, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Norm Guggenbiller

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Apr 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Norm Guggenbiller

Theme: RHYME TIME IS NO CRIME - IT'S SUBLIME. Unless I'm missing something else, the longest across and down answers are all two or more words, and they all rhyme. But wait - there's more! Each rhyming finale is spelt differently. Oh, the vagaries of the English language!

17A. "Doesn't bother me!" : SEE IF I CARE. Contempt or sarcasm. Do I care which? Does it matter?

35A. After "on," relying mostly on hope in desperate circumstances : A WING AND A PRAYER. This invites an obvious hockey reference, but it's too sad to explore in more depth. I'll just say A PRAYER is all the WINGS have at this point. (sigh!)

57A. "Shake!" : PUT IT THERE. An invitation to the hand shake.

10D. Chick flick subject : LOVE AFFAIR. This is said to be what makes the world go 'round. Or maybe it's just angular momentum.

25D. Schoolyard handshake : PINKY SWEAR. More than just PUT IT THERE; the PINKY SWEAR is a solemn promise "that cannot be broken or counteracted by the crossing of fingers or other such trickery." So there! (from Wikipedia.)

Hi, gang, it's JazzBumpa. I SWEAR, the view from my chair is of five fresh theme answers, four of them at ten letters, and one of them grid spanning, all in perfect symmetry. Very impressive use of language and geometry. Let's check out the rest of the grid.


1. As yet : TO NOW. Shouldn't this include, "with up?"

6. "Atlas Shrugged" writer Ayn : RAND. Terrible writer and sociopath, but who am I to judge?
10. WWII carriers : LST'S. Landing Ship Tanks. These vessels were involved in U.S. military operations in France and the Mediterranean region in WW II.

15. Sautéing acronym, à la Rachael Ray : EVOO. Somebody is going to have to help me with this one. Rachel is cute, fer sure, but I have no clue. (From C.C.: EVOO = Extra-Virgin Olive Oil)

16. Ear-related : OTIC. Is this an OTIC worm?

19. "__ Zapata!": Brando film : VIVA. Here is Marlon with Jean Peters in the 1952 Elia Kazan production.

20. Harbinger of lower temperatures : COLD FRONT. Today was about 15 degrees colder than yesterday, despite all the bright sunshine

21. Man on a misión : SENOR. OK - SENOR (with a tilde) is "Mr." in Spanish, but why is he on a misión? Lucina?

22. Biblical mount : ASS. Did you want Sinai, Horeb, or Ararat? Sorry, they don't fit. And this is a mount that you ride.

23. More than hesitant : LOATH. Reluctant; disinclined; averse.

24. Sign of puppy love? : WAG. A bit misleading, and very cutsey. Who knew it could be competitive?

25. Ben & Jerry's purchase : PINT. I wanted CONE. Either way - YUM! Pick your favorite flavor.

26. Spice gathered by hand from crocus flowers : SAFFRON. I did not know that.

30. Leave no escape route for : HEM IN. That about sews it up.

33. Aquamarine, e.g. : GEM. I wanted a color

34. Carol syllables : FA LA. FA LA or LA LA, needed perp help. No room for a TRA.

39. Stinky : RANK. Which RANK smells the worst: Sergeant, Captain, Private?

40. Floor cleaner : MOP. Swab the deck.

41. __ fit: tantrum : HISSY. The Urban Dictionary says this phrase was originally from the American South, evidently derived from "hysterical." Hey - I'm just the messenger. Don't throw one at me.

42. "500" race-sanctioning group : INDY CAR. I had no idea that was the official name.

44. Boxer Max : BAER. I always thought he played the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk, but it was his brother, Buddy. Another childhood memory smashed.

46. Fed. property agency : G. S. A. The General Services Administration handles all kinds of properties, not just real estate.

47. Prefix suggesting savings : ECONO- ECONO-Whatever, cheap and worth every penny.

49. Sox, on scoreboards : CHI. Lucky guess. Could have been BOS. Either way it's baseball! Tigers won again tonight.

52. Creep : CRAWL. A verb, not a noun

54. Deli sandwich : TUNA SALAD. I'll have a pastrami on rye.

56. Brit of Fox News : HUME.

58. Most draftable : ONE-A. Most eligible for the long-defunct military draft.

59. Fortitude : GRIT.

60. Cardiologist's concern : AORTA. The main supply-line from the heart. In an adult, it's about the size of your thumb. In a new-born, it's about the size of a pencil lead.

61. Cold War initials : USSR. IIRC, they were the bad guys.

62. Year, on monuments : ANNO. That was the year that was.

63. Small fry : TYKES. Little kiddies, riders of trikes.


1. Puccini opera : TOSCA. The big OTIC event in an opera is an aria - a crossword evergreen. Here is one from TOSCA.

2. Butterlike products : OLEOS. Ersatz?

3. Bohr of the Manhattan Project : NIELS. Also a Nobel Prize winner, and father of a Nobel Prize winner. That's some family tree!

4. Ancient Roman poet : OVID. Chick flick appropriate quotes (from "Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs." But -- "All love is vanquished by a succeeding love."

5. Hemming and hawing : WAFFLING. The condition of being torn between two loves, maybe. Let's ask OVID.

6. Apply more varnish to : RECOAT. Straightforward.

7. __-garde : AVANT. Literally, advance guard; refers to experimental or innovative ideas in art, culture and politics.

8. Waters between Great Britain and Europe : NORTH SEA. English Channel wouldn't fit
9. Fawn's mom : DOE. A deer, a female deer. (I hate that song.)

11. Dangerous bottom feeders : STING RAYS. Bottom feeders. Not bottom feeders.

12. DVR pioneer : TIVO.

13. Battle reminder : SCAR. You win some, you lose some.

18. Wrinkle remover : IRON. Not recommended for facial wrinkles.

21. Personal ad abbr. : SWF. Single White Female. Also, a scary movie.

27. Sound system part : AMP.

28. Cheers for a torero : OLES. Looks odd in the plural.

29. Not a one : NARY. Countrified slang.

30. Mata __ : HARI. Margaretha Geertruida "Margreet" Zelle (7 August 1876 - 15 October 1917) was a Dutch woman who became a mail-order bride, circus performer, exotic dancer and courtesan; was later accused of spying for the Germans in WW I, and executed by firing squad in France. (more Wikipedia)

31. Obi-Wan portrayer : EWAN (McGregor). Could have been ALEC.

32. Psychological tricks : MIND GAMES. As in SWF, the movie.

33. Econ. yardstick : GDP. Gross Domestic Product. Something I think about a lot. Really.

36. Org. with a much-quoted journal : A. M. A. American Medical Association. Is there a doctor in the house?

37. Like beer cans before recycling : NO RETURN. Remember disposables? My lovely wife dislikes dealing with returnables, but I don't mind.

38. Dimming gadget : RHEOSTAT. A variable resister that can raise or lower the amount of current flowing to a device, such as a lamp.

43. Lo-__: lite : CAL. The ECONO- of the culinary world.

44. Mackerel-like fish : BONITO. The Spanish word for "pretty." Eye of the beholder, I guess.

45. Pre-med subj. : ANAT. Astronomy is the study of heavenly bodies. ANATomy is the study of earthly bodies.

48. Replace a dancer, perhaps : CUT IN. This one had me stumped for a while. Anyway, it doesn't always work.

49. Paper-pusher : CLERK

50. Gold rush storyteller Bret : HARTE

51. "Don't get any __" : IDEAS. Did your parents even give you this warning?

52. Dynasty during Confucius' time : CHOU. I believe it's pronounced "Joe." Anyway, it was long ago. (From C.C.: CHOU = Zhou in Mandarin, and Zhou indeed has the same pronunciation as Joe.)

53. Legs it : RUNS. As to first base.

55. Hail in a harbor : AHOY. Aquatic "yoohoo," not frozen rain.

57. Sports tour organizer, for short : PGA. Profesional Golf Association.

Answer grid.

Even with 13 3-letter entries, this puzzle has an above average word length for a Wednesday, thanks to 15 entries with 7 or more letters. Lots of freshness in the fill, too. Overall, an enjoyable outing. Hope you liked it as much as I did.



  1. Morning, all!

    Had no idea what the theme was until I came here. Didn't actually need to know it while solving, fortunately, but I felt like a dope when I couldn't figure it out afterwards...

    Pretty smooth overall. Only real setback was when I entered WAVERED instead of WAFFLED at 5D.

    As for SENOR, I think it's just playing on the fact that the Spanish word for mission is misión and the Spanish word for man is SENOR. So the Spanish equivalent of the common English phrase "man on a mission" is "SENOR en una misión." Except, of course, it should be "hombre" instead of SENOR, since SENOR actually means "mister" and not "man"...

  2. Good Morning, Jazzbumpa and friends. We haven't seen this constructor in quite some time. I always look for a theme, but had this puzzle fully completed and reviewed my answers before the unique rhyme scheme popped up.

    Hand up for wanting Cone as a Ben&Jerry purchase. Then I had _INT, so thought we were going for a flavor and wrote in Mint. Minky Swear didn't make any sense, though.

    We are experiencing a COLD FRONT. It was 56 when I got up this morning.

    Crossword trivia: On this date in 1924, Simon & Schuster published the first crossword puzzle book.

    QOD: A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? ~ Albert Einstein

  3. Hi Jazzbumpa - thanks for helping us with a somewhat tricky puzzle today.
    There aren't many crops that are still harvested by hand - coffee and tea are two. So next time you go to S-bucks, think of the small brown hands that picked every bean.
    Rank beginners don't smell too good either.
    Didn't Max Baer play Jethro in the Beverley Hillbillies? He boxed too?
    My favorite deli sandwich is a hoagie, available only in the Phila. area.
    Were you in the draft lottery during Viet Nam? Oh yeah, they sent my Biblical mount over there, but I wasn't in the military.
    You don't like the do-re-me song? How about "High Hopes"?
    Old Margaretha had quite a life. I have heard that she refused a blindfold during her execution. She may have been a woman, but she must have been very brave.

  4. Fine 49er: Max Baer, Jr., played Jethro. He was the son of Max Baer the boxer.

  5. Thanks for the wonderful write-up and links, JazzB. You were in great form this morning! “Vissi d’Arte” is such a beautifully sad lament, but now I have the Lovin’ Spoonful earworm that immediately replaced it! Also, the info on GDP was fascinating.

    This was a really nice Wednesday challenge that kept me second-guessing myself all the way through. I was looking for a theme reveal, but by the time I filled in PUT IT THERE, I realized it was just a rhyming theme, made more elegant with different spellings. It wasn’t until I reviewed the grid at the end, that the two “bonus” theme entries popped out - LOVE AFFAIR and PINKY SWEAR. WOW!!

    For 49A, guess which “Sox” I put in? With a low three-letter word count, the grid was filled with lots of fresh stuff, like EVOO (thanks, Food Network!), HISSY, WAFFLING and MIND GAMES. I want more like this one!

    Have a happy hump day, everyone.

  6. Fine 49er, you made some very good points, but,

    Coffee beans are not strictly picked 'by hand', the bush is covered top and bottom with a net like fabric, and then it is 'beaten to death', with long poles and sticks, (like cranberry bushes) - until all the berries just fall out. BTW, raw coffee beans look and taste similar to cranberries. But you're right on tea leaves, saffron stamens, and vanilla beans - and (sigh, alas) opium.

    On another point, Mata Hari led a very sad and tragic life, ( espc. because of her short lived children ). Recent research suggests that she was set up as a scapegoat, because of French mil.reverses.

  7. Fine 49er -

    You've got me pegged. I never WAFFLED - hated High Hopes the first time I heard it. I think that was about 1956.

    JzB hazy crazy lazy

  8. '49er & JTF:
    Here in flyover country, tobacco is still harvested by hand. We have had engineers at the University who literally spent their entire working life trying to devise mechanical harvesters, with no notable success. The work is done by a mix of local and migrant laborers. It used to be done mostly with family labor and neighborly work-sharing, but the economies of scale imposed by our WalMart-ized culture have mostly done away with that.

  9. I love a good JzB write up - fun way to start the day.

    I have to be honest and say DNF. I got stuck with some nasty write overs in the SW.

    For 21A I wanted PADRE (man on a mission), and for 59A I wanted GUTS (fortitude). And for 56A I really wanted this guy.

    I remember Single White Female. I believe there's a scene where the crazy gal stabs someone in the eyeball with a high heeled shoe.

    My favorite clue was 33A: Aquamarine, e.g. GEM just wouldn't come to mind. I was thinking HUE.

    Have a happy Friday-eve-eve (or something like that)!

  10. Nice frseh fill today.
    Jazz I loved your info and links, especially Tosca. Thanks.

    Last week in the PT waiting room I picked up the Rachel Ray magazine. Almost every recipe had EVOO. I thought it must be a brand name, until I came home and looked it up, just in time for today's puzzle.

    My mom always said, "Don't get any ideas."

    Celine Dion has a song, “Till now I always got by on my own.”

    We hear HISSY fit quite often and see many demonstrations of it. Did you read that a kindergartner in GA had a Hissy fit, throwing furniture, knocking over a shelf and injuring the principal? The police put her in handcuffs because she wouldn't stop.

  11. Thank you Just the facts? for correcting me on the manner in which coffee beans are harvested. Do they use the stick method on the small farms that grow organic shade-grown beans?
    Hey Jazzbumpa - what about the "Lambs Eat Oats"song? You got something against Doris Day?

  12. I did not know that SAFFRON came from the crocus flower, but I did know that it was very expensive per ounce because it is labor intensive to harvest, so I made an educated guess.
    Link saffron harvesting

  13. Good morning everyone:

    Thanks, Norm, for a great Wednesday challenge, and to Jazzbumpa for a terrific write-up.

    Had lo fat before lo cal but perps corrected that. Everything else was smooth sailing. Instead of carol syllables for fala, Presidential canine would work as I believe that was the name of FDR's dog. (Fala.)

    Mari, what do you think of The Killing so far?

    Happy Wednesday to all. (At least I know what day it is today.)

  14. Fun blogging, Jazzbumpa!

    Afraid I got lost in the south today. Didn't know HUME, CHI, HARTE, PINKY SWEAR, GSA, couldn't come up with PUT IT THERE, thinking of something like "let's be friends" or "it's a deal", but couldn't make anything related fit. TUNA SALAD never appeared either until I came here and saw it at the beginning of the blog. I turned away and got most of the rest out then. PGA never occurred to me either--I wondered about an abbreviation for manager instead, but it didn't work with ANNO, which I did have.

    Oh well, busy week and mind on other things, I guess.

  15. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Norm Guggenbiller, for a very good puzzle. Thank you, as well, Jazzbumpa, for a great write-up. Enjoyed some links.

    This puzzle started easily for me. I caught the 6A clue "Atlas Shrugged" writer Ayn. Knew the answer immediately, RAND. I read the book and enjoyed it. Quite a story and a political statement. If I remember right, it took her ten years to write it.

    26A SAFFRON came easily once I had a few cross letters. That is one of the main seasonings in Iran. They are famous for it.

    15A EVOO came with perps. Had no idea.

    Did not know HUME. Perps to the rescue.

    Enjoyed all the theme answers. I had no idea what the theme was until I read Jazzbumpa's report. And, I do like poetry.

    Have a nice day everyone. See you topmorrow.


  16. Musings
    -I agree Jazz, very impressive puzzle!
    -Today’s marks the ultimate “WING AND A PRAYER” event. The 5 remaining pilots from Doolittle’s Raid will meet in Dayton, Ohio to celebrate the 70th anniversary of that event. What bravery.
    -Grandma always said she was happy her son was on a “nice clean boat” (LST) in WWII
    -In the Spanish lyrics that run next to English words in our hymns, the word SENOR is used in place of God and other divine references. I thought senor was more generic.
    -I am a CHEAPO who wouldn’t pay for a PINT of Ben and Jerry’s
    -BTW, the answer to what extravagance I would buy but don’t – the very best Martin guitar I could find
    -Donovan was just mad about SAFFRON
    -The horrible GSA scandal comes right at tax day.
    -The recent secret service scandal probably did not include any MATA HARI’s
    -I had TOSS A fit first
    -I’ve been to the Indy 500 once, loved the first half hour and have no desire to go back
    -Slight variation on Ovid’s poetry from Frasier, “Women need a reason, men just need a place”
    -I suspect Lemon will have a bottom feeder comment today
    -Returning bottles for 2¢ was big money in my youth

  17. Irish Miss @ 8:45 am: I've been watching The Killing, and I still like it - but it seems to be running a bit slow. I was hoping they'd solve Rosie's case and move on to another one right off the bat, but I guess not.

    I'm really glad Linden and Holder are working together again. I didn't like it when he went bad.

    I'm hoping the Russian mob isn't involved in Rosie's murder, but it's starting to look that way (I liked some of the other suspects better).

    And waht's with Rosie's mom?!?

    Are you enjoying season 2 so far?

  18. Hi Mari @ 9:14:

    Yes, I am enjoying Season 2 but, like you, I have some quibbles. It is going slow and I think there are too many sub-plots. It is a show that demands 100 per cent of your attention and, even then, you might miss something.

    I have no clue as to what's going on with Rosie's mom. I, too, am glad to see Linden and Holder back working together. There are 9 more episodes, so I don't think we're going to know who the killer is anytime soon. Hang in there.

  19. Fine 49er -

    Re: Mairzy Doats - I enjoy an occasional bit of outrageous silliness. Wooden Shoe?

    Re: Doris Day - She's OK, I'll say. By the way - have you heard her today? Ole!

    Cool Regards,

  20. 11D made me want to fit "lawyers" in but it didn't work. Could have been "politicians" as well.

    As for EVOO, it is not an acronym. An acronym is an abbreviation that can be pronounced as a word and which usually comes to be incorporated into language as a word (such as RADAR, SONAR, etc). EVOO is pronounced letter by letter, not as a distinct word so it is not an acronym.

  21. More silliness.

    To be honest, it's musical and comedic genius.

    This is Tommy Pederson, a top notch LA cat from the 40's through the 70's. What he does here is not quite impossible - though he makes it look effortless - but I am not going to try it at home.

    Also funny as hell.

    JzB the seriously humbled trombonist

  22. Coming in on a wing and a prayer was a WWII patriotic song
    Here it is by Eddy Cantor.

  23. Yesterday's puzzle is still lying on the table waiting to be solved. And I have not looked at the one for today, either. However, before the day passes away, I want to again say thank you for all the birthday wishes. I commented Mon. evening but probably most bloggers were already in bed. I will try again to establish an ID. If this comes through as Anonymous, you will know the ID didn't work.


  24. Good morning everyone. JazzB, thanks for the comments.

    Another fairly easy one today. Got the theme phrases without really concentrating on what the theme might be. I agree with Jazz's comments about the rhyming. Learned where SAFFRON comes from. Favorite clue was for WAG. No strikethroughs and no lookups needed.

    Linked is a write-up on an LST I served on for 4 days circumnavigating Catalina Island in 1958. I came to appreciate the hazardous exposure of the sailors to the open, uninsulated, unprotected knifeswitch type breakers used in the WWII era construction. Only a wooden bar in front to hold onto, and a rubber mat to stand on.

    The North Germans have put the NORTHSEA to song. (Wo die NORDSEEwellen) It's kind of an unofficial anthem in Schleswig-Holstein. At time 1:50, it lapses into Low German. My Mom would sing it on some Sunday nights when my dad broke out his accordian. Good memories.

  25. Good morning and happy hump day to all. Fun puzzle thanks Norm G. and JazzB for the write-up. Great cluing made this one go down with no smudges. Nice picture of the bonito and a muy bonita JazzB. I have caught a few myself not very tasty,very bloody and oily fish. You have to cut the tail off and drag it behind the boat before cleaning it. Well that's enough of that have a great day to all RJW.

  26. Loved the Ayn Rand books. First fill.
    Think of shot up bombers returning
    for "A Wing and a Prayer".
    It's Indy Car,Inc. The cars themselves are WD12s in honor of Dan Weldon. Web site is Indy And the series is the Izod Indy Cars for the main sponsor. Next race Sao Paulo - Apr29.

    I know, TMI for some.

    So much for the experts who picked the Pens to win the Cup.


  27. Jazz: Wonderful write-up & links. Norm: Thanks for a FUN Wednesday.

    AORTA crossing HARTE got a smile.

    Around here we do the STINGRAYS shuffle when walking along the beach.
    Trust me, you DO-NOT want to step on one and get a barb in the leg.

    A 'toast' to all at Sunset.

  28. Irish Miss @ 9:34 am: Regardless of how The Killing works out, we still have Person of Interest and The Big Bang Theroy. (The episode with the Spock doll was halarious!)

    Too bad there's not a show about crossword constructors. I know theres a series of mystery books that cover this topic.

  29. Hello puzzlers!

    i must say i enjoyed yesterdays puzzle more because i thought it was stuff i should know, and had me puzzling for hours. Today's was over fast because a couple of "Naticks" (for me at least) had me going "see if i care!" So much so i did not even look for the theme, i just went to the Blog for enlightenment. The crossings of 4D &14A, 52D & 56A had me grumbling that i had to Google, & i just wanted some one to tell me. (maybe i am getting old & tired!) pessimist (or young & impatient) optimist. Oh well, JzB's links have cheered me up, thanks!

    Writeovers= 60A heart & 29D none

    i love dogs, but here's a tail wag i can appreciate.

    JzB, Holy Crap! That guy on the Bone playin Bumble Bee! (i can't even roll my R's!)

  30. Hello, cyber friends. Jazz, I love your witty commentary.

    Barry G answered the "man on a mission" question but I guess the real question is, what mission? And did you notice VIVA right above SENOR?

    Great puzzle by Norm Guggenbiller with some terrific long fill. Love that! RHEOSTAT is especially great.

    Any movie that features a LOVE AFFAIR is fine by me. But no violence, please.

    HARI, HUME, HART are all at home in a puzzle with poetic rhyming.

    Learning moment for me, EWAN as Obi Wan Kenobi. I only know ALEC.

    A kindergartner who has a HISSY fit could very well be bi-polar. I hope she gets help soon.

    Have a wondrous Wednesday, everyone!

  31. Hi Windhover - you gotta lotta flies down there in tobacco-land? I don't like flies. That's why you'll never catch me in Australia.
    Jazzbumpa - "Fly Me to the Moon" was nice - thanks for the reminder. In the silly song dept., I rank "Alleyoop" and "Purple Polka-dot Bikini" way up there. If you remember, there was a kind of musical vacuum in the early 60's. No wonder the Beatles blew everybody out of the water.

  32. To anyone who likes books that feature dogs, think: The Art of Racing in the Rain, I recommend A Dog's Purpose by Bruce Cameron. It's heart warming and funny and a quick read as well.

  33. Hi All ~~

    I really enjoyed this puzzle and sailed along with just a couple of false starts: None/NARY and Wavering/WAFFLING. BONITO was new to me but perps took care of it. I had to study the whole thing when I finished to discover the theme, but I did figure it out!

    ~~ One of my first fills was 14A - Tony OLIVA and I immediately thought of C.C. and her puzzle about him.

    ~~ 44A - Boxer Max - BAER - another one that rhymes with the theme?

    ~~ I laughed (not really) at 49A - Sox on scoreboards. I did NOT go with BOS, since they weren't on the scoreboard much last night. They lost 18-3!

    Thanks for a really good write-up, Jazz. So much information and fun links!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  34. Mari @ 11:06

    Yes, I agree on Person of Interest and Sheldon and friends, although we're entering the dreaded re-runs, end-of-season limbo. When was the Spock doll episode on? I may have missed that one.

  35. Well, a rare DNF for me for a Wednesday, mainly because we didn't PINKY SWEAR when I was in grade school, and that created problems in the SW that I never resolved. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who was originally baffled by MINKY and wanted PADRE and LO-FAT at first. Anyway, this was a toughie for me, but it's good to be challenged now and again--so thanks, Norm, and JazzB for explaining the rhymes to me!

    As for Ayn Rand, I read her in my early teens and had an awakening when I realized her characters' ethics and values pretty much conflicted with mine. Still do, I suspect, although I never read her works again.

    Have a good Wednesday, everybody!

  36. Fine 49er's information seems to be correct; possibly there are several ways to harvest those coffee beans

    very enjoyable puzzle today and great write up, Bumpa.I slowed down in the SE corner, trying to fill rheostat and bonita. Put it there and tuna salad didn't glide in too quickly either.

    Tail wagging comp was a hoot!

    Imagine Whirrled Peace has replaced my addiction to Coffee Heath Bar Crunch.

  37. Put the ball where?




  38. Thanks for the picture of the Bonita holding a bonito. This was easy. The only mistake I made was "Put 'er there" instead of "Put it there." Too much Larry the Cable Guy. Git 'er done.

  39. Adding to Lucina's tail wagging tale, I highly recommend Deane Kootz' Watchers.

  40. Fine 49er, those polka dots were yellow. It's the flying people-eater who was purple. You missed some other greats: The Witchdoctor -- ting tang walla walla bing bang, and The Chipmunk Song both created by Ross Bagdasarian (David Seville). And don't forget Nervous Norvus with such unforgettable ditties as Ape Call and Transfusion, and Bobby "Boris" Pickett's Monster Mash.

  41. Musings 2
    -Great day on the course. I played with a college golfer 42 yrs my junior and held my own! I would have tied him if I hadn’t three putted on the last hole - choked on a birdie!
    -There’s a fish in that picture of the girl in the bikini? Really?
    -Otto, great list of songs. I remember ‘em all!
    -Big Bang Theory is funny and smart! I’ve known some Sheldon’s.
    -Lincoln Southeast grad Alex Gordon has left enough men on base in the last week for the KC Royals to staff and LST. He just got a big raise and ball players now get paid for what they might do. Tony O would have driven them in!
    -Tin, the last time we were in Florida, the beaches and the ocean were so full of jellyfish we couldn’t go there.
    -The casualty rate for WWII fliers was horrible and I have been told that The Memphis Belle catches the flavor of their life better than any movie
    -Wind, same here. Most farm labor is done by migratory Hispanics who do a great job.

  42. Per newsletter, Johnny Walker Green (15yo) and Gold
    (18yo)will be phased out of US markets. Little demamd for expensive blends cited.

    Shanahan busy with suspensions and hearings to stop hockey brawls.

    Unused toys - Windows 7 computer and a 32G iPad.

    Two day free delivery for cooling pad for Vista machine not bad. Computer over heats and shuts itself off.

    Jaded and cynical youth accepted Rand's philosophy of anti-collectivism.

  43. desper-otto - thank you for reminding me of those other big hits from the early 60's. I loved Alvin and the Chipmunks. My only addition to your list would be "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?", another example of the musical wackiness that prevailed at that time.

  44. Fine 49er @6:45am
    Hmmm, my ONE-A ASS (I never applied for the Student deferment, Two-S) was #143 in the 1972 draft lottery.
    They went to 140 in my area.
    Soooooo, I missed out on Uncle Sam's Vietnam vacation fun ...

    That is, until the company I worked for sent me there to perform a "physical inventory" of U.S.Pipe material being abandoned.
    Now that I think about it, it was 37 years ago that I left Da-Nang on April 15th, 1975.
    Saigon fell on April 30th, 1975.


  45. Tin, Sounds like you've got a really interesting history.

  46. Fine 49er, this isn't the original recording, but it is the original guy. I seem to remember the lyrics being a wee bit calmer on the original. Lonnie Donegan 3:47 Of course, that brings up that other Aussie song: Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport.

  47. Mari, I'm betting he has brown eyes.

  48. Mari:
    When I look back (now) I think the One's with an "interesting history" were the Lucky people who fell in love, got married, raised a family, maybe went out-to-dinner, or a movie, or dancing, once in-a-while, and now have fun with their grand-children, etc.

    That is one reason I like to "toast" y'all at Sunset.

    Damn, I went out to get my mail and just stepped in some Anon @3:44. lol

  49. I have enjoyed the trip down Memory Lane with all the old silly songs. When I think how silly the songs of today's youth are, I remember Mairzy Doats. Of course our kids don't find that song one bit funny.

    Every few months I check out a pet mystery book from the library. I enjoy the Lillian Jackson series, "The Cat Who..." Occasionally I also enjoy books like "The Dog Who Knew Too Much."

    Lucina @11:08, I agree that a 5 or 6 year old who is that angry and that destructive for so long is crying out for help. Sometimes there is a problem such as bipolar and sometime there is just gross mismanagement by the parents. Have you seen TV's “The Nanny” about an English woman who helps families solve child rearing problems? Many problems are not due to parenting mismanagement, but some are. In any event there has to be a solution beyond calling in the law.

  50. Mari @ 11:06, have you seen "All About Steve"? It's not a TV series, but a movie starring Sandra Bullock as an eccentric crossword constructor. I just caught it the other night on The Movie Channel.

  51. Oh, I have not seen All About Steve. Very interesting! Is it good?

  52. Thanks Jazz for bringing the theme to light today. I was trying to figure out what A WING AND A PRAYER had to do with TUNA SALAD and COLD FRONT (duh).

    SAFFRON and EVOO were gimmes - two of my favorite ingredients. I had PINKIE WEAR which meant nothing to me since I've never heard of a PINKY SWEAR. INDICAR and GEA looked fine.

    My son got stung by a STINGRAY last summer in Newport Beach. It was very painful and he wasn't able to walk. The lifeguards took him their headquarters where he had to stand in a tub of extremely hot water. He said the pain stopped almost instantly once his leg was in the water. It was kind of scary.

  53. Hi all,

    Haven't finished this puzzle yet, probably won't. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

    About yesterdays puzzle-11D- 'Quo Vadis' Emperor.Nero. The movie was on TCM Sunday night.

    Have a food evening all.

  54. Whoops.

    I mean a good evening.


  55. Mari @ 4:05, well..."good" is such a vague term. I was intrigued by how they depicted the character. She is the sole constructor for a Sacramento newspaper. We all know that newspapers buy syndicated puzzles, as they cannot afford to have one full-time constructor. But in the movie, she made her living doing the job. Anyone who constructs puzzles knows that they just don't pay enough to quit your day job. It is more a "labor of love"!

    But I love Sandra Bullock, and can forgive any bad choices she might make. The film was quirky, funny at points, but "good"? I'll leave that to you to decide!

  56. The write up would be more enjoyable if it were not for the political slant. Its not like you don't have another outlet for your opinion. Its a shame.

  57. OK - I know, don't feed the trolls.

    I'll just point out that I very carefully avoid bringing either politics or religion into my posts. Maybe not so rigorous in comments, but I do try to follow the rules.

    What did I say that could possibly have been construed as political?

    Off to rehearsal. Back in about 4 hours.


  58. JzB, I think it was tuna salad. LOL

    you can't please everyone

    RIP Dick Clark

  59. desper-otto - thank you for that music link. Do you remember a TV show called "Hootenanny"? Don't ask to borrow my Winky-Dink screen.
    Tinbeni - I was in Da Nang in 1975. Remember that great beach they had? Isn't that the setting for "China Beach"?

  60. Nice puzzle - my favorite answers were Waffling & Nary.

    However, the blog is even more enjoyable than the puzzle today. Jzb - thanks for your links to Mairzy Doats, Doris Day and Tommy Pederson. If this is silliness, then keep bringing it as I truly enjoyed it and it made me laugh-- something I do not do much of these days. I especially enjoyed Doris Day. Wasn't she a beauty? Rock wasn't too hard on the eyes back then either!

    Also thought the videography in Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer was exceptional! Thanks again for all of the great links. Someday I am going to learn how to do it.

  61. ANOTHER good day in puzzle land for me! Thanks, Norm! Thanks JZ for an outstanding blog & links.

    I hadn't thought of Ferde Grofe in years. I met him once in Gunnison, Colorado, where one of his river suites about the Gunnison was premiering at Western State College music camp. I babysat with the directors little one. Grofe showed up early for a dinner party while everyone was dressing and teenaged me had to entertain the great man. He was nice about it.

    Marti: I saw "All About Steve" years ago. Really strange movie. Came out the same year as the one Bullock got the oscar for, I think. She was the only thing that kept me watching to the end since I kept thinking if SB made it, it had to get better.

    Coming in on a wing and a prayer: One of my husband's favorite songs which he always sang to the kids on long trips. Since, he was a pilot, we had it sung at his funeral.

  62. Questions:

    1) The weather has been beautiful lately. Blue skies, gentle breeze, temperature around 70. The weather forcasters all say the weather is going to get REALLY NICE by Friday when the temperatures will be in the 80s here and 90s inland. Really? Do most people think that is nicer weather? Not I.

    2) These gimmick songs have been fun to recall. I remember a song back about 1958 that had people starting to laugh. It built to where they were all laughing hysterically and infectiously. I was driving a car and had to pull over because I was laughing so hard I couldn't see to drive. Does this sound familiar? I can't remember the name of the song.

  63. This was a fun puzzle for a Wednesday. I don't agree with the clue for EVOO, however. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) is Rachel's acronym for the oil itself not the act of using it to saute.
    "Nuf said on that!

    'night all!

  64. While meandering through YouTube, I came across this joke told by Buddy Hackett on the Johnny Carson show. Enjoy!

  65. Misty,
    My experience with Ayn Rand is much like yours, although like EddyB said, when you're young and callow (and maybe callous) that s--- sounds appealing.
    And evidently some of her own standards didn't synch with those of her characters, because in old age she helped herself to some of the fat of our great land (as do I) by accepting Social Security & Medicare benefits.

    By the way, Tin (hope you got your shoes clean), this is literary criticism, not political opinion. You knew that. ;)

  66. Hola Everyone, I didn't get to the puzzle until late today, but did manage to finish while dinner was in the oven.

    I thought that there was a Biblical mountain that I didn't know. Loved the misdirection.

    Hands up, too, for Cone before
    Pint and Low fat before Low Cal. Isn't is amazing that many of us have the same missteps as others. That is what makes crosswords so much fun. Perps are a blessing, aren't they?

    I finally found the second book in the Series of "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo". I just can't bear to pay full price for books, so always scour the shelf when I work at the Thrift Store. Found an almost new copy of the second book today. It was all of 50 cents.

    Thanks for all the goofy songs today.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  67. I haven't had time today to look at all the links. They sound like fun. After American Idol, I'll check them out. And thanks in advance everyone!

    Marti and Mari - I thought "All About Steve" was pretty weird. Not one of my favorites, although I did watch the whole thing.

    Bill G - I'm with you. I have loved the weather lately and am not looking forward to it getting over 80. We spent last weekend in Ojai and it was what I would describe as "absolute perfection" - mid 70's, calm and not a cloud in the sky - and so quiet. We had a baby bunny living under the lavender bush outside our door.

  68. I mean, there was a baby bunny living under the lavender bush : )

  69. BillG: Did you see the George Gobel clip on the edge of the Buddy Hackett clip? Also funny.

  70. Pablum tuneagement?

    Well, there's this: tune 1.

    And of course, there's this: tune 2.

    Ayn Rand? I made a point to read the Capitalist Manifesto for the first time in 2007. Seemed timely to me with the events of 2008. While the popular term for her views back then was "Objectivism", the more common reference these days is "Utopian". It's an interesting idea. But then, so are many others.

    I've been AWOL today. I was out being Ed-Yew-cated. Of all things, I took a mandatory writing class put on by a PHD in English Lit. "A pedant walks into a bar....."

  71. Hey, Windhover 9:23--many thanks for the Rand update. Appreciated it!

  72. Hello All,

    Late again, but I did get the puzzle done by 10 a.m. A lunch meeting blew the rest of the day.

    Loved this puzzle, Norm. and JZB, you are at the top of your form today! Great expo.

    I'm glad to hear some corroborationwith my feelings re: Ayn Rand. Fortunately she doesn't come up in conversation around here.

    Loved the sillysongs. Lots of fun and some very interesting conversation today. I'm often
    dazzled by by the quality of this blog. I doubt if there are very many as satisfying.Thanks, CC.


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