, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 David Poole

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 David Poole

Theme: Double Time - Geometric sequence.

20. 2002 Sandra Bullock film : "TWO WEEKS NOTICE"

24. 1981 Alan Alda film, with "The" : "FOUR SEASONS"

45. 1988 John Cusack film : "EIGHT MEN OUT"

54. 1984 Molly Ringwald film : "SIXTEEN CANDLES"

Argyle here. This ought to make our mathematicians happy. Tight theme: all movie titles.


1. Scale units: Abbr. : LBs.

4. Does as told : OBEYS

9. Jazz singer Carmen : McRAE


14. Pop-up path : ARC

15. Gold purity unit : KARAT

16. Greeted the day : AROSE

17. Resembling an equine : HORSELIKE

19. Some IRAs, informally : ROTHs

22. Like the articles "a" and "an": Abbr. : INDEF. (indefinite article)

23. Baseball Hall of Famer Speaker : TRIS

31. Spread throughout : PERMEATE

35. Enjoy eagerly : LAP UP

36. Blue hue : AQUA

37. TV host Philbin : REGIS.

40. Zip : NADA

41. They're the littlest in their litters : RUNTS

43. Peter and Paul, but not Mary : APOSTLES

48. Deserve : EARN

49. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," e.g. : ADAGE

59. Former Portuguese colony in China : MACAU. Little over 11 sq. mi.

60. Unwilling : RELUCTANT

61. Unifying idea : THEME

62. Storm drain cover : GRATE

63. Fish eggs : ROE

64. Sharon of "Cagney & Lacey" : GLESS

65. Toys that have their ups and downs : YO-YOs

66. Month after Feb. : MAR. Can't come soon enough.


1. "Chicago Hope" Emmy winner Christine : LAHTI

2. "Peanuts" family name : BROWN

3. New England food fish : SCROD

4. "Cow's Skull with Calico Roses" painter Georgia : O'KEEFFE

5. Bundle in a barn : BALE

6. "CHiPS" star Estrada : ERIK

7. Gabs and gabs : YAKS
           "Hey, this is a personal discussion."

8. Angioplasty implants : STENTS

9. Word before arts or law : MARTIAL

10. Buttery bakery buy : CROISSANT

11. Campus recruiting org. : ROTC

12. Arthur of tennis : ASHE

13. Some MIT grads : EEs. (electrical engineer)

18. Stockholm's country: Abbr. : SWE. (Sweden)

21. Mined material : ORE

25. Sculling blade : OAR. Oh, ha-ha.

26. Beehive State native : UTE. (Utah)

27. Lear's middle daughter : REGAN. (Goneril, Regan and Cordelia)

28. Iridescent gem : OPAL

29. Without a thing on : NUDE

30. Health resorts : SPAs

31. Remove the rind from : PARE

32. Kin of iso- : EQUI. “equal”

33. Hierarchy level : RUNG

34. Trig finals, e.g. : MATH EXAMS

38. Wall St. event : IPO. (initial public offering)

39. Trifling amount : SOU

42. Easter Island attractions : STATUEs

44. Batting postures : STANCES

46. G.I. ration : MRE. (meal ready to eat)

47. E, in Einstein's formula : ENERGY

50. Banned bug spray : DDT. since 1973

51. Clock radio feature : ALARM

52. Salami selection : GENOA. (hard salami)

53. Fragrant compound : ESTER

54. Political satirist Mort : SAHL

55. Slurpee alternative : ICEE

56. Fiddling emperor : NERO

57. Potter's purchase : CLAY. Good alliteration.

58. Coupe or convertible : AUTO

59. Appt. calendar entry : MTG. (meeting)



    They're really all you can see on this screen!
    Those are the digits, known as hex,
    Nerds seem to think, mightier than sex!
    Those are the numbers that run the machine!

    A Cheer for Fibonacci Tech:

    Thirty-two bits, sixty-four byte
    One-twenty-eight encryption, fight, fight, fight!
    Win it for algebra! Win it for maths!
    Win it for the honor of the calculus class!

    Their team has extra-sparkly uniforms -- they're known as the Fibonacci Sequins! (Sorry, I got that from the Powerpuff Girls.)

  2. Morning, all!

    Well, other than the fact that I always forget the extra F in Georgia O'KEEFFE's name, this one was extremely smooth sailing. The theme was interesting and the fill was smooth. Nothing really exciting, but nothing to complain about, either.

  3. Perfect Tuesday puzzle. Not too easy, but not too hard with perp help. Thanks, Argyle, for the expo.

    The snow and cold backed into Colorado yesterday. The brunt of it moved east, as many of you know.

    Keep warm everyone,


  4. Good morning Argyle, C.C. et al.

    Fun puzzle. And I got a chuckle out of your YAKS "personal discussion" Argyle!

    I saw the TWO, FOUR and EIGHT, and thought "Hey, where's the six?" Then I saw SIXteen candles and thought, "Hmmm, that's not very elegant - it's out of sequence…" Big V8 slap to the head when I realized they were doubles. Now, THAT'S elegant!!!

    Like Barry, I forgot about the extra "F" in O'KEEFFE. I am terrible with names, and there were lots of others in the puzzle: MCRAE, TRIS, REGIS, GLESS, LAHTI, BROWN, ERIK, ASHE, REGAN, SAUL and NERO. Several of them were knowns, but MCRAE, TRIS and LAHTI proved challenging. Perps to the rescue on those!

    Have a great day everyone, and to my northern neighbors - stay warm!

  5. Marti, a typo on Mort's name or checking to see if we're paying attention?

  6. Good day, Puzzle People!

    Owen and Argyle, you both seem to be wide awake this early morning. I don't know how you do it. Thanks for explaining EES, Argyle. Since those MIT grads are usually ENGRS, this threw me off a bit.

    I loved the Fibonacci Sequins, Owen!

    Seeing TWO, FOUR I thought the THEME might be a scale of plus TWO but that idea was quickly disabused when the EIGHT and SIXTEEN appeared.

    Hand up for being RELUCTANT to give Georgia the extra F in her name.

    This was a seamless ride all the way and some nice fill such as CROISSANT, STANCE, APOSTLES and MATH EXAMS provided added elegance. Thanks to David Poole.

    Now I must return to bed because I AROSE too early.

    Have a fantastic Tuesday, everyone!

  7. Mort Sahl who I only see these days in crossword puzzles is apparently still entertaining and teaching stand up comics. As the first modern intellectual comic Sahl really has an indelible impact.

    Like Marti I was getting ready to cheer, but this theme worked also. Thanks Mr. Poole and Argyle.

  8. After an initial stumble (LAVIN before LAHTI), it was pretty smooth sailing (though, as noted, the extra "K" in OKEEFFE was, uh, puzzling).

    2° here in the beautiful mid-Hudson valley this morning. A little colder now that Pete's gone but a little more beautiful because he was here.

    My little town earned a footnote in his life's story when, in August, 2000, he lost his famed banjo here. Initially thought to have been stolen (which, if true, would have cast our town into infamy), it had simply fallen off the roof of his car when he drove off without remembering it was there. It was found by someone who, remarkably, didn't know who Pete Seeger was. You can read about it here.

    And you can click here for a video review on the occasion of his 94th birthday last year. (Due to the many videos it's a slow-loading page.)

    Finally, for word fans, here's Pete singing English Is Crazy.

    So long Pete, it's been good to know ya.

  9. Good brrrrr! morning!

    No problems this morning, and not a single write-over on my grid. Oops, I lie. I first had ERIC before ERIK showed up.

    I'm pretty sure somebody added that second F in OKEEFFE just last week.

    I remember Pete Seeger well from his days with the Weavers (Goodnight, Irene, On Top Of Old Smokey, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena). He even had a minor solo hit on the top 40 stations in '63 with Little Boxes, poking fun at conformist suburbia. RIP, Pete.

    Rumor on our local message board is that we've got a band of wild donkeys roaming in our area. DW and I have noticed some HORSELIKE do-do on our recent marches around the 'hood. Haven't seen the animals, though. Would taking a stab as to where they are be considered a wild ass guess?

  10. Hello Puzzlers -

    Love the theme elegance! Seems I ran afoul of Georgia's spare F some years ago in another puzzle, so this time I remembered it. A few other names needed perps.

    Of the four theme movies, I have only seen Two Weeks Notice. Back in the day, I didn't rent many movies from the local video store because it had a terrible mildew problem. I hated the smell of the place. Netflix is so much better.

    Morning Argyle, enjoyed the yakking yaks! Stay warm.

  11. Hand up for not remembering the extra F and for C before K in Mr. Estrada's name. Otherwise, pretty smooth and enjoyable.

    I'd add to the sorrow of losing Pete Seeger. And offer what may be his most influential song: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

  12. The names challenged me too, especially the ones that bothered Marti. Other than that, I got the theme after the first two, so that helped, and made the last one a very quick fill all at once.

    Pete Seeger will be missed.
    RIP, Pete.

  13. Argyle @ 6:24, HaHa, I told you I was bad at names!!

  14. Back at home and getting back into the crossword routine. I realized that I was hooked on the puzzles and the blog when I spent the last week or so without WiFi or a newspaper. I missed you guys!

    Fibonacci Sequins!! very cute!

    The extra F in OKEEFFE threw me off for a bit, and I only got some of the names via perps. All in all, a nice little puzzle.

    Now to bundle up (it's below zero again) and head to the grocery store. I miss AZ!

  15. Usually I try to figure out the THEME before the reveal but today I got the theme with no reveal. I expected BINARY as an answer but this math guy was fine with it. Like others when I saw TWO, FOUR, I expected the next movie to be a SIX…

    -The Four Seasons was a good film and didn’t hurt Vivaldi either
    -Those “Black Sox” barely eked out a living and so they took a few bucks. Boy I’d never do that or…
    -Sixteen Candles was big with both of my daughters
    -When I AROSE today, it was way below zero. When schools close in Minneapolis, the Midwest is cold
    -Some do accept Mary Magdalene as an APOSTLE.
    -Spring training optimists – “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”
    -We’re waiting for MAR. too but today we have 54 min. more daylight than on Dec. 21st
    -Only in Boston do SCROD and YARD rhyme
    -Modern hay BALES usually aren’t little rectangular prisms anymore
    -EQUI, ISO and their odd sibling on this math day
    -Lady Victoria Hervey isn’t NUDE but she’s dern close
    -Omaha has a pricey sub-division with stables and riding trails and so HORSELIKE do-do is part of the deal
    -Who sang of God taking “A 100 pounds of CLAY…”

  16. HG@9:09: I guess Gene McDaniels never heard of Charles Darwin.

  17. Good morning everyone.

    Who do we appreciate?
    The Corner and all its trappings.

    Actually SIXTEEN is 10⁴ in binary if I got it right. 2 4 8 16

    Straightforward today. Can't disagree with Argyle's appellation. Pretty much skied downhill and ended up in the SW. No lookups. Only wite-out was I had peal before PARE.
    GENOA salami is my favorite cold cut; Carando brand sold by Hannaford. Délicieux!

    Have a great day.

  18. Good Morning:

    A fine Tuesday offering from Mr. Poole with just enough bite to give one pause. I had got up before arose and reticent before reluctant. Clever theme and some nice, fresh fill. Well done, David, and kudos to Argyle for his chatty expo.

    Don't know the temp but it's cold! Lots of sunshine, though, unlike yesterday's gloom. (We'll probably all faint when we get our next heating bill.)

    Stay safe and warm.

  19. Two, Four,Eight, Six. Wait a minute! It can't be! I immediately added TEEN and saw the answers were doubled each time.
    O'KEEFFE looks normal horizontally, it just seems weird vertically.
    The names were in my wheelhouse today. MCRAE and LAHTI just needed a perp or two.
    We used to watch Mort SAHL all the time. Very funny.
    After a balmy 40° yesterday morning the temp. fell back to single digits this AM. but no snow or ice tonight. Our Tuesday square dances have had 4 weather cancellations and 2 holiday cancellations since Dec. 1.
    Hooray! I was able to dance one set at last night's class with little fudging, but the endurance is not there for more than that. It will come. I am grateful for each step forward..

  20. YR - Don't know about the dancing but these Norwegians should get your toes a-tapping.

  21. Oops. I referred to the extra "K" in OKEEFFE but, of course, meant the extra "F".

  22. Musings 2
    -Al, I suspect he had heard of Darwin but Gene McDaniels was a product of the Omaha Public School System and a graduate of the University of Omaha and in the 1950’s the Bible probably held sway over The Origin of the Species. Oh well, it’s just a song.
    -I wonder if Lady Mary Crawley would assent to the dress that Lady Victoria Hervey wore to the Grammy’s
    -Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie paved the way for the commercial success of the Kingston Trio, et al and their intelligent anthems still resonate today
    -I’m off to start my least favorite activity – Figuring and filing my Income Tax and then sending more money to the most dysfunctional place in this country – Washington D.C.

  23. Hi gang -

    Bright blue cloudless sky, and 5 degrees.

    Powerful theme today, so to speak.

    The rest of the puzzle was easy enough. Not thrilled with the names.

    Though there is little in this puzzle to gripe about, there was also little that moved me, outside of the excellent theme.

    I recently went to several Mexican restaurants looking for the ideal platter of cheese and salsa laden corn chips, but, alas, all of them were disappointing.

    It was a feeble nacho sequence.

    Cool regards!

  24. I got hung up on "rung" - 33D. I wanted "tier" which I think is a little more sensible,


  25. Hello everyone,

    Only problems today were self inflicted, but got them quickly corrected.

    They were; 4A Abide/OBEYS.16A Awoke/AROSE, 15A Carat/KARAT, & 10D (Hot)Cross Buns/ CROISSANT.

    Struggled with the spelling of MACAU, wanted Macow. Wasn't there a movie in the '50's with Robert Mitchum titled Macow?

    Picked up on the theme with EIGHT MEN OUT, but did not need it. All the movie titles were imbedded somewhere in my grey matter.

    Left the second F out too, but I just thought how many variations actually exist for Irish names. I've seen several for mine.

    The Tris Speaker card would sure look good in my showcase. Any sellers out there?

    Thank you Argyle & David for getting my day off to a pleasant start.

  26. Good morning all. Thank you David and thank you Argyle.

    Yep, just needed (a movie with) ONE for the first order of magnitude in binary.

    Spitzboov, in my "ON/OFF" world, I would represent decimal 16 as '0001 0000' in binary. I would represent decimal 16 as '0010' in hex. Hex just makes all those ones and zeroes so much easier to read. While we are at it, I would represent decimal 16 as '020' in octal, but I can't remember the last time I ever had to do anything in octal. Maybe that was onl on MATH EXAMS. Now that I think of it, I really don't have to do anything in machine code anymore and rarely in hex either.

    First of most two baggers ever ? TRIS.

    Spread throughout ? Typed in saturATE and almost as quickly backed it out when I read 31D clue "Remove the rind from", and promptly entered Peel. That came out quickly as well.

    HG, yep. Still warmer in Anchorage than in Minneapolis and Chicago and many other parts of CONUS. We didn't break the official low of -13 at O'Hare, but we were unofficially -16 out my window at 3:30 AM.

    See all y'all later n'at !


  27. Got it from Google.

    The movie was Macao starring Mitchum and som gal named Jane Russell. Well Macow/Macoa, pronounced the same!

  28. Hmm, did the puzzle, saw the movie names,, thought,,, movie names, how boring!

    I would never have seen the math without the Blog!

    Oh well, I have got to start looking deeper. (but when I do, I get in even more trouble!)

    I have seen Mort Sahl in many CW's, but never really knew what he was about, so I did some research. (with apologies to CC for linking politics on the Blog...)

    2 weeks notice?

    4 seasons?

    9th man out?

    emergency session...

  29. HG@10:20: Yes, it's just a song but a really good song and, thanks to having an older sister, one of my childhood favorites.

    And if you're a fan of the Kingston Trio you really should check out Comparative Video 101. Its many embedded videos push my old computer to its limits but it's very well-written. I had no idea that the KT's repertoire was so vast.

  30. Fun puzzle this morning, David--many thanks! And great expo, as always, Argyle.

    Some of my favorite women in this puzzle: Georgia O'KEEFFE (will remember that extra 'f'), Christine LAHTI, CAGNEY and LACEY. REGAN, not a favorite.

    I loved the movie THE FOUR SEASONS.

    Yellowrocks, you rock, girl! Well, square dance!

    Al Cyone, and others, thanks for the Pete Seeger anecdotes and info. May he rest in peace.

    Have a great Tuesday, everybody!

  31. Easy breezy Tuesday.

    Got an email from our Ann Arbor daughter this morning and she reports classes at University of MI have been cancelled today because of the cold. First time since 1978. I am so sorry for all you frozen folks. YIKES!!

    And we are just praying for rain!

  32. Hola Everyone, Since movie trivia is not my strong suite I had a hard time getting a handle on this puzzle. My first fill was Sixteen Candles so I worked my way up from the bottom half and around clockwise today.

    Some puzzlers today: Is it LBS, OZS, or KGS? Or SWN, SWD or SWE? So goes the abbreviations for today. I always have a hard time deciding how to abbreviate some words. MTG was a given, though.

    Tris Speaker was a complete unknown. Other names weren't quite so hard. But hands up for that second F in O'Keeffe.

    Have a great day everyone.

  33. Argyle, nice write-up; David, great THEME. A FUN Tuesday puzzle.

    NOW I'm wondering if I can get an ICEE neat?

    Oh well, Cheers!!!

  34. Never send a man!!
    -Just back from a shopping trip for Joann with a modest shopping list

    Plain M&M’s
    Pickle Relish
    Cool Whip

    After perusing the aisles, getting help from three clerks and three phone calls home I learned
    -Pam comes in two sizes, with and without olive oil and there is a plain label alternative
    -Plain M&M’s now come in mini, medium and large and many different sizes of bags
    -Kroger does not carry Heinz squeeze bottle relish in the winter. I eschewed the smaller size Vlasic squeeze bottle and the many jars and had to go to a different store where it is displayed near the pickles and not the ketchup
    -Cool Whip is not back in the dairy area. It is on the far opposite side of the store in a cooler by the ice cream, comes in two sizes and has a plain label alternative
    -The strawberries came in two sizes with the larger size being much less expensive and, as per my instructions, if you get a container with very little white areas on the berries some of them are overripe.

    She said I did fine. Now to go figure out how much I owe the IRS. I try to never have a refund as I want them to wait for their money as long as possible.

  35. I was sad to hear Pete Seeger died. R.I.P.
    Wind Chill Index: -40 in Chicago this AM

  36. Husker - I suppose Lady Victoria just wanted to show off her Golden Globes. :-)

    Lady Mary Crawley would no doubt be shocked, but Michelle Dockery could pull off that fact I wish she'd give it a go!

  37. HG,

    If was sent with your list, Iwi=ould buy the largest M & M package and when I arrived home, it would be 90% depleted. Everything else would have been safe.

  38. I enjoyed the puzzle, the theme, the writeup, etc. I would have called the theme, "Powers of Two" but Argyle's was just as good, maybe better.

    RIP Pete Seeger. I remember taking Barbara to a Weavers concert at Cornell. I was immediately struck by how much fun they all seemed to be having just singing those songs. They were enthusiastic performers though not as polished as some of the later, more commercial folks groups.

    Fibonacci sequins. A feeble nacho sequence. Good. Very good!

    GG, I agree with you about feeling bad for the FF and wanting rain!

    To market, to market (but not to buy a fat pig), in fact, nothing on Gary's list.

    I don't mind giving the IRS some of my money but I'm not always pleased with how it is being spent...

  39. Hi Y'all! Fastest puzzle I ever did, despite not knowing a lot of the names. Thanks, David & Argyle.

    I, too, fell afoul of the double F's.

    Didn't come up with the movie names from the clues, but a few perps and they floated into view. Only one I watched was "Sixteen Candles", but I was a lot older than that.

    All the math jokes are way over my head. But I got the theme right off.

    How'd I know Regan? I like the word PERMEATE. Potter's purchase = not "wand"? J.K. Rowling has forever skewed the meaning of the word Potter.

  40. Greetings!

    Thanks David, Argyle! Loved the theme!

    YAKS very amusing.

    For me, a speed run. But, what YR said about OKEEFFE!

    Use of Gordon Lightfoot song on The Blacklist rather clever. Good show.

    Sorry to hear about all of the weather problems! So far, we have not had any winter here. Many plants think it is spring. Japanese magnolia has been blooming its little heart out. No rain to speak of. (Not good for the trees!) My furry kalanchoes (really nifty succulents), are getting restless in the pool house, where they were relocated in late November to prevent annihilation due to frost!


  41. Happy Tuesday everybody!

    Very happy with the triple play of movies, math, and baseball today…!

    Got a big yuk out of the yaks…!

    Learning moment: googling Lady Victoria Hervey, since I had no bloody clue who she is (still don’t). What’s an IT girl? Joanna Krupa wore a similarly revealing dress to a pre-Grammy party on Friday night. I guess if you’ve got it, flaunt it….

    Finally, HG I’m with you on working the payroll deductions in such a way that I owe the IRS at the end of the year instead of the other way around. One small problem with this plan is that if you end up owing too much, the bloodsuckers penalize you. So the trick is to get right up to the edge without going over….

  42. I don't think I ever noticed the second "F" in O'KEEFFE before. My eye must collapse all those crossbars in a row. Thanks, Xwds, for straightening me out.

    Nothing to get hung about. This was a smooth Tuesday puzzle from Mr. Poole. The only clue that rose to (partial) misdirection status for me was "Zip," because for a (brief) time I read it only as a short burst of energy or "pizazz," but then I wised up.

    Pete Seeger will indeed be missed. What a troubadour! From an old New England Yankee family that he once defined as "enormously Christian," he re-defined his own spirituality and attached himself to a centuries-old tradition as a minstrel, practicing "utile et dulce," entertainment with a heart, music with a social message that he made you want to embrace.

    I can't imagine being 94. He deserves his rest. Yes, I know many others live even longer, but rarely are they as active, or activist.

    Mort Sahl is getting up there too. I saw him back in his days at the hungry i. Nice to know he is still around, although I can't find a video of him since his appearance on Keith Olberman's show in '08. Thanks for the clip, CED! It's a fine lesson in political sub-sets. Here is a shorter one, from Sahl's appearance on the old Smothers Brothers show, Mort Sahl in ‘69.

    ~ Kf

    PS. I see where Fibonacci inspired a couple of our satirists. Thanks, OwenKL! I rarely find math amusing, as it is the one area of study that seems to have it in for me personally.
    Jazzbumpa, your feeble nachos made my morning!

  43. This was a fairly easy Tuesday. I got the progression but had no idea it had a name. Maybe I'll remember it in the future. The plays on it may help.

    Liked 57D: Potter's Purchase--CLAY. My parent's had a ceramics studio for about 50 years and Mom bought lots of clay and slip (liquid clay poured into molds).

    Several write-overs: rank/RUNG, didn't know the second F in O'Keeffe. Things worked out in the end.

    Good thing I love my winter coat. It's getting a real work-out this year.

    R.I.P. Pete Seeger. Thanks for sharing your talent with us and providing so many hours of listening pleasure.


  44. JazzB:
    Loved your "feeble nacho" joke!

    I just went to see the movie, Nebraska, and frankly, I fail to see all the hype. It's a good enough movie, poignant and nostalgic with some excellent lessons about a loyal son, how "we can never go home again" and lovely scenery of Montana,So. Dakota and of course HGary's home, Nebraska. But it doesn't rise up to the suspense of Gravity, the wit of Saving Mr. Banks or the drama of Captain Phillips. Philomena was also excellent. Those are the ones I've seen so can't comment on the others.

  45. Good afternoon all,

    Haven't typed in the kids' computer lab for awhile, so this seems strange.

    I will NEVER forget the spelling of O'Keeffe EVER!!! That blank drove me crazy, and I should be really ashamed that the F in indef. did not click in this English teacher's head. I fear I have lost several brain cells.

    Had fun with the theme. Who could ever forget that famous line in Sixteen Candles??

    Great fill for a Tues: croissant,apostles, permeate...

    Slow to fill McRae, and perps filled Tris and MRE.

  46. Really enjoyed this fun little romp, although I was daunted when I saw all those movie clues since I'm really awful at remembering who was in what, but it all came together. I did remember the second "F" in O'Keeffe.

    HG at 12:28 - an easy way to keep those strawberries (or any fresh berries) fresh for weeks, swish the whole berries in a 10 to 1 mixture of water and vinegar for a few minutes, drain and store in an airtight container in the fridge. I had some stay fresh and tasty for nearly 30 days last summer!



  47. I'll never forget Carmen MCRAE. I once staged a play called "Children" by Pete Gurney, in which I cast two excellent actresses for the female leads-- Carmen Matthews, a fine character player, and Heather McRae (daughter of Gordon), who was then an ingenue.
    The ever-vigilant editors of our newspapers' "Coming Attractions" kept advertising that we were offering "Carmen McRae" on our stage.

  48. I have never seen any of the movies but did know the titles. Names are also my weak point.

    Re: The cold and ensuing heating bills.

    Even my wife was chastising me for continuing to gather firewood after I had no room for any more.
    This was my Extra
    $$ to oil supplier $0
    Always a warm house to
    come home to...

    ( A lot of that extra went to my SIL, so I'm still in her good graces )

  49. Heather and Meredith McRae were both very attractive young ladies when I was growing up, just a little older than I. Meredith died young of brain cancer, and heather has worked sporadically, I know she was the judge who performed Miranda's wedding on Sen and the City . I believe momma Sheila may still be alive.

  50. Lucina, We saw Nebraska 2 weeks ago, and I'd agree. It was an interesting "little movie", but it's not at all worthy of the hype. Kinda like Little Miss Sunshine of a few years ago, IMO.

    I did enjoy it, and I thought Bruce Dern had a very good performance. The setting was also very familiar. Growing up less than 45 miles from nearly all of the scenes in the show, and fewer than 20 from most, I saw a lot of familiar places (and even a few buildings...I've spent thousands of hours in the town cast as "Hawthorne"). But it still fell short of my expectations and was only good, not great. I'd be surprised if it isn't completely snubbed in the Oscars.

  51. Good evening, folks. Thank you, David Poole, for a swell puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for the swell review.

    Well, I had this done at 7:30 this morning, but this is the first chance I have had to check in. I also did Monday's this morning.

    Enjoyed the puzzle. The theme came easily. Very clever one.

    Georgia O'KEEFFE was easy. I knew it right off the bat. As others, I was not sure about the extra F, but it is the only thing that fit. So be it.

    INDEF took me a while. As did LAHTI. A few perps and a wag or two.

    Wish they would have had STENTS 24 years ago. My dad might still be around.

    Had Gardening school all day. Got home and found my sump pump was not working. Some water on the floor. Some stuff wet. I bumped the discharge pipe and it started. I guess I will have to get in there and change the switch or adjust the float, or something. If it happened once, it will happen again.

    13 below this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer.


    (6596555 7135)

  52. Late to the game today. I got the 2x2 theme early and perps helped fill in the unknown names.

    Hand up for PEEL before PARE and CARAT before KARAT.(I was more concerned about C or K for OKEEFFE than the extra F!)

    I was RESISTANT before RELUCTANT and tried PERCOLATE before PERMEATE, and AWOKE before AROSE, but it all straightened itself out.

    But I did not know GI ration=MRE. Thanks for the explanation Argyle.

    Stay warm all!

  53. Good eve all!

    Whoohoo, Base 2! I loved this puzzle for the sciences, EEs (hand up), MATH EXAMS (gotta do well), EQUI, ENERGY from mc^2 and ARC. Though ARC came after URL (pop-ups from web sites.... Oh, well one write over).

    Thanks Mr. Poole for this puzzle. Argyle - the yaking yaks don't talk back... :-) Thanks for the writeup.

    Owen - I'm keeping Fibonacci Sequence in my back pocket. Oh, yeah - I'm gonna use it...

    I was in ROTC before basic training eating MREs.

    Spitz 2^4 is 16, unless 10 is binary :-)

    How cold is it?... Yeap the city was shut down for snowmagedden again, the commute was easy. All the MTGs after I got there, that's another thing.

    Time to finish playing the 2014 State of the Union Drinking Game".

    Cheers! -T

  54. AvgJoe:
    I believe Little Miss Sunshine was actually better! I loved the humor. I must say, though, Nebraska contains some fine acting by not only Bruce Dern but all the cast. The script, IMHO, is a bit flat.

    What fun for you to see those familiar places! I recognized some from our trip through Montana three years ago.

  55. Manac:
    How long will that wood last you?

  56. Lucina...That's a little personal isn't it?

    Oh Crap! You mean the pic?

    This year, probably end of Dec.

    Then where would I be? I try to stay a year ahead but always like to be ready for years like this.

    SIL Quite grateful for the assistance and I am happy to help her out.

  57. Manac:
    You are more than an extraordinary man! A year! You know what they say about lasting more than four hours . . . Oh, you mean the firewood. Yes, that's a good supply and you are a good BIL.

  58. OK you two, get a private chat room before you EARN a time-out :-)

    Actually, Manac that is an impressive stack of fire-wood. I've got NADA as we have a gas fireplace that's really only for show in Houston.

    Cheers, -T


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