, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, January 7, 2013 Diane Upchurch

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 7, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013 Diane Upchurch

Theme: Brr! - Ending homophones.

19A. Dreary late fall forecast : CLOUDY AND CHILLY

37A. Food truck order : HOT DOG WITH CHILI

50A. South American seaport : VALPARAISO, CHILE

Argyle here. You knew CHILE was coming but VALPARAISO ...! Map. Appears to be a debut for our constructor. Three grid spanners, four good blocks in the corners, decent fill but maybe more appropriate for a Tuesday. That's no reflection on Diane, of course and tomorrow we may say Monday wasn't so hard.


1. Red-headed clown : BOZO

5. Enzyme ending : ASE. Mayonnaise is an enzyme? Oh, wait....

8. Oak nut : ACORN. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

13. With, on le menu : AVEC. French restaurant.

14. Tiger Woods's ex : ELIN. Slideshow of what she's been up to, if you care.

15. "Bad, Bad" Brown, in a Croce song : LEROY. clip.(3:03)

16. DEA agent : NARC

17. 1958 film that won nine Oscars : GIGI. The list.

18. Not showy : PLAIN

22. Spices (up) : PEPS

23. Fond du __, Wisconsin : LAC. Literally it means "foot" or "bottom of the lake".

24. Lend a hand : ASSIST

27. Airport safety gp. : TSA. (Transportation Security Administration)

29. Bible book following the Gospels : ACTS

33. Brew, as tea : STEEP

34. Cheese on a ham sandwich : SWISS

36. Primitive shelter : HUT

40. Quarterback Manning : ELI. New York Giants quarterback.

41. Big name in air conditioning : TRANE

42. Have pizza delivered, say : EAT IN

43. Put in the mail : SEND

45. Give the once-over : EYE. ...but not leer, I swear.

46. Spellbound : ENRAPT

47. Go __: lose it : APE

49. "Trinity" novelist Leon : URIS. "A novel of Ireland".

58. Giraffe relative : OKAPI. Umm, what picture today?

59. Gulf War missile : SCUD

60. Online periodical, for short : E-MAG

61. Easily wrinkled fabric : LINEN

62. The Beatles' "__ Comes the Sun" : HERE. Clip.(3:06) It's finally coming up earlier.

63. "Scram!" : "SHOO!"

64. Hägar's dog : SNERT

65. Mind-reading, briefly : ESP

66. Throw easily : TOSS


1. Judge's seat : BANC. It sounds hard but I've only seen them in cushy chairs.

2. Shaped like Obama's office : OVAL

3. Celsius freezing point : ZERO

4. Busy : OCCUPIED

5. Police blotter name : ALIAS

6. "What's your __?" : SIGN

7. City NNW of Oklahoma City : ENID

8. Male in charge : ALPHA

9. Toyota until 2006 : CELICA. I call my Celica a Troyota because I bought it in Troy, not far from Irish Miss.

10. Vocally expressed : ORAL

11. Churn up : ROIL

12. Part of NASDAQ's address : NYNY. A city, a state, a way of life.

14. Land with pyramids : EGYPT

20. Tough ruler : DESPOT. What New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg would like to be.

21. What plaids and stripes do : CLASH

24. Result of hearth burn : ASHES. Any one see that as heart burn? I didn't think so.

25. Helped oneself, illegally : STOLE

26. Become established : SET IN

27. Strong string : TWINE

28. Building location : SITE

30. Singer/dancer Rivera : CHITA

31. Bloom from a bulb : TULIP

32. Time on the job : STINT

34. Rock to the music : SWAY

35. Nice to look at, as a landscape : SCENIC

38. Garson of "Mrs. Miniver" : GREER

39. Most severe : HARSHEST

44. Nattily attired : DAPPER. Dressed to the nines. Puttin' on the Ritz.

46. Steadily wear away : ERODE

48. Benjamin Moore product : PAINT

49. Use without authority : USURP

50. Lady __: Univ. of Tennessee team : VOLS. Shortened "Volunteers"

51. Like, with "to" : AKIN

52. Bowler's assignment : LANE. (Hi, Boomer)

53. Tennis great Arthur : ASHE

54. Freezes (up) : ICES. Not like a computer program.

55. "It seems to me," online : IMHO

56. Thailand neighbor : LAOS

57. Self-images : EGOs



  1. Greetings!

    Great puzzle, Diane; swell expo., Argyle!

    A speed record for me, though not intentionally.

    No comments!

    Have a great Monday!

  2. Worked Merl's Liberating puzzle. Quite a lot of fun! Really enjoy puzzles with substitutions! Have missed them greatly since we started having puzzles delivered
    to us on line! You can find his puzzle at the Washington Post

  3. Morning, all!

    Blew through this one in typical Monday fashion until I reached the crossing of TRANE (never heard of it) and GREER (heard of her, but didn't know she was in that movie). Fortunately, GREER was a familiar name, so once I got enough perps I could make an educated guess. Thank heavens I've also heard of VALPARAISO...

  4. Good Morning, Argyle and friends. I loved today's theme. I knew VALPARAISO, CHILE because I was in that port city almost exactly 3 years ago. I hope we see more of Ms.Upchurch.

    Starting this month, Newsweek magazine no longer issues a print magazine. It is now entirely an E-MAG.

    I thought Hagar's dog was named Snort instead of SNERT.

    Interesting to have ASHES and ASHE in the same puzzle.

    Stay warm. I will have to bundle up because the forecast here is CLOUDY AND CHILLY.

    QOD: It is not strange … to mistake change for progress. ~ Millard Filmore (Jan. 7, 1800 ~ March 8, 1874)

  5. Good morning everyone,

    Appropriate theme considering the time of year. No major problems today, just filling in blank squares one at a time. The only Valparaiso I ever heard of is the school in Indiana and I think it is spelled differently.

    I can never remember if it's OKAPI or OTAPI. Today I guessed correctly.

    24d Result of Hearth Burn/ASHES gave me a chuckle.

    Trinity by Uris has been a favorite read for a long time. Read it three or four times so far ... Conor still keeps getting done in by the Brits.

    Thanks for the nice write up Argyle and no, I don't give it hoot what Elin has been doing. As far as her former mate, I just wish he would become a permanent recluse. Never liked his act from day one, even though he is (was) a helluva golfer.

  6. I wanted name before sign. Agree Argyle...some words more typical of Tues but no fuss. Thanks for writing up Diane's costruction for us. Ex is fom fond du lac so town meaning is apt to suit him. Going to try to sleep now. Loved Downton Abbey. Spoiler alert just dont google any of the actors or you will soon know much of this seasons plot.

  7. Hand up for misreading hearth burn as heart burn.

  8. Do I miss the dogs (who returned to NJ yesterday)? Well, I was definitely aware of their absence last night but I'm glad to return to my solitary life. I wonder how Walden would have turned out if Thoreau had had a dog.

    A nice Monday puzzle with which to start the week. And speaking of Jim Croce, his wife (widow?) has written a biography and an interview with her was recently re-broadcast on our local public radio station (one that I'm sure Irish Miss is familiar with).


  9. Al, THANks for tbe link and info to book about jim croce. I loved his songs. Michele

  10. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Diane Upchurch, for a swell Monday puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the swell review.

    Got started easily with BOZO for 1A. I believe he is a Chicago clown. Saw him at the Shrine Circus many years ago, on Wabash St.

    However, 1D, BANC, and 13A, AVEC, were not easy. I saved them to the end and then wagged them, and lucked out.

    Wrote in ERIN for 14A, then fixed that to ELIN. My only write-over.

    Theme was very clever. Grid spanners, no less.

    SNERT was easy for 64A. I read Hagar the Horrible every day just before doing the puzzle. Same page.

    Off to my day. We got our tree down last night and out the door.

    See you tomorrow.


  11. Easy, breezy, brrrrr! It is chilly out! But no complaints, Chicago's winter has actually been pretty mild. (But I'd still rather have spring, summer or fall!)

    3D Celsius Freezing Point: ZERO - another part of the theme perhaps?

    29A ACTS is one of my favorite books of the Bible.

    I finished reading Killing Kennedy this weekend. Also, I enjoyed last week's Person of Interest, as usual. How will Mr. Reese get out of jail?

    Back to work...

  12. Thank you, Diane Upchurch Venzke for your nice and lovely puzzle. I really enjoyed it - made my Monday morning. !

    Argyle - Diane's last name - Venzke - which shows on my newspaper puzzle, does not show on the puzzle page blog, (prev. screen) or on the headline, above. If it is an oversight, maybe a correction would be in order .... ?

    Thank you, Argyle for your most interesting commentary. I loved the interview with Chita Rivera - didn't she win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony ? ... or was that Rita Moreno ....

    I, too, read 'Heart Burn' .... with my poor eyesight, and that gave me some heart burn, thinking of the improbable answers.

    My first car, in the early 70's, in Rochester NY, was a Toyota 'Corona'. It was a used car, pretty banged up, from a Boy-Scouts-pack-leader-Mom. It suited me fine, since I didn't have a driving license, and more importantly, didn't know how to drive ....

    It had all these 'Support your local sheriff', and 'Friend of the Police', stickers plastered all across the front and rear bumpers. I am pretty conservative myself, so I let them stay. Unfortunately, it gave me a lot of 'heart burn', because I got unnecessarily pulled over, in small towns, all over, between Syracuse, Fairport, Batavia and Corning - because the cops couldn't understand why a minority person could or would be so supportive of law enforcement .... I guess I was an 'outlier' in the statistical stereotypes of society. That's all water under the bridge now.

    Have a nice week you all, and best wishes.

  13. Good morning!

    Hand up for Indiana before Chile. And, no, I didn't get caught by the hearth burn. Did think it was cute, though.

    Speaking of taking trees down, there's a lot of that going on around here. Not Christmas trees, but the trees that died during 2011's drought. Most have lost their bark and are just waiting to fall. At 80-100 feet tall, they pose quite a danger.

  14. Good morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Easy peasy Monday offering. Very nice debut from Ms. Upchurch.

    Thanks for the expo, Argyle - I agree about Valparaiso. It did not immediately come to mind for a South American Seaport! But, it did have the requisite 15 letters, so.....

    I did like starting out with BOZO at 1A. My only misstep was reading 27D as "Strong STING" instead of string. So I was looking for some kind of TWINGE, but that was too many letters. Time for coffee, I guess..

    Have a great day, everyone!

  15. BRRR! Not! We are having our January thaw early this year. By the end of the week it should be 50degrees. This will be a near perfect week weather wise, warm and sunny. I like the changing weather in the northeast. I am not at all jealous of the 80+ degree weather farther south.

    I am taking down my tree and Christmas decorations today. We have a live tree in water (ice) on the patio. By Friday the ice should thaw enough to remove the tree from the stand. Also, it should be warm enough to pull up the stabilizing pins on my lighted deer. I just hate packing up everything and storing it strategically in my tiny closet. It’s not as much fun as putting it all up.

    I remember TRANE because of its cute motto, “Nothing can stop a TRANE.” I read a review by an angry customer who altered the motto to,”Don't get hit by a TRANE.” I don't know who is right.

    The motto is similar to, “Nothing runs like a DEERE.”

  16. 2 Naticks for me,
    1D & 13A

    otherwise clear sailing.


    (Thank goodness i found this hot chili, my other choice was way to masculine!)


    I cannot read this myself, but i am told it says, "You came to Chile & did not drink the wine? Then why the hell did you come?

  17. Happy Fanny Farmer Cookbook day.

    Thank you Diane Upchurch and thank you Argyle.

    We had chili yesterday.

    Fail for me. At 6D I had LINN. It was originally Line. 5A was ALE and 17A was GINI. Knew Line was wrong when I filled in the weather forecast, but forgot to change it. Doh.

    Also had a case of fat fingers today. The ring finger kept hitting the wrong keys. So had HOT DOG WITH CHULI. 3 or 4 times and fixed most of them but did not see CHULI

    Hatoolah, I've also been to Valparaiso. Indiana though, not Chile.

    Argyle OOPS, did you intend to post 15A Link ? I can look it up. He died so young. He should have saved some time in a bottle. Who said, "And all your money won't another minute buy ?"

    24D Yes, Heart Burn. Then read the next one as Help oneself illegally.

    80-100 ft high D-O ? Must be East Texas Pine. Have you been to the Big Thicket ?

    Anony-mouse, perhaps it wasn't the stickers. " It suited me fine, since I didn't have a driving license, and more importantly, didn't know how to drive ...."

  18. Is Diane related/married to Bruce Venzke? Seems like a logical connection. My paper didn't list the Venzke name either. Anyway, it made for an enjoyable Monday.

    I got through it in pretty short time, but with a couple of stumbles along the way: I misread churn up as chum up, so most of ROIL appeared via perps before I filled the rest in. Unknowns were CHITA, VOLS and SNERT, all perped except the S on VOLS--a WAG. I didn't even read the clues for TSA or EMAG.

    Fond du Lac is right at the bottom of Lake Winnebago, not far from Oshkosh (by gosh!). A lot of Wisconsin's waters and waterside towns got French names given by French explorers.

    AVEC is rarely seen on French menus. More likely would be "à la" or "au" meaning "in the style of" or "with".

  19. An enjoyable run this morning. Not too easy, but no major stumblers.

    I've been to Valparaiso as Nebraska. So with a few perps in place (especially the V), that was not difficult.

    Our paper only gave the Upchurch surname.

  20. We had a Bruce Venske collaboration just the other day. Perhaps the name was "left over" and reprinted by mistake today.

    TTP, yes these are East Texas loblolly pines -- the kind that "Southern Yellow Pine" comes from. I don't live far from the Big Thicket. There's not much left of it. Some parts burned. Others were cleared.

  21. Fond du Lac is right at the bottom of Lake Winnebago.
    Sorry, I couldn't resist passing along my mental picture of Fond du Lac submerged in Lake Winnebago.LOL

    We do have a large portion of a nearby town, buidlings and all, intentionally submerged at the botttom of the reservoir when they built it.

  22. Kazie, don't know if I've mentioned this before. Back in the late '60's I had a part-time job teaching fourth grade geography on Guam. The school had a wall map of the U.S. and another of Guam. Guam looked huge. I asked my students if Guam was placed on the U.S. map, how big would it look? They were pretty sure it was bigger than Texas. They didn't believe me when I pointed to Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin and told them Guam would fit inside it.

  23. Diane’s debut was a fun puzzle. AVEC took a little effort and the placing of some vowels were my only issues. No Chili Davis for us baseball peeps?

    -Our day yesterday started with a lovely $20 A POP (cwdese) brunch at a very nice Lincoln golf course and ended with a $1.79 HOT DOG combo at Sam’s Club. As long as I’m with Hudson and Elise…
    -After the movie Friday night, we met a girl in the restaurant from VALPARAISO, NE - a city that is in what is commonly referred to the Bohemian Alps around here. No Chilean seaport they.
    -I had lunch duty with a guy we called BOZO for years. He could make any mole hill a mountain with kids
    -If you watch NFL football, you know Ray Lewis, like LEROY Brown, is “meaner that a junk yard dog.”
    -I have winced when the TSA had to frisk/scan my young kids but they have procedures so…
    -Our main street in town has too many PIZZA joints, car part sellers and convenience stores. So what is being erected this month – Pizza Ranch, AA Auto Parts and Bosselman’s Pump and Pantry.
    -Now let me get this straight, they dress like that so we men look but if we get caught looking we are LEERING?
    -I’ll take Richie Valens’ Here Comes the Sun. I wonder what Joe will think.
    -How Fahrenheit wound up at 32° instead of 0° is complicated
    -You can imagine what Sheldon said when Penny mentioned what SIGN she was (“Here we go”)
    -I’m not an ALPHA but I’m a pretty good beta male
    -It looks like the flu has SET IN all over the country. I did my STINT three weeks ago.
    -We bowled on LANE 9 yesterday between brunch and Costco. We had to wait a half hour.
    -What Tiger did to ELIN was horrible but the PGA loves how he puts butts in the seats
    -Off to take down Christmas lights (it’s above freezing!), watch last night’s Downton Abbey and go to the Y.

  24. Nice puzzle and expo. Thanks.
    I completed it but it was not easy. I needed perps for several answers and WAG correctly for the A in b_nc and _vec.

    Drove from my daughter's home to mine yesterday afternoon. I think 'desolate' may describe stretches of the highway to my town. I drove a 25 mile distance near home without meeting a vehicle. (trip is 200 miles) However, it was Sunday afternoon, so there probably was nowhere anyone needed to be. I see the highway department put up two new 'cell phone pullout' signs along the road. Gotta love rural Montana!

    Take care and have a good week,

  25. D-otto,
    Just learned that the entire state of Connecticut would fit inside just my county.

    Dog Mama,
    If you are seeing the same thing I am, on my iPad, you can click on the 'View Web Version' blue link and you will see all the information on the right, that people tell you about.

    The link is on the first page that shows up with the days of the week puzzle blogs, and also at the very bottom after all the posts.

    Hope this helps,

  26. Our Lincoln adventure yesterday made me do the puzzle in the car. I got 95% of it on the way down and the last of it in a Kohl’s parking lot with the dome light while Joann shopped on the way home. I did have one thought since I have a PB and J on a toasted something or other almost every day when I do this puzzle.

    Clue: Perfect putdown of a Concord product

    Also – Three-ball snowman rocked!!

    I had no PB and J today because we are eating Chefwen’s great pineapple muffins I helped make.

  27. TTP - (lol) Further to my travails in my first car -

    Once I bought the car, I DID learn how to drive, and I did get a NY State driving license. I needed the NY State driving license to get the NY State required, auto insurance, .... and that, and the auto title, to get my car registered in NY State. I was very scrupulously careful, with all those formalities, and drove very carefully, .... obeying all traffic signs and going under the speed limit, .... since I was, at that time, a non-resident alien, on a student visa - and I could have been promptly deported, out of the country, for ANY 3rd degree misdemeanor. One tends to be very, very careful, in keeping ones nose clean, under those circumstances. I never even tasted or sampled a grape, at the fruit stand, at the local grocery store, until I became a US citizen.

    I only realized the significance of the bumper stickers, when a black cop, in Egypt or Greece, NY, suburbs of Rochester, NY, in candid moment, let slip as to why he had really stopped me - ( he thought I had stolen the auto - ) - and advised me to remove those bumper stickers - for my own good. They were promptly cleaned out in a New York minute.

    Aaah, the long forgotten memories from the nooks and crannies of the deep subconscious of one's mind.

  28. In case any of you have extra time on your hands you don't know what to do with, here's a little something that was sent to me today, and it could be a bit addictive.

  29. Oops, forgot that the rules are in French. Just pass your cursor over each number in order, and see how quickly you can do it.

  30. Nice-n-easy Monday stroll through the park. Thank you.

    "dont google any of the actors or you will soon know much of this seasons plot"

    Don't Google anything...unless you're comfortable with the entire world knowing about what you searched for.

    Use some other search engine.

  31. Good day, puzzlers.

    ZEROed in on this one immediately, thank you, Diane Upchurch. It seemed more like an exercise in synonyms and not at all like Tuesday. Very Monday easy.

    Only one write over as I had LLAMA before OKAPI but that was quickly corrected.

    Loved Downton Abbey last night. Julian Fellowes is a brilliant writer. And Bates doesn't help himself much, does he?

    As for Person of Interest and getting Reese out of jail, didn't Finch mumble something about arranging a jail break?

    Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!

  32. Argyle: Great write-up and links.
    Diane: If this was your debut, thank you for a FUN Monday.

    Kazie: Hand-up for reading 11-D clue as "Chum-up" and ROIL (all perps) got a WTF until I read Argyles blog.

    So on Saturday I had to endure ICE, and today, with a "cold" theme we have ICES ...
    I'll still have my Pinch at Sunset NEAT!
    Cheers !!!

  33. Hi gang -

    An easy puzzle
    A good way to start the week
    Just right for Monday

    With three grid spanners, too.

    I like EATIN' under HOT DOG WITH CHILI. In the Detroit area we call them Coney Island dogs, or just coneys. You can hardly ever be more than a mile from a Coney place. The Senate is the best. They have great gyros, and chicken-lemon-rice soup, too.

    Speaking of Chilly and West Side Story, here is something COOL.

    Bright and sunny 30-something here today. Back into rehearsals this week.

    COOL (but not CHILLY) REGARDS!

  34. Happy Monday everyone!

    I used to love watching Bozo the clown as a kid. Lots more entertaining than Krusty….

    Ended my STINT at my last job on Friday, am now on Holiday until the next job. My first job was peddling PAINT at Montgomery Wards….

    imho should always be spelled with small letters, making the opinion even more humble, imho….

    REALLY wanted to fill in Vegas for land with pyramids, but alas….

    Open question to The Corner – when I do the puzzle online, it does not show the theme. I am using the link on the upper right hand side of the Corner blog site, which links to a Chicago Tribune site. Am I blind, or does this site not list the theme?

  35. Vegas Doc
    Only the Sunday LAT puzzle "shows" the theme.

    Monday thru Saturday "themes" are whatever that days blogger deems it to be for their write-up.

  36. Great Monday puzzle--many thanks, Diane. And I loved seeing Hagar again, Argyle--our paper stopped printing it some years ago. Only I think SNERD might have brought him that ham and SWISS sandwich he requested.

    Never heard of TRANE and put in TESLA instead (hey, it's electrical). But thank goodness I knew GREER Garson, so it all worked out.

    Well, I've been waiting in huge excitement for "Downton Abbey" to come back on but was a little disappointed in the one last night. House and costumes were fabulous, of course, but Shirley MacLaine was pretty underplayed, and that dinner scene with the drugs in the drink was totally off the wall. Hope it gets better as we go along. A coherent plot would be nice to go along with the great visuals.

    Have a good Monday, everybody!

  37. Good morning:

    Late to the dance because today was take the Christmas decorations down day. I love putting them up but taking them down and putting them away is a chore.

    Thanks, Diane, for a fun, easy-peasy Monday outing and thanks to Argyle for his usual witty expo. Hope you get lots of miles from your "Troyota," Argyle.

    Al Cyone, where do you live? Yes, I am familiar with WMAC and Mr. Chartock.

    Mari, don't worry about Mr. Reece; Mr. Finch will come to the rescue.

    Have a great Monday.

  38. Thanks, Answer Man! I thought I was being obtuse....

  39. After I saw the first two, CHILLY and CHILI, I couldn't imagine what homophone would fit in the final theme slot. CHILE didn't come to mind because I pronounce it "chee lay", like the Chileans do. Surprised this wasn't an issue for anyone else.

  40. Ordered a "hot dog with everything" in Manhattan. Person taking order didn't have a clue what I meant.
    I guess he's never been to Chicagoland.

  41. AnoaBob@11:42:
    Yes, I have a nit with pronouncing CHILE as well as spelling CHILI but I would simply be tilting at windmills to voice it because it has become Americanized and I might as well accept it though not in my own personal usage.

  42. Hello Puzzlers -

    Seemed like a Tuesday level of pepper to me. No pun whatsoever is intended.

    Let's get to it: last night's Downton Abbey season opener was mostly marvelous, but there were a few disappointments. Cora's brash American mother was much too crass for my liking. With that much wealth, surely even a classless American would have cultivated a certain civility. The drugging of Thomas was a stretch, not to mention his openness about a one-time willingness to bomb his in-laws. I'm all for sabotaging the malevolent Thomas, but surely O'Brien wouldn't have dared to mess with the Earl's dinner costume.

    At least we got to see Lady Mary looking as fabulous as she is capable of, which is way up there.

  43. Hi!
    Thank you Diane U. for a great puzzle. I found it really easy and got done quicker than usual.

    From deep in my brain, 'avec' was pulled up from my high school french class.

    Greer Garson was one of my favorite movie stars. She also played Madame Curie and many other roles.

    Gigi was easy too. It was also a good movie.

    I got the chile,etc theme early so that is one reason it was easy.

    We used to go past Valparaiso,In. whenever we went to visit relatives in Kokomo,In.

    We lived in 'the bottom of the lake' Wisconsin for ten years. It's a nice town. And yes, that area was originaly settle by the French. Father Marquette and Joliet, who went by boat from Green Bay to the Mississippi River, by river and portages to where Prairie Du Chien is now.

    I have read most of the books Leon Uris wrote. It's been a while though.

    Have a good afternoon!

  44. Dudly and Misty:
    Don't you think that the drunken scene, caused by an aristocrat, was meant to illustrate the contempt of the British for the Irish?

    Agreed. Lady Mary was stunning!

  45. Dudley, you're right. Lady Mary was wonderful, and I'm ready to back off from my nits and declare myself totally committed to the rest of the season!

  46. In studying foreign languages, I found it interesting that each language sets the pronunciation of foreign place names and other names in its own way. So, we are not unique in changing the pronunciation. Here are some changes we have made.

    The French do not say PariS with that distinct S sound we use. We say Vienna, in German it is Wien with the W pronounced as V. I had an Indian student who was incensed that we pronounce Ganges all wrong. In Japanese the name Van Gogh and the franchise, Mac Donald’s, are almost unrecognizable to American ears. Every language has many, many place names that are pronounce differently from their original pronunciation. Our dictionaries accept this, and I do, too.
    In addition, most languages adopt words from other languages, often giving them different pronunciations, and frequently, different nuances.

    In Japanese have adopted the German word, for work, ARBEIT , pronounced it, ARUBITO, and changed its meaning to part time job..

  47. Lucina - Yes, and certainly the arrogant young aristocrat in question made no attempt to hide his ill will toward the Irish.

    I guess I was thinking it was unlikely the creep would've had the right pills in his possession for spiking the drink.

    Mrs. Patmore seemed to adopt a level bemusement with Daisy's "job action". I suppose she knew all along that somebody else was behind it. I was glad Daisy finally gave it up.

    Was the kitchen range sabotaged?

  48. What's your SIGN???
    Who says that anymore? LOL
    1958 film, GIM_ ?

    What's Your NAME?

  49. In the paper. 11D looked like "chum up," not "churn up," and I was scratching my head. Wish they'd make the print larger, like USA Today is doing, now.

    @Tellowrocks - don't think Americans could pronounce Gogh without choking.
    Love that ARBEIT factoid - hope they didn't get from "Arbeit macht frei."

    The movie, GIGI, actually crept me out - the age difference and money angle was too much, and even worse in the short story. Like the mother pimped her out.

    Speaking of CHILLY, we're having a classic January thaw after our classic white Christmas.

    @Desperotto - did they finally get a globe?

    @Anony mouse - sorry our Upstate cops gave you such a hard time. My husband (Sicilian) won't allow any bumper stickers on our cars. When I was young I had a Karmann Ghia with a swoopy paint job, and I sported long hair. A cop pulled me over. When I looked up he said, "Oh, never mind, you're a girl." Hmm. So "hippies" were on the list, too.

  50. Sfningi, I only helped out at that school for one year. And, no, I never saw a globe during that time. The Dededo school was very poor, and the principal came to me midyear and told me she was going to have to let me go because they had no money to pay me. Sounded good to me, and I was cheerfully counting down the days to my dismissal. On that final day the principal came into my classroom and announced to the class that I wouldn't be leaving, after all. Several of my students' parents had pledged money to pay me through the end of the year. Rats!

  51. Desper-otto,
    You must have been very popular!

    In reference to your map anecdote, I have had a similar reaction at times on showing Americans a map of Oz superimposed on the lower 48.

  52. Hi Y'all, great puzzle! Great expo, Argyle!

    AVEC a learning moment for me too!

    Read Trinity many long years ago.

    My SIL the chef's team won a trip to CHILE in a cooking contest a few years ago. My daughter got to go too. Can't remember what city they went to.

    My 5th grade teacher pronounced CHILE with a long "i" and silent "e". I had been given a little Spanish-English dictionary and learned pronunciation on my own, so it drove me nuts. I made the mistake of correcting her. No change. Only teacher I ever knew who hated smart kids.

  53. Husker Gary@9:30. As I am sure you know this, but I think Fahrenheit chose his zero point to be the coldest temperature he could get in his lab back then, which is reached with a ice/salt mixture.

    But I have no idea why he chose to use 212 as his boiling point. Any help there?

    Thanks to all for a fun puzzle and solution today. Happy New Year.

  54. @anony-mouse at 8:02-- Chita Rivera was the original Anita on stage both on Broadway and in London. And the original Velma in Chicago. But she didn't win the Tony for her role, but it made her a Broadway star. Rita Moreno played Anita in the movie and won an Oscar for her role.

    Fun puzzle, with a few non Monday like challenges.

  55. Dennis @ 10:09
    CRAZY game.
    I need an aspirin and an eye exam.

  56. PK, if that was your only experience with that type of teacher, you were fortunate. Not sure what it's a dislike for, but in my experience it was simply the threat to authority it implied.

    I got sent to the Principal's office in 5th or 6th grade on the charge of being "a liar". In science class, my teacher stated categorically that the earth was closer to the sun in summer than winter, and that was the sole reason it's warmer in summer. Being the oh so humble soul that I am, I just couldn't let such unmitigated bullshit take root in the impressionable young minds of my classmates. So I raised my hand and explained the angle of the sun and all that, as well as the fact that the earth is nearer the sun during the winter season in the northern hemisphere. She was nonplussed. Thankfully the Principal had a little better grasp of science, so nothing really came of it. But I never did get an apology, or even an admission that she was wrong.

  57. Tino , I think you would enjoy this entire segment of Connections but if you just want the complicated answer on the Fahrenheit Scale, advance to 20:30 and watch for 4 minutes. I am addicted to this James Burke Series.

  58. Thanks Husker, Wow. It is complicated. We watched the Connections when they were originally broadcast on PBS, many years ago. And I agree. They are great. Thanks for reminding me of them.


  59. AvgJoe, that particular teacher was the dumbest teacher I ever had. She was a spiteful old bully. My biggest problem was not being a "suck-up". I, like you, couldn't stand to have something taught wrong. I always read my lessons.

    I had a teacher in high school who taught business who was also dumb and lazy. If he came to class unprepared after having coached a basketball game (his main interest) the night before, he'd have me teach the class while he dozed in the back row.

    It was an accounting class and I studied extra hard for that course for that reason. Paid off when bookkeeping was my first and last full-time jobs.

    I saw the principal standing out in the hall listening several times when I was teaching, but he never said anything to me. The teacher never was fired.
    Very small school.

  60. Wonder when Matthew will change his mind this time. He is a bit of a horse's patootie (Sp?). Bates sure looked a bit guilty, didn't he?

  61. TTP:
    Don't know the singer or writer, but the band was Kansas, from Dust in the Wind.

  62. I just got back from a chilly bike ride and coffee. It was in the 50s with a cold wind added in. So I rode to the pier and back and quickly headed off to the the coffee shop. The brother of a barista was working on his Algebra 2 homework. So since I had nothing better to do, I began to help him for about a half hour. I laughed and told him we were probably the only two people in any coffee shop within a ten-mile radius talking about logarithms. Nice lad. I gave him my number in case he wanted some long-term help.

    I was watching President Obama this morning and four other men giving a short press conference. They were all wearing dark blue or gray suits and dark red or blue striped ties. I was struck and how uninteresting ties have become. When I last wore 'em, they were more colorful with more interesting designs; paisleys, etc. Now they are just one more feature of a drab, masculine uniform.

    Then there are the males on Downton Abbey, always formally dressed. You can go back to a movie shot in the 40s about baseball and all the men in attendance are wearing coats, ties and fedoras.

  63. BillG:
    One of the strongest memories I have is my Dad always wearing a hat when he went out. In fact, as you note, most men did in those days.

    Of course, so did women and not only hats but gloves as well. I'm not sure I would welcome all those accessories but they are really lovely to look at and admire.

    I believe Matthew will relent in the end and take the money.

  64. Bill G, re the other night, I just wish young women weren't allowed the grunting when playing tennis. But then I am also a fan of the old net styly of playing tennis rather than a baseline game only. You didn't happen to see Agassi and McEnroe playing the other day did you? It was a one set match. Great to see them in an exhibition match.

  65. I used to sell steel to The Trane Company about 100 years ago when I was in that industry, so that was a gimme for me.

    Husker Gary - Sounds like that recipe worked out for you, I'm glad.

    One write over ELEN before ELIN.

    Nice start to the week.

  66. Windhover, you nailed it. That's the answer I was looking for, even if I didn't phrase the question quite correctly.

    Jim Croce's Time In A Bottle and Kansas' Dust In The Wind, along with other songs like Gordon Lightfoot's Wreck Of the Edmund Fitzgerald were among those "reality bites" songs... I'm sure there are more, and better examples.

    Notre Dame isn't doing very well against Alabama right now. Brent Mussburger is clearly a Notre Dame fan.

  67. TTP @8:21-Your comment about ND is understated. My sincere condolences to Steve, as I am hurting, too.

  68. Good evening Argyle, C.C., and all,

    I seem to be always last to come to the party.Both Argyle's write up and Diane's puzzle made a fun morning. I stole my DH's sports section and did the CW before he awakened. There were only 3 items not in my vocabulary:banc, trane, and Enid.Grateful for perps, which also helped spell Valparaiso.

    Just finished watching Downton Abbey, and am hoping Bates gets out of prison soon...and poor Edith... is she just settling? He is a rather nice chap. I don't think Shirley added much .. not as colorful as I thought she'd be. To tape DA,I have to discontinue taping Revenge.I also tape the Good Wife.

    Lucina, while I was in H.S. and college, we never went to S.F. without gloves and a hat. I did have to laugh about Shirley's barking that the English don't seem to like change.They all looked so perplexed over that.

    Sweet dreams...

  69. Ok, The coldest film has to be Fargo that I'm watching now IMHO. The sweatiest has to be Cool Hand Luke? Any opinions from you late nighters?

  70. Re German arbeit meaning part-time job in Japanese, as long ago as the 1960s it had already been shortened, at least colloquially among young people, to baito (pronounced as in the English "bite"). Another example, more related to today's CW, might be avec which in Japanese became abekku meaning date, dating, dating partner, couple, etc. I was taken aback when, on a recent trip back to Japan I found that this usage had been more or less replaced by aitemu apparently from the celebrity gossip columnists' "item".

  71. Manac, those are two really good choices and excellent movies too. I can't think of any better choices off the top of my head. I really enjoyed both of them the first time but it has been a bit painful to watch both of them again. Cool Hand Luke has such a sad ending.

  72. I just watched "The Trouble With Harry", speaking of Shirley MacLaine.
    One of Hitchcock's quirkier films.
    Good night West Coasters!

  73. Bill.
    Always the Gentleman,
    Tried to find some links but no luck.
    No wait!
    He He !

  74. GG, yes, I figure nobody else saw The Trouble with Harry but you and me.

  75. Bill G--I really liked The Trouble With Happy!


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