, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: O-Le

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Dec 9, 2012


Happy Birthday to our always caring and attentive Hahtool!

Marti said that Hahtool sent her this seed idea. But after she completed the grid, she found out that the theme was done in an August NYT. She decided to release the puzzle here today to celebrate Hahtool's birthday.

Here is PDF (click on File, then Download).

Here is puz file (click on File, then Download).

Spoiler: Here is the answer grid.

Thanks for solving and we look forward to your comments.



  1. C.C. and Marti: I'm verklempt! What a nice surprise for my birthday! You are both so special. Thank you so much.

  2. Nice job, Marti! I feel better after my ignominious defeat on the LAT Sunday puzzle. This one was a walk in the park following my 4-mile walk around the 'hood.

    I've only got one nit. "Frodo's forest friends" has nice alliteration, but I don't think Frodo ever met an Ent. He and Samwise were off on their trek to Mount Doom when Merry and Pippin met the Ents.

  3. A fun little romp, Marti. Probably a Tuesday level. The only real hang up was figuring out VIBE from the clue.

    Have a very happy birthday, Hahtoolah!!

  4. Great fun Marti & Hahtoolah. I'm not sure I would have caught the theme right away if not for the "O-LE" hint, but I got going with THE EGO HAS LANDED - love it!

    I'm confused in one place ~ I'm sure it's word play but I'm just not getting it - dense. At 17A - I've heard of 'cradle robbers' but we have CREDO ROBBERS. I know 'credo' is faith, but ... Help!

  5. Neat theme, Hahtoolah! And super little puzzle, Marti

    Actually, its not that little; just coming off of that gargantuan {time and space} Sunday doozie.

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Desper-otto, I have never met many of the people on the blog, either - but I still consider them to be my "friends."

    LaLaLinda, the clue for CREDO ROBBERS is also a play on the phrase "faith healer." So, a faith stealer would rob someone else's beliefs. Oh, and THE EGO HAS LANDED is the seed entry that Hahtoolah thought of.

  7. The theme was such fun, great job Hahtoolah and marti. I was missing our conundrums.

    You really do put out some product miss m. I willhave to be careful if I ever mention a theme idea.

  8. What a fun puzzle, C.C. and Marti! I feel redeemed after botching the Sunday stumper. Had many chuckles with the theme entries!!

    This took under ten minutes and was waaaay more fun.

  9. Greetings!

    Thanks to all concerned!

    A very nice gift for my Sunday!

    (Brain wrung out after big puzzle worked yesterday.)

    HBTY again, Hahtoolah!


  10. Thanks, Marti. I guess I wasn't completely understanding the theme idea. I thought the O could be replaced with LE to form the new word and CREDLE was confusing me - doesn't take much. :-\

    Great idea for the seed entry, Hahtoolah!

  11. Thanks, Marti and Hatoolah, for a clever theme and a fun solve.

    Hope you had a super birthday, H.

  12. Fun puzzle Marti! Thinking of how some one would write it up, i too thought the theme LE replaced with O. But that doesn't fit with the missing a in eagle, or an "e" instead of an "a" in cradle/vie? I wanted to post an image of "the ego has landed", but they are all too political...

    The crossing of 49D & 69A was a personal Natick for me, & not knowing the last letter of the 48D martial art made me WAG it wrong. (nuts)

    WDS, (what desper-otto said)
    at the end of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo upon hearing of Merry & Pippins adventures laments that he never met an Ent.

  13. I just finished your O-Le puzzle, Marti, and liked it a lot. I oh so like your cluing; clever as all getout. How you think this stuff up is beyond me. Olé!

  14. Clever theme. Easy puzzle, more like a Wednesday. Refreshing after the monster today. And I especially liked some new clues and answers I haven't seen before. Good job, Marti!

    Happy birthday again, Hahtoolah!

  15. Well, that was a fun bonus! Thanks.

  16. Fun puzzle, Marti! My favorite clue: "Sara whom nobody doesn't like". Good for a chuckle!

  17. Credo/Cradle is weak.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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