, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, September 7, 2012, Kurt Mueller

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Sep 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012, Kurt Mueller

Theme: Y me? Happy September, and I hope you all enjoyed last month's Blue Moon, which I forgot to mention, which segues into our 4th offering from Mr. Mueller, who also has 5 NY Times publications, including 2 Sundays. I had difficulty with this because it was (a) not easy; (b) the 5 theme answers each have a "Y" inserted in a common two word phrase to create a new and rib tickling phrase, clued to amuse. My problem is the first two have the Y replace an "E" while the last three just add the Y at the end of the first word. To add to the difficulty of constructing, all five theme answers have food related roots. The puzzle itself is a nice blend of mid-range 6, 7 and 8 letter words with lots of new stuff, but a great many very challenging intersections- no Naticks, but maybe a Framingham or two.

17A. Inferior swim? : CHEESY (E) DIP. (9) Cheese dip emerges from the pool.

26A. Impertinent camera movement? : SAUCY (E) PAN. (8). When a camera moves about to show a scene, it called panning, and this group certainly knows what saucy means.

35A. Burly Green Bay gridder? : MEATY PACKER. (11) We all know the team from Wisconsin and these days even the little guys are burly.

52A. Canine telling bad jokes? : CORNY DOG.(8) I might have tried something more with the dog part of the clue, considering all the other words in here subject to double meanings.

62A. Suspicious wartime sight? : FISHY TANK.(9) What image do you get?


1. Musician Ocasek et al. : RICS. Not to sound like marti, but who are the other ones? Here is a CUT (3:43) from his debut album after he left the Cars. You might want to hang on to some of it guys.

5. See 15-Across : JUST. with 15A. With 5-Across, barely : ONLY. I only just got this.

9. Cavaradossi's love : TOSCA. I did not know this, and the crossing with Henry Moore was tough, but the TO___ was enough for to make an educated guess. An excuse to LINK (3:00) some Placido.

14. When some deadlocks are resolved, briefly : IN OT, Over Time. I first read this as DREADLOCKS, too much SKA.

16. Racing venue near Windsor Castle : ASCOT. We had this track recently in a Bruce S./Doug P. collaboration.

19. Quick trip : JAUNT.

20. Ran out of patience : HAD IT. I've had with all the sniping in the world.

21. Column affording views : OP- ED. Last time I had this fill we started another dispute over the meaning so I am out of it.

23. Shirt size: Abbr. : LGE.

24. Novelist Glyn : ELINOR. Another unknown AUTHOR.

29. Shoved off : SET SAIL. Nice new fill.

31. Cried : SHOUTED. Hmm, okay another one.

32. Half a tuba sound : OOM. PAH!

34. Oafs : CLODS. We could be back playing in the dirt with C.C. and Hard G.

40. Split : APART. TomKat. You all enjoy the new Cruise scandal with the pretty Iranian girl? She was Barney's girlfriend on How I Met Your Mother.

42. Calypso cousin : SKA. Again?

43. Shackle : LEG IRON. More nice fill.

46. Kind of offer that saves time : ALL CASH. And money, usually.

54. Over : FINITO. A common foreign word, used in the language, like Ciao!

55. "He's mine, ___ am his": "Coriolanus" : OR I. Act I, Scene 10. Obscure Shakespeare, but still...

  • Tullus Aufidius. Condition!
    I would I were a Roman; for I cannot,
    Being a Volsce, be that I am. Condition!
    What good condition can a treaty find
    I' the part that is at mercy? Five times, CORIOLANUS, 885
    I have fought with thee: so often hast thou beat me,
    And wouldst do so, I think, should we encounter
    As often as we eat. By the elements,
    If e'er again I meet him beard to beard,
    He's mine, or I am his: mine emulation
    Hath not that honour in't it had; for where
    I thought to crush him in an equal force,
    True sword to sword, I'll potch at him some way
    Or wrath or craft may get him.

56. "Get __": 1967 Esquires hit : ON UP. This SONG (2:30) which you will recognize, was recorded by many others who were more famous.

58. GPS precursor : LORAN. LOng RAnge Navigation is how ships long use triangulation to plot courses.

59. Critical : VITAL.

64. Wonderland cake words : EAT ME. You all are on your own here, as my thoughts cannot be captured, this puzzle begs for a Lois recap.

65. Urgent letters : ASAP. As Soon As Possible.

66. Behold, to Caesar : ECCE. back to haunt me from last week, the ECCO is part of the conjugation of the verb.

67. "Golf Begins at Forty" author : SNEAD. Slammin' Sammy, one of the 3 greats born in 1912.

68. Asian holidays : TETS. I do not want to be offensive, but I am sure we all have bad memories of this.

69. Starting point : SEED. Oh I do miss Lois and her comments; Dennis any comment from you?


1. Megabucks : RICHES. Like these? LINK.(1:55).

2. Sniff : INHALE. Tricky.

3. Make the cut together? : CO-EDIT. Another very difficult clue to suss.

4. Oktoberfest souvenirs : STEINS. The Friday beer reference.

5. Dawn rival : JOY. Not Tony Orlando, not dusk, not even Palmolive.

6. Menu choice : UNDO. I hit that key often when I write here.

7. Receipts, e.g. : SLIPS. I had a tough time with this as well.

8. High-strung sorts : TYPE A'S. I know no apostrophe goes there but you have to get away from reading it "AS."

9. New Jersey casino, with "The" : TAJ. Mahal.

10. Mama bear, in Madrid : OSA. We have this Spanish word often.

11. Henry Moore, e.g. : SCULPTOR. The only Henry Moore I knew was tailor in Hartford, but I guess it is my LOSS,. very abstractly sexual.

12. Joined a line, in a way : CONGAED. Is this a real verb? I know you dance in a CONGA (2:17) line, so I guess....

13. Shows up : ATTENDS.

18. Old congregating locale : STOA. The Greek built these for public gatherings.

22. "Like, no kidding!" : DUH.

25. Scream : RIOT. Similar to a Panic.

27. Prepare to fire : COCK. To pull back the hammer...

28. Noel : YULE.

30. Powell's "The Thin Man" co-star : LOY. Myrna as Nora CHARLES,(2:50).

33. Gitmo guards : MPS. Military Police (S?)

35. Belgian surrealist : MAGRITTE. Also very SEXUAL but not so abstract.

36. Yeats's home : ERIN. Considering all the sex and innuendo in this puzzle, I have to add, Go Braghless.

37. "It's worth ___" : A TRY.

38. Rap sheet letters : AKA. Also Known As.

39. New gnu : CALF. Who knew?

40. Breakfast places : ALCOVES. Not related to AL GORES.

41. Average American, it's said : PEORIAN. When I was a kid, they said the standard for airing a television show was, "would it play in Peoria" so this was a gimme for me.

44. "Star Trek: DSN" character : ODO. he is the shape shifting head of security on Deep Space Nine, played by René Auberjonois, a character actor from many series.

45. Milk for losers : NON-FAT. Loser of weight, nothing un-pc.

47. ___ pad : LILY. Nickname of Marshall's wife on How I Met Your Mother. (See it really all ties together).

48. Grand decade : C-NOTES. It takes ten $100 bills to make a Grand, very hard.

49. Top gun : AIR ACE. We have had ace many times. More Tom Cruise?

50. Batting coach's subject : STANCE. Feet shoulder width, weight slightly on your back foot...

51. Tooted : HONKED. No bathroom humor hear.

53. Semblance : GUISE. The root word for disguise.

57. H.S. exam : PSAT. You know this one.

60. Dr.'s order? : AMA. American Medical Association.

61. Set the pace : LED. Wow, finally an easy one!

63. Some PCs : HPS. Hewlett Packards.

Answer grid.

This was quite a work out with a little of everything, by far my most time consuming solve and write up in a while, but you know what? We made it to the end, and we overcame- or was that a different puzzle? Kurt Mueller, hmm KM, killing me....until next time....มีวันหยุดที่ดี. Ha en flott helg.



  1. Morning, all!

    Fun puzzle. I got the theme early on, which helped immensely throughout.

    Overall, the top half went much quicker than the bottom half, with me only pausing at the sheer absurdity of CO-EDIT and CONGAED.

    Down south, things got a lot sticker. Couldn't get ALL CASH from the clue. Ditto for CNOTE (thanks for the explanation, Lemonade!) Had LOWFAT instead of NONFAT and EIRE instead of ERIN. Didn't know LORAN and wasn't looking for a foreign word for FINITO. Never read "Coriolanus" and had trouble thinking of three letters that would fit. Oh -- and I put in CALF right away at 39D, but convinced myself it must be a mistake when nothing else worked. Oops.

    I finally fixed all my mistakes and made the necessary guesses, though, so it all worked out in the end.

  2. Hello Puzzlers -

    A fair amount of pepper in this Friday challenge.
    Luckily I had enough letters to see MEATY PACKER early, and thus the gimmick was sussed. LORAN was easy, it's well known to pilots. Wasn't excited with CONGAED, I'm sure we all agree it's a stretch, but doubtless a necessary one.


  3. Good Morning, Lemonade and friends. Youch! This was a toughie! MEATY PACKER was my first theme answer. Some clues and answers seemed quite obscure, but there were several amusing combinations.

    My favorite clue was New Gnu = CALF.

    Interesting to have RICs and RICHES crossing, since both can be nicknames for Richard. RIC Ocasek is married to the model Paulina Porizkova.


    We had SKA yesterday.

    QOD: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

  4. Tough puzzle this AM. Eight words across and eight words down after first pass. Perseverance paid off. TOSCA / ASCOT / SCULPTOR almost did me in. Liked the crossing of ALLCASH and CNOTES, and Grand Decade was my favorite clue. Least favorite answer was NONFAT for Milk For Losers. The clue was fine, but isn't the common designation No FAT ? I buy 2 %. I'll have to look when I go to the store today. I didn't have a problem with COEDIT. 5 of 6 letters were filled with the across words. Wanted CHITS instead of SLIPS for Receipts, but the P from OPINION EDITORIAL :>) prevented that. What dispute ? Must have been before my time. 12D CONGAED ? What ? Well, ok. Reminds me of playing Bannanagrams with some people. Best to set the rules before you start.

    Thanks Lemon. Great write up and as entertaining as always.

  5. Whew! I thought this one was gonna get me, but I did prevail -- and in normal Friday solving time too.

    I got no traction in the northwest, but things were sunnier in California. MEATY PACKER gave me the theme, and that helped.

    Lemon, as soon as I saw New Gnu I knew you would respond, "Who knew?".

    I thought TOSCA above it's anagram ASCOT was cute. I looked at COEDIT quite awhile trying to parse it. I never did parse CONGAED -- that just looks wrong!

    Time for that three mile march...

  6. Thank you Kurt Mueller, and thank you Lemonade for a witty and funny expose'. .... you're a scream. Who knew gnu hue ? ( my sorry attempt to copy, how now brown cow.)

    In May, 1976, the A.M.A. successfully lobbied Pres. Ford ( desperate for his re-election, or actually his first erection - )to ban foreign medical doctors from entering the US, on immigrant visas ... and so they (the foreign MDs) were put on the USA 'banned' list, - the others being felons, anarchists, communists, and those likely to become public charges. All my close family was directly affected... after Ford had lost, the move was relaxed after one year, because of shortages in the health field.

    Question 1:- Does the red 'S' after MPs mean that you don't think it should be there ?
    Question 2:- Is the secret code word at the end of your sermon in Siamese (Thai) or Cambodian ?

    ALT QOD:- I have an answering machine in my car. It says, "I'm home now, but leave a message, and I'll call when I'm out". ~ Steven Wright.

    Have a nice weekend, you all.

  7. Oof Da! This was brutal. Didn't really dislike Congaed, but shot myself in the foot by writing in congoed. Then, having lock instead of cock for 27 down kept me from seeing saucy. And with the T in place at the end of 45 down I really wanted hind tit for losers milk :-)

    In the end, managed to trudge through it without errors or too many erasures. But a serious workout nonetheless.

  8. Origin: Sucking hind tit.

    Many female mammals have multiple rows of breasts, for example pigs. Typically the rear most pair of breasts is smaller and less developed than the rest. Hence a piglet nursing from the rear most breast is likely to receive less milk than other nursing piglets. Hind means rear most. Tit is slang for breast. The runts were were stuck with the hind tits resulting in their continued runtiness.

  9. I don't see any problem with MPs (or MP's). If you see one, he's an MP, two and they're MPs.

    I think it was Erlichman who was wondering if it would "play in PEORIA" during Watergate. He also was worried about "twisting slowly, slowly in the wind."

    What movie featured an ORI (Operational Readiness Inspection)? I remember the film was a cold war plot that had to do with SAC, but I can't recall what the title was.

  10. Translation, of secret code words, at end of my boss's opus:-

    Ha en flott helg

    1. (In Norweigian )

    Have a good/dapper/dasher/gallant/jaunty ..(etc.) ... weekend.

    2.( In South Florida )

    Ha, Ha, ... I'm floating ... (look Ma, no hands - ) .... (I think -)....Helppp!! ... glub, glub, glub....

  11. DNF!

    I'm with Barry on CO-EDIT, CONGAED, and LORAN. I wanted ATLAS for GPS Precursor. And I wanted the Esquires song to be Get A JOB. 1967 was just a little before my time.

    I got MEATY PACKER, but the rest of the theme phrases eluded me.

    My favorite clue was 45D: Milk for losers: NON-FAT.

    Alas! I am humbled by a DNF. I hope the rest of my day gets better!

    Happy Friday all!

  12. D-Otto, --- would that be 'Dr. Strangelove, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' ... (1964) with Peter Sellers and George C. Scott ?

  13. Mari, Get A Job was earlier than 1967 -- ten years earlier.

  14. Thank goodness for the Blog, without which, i would never have enjoyed this puzzle at all...

    6D menu choice, i had the "D" so it must be "side"

    27D prepare to fire, i had the "o" so it must be "load"

    i had -e-typacker, so i am thinky "hefty?"

    51D gave me gas!

    fishytank (sorry for the bathroom humor.)

    i know i am going to get in trouble for this "eat me" link!

    Tx for the Thin Man link, i have never seen the movies, now i know i am missing something!

    Marti, re: perpetual motion, in CW's is it allowable to have run on words? Luckily Perpetual motion is a 15 letter grid spanner, if we could have running words, like runwalktidetrotfalljog (etc...) we could fill the perimeter easily!

  15. Anony-Mouse, no I remember Dr. Strangelove quite well. In fact, I've got it on DVD. Peter Sellers was a riot! The plot there was that one B-52 received the "go" code at its fail-safe point and went on to drop a nuke on Russia. The Russians had just completed a doomsday device which would automatically ignite WWIII if they were attacked. The movie Fail Safe came out that same year with almost the same plot, but none of the humor. This other movie takes place at a SAC base (in Omaha?). Maybe Husker remembers.

  16. Good morning Lemondae, C.C. et al.

    Fun write-up Lemony, but I suspect there were a few comments that you left out of the final version, haha!!

    For 11D Henry Moore, I was thinking of the "What's My Line" regular Garry Moore, so I wanted "panelist" instead of SCULPTOR in that corner! Then in the SW, I needed every single perp to get PEORIAN !

    Hand up for Get "a job" before ON UP, Mari!
    Hand up for "hefty" before MEATY, CED!
    Hand up for nose wrinkling at CONGAED, everyone else!


  17. Good morning:

    This was a doozie and also a DNF. Even though I got all the theme answers easily enough, the NW did me in. Just couldn't suss out Ric/ coedit. Didn't care for congaed, and couldn't get beyond a food item for menu choice. Also, kept wanting a labor-related term for deadlocks resolution. Kudos, KM, and great write- up, Lemony.

    Waiting for the repairman to fix my ice-maker. Unlike Tinbeni, I use lots of ice with my Dewar's.

    Have a great Friday everyone.

  18. Cheesiest puzzle in recent memory, by far.

    “Half a tuba sound: OOM.”


    “Over: FINITO.”

    Very cheesy.

    “Sniff: INHALE.”

    Muenster cheesy.

    “Joined a line, in a way: CONGAED.”

    Toe cheesy.

    “Grand decade: C-NOTES.”

    Lung cheesy.

    Simply terrible.

  19. Desper-otto, lemony has 'borrowed' your insights and re-posted them on the 'other' blog.


  20. Hi:

    For previous OP-ED discussion and debate see LINK .

    The TOSCA ASCOT was cool, glad it was mentioned. Thanks.

    My S? is because while we see MPs is fine, you cannot pluralize Military Police(S) so it seems inconsistent for me to show the initialization which is not accurate, so I showed my confusion.

    Nowegian and Thai.

    Irish Miss, you use ice because you are a ldy, as it should be.

    marti, I am always curious what your write up would have looked like; and as far as the need to EDIT my work, no comment.

  21. con•ga noun, plural con•gas, verb, con•gaed, con•ga•ing.
    From and many other dictionaries.

    Every man takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world- Arthur Schopenhauer

  22. Hi There ~!

    The "PAH" for the tuba was in last Saturday's puzzle...21D.

    I had ATLAS to start, too.

    I had heard of LORAN from my old boss' piloting days.

    Not a fan of C-NOTES clue; CONGA-ed, eh, OK.


  23. anon@10:00, and he quickly amended it after seeing your comment here.

    No surprise.

  24. Lemonade, what does the Thai (greeting - ) mean ?

    I was in Bangkok (hey, that's a DF word - )for 5 years, and can still count in Thai.

    Nung, Song, saam, say, ha(un), hock, chet, pat, kao, sip.

    and their National Anthem goes, 'Thock takoon thai, yiy cha ke-am ha(in) ...'

  25. Which, from my experience, translates to "Here, anything and everything goes"...

  26. Good morning all. Lemonade cobbled together a great commentary. Loved the tank cartoon.

    This was very difficult. East side ok, but the SW was a Natick for me. Most of the puzzle has already been commented on.

    Our ship used Loran. Need a chart with hyperbolic Lines of Position (LOPs). The Loran unit discerns minute differences in transmission time between master/slave transmitting stations. The best fixes came if you had 3 pairs or more. Unlike GPS, much of the world was not covered by this system. Wiki says that the US and Canada disabled their Loran systems in 2010.

    Evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid bowlers. Unfortunately, all the Swiss league records were destroyed in a fire, and so we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.

    As Lemon said, "Have a good weekend"

  27. I’ll tell you what; I ain’t posting late because of golf. This was an exquisite puzzle that took time and three breaks but the NW and SE corners finally fell with ELINOR and ECCE. Do you know the song with the lyric, “Just one key unlocks them both and it’s at your command”?

    -Loved the theme answers but COEDIT was fabulous. I wanted _ OED IT to be two words. HOED IT? No shot at RICS.
    -MEAT PACKERS made big money 40 years ago and then the unions got busted and now Hispanics are doing this hard work for much less RICHES
    -What movie contains the fabulous line, "What Elinor Glyn reads is her mother's problem!"
    -TOSCA/SCULPTOR kind of took care of itself
    -Driving across S.D. is no JAUNT
    -Didn’t we have OOM’s partner PAH recently?
    -Golf began at 62 for me
    -Undo = alt + z. I call it my Oh $hit key.
    -We ate at some small town restaurants recently where our orders were taken on a hand written SLIP and that was also our bill.
    -DUH still trumps DOH, mostly
    -Lock, load? Nope, COCK. Loved C-NOTES. Otto, I didn’t see the TOSCA/ASCOT anagram.
    -Myrna LOY is still my favorite hitchhiker in It Happened One Night
    -My QOD corollary – Nobody’s better than I am and I’m no better than anyone
    -ORI Answer

  28. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Kurt Mueller, for a great, but difficult, puzzle. Thank you, Lemonade, for an excellent review.

    Well, this one only took me 2 1/2 hours, but I got it. Enjoyed about 8 cups of Earl Grey tea while I did it.

    My first theme was MEATY PACKER. Then FISHY TANK. After this the first two themes were tough because of the E we had to insert after dropping the Y. That really slowed me down.

    Had STEINS and STOA right off the bat in the NW. Took forever to get the rest of that corner.

    Like OOM for 32A. As others have said, we had the PAH last week. They were easy for me because the tuba is my instrument. I own two.

    The SW was tough. I had DIRTY DOG for a while for 52A. And AS I for 55A. Finally LEG IRON and APART opened up my eyes. The rest of that corner appeared. Liked PEORIAN. Good clue/answer.

    The SE corner was a little easier. ALL CASH, LORAN, ECCE, and SEED all appeared qyuckly for me.

    Liked COCK for prepare to fire. Good one.

    This puzzle was a lot of work. Once I was done I was a happy camper.

    Dinner tonight at the Union League Club. Our group has been meeting there for about 120 years, non-stop.

    See you tomorrow.


  29. For anonymouse: A pastor called all the children to the front on Easter Morning and asked, "Can any of you tell me about the Resurrection?"
    One little 7 year old raised his hand and said, "Well...I don`t know what it is...but it must be bad...if you have it more than 4 hours, you gotta call a doctor!"

  30. Thanks, Husker. That is, indeed, the movie I could recall, but couldn't name. (I think that's five, and out.)

  31. Musings 2

    -Oh $hit, it’s Ctrl + z not Atl + z.
    -Fun pun Spitz. Have you ever heard the one for which the punch line is “That’s the beer that made Mel Famey walk us?”
    -We have a crew of four doing some yard work today that my bank account says I can and my birth certificate says I shouldn’t.
    -NFL refs are IN OT trying to get their jobs back and maybe the temp refs will get good enough that the vets will suffer the same fate as the air traffic controllers did over 20 years ago. Anybody can be replaced.
    -SAC in Omaha (Bellevue) grew out of the huge Martin plant that built aircraft during WWII, including the Enola Gay.
    -Cool and rainy on the plains today. Very welcome.

  32. Well, I got about two thirds of this before I had to do some serious cheating to finish. But I'm getting used to Friday and Saturday DNFs so I still enjoyed this--thanks, Kurt. And, Lemonade--wow! You gave us the segment from "Coriolanus"! Wow! Never read it or had any desire to read it, but now I've put it on my bucket list, thanks to you!

    My dumbest problem: LILY pad. Every time I see the word 'pad' nowadays I of course assume it refers to computers. So it never occurred to me that it could refer to lovely plants. See what this modern age does to you!

    Have a great Friday, everybody!

  33. Anony-Mouse @7:35 - one question: Why would you think that of Pres. Ford?

  34. Lemon, thanks for the link to the prior OP-ED discussion.

    Dennis, to your comment the other day... I used the GI Bill benefit to secure my initial mortgage many moons ago. I retained an attorney. I don't remember having to jump through many hoops. The house initially failed to qualify for the VA loan because the grey water was being fed into a dry well for dispersion rather than the septic field, but that was easily remedied. Other than that, it was smooth. Best of luck to you.

  35. Right you are Lemon! From Wikipedia:

    In the 1962 film version of Meredith Willson's musical The Music Man, Marian Paroo, the librarian, asks the prudish Mrs. Shinn, the mayor's wife, if she would not rather have her daughter reading the classic Persian poetry of Omar Khayyam than Elinor Glyn, to which Mrs. Shinn replies, "What Elinor Glyn reads is her mother's problem!"

    Hermione Gingold was made for the role decrying “dirty Persian poetry”.

    Small Town Hypocrisy from Music Man BAAAALZAC!

    Still waiting for song that contains lyric

    If you hear the song I sing
    you will understand...listen
    You hold the key to love and fear
    all in your trembling hand
    Just one key unlocks them both
    Its there at your command

    BTW, funny and clever write-up today, my friend.

  36. Damn you Argyle! I didn't even notice that. Now I've got a mental image of Chevy Chase doing an SNL skit where Gerry is "falling down on the job". This is all your fault.

    Dennis and TTP: I work with both FHA and VA. VA is far less bureaucratic than FHA from my side of the desk.

    HG: I can almost hear it, but not quite. I'll let that one marinate for a few hours. Prolly come to me at 3 AM.

  37. DNF ... FIW ...

    Lemon: Thank you for an entertaining write-up & links.
    Much more FUN than MY (solving?) experience with this offering.

    My PACKER(s) were BEEFY ... never got MEATY. And so-on, etc.

    Learning moments: ELINOR (Glyn); MAGRITTE (from the write-up).

    Husker: The 'Youngbloods's' song: Get Together.

    Irish Miss: Hope your Ice-maker is fixed in time for the Sunset toast.

  38. Good afternoon everyone.

    Thank you, Lemonade. for the clip of Placido Domingo doing La TOSCA. It was a wonderful choice.

    I got 16 correct answers! Actually pretty good in that I was able to suss only 17, so I got nearly all I attempted. Didn't we have PAH recently for the same clue?
    Oh, I see Splynter nailed it.


  39. Tinman, you beat me to it...

    Get Together

    This is the song that popped into my head when we were en route to San Francisco last week Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair

  40. Argyle, I'm glad I'm still here ... running late, but I feel I should answer.

    I don't know how my comments came across but in the short line-limit comments, it is difficult to make an accurate opinion statement. I personally think Pres. Ford was a very decent guy and would have made a very decent President, if re-elected. ( I just noticed a misspelling of a word - and that, I assure you, was an honest mistake - ).

    For that matter, in my opinion, so was Nixon, he just was at the wrong place, at the wrong time - and also happened to be very unpopular to a vocal minority. We forget all the good things Nixon did - somehow bring to an acceptable and decent end, to an unpopular war, which was unwinnable (Sp.?)( Kudos to Kissinger, as well ! )

    My problem is with the AMA, and the power of lobby money, from a so-called tax-exempt, professional, pseudo-intellectual, society. The whole plan to exclude foreign MD's was to make an even more select monopoly, of, what already was, and is, - a very tight cartel - you can call it a union that has a fierce grip on America. My wife refuses to be a member of the AMA, despite their monthly solicitations,( which we get in the mail, even now - ) .... because we remember 1976...

    All this is history, so please forgive me for discussing politics. Just my dumb-ass views, ...I seek to convert no one. Personally, I am fiercely 'independent' in my politics.... if any of you care. I have given my views most unwillingly, and if you oppose them, don't waste your time ...... its not worth it.

  41. TTP:
    I'm just glad you "linked-it" so the others can enjoy listening to "Get Together".

    (All these years, and I still have no idea how to 'embed' (link) anything here).

    Also, I'm enjoying your 2nd selection.
    Reminds me of the wonderful music from my youth.
    Now I'll be side-tracked enjoying all the other tunes at both sites.


  42. Despite JOY being my first fill, it was JUST the ONLY JOY I found in this puzzle! I got TOSCA, ASCOT, TAJ, OSA & MAGRITTE on the first pass. Then I SHOUTED, "Who is Kurt Mueller and why does he hate us?"

    Well, Lemonade, our knight in shining verbage to the rescue. With his hints as my LORAN, I finally began to cast off my mental LEG IRONS and SET SAIL on this perilous adventure. Hey, I CONGAED!

    COCK rising from MEATY PACKER into SAUCY PAN? Mercy me, that's a real CHEESY DIP!

    Kurt, you CORNY DOG, there is something FISHY in your cerebral TANK, methinks! And that's not bad.


  43. looks like PK has taken over the mantle from Lois.

    AJ, I agree, FHA loans are the most ridiculous to close, but VA does have its particularity which is why I suggested an attorney be involved.

    Sallie always good to see you.

  44. PK! LOL! (not bad!)

    TTP Thanks for the links. I have been in San Fran twice, & can't wait to go back. My only nit was the toilet is in a separate room, & you have to fiddle with a doorknob before you can wash your hands. (why is that?)

    Youngbloods, Ah,,, I thought the line was from Aquarius. But i haven't been able to listen to it since our local rock station did a parody of it using the words "a hairy ass."


    oh forget it, when i type in the html code, the PC thinks i am trying to link something. On the right side of the LA Times Crossword Corner page (our blog) about 1/2 way down, under "olio", is a link to "how to add comment links."

  45. Correction: Garry Moore wasn't on "What's My Line" - he hosted "I've Got a Secret" and "To Tell the Truth" (same time era, though). Ah well...many thanks to our own Husker Gary for asking me about him!!!

  46. Thanks, guys, for the advice re VA mortgages. As much as it goes against every fiber of my being, I have retained a lawyer to look it over.

    And Lemonade, yes, I have many comments regarding some of the clues, but I do like being on the blog...

  47. Dennis@2:29

    ME too! It was tempting, but for once in my life I took the high road.

  48. Hey Gary, I think that hitchhiker was Claudette Colbert. They were both pretty women.

    Tinbeni, if you would like to learn how to link something, please e-mail me and I'll explain how I finally learned how to do it.

    I came across a few minutes of The View this morning. They had Doctor Phil on as a guest. I had a hard time believing my ears when I heard him say, "Between she and I..."

  49. Dennis@2:29

    ME too! It was tempting, but for once in my life I took the high road.

  50. Anony-Mouse, I just got a giggle about your typo and wanted to let you know that at least one person read it.

  51. Hi gang -

    Sterling write, Lemon.

    Tough going today. DNF in SE corner. Couldn't suss FISHY TANK, even with the A and N in place.

    ALL CASH is a reach too far

    Asta might have been a CORNY DOG, but that Myrna was a real cutie.

    I'm out of energy.

    Cool regards!

  52. I can't always follow ya. Please give time stamps in your references.

  53. CED: You link brings new meaning to "Tickle me Elmo". Shudder!

  54. While I normally can complete the daily puzzle easily in under 20 minutes, I worked on this while waiting for my wife at a Dr. appt and later at home, well over an hour total. I love it when it truly is a puzzle. Theme was easy and easy ended there. Thanks.

  55. Because of Argyle's post @ 2:51, i went back & reread AnonyMouse's typo. Sorry, but anything political make my eyes glaze over, & i missed it the 1st time.

    That typo is really funny!

  56. Oops, Undo, Ctrl + z. It was Claudette Colbert and not Myrna!

    Anony-Mouse, I would have loved to not have joined the National Education Association too but 40 years ago our state organization passed a resolution stating you have to join the local, state AND national organizations or join none. I always wanted to support our local group but you had to swallow the National agenda and support it with dues as well. We used to be a 100% local/state group but with the NEA obligation added, we got down to a much lower per cent.

    Sorry to hear about all the shoddy workmen you all have had recently. The crew I had here today was run by a former student and was competent, professional and did more than we asked.

  57. CED - I must be slow on the uptake. I don't understand your comment "I have been in San Fran twice, & can't wait to go back. My only nit was the toilet is in a separate room, & you have to fiddle with a doorknob before you can wash your hands. (why is that?"

    We did a Hop On Hop Off bus tour, getting off just past Chinatown where they have been running an 80 % sale for the last 25 or 30 years. Then ate lunch at The Stinking Rose where I had the 20 Clove (garlic) Chicken. Wonderful. Then an hour long boat ride on the Bay out to the Golden Gate and around Alcatraz. Got windburned. Back on the bus and out to the bridge and back through McLaren Park. Then onto Haight Ashbury. So much to do and see everywhere. I could have easily spent a week in that town, but Monterey, Carmel, Pebble Beach and Big Sur awaited. Beautiful. Loved the views and food at Nepenthe.

    I think I gained 10 pounds over the trip. We only ate "at home" twice. Have a number of "favs" in San Jose now, including Henry's Hi Life for the ribs and the Naglee Garage for the Maple Planked Chicken. And the Falafel Drive In. San Jose is absolutely wonderful.

  58. Hello everybody. Yep, this was a hard puzzle, all right. Wanted HEFTY PACKER at first. Can't believe I spelled the golfer's name SNEED and then wondered what the heck the AME was. At least LORAN and TOSCA were gimmes. Then I got messed up on the downs that cross LORAN and changed it to TACAN. Eventually, sigh, I put it back and all was right. Hated CONGAED, but liked the clue. Good, question: who are any other RICS? There sure have been several TETS over the last several years. And I've known many MPs, except in the AF we called them APs (air police), or apes for short. (Everything in the AF had "air" in it, much of it hot. I was an Airman even though the highest I ever arose into the air was maybe 12 feet, on a ladder.)

    PK, you rock. Best wishes to you all.

  59. Dennis, I'm really glad you are being helped by the GI Bill. I was, too, many years ago, and I'm sure there are millions more who were and are. Congratulations to you.

    TTP, Henry's Hi Life is a long-time fixture in San Jose. Glad you enjoyed it.

    I think I like how Richard Dawkins thinks, in spite of his overweening arrogance and bloated sense of self-worth.

  60. Dennis:

    I know we all do not like dealing with lawyers, generally a greedy and surly lot, but in real estate they do provide layers of protection. Like repairmen, it is better to pay now than topay later.

    It never ceases to amaze me how this blog continues to morph. C.C. you started something

  61. And here I thought Anony-Mouse @ 7:35 was being quite witty...

  62. Tuneagement time!

    Now that we've had a well rounded tour of SF and a Youngbloods reprise, it's time to tie it all up in a neat package with some Jesse Colin Young

    Still can't shake that mental image of Chevy Chase......:-)

  63. Link test ... How about some Starship.

    We Built This City

    If this works ... Thanks Bill G.

    Time for some Pinch !!!

  64. I suppose it we un-pc , to say...oh never mind. Life is full of typos, even marti called me Lemondae at 9:15. I think it is a cover band doing Green Day songs.

    Wolf Mom any new shows coming up?

  65. Tinman, your rocketship blasted off. Good job!

  66. Hola Everyone, What Barry said! I had a DNF, though, because I had Cheesy, and absolutely could not think of a work for swim. Now DUH is my second name!!

    Guesses and Hints were the helpers today. I have not had such a hard puzzle in a long time. I always learn something though when I have to tough one out. Loran was my learning moment today.

    I always circle the clues that are unknown or don't come to mind readily. I had MANY circles today and had to keep plugging away to get most of them. I did Google some today. I couldn't have done the puzzle any other way.

    'Congaed' is just not something I can pronouce easily, much less used in my every day language.

    I have a fairly free day today, so I'm going to read this afternoon. Besides crosswords, reading is one of my favorite passtimes. I haven't had a lot of time for either one lately.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  67. Lemonade,

    I don't denigrate the profession, but do dis some of the practitioners I've worked with through the years in my vocation, as well in our personal business.

    Currently, DW is POA and having to close down the MIL's trust. Negotiating with the attorney on what was in scope when the trust was created is especially difficult as I am at arms length. If it weren't so frustratingly painful, it would be comical. I give him his due, and am willing to pay (she is) for the guidance and subject matter expertise, but am disappointed on a few key points with the latest Retainer Agreement. It's just too open ended, and he doesn't want to budge.

    He probably won't get any referrals from us.

  68. What a toughie! Needed massive help on this one, so that just puts me in a bad mood. Pardon the following rants.

    The Coriolanus quote seemed easy to figure out logically even if you don't know the play. Obviously needed a conjunction, and OR was the only one short enough to fit and leave room for a pronoun.

    OOM would have been tough without last week's PAH. Kind of dumb, but not as bad as others, like the really dumb CONGAED, JUST/ONLY, FINITO, and COEDIT. When it gets to be that much of a stretch, it ruins it for me. As do the obscure names of people I've never heard of.

    And what does AMA have to do with a Dr.'s "order"? It's not like the AMA is a secret order like the Illuminati or something. Meh!

    The inconsistent extra Y's -- some added, some replacing E -- seemed a bit sloppy, but the theme was OK.

  69. When I read AnonyMouse's typo, my only thought was, gee, no wonder Betty Ford drank.

    AnonyMouse: I too thought Nixon had some great moments. He opened trade with China which had been a closed nation since WWII. The grain price for farmers improved somewhat as well as markets for other goods. Love your very thought-provoking posts.

    Spitzboov: from last night, thank you for coming up with "The Longest Day". I could not think of that title. I read that book aloud to my husband. He was a brilliant guy, but thought he read too slow and wouldn't try a book. He was a WWII buff. When I was reading "TLD", I read him an excerpt which interested him so much, I started over and read him the whole thing over a couple weeks. Years later, when "A Bridge Too Far" came out, I read that to him too. He thought that movie was good, but not as good as the book.

  70. Except for The Shawshank Redemption and Slaughterhouse Five what movies are as good as the books?

  71. Uh oh. I've let the horse out of the barn. There'll be no stopping Tinbeni now! The Linkster has been loosed!

  72. Bill, I agree !

    Game On Tin !


  73. I'll play.

    Apropos of nothing, but I've been listening to Pandora, and this is the band that's on (and not the one you'd think of for this tune).


  74. BillG. I think you unloosed the Tin man.

    There were three Indian squaws. One slept on a deer skin, one slept on an elk skin, and the third slept on a hippopotamus skin. All three became pregnant. The first two each had a baby boy. The one who slept on the hippopotamus skin had twin boys. This just goes to prove that... The squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.

  75. TTP
    Well you got me listening to more music this afternoon than I've enjoyed in quite some time.

    Kinda took me back to my Hippie youth.

    Bill G.
    Yeah, you're a GREAT teacher ...

    So why not one more from one of my favorite's: Clyde Jackson Browne.
    (I guess if my first name was Clyde around the time of the movie "Bonnie & Clyde" ... I'd go by my middle name, too).

    Before the Deluge

    In honor of the 37.15 inches of rain over the summer here at Villa Incognito.

    The Pinch tonight is really good!

  76. French Lieutenant’s Woman was better as a movie than it was as a book.

  77. Spitz, unloosed it is. Also, good one!

    OK, I'll play. This has been my favorite song over the last week since I discovered it for the first time (for me). Kodachrome by Paul Simon!

  78. My last one...

    An ode to the working man.

    The Pretender

    "I'm going to be a happy idiot..."

    Tin, Thanks for reminding me of Jackson Browne !

  79. How about some CHEESY 80's pop for Dennis?

    Never had the Murray version. At least I don't think so.

  80. Jackson Browne?

    OK, it's not Jamaica, but in the same vein. Here's one for Tin: Something Fine

  81. Spitzboov, aaargh, groan! Love it!

  82. OK, one last tune from me.

    Van's greatest hit (IMO): Into the Mystic.

    Nighty night.

  83. Pinch (yeah, it's really Tin. but the scotch is doing the talking)September 7, 2012 at 9:26 PM

    Testing my "create a link" saved tab.
    Also, the reason my oldest brother (who took me there to carry his photo equipment in the summer of 1969) is the greatest.

    C,S,N & Y Woodstock


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