, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, September 5, 2011 Andrea Carla Michaels

Gary's Blog Map

Sep 5, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011 Andrea Carla Michaels

Theme: The Wet Ones - The four movie titles have bodies of water in them. Send them to Texas where they could use them.

20A. 1981 Fonda/Hepburn classic : "ON GOLDEN POND". Image.

27A. 2006 Bullock/Reeves romance : "THE LAKE HOUSE". Image.

48A. 1994 Streep/Bacon thriller : "THE RIVER WILD". Image.

56A. 2004 Kevin Spacey tribute (to Bobby Darin) : "BEYOND THE SEA". Image.

Argyle here.

I believe this is Andrea's first solo LAT puzzle since our TMS Daily to LA Times switch in March 2009, but she has had many NYT puzzles. All four movies are twelve letters. The fill ranges from 'Monday easy' to 'Monday hard'. The worst cross I thought was 54D and 69A. Your results might vary.


1. E.T. carriers, theoretically : UFOS

5. Fetch : BRING

10. Last letters in London : ZEDS. That would be ZEEs over here.

14. Calamine mineral : ZINC. White stuff on your nose.

15. Where one's name might go, on a form : LINE A

16. "Out of Africa" author Dinesen : ISAK. The film, "Out of Africa" (Redford/Streep) is a 1985 adventure drama film directed and produced by Sydney Pollack. The story is based loosely on the autobiographical book Out of Africa written by Isak Dinesen (the pseudonym of the author Karen Blixen), which was published in 1937. (from Wikipedia)

17. Composer Stravinsky : IGOR. Viola solo.(5:28)

18. Eight is enough for one : OCTET

19. Spitting sound : PTUI

23. Mac maker : APPLE

26. "I Ching" readers : TAOISTS

31. Back talk : LIP

32. "Hi-__, Hi-Lo" : LILI. The song was published in 1952, then featured in the movie, "Lili" in 1953. Clip.(1:56)(not by who'd you expect.)

33. Annual sports awards : ESPYs. ESPN awards.

37. In re : AS TO

39. Designer Karan : DONNA. DKNY, Donna Karan New York.

42. Donkey's need, in a party game : TAIL. Has anyone actually played this game?

43. Low on funds : SHORT

45. Winged peace symbol : DOVE

47. Director Ang or Spike : LEE

52. Sleeve opening : ARM HOLE

55. Puts in the mail : SENDS

60. Yankees superstar, familiarly : A-ROD

61. "Old MacDonald" refrain : E I, E I, O

62. New Zealander : KIWI. Kiwis are unique to New Zealand.

66. Mafia boss : CAPO

67. Dog's warning : SNARL

68. Michener novel, typically : EPIC

69. Tinkertoy alternative : K'NEX. Image. Closer to an erector set?

70. Playable on a VCR : TAPED

71. Do, re or mi : NOTE


1. Israeli submachine gun : UZI

2. Source of Eve's leaves : FIG

3. Yoko from Tokyo : ONO

4. Dead Sea find : SCROLL

5. Web opinion piece : BLOG

6. Puerto __ : RICO

7. Part of IMF: Abbr. : INTL. International Monetary Fund.

8. Must : NEED TO

9. French sponge cake : GÂTEAU. Google images.

10. Having the most pizazz : ZIPPIEST

11. These, in Tijuana : ÉSTOS

12. Intimidate : DAUNT

13. Loses control on the ice : SKIDS

21. Host Conan of NPR's "Talk of the Nation" : NEAL. At a crossword tournament. Pic.

22. Rudolph's is red : NOSE. And I know why.

23. Book of maps : ATLAS

24. Engage in an online scam : PHISH. As in, phishing for identities.

25. __-Bismol : PEPTO. Get back in the pink.

28. Tease : KID

29. "Evil Woman" gp. : ELO. Electric Light Orchestra.

30. Delhi tongue : HINDI

34. "Going Rogue" author Sarah : PALIN

35. Give way : YIELD

36. Mushers' vehicles : SLEDS

38. Greek __ Church : ORTHODOX

40. Oct. follower : NOV.

41. D.C.'s Pennsylvania, e.g. : AVE.

44. Suffix with tele- or Dance-A- : THON

46. Celtic language : ERSE

49. Firstborn : ELDEST

50. Light-sensitive eye part : RETINA

51. Debilitate : WEAKEN

52. Taken __: surprised : ABACK

53. Showed again : RERAN

54. Mr. Magoo, e.g. : MYOPE. myope - any person afflicted with myopia(nearsightedness).

57. Jalopy : HEAP

58. Galway's land : EIRE. The Ould Sod.

59. Word after "going twice ..." : "SOLD!"

63. NASDAQ debut : IPO. Initial Public Offering.

64. Dorothy Parker forte : WIT. "I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true." More.

65. Arctic pier material : ICE. Image of the USNS Southern Cross at the ice pier in 1983.



  1. Morning, all! And a Happy Labor Day, to boot!

    Today's puzzle had a bit of a split personality. Most of it was typical Monday easy, with a light and enjoyable theme. But then there were bits like GATEAU, LILI and NEAL. None of those are horribly obscure, but neither are they common enough that you'd expect to see them in a Monday puzzle.

    My only carp today is BLOG clued as a singular "web opinion piece." Maybe I'm wrong, but I think of a BLOG being a web log composed of many individual posts. A post is a "piece," but not the entire BLOG.

    Yeah, yeah -- minor nit, I know. ^_^

  2. Good morning, Argyle and friends. This was a fun Monday puzzle. I am only familiar with ON GOLDEN POND, but the other movies easily fell into place.

    I listen to NPR's Talk of the Nation (aka TOTN ) so knew NEAL Conan.

    I never heard of KNEX. I also tried Growl instead of SNARL.

    Have a safe Labor Day Weekend.

    QOD: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. - Lord Chestefield

  3. Good day folks,

    Certainly not a positive return from 5 1/2 days in the dark. The 9D & 26A ended up being my downfall with "French Sponge Cake" & "I Ching readers"out of my area of knowledge. Ended up with Gateru & Troists. I damn near wagged the crossing A, but the R looked better.

    For 30D, I started with Hindu, but 48A got rid of the U for the I. For 10A, started wit Zees, but I figured Taunt looked better then Eaunt!

    Tomorrow I'll try to turn my internal lights on and do better.

  4. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Andrea, for e great puzzle. Thank you, as well, Argyle, for a great write-up. Enjoyed the link to the Ice Pier.

    To me, this puzzle was a little more difficult than a normal Monday puzzle. However, I did finish, but with a little effort. Several perps helped. Did not know GATEAU, KNEX, or NEAL. Perps fixed me up.

    All the movies fell into place after I got a few letters.

    I got up early today and got the hotel desk to print this puzzle for me. Wonderful. I am writing this on my IPAD. Cannot do the puzzle online with an IPAD.

    Returning to Pennsylvania today from Virginia. Funeral yesterday was quite an event. Very well done. Large turnout.

    See you tomorrow.


  5. Fun Monday puzzle with a few fun Tuesday clues thrown in. Argyle,thanks for the Dorthy Parker link. Her quote, "Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words." makes me think of Saturday Night Live. When the skits have WIT (an element of truth) they are truly funny; when they are merely wisecracking they miss the mark.

    These are a few of my favortite things: Dorothy Parker, On Golden Pond, Out of Africa, Mr. Magoo, The River Wild, Beyond the Sea. I enjoyed this puzzle.

    My grandson had K'NEX.

    Here is the myopic Mr. Magoo.

    Link Mr. Magoo

  6. Good morning, Monday peeps, and Happy Labor Day. I agree that this had a few non-Monday items but it all worked out. It wasn't the ZIPPIEST puzzle I've ever done, but definitely nothing that would make go PTUI!

    I'm familiar with Myopia and Myopic but I wasn't familiar with MYOPE. Yes, I had tinker toys, but wasn't familiar with K'NEX. Out of the possible vowels, the 'E' made the most sense as I resoned that KNEX was related to connections.

    Rib instead of KID slowed me in the middle but perps rescued me once again. I sort of wanted LINE I instead of LINE A, but remembered yesterday's comment that Rich does not accept capital i as equivalent to 1, although I've seen it in non-LAT puzzles. That helped me dredge up GATEAU from somewhere.

    Good start to the week.

  7. Happy Labor Day all. Thanks Andrea and Argyle.

    I was happy to see Dorothy Parker in one of Andrea's puzzles. Given Andrea's self effacing sense of humor, that's a very good fit. I also enjoyed all of the quotes, Argyle. My favorite was missing however: It's the telegram she sent to her publisher while on her honeymoon. At least horticulture made the cut.

  8. Good Morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Wonderful puzzle for you to blog today, Argyle. Thanks for the fun write-up and links.

    This seemed very easy for Monday, because I had no problems with GATEAU. Loved seeing ZIPPIEST and PTUI - really fun fill !

    Glad to know that at least one of my comments from yesterday stuck with you Grumpy1. I remembered our discussion from a few days ago about ERSE and EIRE, so filled both of those in without even looking at perps.

    The theme entries also filled in with no problems, even though I had never heard of a couple of them. So thanks, Andrea, for a fun start to my Labor Day!

    I'm off to labor in the gardens. Have a great holiday everyone!

  9. Brrr! It was 45F last night and 32F in the Nebraska panhandle! Andrea made a real Monday test but it was all good.

    -My good friend despises Jane Fonda so much that he refuses to watch any of her movies. His wife wanted to see On Golden Pond and so we watched it at our house and he seethed all the way through it. We loved it but ain’t no fan of Hanoi Jane!
    -Coasters still gettin’ it done with “It’s gonna take an ocean of CALAMINE lotion”
    -Gotta love PTUI!
    -Post Office is going to see a lot less SENDing in the near future!
    -AROD seems to be the anti-Jeter
    -We guitar players see CAPO a little differently
    -I always had a 4 foot tall K’NEX roller coaster on display in my physics lab
    -I had to stop my wife from writing angry responses to PHISHING emails!
    -Will Jerry Lewis be on the MD teleTHON today?

  10. Good morning everyone. Good commentary, Argyle.

    I enjoyed doing this puzzle with it water theme. It was neat how the 'basin' types were arguably arranged from top to bottom in a typical watershed. Ie., from a POND to a LAKE to a RIVER; then to the SEA. BZ, Andrea. No searches were needed; the perps were sufficient.

    FETCH - ( Geography ) As a noun it can mean the length of water over which a given wind can blow thus affecting wave height, storm conditions, or even the amount of seiche or water level oscillation. Lake Erie has a 240 mile fetch in the ENE-WSW direction.

    Have a great Labor Day.

  11. Gosh. After slogging through this puzzle, I thought "Gee is it Wednesday already?"

  12. Good Morning, Argyle and all!
    I whipped through the puzzle this morning. That is news!
    I only have one minor nit to pick; Gateau. Webster defines it as, " a rich cake usually iced." Sponge cake, on the other hand is a lite cake, usually. I Googled the word and got lots of pictures of very beautiful iced cakes.
    "On Golden Pond" is one of our favorite movies. While not a Jane fan, we did love the boat in the film, since we used to own one just like it. After many renovations and way too much $$$, it was sold to a cousin.
    Don't labor too much today!

  13. I LABORed through this, wondering if it was harder because of Labor Day (Isn't that the day no one is supposed to labor??)

    Too many names. As usual the foreign gâteau was one of my easiest fills. I didn't know/never heard of NEAL, ESPYS, KNEX, THE LAKE HOUSE (wagged LONG and NAG for tease), THE RIVER WILD (had OLDEST for 49D, so couldn't get anywhere with this unknown), was thinking URDU for 30D and couldn't think beyond that even though it didn't fit.

    LILI was totally out of my wheelhouse--was trying to figure out a four letter way to spell LEE--LEIH??--never realized there was an extra LI there, and never know how to spell any of those song refrains.

    Hope you all have a nice end of three-day weekend!

  14. Good Morning and a Happy Labor Day to all those who have a paid day off. To those of us who have stopped all that laboring stuff, ain't we lucky? To all who have an involuntary day (or more off), I wish you all a good job and decent pay soon.

    What a nice Monday puzzle....well, except for that K-NEX crossing MYOPE part.

    I wasn't familiar with 21)NEAL, but it was easily filled with perp help.

    I agree with MSO. I always thought 9D)GATEAU was just a cake of any type or flavor. I don't like sponge cake, but I know I've had fudgy gâteau au chocolat and cream-cheesy gâteaux au fromage. Delicious.

    Not a Jerry Lewis fan, but I felt sorry for him when the MDA telethon management people dumped him after 44 years.

  15. Good morning everyone.

    I do love Mondays. Yes, this was a tad more difficult, but doable. I've never heard of KNEX, so thanks for the link Argyle.
    And I do not know the movie "The Lake House", but I think there was book by that title that I liked.

    Happy Labor Day, all. It's in honor of unions, don't forget.


  16. Good Morning CC, Argyle and All,

    Thanks for the write-up, Argyle. Yes, that crossing was a definite wag for me. Never heard of K’NEX; nor MYOPE, but figured it was the one. Liked the ICE pier link. Never knew about ESPYS either.

    Liked the puzzle and the attention it commanded. The ‘water bodies’ theme, using movies was good.
    Certainly was not a Monday in my book, but enjoyed. Thanks, Andrea.

    CC and Don, I posted early this AM on yesterday’s puzzle. Thanks, so much for all the effort. You, too, Marti.

    Happy Labor Day, friends.

  17. Good morning Argyle and all,

    Another fun one today. I agree with Barry that most of it was like a Monday, but had a few tough spots. Capo on top of knex got me. The perps were very perpable, so it all worked, filling in ELO, IPO,phish and erse, which I've seen way too often to forget.

    I'm not familiar with Dorothy Parker and her wit, but will be.I thought I was familiar with most toy brands; KNEX? I will look for them at Target. They make Lincoln Logs.

    John Barry's sound track of Out of Africa is the best.

    Geez, who didn't play "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" as a kid?? Unfortunately, those games(although silly) have been replaced by bouncy houses, or celebrating at places other than the ol' backyard.

  18. Abejo, I have an ipad2 and my DH installed Cruciverb so I could get the xwd while traveling, but it wasn't easy.

    BTW, if you like romantic fantasies, The Lake House was all that. An architect living in 2004 and a doctor living in 2006 meet via letters left in a mailbox at the lake house they have both lived in at separate points in time; they carry on correspondence over two years, remaining separated by their original difference of two years.

  19. Morning all, Argyle

    It doesn't surprise me to see that I'm the only one that had trouble with PTUI, I sat there spitting away and trying to come up with THE sound until my paper was wet.

    It didn't help that I had ZEES, then it dawned on me and changed it to ZEDS which gave me Daunt.

    I also had KNAX thought it was a variation of KNICK KNACKS it made sense, other than that it was easy.

    GATEAU is not as dense as some, it's fluffier on the inside, kinda SPONGEY

    Have a good day all

  20. Hi All ~~

    I started zipping through this but then hit a couple of roadblocks. My trouble spots were at opposite corners ... NE & SW. I had 'Taunt' before DAUNT (didn't know ZEDS) and wasn't sure about PTUI although the sound effect seemed right. I never heard of KNEX so I had 'Knox' and 'Myopo.' I thought maybe that was some form of 'one with myopia.' YIKES!

    Thanks for the informative write-up, Argyle ... I enjoyed the links.

    I love ON GOLDEN POND with Norman and Ethel and their loons!

    THEHONDOHURRICANE ~~ Glad you're back with us! I know the eastern part of the state was really hit hard with power outages. I'm in central CT and we were out for just a day and a half ... that was enough! We escaped with no damage ... just some cleanup. The main problems in this area were due to river flooding. More is expected with the rain due today.

  21. Hello everybody and happy Labor Day greetings.

    Well I'll be doggoned if I didn't trip over the MYOPE-KNEX crossing too. Never heard of KNEX, and simply guessed that a person with myopia might be called a MYOPE. Makes me wonder if a person with amblyopia is an amblyope, or a person with hyperopia (far-sightedness) is a hyperope, or a person with presbyopia ...

    Just don't call me an antelope or an oscilloscope :)

    So technically, not knowing that single E made it a DNF for me.

    Otherwise a nice, albeit slightly more difficult than expected, puzzle. Had to do some labor to work it out. Some lovely fill, such as PTUI, DAUNT, PHISH, RETINA (another eye reference), and ORTHODOX. I didn't count, but would a Q have made this a pangram?

    Best wishes to you all. Oh, and Marti, Finnish??? Cool!

  22. Hi gang -

    Yep, a little too much labor for this day. Nice splashy theme, though. otherwise I found this puzzle uneven.

    I concur with all the nits mentioned so far, and will add the LINE A - GATEAU cross.

    ICE + "loses control on the ice" = inelegant.

    I spelt NEAL as NEIL, but didn't LIKE "THE LIKE HOUSE."

    IMHO, EI-EI-O and PTUI are lame.

    The French bakery uses FIFO symmetrical inventory, so always sells the ELDEST GATEAU first.

    Ayn Rand wrote a sequel to her famous tome, continuing the mountainous winter adventures of John Galt, but few people have read ATLAS SLEDS.

    JzB not the ZIPPIEST trombonist

  23. Hello.

    Never saw any of the movies but was aware of them. Only needed a few letters to fill in the rest.

    Remembered my first trip on a boat.
    Crossed the tip of Lake Erie and went to Crystal Beach in Canada.
    Wonder if it is still there. Probably need a passport now.

    Baltimore GP was very boring and I turned it off. Another case of follow the leader. They are off to Japan and another road course.

    Also working in the garden today
    and raking-up the peaches that have
    fallen from the tree.

    Take care. eddy

  24. Jayce -

    I think a person with presbyopia is a Presbyterian.

    JzB who has played for Presbyterians

  25. Hello Puzzlers - No speed bumps today. Hand up for LINE I, but now I'm glad to have learned about Rich's rule about capital I being unequal to numeral 1. Thanks Grumpy.

    Abejo - Marti and I both use iPads for puzzles, in fact it was she who told me how. JD might have some different app, but we both bought a $10 third party package which works just fine. As I recall it's called simply "Crosswords".

    I liked "On Golden Pond" mostly, but I hated seeing that wild kid run the lovely mahogany Cris Craft into the rocks. I'd have throttled him!

  26. Hello and happy Labor Day, puzzlers. Many thanks, Argyle, for a fine write up and nice music links.

    Quick and easy is my take on this puzzle as I sashayed right through it.

    Had MAOISTS first then NEEDTO gave me the correction to MAOISTS.

    I have seen and love ON GOLDEN POND as well as BEYOND THE SEA.

    Though not as bad as Mr. Magoo, I am a MYOPE with a misshapen RETINA. But had never heard of K'NEX.

    Also didn't know NEAL Conan, spelled it NEIL and didn't correct the error. (sigh)

    PTUI and PHISH span across many decades apart, the former was used in comic books which I read voraciously and the latter is cyberspeak which often DAUNTS me.

    I hope your holiday weekend is fabulous, everyone!

  27. I liked ON GOLDEN POND. For once I thought Jane Fonda's stilted wooden performance portrayed her character very well. But looking back at other movies of hers, I can't rememember one where her performance wasn't stilted and wooden. I know she has won lots of awards, but her acting style just doesn't appeal to me.

  28. Hello again.

    Photo of Andrea on other blog
    if interested.

    Leno's garage features the Porche 918 RSR. Very interesting race car.

    Brian and friends playing Poppy Hills today. Wish I was there.
    Monterey lovely this time of year.


  29. Jayce, you have piqued my curiosity. If I am being impertinent please stop me. I am wondering why you learned Chinese. Do/did you have a use for it? Have you ever been to China?
    I would love to travel to China someday, although, I will never take up studying Chinese.

    Many of you on this blog are well traveled and have been exposed to other cultures. What an interesting group of people! Intellectual curiosity also seems to be a hallmark of our bloggers.

  30. Jazzbumpa, haha yes! Have you ever played for any presbyopes?

    What do heliotrope and calliope have in common? They don't rhyme!

    Does a misanthrope suffer from misanthropia? Is a resident of Utopia called a Utope?

    Okay okay, I'll stop now :)

  31. Hi Yellowrocks. No, not impertinent at all. The short version of they story is that I was trained in Mandarin Chinese by the US military and sent to Taiwan to make use of this skill. I loved the place and the people so much I immersed myself deeply, more than the military folks felt comfortable with, actually. I hung out mostly with university students and, believe it or not, Jesuit priests. I learned a lot from the Jesuits and still admire them as scholars. After I got out of the military and went into a high-tech career, I found knowing Chinese often helped in doing business and making deals with Chinese suppliers and customers, although sometimes they felt uncomfortable with the fact I could understand them, so sometimes I had to pretend I didn't. The ultimate culmination, I suppose, is that the woman I married, and have been married to for 46 years now as of this coming Saturday, is Chinese. No, I didn't meet her in Taiwan; she was born and grew up in Hong Kong, and we met in (you'll never guess!) Montana, USA. That's another story :)

  32. Jayce ~~

    I'm glad Yellowrocks asked. A wonderful story!

  33. Joe;
    Great DP quote, and one we can all relate to, in both cases (if we're lucky). :)

  34. Andrea Carla Michaels on Merv Griffin's Crosswords Part 1, Part 2. There are other players with whom we are familiar in other videos.

  35. Hi Jayce,
    Thank you for the wonderful story. Happy anniversary to both of you.

  36. I believe -opia is a disease of the eye and -ope is the person who has this disease.
    The distinguishing characteristic of Mr. Magoo is his myopia.
    -thrope or -trope is often used to refer to a person or plant which has certain characteristics:
    misanthrope, philanthrope, phototrope, hydrotrope, etc.
    Putting these ideas together Mr. Magoo was easily a myope.
    I loved all the punny comments, especially Prebyterian and Calliope.

  37. Since Jane is getting as much ink today as she is, I feel compelled to point out that Bob Seeger wrote a song about her. True Story:-)

    I've just never been sure if there was a comma between her and but.

  38. Very Nice puzzle Ms. Michaels, and a very nice and informative blog Argyle. Thanks to your links, I also saw what the constructoress looked like. (Nice.)

    On a Sat. puzzle Delhi tongue would be 'zaban' or 'zabaan', literally means tongue or language. (Same word for Hindi and Urdu - ).

    I have a friend, in national security, who once told me, (at an informal security meeting, with police dogs.... ) - that since many of the police dogs, are still purchased by the US Govt., are originally bred and trained in Germany - they respond to German commands.

    This also prevents anybody but their 'handlers', from interfering or misguiding the dogs ( by not using English - ) ....

    The word 'Ptui' is the German command used by the handler - to show or indicate 'disapproval' or a 'miscue' or a 'missed target'. It is rarely used, since the dogs respond much better to praise than to criticism.

  39. Hello folks,

    A nice Monday puzzle; thanks Andrea. Argyle. you2. I liked your links a lot. I think I've seen only two of the movies: On Golden Pond, and The Lake House. I don't think I knew anythins about the Kevin Spacey one. I'm putting the Meryle Streep one on my queue.

    Kazie, isn't 'gateau' a general term for any cake? Remember the cook in Upstairs, Downstairs talking about 'her gatto?' Can't remember her name. Or many of the other names!

    What a great series! I understand it is now available for $200 with closed caption, which I now need since I can't decipher the English these days. One of the 'joys' of the Golden Years!

    I haven't read all of the comments yet. I thought I'd say hello while there are still some of you around to hear it.

  40. Good evening Argyle, CC, et al., Nice and comfortable puzzle. And job well done, Santa baby. Excellent links. Always a fan of D. Parker.

    I did know K-nex. My son loved those and even carried them on trips. Great entertainment. Highly recommended.

    Zcarguy: GATEAU is not as dense as some, it's fluffier on the inside, kinda SPONGEY???? LOL!!! I've been described the same way. Now I can set them straight.

    Jayce: LMAO...cute word play. Happy anniversary..quite an accomplishment!

    Argyle: that Hi Lili clip certainly was a surprise by the E. Bros, and I liked it! Thank you.

    Abejo: I'm sorry for your loss.

    Ptui & Jane Fonda go together. Just sayin'.

    1st day of school tomorrow. My portable doesn't even have a PA system yet, nor a smartboard, flag holder, pencil sharpener, on and on. Electricity and air, 31 desks (one being mine) and apparently I can work magic! Dang, I'm good!!

    Enjoy your night. I'm going to have a few stiff ones!!!

  41. Lois, then try to stay hydrated.

  42. Hey Joe,
    Re: comma placement.
    Like your earlier quote, works either way, doesn't it?
    If you read the comments on that Vid, there's an appropriate comment about the tune and peoples' reaction to JF:
    "Haters gotta hate; strutters gotta strut".

  43. I think Jane Fonda deserved the unfavorable opinions that were directly her way early on but I think she matured and came to feel sincerely sorry for her remarks. I remember enjoying her early sexiness in an old movie called La Ronde.

    I enjoyed the Bob Seeger link. It reminded me of one of my favorite rock and roll songs of all times.

  44. Andrea Carla Michaels is certainly an attractive woman, but the photograph seen elsewhere is of actress LILI Taylor

  45. Thanks, BillG; I've felt that way all day about J.F. Glad you had the 'nerve' to say it. Wish I had.

    Abejo, sorry for your loss.

    OK, Avg Joe' what was the telegram?

  46. Argyle, thanks for the great Andrea links. What a friendly looking gal!

    Jayce, I loved your story. Congrats on 46 years; I think you are both lucky to have found each other.

    Avg Joe, which but are you talking about?

    CA, I agree that Ms Fonda does come across very wooden in all her movies. I bet she hates looking back on her roll in Tall Story. She played a character that was so opposite of what she believes.I believe it was her 1st movie.

  47. JD, I have to admit I haven't sought out Jane Fonda movies over the past 40 (Yikes!) years. I did like "Cat Ballou", but that was because of Lee Marvin and the horse, not JF. The only movie part I can think of that I really thought she played well was in "Agnes of God". But again, she was playing a distant and not particularly warm person. It seemed to suit her.

    creature, see quote # 20. Your question will be answered.

  48. Dodo,
    Yes, gâteau does refer to any kind of cake, but then a sponge cake would still be a gâteau, even if not all gâteaux would be sponges. Sponge cake in French is called gâteau de Savoie.

  49. I'm embarrassed .... totally. Reading thru todays comments, I realized I had an error I was not aware of. For the Zed/Daunt cross, I had Zet/taunt. I even mentioned it in my earlier post.

    I apologize to all you wonderful folks and I will try to avoid this kind of goof in the future.


  50. Thanks, CA.

    You always come through.

    Felt the same way about Jerry Lewis. Pro and con.
    We certainly honor loyalty; at least recognize the lack of it.

  51. Hola Everyone, My comments about the puzzle are about the same as everyone else's comments today.

    I didn't zip through it and hands up for the Myope, K'nex cross. K'nex I see have been used to give a visual for Chemistry structures. I wasn't familiar with K'nex, but it looks like a wonderful educational toy.

    Thanks Jayce for your story and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary.

    Thanks, too, to Argyle for the writeup today. I thought the Ice Pier was so interesting.

    Lili came easily as that was the movie my now husband and I saw on a first date. So many years ago.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Lois, Have a great first day of school.

  52. 29. "Evil Woman" gp. : ELO. Electric Light Orchestra.


    Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD! said the auctioneer on A&E's Storage Wars Wed @ 10 PM EST

    Fun Facts By Dave Letterman

    No one named Tony has ever won a Tony award.

    Richard Nixon would always get a laugh at family barbecues by wearing an apron that read, "I am not a cook!"

  53. We had a visit from our ELDEST granson and his wife. They are here for a short visit from Ohio. They really like our California weather! It has been a long hot, humid summer in Ohio.

    I wasn't kidding about being chased out of the kitchen by the fruit flies. They just kept getting thicker and thicker. So yesterday, I devised a coffee filter taped to a fruit jar trap and I have caught sooooo many flies that the jar is crawling.

    We found that the flies like canteloupe better than banana. Such a mundane Labor Day activity!!

  54. Hi all,
    I haven't read all your blogs yet but want to talk about the puzzle. Rather hard for Monday but I got most of it with several look-ups.

    I remember 'The River Wild', I didn't like it because the family was treated so bad. And I agree that 54D and 69 A were hard. In 5 across I also didn't like Line A. I seldom see line A, it is usually Line 1. But of course I had it wrong.

    NO NO NO! Everly brothers are all wrong for Hi Lili Hi lo. It has to be Leslie Caron, hers was next, puppets and all and I played that. It's almost a classic movie.

    I may be back after I read your comments.

    Good evening.
    PS Argyle, I did like your comments and I also liked the puzzle.

  55. Clear Ayes

    I watched the telethon last night. It was like watching the tonight show when Carson had a guest host. I also noticed they didn't show the final tally at the end either. Alot of Jerry's friends said if Jerry isn't hosting we are not coming.

    Which is why they didn't have many big name stars last night. Also cutting the telethon from 21.5 hours to six didn't help either. People think that once the telethon is over that they aren't accepting more donations.

    It is my favourite charity and I donate every year.

    If anyone wants to donate whatever they can contribute,

    Mail a check to

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    Visa, Mastercard, AMEX or Discover.

    If you are leery of using your credit card on the internet, go to Walgreens or Walmart and purchase a prepaid Visa. Mastercard or AMEX.

  56. Jayce: thank you for sharing your story. Also, how wonderful that you have had 46 years together. May you and your wife have many, many more.

    Windhover: good to see you. You have been missed.

  57. I believe -opia is a disease of the eye and -ope is the person who has this disease.
    The distinguishing characteristic of Mr. Magoo is his myopia.
    -ope is often used to refer to a person or plant which has certain characteristics:
    misanthrope, philanthrope, phototrope, hydrotrope, etc.
    Putting these ideas together Mr. Magoo was easily a myope.
    I loved all the punny comments, especially Prebyterian and Calliope.

  58. Jayce:
    What a wonderful story and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary.

    Have a terrific first day of school tomorrow!

    You are so clever rigging up a trap for those pesky fruit flies.

    Bill G:
    That is how I feel about Jane Fonda, too, especially after listening to her in several interviews. I believe she is genuinely sorry and was young and naive at the time.

    Military vets seem unable to forgive her and I can see their point but usually they won't even listen to her apologies according to her.

  59. OK, by popular request, the Dorothy Parker quote (edited for obvious reasons) was when she was on her honeymoon and had had an inquiry by telegram from her publisher as to when she would be submitting her next column, which was overdue.

    She briefly replied, again by telegram: "Too f*%c&ng busy...and vice versa!"

    As for Jane, I thought she was a better actress than most gave her credit for. My favorite role was in "Coming Home" (with Bruce Dern and Jon Voigt). At any rate, despite all the slings and arrows she endured, there were a lot of people that did in fact respect her butt, ergo the ambiguous but accurate Seeger lyric. Specifically, that song was directed towards the esteemed members of the Senate and the House.

  60. Argyle, great work. Gateau has become in the language in Britain, but not specifically sponge cake. I have met and spoken with Jane Fonda and all I can say is growing up with Henry Fonda as your father and then the 60's was a combination which was hard to survive. She is remarkable whether you hate her or not. Back to tomorrow

  61. andrea carla michaelsSeptember 6, 2011 at 5:04 AM

    Hi! Good evening! (Actually Tues morning!)
    Thanks for all the nice comments!
    There were some semi-private jokes in there, as NEAL Conan does the play-by-play at the ACPT and you can see him in "Wordplay"...
    Also La Meryl is in both "River Wild" and plays ISAK Dinesen in "Out of Africa".

    Actually, I had never heard of either MYOPE nor KNEX but got some help in that corner once I changed OCEANSELEVEN to BEYONDTHESEA (As OCEANS was a plural and someone's last name not strictly a body of water, and Rich wanted me to keep it ever-larger bodies, but to find another 12 letter well-known film title with OCEAN or SEA was serendipitous to say the least!

    And I didn't realize GATEAU would be so hard...but as Marie A said, "Let them eat cake!" ;)

    One more confession, I've never seen "THELAKEHOUSE", but I grew up in the land of 10,000 of 'em!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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