, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, March 25, 2013 David Steinberg

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Mar 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 David Steinberg

Theme: Flippers - Eight, count 'em, eight two word entries that make sense no matter which word comes first.

13A. Borscht vegetable : RED BEET. There are other colored beets with a slightly different taste.

15A. Aromatic hybrid blossom : TEA ROSE. So named for their tea scent.

19A. Original M&M's filling : MILK CHOCOLATE. Now with a variety of fillings, including dark chocolate, crisped rice, mint chocolate, peanuts, almonds, orange chocolate, coconut, pretzel, wild cherry, cinnamon, raspberry, and peanut butter. Get them for Easter.

35A. Product of boiled sap : MAPLE SUGAR. A timely entry.

41A. Tree with brilliant foliage : SUGAR MAPLE

54A. Brown cow product? : CHOCOLATE MILK. Old joke: Where does chocolate milk come from? Brown cows!

63A. Beverage blend using buds : ROSE TEA. I prefer rose hips(or a different bud). Ya' dig?

64A. The color of embarrassment : BEET RED. Beet white never caught on.

Argyle here. If you missed it, check out our young constructor's interview. (side bar) Since it was such an easy solve on the theme(you had two chances to get each one), it's only fair you might find a couple of harder clues in there. A sweet start to the week.


1. Playtex purchase : BRA

4. Org. with a "Most Wanted" list : FBI

7. Bygone fast flier, briefly : SST. But it will never be gone from crossword memory.

10. Salsa or guacamole : DIP

17. Corroded : ATE INTO. Found this hard to parse, sitting in the grid.

18. Having material that "may not be suitable for children," per the MPAA : RATED PG

21. Very wide shoe size : EEEE

22. Downs' opposites : UPS'

23. Suffix with web or nanny : CAM

26. Considers really cool : DIGS. I'm hip, Daddy-o.

29. South American pack animal : LLAMA

31. Vegas rollers : DICE

38. Monogram component : INITIAL

40. Buffalo nickel or Mercury dime : OLD COIN

43. Feminine ending : ENNE

44. Orange container : CRATE

45. Tickle Me __ : ELMO

47. Above, to Shelley : O'ER

48. "__ had enough!" : I'VE

50. "This is __ test" : NOT A. I'm lucky I've never had to hear this warning.

60. Helter-skelter : CHAOTIC. Might be the scene after hearing the preceding.

62. Surround with troops : BESIEGE

65. Haven't yet paid : OWE

66. Sphere : ORB

67. Mandela's org. : ANC. (African National Congress)

68. Some SAT takers : SR's


1. Author Stoker : BRAM. His novel? "Dracula"

2. Fix, as shoelaces : RETIE. What Moms do before knot-tying lessons.

3. One-named singer of "Skyfall" : ADELE

4. Used an épée, say : FENCED

5. "Little Women" woman : BETH

6. "Was __ harsh?" : I TOO

7. Razor sharpener : STROP. A flexible strip of leather used to maintain the blade of a straight razor. I better add a picture.

8. Flippered fish eaters : SEALS

9. "Hasta la vista!" : "TA-TA!"

10. Twelve-sided figure : DODECAGON. (doh-dek-uh-gon)

11. Way to the www : ISP

12. ... square __ in a round hole : PEG. or even a dodecagon hole.

14. Mountain wheels : BIKE. Bike riders, what are your wheels?

16. No longer working: Abbr. : RET.

20. Tip of a crescent : CUSP

24. With all one's strength : AMAIN. Does ever crossword puzzle need an 'a'-word?

25. Strategic WWI French river : MARNE. During a quieter time.

27. Muslim official : IMAM

28. Elaborate celebration : GALA

29. '60s psychedelic drug : LSD

30. Fortune magazine founder : LUCE.  Henry Luce.

31. Bee Gees genre : DISCO

32. Get used (to) : INURE

33. Holder of Cubans : CIGAR CASE

34. State, to Jacques : ÉTAT

36. Laze : LOLL

37. Grades K-6: Abbr. : ELEM.

39. Wrath : IRE

42. Banana throwaway : PEEL

46. "Be right there!" : "ONE SEC!"

48. More slippery, as roads : ICIER

49. Eng. lesson with synonyms : VOCAB. ulary

51. Neglect to mention : OMIT

52. Wedding cake layers : TIERS

53. Author Horatio : ALGER

55. Tough row to __ : HOE

56. Director Preminger : OTTO

57. "Mamma Mia!" quartet : ABBA. (palindrome section)

58. New driver, typically : TEEN

59. Sneakers brand : KEDS. Taylor Swift wears them.

60. __-Magnon : CRO. did not wear them.

61. By what means : HOW



  1. Good mornng, gang - kinda knew I was going to like this puzzle from the very first clue and then confirmed it a bit later with TATA.

    Seriously, I thought this was a simple, but cleverly effective theme with a bit of fresh cluing. No real pauses, but when I got to SUGAR MAPLE after MAPLE SUGAR, I did a double-take before realizing the theme. Nicely done, and a fun solve for me.

    Couple more days before stitch removal, and then I can stop scaring small children. Damn things itch like hell.

    Have a bearable, if not fun, Monday.

  2. Morning, all!

    Nice and easy Monday puzzle. By which I mean it was nice and it was easy.

    I was initially a bit surprised to see RED BEET, since I didn't realize they came in any other colors. I was later much more surprised to see BEET RED, until I realized that the theme involved duplication of words.

    Interesting that RED BEETs are, in fact, BEET RED, CHOCOLATE MILK is made with MILK CHOCOLATE, MAPLE SUGAR comes from SUGAR MAPLEs and ROSE TEA is made with, er, well, never mind...


  3. "AMAIN"?

    Is the creator of this puzzle 200 years old?

  4. Good morning, folks. Thank you, David Steinberg, for an excellent puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the swell review.

    Wow, what a puzzle. It was easy, being a Monday, but what a great job putting it together! very clever.

    I pretty much started at the top and headed South. Did not know ADELE at 3D, but she fell with five perps.

    At 43A I was expecting ESSE or ETTE, so I only wrote in the E E. Not long before ENNE became the answer.

    Really enjoyed this start to the week.

    Dennis: Glad you are feeling better.

    See you tomorrow.



  5. David, I am impressed ! Nice, very nice.

    Argyle, thank you. Am getting malted milk balls for Easter.

    One bicycle has road tires on it. The other bicycle has hybrids.

  6. Fairly easy puzzle today. Not a speed run but close. I did not notice the true progression untill argyle pointed it out. I sort of saw it but did not process it properly. its monday My son is on Spring break taking him to a camp which is held in the school. but it is snowing so there is a chance that the building will be closed. off to start my day.

    toesgus or toescus

  7. Good morning!

    Nothing very difficult about this one. At first I thought the theme was just sweet things. I caught on when SUGAR MAPLE appeared.

    Argyle, is that a Jack Strop in that photo? When it comes to my bike, I'm old school -- it's a cruiser with steel frame, 26" fat tires and coaster brake.

    DW always wears her KEDS for walking. I prefer my New Balance walking shoes. Argyle, I also prefer that other bud you mentioned.

    Today's my annual of only three times a year when I actually drive into Houston. Hope my pickup remembers the way.

  8. Good morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Wow, what a fun puzzle from David! I can't believe how he managed to have 8 theme entries with such smooth fill. I will even forgive AMAIN with such a sweet puzzle!

    Like Dennis, I did a double take when I filled in SUGAR MAPLE, but immediately caught onto the theme with that entry.

    ADELE is one of my new favorite singers, so thanks for linking "Skyfall." I haven't seen the movie yet, but now I think I have to put it on my list.

    Have a great week, everyone!

  9. Oh, and just in case anybody is interested...

    The so-called "Mercury" Dime actually depicts "Winged Liberty" and not the Roman god Mercury. Mercury was classically depicted with winged feet, but so many people thought that Mercury was on the dime that the nickname stuck and is now in common usage.

    In other news, I really, really hate these @^%$! capchas...


  10. Fun puzzle. Nicely done David. Thanks for the link to youngest constructors. We need more girls on that list!

    No school here today. Sure hope the snow blower starts!

  11. Had a hangup for awhile with MAPLESyrup before MAPLESUGAR. When I saw the theme, I said to myself, that's not what we call those trees...Oh! Up here in God's country it's SUGAR MAPLE vs Norway maple, which doesn't produce.

    Maple season has begun, and we can still throw the syrup on the snow for a quick treat.

    40 Gal. sap = 1 Gal. syrup.

    Cute puzzle.

  12. Just finished reading the late (after noon) posts from yesterday. I see we had some first-time posters drop in last night. Welcome Crispy816 in Pennsylvania and Laurie in Montana. From the avatar, it appears that Crispy's rabbit has a sweet tooth.

  13. Good morning everyone.

    Got the theme early, for once. Nice discussion Argyle. Only one erasure; 'emir' to IMAM. Otherwise easy and no searches needed.

    @ 24d, Argyle wonders whether every crossword puzzle needs an 'a' word. Ans. Assuredly affirmative.

    Have a great day.

  14. Sweet! Nice and easy Monday puzzle today.

    The big snow missed Chicago. DH and I were going to go to Cincinnati over the weekend but canceled our trip. Probably a good thing.

    HeartRX @ 7:13 am: I saw Skyfall over the weekend and enjoyed it. DH and I rented a bunch of Oscar movies. I finally saw Flight and Lincoln. Didn't get to Argo yet.

    Here's to the start of a great week! Enjoy your day.

  15. Enjoyed the puzzle. Having grown up on "real" maple syrup everyone on my family will only eat the real thing.

    love maple syrup I am just old enough to remember going with my grandfather to collect the sap buckets with the horses. We would then take them to the sugar house for boiling. The smell was great. My mom and grandmother would make sugar cakes. Very sweet. Well enough of old talk. Now they use plastic hoses.

    I hope it has been warm enough for the sap to flow in the northeast.

    Very nice puzzle.

  16. ANON @6:04,
    No, David is still a TEEN.

    Very nice, fun solve, despite my getting hung up with MAPLE SYRUP, and then scratching my head for quite a while about a French river starting with MAP--. I've actually never heard of maple sugar.

  17. Thank you David Steinberg, Wonder-Boy, FOM - Friend of Marti (;-D), and child prodigy. I could add many other superlatives, but I would run out of posts ... ;-). Hope you ace your own SATs, ... and ACTs ... and eventually your GREs, MCATs, LSATs or GMATs, or where ever your future takes you.

    Easiest puzzle in a long time, although the answers made me think whether a 'flipped repeat' was 'allowed' in crosswords. Of course, Master Norris knows best.

    My most difficult sector was top left, I didn't know what Playtex manufactures - Diapers or Bullet proof vests would not fit. Maybe I should take a walk in my wife's room closet, once in a while - or maybe not - let sleeping dogs lie.

    My feral cats are down to one - again. The other 2 have apparently found better quarters, or have reached their happy hunting grounds. The Lone Ranger comes out twice a day, - for food. It has gained a lot of weight - or else it's pregnant - (just what I need !@?). I always thought feral cats hibernated when there is 8 inches of snow on the ground. Really ? Could have fooled me.

    Now to read the words of wisdom from my Guru Argyle.

    Have a nice day, you all.

  18. Sugaring started three weeks ago but the days turned cold and cloudy and the sugar houses report very little sap flowing. Even some lines froze up. As soon as we get sunny and above 32˚ again, they'll be back in business. No signs of buds yet. When the buds start, the sap isn't as good.

    Producers had their open houses the past two weekends and had to stockpile sap so as to boil for show.

  19. I liked the flipped phrases. I waited to see whether MAPLES.... would be sugar or syrup. Soon after that I saw SUGAR MAPLE and sussed the theme. Alas, my beautiful red sugar maple died this year.
    My mother always called the vegetable, RED BEETS. I used to wonder why, then I remembered that sugar can be made from a non-red beet.
    From Wiki:
    "Of the domestically grown sugar crops, half of the extracted sugar is derived from sugar beets, and the other half is from sugar cane."

    Although AMAIN is archaic, it often appears in poems.I think archaic words are interesting and fair game in a puzzle.

    Argyle, I like you photo of the Marne. Is it a Monet?

  20. Evolution by Langston Smith
    Our love is old, our lives are old,
    And death shall come AMAIN.
    Should it come today, what man can say,
    We shall not live again?

    The Tempest Act IV by Wm. Shakespeare
    Here on this grass-plot, in this very place,
    To come and sport. Her peacocks fly amain.
    Approach, rich Ceres, her to entertain.

    Shakespeare uses AMAIN 13 times in his published works.

  21. I made the mistake of doing all the across & then downs, jumping over anything slightly questionable because I thought it was an easy Monday puzzle, & I wanted to make it last. That caused me to fall into the "maple syrup trap." Easily rectified but Dodecagon, Amain, ending in a feminine ending was the last to be filled.

    My bike is a Mongoose Street/dirt hybrid with 15 gears, When I don't use the streets to get to the trails, it just barely fits between the sliding doors of my Minivan, enabling me to take it further afield.

    Saw an interesting clip on YouTube this AM. Prince Ruperts Drop (6:36) with an interesting explanation of why/how it is unbreakable, yet shatters? Some interesting math is involved also.

  22. Flippered fish eaters - the adjective should be closest to the noun it modifies - eaters. Flippered eaters of fish.

    Yes, there are white sugar beets, or albino beets.

  23. Thanks, David. Thanks, Argyle. What a great start to a week!

    I did something I have never done before. I answered every clue in one pass! I filled in the first four and thought, “Wow’” That’s unusual. Then filled in the next five. I kept going. I do admit to reading a vertical clue here and there to mentally check that a few letters were correct, but in no time at all, I had completed the puzzle. I read through the rest of the vertical clues just to see what they were.
    I slowed down at SUGARMAPLE as others did, but that gave away the theme, and I am patting myself on the back for this straight forward solve.

    My snow is melting away. Supposed to get above freezing during the day, every day for a week, starting Wednesday. Hello, Spring!

    Have a good day, everyone,


  24. Good day!

    Like Montana I went right across and easily filled the top then stopped to check the down fill. Continuing on, big pause at MAPLE SYRUP, uh, oh, something's not right.

    But I continued toward the bottom and that's when I realized the theme entries were flipped so erased SYRUP and added SUGAR. I also had ETTE for feminine ending so that had to go. Altogether, it took about ten minutes even with the corrections although AMAIN was a big question mark.

    Thank you, YR, for posting the poems. Those A-words are all in the literature.

    Nice, expo, Argyle.

    Have a delightful Monday, everyone!

  25. Hi Y'all, An interesting start to the Monday. Good one, David! Witty, Argyle! Great tune.

    Hand up for syrup! Lots of sugar beets grown in western Nebraska and Kansas and eastern Colorado. Don't look white though. Look more like dirt clods. They use conveyor belt contraptions to move them to trucks. Never saw them working though.

    YR: Boy, you must have got up early to count all those AMAINs in Shakespeare. LOL!

    My elder daughter called me yesterday at 5:30 p.m. to invite me to go out for dinner--just after I'd finished eating. I asked for a raincheck because of possible slick conditions. She thought she was a day late to wish me happy birthday when it was two days late. She is a history professor.. You'd think she would be good at dates. Her life is always CHAOTIC because she loads her schedule with more things than anyone could possibly do.

  26. Good Morning:

    What a fun start to the week. Very, very clever theme with lots of "sweet" clues. Thanks, David, and thanks, Argyle, for your neat expo.

    Another gloomy March day but at least it's not windy.

    Happy Monday.

  27. YellowRocks, to answer your question on the artist of the impressionistic painting, On the River Marne, is by Henri Lebasque (1865-1937). I also thought it looked like a Monet. Apparently, there are many other great painters in the impressionistic style as well. (lol). BTW, I've seen an actual, original, Monet, in somebody's house. What sort of net worth does a person have to have before he'll splurge on a Monet. hmm.

    CED, before I forget, THANK YOU for the Prince Rupert's Drop link. MADE MY WEEK. I loved it !!!! Wow ! Wow ! Wow ! and thanks for all your links - You are the Leonardo Da Vinci of LINKS !

    The obverse side of the Mercury Dime, ( see BarryG's comment above - ). er. the winged Liberty, is what I thought was a quiver of arrows. It is actually a picture of fasces - the symbol of an ancient Italian, magistrate's authority and also, 'unity in strength'.

    BTW, the word 'fascism' also comes from this concept - but is definitely not employed in this context.

    Talking of the relative strenght of the production and consumption of, beet sugars and sugarcane, the US Commerce Dept. reports say that 42% of all 'sugars' CONSUMED in the US, come from Crude oil/ Coal Tar/ Petroleum distillate - 'sugars' such as cyclamates, saccharine, aspartame, Sucralose, Malto dextrin etc.

    Take that, Mother Nature, we can fool you.

  28. Highlights of this easy puzzle were the 'shout-outs' to our:
    desper-OTTO and Mari ABBA.

    A 'toast' to all at Sunset.

  29. I loved, loved, loved this speed run! Like others, I first thought it would be about sweets. Then caught on to the theme with SUGARMAPLE, and so sussed CHOCOLATE MILK before I ever even got there. But the big surprise was ROSE TEA and BEET RED on the bottom. How did you do that, David--get it all in there so beautifully and symmetrically. This is a rare puzzle where I was more caught up in the art of the structure than in the clues and answers.

    A total delight! Many thanks, David, and you too, Argyle, for the cool pics. I too wondered if the Marne painting was a Monet?

    Yellowrocks, thanks for the neat AMAIN references.

    Anony-Mouse, you remain the hero of feral cats!

    Montana, congratulations on the perfect solve.

    Dennis, glad you're almost there.

    And welcome, newbies!

    Have a great Monday, everybody!

  30. Hello, all!

    (CC: Can't believe that I did not contribute yesterday. Did it end up in spam, filter?)

    Great puzzle, David! Fun write-up, Argyle!

    I, too, was surprised that the cute theme was "legal."

    I used to grow YELLOW beets! They were fabulous--much better to me than red.

    Taxes have been declared finished. Harvey will take the mess to CPA today. Feel incredibly better w/o all that stress. (Paying is going to be a disaster, I suppose!)


  31. CED @ 9:26, Wowza!! I watched the entire video and was totally engrossed the entire time. I just love the way he explains science - even the formulas are interesting, and didn't put me into a coma!

    We used to get MAPLE SUGAR candy as a special treat when we were little. It is difficult to make, because it can easily burn. Now I know why it was such a "special" thing - an 8 oz box costs more than $14!!

  32. Hi gang -

    There are no speed runs in Bumpaland.

    I can't decide what to think of this theme; clever, but still kind of meh! When I sussed it with SUGAR MAPLE, that got me out of the sticky MAPLE SYRUP mess.

    Along with ETTE and my inability to displace DODECAHEDRON with DODECAGON, that region was in sad shape for a long time, and I had to work AMAIN to extract myself.

    I've always preferred the DARK CHOCOLATE.

    Hang in there kids, Spring is coming.

    We just don't know when.


  33. Anony-mouse, thanks for the name of the Marne painter. I enjoy the impressionists. I have some Monet prints which I love.
    PK, those were the sugar beets I had in mind. I’ll have to teach a speed reading course after reading all of Shakespeare’ published works just this morning. I’d be rich and famous and maybe could afford an original Monet. LOL I do have my sources.
    I believe that “fish eaters” is a synthetic compound word, and as such can be modified by an adjective.
    “A synthetic compound is composed of two words, the first of which is semantically the grammatical object of the second. For example, the word origami creator is a kind of synthetic compound word as it refers to one who creates origami,” thus a skillful origami creator. Another example given of a synthetic compound was meat eater, so it seems fish eaters is a synthetic compound, too.

  34. Hello everybody. Like many of you, I was more struck by the construction of this puzzle than by the actual content. I also did a double take when I saw MAPLE appear twice, and thought something really strange, if not downright illegal in crosswordland, was going on. I didn't notice that there were also two SUGARs because I had SYRUP over there in the east side, which, along with AMAIN, of course made that whole area hard for me to solve. I was also looking for a true suffix to nanny and web, and feel that CAM is not really a suffix, which added to the chaos in that area. Nice construction job, though, David.

  35. Hello Puzzlers -

    WEES about the puzzle. A good theme-rich construction.

    CED 7:06 - Jack Strop! Now that's funny!

    Marti - We recently watched both Skyfall and Argo via Netflix. We rate both as superb. Argo doesn't stick that close to the real story, but it's good entertainment nonetheless.

    We grew up with maple syrup, and there are still a lot of local producers. The larger ones have gone to Reverse Osmosis equipment to extract water from the sap, which reduces boiling time by a whole lot. There's still enough sweet-smelling steam to please visitors.

  36. Correction: I now see that was D-Otto's Jack Strop joke.

  37. That was a very nice Monday puzzle, all except AMAIN. But since I got it from all the easier crossing words, I'm OK.

    Once or twice I smuggled a small bottle of real maple syrup into a restaurant to put on cornmeal (or otherwise) pancakes. I think restaurants would do well to offer it with a small additional charge; something like 50 cents extra for real maple syrup. I'd gladly pay it.

    I used to go to a barber or two that had strops attached to the barber chair. They would strop a straight razor before shaving around my ears and sideburns. No such equipment at my wife's hairdresser. She cuts my hair while my wife's hair dye is doing its thing. Also, no Playboy magazines...

  38. Good news for me. The doc says I'm good to go for another year. Yes, my cholesterol is too high. Yes, my blood pressure is too high. Yes, my weight is too high. Yes, I've shrunk an inch -- height, that is. But heck, the thing I thought might be a skin lesion is only an age spot. So, hooray!

    CED, great video. At first I thought it was gonna be about Prince William in the can. Interesting!


  39. Anony-mouse, was it one of the missing Monet's listed here ?

    Wiki Art Thefts

  40. Got some of Sat., completely baffled on Sun.

    Still thinking of the "Boov" dog on Spitz's Bday.
    I looked at his and his wife's picture and kept saying...


    Finally dawned on me the picture was separate in the writ-up.
    Played hooky yesterday and went to the beach.
    Have a good day, all.

  41. Hola Everyone, When I can get all four of the first across answers I know that the puzzle is going to be one that I can do. However, I did have a couple of places where I had a misstep. Great theme. I had Maple Syrup in before Maple sugar, but when I saw Sugar Maple come up I changed syrup, and the rest they say is history.

    I thought there might have been a mistake when I saw Maple used twice. Usually, the same word is not used in a CW. Fun to realize that I could get the other theme answers by reversing the words.

    I wasn't sure of Bram and ANC, but both those and Enne were all put in with perps. I wanted Ette at first for feminine ending. I see that others had these same mistakes.

    Thanks Argyle for the writeup today. I loved the picture of the Marne River. So serene.

    Dennis, itching I'm told means all is healing very well. Hang in there.

    Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

  42. Good afternoon? Argyle, CC, et al. Excellent Monday puzzle and wonderful write up, Santa Baby. Love Adele. Thank you for the link.

    Speed run like many of you. Thought of Dennis immediately w/BRA and then TATA shows up followed by TEE later on. What a great shout out to his Boob & Lube venture. Wonder if SRS get a discount.At any rate, I wish you the brest. LOL

    Loved seeing BIKE here. We're a biking family...all kinds. Son is professional BMXer and will have his own signature BIKE by FBM coming out this summer...called The Orphan. His rationale for the name made sense..FBM is the only fully American company in US and thus stands Orphan. Our dear Carol here rides 10 miles every day, rain or shine. Where is she?

    CED: Jack Strop...hilarious!

    Had to laugh at the DICEy possibilities with PEG, UPS, LOLL and HOE. So many possibilities, so little time. it's all good.

    Enjoy your night.

  43. Sorry..Desper-otto: 7:06 Jack Strop...still hilarious!

  44. To the Anon at 1:30 pm .... I am sure that Monet, at the rich guy's house, was not a stolen painting. For one, the guy is really famous in his own field, literally world famous and has a very great reputation. He doesn't need stolen art to perfect his personality, and this guy has nothing left to 'prove' to anybody. He has already reached the apex of his profession.

    History shows, people who buy stolen art, can almost never, display them, unless they are living out of the US, North America, the Continent etc., and out of Interpol's reach. They can only gloat at the purloined paintings or the art, in the privacy of their own basements, by themselves - since they can't trust anybody else. This guy did not even mention the painting, which is in his family room - I happened to see it while walking through his first floor, during a garden fete party at his house.

    CED, I looked at the Prince Rupert Drop youtube again, and the ultra-high tension within the ultra-high compression is the very opposite rule of physics under how rifle barrels are manufactured - if you can find something to link it. The top layer of a rifle barrel is under ultra-high tension, and the inner most layer of the barrel is under ultra-high compression. That's how it is able to withstand the tremendous explosive (tensile - ) force of the detonator and the propellant.

  45. Discount? Wait---they're supposed to pay me??

    Abejo, misty, Chickie, thanks; so far so good.

  46. Hi all,
    I really really loved this puzzle. It was so much fun seeing the reverse entries pop up.

    This past week I had a hard time with most of the puzzles and didn't do too well on them.

    I wasn't too sure at first about 37D. Most schools today have the sixth graders in Middle school.

    Have a good evening all!

  47. What a great Monday puzzle , so much fun! The only hang up was amain, which autocorrect wants to make again as I post! There is Monet very similar to that painting , he became my favorite artist at age 14 ! There is a print in every room in my house ! Possible 2 inches if snow here in CT as my daffodils attempt to bloom !

  48. Hi again,
    I just remembered an event that took place when my son was in 4th in his elementry school.

    The school had a huge maple tree in the front yard. When our son's teacher showed the students how to put a bucket on the tree and rhey could see the sap coming out. After it had finished draining they cooked it up and made Maple syrup. Then the teachers made pancakes and they all enjoyed the maple syrup. It was a really good lesson for the kids.

    Marge again.

  49. Whew! Ohio didn't get the snow that was forecasted so my drive home from Michigan wasn't too bad. I'm home, unpacked and it's time to relax and unwind with an easy-peasy crossword puzzle (I hope), a snuggling dog, and a glass of wine.



  50. Thanks for the great review, Argyle! Thanks, too, for the nice comments--it seems like you all solved my puzzle AMAIN!

  51. Anony Mouse @3:43

    I am not sure if this is what you were referring to, but it was the 1st thing I found searching & got sucked in... ( note: not for the average Crossword Solver, your eyes will glaze over...) At 14+ minutes, this is a bit long, but I found it interesting because I read an article in Scientific American a couple of years ago about the making of Damascus Steel Blades.

    The Making of a Twist Damascus Gun Barrel.

    I am sure there are many other methods of producing rifle barrels, but this one outlines the benefits of compression & tension.

  52. Started out to be a speed run but then created a few problems for myself. Wanted Maple SYRUP at first until I realized the theme and corrected that.
    Loved the theme (and when Argyle called it Flippers, I saw the fun clue of SEALS (flippered) also).

    Nothing is more Canadian than MAPLE SYRUP. There are several areas around here open to the public (with extra tours during Spring break for the kids). Of course the tourist shops in Niagara sell it in tiny maple-shaped bottles for higher prices.

    Hand up for ETTE. DODECAGON is my new word to remember today.
    Wanted ENURE - any tips for the difference between enure and inure?

  53. Great Puzzle! My only erasure was quickly filling in MAPLE SYRUP, only to realize my mistake when I checked the downs & got LYCE? Fun one though.

    Thank you Lucina, Spitzboov, & desper-otto for the welcomes. Not my rabbit with a sweet tooth, just a funny image I found somewhere.

    Off to bake some cookies. Have a great evening everyone!

  54. Hello all !

    David thanks for stopping by. As Misty said so well, symmetrical and beautiful. Well done !

    CanadianEh!, enure v inure... the only tip I could offer is to let the perps decide. Googlefight says inure is the winner with 129K v 22K for enure.

    Crispy816, mmmm, home made cookies. It's nice to share. Perhaps some peanut butter cookies made with MILK CHOCOLATE kisses ? Can you send some virtual cookies our way ?

  55. Thank you CED for the absolutely mesmerizing shop forging of the Damascus Gun barrel. Not quite what I meant, but very, very instructive never the less. I guess I meant a process where long tubes are successively heated, ( and thus expanded ) and then slipped over another,( almost same diameter -) cold tube, and then cooled .... the outer tube collapses and grips the inner tube, producing a radial tension on the outer tube and a radial compression on the inner tube. Done with 3 or 4 tubes, it produces outies with immense tension, and the innermost tube with immense compression.

    Much like slipping an iron hoop on a wagon wheel rim - although the wagon wheel spokes are wood, and the outer wheel rim is iron or steel.

    When a bullet is fired, the propellant explodes, with a force generally beyond the tensile strength of the material of the inner tube - but since the inner tube is already under very high compression, it does not stretch the material, past its tensile limit.

    Please do not do any more searches on my account. I am very grateful.

    Before I forget .... Today's the first night of Passover.

    Happy Passover to those who celebrate.

    Good Yontif. Chag Pesach sameach.

    Lemonade, Hahtoolah and others , you are in our thoughts.

  56. TTP @ 7:11,

    The cookies tonight are the oatmeal raisin variety & I'm happy to share!

  57. Good evening all - Oh Sweet Monday - A well needed respite from the weekend puzzles. Thanks David for a making my morning a happy one. :) Thanks Argyle for your great expo.

    Handsup for MAPLEsyrup-SUGAR. Correction came to me as I was filling in SUGARMAPLE.
    A few unknowns, but they were quickly filled in with perps.

    Fermatprime - agree with you about taxes. I tend to procrastinate with them, and feel sooo much better when they are DONE!

    Welcome Laurie and Crispy816.

    Looking forward to Tuesday's offering.


  58. Bill G. - Love your “How do you......a teacher?” from the other day. I have seen this before, but always enjoy a reminder. My son and daughter-in-law are both teachers. Son is Health and Phys. Ed., as well as a coach and head of the lacrosse program, daughter-in-law is 1st grade this year, but Kindergarten previously. They both love their jobs. Kristine was able to take a year off for the first year of both of their kids. Nicholas will be 6 in May and is in Kindergarten, Nina was 2 earlier this month. Definitely have to love what you do when you are a teacher. Very proud of both of them.

  59. Pas, so where did you go to the beach? Well south of here I'm guessing.

    Ree, I love daffodils. Ours are blooming up a storm. Of course, there's no snow near the ocean in S. California.

    Marge, that sounds like a great lesson. I wonder if it would be allowed these days?

  60. Welcome to Crispy816! Your homemade cookies sound good.

    Sitting here eating Homemade Chicken Tortilla Soup. Very good on a cold day. BTW, I think if Punxsutawney Phil is to be executed, Al Gore should at least be imprisoned.

    Argyle, Sfingi, etal; I didn't expect to learn so much about Maple Sugar today. I would like to smell the aroma of that boiling pot.

    Sfingi, I read your profile again. Does short, fat and red-headed go together? If so, that must be my problem!

    BillG., My daughter loves "Foyle's
    War", so we bought the DVDs for her last Christmas. It's about a detective who continues to solve crimes even though the country is at war.

    Jayce, I agree that cam is an abbr. not a suffix after nanny or web. I filled in puzzle very quickly but didn't get this with perps since I forgot Marne River.

    David,I loved the creative layout of this puzzle!

    RETIE-Velcro on Children's shoes is one of the greatest inventions ever!

    I can't help but think "this is NOT A TEST" may happen in our lifeitme with Iran and N. Korea having nuts in power with nukes.

  61. Maybe not since I'm too old to spell "lifetime."

    My capcha is anonywst. Any relation Anony Mouse?

  62. Enjoyed the puzzle... but I usually always enjoy the puzzles whether I finish them or not.... some better than others... always enjoy the write ups... thank you all who put so much time and effort into this corner... today my downfall was cam.... it never entered my head... and of course I didn't know the river... :) DNF of course...

    Yesterday I believe it was... I agonized over oil line and refused to put in so that slowed me up some.... :) oil line and engine hose just does not seem to equate... but that is just me... :)

    It's been busy in my little corner of the world and so anything I might have had to say goes by the wayside... I have missed many birthdays and just want to say I hope they all were fun...... may you all have many more...

    Do stay safe....


  63. Yes, I did post yesterday. Remember typing "hallelujah" as I got the whole thing.

    Perhaps something went wrong with the screwy password thing. Not only was my address asked for, but I was told to look at my cell phone for a code number. This disappeared within the blink of an eye.

  64. Glad to see your post Thelma. Thanks Argyle. Ran through this one. Thanks David. Our great horned owlets are jumping up to sit on the rim of manmade nest. Very cute indeed.

    Welcome newcomers and goodnight!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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