all over and would have had to correct them. That is very messy.

    I felt great when I finished. See you tomorrow.


  64. Oops, looks like I went over on my lines. Sorry about that.


  65. Abejo:
    I am like that, as well; I have to reassure myself that the across and down will match. That comes from many, many years of solving xwds. There are too many variations to assume that the first word that comes to mind is the right one.

    Have a good night, everyone!

  66. Notwithstanding the constructor, there have been far too many mentions of Pancho today to ignore. With that in mind, I'll sign off with This tune

    Nite all.

  67. John Candy of SCTV, currently dead. Condition not exected to improve.
    Sat Puzzle 4 Jun 11


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