, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday January 12, 2014 Ed Sessa

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 12, 2014

Sunday January 12, 2014 Ed Sessa

Theme:  "Storm Front Coming" - The end of each theme entry could be blowing in the wind.
23A. *"Brace yourself" : HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT. Love this butterfly hair clip.

41A. *Signal surrender : RAISE A WHITE FLAG. Spitzboov sent me this Annin flag when I became a US citizen.

August 16, 2010
56A. *1965 Rolling Stones hit : GET OFF OF MY CLOUD. Here is the clip.

66A. *Pasta choice : ANGEL HAIR

71A. *Image on a North American flag : MAPLE LEAF

84A. *Sloshed : HIGHER THAN A KITE. This is a new expression to me.

101A. *The company one keeps, often : BIRDS OF A FEATHER
Reveal entry:

121A. Bob Dylan classic, and what this puzzle's starred clues' answers' endings could be: BLOW' IN IN THE WIND 

What a great theme, Ed! So unexpected. Perfect reveal entry. I love puzzles with a big "Aha" in the end.

The stars are used in the theme clues as there are quiet a few long non-theme entries, esp 19A & 127A. Constructor and editor do not want solvers to get confused as to which are theme answers.


1. Anti-DUI org. : MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

5. Plays with, as a toy mouse : PAWS AT

11. Dove purchase : BAR. Oh, soap.

14. Burning up : AFIRE

19. Motel patron, usually : OVER-NIGHTER.

21. Get __ for effort : AN A. I thought it's AN E.

22. Setting for 103 World Series games : BRONX. This might be Rich's clue. He's Yankees fan, by the way!

25. With 34-Across, pitcher who holds the major league record for career appearances : JESSE. And 34. See 25-Across : OROSCO. 1,252 game. No google, who's Met's #57 now?

26. Ugly looks : SNEERS

27. Within: Pref. : ENDO. Opposite of ECTO.

28. Vaudeville presentation : REVUE

30. Reconcile, with "up" : MAKE. Once the trust is gone, it's hard to make up.

32. Former auto financing org. : GMAC

38. Classic movie motel : BATES

46. Mideast sultanate : OMAN

47. Gut course : EASY A

48. Internet chat option : SKYPE. Does any of you skype?

49. Court setting : BAIL

50. Alaska's __ Sound : NORTON. Learning moment for me.

52. Shakespearean villain : IAGO

54. "The Flower of My Heart," in an old song : ADELINE. "Sweet Adeline".

61. Barn roof gadgets : VANES

62. Support for a start-up co. : SBA (Small Business Administration)

63. Egg __ yung : FOO

64. Skin suffix : DERM

65. Kipling's young spy : KIM

75. Ballot word: Abbr. : IND (Independent)

76. Genetic chains : RNAs

78. Stellar sort : GEM

79. Down the tubes : BAD

81. Spiritual essences : SOULS

89. Chrysler Building style : ART DECO. Guess who owns Chrysler Building now?

91. Bounder : ROUE

92. Of a battery terminal : ANODAL

93. Busy as __ : A BEE

94. Runner-up : LOSER

98. Turkish empire founder : OSMAN

100. Move, to a Realtor : RELO

104. Hands over : CEDES. I remember vividly the day when Hong Kong was handed back to China.

105. Like licked lollies : STICKY

106. __ Helens : MT ST

107. Gillette shaver : ATRA

109. Ancient fabulist : AESOP

111. Straddling : ATOP

114. __-weensie : EENSIE

118. Composer Boccherini : LUIGI. Total stranger to me.

125. Museum Folkwang city : ESSEN

126. For keeps, to Keats : E'ER

127. Ski patrol, at times : RESCUE PARTY

128. 1980 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award recipient : SEUSS. Unaware of this trivia.

129. The "10" in "first and 10": Abbr. : YDS

130. French card game : ECARTE

131. Speed Wagons, e.g. : REOS


1. Mineralogist Friedrich : MOHS. Mohs scale.

2. Warwickshire river : AVON

3. A stet cancels it : DELE

4. DJ who first promoted "Weird Al" Yankovic : DR. DEMENTO. Faintly recall his name.

5. City in southern Belarus : PINSK. Only know MINSK.

6. MLB VIP Scott Boras, e.g. : AGT. Agent for Prince Fielder, Matt Holliday, Barry Zito, etc.

7. Question of recognition : WHO

8. Lid malady : STYE

9. Long, long time : AEON

10. Walk wearily : TRUDGE

11. "Phooey!" : BAH

12. "Tyranny and __ are never far apart": Bentham : ANARCHY

13. __ of return : RATE

14. Solemnly renounce : ABJURE

15. Innocent : FREE OF BLAME. OK, read here. You might be appalled that he's fined for so much for having 3 kids. But rules are rules. Zhang is probably the most well-known Chinese director in the world.

16. Cyclades island : IOS. And 45. Apple product : iPAD. Fair and balanced.

17. Hosp. employees : RNS

18. PC file extension : EXE

20. Writer Ephron et al. : NORAS

24. Plum tomatoes : ROMAS. Food! What's your secret to make chicken breasts tender and juicy? I'm gonna try this one.

29. Raised one's hand, say : VOTED

31. Pitching stat : ERA

33. Parrot's cry : AWK

35. Done in : SLAIN

36. Wouk's mutinied minesweeper : CAINE. "The Caine Mutiny".

37. Leers at : OGLES

38. Loud bell sounds : BONGS

39. Lab slide creature : AMOEBA

40. Highland wear : TARTAN

42. "I highly doubt that!" : AS IF

43. Start and end of a trademark cartoon credo : I YAM

44. Like some poultry stuffing : SAGY. Never used this word before. I like stuff chivy, not sagy.
47. Swaddle : ENFOLD

51. Team with the football : OFFENSE

53. Anxious med. condition : OCD

55. One "trapped by his sinful talk," in Proverbs : EVIL MAN. Got via crosses.

57. Awe-ful sound? : OOH. Nice.

58. Armstrong's carrier : LEM. Neil, not Lance.

59. Paganini's hour : ORA

60. Caller with a mask : UMP

65. Actor Wynn : KEENAN

67. Posh prisons, metaphorically : GILDED CAGES. Also a new expression to me. Makes sense.

68. NPR journalist Shapiro : ARI

69. Like Haydn's "Surprise Symphony" : IN G. Always needs crossing help.

70. "Go, team!" : RAH

72. NYC airport : LGA

73. Withstood : ABIDED

74. Natasha __, Boris' partner in spydom : FATALE

77. Mass delivery: Abbr. : SER (Sermon)

80. Birthplace of Apollo : DELOS

81. Swedish imports : SAABS

82. Trip around the world : ORBIT

83. Where embryos grow : UTERI

84. Ox foot : HOOF

85. Underground support : ROOT

86. Behind : TUSH

87. Blood pigment : HEME

88. '50s conflict : KOREAN WAR. Our 92-year-old neighbor Andy is a Korean vet.

90. Is excessively sweet : CLOYS

95. Tasted or tested : SAMPLED. I wish I could sample D-Otto's potato dumplings.

96. Juvenile newt : EFT

97. Cut again : RE-SAW

99. First name at old Notre Dame : ARA (Parseghian)

102. Geese flocks in flight : SKEINS

103. Wear : ATTIRE

104. Obnoxious sort : CREEP

108. Titter : TE-HEE

110. Comply : OBEY

112. A hundred smackers : ONE C

113. Galileo's birthplace : PISA

115. Medieval address : SIRE. "Your Majesty".

116. Digging : INTO

117. Ice cream name : EDY'S

118. "__ Miz" : LES

119. Mileage, so to speak : USE

120. Pocatello sch. : ISU (Idaho State University).

122. Surg. centers : ORs

123. ATM initials : NCR

124. Mummy discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 : TUT



  1. [Some more serious poetry today, instead of the usual light fare.]

    BLOWIN' IN THE WIND, all blowin' in the air,
    Wind that can do horrible things to your HAIR.
    Wind holds a FLAG aloft for to see
    Wind blows a CLOUD through its airy sea.
    Wind holding a KITE, string taut, in midair.

    A HAT tumbling along, its pursuer chagrined.
    A LEAF, then a bushel, tree foliage is thinned.
    Birds gliding on drafts, wings barely bending;
    A FEATHER drifts down, an ANGEL descending.
    All blowin' in the air, BLOWIN' IN THE WIND.

  2. DNF for me today, because I accidentally hit the [reveal] button instead of [check], and the program replaced the two letters I had wrong before I had a chance to figure them out on my own. I'd had GoLDEn CAGES/oND. A perp had already changed the n to D, but that pesky o was still in there and I was still trying to figure out what OND was. On the same row AdI/dNA; RNA would have been the only other choice across, but I had no idea who the NPR journalist was, so Adi was as good as Ari for his name.
    Overall, a not-too-difficult puzzle, although "gut course" was unknown to me, so I was looking for a term for "alimentary canal".

  3. A technical DNF. Things were going swimmingly and all that remained was guessing where Apollo was born. It didn't help that "Down the tubes" didn't shout out "BAD" to me. Or that I first had ANODIC before ANODAL. But at about the 20-minute mark I had made all my best choices. Hearing no "TaDa!" it was then a matter of looking for a typo. Finding none I turned on the red letters at my self-imposed limit of 30 minutes. I was not at all happy to see that, failing to notice the plural clue, I had entered SKEINE (which changed the perfectly good SEUSS to SEUSE).

    Still, it was nice to see my birthplace (the BRONX, not DELOS)in a puzzle.

  4. Morning, all!

    Wasn't as enamored with the theme as C.C. was. In fact, I found it rather dull and the theme reveal elicited more of an "is that all?" reaction than an "AHA!"

    Wasn't crazy about (hated, actually) SAGY and ANODAL. Although, like Al Cyone, I had ANODIC at first, which would have been much worse had it been correct.

    I ended up getting stuck right at the top of the grid. Wanted PAWS AT for 5A, but that would have given me PINSK and AGT, neither of which looked possible to me. I mean, 5D had to be MINSK, right? And whoever the heck Scott Boras is, he must obviously be a player to be worth mentioning, right? And what type of player is abbreviated with AGT?

    In the end, when I couldn't get anything to work, I just went ahead and entered PAWS AT and got the *TADA*. Surprise!

  5. Good morning!

    I was blowin' right through this one until I got to Baja. I had never heard of SKEINS of geese, only yarn. I WAGged LUIGI from the L__G_, didn't know the city, but ESSEN would fit. Finally WAGged SEUSS from the S__S_. Phew!

    I, too, wanted MINSK, but it had to be PAWS AT. I'd never heard of JESSE OROSCO -- thank goodness for perps. If a sports figure doesn't get caught doing drugs, I've probably never heard of 'em.

    C.C., those potato dumplings are long gone. I'm actually considering whipping up another batch, even though the holidays are over. If we get another cold snap, I will.

    Learning moments: AN A for effort. I'm with C.C. and thought it oughta be an E. And they give SERmons at mass? News to me.

  6. Thank you Ed Sessa for a good Sunday puzzle challenge. Thank you C.C. for your usual fine review.

    I thought this puzzle was much easier than Saturday’s, but then it is supposed to be.
    I had all the spaces filled in at 45 minutes, but no ta-da! I re-read all my answers and found no typos. I was unsure about Down the Tubes: BAD and didn’t know Birthplace of Apollo: DELOS, so that “D” was a Natick I had taken a WAG at. I did a mental run-through the alphabet and couldn’t see a better answer.
    I finally turned on red letter help and had one letter wrong, and it wasn’t that “D”. MINSK and MAWS AT were wrong! Changed M to P and got the ta-da! at 50 minutes. Never heard of PINSK.

    @ Barry 6:35 a.m.
    Scott Boras is not a baseball player. He is a sports agent (AGT) who represents high-profile, highly paid players.

    Scott Boras Wiki

    @ Owen 5:43 a.m.
    Gut course was one of the choices on that dialect quiz recently. I had never heard of it until then. I always heard “easy A”.

    @ C.C. and d-o 7:13 a.m.
    I have always heard AN A for effort also. (After all, A is the highest letter grade.) Maybe it is a dialect thing?


  7. Good morning Sunday solvers !

    Getting all the long theme answers quickly helped fill the majority of the grid in short order.

    But, managed to psych myself out, forget some words that are common in crosswords, and thus a fail.

    The real slowdown was that I keyed in Bruce Sutter for all time appearances, and my Court setting was MALL. I guess I was hungry and thinking of the food court at the mall. Those errors made solving the east tough.

    Posh Prisons was GILDED CAGES and I get it, but I've often heard them referred to as Country Clubs. That's where a number of Illinois govenors and other politicos from here are sent.

    Scott Boras is the super agent that negotiates multi-year mega-million dollar contracts for ball players. But there were a number of other unknown names and clues that were solved via perps. I may not know my Boccherini, but I know my Natasha Fatale.

    CC, no clue on current Mets # 57. As for tender moist chicken, if the weather permits, it's outdoors on the spit of the Weber grill. If not, it's flattened whole chicken. skin side up, in the oven.

  8. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Ed Sessa, for a fine puzzle. Thank you C.C., for the fine review.

    C.C.: I think the number you are looking for is 47.

    Got started easily. HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT appeared right away. The rest of the themes also were quite easy. I am not complaining a bit. This was more fun than yesterday's, which I still have not completed.

    ABJURE is a new word for me. I had most of the perps and wagged it and it worked. I like learning new words.

    Have heard of the book "The Caine Mutiny," by Wouk. Never read it. Maybe I will. He is a very author.

    We have had OSMAN before. After a couple letters it was easy.

    Our old favorite, EFT. That and NEWT have been in crosswords for as long as I can remember. And, that is OK with me.

    MT ST Helens was easy. I still have a bag of the ash around the house somewhere. I was living in California when that happened. Flew to Washington once and the pilot made a short detour and took us right by the blown up mountain. It was a rare clear day. Quite a sight.

    Lots to do today, including finishing yesterday's puzzle. See you tomorrow.


    (43190 33996884)

  9. Good Morning:

    I found this a tad crunchier than a typical Sunday, especially the Southwest corner. I finished w/o help but needed perps and wags in several areas. Overall, it wasn't my cup of tea.

    Kudos to Mr. Sessa for his fine efforts and thanks, CC, for your always entertaining and informative write-up.

    Happy Sunday.

  10. @ abejo 9:40 a.m.
    Good catch! I missed the fact that Jesse Orosco was wearing #47 in that picture.

    No Met wears #57 now that Johan Santana is gone. #47 is Andrew Brown, right fielder. (OK, I admit I had to look that up!)

  11. Hello, Puzzlers. C.C., I believe the secret to juicy chicken breasts is to cook them no more than 20 minutes. Too often they are overcooked and dry. They should measure 160 degs. after 20 minutes. If they are stuffed then cook a little longer.

    This puzzle was not a pleasant experience for me. It's my limitations, of course, that I don't know sports data though JESSE OROSCO was a pure guess. Maybe I've seen that name before.

    But it was a struggle and then I see that I had a large number of errors because I was careless and that is accurate, I cared less I'm sorry to say.

    The constructor is of course FREE OF BLAME. The puzzle itself is quite clever.

    I'll have to read your comments when I return from church.

    I hope your Sunday is shaping up superbly,everyone!

  12. For a Sunday puzzle, I finished this quite fast - with help, of course. Except for Monday's I usually wind up using my crossword dictionary. I don't like to look up the answers online, I like to thumb through the book and I seem to better retain the answer for future use! I also do the puzzle with pencil in the paper, not online.

    Big day today for the Broncos! Hope they win!

  13. Started off easy as all the starred clues were easy guesses and common phrases. But the following are new to me: Jesse Orosco (I quit following baseball 30 years ago), Norton Sound, Osman (Ottoman?), eensie( teensie), whoever Luigi is, Delos, I thought Saab was out of business. I know of Minsk but never heard of Pinsk.

  14. Musings
    -I prefer PP&M’s version of the theme
    -This haunting 1958 song contains 84 Across in its penultimate line
    -Most of those games in the BRONX were the result of unimpeded retail baseball (pre Scott Boras)
    -When will this cluing for BATES be allowed? “Head of Downton staff”
    -Also, here’s the connection between Highclere Castle (Actual Downton Abbey) and King Tut
    -Oops, two bad cells. I wrongly went for ANODEN/MENOS. Who knew Natasha had a last name?
    -We will be at (not ATOP) MT ST HELENS and heading south late this summer
    -You now have to pre-pay for a potential RESCUE PARTY if you want to climb Mt. Rainier and other risky ventures
    -Wilder award winner when I had S _ _ S _? Our constructor crossed my mind.
    -I paid kids to TRUDGE through muddy cornfields while detasseling
    -Here are today’s highest RATES OF RETURN
    -Is this 1900 song the only one with GILDED in the title?
    -The ISS takes 90 minutes to ORBIT the earth @ 4 miles/second (NY to LA in 12.5 minutes)

  15. Good Morning, C.C. and friends. The Answer, my friend is .... Well, you known

    There are two types of Dove purchases, and BAR is the correct response to both: Dove Bar #1 and Dove Bar #2. My preference is for the former.

    QOD: The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. ~ Jack London (Jan. 12, 1876 ~ Nov. 22, 1916)


  16. Husker, at 4 mi/sec for 90 minutes the orbit would only be 21,600 miles. It's gotta be going faster than that -- or take longer to make one orbit. Or is my math fuzzy?

    BTW, Pen Fed Credit Union can get you 3% on a 5-year CD. I loaded up on 'em last month.

    MamaLi, I also much prefer to do the puzzle on paper. Unfortunately, my local paper dropped the Sunday LAT in favor of a week-old NYT. So now, I have to do the Sunday pzls online. Ack!

  17. Good morning everyone.

    Good puzzle, today. I usually like Ed Sessa's creations. No solving hangups that the perps couldn't overcome. Enjoyed the theme.

    50a, - NORTON Sound. Also a former Navy seaplane tender, USS Norton Sound (AVM-1) and later used for missile testing.

    71a, MAPLE LEAF. Nice shoutout to Canadian Eh. You might like Tom Brokaw explains Canada to Americans..

    Have a good day.

  18. HG@10:33:"When will this cluing for BATES be allowed? “Head of Downton staff”"

    Hopefully never. I'm quite happy with Mr. Carson in that position. And I trust that Mr. Bates is too.

  19. Hello Puzzlers -

    Technical DNF today. The darn sports clues got me again. Had to turn on red letters to get un-stuck.

    I assume the Natasha reference is from Rocky & Bullwinkle. Trouble is, I always figured Natasha and Boris were married, so logically she would be a Badernov. Oh well.

    D-Otto - I haven't run the numbers, but I assume the ISS covers four miles per second on the surface of the planet. I suppose you could call that its groundspeed. Its actual speed in space would be quite a lot higher.

  20. Dudley, thanks, that makes sense.

    Spitz, loved the Canada video. Learned quite a bit as well.

  21. @ Gary, d-o, Dudley,

    You got my curiosity up, so I checked it out. Wiki gives the following for the ISS:

    Orbital Period: 92.88 minutes / period

    Average Speed: 17,100 mph, which translates to 285 mpm or 4.75 mps

    92.88 min / orbit * 285 mpm = 26470.8 miles / orbit

    Wiki ISS

  22. Buckeye - interesting! I should have made some calculations, as you did. Shooting from the hip has its risks. I was thinking that 4 miles upon the surface per second just "felt right".

  23. AC @11:56
    I hope HG doesn't have an inside scoop and Mr. Carson is going the way of Sybil and Matthew.

  24. Dang! I got (deserved) both barrels today!
    -Otto, all my NASA videos for kids round off the speed of space vehicles in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) to 4 miles per second but I should have known this group would catch my inaccuracy ;-)
    -BTW, that speed would burn up anything in the atmosphere but Richard Branson hopes to eventually fly his rocket ship (test flights this year) above the atmosphere to eventually go from LA to Melbourne in an hour and a half.
    -I wonder what a traveler on the Oregon Trail in 1835 would have thought if he was told he could eventually travel from KC, MO to Portland, OR in 3 hrs. instead of having to endure 5 months of hardships.
    -Al, yeah, I messed up. BATES would have to be clued as “Downton staff member tried for murder” or “Anna’s Downton squeeze” or “Lord Crawley’s valet with a cane”. Surely those would be no less obscure than some of the other literary references we get here.
    -LoriRo, I hope BATES is not in jeopardy but the way Fellowes kills off characters (sometimes at the actor’s request)…
    -p.s. Bells in Colorado must be big business now I read that BONGS there are in big demand.

  25. At the risk of sounding like (wannabe?) a beauty queen, here goes anyway.
    When filling in 11a, BAR, I guess I had become inured to using Dove soap; I didn't realize it was the brand I use. Some years ago, I was developing more and more rashes at various skin locations. (I had been using a very popular brand of soap.) Finally went to the Dermatologist, and he suggested switching to Dove soap. Rash went away. It's hard getting older.

  26. Spitzboov:
    Thank you for that Brokaw link. It's an excellent piece and a great way to learn about our neighbor to the north.

  27. A few learning moments today!! I'd never heard of a SKEIN of geese although I have seen lots of them!

    I had heard the reference to a bird in a GILDED CAGE although I didn't know it was a song.

    I hope you all got 71A - just look at my avatar. Thanks for the link Spitzboov.

    I am familiar with the term A FOR EFFORT but not Gut course. I agree that it could be a dialect thing. That dialect quiz that was linked last week did not know what to do with this Canadian. LOL!

  28. Hi Y'all! Another fun puzzle from Ed IMHO. Thank!
    Good one, C.C.

    Last to fill was the ECARTE/NCR cross which I WAGd

    I tried "out of towner" before OVERNIGHTER.

    One of the first pieces I learned on guitar was "BLOWIN' IN THE WIND".

    Never heard of the song "GET OFF OF MY CLOUD". I hadn't heard of the Stones in 1965. I gave birth to my first child that year so was on "Cloud #NINE" and no one could tell me to get off. She had ANGEL HAIR when she was EENSIE.

    Hand up for not knowing JESSE OROSCO. All perps.

    Beautiful sunny 60* day here. Such a nice respite.

  29. GILDED CAGES made me think of the song sung by Angela Lansbury (as Sybil Vane) in the 1945 film The Picture of Dorian Gray. But my memory was a bit faulty as those words don't appear in the song, which you can see and hear here.

    "Good-bye little yellow bird
    I'd rather brave the cold
    On a leafless tree
    Than a prisoner be
    In a cage of gold.

  30. Last week it was Mel Blanc, man of a thousand voices. This week, I present to you, the voice of Natasha Fatale, Jane Foray.

    Also, I was trying to find a video of the ISS passing over, but all I found was this. (Don't blink...)

  31. Sorry, late to the party, I was off watching a movie, "Lone survivor".

    I went to see it as a matter of national priority , so that the other side would not denigrate and insult this good ole US. Of A. But after watching the movie, I have to agree .. The movie IS a bunk of junk, with lots if gratuitous violence, and lots of killings. And more violence. So, that's what our country stands for.

    If you want the SPOILER to thee movie . SPOILER for. LONE. SURVIVOR. !!! Ha, ha, ha, , and read it all yourself .

    If you want to be patriotic, give a $100 bucks to the locals vets, B. And. give $500. To the IRS,

    and you'll do a better job to your country.

    But don't watch this insipid movie.!! That only fills the coffers of the lousy producers and technicians .

  32. A nice packed Sunday which you all have dissected nicely. There is something refreshing about starting my week reading a C.C. write up.

    I updated my Charlotte pic as she now is a walking talking little girl and future fashionista....

  33. CC I use skype all the time with my granddaughter but Google + is better. You can have multiples on the call and who every is speaking is largest on the screen. Regarding juicy chicken breasts - bake with bone in and skin on. The difference is amazing.

  34. Am correcting whoever (not who every) sorry.

  35. Terribly sorry for my typo, it is June Foray, not Jane.

    Believe it or not, she is also the voice of Rocky in Rocky & Bullwinkle!

    (excerpt from Wiki:)

    Chuck Jones is reported to have said, "June Foray is not the female Mel Blanc, Mel Blanc was the male June Foray."

  36. Hello everybody. Pretty much what Barry G said and what C.C. said. Heard of Minsk, not Pinsk, so therefore wanted MEWS AT instead of PAWS AT, giving me EGT which in my mind made as much sense as AGT, namely none.
    Didn't like DERM as a suffix; I always considered it a prefix, as in dermatitis, dermatologist, etc. The only time I can recall seeing it as a suffix is in brand names, such as NutriDerm. Then again, now that I think about it, there is pachyderm.
    "Luigi" always makes me think of a Mafia hit man. Or "Guido." We have a wonderful pizza joint here called "Frankie, Johnny, and Luigi" which is really not bad. It's very popular.
    I don't Skype.
    My sister is a member of the Sweet Adelines, a barbershop singing organization. Her husband is a long-time barbershop quartet singer. Every year when there is a barbershop convention west of the Mississippi River they visit us afterwards. Always good to see them.
    Who owns the Chrysler building now? Fiat?
    My wife's sister is the only one of her family who did not leave Hong Kong. She still lives there now and also clearly remembers the day when it was handed back to China. FYI she is doing well.
    Wifey and I are still looking for a way to cook chicken breasts so they do not end up being dry.
    Had a wonderful 2-hour non-Skype telephone conversation with our son in Arizona today; still feeling the glow. We're going to visit them next week.
    Best wishes to you all.

  37. C.C., Jayce,

    Who owns the Chrysler Building now? The Abu Dhabi Investment Council.

  38. Guess what? Cruciverb is down again. Surprised? No Annoyed? Yes.

  39. The midnight monsterJanuary 12, 2014 at 9:27 PM

    Another Sunday gone down the drain.

    And this is the new year too.

  40. It's been quite a day. Good football games both yesterday and today. Then there was 60 Minutes tonight. Alex Rodriguez certainly appears to be damned by the evidence against him and by the fact he hasn't denied anything under oath. The other players haven't jumped to his defense either. The worrisome thing to me is that the dirtbag who injected him and showed him how to beat the urine tests may get away scott free.

    Manac, I love Jeff Dunham. Thanks for those.

    Speaking of Cruciverb again, nobody answered my question about whether it is possible for me to download CrosSynergy puzzles or others from Cruciverb in AcrossLite format. I used to be able to do it and solve them later but I can't figure out how to do it anymore. Help?

    My goodness, there are some spectacular-looking women at the Golden Globes award show. Men too I guess...

  41. CED & Manac: That was tag-team funny! Thanks, I needed that tonight.

  42. HG, Buckeye Bob, D-otto, etal: Okay I'm late again and wasn't going to comment but then I decided to see if anyone can name the song that contains: And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then..........

    It just seemed appropriate with some of the discussions today.

    One other thought about the 'A' for effort. When I was in grade school an 'E' for effort would have been correct as we had grades of E, S, M, I & F...Excellent, Superior, Medium, Inferior and Failure, just sayin'.

  43. HG sort of hid a reference to the song you mentioned. Here

  44. Argyle, he musta hid it good...I reread his post and still don't see it. Sorry.

  45. Argyle, since I'm off to get some z's, I see a reference to Peter, Paul & Mary, a reference to a 1958 song and a 1900's song. My song is not any of those. The song I'm referring to was first recorded in 1972 and is not about gilded cages, blowin in the wind, etc., but is referencing 'high as a kite'. There's other discussion today about how long it takes to go around the earth that I thought was more leaning towards the song I'm talking about. Maybe it's too late and I'm being too vague. Sometimes when you know something you get tunnel visioned about how hard or easy a clue for someone else might be.

  46. Lucina & June,
    Thanks for the chicken tip. I put two pieces in the slower cooker the other day for 2 hours on high. Bad result. Dry and bland.

    Buckeye Bob,
    Good search job! Sorry for the 57 & 47 mess-up. I must be thinking of Santana.

    Bill G,
    They stopped distributing Across Lite long time ago.


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