, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Neville Fogarty

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Neville Fogarty

Theme: "O, say can you see" - Various terms for flags are the ends of the theme entries.

18A. Real attitude underlying a facade : TRUE COLORS

25A. The Hulk's alter ego : BRUCE BANNER

45A. Song covered by Michael Bublé, say : POP STANDARD

57A. Aunt Jemima competitor : HUNGRY JACK

65A. Flier on a pole, and at the ends of 18-, 25-, 45- and 57-Across : FLAG

Argyle here. Get out and vote. This Tuesday is a good companion for yesterday's puzzle so let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it.


1. Things to wear : GARB

5. Chemists' rooms : LABS. They wear lab coats.

9. One who asks too many questions : PRIER. Where do the pollsters go now?

14. Campus sports gp. : NCAA. (National Collegiate Athletic Association)

15. Irish name for Ireland : ÉIRE

16. Christina of "Speed Racer" : RICCI. IMDb

17. Dough dispensers : ATM's

20. Letter to Santa, essentially : WISH LIST. Seasonal work.

22. Pennsylvania in Washington, for one : AVENUE

23. Summer in Lyon : ÉTÉ. Clearer than when Nancy cooks, eh?

24. Sent a quick note online : IMed. (Instant Message)

30. Barnyard brayer : ASS

33. Woman in Poe's "The Raven" : LENORE

34. J. Paul Getty or J.R. Ewing : OIL BARON. But only one is real.

36. Dubai bigwig : EMIR

37. "... to __ it mildly" : PUT

38. Piece of ice : CUBE

39. Revolutionary toy of the '70s-'80s? : SIT'N SPIN. Cute play on revolutionary.

42. "Boyfriend" singer Justin : BIEBER. This is the first of many musical links today. Link.(2:53)

44. Fr. holy woman : STE.

47. Glasgow vetoes : NAEs

48. Toronto's prov. : ONT. (Ontario)

49. Dining room necessities : CHAIRS

52. Photos at the precinct : MUGSHOTS

59. Auth. unknown : ANON. We all got this one.

60. Perfumer Lauder : ESTÉE

61. "As I see it," online : IMHO. (in my humble opinion)

62. Maker of Duplo toy bricks : LEGO. Duplo is the preschool size of Lego.

63. Just behind the runner-up : THIRD

64. Overly compliant : MEEK


1. Emulate a beaver : GNAW

2. Play beginning : ACT I

3. Farm butters : RAMS. They butt-ers.

4. Big party : BASH

5. Beatles tune that starts, "When I find myself in times of trouble" : "LET IT BE". Link.(4:09)

6. Like some Navy rescues : AIR/SEA

7. Champagne designation : BRUT. Unsweetened; very dry.

8. Set eyes on : SEE

9. "Ignorance is bliss," e.g. : PROVERB. "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." - Thomas Gray

10. Upset : RILED

11. Clickable pic : ICON

12. Sandy-colored : ECRU

13. Levitate : RISE

19. Humped beast : CAMEL. Also ecru.

21. Sidelong look : LEER

24. Mid. name substitute : INIT. (initial)

25. Anoint : BLESS

26. Put the check in the mail : REMIT

27. Bring together : UNITE

28. Veggie on a cob : CORN

29. Pride and prejudice, e.g. : NOUNS. Such trickery on a Tuesday!

30. Caribbean resort : ARUBA

31. Like a teetotaler : SOBER

32. Bergen's dummy Mortimer : SNERD

35. Scored 100 on : ACED. Do they still score tests this way?

37. Domino dots : PIPS

40. Practiced in the ring : SPARRED

41. Art of verse : POESY. Really.

42. Thailand's capital : BANGKOK. Musical link. (3:57)

43. QB's mistakes : INT's. (Quarterback/interception)

46. "Well said" : "TOUCHÉ". French fencing term.

47. African river : NIGER. Map.

49. Atkins of country : CHET. Link.(2:09)

50. Silence : HUSH

51. Pro debater : ANTI

52. Auntie of the stage : "MAME". Link(2:45)

53. 45 minutes, in soccer games : HALF

54. Scott Turow work : "ONE L": The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School.

55. Roman robe : TOGA

56. Smooch, in Staffordshire : SNOG. Learned from Harry Potter.

58. __-dandy : JIM. Final link.(2:13)



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - just a flat-out speed run today, right at four minutes. Perps got me 'poesy', otherwise it would've stopped me cold. I picked up the theme with the second theme answer, but I don't think it helped since the clues were so straightforward.

    'Hungry Jack' made my decision on breakfast this morning, and 'Lego' was timely, as I just picked up a fairly complex Lego kit over the weekend to put together sometime. This one looks difficult enough to be a challenge. Also, I enjoyed seeing 'Sit 'n Spin', 'Bangkok' and 'chair' all together; brought back some fun memories of one of their specialties in Thailand.

    Argyle, great job as always; you're like the freaking Energizer Bunny. Do you still sleep?

    Life is still upside down here between furniture shopping, deliveries, unpacking boxes and trying to spend as much time outside as possible. Plus, I'm trying to figure out what to be next, in case the "Boob & Lube" (thanks, Lois) thing doesn't work out.

    It's funny, we had a little teeny cold front pass through a couple days ago (around 50 or so), and damned if there weren't several people walking around in heavy jackets. Saw two people with earmuffs. Unbelievable.

    Have a great day; do something fun. AND VOTE! Even if it's for the lesser of two evils.

  2. Hello Puzzlers -

    What Dennis said, except I can't type fast enough for a four minute solve. Poesy is a word I only know from French; I guess it must be English too.

    Liked the clue for 39A, revolutionary toy, even though I thought the actual toy was pretty dumb back in the day.

    Snappy cold this morning, around 23 at the start. I guess it's getting real now. Happy Voting Day all!

  3. Morning, all!

    Speed run for me today. Tried putting in NOVEL instead of NOUNS at first, but that was my only stumble.

    26 degrees here this morning. Won't keep me from voting, though!

  4. The Final Day - Oh how I cherish thee ....

    Seven phone political robo-calls last night - Three before midnight - Four AFTER midnight .... 'there ought to be a law' .... Wait, there IS a law against campaigning on the last day ....

    All, for one candidate ... someone's getting desperate ...

    My kids tried to vote in our state .... they each sneaked in an absentee ballot application. Except that they had to use our home address .... I ripped apart the absentee ballots .... my contribution for an 'honest' election.

    Blood maybe thicker than water, but politics is 'oilier' and murkier.

    Seventeen hours, two and a half minutes to go ....

  5. When you vote, you endorse a broken political system, degrade yourself by partaking in a farce, and delude yourself that the election of one candidate over another makes any difference whatsoever.

    Politicians are all the same, whether they are Democrats or Republicans; they simply choose to label themselves as either Democrats or Republicans depending on which label they think will increase their chances of getting elected. At the end of each day they all go out together to the bar and drink Chivas while laughing about how gullible most Americans are.

    Just thought I'd tried to keep it real on a blog that appears to experience some difficulty doing so from time to time.

  6. Actually, 'keeping it real' usually involves having the balls to put a name to accusations, not hiding behind a cloak of anonymity.

  7. Well, I got it done, but a bit embarrassed to say it took 25 minutes. At 68 y.o. I definitely struggle more than I used to. Pretty straight forward puzzle, in my younger days could have done it in 15 minutes. Can't imagine how anyone can do it in four minutes

  8. Good Morning, Argyle and friends. This was a typical Tuesday fare, I thought.

    We'd seen Farm Butters before, so I knew we were looking for RAMS. I was fooled the first time by this clue, but not again.

    Dough Dispensers seemed like a fresh clue for a crossword staple of ATMs.

    The answer CHAIRS made me laugh for some reason.

    I never saw the musical, Chess, but had certainly heard the song One Night in BANGKOK often enough.

    Since it is election day, I get the day off. From the news reports, it sounds like I will be standing in line to vote for much of my day off. Tomorrow will kick off the campaigns for the 2016 elections!

    Due to all the talk of Kafka yesterday, I changed my avatar to the Kafka statue that is in Prague.

    QOD: Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods. ~ H.L. Mencken


  9. Good morning, all. This was definitely an easy romp top to bottom.

    Hmmmm...I wonder what that Bangkok specialty could have been?

    Maybe after today the folks inside the Beltway will quit the bickering and start some serious budgeting. But probably not.

    I voted last week, but DW will have to stop to vote today when she's finished teaching her class. Do you remember the slogan of the early 60's -- "Vote for the Kennedy of your choice, but vote."

  10. I would have said sweet and easy, but had a Natick! at BIEBER crosses INTS. Didn't know how to spell the BIEBER, and thought QB was Queen to Bishop. Not that I would have got any football clue if I hit a Natick.

    Going to vote now. They've changed all the locations.

  11. Well, we've had idiot Anons, snarky Anons, evil Anons, and even a few nice Anons, but now we have Cynical Anon and self-described Real Anon. 
    Since this blog regularly features slices of the real life in real time of the bloggers, including births, life, and death, it's difficult to see where Mr./Ms. Real Anon gets his/her definition of reality. Maybe he/she watches a lot of Reality TV. That's all real, isn't it? 
    And whichever side you may agree with, the idea that there is no difference is beyond cynical, it's just stupid. 
    The outcome in my state is not in doubt, but I'm voting anyway. Guess I'm just "unreal". :-)

  12. Another speed run today. Did not want to believe Poesy, but all the perps were solid, so I let it stay (under protest).

    Michele, from last night. I'm very sorry to hear about Iris. We're just short of a year from our last heartbreak, and can't do it again.

  13. Good morning folks,

    Good day so far. Puzzle done with one learning moment ...... SNOG. Not a Harry Potter fan, so that's my excuse.

    Already voted. Really crowded, but they are getting people in and out fast.

    Gas can re-filled. All out effort on leaves today. Nor'easter coming tomorrow. Just what the people on the shoreline need.

    Enjoy your day.

  14. I think the cynical anonymous is to be pitied!

    Great puzzle and write up! Have a great Tuesday!

    Btw took me longer than 4 minutes.

  15. Windhover: I, too, live in a state where the Presidential outcome is all but certain. It won't dissuade me from casting my vote, however, even though there will be no suspense.

  16. An appropriate puzzle for this day. My flyer on a pole will be waving in the breeze today. Thank you Neville. I enjoyed the cluing. Liked 39A cluing AND answer. I wonder if that is the first ever appearance of SITNSPIN in a puzzle answer ? SNOG was a learning moment. Your Election Projection puzzle would have been too tough for a Tuesday. I will take the challenge later today.

    Argyle, thank you. 9A Where do the pollsters go now ? My guess is back to their normal role of soliciting of one kind or another at supper time. 59A, I sometimes sense you would like to get your hands on one.

    ANON @ 6:13, you come across as rather jaded and disillusioned. Can't say that I agree with any of your assertions or generalities. When you opine like that, you endorse indifference, degrade yourself by presenting a point of view that's likely been formed by spending too many hours on a bar stool, and delude yourself that anyone on this forum gives a rat's ass what you think. Just thought I would keep it real.

  17. Forgot to mention.. Hahtoolah, thanks for that QOD. I can't think of anyone that can cram more punch into a single sentence than H. L. Mencken.....well maybe Dorothy Parker:-)

    Also, today's BC is on the mark.

  18. Windy, I don't know which Anon I am, .... hopefully a better kind of .... I'm definitely going to vote .... if only to get the 'Flag sticker' on my lapel .... paid for by my taxes.

    My wife asked me at 6 a.m. - which judicial candidates should I vote for ? - I told her, if you haven't shaken hands with them - don't vote for ANY of them. Here, unless you have an Italian or Irish last name - your hopes of becoming a judge are nil to nada. Even the numerous 'bar associations', can't agree with each other - what's a layman to base his / her decisions on ?? C'est la vie.

    Thank you Neville Fogarty for a wonderful and easy puzzle. Really, really enjoyed it. Thank you Argyle for the most interesting commentary and the fascinating links. Loved, 'Let it be' .... about half the voters will be singing that tonight.

    'Brut' is my favorite aftershave lotion - you mean I should be drinking it up ??

    ... So, does J---ing off, really mean running up the flag ? ... or taking it down ?

    Have a nice week, you all - and DO try not to take yourself so seriously - there's life after elections - Thanksgiving will soon be here ....

  19. Good morning everyone. Good commentary, Argyle.

    3d was CORNy but I liked it. Don't know why the Ovines like to do all that buttin'. Not quite the speed run that others had but with a few small pauses, it all came together. Liked the theme; Seems apropos for today. Good job, Neville.

    Michele - I'm sorry for the loss of your dear Iris.

    Here is a chuckle from this morning's 'toons, for those who love cats.

    Have a good day.

  20. Happy Tuesday everybody.

    Nice speedy puzzle, even though it took me quite a bit more than four minutes ;)

    Some great clues here!
    - 22A Pennsylvania in Washington: AVENUE
    - 29D Pride and prejudice, e.g.: NOUNS

    I didn't know POESY or SNOG.

    Sometimes I wish I married an OIL BARON. I'm just glad I didn't marry an ASS. Or BRUCE BANNER.

    Thanks for the comics Avg Joe: I can relate! And Spitzboov - your cat "workout video" is too purrrrrfect!

  21. Argyle: Great write-up & links
    Neville: Thank you for a FUN Tuesday offering.
    Avg.Joe, Spitz & Mari: Loved the comics.

    Liked the "shout-out" to ANON @6:13 ... with 30-A, ASS.

    Needed every "perp" to get RICCI & SIT-N-SPIN.
    Not familiar with any BIEBER song.

    What-the-hell is an Ice CUBE ???

    Cheers to all at Sunset.

  22. Mr. Fogarty nailed this election day puzzle! Good job as usual, Mr. Argyle; great links. Loved the tribute to Angela Lansbury, one of my favorite actors.

    I too learned about SNOG from Harry Potter. Snogging sounds much more salacious than merely necking IMHO. Had to get POESY from perps.

    Two toys for tots in todays puzzle. They could GNAW on either one.

    I voted early this year; wish the campaigners could have figured that out so they'd have quit calling. Our state's presidential outcome is never in doubt, but I vote anyway. The Senate race does leave some room for hope, though.

    Thanks for the comics, fellow posters!

  23. Enjoyed the puzzle. Could not complete in 4 minutes. Wow I am impressed. I had never heard of pip for domino pieces.. Now I know.

    I love early voting.. No need to fight the crowds. Maybe after this election we can talk about getting rid of the electoral college, that way poor Ohio won't be the only state to have all those great political ads.

  24. O say, can you see how fun Neville’s Tuesday offering was after you unfurled your newspaper?

    -Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors is a fav of mine and I heard it many times in the pre-show at EPCOT’s Kodak Pavilion show.
    -When does LENORE want to hear more from pollsters? NEVERMORE!
    -Sit and Spin reminds me how I got nauseous on The Teacups years ago.
    -Worst MUGSHOT ever?
    -Let It Be is advice I dispense but don’t take
    -I had a WHALE of a hump first
    -How street magic LEVITATION is done
    -The Husker QB threw 3 INT’s last week but managed to luck out a win
    -“You charm the husk right off of the CORN, MAME”
    -AMEN on BC today, Joe!
    -So sorry, Michelle. After two cats dying after 16 years each, we can’t do that again.
    -Our polling place is a short walk away and we have never had to wait.
    -What two presidents used “S” as a middle initial that stood for nothing.

  25. From last night....

    Michele, sorry to hear about your pet. We've got quite a few pet cairns in our woodlot. I know how you feel.

    Lemonade, I finished "11/22/1963" about a month ago, all 800+ pages of it. For those of you who avoid Stephen King because of creepiness, I can recommend this one. It's not creepy; it's more of a love story. It's about a man who travels back to 1958, intending to hang around to stop the Kennedy assassination. It's an interesting read -- not great, but good.

  26. Happy election day! No more ads!!

    Thanks Argyle and Neville for a great expo and puzzle.

    Little more than four minutes, I think ten and I was on NF's wavelength. Fun puzzle.

    Argyle, had to laugh at your ETE remark.

    Two days in a row with minimal or no sports clues. Yea!

    Well, I voted by mail two weeks ago even though we know how our state will go but some local offices are up for grabs including the Sheriff!!

    Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone and may your candidate forge ahead!

  27. From yesterday.

    Michele, So sorry to hear about Iris.
    tears ...

    A special "toast" to all the Pets (here and gone) tonight at Sunset !!!

  28. Good morning:

    Nice, easy romp for a Tuesday. Thanks, Neville, and thanks, Argyle for your usual expert commentary.

    Lucina, have you watched the most recent episode of POI yet? I'd like to know your opinion of it.

    Time to vote. My polling location has been changed and I'm not sure where the new one is, but I'll find it. What a beautiful fall day here in the Northeast!

    Happy Tuesday.

  29. I rather enjoy all the links to the music. Not for the music necessarily, but for reminding myself how the length of songs have changed over time.

    Today is a day to celebrate the end of the campaign commercials! Being from a swing state, they have been seemingly endless. Please vote for a candidate of my choice.

    PS: Is it true that Lemonade got his law degree from the Electoral College?

  30. Irish Miss
    No, I haven't but hope to very soon. It sounds intriguing and I'm really curious about it. Today I will sub again so I'll be gone and then my regular class tonight.

  31. There was one word I've never heard before and that is "PIPS". Not the Gladys Knight kind either. I've never played dominoes. Otherwise a breeze.

  32. I appreciate those who do not vote for whatever real or imagined reason. Each one of them gives the rest of us a piece of their vote – Thank You. With a little due diligence I find significant differences between candidates and find enough information to make judgments about the various propositions on the ballot.

  33. JJM@10:10 -- PIP also refers to the spots on a die. We had quite a discussion about it here on the blog back on March 31st of this year.

  34. Ack! I can't believe i messed it up! I put Beeber, & never went back to check QB's mistake = Ent.

    Flag = Jack? Oh, so that's where it came from.

    Hahtoolah, that Kafka statue is freaky! (I googled its origins & it's still strange.)

    Snog is certainly unusual, but more unusual is seeing it in greeting cards!

    I got distracted while reading the Blog & when i continued, i was astounded that someone said what is an "ice cube." Then i checked the writer, & had to LOL as it then made perfect sense.

    The Nursery Rhyme, Ring Around The Rosies just got deeper...

    Anyway, even with the mistake, i finished the puzzle in 3:59!
    (if you believe that,,, VOTE FOR ME!)

  35. Neville is is really ramping up his productivity these days, and that is a good thing. It took me a long time to relate to Jack (as part of Union Jack) as being another synonym for Flag, but that was after it was already filled in, so I guess it did not matter.

    Dave it is good to see you back and still in mid-season form, sorry for all the lost pets, and especially the most recent, and Dennis thanks for opening the door to the imagination for your tours of Thailand.

    Meanwhile, the cartoonists should be doing the campaign adds and we might pay attention, excellent job Corner.

  36. I learned to snog by doing it! Sorry about the rest of you.

    By the way, is IMHO 'in my honest opinion' or 'in my humble opinion'? Not being a texter I am not well informed on these matters. I snog but I don't text.

  37. A rare trifecta for me today: puzzle, sudoku, kenken--Yay! Terrific theme for this particular day, many thanks, Neville. And thanks also to hard-working Argyle!

    Hmmm. Wondering how Kafka would have liked his statue? Interesting!

    We voted a couple of weeks ago by absentee ballot after carefully considering all the propositions, etc. Quite a task.

    Have a great day everybody! I'm already looking forward to all the blog buzz tomorrow!

  38. Good morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Great links today, Argyle. I have "Let It Be" playing in the background - one of their greatest songs, IMHO (for Chin- "In My Humble Opinion").

    Fun puzzle today, but I'm late to the party. So, WEES...

  39. Ripley's Believe it or notNovember 6, 2012 at 11:16 AM

    Some interesting posters from Mrs. Duekmajian's Sixth Grade class, inner-city school. November 5, 2012.

    Why should we vote in the elections ? (sic)

    ( Note that this is unedited. )

    1. For good men to pass good in Laws.

    2. For better louse.

    3. To take Part in Our Countries Biggots Decision.

    4. Its my civic duty to make sure my voice is hard.

    5. My Incestors fought for it.

    6. To protect our Enronment.

    7. Exercise my right to vote that was denied to money.

    8. To safegard the car values of democracy.

    Question: How do they pronounce her name ?

    Hope: That the school levy still passes.

  40. ANON @ 11:49a

    You forgot MUGSHOT

  41. Good afternoon everyone.

    Michele, so sad to put your dog down. I've been there, and I think I cried more than when my first husband died.
    I, after 10 years, got another husband but not another dog.

    Why are we responding to Anon. It's counter-productive. Remember not to feed the trolls!

    Great and enjoyable puzzle even though I DNF. Had no clue to 45A. And your write up was, as always, fun to read, Argyle.

  42. After hearing of the cat's demise, I was reminded of a very "thoughtful" symphony card from my 6 year old (many years ago) grandchild. Drawing on cover--cat with x's over its eyes. Thoughtful message inside,
    "I'm sorry your cat died Get over it."

  43. desper-otto
    Now that you say that, I vaguely remember that discussion

  44. Hi Y'all, Enjoyed this speed run and Argyle's great contributions. Couldn't remember the Hulk's person for a bit. Got down the right side and saw flag...AHA!

    Bright sunny windy election day. I'm off to vote. Trying to decide if I should bother to comb my hair. Since I'm allergic to hair spray, I'll look like Nick Nolte's MUGSHOT anyway by the time I get inside. Well, except my eyeballs aren't as bloodshot.

    My voting place is a retirement complex that I'd go live in if I wasn't adverse to giving them a huge chunk of assets before I'm allowed to move in. Too many frugal years in the past...

  45. Hello everybody. WEES. Argyle, thank you for your writeups.

  46. Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for the write up, Argyle - enjoyed the music links!

    When I wrote this puzzle, it wasn't intended to be an Election Day puzzle in particular, but I think it was a nice fit for the day.

    I agree that POESY was a bit tricky for a Tuesday (plus a couple of clues). Rich had the good sense to ask me to remove CERN from the grid, seeing it as too tricky/uninferrable (is that a word?!) for a Tuesday. That allowed for some nice bits like LET IT BE, too. Was pleased that he left my "Dallas" reference in for OIL BARON, and I must give him credit for that great clue for SIT 'N SPIN.

    Always nice to hear that y'all found one of my Tuesdays to be a breeze. Lemonade714 - I submitted a slew of puzzles this summer (had a light teaching load which meant more time for puzzles!) There's at least a few more in the queue at the LAT right now, and I'll be submitting some more soon. Glad you're enjoying them!

    Will touch base again later; stay warm!

  47. I solved most of the puzzle while waiting in line to vote first thing this morning. I'm not a speed demon, so that means I stood in line for a while! Here in Wisconsin, the ads, robo-calls, knocks on the door, and mailings have gotten completely out of hand. So glad it's almost over! Michele, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been there, too.

  48. As an anonymous poster, I take offense to the jack a** who says voting is futile. Perhaps you would rather live somwhere that they make all the decisions for you. Your opinion reeks of laziness, after all it is easier to have others do the work for you.
    Think of all the young lives spent defending our right to a democratic process as you spew your ill informed vitriol from your bar stool.
    Todays CW took me 10 mins, about the time it took to cast my "useless" vote. Which amount of time was better spent?
    Oh yeah, only hang ups were ; POESY, SNOG, and TOUCHE.
    God Bless.....

  49. Hi all,
    Funny puzzle for a Tuesday (IMHO).

    Several unknowns and I only got them from WAGing. Argyle, I agree, 29D was a bit tricky.

    Dennis - so good to see you at the helm!
    Windhover & Dennis - thanks for your responses to the Anon of 6:13am !
    I cannot add anything to those.

    I never heard of Duplo or Snog either. Also never knew that domino dots were called Pips. Gee the stuff I learn here :) :)

    Anony-mouse (7:50am) LOL on the flag comment. Never heard it referred to like that before. Perhaps the "flag" experts will come forward. :)

  50. Happy Voting Day!!! Thank you vets for all you've done for us to keep a voting day. AND Yes! Thank you for the end of those relentless phone calls for whatever reason. There really oughta be a law!

    Loved this puzzle. Great speed run and hit on one of my favorite not sit n spin...well maybe...but the wish list really! That's a Santa Baby deal.

    Argyle: thank you for your outstanding, never waivering write ups. You are such an adorable workhorse! Had to laugh at your 'seasonal work' comment. I always thought you worked year round. You mean you don't? Well, if that's not the best news of the day! I guess I'm free to put a spitnshine or was it a sitnspin on being good. Good just went to Better, but only 3/4 seasons!

    Michele: Please accept my deepest
    'symphony' (anon, 12:34)for the loss of Iris. It's never easy and I am sorry for your loss.

    Dennis: you're ever so welcome. My Boobs are always at your disposal.
    Glad to be of assistance. thanks for the Lube job too, BTW. You got some skills!!!

    Enjoy your night.

  51. Carol: LOL thanks for pointing out anony's flag comment. I ran right over it..ouch....I mean I missed it. hilarious! Since you mentioned the flag people, it occured to me that we're having a Nor'easter come in tomorrow -a very unwelcome and poorly timed visitor - but was wished for a manly weather vane out in MY front yard so I could tell if the wind shifts. Looking for Volunteers... guess that would be TN'uns.

  52. CED @ 1:49
    I'm voting for Flags # 2 and #3

    #4 the link didn't work.
    Here it is:

    Sheldon Cooper FUN with Flags

  53. Hi gang -

    A fine and fun puzzle with the exception of the execrable "Pride and prejudice, e.g." No, I won't LET IT BE.

    Nice theme. My enthusiasm didn't FLAG.

    Had trouble spelling BANGCOK, but not visualizing Dennis' memory.

    Christina RICCI is quite yummy.

    Tin - Ice CUBES are . . . uh, -- on second thought, never mind.

    Got to the Synagogue that is our poling place a little before 10:00. It holds precincts 9 and 10. Those of us in precinct 9 just walked in and voted - after we learned that there were 2 lines - D'OH!

    The whole thing took about 25 minutes, and as we were leaving, the precinct 10 people we were originally in line with were just getting inside the building.

    I'm very glad it wasn't raining.

    Cloudy then, sunny now.

    Cool regards,

  54. Lois, we KNOW who is a good wind preDICKtor on this blog LOL. I'll bet he would be glad to help out.

    Dennis: is your new business really called Boobs and Lubes? What a howl!
    In that great Florida sunshine, you should have lots of customers. Nothing like coconut oil for all occasions :)

  55. Michelle,

    I'm so sorry your kitty crossed the rainbow bridge. I still mourn the loss of my little Glenn who we lost 3 years ago. I'm joining Tinbeni with the toast to all pets at sunset!

  56. Thanks, Argyle for all the 'splainin'
    Never heard of ONE L, or POESY, either.
    If doing the puzzle in record time is your goal, congrats.
    I seem to think of doing a puzzle as fast as you can like cramming 30 hot dogs down in 2 minutes in an eating contest. :-)
    Hey, but that's just MHO.
    Off to vote. Have a great day, everyone.

  57. Ah yes, "Fun With Flags", back in the good old days of TBBT!

  58. Thirty hot dogs in two minutes, huh? I know who I'd put my money on...

    And to be honest, I much prefer a puzzle that takes 15-20 minutes; the easy ones just create a little self-competitive thing with me.

  59. I was just sitting here thinking how nice it would be to be excited about the outcome of this election. Instead, I feel like a friend of mine's father who's in a nursing home called Harley Manors. The father says the unofficial motto there is, "It hardly matters at Harley Manors."

    Kinda where I'm at. It's sad. I could never not vote, but it came down to the better of the bad. Where the hell are all the good ones? (Although if I were a 'good one', I'd never run, knowing what my family and I would be put through.)

    Sorry, C.C. for the political bent, but the post is neutral.

  60. Hola Everyone, Anonymous @6:13. Try living in a country where you DON'T have the right to vote and see how you feel. Keeping it real means exercising our democratic right to vote, choose whom we like and live freely. My free speech rant for today.

    As for the puzzle, it was fast, easy, and fun. A good election day puzzle with flag for a theme.

    Hands up for falling into the Novel/Nouns trap. It was very quickly fixed when put came into play. Since I do the across and downs together, I fall into traps like this every once in a while.

    Have a great afternoon, everyone. We have 75 degree weather again today, but a cold front is approaching so I think we have had the last of our "summer" weather this Nov.

  61. Chickie, I was going to put NOVEL in that 29D spot too, but realized that the clue was not the name of a book after all. I got most of the letters thru the perps but thought "no, it can't be NOUNS" - wrong :)

    We here in Oregon have been getting the benefit of your Calif weather for months but it will all come to a crashing halt by Friday when the snow level plummets to 2000' or so. Not that we will get snow here in Portland, but it will be much colder than the 60 degrees we have been having (in NOVEMBER!!).

  62. I hear ya Dennis! But I think you sort of answered your own question. The genuine Statesmen give up and go home. Sad but true, and perhaps inevitable.

    Well, I've done my civic duty. Now....What to have for supper while we settle in for an evening of results? I know! Bologna! Yeah, that's the ticket.

    (Just in case you think I'm kidding, I'm actually thawing Swedish potato bologna for supper. Can't think of a better choice for this day.)

  63. I just got back from voting. The parking lot at the local school district office was really full. I think I'd feel like my vote was more important if we elected our president with the popular vote instead of the electoral vote.

  64. Neville, your Election Projection puzzle is rightfully categorized in the "Impossible" category. Haven't quite given up yet though...

    Anyone else try it ? Or want to try it ?

  65. Well, I just watched Person of Interest to take my mind off the elections. But now I have to go to my own class. Over the top describes the episode very well. It stretches the bounds of credibility, that is sure.

  66. Bill G: I agree w/you about the Electoral College. It's obsolete and ridiculous now.

    Just saw on the news that the ballots at my precinct included wrong names for district representatives. There were names that I recognized and a few that I didn't. I voted for a recognized one who I KNOW is for our district but have never seen a Libertarian or a Green Party person on the ballot before. And poor New England! Geeze!

    Dennis: the good ones quit. The art of compromise has been lost. It is sad.

    Good night all.

  67. I was shocked and dismayed at how Senators Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid behaved like petulant and stubborn little children on 60 Minutes last Sunday, interviewed by Steve Croft.

  68. I suppose it would be better if it were Erection Day, but that probably would be offensive to the Asian community, even though no voting was considered. Anyway, what in the world is German Potato Bologna?

    Neville, thanks for stopping by, I do enjoy your work and the election one was a complete bear that took way too long, and luckily I have spent much time in Maine or I would still be working.
    Souteneur? Is that used in English?In my world of French Canadiens I learned Maquereau

  69. Politics has become the playground of the self absorbed, self righteous, self indulgent who care only about winning and little about us.

  70. Dennis, Nooooo, not ME!
    I was referring to those Nathan Hot Dog eating contests. I wouldn't think you'd find many women in those, but I was wrong.
    In 2012 Joey "Jaws" Chestnut ate 68 in ten minutes.
    Sonya Thomas, nee Lee Sun-kyung from South Korea ate 45 in the women's competition. She weighs 98 pounds!

  71. So, lemony, when do you announce your candidacy? You seem to have all the qualities.

  72. How many of you live in states where picture ID is required to vote? Our state voted that in (not me).

    Today I arrived at the retirement village polling place with only one little old lady in front of me. She was sucking oxygen and on a walker. But she struggled in there to do her duty. Then she was told she had to show a picture ID. While she searched through her purse, the election worker took my picture ID which I held at the ready and I got to vote.

    The old lady didn't have the picture ID so she had to fill out the provisional ballot crap form. She said she hadn't driven for ten years. I doubt she's going to come up with anything that she can take in to election headquarters within the time line to make her vote count.

    Being in a rest home, our voting place let us sit down to vote. But I sure felt sorry for that old sweetheart. She let out the biggest sigh as she sat down beside me. I was the youngest person there.

  73. When I got to 39A I had SITNS immediately thought of slip n 'slide, started to fill in slide but ran out of room. POESY got me turned in the right direction.

    Watched a AIR/SEA rescue yesterday, scary stuff. I didn't buy our local "Two Minute Read" so I don't know what the outcome was. Will have to ask around.

    Cute puzzle Neville, thanks.

  74. Don't you wonder why the Republican party thinks the most difficult job in the world, being President of the United States, is a retirement-age job? Why can't they get a younger man/woman to run?

    If Romney gets elected and wants to be in office for 8 yrs., he's going to be pretty old when he finishes with a job that ages the man in office.

    I'm 71 and I wouldn't even want to get up and go to a McJob every day that might be somewhat easier.

  75. C.C. thanks for your post last night. How was it to vote?

    I am glad I voted early.

    This puzzle took me too long to do. I couldn't sleep last night and am going to blame lack of sleep for brain fog today.

    Weather here was beautiful today.

    Thanks for the learning moment for Mortimer's name. Argyle, good musical posts today.

  76. Lucina @ 5:31 - I'm glad to hear we share the same opinion on that POI. I hope they don't mess this up the way they have TBBT, IMO. Although TBBT was the top-watched show last week with 19 million viewers. I confess I'm still watching it but not enjoying it as much as I used to.

    I found my new polling place but getting in and out of the area was like going through a mouse maze. Had a plumbing problem corrected this afternoon to the tune of $120.00. At least the plumber's sanity wasn't threatened, unlike the poor ice-maker repairman's.

  77. Lemon @ 6:07, having a bit of trouble keeping your European countries straight?

    Swedish Potato Bologna

    Trust me, it's delicious. But hard to find in it's best form.

  78. Hi all,

    Well my original disappeared again and I had to stop for supper so I will try this again.

    This was easier than yesterdays puzzle. My DH helped me too so it went fairly well.

    Unclefred-At 68 you are just a kid. I hope you have a lot of years left.

    I didn't get the theme until I got to the blog. Didn't know 25A,sit-n-spin,and never heard of 45A.On 20A I had giftlist until perps got me wishlist.

    Have a good evening all!

    PS I just had to enter e-mail, etc again as I did yesterday. Is it google or me?

  79. Good evening, al! Thanks Argyle for the great write-up, especially the musical links. “Jim Dandy” will be coming to my rescue for days. And thanks Neville for a fun Election Day puzzle. One nice feature of this blog for me is seeing who the constructor is (our paper doesn’t print that info), and getting familiar with the different styles. Hats off to those who keep us so entertained!

    Fairly smooth solve today. Got a chuckle out of the clue/answer for Sit-N-Spin. Didn’t really catch on to the theme until the reveal, but the clues were straightforward enough. My daughters are both in their 20’s now, so I’m blissfully unfamiliar with all things Justin Bieber. Noticed that there have been several references to ventriloquist’s dummies over the past few days – they always kinda give me the willies, even when they’re as funny as Mortimer SNERD or Jeff Dunham’s crazy crew.

    Husker Gary, that was a truly frightening MUGSHOT link – maybe the inspiration for the Joker’s make-up in the recent Batman movie?

    Voted on my way in to work this morning, and was glad to see our polling place was hopping. Now to settle in for a long night of watching the returns – DH has been glued to the set all evening. He’s a real news junkie, but I’ve had my fill for a while after this.

  80. Michele,

    So sorry about your dog. My daughter and family have a Chocolate Lab. She is about 14 years old they will soon have to make the same decision.It is very hard.


  81. Thanks to everyone for your kindness and links.

    Texas required ID to vote this time. A decade of talking about changing electoral college system has not accomplished it. Will we try to do it now? I hope so.

  82. TTP & Lemonade,

    Yes, "impossible" is my term for "this could take a long while." Hopefully you can still get through it AND it's fun. That's what I was going for.

    I know that souteneur means ---- in English (and it comes from French), but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there are other words for it in French (Canadian or otherwise).

  83. Greetings!

    Nice puzzle, Neville! Fun expo, Argyle!

    I was really tired last night, so puzzle took considerably longer than 4 min. Of course, I could not accomplish that feat typing with my left hand on my MacBook Pro anyway. My best time ever is 6.25 minutes, I think. NetWord's Monday puzzle. BTW, Monday's CrossSynergy (Sp?) was nearly impossible.

    I work 4 sudokus daily. They are all available for free. Since LAT screwed up their puzzles, do not get theirs. (They require all sorts of advanced logic anyway, later in the week, which is quite time consuming.) Like the jumble and crossword jumble. Do not get impressive scores on the former since the time flies by so fast.

    Deepest sympathy to Michele.

    Liked the cartoons folks! Thanks!

    Am missing both versions of NCIS tonight.

    Love all episodes of Person of Interest.

    Anyone see Homeland this week? Next week's previews look really even more intense!


  84. You can get a picture state ID without having it be a driver's license. I have to explain that when patient's of mine have to give up driving that they can turn the DL in for the other.

  85. Hi All ~

    Very late today ~ it's all been said. A fun puzzle ~ thanks, Neville. I really enjoyed your write-up, Argyle ~ wonderful links!

    Michele ~ I'm so sorry about the loss of your dog ~ such a difficult thing to go through. Thanks for the link to the "Rainbow Bridge," Mari. I've always tried to find comfort in that. I hope you can too, Michele.

    Glad you're back, CED ~ loved the cat links. =^.^=

    Off to watch election results ~

  86. Thing about Driver's License ID - in NYS it costs 164.50 for 8 years - and you must pass an eye test. They want their $, so they send you a bill and instructions ahead of time.

    My sister and her hubby flew in to Maine from Iowa and went to rent a car for the wedding in NH. Lo and behold, their licenses had run out. This is a c'est la vie state where it costs $20 for 5 years, and you don't need insurance until you hit someone and can't work it out. Well, they had to beg rides all weekend.

  87. Good evening, folks. Thank you, Neville, for a swell puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the fine review.

    Well, I finished the puzzle this morning, but had no way to log in until tonight. I worked the polls all day.

    Enjoyed the puzzle. It was a good Tuesday level. I have no time or energy to read all the entries for the day. I got up at 3:00 AM to get ready for my responsibilities for the day. I am shot.

    Caught the theme early. Good one, for election day, the Flag.

    I am going to hit the hay.

    See you tomorrow.


  88. AJ sorry about that my brain locked on potato salad I guess, hence the German. The pictures were nice but what is inside?

  89. I've got a balky computer and I'm trying to renovate my parent's house and move in. I Managed to get in to turn in my ballot at 6:00 this evening, but just got the puzzle done. Would have beat 10 minutes, but one of the neat tricks my computer has developed is to back-page randomly so I have to start over.
    Went to the nearest polling place and they had a drive-thru drop off for those like me that can't get organized enough to mail in a mail-in ballot.
    Sold my house and moved into a rental last April. It's never been wired for TV, so I didn't set it up as I'll be out in Dec. I haven't seen a single political ad. (I do miss football) No new landline, either. Did get one call on my cellphone. Told them in no uncertain and in rather colorful terms that if that ever happened again, I'd never vote for their party in any election. Have a good night, those that are still up.

  90. Michele,
    The lines were rather long yesterday morning. And the old lady had trouble locating my name. Otherwise, it was fun.

    But I think I picked up a few candidates simply because I recognized their names due to campaign ads. I didn't really have understanding of what they stand for. And I did not really have choices on some judges. They only gave you one name and a write-in.


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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