, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday November 24, 2013 Mark Feldman

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 24, 2013

Sunday November 24, 2013 Mark Feldman

Theme: "Cooked Books" - Each theme entry sounds like a well-known novel. (Added later:  I did not catch the theme fully. Please click here to read Orange's explanation. Two of the words in each book title rhyme with the original words.)

25A. Tolstoy novel about game hunting? : BOAR AND GEESE. "War and Peace".
31A. London novel about gentlemen coming to blows? : BRAWL OF THE MILD. "Call of the Wild".
52A. Salinger novel about an alien abduction? : SNATCHER IN THE SKY. "Catcher in the Rye"

70A. Dreiser novel about a prominent British prince? : MISTER HARRY. "Sister Carrie".

82A. Brontë novel about the rigors of ballet training? : SMOTHERING TIGHTS.  "Wuthering Heights".

104A. Forster novel about the mysterious death of Tutenkhamen? : A TOMB WITH A CLUE. "A Room with a View". King Tut.

115A. Steinbeck novel about a spiritual vegan? : OF RICE AND ZEN. "Of Mice and Men".

Did I miss any extra layer that further coheres the theme? 

When I read the puzzle title "Cooked Books", I thought it might be an anagram. Consulted with our Oracle Argyle, he said "It doesn't pay to analyze puns too much".

I'm eager to read what you guys have to say.


1. Skye cap : TAM. Saw this clue before, so an easy start.

4. Long yarn : SAGA. Bob, who reads but not comments on our blog, sent me these pictures last night. It's carved from a single tree trunk.  Total length: 12.286 meters. Click here to for more. 4 years. Talk about patience.

8. Wide open areas? : SPACES

14. Fix after an outage, as a clock : RE-SET

19. Genetics lab study : RNA

20. Yemen neighbor : OMAN

21. Old Spanish sailing force : ARMADA

22. Small egg : OVULE

23. Fingers : IDs. Verb.

24. __ the Merciless: Flash Gordon foe : MING

27. Most texts : MESSAGES. Do you texting  or calling your kids, PK?

29. Informer : RAT

30. Intimidated : DAUNTED

35. Assembled : MET

36. Computer acronym : ASCII

37. Get : SEE

38. DDE rival : AES (Adlai Ewing Stevenson)

40. "__ Miniver" : MRS

43. Murder mystery staple : CORPSE

45. Credit (to) : ASCRIBE

49. Court happening : TRIAL

51. Spot for a pad : KNEE

56. Good, in Hebrew : TOV.  "Mazel tov!"

57. Clear : RID

58. Bygone bringers of blocks : ICEMEN

59. Spanish appetizer : TAPA. I like Korean appetizers (Banchan). I like all pickled stuff.

63. Stir up : WAKEN

65. Tinted : HUED

68. Despicable : BASE

69. "What a shame!" : ALAS

72. Big name in elevators : OTIS

73. Daffy : BATS

74. NFL pick sixes, e.g. : INTS (Interceptions)

75. Red dye : EOSIN. Rooted in Eos, the Greek goddess of the dawn. Hence red, I suppose.

 76. Guy dolls : KENS

77. Check : ARREST. One-word clue can be very tricky.

79. Belief: Suff. : ISM

80. Cleo's undoing : ASP

87. One may overlook a loch : BRAE

91. Perfume with myrrh, say : CENSE. Valid word, as Yellowrocks showed us once. Please ignore those snarky anons, Kathy, do tell you about your visit to Israel. What's their typical breakfast? Do they have bagel shops there?

92. Crowd __ : PLEASER

93. Crowd : THRONG

95. More than feasts (on) : ODs

96. Pancake-making facilitator : MIX

97. Photo __ : OPS

100. Swiss mathematician : EULER

101. Email attachment, briefly : PDF

109. Gulf War missile : PATRIOT

113. Former president of Pakistan : ZIA. Wiki said he's Pakistan's longest-serving head of state, ruling eleven years.

114. Lozenges, e.g. : SOOTHERS

118. "__.0": Comedy Central show : TOSH. Never watched the show. Hosted by Daniel Tosh.

119. Bad opening? : DYS. Like Dysfunctional.

120. Booze : SAUCE. Drunk.

121. R or X : RATING

122. Curved molding : OGEE

123. Not leave, with "up" : USE

124. Corners, in a way : TREES

125. Preoccupy : OBSESS

126. "O, let me not be mad" speaker : LEAR. I bet no Shakespearean clue can stump our Keith. He and Misty are both professors at the University of California, Irvine, though I don't think they've met each other.

127. Times in want ads : PMs


1. Sculpt, as hedges : TRIM BACK

2. "Winesburg, Ohio" author Sherwood : ANDERSON. Never heard of this guy or the book. 

3. Total drubbing : MASSACRE

4. Horn of Africa natives : SOMALIS

5. Baja buddy : AMIGO

6. Crooks, in slang : GANEFS. Learned from doing xwords.

7. Unsettled feelings, in Frankfurt : ANGSTE. New word to me. Quite close to our Angst.

8. Buffalo hockey player : SABRE.  I don't think I know any player from Buffalo Sabres, Splynter.

9. Tournament kickoff, perhaps : PRO-AM

10. Cremona craftsman : AMATI. Violin.

11. Beetle, for one : CAR.

12. Author LeShan : EDA

13. Bank deposit : SAND. Great clue.

14. Scoundrel : ROGUE

15. Affair : EVENT

16. Haggis ingredient : SUET. Suet is beef fat. Lard is pig fat.

17. "What __ is new?" : ELSE

18. Began a round, with "off" : TEED

26. Farm mom : DAM

28. Lift : SWIPE

32. __ wave : HEAT

33. Den : LAIR

34. Actress Mazar : DEBI

39. House mate?: Abbr. : SEN. Senate. I was stumped.

40. Pair, as two odd socks : MIS-MATE. This is the clue & Answer dupe (mate/MATE) Anon-T referred the other day.

41. Earns copiously : RAKES IN

42. Cunning : SLYNESS

44. Approx. : EST

46. Cliffside debris : SCREE

47. Violin parts : CHIN RESTS

48. Great American Ball Park player : RED

49. Cannabis compound : THC

50. Nike rival : REEBOK. Afrikaans spelling of rhebok, some kind of gazelle.

53. Sure to end badly : NO-WIN

54. "Stop, sailor!" : AVAST

55. Considerable : TIDY

59. Hot stuff : TABASCO. I bet Lucina has a bottle in her fridge.

60. Fearful : ALARMED

61. Arts supporters : PATRONS

62. Furniture and fixtures, say : ASSETS

64. Gold meas. : KTs (Karats)

65. Eats : HAS

66. Dickens' Heep : URIAH

67. "The Hat Makes the Man" artist : ERNST (Max)

70. Wee bit : MITE

71. Pal, slangily : HOMIE

78. Lady, e.g. : SHE

79. Supermarket franchise initials : IGA

81. L.A. hours : PST. I think Rich does read our blog, Bill G, probably not every day, as he's extremely busy with all the puzzle submissions/editing/reader mails and other newspaper stuff we're not aware of.

83. Turning meas. : RPM

84. Hip bones : ILIA

85. Call in a bakery : NEXT

86. Develop : GROW

87. "Scottish Fantasy" composer : BRUCH (Max). Jazzbumap knows him. Not me. German composer. Died in 1920.
88. In a ball : ROLLED UP

89. Arterial problem : ANEURYSM

90. Exits : EGRESSES

94. Subtly mottled, as fabric : HEATHER. Oh I know the pattern. Just don't know it has a specific name.

98. Starter's gun : PISTOL

99. Easy mark : STOOGE

101. Damage, so to speak : PRICE. I don't get this one. Can you give me a sentence to show how these two are equivalents?

102. Cubes in the kitchen : DICES. Verb "Cubes"!

103. Antagonist : FOE

105. Harriet's TV spouse : OZZIE

106. Appearances : MIENS. Also learned from doing xwords.

107. Beatle trademark : BANGS

108. Old Testament prophet : HOSEA. Needed crossing help.

109. Put up : POST

110. At a distance : AFAR

111. Faithful : TRUE

112. Poi source : TARO

116. Collar : NAB

117. Sot's problem : DTS

I'm excited to show you a recent picture of Agnes, our loving and witty Irish Miss. She said:

"I am on the right next to my sister, Eileen. This was taken Friday night (Nov 22, 2013)  at my sister Peggy's house, celebrating her 6 year old granddaughter's Luau-themed birthday party."

Notice her rings? Read here for details. She has since added a new ring.


  1. DNF for me today. A tough puzzle, but ANEUR_SM/D_S is what did me in. I wanted an I in that gap, but when that was red-lettered, I tried every other vowel -- except Y. :( When I was a scoolkid, we were taught the vowels were A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes [but rarely] Y and W. So even after 50+ years, I still forget Y. Today, do they teach Y as always vowel and leave W out? They ought. The exceptions are so rare as to never mind.

    The theme today provides its own wordplay, so there doesn't seem to be a call for expansion. It doesn't help that I've only experienced 2 of the base works, Call of the Wild when I was a kid, and Of Mice and Men as a stage play, almost as long ago. Still, I'll let them fester in my mind and maybe gestate something later today.

    101D example: "What are the damages going to be for that new TV screen?"

  2. Or when the TV repairman/plumber/electrician etc. gets done, and you ask, "Ok, what's the damage?", i.e., what's the cost?


  4. Hi Y'all! I was a little DAUNTED by this puzzle, but found it much more pleasing than yesterday's MASSACRE of our egos. I sorta caught onto the theme with SNATCHER IN THE SKY, found it amusing and it helped with the other book names. However, I didn't know the authors Dreiser or one other.

    On the first pass through I had almost nothing in the top third of the puzzle. I began to to fill in the central and SE then worked back up. I wouldn't have been able to do that without red-letter redirections and several alphabet runs.

    Last fills were SPACES, SAND, DAUNTED and DAM.
    Farm mom wasn't "ewe" or "hen" like usual but DAM! I stuck in the "A" on that, thinking it was an apt word on which to finish.

    I tried "bull" and "bear" before I got the better rhyming BOAR. GEESE had been filled in some time. Among other things, didn't know EOSIN or the Cannabis compound. Not into the latter.

    C.C. Really great expo, pictures & links! I talk or email my children. Can't figure out how to text. Did it once. Can't make it work again.

    1. I used an Amazon search to get a list of titles for each author. Cheating, I know, but I do what I must.

  5. Good Morning, C.C. and friends. What a fun Sunday theme. When I read the puzzle's title of "Cooked" books, and got BOAR AND GEESE, I thought the theme might be food related. MISTER HARRY dissuaded me of that thought.

    All the theme clues were books I read, or should have read, in high school. I could never get through War and Peace or Wuthering Heights, though.

    I wanted Tamale for Tabasco. TABASCO sauce is made in Avery Island, Louisiana. Well worth a visit there, not so much for a tour of the factory, but for the beautiful park.

    In case anyone is interested, here is a lovely recipe for Haggis. Suet is only one of the interesting ingredients in this Scottish delicacy.

    Nice Photos, Irish Miss. I am sure you had a great visit with your sister.

    I see that others have helped with the line between Damage and Price.

    QOD: Freedom is absolutely necessary for the progress in science and the liberal arts. ~ Baruch Spinoza (Nov. 24, 2013 ~ Feb. 21, 1677)


  6. Morning, all!

    Technical DNF for me as well, since I eventually had to turn on the red letter help to fix the DYS/ANEURYSM crossing (I call foul on this since ANEURISM is an accepted variant and so is DIS).

    I also couldn't get ANGSTE on my own. From the clue, I thought we were looking for a plural and put in ANGSTS. The "Frankfort" in the clue led me to believe we were looking for a German spelling, but all I could think of was, "What is the German plural of ANGST?") Finally had to run the alphabet until SEE appeared at 37A to get me ANGSTA.

    All the theme answers were delightful, except for MISTER HARRY, for which I did not know the underlying novel.


  7. Good morning!

    This makes two days in a row! When I didn't know which vowel to use, I WAGged an I. I was wrong both times. I was with OwenKL on DIS/ISM and I thought the names could have been EILER/BRICH -- well, they could have.

    I was surprised to see a book title in a non-theme answer, Mrs. Miniver. It wouldn't have been difficult to clue it differently.

    PK, it appears we finished on the same word. Just not at the same place in the puzzle.

  8. Good Morning:

    Found this a tad chewy and it was a DNF for me due to Euler/Bruch crossing. Otherwise, perps came to the rescue. Caught the theme very early on which helped with the solve. (Watch out for those "ice men", Tin!)

    We had a dusting of snow last night and are supposed to have gale force winds today. It's nice and sunny, but very cold. Possible nor'easter toward the middle of the week. I remember a Thanksgiving Day snowstorm that dumped two feet of snow in a 24 hours period.

    Thanks, Mark Feldman, for a Sunday stumper, and thanks, CC, for your always-informative expo. And thanks, Manac, for explaining that NY reference.

    Lucina, when I read the 59D clue, hot stuff, I immediately thought of you and put in tamales. It soon changed to Tabasco.

    Have a super Sunday.

  9. Delightful! GANEFS sat and mocked me to the end but turned out to be right for an unexpected “got ‘er done”. There seemed to be a workable challenge in every section but TOMB WITH A CLUE was fav.

    -It’s a chore to remember how to RESET each clock for DST
    -We MESSAGE pix and info to our kids while on vacation
    -Did Jack kill Lee Harvey so he wouldn’t RAT?
    -If you weren’t DAUNTED when fighting Mike Tyson, you were BATS
    -I always MET the kids under here at 1 pm to go to Magic Kingdom on the monorail
    -Husker VBer’s didn’t need KNEE pads on this surface
    -Trailer for fabulous movie about AWAKENings (2:46)
    -Don’t ya think the OTIS people could fix this elevator?
    -You can OD on bottomless French fries at this restaurant. Ever been?
    -TOPIARY couldn’t fit in hedge clue nor SILT for bank deposit
    -Family matters can put you in NO WIN situations in a hurry
    -Emergency EGRESS system on shuttle launch pad. I always wanted to ride that basket down the wire.
    -BASE and talentless Miley Cyrus makes you long for the days when BANGS on the lads were controversial

  10. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the intro, C.C.

    Nice picture of Irish Mist and her sister. Thanks for sharing.

    Bit of a stem-winder puzzle, today. Eventually got most of it, but missed the EOSIN/HOMIE CROSS. Most unknowns had adequate perps.
    SCREE - Wanted 'talus' but perps pointed to my 2nd choice.
    7d - ANGSTE. Plural which is umlauted in German - die Ängste
    AVAST - Still remember while mooring in Norfolk during a howling wind, our Captain trying to direct the pusher tug assisting us to "avast' pushing toward the pier, but they could not hear him. A NO WIN situation?

    GuiGui Zheng has no fingers on her right hand. Here she is playing " Souvenir d'enfance.
    by Richard Clayderman whichis not an easy piece to play. The girl plays beautifully, with the sort of lyrical maturity not often found in youngsters new to their instruments. Even more impressive, she first sat down at a piano a mere three years ago."

  11. I never learned that w could serve as a vowel. Example, please.

  12. Anon@1:00 -- I think OwenKL was probably referring to the word cwm I don't know of any examples in American English, though.

  13. Irish Miss, Yes, snow last night and nasty winds and cold today. Good day to stay inside and watch a couple of football games.

    I swear I saw Adam's Apples on some of those Volley Ball Players,
    Maybe the Patriots could sign them
    on to their team :)

    Oh! the Puzzle... Meh! Theme was OK but no continuity in the answers. Letter changes for a pun could have been anything. Just my two cents.

  14. I'm hoping you are having a nice Sunday (It just turned afternoon here.) This puzzle too me a long time to finish, even more than most big Sunday puzzles. I think it was because of the cluing. So many of the clues referred to definitions of a word that were unusual; not wrong, just out of the ordinary. Like 'assembled' > MET, 'get' > SEE, 'clear' > RID, 'not leave > USE (up), damage>PRICE and others I've probably forgotten. This puzzle had more of those offbeat definitions than any other in recent memory. It made the solving hard for me.

    CC, thanks for the answer to my question about Rich.

    Irish Miss/Agnes, I enjoyed seeing your photo, rings and all.

    I've never texted anybody. I'm a cell phone and social media luddite.

    We got the garage door opener fixed by our handyman. For some reason, the door had become disconnected from the driving chain. All better now.

  15. Hello, puzzler friends! Greetings, C.C. and a salute to your informative commentary. At the moment I'm out of TOBASCO but it will certainly be on my next shopping list. I also love Sriracha which is good when making fried rice. Mmmmm

    Irish Miss, I also immediately wrote TAMALES since TAPA was obvious but had to change NUTS to BATS and SMOTHERING TIGHTS clearly needed TOBASCO.

    This was a very slow dance, not even a sashay, and though I loved the puns, some gave me problems in completing them. Sister Carrie was one I read in American Lit ages ago so MISTER HARRY was fun to suss.

    BRUCH was unknown to me so had to Yahoo that but I've seen EULER enough times and spelled DYS as DIS.

    BRAWL OF THE WILD escaped me as I had BALD, missed AMATI but love the word SCREE and it jumped right in place. I liked much of the fill and the cluing seemed fresh.

    That is a lovely photo of you and your sister. Thank you for sharing it.

    Mark Feldman, I admire your SLYNESS and thank you for the challenge.

    I'm sure the ICEMEN would never deliver to your door!

    Have a super Sunday, everyone! The rain continues. Yay!

  16. -OMG, Manac, you see lovely young, athletic women in bikinis and you are checking out Adam’s apples? We’ve gotta have a talk ;-) I am enjoying the Chiefs/Charger game on our cold day.
    -Bill, I can’t remember the last time I lifted a garage door. I’d really miss mine! One time I tried to adjust the springs by myself and was told by the pro how dangerous that act of stupidity is.
    -Lucina, I also don’t think I would enjoy filling and emptying ice trays again or chopping up blocks if the iceman cometh.
    -Hahtoolah, there are kids all over the Mideast who are hungering for the freedom your quote addresses and I think they will get it eventually.
    -As I’ve said before at this site, I prefer texting because it allows me to digest the message and consider a thoughtful response.

  17. Manac, HG was much more gentle in responding to your sexist slur than I would have been.

    Don't you have an athletic daughter? I wonder how you would respond to a quip like that directed towards her.

    I imagine you'd prolly have another broken hand.

  18. @ Spitzboov 11:07 a.m.

    "Irish Mist" - Freudian slip? :)

  19. Manac:
    LOL. Yea,sure you were looking for Adam's apples!

    Just as when I see muscular men I check to see if they have boobs!

    Learning is definitely the consequence of doing puzzles. My huge assortment of reference books was acquired long before the internet when I needed them for just such research.

    On yesterday's puzzle someone commented that it "was too hard" yet I believe most of us found this blog, C.C.'s corner, because of a difficult puzzle. Do we all remember Dan Naddor's work? Now, that was often hard!

  20. HG I was also enjoying the Chiefs/Charger game until the Chiefs lost. Ah well, any given Sunday..

    Here's the info on Damage: Informal Cost; price.

    I don't get the Tournament Kickoff, perhaps with answer Pro/Am. I know what Pro/Am means in that it can be a mix of Pros and Amateurs competing together or against each other. What's the Kickoff me that's a term from football or the start of some competition but not specific to a pro-am event.

    My late husband worked at the ice plant (which was at the end of my street) as a teenager and delivered blocks of ice, so ICEMEN was an easy fill for me.

    Enjoyed the theme but was looking to see if there was something more that I was missing as maybe anagrams or such.

    Shout out to Hahtoolah for keeping up those QODs. Always good food for thought.

    Don't usually do this but my proof of not being a robot is Objorgo and at first glance I thought it read Obrigado...which I will pass along to CC and our constructor today!

  21. HG and Lucina, Glad to see your sense of humor, Still chuckling over your posts:)

  22. Hey all - I didn't get to play and haven't read the comments yet, but I thought someone would like to know that our Oct 25 puzzle constructor (Jacob Stulberg) is on NPR's "Ask Me Another" this weekend. I was listening and he said his proudest 3-letter answer clue was "Not Straight"* - that's what clued me in and got me to look him up. Cheers, -T

    a) *SLY

  23. Buckeye @ 1608.

    Yeah, I guess so. I could plead 'typo'. I hope IM is not offended. It IS Irish and it is good.

    Lucina @ 1612 - re: your comment about puzzle difficulty. That was my experience and what led me to this site ~ 4 yrs ago. And I did look forward to Dan's difficult but nuanced puzzles. I think the fun is in the chase. Once it's done you exhale a 'voilà' but then it's over. Kinda reminds me of something else.

  24. Voilà! It's over, but it was fun getting it done. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who couldn't figure out why I didn't work as the cross for ANEURiSM and DiS. I was so stuck on it that I actually thought there was a bug in the software that determines if a letter should display in red or black. I finally, much as I hated to do it, clicked on Solve Letter and, voilà, there it was! Good thing I didn't have a V-8 can or I would have injured myself.

  25. I'll plead guilty to putting an I in that cross of Dis and Aneurism...and without remorse. It's valid, red letters be damned.

    But I still have to declare a FIW since I had BeAR instead of BOAR. I'm guessing I'll get over it.

  26. Greetings!

    Nice puzzle, Mark! Swell expo, CC!

    Really enjoyed the theme!

    Got stuck in the middle. Had cTS for KTS.

    No problem with EULER or BRUCH. Love Bruch's


  27. CC. Very informative expo. Thanks for the shout out. I am going through a rough patch just now. Although I do the puzzles and read the posts, I am too distracted to write most days.

    Yesterday’s puzzle was a real bear. With assists from Mr. G, a few blanks, and much patience I got through most of it. It was comforting to know that others found it difficult, too. But being stretched is the way we grow. An occasional DAUNTING puzzle, outside our comfort zone, makes us better solvers if we study the answers and read the blog.

    Today’s was challenging, but doable. The theme helped immensely. I won some wild guesses, but am chagrinned at my one erroneous cell. I didn’t “get” 31 A. SSE for was obviously incorrect, but I did not notice and go back to review it. Having a German minor and a German family background, my using the English S plural ANGSTS instead of the German E plural was a DUH moment.

    CED where do you find the time to work your magic? I loved today’s links on the themes.

    Owen, I am amazed at the wonderful creative work you produce consistently every day. It is much harder to be creative on demand than to be creative when the muse strikes.

    Irish Miss, sometimes I think of you as IRISH MIST, which I love. It is sweet and enjoyable, just like you.

  28. The only reason volleyball is an olymipc sport is most of the IOC are men. -T

  29. These sexist posts are disappointing.

  30. When I first came to Manhattan Beach (1963), I realized I hadn't been playing volleyball properly for all those years of banging the ball over the net any which way. It was played correctly around here, on the beach and otherwise. Many of the best beach volleyball players were from here. Our local high school team always finishes near the top of the rankings due to the excellent coaching and because the kids grow up with the volleyball stars as some of their athletic heroes.

    Geez, this is dreadful. Sad game

    The Manhattan Beach pier at Christmas

  31. Euler (pronounced "Oiler") is well known to me. Here's a graphic I made of Euler's Formula as banner for a mathematics group on Facebook.

    W as a vowel, I was just reporting what I was taught in elementary school. Googled it just now, and found a lot of hits for articles about it. One said "through the 19th century, teachers taught this..." 19th century? I was taught that in the 1950s! Anyway, they said W is a vowel as part of a diphthong in cow and a few other words, plus a smattering of Welsh words.

    CED: great suite of photos today! They fit much better than anything I could have written!

  32. I've been busy today and didn't have the patience to do the puzzle. Just wanted to mention that there's a shout-out to Garlic Gal in todays' Jumble puzzle.

    I'm looking forward to an easy Monday puzzle.


  33. Thank you..

    CC for the blog and the wonderful pictures of the Chinese woodworking artist. Wow.

    CED. For your visuals of the theme. I stopped wondering how you get them, and how you do it, but you are the nth wonder of the online world.

    Spitzboov for the talented , one hand fingerless Chinese piano artist. Genius comes in many ways, and despite many, many hardships.

    I also thought of IM as Irish Mist. It's my favorite and only brand of soap I use. Very pleasant fragrance.

    YellowRocks, I hope your rough patch will pass. Sometimes all it takes is to be optimistic, and keep hope, and faith in god. Many prayers for you.

    New words with w as a vowel

    CWM. And CRWTH. .... Must find out the meaning of the latter.

    Good night all.

  34. CWM. ----- . Rhymes with bloom , flume etc ??

    CRWTH. -------- probably rhymes with brute. Or. Truth. ?

    Eulers formula. Makes no conceptual sense to me.

    e to the power (i.pi). =. -1. ?

    If I studied this, I don think I ever learnt the fundamentals on this. Beyond my comprehension.

  35. Kathy, I'm beaming a hug your way. I hope the bad patch is just post-trip-partum blues. After a really life-changing trip I always felt down. Hope you will soon be ready to rejoin us regularly. I may tease you sometimes, but you bring an energy to the group that we need.

  36. Eulers formula is

    e(to the power x.i ) =. Cos x + iSin x

    If x = pi. Cos pi = -1, Sin pi = 0,

    Then e (pi.i). =. -1

    Ok. Euler's identity.

  37. Bill G. - Knockout is a sad game indeed. Such idiocy. I'd like to see one of those punks come up on a Bourne Identity type of guy and see what happens.

    Owen - Love the Euler banner! I always pronouned Euler as eweler. (There's your W as a vowel.) Is it really Oiler? -Ilke the Houston football team?). I recall in 1st or 2nd grade sometimes Y & W too. That was in '76 or '77. -T

  38. Thank you all for the kind comments about sharing the picture of me and my sister. (Also, the one of the "infamous" rings!)

    CED - Your links are priceless. Loved the kitty in the tutu!

    Weekend Reader - I never knew there was an Irish Mist soap; I'm only familiar with the spirit, Irish Mist. (In fact, I thought you meant Irish Spring soap, so I used Mr. G and, lo and behold, found Irish Mist!)

    YR - I hope whatever issues you are dealing with get resolved and your life gets back on a happier track.

  39. While thumbing through the guide on the DVR, I came across a Sarah Silverman special on HBO called "We Are Miracles." She is sassy, irreverent, has a potty mouth -- but she sure is insightful and very funny. If you're interested, it will be repeated many more times.

    Euler's Identity is a beautiful thing. I don't think I fully understand it (Thanks OwenKL and Anon 9:24, that was helpful). I love when concepts in math connect in a clever and beautiful way. It's not a bunch of separate, incomprehensible little factoids.

  40. Crwth. Pronounced " Krooth". Music, or a Celtic harp. Also sometimes, 'crowd'.

    Phpht. ... Pronounced " Fufft ". Also pht ... .... Mild or other annoyance.

    Also contraction of phenol-phthalein ... Chemical Ph indicator, and sometime laxative.

  41. Weekend Reader - This is the Irish Mist I had in mind. It must be 5:00 pm somewhere.

  42. Manac,
    Just read Orange's blog. Turns out there's indeed more cohesion in the theme entries. Two of the words in each book title rhyme with the original words.

    Hope your hand is healing nicely.

  43. KJ in KC (4:31pm)
    In golf, official tournament always start on Thursday. But Pro-ams are often Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Hence, they kick off the event. Makes sense?

  44. Dave & Spitzboov,
    Outstanding links!

    Thanks for the Damage/PRICE explanation, everyone.


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