, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Ki Lee

Gary's Blog Map

Dec 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Ki Lee

 Theme: Today - This day of the week is the theme and four words that can precede it.

17A. "Syndrome" that causes smartphone typos : FAT FINGER. "Mardi Gras"

24A. Dorothy clicked their heels to return to Kansas : RUBY SLIPPERS. "Ruby Tuesday"(3:18)

39A. Word that can follow the first words of 17-, 24-, 50- and 62-Across : TUESDAY

50A. Biker jacket material : BLACK LEATHER. "Black Tuesday"

62A. Evil genius's foe : SUPER HERO. "Super Tuesday"

Argyle Tuesday here. What other day of the week could get this treatment, I wonder. We have three actual days and one song as themes but with two great descending fill I can't quibble(especially with my shout out in the corner). In fact, all the fill seems sparkly to me. Ki Lee's two previous puzzles were well received.


1. Butts (into) : RAMS

5. Zodiac transition point : CUSP. related 60A. First of 12 : ARIES

9. Ambition : DRIVE

14. "On the Waterfront" director Kazan : ELIA

15. "A Death in the Family" author James : AGEE

16. Big name in real estate : RE/MAX. They seem to be nationwide.

19. Dangerous bacteria : E COLI

20. Unbroken : INTACT

21. "What's the __?": "Same thing" : DIF. Shortened form of DIFference.

23. Trying to break an NFL tie : IN OT. (OverTime)

27. "Understood!" : "YES, I SEE!"

30. "Milk's favorite cookie" : OREO

31. Vittles : EATS

32. Setting for many King novels : MAINE. His house in Bangor.

35. Big Pharma regulator : FDA. Pharma is an abbreviation for the pharmaceutical industry/ Food and Drug Administration.

38. Big gun lobby: Abbr. : NRA. (National Rifle Association)

41. Casual greetings : YOs

42. Devious : SLY

43. "Tomorrow" musical : "ANNIE". Broadway biggie opened in 1977 and ran for nearly six years.

44. Tries to win : WOOs

45. Math subj. : CALC. (calculus)

47. Temporary visit : SOJOURN. Nice word.

54. Campus military prog. : ROTC

55. PC key : ESC

56. Tyrant : DESPOT

64. Range : SCOPE

65. Boy or girl lead-in : ATTA

66. Agenda unit : ITEM

67. He's coming to town soon : SANTA. Or going to town, depending on your perspective.

68. Four quarters : YEAR

69. Overtake : PASS


1. Loan adjustment, for short : REFI

2. Arkin of "Argo" : ALAN. Good film?

3. Baseball glove : MITT

4. Jungle adventures : SAFARIs

5. "Impossible!" : "CAN'T BE!"

6. Sheepskin boots trademark : UGG. Still trendy?

7. Garden plantings : SEEDS

8. Danger : PERIL

9. Dr. of rap : DRE. The doctor is back in the house. Haven't seen him in a while.

10. Cooking instructions : RECIPE

11. Politician's "We have the same goals" : "I'M ONE OF YOU". Yeah, no matter who you are.

12. Bravery : VALOR

13. Departures : EXITS

18. Critical hosp. areas : ICU's. (Intensive Care Unit)

22. Apple on iTunes? : FIONA. (singer-songwriter and pianist)

25. Oman neighbor : YEMEN

26. Game to go after : PREY

27. Hankerings : YENS

28. British peer : EARL

29. Time off spent at home : STAYCATION. Great word.

33. "Just __ figured!" : AS I

34. Latin clarifier : ID EST

36. Departure point : DOOR

37. Homeowners' gp., e.g. : ASSN.

39. Discuss it : TALK

40. Mom's brother : UNCLE. or Dad's.

44. Church activity : WORSHIP

46. Receive willingly : ACCEPT

48. "Mercy me!" : "OH DEAR!"

49. Heckle : JEER

50. Military bigwigs : BRASS

51. "Bodas de Sangre" playwright GarcĂ­a __ : LORCA. Help!

52. College application part : ESSAY

53. Like some angles : ACUTE

57. Anti-fur org. : PETA. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

58. Loads from lodes : OREs

59. Alley prowlers : TOMs Cats.

61. The Red or the Black : SEA

63. Mom-and-pop gp. : PTA


Notes from C.C.:

Here is a beautiful picture of Kazie and her husband Barry at their wedding 40 years ago. She made her own dress! Love her hair.


  1. Hello Puzzlers -

    Nary a speed bump in sight today, the only unknown having been Lorca.

    The Fat Finger Syndrome is familiar. Even my slender paws are hard put to operate the keypad on the iPhone in portrait mode. I get a lot of help from Autocorrect.

    Cheers All!

  2. Morning, all!

    Totally crushed this Monday puzzle masquerading as a Tuesday one. Blew through it with no hesitation, even though I didn't pick up the theme until it was all over. Even LORCA was a gimme, and I'm usually the first to complain about "obscure" names.

  3. Good morning,

    Another relatively easy finish. Minor hold up at 47A when I tried to enter reunion. Eventually perps helped me uncover SOJOURN.

    11D, I'M ONE OF YOU could be a voters definition of WISHFUL THINKING these days.

    Raining heavily right now, but supposed to see the sun later in the day. Maybe my spirits will follow suit.

  4. Forgot to comment about PETA.

    There are a lot of hunters around here, and occasionally you'll see a bumper sticker for PETA, subtitled "People Eating Tasty Animals". As you might guess, such stickers are generally seen on rugged looking pickups with gun racks.

    I was born without the hunting gene, myself. Don't understand why folks are so drawn to it.

  5. Greetings!

    Must get to sleep! Dread coming procedure today (mentioned afore). Fun puzzle, Ki! Great expo, Argyle!

    Don't really know BLACK TUESDAY.

    Made the mistake of trying to work the Sunday CS puzzle (from WaPo). Really awful. Have you heard of a gyrene?


    1. Stock market crash in the 20'd

    2. Ferm,
      Not logged in but just wanted to wish you well on the surg procedure. I hope it will ease your mind to know its over and done with for now.

  6. Dudley: re: hunting.
    I think you've nailed it. It is genetic. In my case, when I was (much) younger I was an avid hunter. But when I bought my first farm at age 28 and could hunt any time I wanted, I lost interest and have not hunted since. As a livestock "husbander" I am occasionally troubled with predators, and we occasionally home slaughter an animal. But I no longer relish any act of killing. I believe our urban lifestyle, which extends even to most people who live in rural settings, often brings out the need for a primeval connection. But as one who lives "in nature" most every day, I prefer nurturing life rather than killing.
    I do have some sympathy for those who still hunt, but I have no interest. On guns: I still own them, but it is clear that we must do something to counter the tide of violence in our culture. I don't buy the "guns don't kill, people do" argument, but the problem goes deeper than the too-easy availability and the totally inappropriate ownership of military type weapons; from TV to video games to movies and pop culture, violence permeates our society. I don't think I'm making a political statement here, unless "all life is political". It's a sociological problem which, while there is probably no one solution, we must at least address honestly.
    The recent events make me glad I have no TV.

  7. Thank you Ki and thank you Argyle.

    67A. He's coming to town soon: Well, the Prez will be home for the holidays, but I typed in Santa.

    Time to make coffee and wake the frau. Last scheduled day of work until the new year.

    Kazie, very pretty. Lilacs in the background ? Or fruit tree ?

  8. Really enjoyed CC's puzzle yesterday. Couldn't write as I spent all day & evening in "back and forth" mode. More of same today.

    Ki Lee's{cute name} has less crunch, though didn't know LORCA. Liked the theme for "today".

    Thanks, Argyle, for great notes. STAYCATION is 1st for me. Neat, indeed.

    Kazie's pic is dear. I'm so impressed with her lovely dress!

    Have a nice day everyone.

  9. Here you go Argyle. You remembered Janis Joplin with the "Can't Be" answer.

    I just remembered sojurn ==> Seventh Sojurn ==> Moody Blues ==> Tuesday Afternoon

  10. Bawnjooer! (As they say in Geico commercials)

    I guess I'm the only one who had trouble with today's puzzle. I got it, but only after changing HIS to YOS, VIES to WOOS and STOPS IN to SOJOURN.

    Well said, Windy. Yes, Fermat, I've heard the term gyrene -- it's a deprecating term for a Marine.

    STAYCATION? I've been on one for years now. I'll bet most of you have as well.

  11. Great puzzle. Had problem with 36d. Just couldn't arrive at an aha.

    Tragedy in Conn: Stigma on mental health issues - is that a factor? Makes me wish I didn't have a TV, but there. IS an off button.

  12. Thank you Ki Lee, for a very nice puzzle, really enjoyed it. Thank you Argyle for your delightful comments and explanations.

    I had a lil trouble with LORCA, (Who?), STAYCATION (What?) and IN O.T. (couldn't parse it -). Had never heard of 'FIONA". But I still managed to complete it - with some lucky wags.

    I really worked hard yesterday, for an urgent job - but got it done, at 11.35 p.m. . I'm feeling quite pleased with myself today. I ought to learn from that experience, and never let things slide like that again. Never again.

    Yellow Rocks, Happy birthday ( belated). Glad you had a wonderful time at the party, and that everybody helped out, and shared in the responsibility. Many hands make for a lighter load. We have never had a B-day party for adults - my last birthday party was when I was 8. Maybe, its a culture thing. I get a few cards, but no presents, and no going out, for the occasion. Just another day in a life.

    Have a great week, you all and best wishes.

  13. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - total speed run today, just over four minutes without a pause. This 'Tuesday's easier than Monday' phenomenon has been going on for quite a while now.

    desper-otto, the term 'Gyrene' is not deprecating; it's used in the same sense as 'Leatherneck' or 'Devil Dog'. 'Jarhead' is deprecating, but fine among fellow Marines. Supposedly, 'Gyrene' was bastardized from 'GI' and 'Marine', but no one seems to know for sure.

    Windhover, Dudley, I used to hunt before Vietnam; I liked the challenge. Now I'd be hard-pressed to kill an animal unless my life was in danger. As to the gun issue, too many bad guys have them. As long as they have them, I'll have them. I believe in very tight controls, but they're not going to EVER stop the bad guys from obtaining guns. As long as that unfortunate fact is true, I'll do anything and everything to protect my family.

    On a lighter note, I learned today that the first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum, and that turtles can breathe through their, uh, butts.

    Actually, I know a few people who speak from that orifice as well...

    Have a fun day.

  14. Great TUESDAY puzzle. Very nice. Quick, but not too speedy.

    I never liked UGG boots. I think they're UGGly and don't get the fascination.

    I liked
    - 22D: Apple on iTunes? FIONA (even though I don't listen to FIONA Apple's music.)
    - 36D: Departure Point: DOOR

    Great words: SOJOURN, STAYCATION, PERIL. I've taken many a STAYCATION. We're required to take at least 5 work days off in a row each year. No work and no money = STAYCATION.

    TTP: Last scheduled work day of the year? I'm jealous! Enjoy your time off.

    1. Mari I agree on uggs and had a hard time on sojourn. I'm trying to get my ability up to passibility. I haven't completed a crossword yet-close-hopefully someday.

  15. Nice photo Kazie. Time flies, no?

  16. Good morning. I agree with Barry. It was a quick and easy Monday type puzzle.

    Kazie, you were a lovely bride with a lovely dress.

    We have gone on vacation every year, except one. Sometimes it was only camping; most times we traveled. That one year, because he had a slew of kids and step kids we had a staycation. We visited all the tourist places nearby which most locals ignore and slept at home. We had a ball.

    Windy, well said. Those are my thoughts exactly.

    PK and all, thanks for the early birthday wishes. Wouldn't it have been fun to have all of you, my Corner friends , at my party? My actual 75th birthday is on Dec.25. Sorry, for my non answer yesterday. . Somehow it bothers me when unidentified people ask me personal questions.

    JD, My party was easy because I hired a hall and a caterer for the main meal. One of my sisters and I made the hors d'oeuvers. My son and his wife provide centerpieces and cake. The DJ, who is also a friend, charged about 1/3 of his normal fee. My large family helped. My main job was organizing and planning. At my age I have started to hire out things I always did all by myself.

  17. Good morning, everyone! Really enjoyed this puzzle – thanks, Ki. Got the theme before I remembered that today is Tuesday. Better pour that second cup of java to clear the fog! Great expo, Argyle … I mean, Santa.

    A very smooth run today, only needing to wait on perps to fill LORCA. Favorite theme answer was RUBY SLIPPERS. The Wicked Witch of the West used to scare the bejeezus out of me as a kid. I make many FAT FINGER errors trying to type on my smart phone touchscreen. But unlike Dudley, I find autocorrect more frustrating than helpful. I thought Loads from Lodes was a fresh way to clue the old standby ORES.

    Last day at work before my holiday STAYCATION – by which I mean, everyone is staying at my house! My favorite kind of barely controlled chaos.

    Have a great day all.

  18. Good morning everyone.

    Fairly easy today, no searches needed. Got LORCA from the perps. Agree with Argyle about SOJOPURN. Aren't all visits temporary? That's what makes it a visit. (Not a nit.) Liked the ARIES/CUSP clecho. Had trouble spelling WOOS. D'uh. Good job, Ki.

    LMAO at Dennis's turtle breathing/speaking comment.

    Oh, nice photo, Kazie.

    Enjpy the day.

  19. Nice Tuesday walk in the park. Thank you.

    "RE/MAX. They seem to be nationwide."

    They are, even out in the sticks where I live. They sold my house. No complaints.

    "Arkin of "Argo" : ALAN. Good film?"

    I'll find out when it comes to TV.

    "Politician's "We have the same goals" : "I'M ONE OF YOU". Yeah, no matter who you are."

    Regarding the fiscal cliff: Don't be fooled by today's optimism; there will be no deal to avert the sequester until after the new year.

  20. "Dudley: re: hunting.
    I think you've nailed it. It is genetic."


  21. Thanks for the photo comments everyone. I had sent C.C. our Christmas letter and the photo was included in it with the anniversary announcement for all our friends who hadn't seen our local newspaper where we announced it in September. When she asked about posting it, I mentioned that since we did the whole thing on the cheap, I had even made the dress myself. I wanted something simple--just antique satin suited for whatever weather might happen in early spring for a garden wedding. It wasn't nearly as fitted or revealing as wedding dresses are these days.

    I don't really know what the flowers were. My cousin had gone all out to get the garden looking nice, but had to put out some potted things to fill any gaps.

    Glad your party went well, and belated Happy Birthday!

    I fear the waistline has flown with those years!

    CW went well for me today, but with several perp assists, as I wouldn't have known FIONA, or LORCA. I liked seeing SOJOURN and STAYCATION.

  22. Thank you, TTP. Gosh, they were young then. Looks kike they were in a night club.

    Here's one of my favorite Tuesdays, Tuesday Weld.

  23. Easy romp today. Only complete unknown was Lorca, but it filled easily. Definitely no worse than Tuesday difficulty level.

    My favorite Tuesday song.

    And Mardi Gras merits a play.

  24. Good morning:

    Good Tuesday offering with no bumps in the road. Got the theme early on and breezed right through the rest. Lorca came right away as he was in a puzzle not too long ago.

    Thanks, Ki, for your fine effort and thanks, Argyle, for your equally fine expo.

    Fermatprime, good luck with your procedure.

    Kazie, lovely picture.

    Have a nice Tuesday.

  25. Good morning and happy Tuesday. Nice speed run for me as well. Thanks to Ki Lee and Argyle for your links. I also never heard of Lorca. Sojourn reminded me of space probe that had that name. I am on a permanent staycation,but after the holidays I will be taking a few classes at the local comm. college.
    Have a great day to all RJW .

  26. re: hunting

    Mother nature's grand design demands predation from all participants.

    re: guns

    Opinions are like skin pores, everyone has some.

  27. Not much to say about the puzzle except that the "Fat Finger" problem was mentioned on NPR yesterday. It featured this sound bite from The Simpsons in which a Siri-like voice says to Homer, "The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now".

  28. Al Cyone, that reminds me of the time they installed electronic phones in our Chicago office back in the late '70's. The instructions to pick up a ringing phone not your own was pound nine followed by the extension that was ringing. Yup, the office manager destroyed the phone due to his excessive pounding on the nine.

  29. Hi all.... this was fairly easy for me. A few stumblers in there (LORCA)
    and FIONA. I still do not understand the clue/answer for that. Could someone explain.

    35A (BIG PHARMA) had me thinking of some place in India!! There are toooo many abbreviations in our language anymore.

    Windhover: Well said, also how many women do you see hunting? Must be the MALE gene causing this activity.

    Dennis: (7:47) LOL I have heard a few "turtles" speak too, even have known a few.

    Kazie: love your dress, what talent!! I can only sew buttons back on and repair SOME ripped seams.

  30. Hello, Peeps.

    What a fresh sashay from Ki Lee today. I whipped right through it.

    Federico Garcia-Lorca (1898-1936) is a giant in Spanish literature. Bodas de Sangre, literally, Blood Weddings, is quite dark like a Shakespearean tragedy. But his poetry sings with imagery, love and pathos.

    He died very young during the civil war although a legend persists that he was murdered possibly either because of his beliefs or because he was gay.

    You were a beautiful bride!

    SANTA, where oh where is your photo? Great job as always, Argyle, thank you.

    Have SUPER Tuesday, everyone!

  31. Now listen up everybody. This is how SANTA will allocate resources this year.

    Argo was an excellent film. I commented on it a couple weeks ago. I love ALAN Arkin. Here he is in The Russians are Coming The Russians are Coming

  32. Forgot to comment on ARGO, a really good film. Warning: language!

    I also mentioned it a few weeks ago. It's riveting and the acting is superb!

  33. Nice Tuesday puzzle with Argyle’s review.

    Didn’t breeze right through it, but it was a quick solve.

    Where I live, almost everyone hunts for meat to eat. Deer, antelope, elk and pheasant abound. Many women (including me, my daughter and d-i-l) have hunted, although we have all quit now. Don’t have the big families to feed anymore. When my children were growing up, venison was on the menu 2-3 times a week. I had many good recipes.
    It became quite an issue when guns were no longer allowed on school property and we have many students who go out and hunt after school until dark. They had to learn to park out on city streets so as not to get into trouble for their hunting guns in pickup racks. Many live on farms up to 70 miles away, so not convenient to go home first and then out to hunt. Town kids could keep guns at home.

    It is interesting how different all of our lifestyles are or have been. My CT son expresses amazement now, when he comes home, at how extremely different the NYC area and Montana are.

    Have a good day,

  34. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Ki Lee, for a swell puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the greatr write-up.

    Got started easily and zipped through most of the puzzle.

    My hangup was the SW corner. Never heard of a STAYCATION. I eventually figured it out. It does make sense and I have had many of those.

    LORCA was with perps. ARIES was tough too. Even though I am one.

    UGG boots are still popular. We just ordered my daughter a second pair for Christmas at a cost of $150.

    Hunting is fine, either you like it or you don't. I have hunted and will again, in PA. I have never fired a gun in Illinois. You cannot hunt deer in Illinois with a rifle. Shotgun only. Too much flat land and not enough trees. 100 years ago there were no deer in Pennsylvania. The farmers killed them all off. There were no rules. The state got involved and repopulated the deer and then regulated the hunting.

    It is snowing lightly in NE Illinois. Not sure if we will have a white Christmas.

    Off to my day.

    See you tomorrow.


  35. FAT FINGER? Okay, the theme is two F words on Ki Lee’s nice puzzle. Oops. I second Argyle’s summation.

    -My thumb typing is horrible. Get me to a keyboard!
    -I have a soft BLACK LEATHER (lamb) bomber coat that I need to replace and I either can’t find one or they are $500. They must be out of fashion.
    -I’ll never prefer James AGEE to the old Met Tommy! I guess some of us ain’t so good on literature as we are on baseball!
    -DESPOTS across the Middle East were/are horrible and used inhumane methods to keep “order”. I hope that part of the world can now rule themselves civilly.
    -Signs of spring - Sighting the first robins and Burpee SEEDS on the racks
    -Those politicians are ONE OF YOU until they reach the Potomac for a round of log rolling.
    -Loved Apple on iTunes clue
    -Don’t let the DOOR hit cha in the…
    -With so many people living in apartments and town homes, HOA dues are very common and quite substantial now
    -We all had/have our favorite and least favorite UNCLE, don’t we?
    -What Windy said on guns and sociology. I killed a blackbird with a borrowed pellet gun that was diving at our cat and felt bad for a week. I am missing that gene too.
    -Happy Anniversary Kazie and what a great picture. On what side of the International Dateline was it taken?

  36. File under “You win some, you lose some”. Joann backed into our garbage container and broke out a plastic taillight lens. Yesterday, I went to the dealership where I bought the car for an oil change and have the taillight lens repaired. After an hour of waiting, they told me they had ordered the wrong part and I would have to come back today. After another hour of waiting this morning (after I had requested a specific time to minimize my wait) I got a bill for $200 to replace that small piece of plastic!!

    I then took my aforementioned BLACK LEATHER coat down to the shoe repair shop to get the zipper repaired expecting a $100 bill and a week wait or to be told it was not fixable. My former student simply replaced the zipper slide while I waited and charged me $9.00.

    Is that a wash?

  37. Delightful speed-run, fit for a Monday, but totally on target for our TUESDAY today! Thank you, Ki Lee. And you too, Argyle, although I somehow missed your shout-out.

    Lucina, many thanks on the additional information about LORCA. Haven't read him since college, and didn't know about his sad end.

    Beautiful wedding pic, Kazie. And good luck on the procedure today, Fermatprime.

    Since my husband's stroke, we can only take STAYCATIONs since we have to stay near local hospitals and so can't travel anymore. I get cabin fever staying at home all the time, and so four times a year we take a few days and visit a local hotel. This has turned out to be a satisfying solution for us. Since our family visited at Thanksgiving and we'll be alone at Christmas, we'll be heading off for one of these on Saturday. I'll miss the Corner, though.

    Have a great day, everybody.

  38. Misty, the shout out to Argyle was SANTA - his "other" nickname. (But instead of bringing us presents just once a year, he brings them twice a week - lol!)

  39. Carol, The artist's name is Fiona Apple.

  40. Hi Y'all, This is a D'oh day for me. I could not come up with Tuesday! Didn't help that I spelled YEMiN. Never heard of FIONA Apple although I sorta thought it had to be FIONA, but thought it was some electronic thing not a person. I got stuck on the "go after" thing and wanted PREp. So simple! Me, not the puzzle!

    Thank you, Santa, for making sense of this.

    My sign is ARIES but I'd never heard of LORCA so had a blank instead of "R". Duh, again.

    Otherwise, I thought the puzzle was interesting and fun! Think my mind was out the door with the errands I have to run.

    Today is the first time I ever noticed the "ESC" button on my IMAC. Now if I learn what it is for.

    Fermatprime: Praying for you with your surgery!

    Happy anniversary, Kazie! Young & lovely, ye were!

    Windhover: articulate and right, as usual!

    1. The latter is one of the nice things you get from living in a small town/city and dealing with a locally owned business.

  41. Hello everybody. Cool puzzle today. Easy but required some thinking; not totally autopilot. Like Gary, when I got FAT FINGER I thought the theme was going to be words that both begin with F or with the same letter. But RUBY RIPPERS didn't work :)

    Loved the long down fill.

    Good to see well-articulated opinions.

    Nice photo, kazie.

    Best wishes to you all.

  42. Quick puzzle! My first cup of coffee was still too hot to sip after I had finished. The only unknown was LORCA--easy perp. Last fill was the second O in WOOS.

    Montana, you nailed it. For those who do not understand: For many, hunting IS about an affordable food source. It is quite obtuse to think that women and even young girls do not hunt, or that it is some primordial feat to kill an animal. I have lived all over the Pacific Northwest, and now in Montana. Most families I know (and being a public school teacher, I know a LOT of families) hunt as families for sustenance.

    On a second note, if it weren't for hunting, natural populations of deer, elk, antelope, etc. would over-run our nation’s food source. I would guess that most of you are so far removed from this that it has never entered your minds. Since we (as developed humans) have entered into the agricultural revolution, and filled our country’s prairies of natural grasses with endless waves of grain, the need to control "natural grazers" has become critically essential. This is the other, other need for hunting.

    Know this: While the US consists of a total of 2,379,964,800 acres, over 922,000,000 acres of this is agricultural farmland. This is almost half. On the whole, our natural populations of wildlife have little trouble finding a steady food source; thereby these populations surpass any normal naturally-based carrying capacity for individual environments. Hunting keeps these numbers in check. If anyone wants to lobby to abolish hunting, then they better be willing to accept the deletion of modern agriculture as well.


  43. Really easy for Tuesday; switch it with Monday.

    Re PETA: A friend of mine arrived for golf and he was extremely distraught because he had hit a bird on the way. He continued talking about the poor bird all day.

    Later, at lunch, he described a great hunting trip from the weekend when, from a blind in the tree, he had blown the brains out of a deer that had come to eat the applies he had placed on the ground. I never will understand hunters.

  44. It's so late that everyone has already taken the words out of my mouth. But I wanted to put in my two cents and say what a beautiful wedding picture, Kazie!

  45. Argyle (aka: Santa) Thank you for the explanation of Fiona. I had no idea her name was Apple.

    Ironguy...I don't think those of us who dislike hunting are obtuse. I understand it perfectly, I just choose not to do it. You go right ahead and have a wonderful time with it, no one said you are wrong. Many members of my family and my husband's family hunt and fish on a regular basis. My husband dislikes the thought of killing any animal, funny, my Dad felt the same way. He preferred shooting them with a camera :)
    I know we need both types.

  46. Carol: I agree with you.

    Know that I do not mean that those who choose not to hunt are obtuse. I only mean to say that those who attack the NEED for hunting to exist as a balance between nature, human sustenance, human interference into nature, and modern agriculture are obtuse and ignorant. I do not believe hunting is for everyone, nor do I believe that everyone should hunt. But to say that those who hunt have a predisposed-genetic -(disorder) -drive to kill is certainly an obtuse, ignorant, and absurd viewpoint.

  47. Still catching up from yesterday.

    Spitz@2:10yest, loved the motorcycle riding dog!
    Tinbeni@2:46yest, cool cat, not so much the cat, but the guy riding the bike keeping his cool while that cat digs in with its claws!!!

    Anon@8:43pmyest, Evil Garlic Press! That was the clip i was looking for!!!

    CC@4:34am yest, but today? i mean on yesterdays Blog today???

    Well that makes about as much sense as your typo, "if you don't like garlic, swallow 1 Glove whole???

    Re: Today, The SE Corner had me backed into a dark alley when it turmed out it was not "cats" but "Toms."

    Happy Tuesday

    smart cat

  48. Ironguy, I guess my comment on women hunting could have been misconstrued. I just meant that today's hunters and fishermen are mostly male. Just bring me the results, and I will cook them up. (won't clean them though) :)

  49. Surprised that so many haven't heard of Lorca. As another poster noted, he is a giant of Spanish literature.

  50. The whole idea of hunting and hunters makes me sick. What humane person takes pleasure in hurting and killing an innocent living thing?

  51. SANTA Argyle: Nice write-up & links.
    Ki Lee: Thank you for a FUN TUESDAY theme (seems appropriate).

    Winhover & Ironriteguy: Thanks for the well measured comments. I totally agree.

    Anon @2:59 I'm sure all the beef you eat was "taken-out" humanely.

  52. Hi all,
    This was a little easier than yesterday. I got a lot with the perps but still missed a couple.

    Kazie,your picture is beautiful, congradulations on 40 years!

    To me, Ruby Tuesday ls a restaurant. I never knew it was a song.

    We seldom had Birthday parties when I was a kid in the 30s and 40s but I did have a 16th birthday party. I had actually forgotten about it until today.

    I never liked hunting. My DH grew up on a farm and they did some hunting. He has not hunted since we were married but did sometimes go with Men from his first Church in Kansas before we were married.The DNR allows hunting morning doves, etc. There's not much of them left to eat after they are shot so it doesn't see necessary to me. Wolves were endangerd for many years and could not be hunted but now that there are a lot of them they can be hunted. However, they could only kill 200 in the whole state so though many hunted only a few got any.

    We had E-COLI in our well and had to have it flushed with clorine. The man who did it said it had come from spiders who got in because the well cover wasn't tight enough. Spiders carry E-COLI.

    Good afternoon!

  53. Ki Lee,
    Thank you for a nice puzzle!

  54. Carol, you want to cook up the male hunters ?

    Might be the just the right amount of fat marbled muscle. Delmonico maybe.

    USDA Prime A grade, fer sure.

    Don't try to clean them up though, they might put up a fight.

  55. Dave,
    I figure PK does not like the smell of garlic, but garlic is such a powerful health booster. So I suggest she then swallows a clove whole. Too much? I'm a firm believer in fresh garlic and ginger. I'm up by 3:30am every morning, by the way.

  56. C.C. & Dave, I don't mind the smell or taste of garlic, but it doesn't like me. What I meant about never having it in the house, was I haven't the first clue what to do with a clove of garlic--how to prepare it. I've never been in a kitchen where anyone was using cloves of garlic.

    My family and my husband's family never used it. This part of the country was settled mostly by German & Irish people who don't seem to use it as much as Italians, etc. No Italians or Mexicans in our little neck of the prairie. My mother and I didn't even use onions that much because my dad & my son wouldn't eat anything with onion in it. Mother made chili soup rarely and served Chef Boyardi Spaghetti-Os. That was the extent of her Mex & Italian cuisine.

    I never had pizza until I left home at age 18.

    My mother-in-law was in her 80's when she was given Prevention magazine which touted the health benefits of garlic. So she started ingesting garlic medicinally--not in food, because "it would ruin the taste". She hung a clove around her neck until her kids teased her out of it.

  57. Ironriteguy:
    If that's what you thought I was saying,you're mistaken. By genetic I meant that the hunting instinct is ingrained in us, or at least in our psyche, maybe by some primeval memory. I have nothing against others hunting. I just have no interest.

    To be clear, I raise livestock, and most years I slaughter 30-40 lambs, 8-10 1200# steers, and a few goats. And as a shepherd, a stray dog crossing my property had better have life insurance. And a la Dennis, so had an intruder in my home.

    But my point was, there are people who should not have guns, as well as guns (the Bushmaster .223, for example) no citizen needs to own, and we need to fix that. If it inconveniences a few "hunters", tough s--t.

    And finally, back to the anon early today, the irony of an anonymous critic calling anything banal is laughable.

  58. When I was on the farm, I considered guns a necessity like any other tool. Rabbits are real pests. Ate my garden produce. Killed my little fruit trees, eating the bark in winter. One winter the rabbit population was so high, the snow in my yard was yellow & brown with their droppings. You can bet, my boys were asked to whittle down the numbers.

    My boys were trained in gun safety. My girls weren't interested much--took it at 4-H camp to meet boys, I think.

    We also had coyotes which should have killed all the rabbits. They preferred eating our cats who were there to eat the rodents.

    I have a cornfield where the acres closest to the river are chawed down every year by deer. One of my farmer's hired men likes to hunt. He's welcome in my creek bend. A farm is just a different world which makes us aware of the food chain and survival of the fittest. What the deers eat doesn't produce money so I can eat.

  59. It's always interesting how these conversations develop.....(Sometimes very strange, but interesting nonetheless).

    I doubt anyone has a reason to apologize, it's just an expression of opinion, or more directly, a vent. Particularly you, PK. You have an entirely down-to-earth attitude that works. (This goes for you too, Windy, but you already know that).

    So, in an effort to lighten the mood, here's a song PK's second to last post reminded me of: Little Italy Rag. It doesn't talk specifically about garlic, but it sorta does.

    And as a footnote to C.C.'s comment, I'm of the belief that all of the alliums are beneficial in a diet. They may not win you a lot of friends, but they keep enough bad stuff away that the risk is worth it.

  60. Anon (3:46) LOL no, if you read my sentence, I said "bring me the RESULTS", meaning the results the hunter or fisherman got and I would cook them (the results; elk, deer, trout, not the guys) Of course, I have been known to 'undress' a few guys, some of them were 'prime beef' and never put up a fight when I 'cleaned' them up.

  61. like onion and garlic in moderation in cooked dishes that benefit from their flavor. I just don't tolerate raw onions on anything. I ask them to hold the onions in salads, on burgers, etc. The taste and smell seem to linger and bother me for the next few hours.

    I've never been much of a hunter. I went out around the Chesapeake Bay with a couple of high school friends and a couple of shotguns to try our hands at duck hunting. I finally shot at a duck. It flew down to the water apparently injured. We never did find it. I felt terrible and never had a taste for hunting after that.

    My disagreement would be with people who shoot animals just to display their heads as trophies. Also, I just heard a NRA member explaining how he needed to have an assault rifle, etc. to protect himself from the government. He seemed to be a bit paranoid to me.

  62. I had a good time with this puzzle. Loads/loads was my favorite clue.

    Kazie, lovely wedding picture! Weddings were less of a "production" in the 70s, weren't they?

    C.C., what time to you go to bed when you get up so early? I'm usually up at 5:20 to be to work by 6:30. I start turning into a pumpkin by 9 or so.

    Tomorrow I am on vacation until New Years Eve. Kids are coming! Yay!

  63. I find it funny when certain posters here spew forth their resume seemingly to make their opinion more important than others. As Shania once sang, "it don't impress me much."

    The usual suspects are at it again.

  64. @6:28
    You're right ...
    I can't believe how many gutless anons are commenting today.

  65. I used to hunt when younger but then raising a family took priority. I lost all interest or desire for it after a while. Even now when I see deer or once every couple of years a moose in my back yard, I reach for my camera not my .308.
    As for guns, yes, I own some, OK several, both long guns and handguns,
    for sport and protection. In a town with a part time P.D. and the station at least 15 minutes away, I prefer my type of security. I taught all my children how to use them safely, responsibly and accurately when I felt they were old enough to learn and knew a gun wasn't a toy.(HG, I wasn't joking about Nicole's ability with the pistol a couple weeks back. But you are welcome anytime:) )

  66. A fake, meaningless screen name along with a stock photograph of some random liquid in a snifter glass makes one less anonymous?

  67. Tinbeni: By the tone of the anons I believe they are all one and the same!

    Best regards,

    Chris Crocker!

  68. Tin Man,
    Always enjoy exchanging emails with you!
    Anon@ 6:46 That's the difference!

  69. Good one @Tinbeni - just thinking the same thing.

    I use so much garlic in my cooking, no vampire is ever going to git me!

    Another fine TUESDAY puzzle. Thanks Ki Lee.

  70. Just my opinion on the assault rifle.
    About two months ago someone came over to target shoot and show me his new toys. An AK type rifle and an
    AR 15. Although I preferred shooting the AR 15 over the AK , in reality I couldn't help but think that outside of the military or police this weapon has no redeeming value for anyone else to own. Again, just my two cents.

  71. My Dad tried to take us pheasant or squirrel hunting. The first time the shotgun's kickback bruised my shoulder, I quit! I know I have all your sympathy?!? My sister loved it and my Dad bought her a gun for Christmas. My brother never liked hunting to my Dad's disappointment.

    I never liked the gamey taste or having to spit out buckshot.

  72. All this talk of the G word ! Hand up for loving it. Garlic !

    I am a big fan. On our recent trip out west, we drove down the 101 past the fields of Gilroy on way to Monterey and Carmel. Would go to the festival if I were there.

    Just bought 4 more bulbs at Dominicks on Saturday. Dominicks is the Illinois chain of Safeway Corp that you left coasters know as Vons and Safeway stores. In Texas, they are the Randalls Stores.

    They were on sale at 50 cents a piece, but got them with my "Just 4 U" savings card at 29 cents apiece. Products of Gilroy of course. Bet Garlic Girl gets them much cheaper than 29 cents each !

    As to rabbits, they can be a pest. Planting daffodils and bearded irises in your garden helps, or so the lore goes. YMMV.

  73. Argyle, I read this and thought it was pretty neat. I like the song but never knew this:

    In the 1990 Documentary "The Moody Blues: Legend of a Band," Bassist John Lodge described "I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)" as a response to fans who mistakenly read guru-like wisdom into the Moodies' often philosophical lyrics. The song makes a clear statement that the band is just as worried by the crises of the modern world and has just as few answers as everyone else.

  74. Ironrite Guy - I agree with your conclusion that the irritable anon posts are from the same person. I suspect his irritability is the result of someone having peed in his Wheaties this morning. Maybe he'll have gotten over it by tomorrow.

  75. TTP,
    My daughter was making cupcakes today and the only recipes she wanted were ones that called for egg whites.I believe it was you who posted that link on how to separate egg white from yolk. Well both my wife and daughter thought I was full of s@#t when I told them I could do it because they just couldn't manage it the old fashion way. Worked liked a charm! I am now a hero again in my own home.

  76. Java Mama - now that's funny! Well said.

    Other news that has almost nothing to do with guns and such: based on a Netflix suggestion, we just watched the movie Christmas Story. This is not the familiar A Christmas Story about a boy who wants a BB gun, but a different one about the life and times of Nicholas, who becomes Santa. The movie is Finnish but the version we saw was dubbed with American voices in Enfglish. It is superb and I happily, heartily recommend it to anyone. Email me if you want more info!

  77. Trust me, they are not from the same person. And I don't eat meat.

  78. ANONs, Some of you sound like fine, interesting people. We would love for you to join our community. The difference between most of the other anons and the regulars is that we share parts of our own lives and personalities. We share each other's joys and pains. We have become virtual friends and don't take pot shots at one another. If you want a place at our table, be nice, give of yourself, and join us in friendly conversation.

  79. What I posted today is not a vent so much as promoting understanding of different ways of life. I love garlic and onions but they give me severe gastric distress. I know TMI. I can't eat many things I like.

  80. Regarding the Google Doodle for the end of the world:
    We don't hear any more about that minister who twice forecast the end of the world. I wonder how many gullible people were influenced? Does he still have a congregation? Are his ancestors Mayan?

  81. Qli,
    No later than 8:30pm. I try to be in bed when "Fresh Air" starts.

  82. Mardi Gras is actually PHAT Tuesday (no F) and not wimpy Monday!
    peta = People Eating Tasty Animals = Psychopathic Evil Thugs for Animals = animal-crazy goofballs


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