, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday, June 27, 2013 Jean O'Conor

Gary's Blog Map

Jun 27, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013 Jean O'Conor

Theme: "Bag it!"

20. *Polite words showing little interest : NOT MY CUP OF TEA. Unless it's Earl Grey. Right, Abejo?

32. *Words often heard after "Welcome" : YOU'VE GOT MAIL. Also, a cute movie starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.

41. *Verbal gamesmanship : TALKING TRASHSports stars are really good at it.

55. *Metaphorical boundary : LINE IN THE SAND. Here's one.

And the reveal(ers):
59. With 62-Down, certain...and where to find the ends of the answers to the starred clues : IN THE
62-Down. See 59-Across : BAG.

The ends of the theme entries could each be found in a bag: TEA BAG, MAIL BAG, TRASH BAG and SAND BAG. Neat!


1. Worked a wedding, perhaps : DJ'ED. All I could think of was  the "Wedding Crashers."

5. Film on water : SCUM. Had it, took it out, scratched my head, put it back.

9. Worker with a whip : TAMER. Because "trainer" wouldn't fit...

14. Jackknifed, say : DOVE. Anyone else think of tractor-trailer trucks?

15. What you may do when you snooze? : LOSE.

16. Like Silas Marner before finding Eppie : ALONE.

17. Flow slowly : SEEP.

18. Conversant with : UP ON.

19. Cap'ns' underlings : BOS'Ns. Short for "boatswain." He is the senior crewman on deck.

23. Ready to sire : AT STUD. On our tour of the Lippizaner stables, I saw several studs looking like they were ready...

25. Forbid : OUTLAW.

26. Overly : TOO.

27. Be a bad omen : BODE ILL.

31. RB's units : YDS. Running Backs in football are measured by the yards they gain on each play.

35. Chamber opening? : ANTE. Antechamber.

36. Humerous Margaret : CHO. Not a big fan, so I won't give her a link. (It's my write-up, and I can do whatever I want!)

37. Landed : ALIT.

46. Old flier : SST.

49. Enlarge, as a blueprint : RESCALE.

50. Égotiste's pronoun : MOI. French - it's all about "me."

51. Ready for : OPEN TO.

53. City on the Somme : AMIENS. Just north of Paris. Map.

60. Scull crew : OARS.

61. Names : DUBS.

64. Mule and whitetail : DEERS.

65. Balanchine bend : PLIE. George Balanchine is known as "The father of modern ballet."

66. Canon ending? : ICAL. Canonical. I guess non-Mac users wouldn't know that this is Apple's calendar app.

67. Peacock's gait : STRUT. Some women are just soooo hard to impress. 0:55

68. Law firm letterhead abbreviations : ESQS. Esquires.

69. Lines from the heart? : EKGS. Abbr. for Electrokardiogram, the German spelling of the term. Both EKG and ECG are in common use.


1. Smile specialist's deg. : DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery.

2. Morning pick-me-up : JOE. Java, mud, battery acid, rocket fuel, mojo, jitter juice, caffeine fix...

3. Smooths : EVENS OUT.

4. Where to get a ticket to ride : DEPOT.

5. "___ Millionaire": 2008 Best Picture : SLUMDOG. Great movie!

6. Column filler : COPY. Not "data," but a newspaper column.

7. Biennial games org. : USOCUnited States Olympic Committee.

8. List : MENU.

9. Bulgur salad : TABOULI. Yummm!

10. Up in the rigging : ALOFT.

11. To a large degree : MOSTLY.

12. Ball team, e.g. : ENNEAD. Group of nine.

13. Corrects in wood shop : RESAWS. My motto is always, "Measure twice, cut once." Splynter?

21. ___ top : TUBE. For the guys.

22. Old-time actress Negri : POLA. She lives on in crossword puzzles.

23. "Back ___!": "Same here!" : AT YA.

24. Bugs, for one : TOON. Nice misdirection.

28. Places to tie up : DOCKS.

29. Set of moral principles : ETHIC.

30. "___ roll!" : I'M ON A.

33. Hardly a rookie : VET.

34. "Knots Landing" actress ___ Park Lincoln : LARAll perps.

38. Certain November also-ran : LAME DUCK.

39. Will occur as planned : IS ON.

40. The one here : THIS.

42. Most pretentious : ARTIEST.

43. Trotsky of Russia : LEON. He once had an affair with artist Frida Kahlo.

44. Ones resting on a bridge : GLASSES. Great clue!

45. Vivaldi motif : TEMA. "Theme," in Italian. I guess I can link his most famous one. 42:00

46. Infants don't eat them : SOLIDS. I had Steaks, then SaLaDS before SOLIDS appeared.

47. Parlor instrument : SPINET.

48. Backpacker, often : TENTER.

52. '60s rockers' jacket style : NEHRU. Popularized by The Monkees and The Beatles, but it was never worn by Nehru!

54. Many a low-budget film : INDIE.

56. Engage in frequent elbow-bending : TOPE.

57. Dutch artist Frans : HALS. One of my favorite Dutch painters. (Other than Rembrandt, of course!)

58. La Salle of "ER" : ERIQAll perps.

63. Mercedes roadsters : SLs. From the German "Sport Leicht" ("Sport Lightweight"). First used on the Gullwing.

That's it from me for this week!



  1. Morning, all!

    I don't mean to be TRASH TALKING here, but this one was just NOT MY CUP OF TEA. I'm sorry, but I've got to draw a LINE IN THE SAND somewhere, you know?

    The theme itself was actually cute and rather innocuous, although I didn't figure out what was going on until I finally figured out both parts of the theme reveal.

    Did not know LAR and couldn't remember HALS, but that wasn't too bad. What nearly killed me, though, was the crossing of AMIENS (never heard of it) and TEMA. I know Vivaldi and was trying to come up with a specific motif to no avail. I finally guessed that maybe TEMA was Italian for "theme," but it was just a guess.

    Elsewhere, was not crazy about OARS clued as people instead of things and really, really hated TENTERS. I'm sure it's a valid term, but it really grated on me for some reason...


  2. Good Morning Marti and friends. At first I was afraid this would be a DNF, but I kept plugging away and was surprised when I finished.

    Hand up for thinking of the Big Rigs Jackknifing on the interstate instead of taking a dive in the water.

    I also tried Pro instead of VET for Hardly a rookie.

    Peacocks are not the only STRUTters.

    QOD: Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world. ~ Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 ~ June 1, 1968)


  3. Almost exactly WBS but they had crew in high school and called the people rowing oars.
    Thanks Marti, pretty girl in the tube top.

  4. So Happy It’s Thursday everybody!

    Peacocks certainly do STRUT their stuff, but on occasion so do peahens. For proof, see attached…. Lemon and others, you’re welcome….

    Pas de chat from yesterday – I’m here on a short term (6-month) assignment.

    Gotta run. Beginning of the weekend here tomorrow and as such I have things to do, people to see before leaving the office….

  5. Good morning!

    I zipped right through this one with only two write-overs: IN STUD/AT STUD, UPSCALE/RESCALE (LEON said it wasn't UP). Hand up for wanting STEAKS before SOLIDS, but I waited for the perps to decide. Also first thought was ALTAR for that tie-up location.

    Marti, you seem very familiar with the Mercedes models. Got one? (I liked that tube-top model.)

  6. d-otto, no, I don't own one. But when my sister started dating a guy with a gull-wing, we all decided that he was the one for her. She ended up marrying him, and they named their first daughter "Mercedes."

  7. "Backpacker, often : TENTER"


  8. Hello Puzzlers -

    DNF for me today. Tema and Amiens got me, plus I really fouled up that south block, especially Tope.

    Morning Marti! Thanks for 'splainin.

  9. Hello all,

    Not a walk in the park today, but I managed to squeeze this one out. There were times along the way where I was sure this was another DNF.

    I wanted Alga for 5A before SCUM appeared. for 29D I had Ethos for a while, but even though I don't agree with its usage in this case, ETHIC won out. It sure doesn't seem plural to me, but it's not a big enough deal to go researching Webster.

    I've heard a ball team called just about everything but ENNEAD. Guess "any clue in a storm" when you need a word to survive in the grid.

    AT STUD had me shedding a tear for Riley. He'll never have the pleasure.



  10. Good morning everybody. What a puzzle today! I got the theme, but go hung up on some of the fill. Especially with ENNEAD, TABOULI, TOPE and PLIE. Yuck!

    But some cute clues make up for it. I liked:
    - 24D: Bugs, for one: TOON
    - 44D: Ones resting on a bridge: GLASSES

    Have a great day today. Make it count!

  11. Is the puzzle creater the offspring of Jean Stapleton and Carol O'Conor?

  12. Yeah, the TEME/AMIENS cross got me, too.

    14. Jackknifed, say : DOVE. Anyone else think of tractor-trailer trucks? No but I did think of Mack:

    Just a jackknife has MacHeath, dear
    And he keeps it out of sight.

  13. Doha, thank you. Really interesting video.

    Am I the only one who thinks the HAL painting subject looks like Tyrion in Game of Thrones?

  14. Hi Y'all! WEES! TEMA/AMIENS was the last to fill with a red-letter alphabet run. Don't know whose kid Jean O'Conor is, but her puzzle is hard. Fun in places, though. I got the theme entries easily.

    JOE is never my first thought for coffee.

    LAR? Who dat? I watched "Knots Landing" faithfully, but the face was not familiar. Thanks, Marti, and also for ENNEAD. When I perped it for "team", I thought it was just TRASH TALK. I'll go back and hear Vivaldi.

    DOMINATRIX was too long for the whipper.

    I'm an IMAC user and I still didn't know it had a CanonICAL app. Don't have enough appointments to need a calendar app. I associate the word with the Catholic Church.

  15. Deer (singular and plural) are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae.

    I think I'll have a few beer tonight.

  16. Brian, I don't think we've ever caught Rich making a mistake. Check this out.

  17. Great puzzle. About average difficulty for a Thursday. Some answers were super easy and others were fairly difficult.
    I didn't get the theme until the reveal.
    I had A---NS, so AMIENS was an easy WAG.
    Had -EMA so TEMA (theme) came to mind.
    We have had OARS in this sense many times. The rowers are actually called that in scull.
    Knew HALS. Never heard of LAR.
    Tenter for one using a tent, might seem odd and rare, although it is in my Unabridged. When speaking with RVers, I say, "We are tenters."
    When I was a child a tenter was a frame with hooks to stretch curtains to dry unwrinkled.
    So we get the idiom,"on tenter hooks," in a state of being strained or, especially, in suspense.
    At first I thought of CANON ICAM, but the ICAM is an Apple product.
    My Unabridged allows DEERS for varieties of deer.
    There is a TV show called “Morning Joe (brewed by Starbucks)” with a coffee cup as a theme.
    In the old movies the diner waitress yells, “Cup o’ joe.”

  18. Grammar challengedJune 27, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    Deer, Fish, and others can have 'plurals' in Deers, Fishes etc. when describing different types or classes,

    As in, 'Monies' = different types of money , different currencies, or nature of funds - short term, long term, Notes, Bonds , money equivalents like credit card (debt), derivative functions etc.

  19. A delightful slog augmented with learning and cleverness –ENNEAD and GLASSES cluing were wonderful. One cell still iffy.

    -Athletes that TALK TRASH are fun to hate.
    -My jack knifer was a semi too, Marti. It’s not good when your trailer passes your cab.
    -Loved SNOOZE, YOU LOSE. It is one of Joann’s favs around here. “Oh, YOU, wanted that last meatball.”
    -We’ve got to OUTLAW texting and driving!
    -CHO’s filthy routines are NOT MY CUP OF TEA
    -Dang, I had teRA/aRiens. teMa/aMiens got by me.
    -I ran into a former student who asked me what I had called (DUBbed) her after she made a basket in the opponent’s basket. It was Wrong Way Wiedeman. What they remember!
    -Peahen, “Really? Been there, seen that!”
    -KETV in Omaha has purchased the rundown, old Burlington DEPOT and is changing it into a TV station
    -Marti, no comment on ALOFT and ALIT ;-)? I knew you wouldn’t disappoint on TUBE top!
    -It’s easier to saw one more inch off that board that put an inch back on

  20. Husker, I agree about texting, but I think driving should still be allowed.:) My carpentry mantra is, "I've sawed it off three times, and it's still too short." That old depot will make an imposing TV station.

  21. Some of the fill was a problem for me.

    Had to Google for USOC (sport) AMIENS (Fr.) ERIQ (sp.) and LAR.

    A Natick at ICAL crosses SLS. BOSNS, DUBS, TEMA.

    Can you jackknife into water? And what is TOPE? I thought it was smoking weed - no, that's TOkE.

    Theme was good, but I had Box before BAG.

    Still don't like DEERS, unless used scientifically, not just discussing ordinary whitetail,rein, red, etc. Even then, the scientists would call them Cervidae. (Our word is from German for animal - tier).
    Basically, animals we think of as running in groups aren't pluralized. So it's sheep, but goats, since a goat has more personality and often is closer to a pet.

  22. d-otto @ 9:28, dang, you jumped on HG's comment too fast for me: "driving should still be allowed..."

    Fancy Diving. a dive in which the diver bends in midair to touch the toes, keeping the legs straight, and then straightens out.
    Link text
    It looks like a jack knife closing and opening again.
    About that jack knifing semi link we had a few days ago: That seemed to me to be a very short loop played over and over instead of one take. See the sign.

  24. Good morning everyone.

    Fun puzzle today. Only had to wite-out 3 squares; and learn how to spell TABOULI. I liked the TEMA but didn't fully 'get' it 'til IN THE BAG. Waited with SST to be sure it wasn't TWA.
    Liked DEERS. It also means Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), which is important to me as a retiree.
    Marti - in addition to Rembrandt and HALS, I also like Jan Steen.

    Have a great day.

  25. Took me a long longer than I expected today, but it's fun when it finally falls into place.

    I always used to measure once, cut a whole bunch of times. Now I unpack, read instructions and assemble/disassemble/reassemble/repeat

  26. -Marti and Otto, that’s a hoot! Substitute WHILE for AND! Yesterday, I saw a young girl texting WHILE driving after she entered the intersection from a four way stop where we were sitting. I think it should be a primary offense and think it is as bad as drinking and driving. Is bad syntax a primary offense ;-)?
    -Here is an interior view of that old Burlington DEPOT/Station where KETV is going to spend millions to turn it into a TV station

  27. Good Morning:

    Other than enjoying Mart's write-up, I agree with Thumper.

    Have a terrific Thursday.

  28. Sfingi, regarding TOPE, check out the third stanza in this lyric listing: Have Some Madeira, M'Deart.

  29. Top-O-The-Morning to you all.

    I knew AMIENS, but still wasn't sure about TEMA. Last to fill YDS....oh, running back? ERIQ appears once in awhile as does TOPE.

    Well tonight is a big night in our household. My daughters friend Darryl will be appearing on Jeopardy! He competed in Feb or Mar and the show will finally be aired this evening. No one knows how he did because the contestants have to sign an agreement to keep their mouths shut or whatever $$$ they won is forfeited. If anyone is interested, google "The Bygone Bureau, In Jeopardy!: The Pre-Game". He's written about the process and all the tricks from the interview to "buzzing in". Who knew?


    That's all I got for now.

  30. (I would have linked the Bygone Bureau, but I don't remember how........D'uh.)

  31. I have company from MO/CA but have kept doing puzzles/reading posts this week.

    I did amazingly well on this Thursday difficulty puzzle. Spitzboov, I agree with you about DEERS. I am a volunteer who helps retirees with Aging issue so am familiar with DEERS.

    When I was a little kid, we had peacocks in our park on a river. I just remember them as being big and mean. Semi trucks came to my mind with the term jack-knife.

    I think of my Corner colleagues as I drive along my highway and see hitchhikers. We discussed them several months ago. Since mid-May I have seen 19 humans and 4 dogs wanting rides. Seems like female hitchhikers have big dogs with them this season. Most hitchhikers in my area hitch rides from one truck stop convenience store to another. They meet and visit with people, then get a ride to another town in the direction they are going. They don’t stand out on the road anymore.

    Have a good Thursday!


  32. Good day, Marti and super solvers and WARM greetings from ever sunny Arizona!

    It's always great to return home although our annual sister trip was just fabulous, except when it wasn't. Eventually I'll tell about our misery at the Marriott.

    I sashayed rather easily through Ms. O'Conor's puzzle with very few write overs. I knew ERIQ but it looked strange and so erased it then rewrote it. Had to search for Frans HALS though I know we've seen it before.

    More later as I have piles of washing, e-MAILS to read, etc, etc.

    I missed you all but had a superb time with the CA Coven at Dodo's place. She is a gracious and entertaining hostess.

    Hopefully you are all having a wonderful summer and fantastic Thursday!

  33. Hurray! I got a Thursday puzzle without cheating! Yay. Mind you, it wasn't easy and for a while I thought I'd never get that NW corner. But in the end it all fell into place even though I've never heard of ENNEAD and a few other items. But it helped that I got SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and HALS. Anyway, a fun puzzle, Jean, many thanks! And I always love your expos, Marti.

    Argyle, I haven't thought of "Mack, the Knife" in years. But with just a few lines from you, that song came right back. I'm a big Berthold Brecht/Kurt Weill fan.

    Have a great Thursday, everybody!

  34. Thanks HeartRx! I knew someone would help me out. It's a really interesting take on Jeopardy!.

    Lucina, it was great to see you last week and really terrific to be able to meet your sisters..

  35. 14A "Jackknifed, say: DOVE" is a foul. The past tense of "dive" is "dived." "Dove" is a bird.

    And, yes, the clue did make me think of a semitrailer.

  36. Yes, deers stuck out like a sore thumb, but it was not so long ago that we had the enlightening discussion of fish/fishes.

    Now whenever I see "old flyer," I have to wait and see if it's SST or TWA.

    I had "ooze" before "seep," it really messed me up.

    YR@9:56AM Yes, it was a GIF, Graphics Interchange Format.

    Here are some funny GIFS (click on one, & wait a moment for it to load.)

    GIFS are indispensable for illustrating Kama Sutra positions...(Very DF,,, do not click on this link....

    I told you not to click on it!!!

    Well, time to try & find something funny for the theme, in the bag

  37. So it is okay to have a non-theme answer that world with the theme?


  38. Garlic Gal, I forgot to say that we are really looking forward to seeing Darryl on "Jeopardy" tonight! How exciting! We'll definitely root for him.

  39. GarlicGal:
    Thank you. Believe me, my sisters were greatly impressed with meeting all of you!

    I can't wait to see Darryl tonight!

  40. This was the last funny GIF at the bottom of the page, & I thought it was cute.

  41. I thought this was pretty hard and enjoyable at the same time. I didn't know ENNEAD.

    I wonder if the tube-top model needs any algebra tutoring?

    D-O said we've hardly ever caught Rich making a mistake. I still remember when ukulele was spelled UKELELE and that seemed like an error to me. Even so, I agree, he's almost mistake free since I've been paying attention. I should be so careful...

    Here's a great video that I thought might cause a sugar rush. Kitty and baby.

    It's warmer than usual here this week (mid 80s), still not bad compared to other places.

  42. "Dived is the traditional past tense and past participle of the verb dive. But the newer dove, . . . . . ., has been in the language approximately two centuries and is now standard in American and Canadian English. Outside North America, where dived still prevails by a large margin, some might consider dove wrong."
    Link chart
    This chart shows that dove is outpacing dived in the U.S. It’s no longer your grandfather’s (or Elizabethan) English. The language is not static and varies according to situation. The language of a scholarly presentation is not the language of everyday speech. I like that crosswords use slang, formal, informal, archaic, scientific, and many other kinds of language. It makes them more challenging, especially when the type is not noted.

    Garlic Gal, I immediately cut and pasted, then scarfed up Darryl’s site. Very interesting. I’m pulling for him tonight.

  43. garlic gal i'll watch jeop as usual and try to find the article mentioned! good puzzle had some snags as others. will miss my daily newspaper starting in august. don't do online puzzle.

  44. Bill G. @ 3:01, kitties and babies, what's not to love about that clip??!!??!

    YR, you linked to a site that is on my Bookmarks Bar - I use it often to check words that I am considering putting into my puzzles. It's just another great tool to justify my entries to Rich!

  45. Good afternoon Marti, CC, et al., Interesting puzzle and a good slog for Thurs. Excellent write up too, Marti. Loved the links...Vivaldi!

    DJED was perfect for today. The DJ is the MVP of a wedding reception. #3 and I were just talking about that this morning. Hers was perfect and gave us one of the best parties I've ever been to, all in his fluidity, his smooth, unfaltering performance. Happy memories too.

    'Worker w/a whip' piqued my interest right away. Lucky thing I was ALONE, otherwise THIS may have BODE ILL for MOI. I'd've called that OUTLAW a TRASH TALKING SCUM BAG who AT STUD and ALOFT looks like a LAME DUCK who needs to RESCALE his POLA STRUTtin measuring device from YDS to mms.
    I can hear it now: it's how you ply your OARS that rocks the DOCKS! it IS ON!!! I'm going to get ALIT. It's all good.

    Enjoy your evening.

  46. Hello from foggy-sunny-foggy Santa Barbara. Been on the go like crazy, enjoying fine food, interesting sights, and a sandy beach. Been walking my ass off. Bill G, we did go see the big fig tree. No time to even turn on my computer, let alone do an xword or read the blog. We all agreed to have a "calm down" day today, so I have turned on my computer for the first time all week and have exhausted myself reading all the entries in this blog from Sunday to today. Lots of interesting comments!

    I have pretty much only 2 things to say at the moment: (1) Although I may not agree with a person's opinion, I find myself defending his/her right to express it. (2) Go Darryl! I'll be watching and rooting for you!

    Best wishes to you all.

  47. good luck to Darryl will be watching!

  48. Jayce, I'm glad you're enjoying Santa Barbara, fig tree and all. Depending on where you are located, because of Santa Barbara's geography, you can see the sun rising over the ocean and setting over land, very disconcerting for somebody living near the ocean where I'm located on the west coast.

    At college, I hitched often trying to get a ride to the women's dorms a long way away up a big hill. I even hitched from Ithaca, NY to Philadelphia to see a girl friend. I had my doubts if the adventure was going to be a good decision when it started snowing. Still, all's well that ended well.

  49. There are ample references to show DEERS is valid for the clue.

    Dutch for animal is 'dier', pronounced the same as 'deer'.
    Back when I was learning some Dutch, to organize some vowels and diphthongs in my mind, I made up this nonsense sentence:

    Het duurde dier gaat daar door de deur.

    (The most expensive animal goes there through the door.)

  50. Lemonade: thank you for the kind words yesterday. It’s good to see you and everyone else here. I’ll have more time now that it’s summer. …well, maybe. Somethings never take a break…like the myopic views of some administrators. I only mean that in the nicest way. I feel my anal glaucoma returning where I can't see my ass going to work anymore. Time will tell.

    Windhover: Hi back atcha, handsome man. How are EWE? Big family talk of descending upon your area sometime in the future…maybe Spring? I hope we can slip away for a few more Ky bourbon ales. Damn fine stuff! I’ll certainly let you know. Keep it up.Stay well.

    Bill G: Good to see you. Va is hot and humid, stormy evenings, but no cicadas yet. The tree frogs have arrived in force and they are just about as loud as the cicadas and not nearly as musical…well, unless you consider a bull horn fart musical. Some ppl do. Not judging anyone. There’s a place for everyone…just not near me. No, not working this summer on academic stuff, just tipping at windmills, like Donna Quixote, fighting the good fight. Where has reason gone?

  51. Lois, it's good to see you haven't lost the touch! #3? Does that mean you wore out two previous DH's?

    Spitz, that looks like a Dutch tongue-twister.

    I probably won't see Darryl until tomorrow night. I DVR Jeopardy!, and I'm a day behind in watching it.

  52. Spitz - once I was taught "the cat fell in the canal" phonetically in Dutch - it went something like "der katt grached in de graccht" - anything close?

  53. Steve - Based on what you recall, I would say it something like:

    De kat gleeduit in het gracht. (The cat slipped into the canal.

    Notes: to fall = vallen, fell = viel; gracht is a small town canal or moat. A shipping canal would be 'kanaal'

  54. Desper-otto: LOL no, #3 is #3 daughter. One DH in this life time was enough...and happily, depending on who you ask. We made it to 30 yrs & 4 beauties. But why now settle down and make another man miserable when I can make so many other men happy? Carpe Diem and whoever else is my motto. Party on!

  55. Hi, all!

    Will read the comments later. Was thrilled to get this one done w/o cheats last night. Great work, Jean and Marti!

    Was able to swim today! Extraction location still hurting like mad. Was able to eat scrambled eggs and boiled apples. Have to think hard about dinner. Any suggestions?


  56. poached eggs and apple sauce.

    How is the salt water pool? I find that very interesting.

  57. very disappointing to see a non word like 'deers'

  58. Except for trying MAINLY before MOSTLY and EEGS for EKGS, this was a smooth ride.

    Oh, and I agree with Barry: TENTERS was a real reach.

    I'm looking forward to this evening. Sadly, a dear friend took ill yesterday, so I am reading in King Lear for him in rehearsals. I played the role years ago, and though I'm now disabled for acting, am happy to have another chance to read it in....

  59. GarlicGal: excellent show by Darryl. I was sure he was going to win, but alas...he did extremely well just the same, plus he enhanced the scenery very nicely too. Handsome man. He did himself and family and friends proud.

  60. That's odd.

    Our Jeopardy was won by Andrew.

    Andrew amassed 19K to win, and then picked every letter except B and O in Final Jeopardy.

    The clue was 'thing' and the answer was CHEEK--NES. He won another 30K for saying CHEEKBONES.

  61. That sounds like Wheel of Fortune.

  62. Good evening all,

    I sometimes hesitate to write when I am not able to finish the C/W. As always, I enjoyed the challenge, the new words and all the information you provide. Ennead really threw me. For some reason I kept think Oriole as it has been used a lot lately, having so many vowels.Perped that one and perps changed resand to resaws... also tank to tube.Meant to go back and fix djed, until I realized it was DJed!

    Loved"ones resting on a bridge"

    Welcome back Lucina. What an enjoyable afternoon we all had, and having your sisters there was an added bonus.Wish we could zip over and see Dodo more often.

    Gary, we do have a law in CA against texting and talking on a hand held phone, but the fine is a measly $76.But, if one happens to park in a handicapped spot (even at 9PM in a almost deserted church lot!!!!), the fine is $250. Do I sound bitter?

    Lois, you light up my life with your wit.

  63. Lois,
    Thanks for the compliment and back atcha too. Not sure I can keep it up till Spring but it's worth trying.

  64. Windhover, surely you will give it your best try, just don't call your doctor after 4 hours.LOL!

  65. It's always a shame to disappoint a Grandma.

    I enjoyed seeing Darryl on Jeopardy. Thanks for the heads up.

    I see where one of my favorite TV stars, Kristen Bell, has proposed to her long-time boyfriend.
    Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard have been engaged since 2009 but never tied the knot because, as Bell once said, "I don’t feel appropriate taking advantage of a right that’s denied to my [gay and lesbian] friends."
    But after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibited gay couples from marrying, she’s had a change of heart.

    Fans of her show "Veronica Mars" privately funded a movie that will have the old actors back in further adventures of the young female detective.

    I was a big fan.


  66. Good evening, folks. Thank you, Jean O'Conor, for a swell puzzle. A little tough. Thank you, Marti, for the swell review.

    This puzzle seemed more like a Friday level to me. Worked on it off and on all evening while traveling back to Illinois.

    You got it on the Earl Grey, Marti. I thought of that while I answered that clue, NOT MY CUP OF TEA.

    Caught the theme answers OK. YOU'VE GOT MAIL was my last.

    Yes, I was thinking of semis for Jackknife. Got DOVE with perps.

    BODE ILL was tough for me.

    Never saw the SLUMDOG movie.

    I am at Union Station and have to catch my train home.

    See you tomorrow.




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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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