, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, March 3, 2014 David Poole

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 3, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014 David Poole

Theme: Say What? - Speak right up, or some other word for speak up front.

18A. Prohibition era saloon : SPEAKEASY

26A. John Kerry's domain : STATE DEPARTMENT

43A. Supermarket convenience : EXPRESS CHECKOUT

57A. Complete ninny : UTTER FOOL

Argyle here. Straightforward cluing but a few too many tough answers. YRMV (your results may vary). Two good grid spanners. AUDIT is a nasty word to use at this time of year.


1. Rosary counters : BEADS

6. Fall faller : LEAF

10. Long hike : TREK

14. Review of business books : AUDIT

15. Girl in a J.D. Salinger short story : ESME. "For Esmé—with Love and Squalor"

16. Wound-up fire engine item : HOSE

17. Jim who sang "You Don't Mess Around With Jim" : CROCE


20. Budget accommodations : HOSTELs

22. Chafing dish heaters : STERNOs

23. Basilica recesses : APSEs

25. Spanish "a" : UNA. (f.)

33. Flirt with : HIT ON

34. Tops, as cupcakes : ICES

35. Stephen of "The Crying Game" : REA

36. From the U.S. : AMERican

37. Dwindled : WANED

39. "The Wizard of Oz" lion Bert : LAHR. Hello, old friend.

40. Little, in Lyons : PEU. Little, in Lille: PEU. un peu de Francais.(Feb 17, 2011)(Feb 28, 2014)

41. Fictional plantation : TARA. GWTW

42. In __ fertilization : VITRO

47. Tolkien giant : ENT

48. Le __, France : HAVRE. Church of St. Joseph

49. Rodeo rider, at times : LASSOER

53. Put on an extra sweater, say : GET WARM

59. Alvin of dance : AILEY. Unknown to me. He founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York City and died in 1987.

60. Midday : NOON

61. __ Reader: alternative media digest : UTNE. A magazine founded in 1984 by Eric Utne and Nina Rothschild Utne. They live in Minneapolis and get away to a 100-acre Wisconsin farm for weekends.

62. Sunday song : PSALM

63. PDA entry : APPT. (appointment)

64. Lewd look : LEER

65. Itty-bitty : EENSY


1. Composer of fugues : BACH. I had no idea fugues were so long. The Well Tempered Clavier(1:52:33)

2. Multinational currency : EURO

3. Big fusses : ADOs

4. Absolute ruler : DICTATOR

5. Increase the slope of : STEEPEN

6. Tenant : LESSEE

7. Psychic's claim : ESP

8. Iowa State home : AMES

9. Showcased : FEATURED

10. Aries : THE RAM

11. Chestnut horse : ROAN

12. Petro-Canada rival : ESSO

13. Janitor's janglers : KEYS. A little alliteration.

19. Adoptive parents of Superman : KENTs

21. '60s hallucinogen : LSD

24. Popeye's favorite veggie : SPINACH

26. Physical condition : SHAPE

27. "It takes a licking ..." watch : TIMEX

28. Wolfed down : ATE UP. Misdirection?

29. King beater : ACE. (not the Queen)

30. Muse for a bard : ERATO

31. India's first prime minister : NEHRU

32. Fortunetelling card : TAROT

37. Opposite of thrifty : WASTEFUL

38. Horace's "__ Poetica" : ARS. A poem (c20 b.c.) by Horace, setting forth his precepts for the art of poetry.

39. "Ditto" : "LIKE-WISE"

41. Choir member : TENOR

42. DVD forerunner : VCR TAPE

44. Take exception to : RESENT

45. Boxer "Marvelous" Marvin : HAGLER

46. Adam's mate : EVE

49. Roman moon goddess : LUNA

50. Perched on : ATOP

51. "Quit it!" : "STOP!"

52. Repetitive learning : ROTE

54. Actor Alda : ALAN

55. Kinfolk: Abbr. : RELs. Acceptable for genealogy research.

56. "Goodness gracious!" : "MY, MY!"

58. Single in a wallet : ONE. If down to a single single, get thee to the ATM.



  1. Morning, all!

    Stumbled a bit right out of the gate on this one, thinking that "Rosary counters" referred to people who used a rosary instead of the components of the rosary itself. That got straightened out pretty quickly thanks to the perps, but it did sort of set the tone for the rest of the puzzle.

    Didn't get the theme until after the solve was complete and I had time to look back over things. For awhile, I was convinced there were only two theme answers, since there were only two grid spanners, which I thought was a bit odd.

    Wasn't thrilled with RELS or AMER, and really didn't think MYMY went well with Goodness gracious!" Wanted EDAG there, but it didn't fit. Ah well.

    On the bright side, I had no problem getting AILEY or HAVRE, both of which might have tripped me up in the past.

  2. Sorry, make that EGAD, not EDAG. I simply cannot type well this early in the morning (in case you haven't noticed by now).

  3. I think that I shall never hear
    A limerick pleasing to the ear
    With words EXPRESS,
    With sound to bless,
    Withal, to give one cheer!

    A limerick whose words beSPEAK
    Ululations UTTERly unique
    No syllable superfluous
    To intrude on mellifluous
    Enunciations with mystique.

    God may make the spheres of music,
    Celestial strains soothing and slick.
    Yet we must STATE
    Our human fate,
    It's men like me who write the limerick!

  4. Good morning, folks. Thank you, David Poole, for a swell puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a swell review.

    Worked through this easily for the most part.

    A few old favorites here. ESME, APSES, ICES, LAHR, LEER, EURO, ADOS, ESSO, ERATO, NEHRU, TAROT. ATOP, and ROTE

    AILEY was an unknown. Perped.

    AS was UTNE. I think I have seen that before, but must have been a while back.

    PEU. Three perps.

    Theme appeared after I got here. I did not really look for it.

    Did not get Saturday's or Sunday's done. was very busy and did not have the many hours it would have taken me. Maybe later today.

    See you tomorrow.

    4 below zero when I got up. Spring is only 18 days away.


    (3535248 252)

  5. Good day all,

    Not much of a challenge today. Got most of it done from the across clues, never knew the downs until I read Argyles write up.

    Couple of nits though. 1) LASSOER. Don't recall ever hearing it or using it. I think the more common expression is Roper. 2) The abbreviations for AMER & RELS.

    In VITRO Fertilization & AILEY both previous unknowns to me.

    Argyle, AUDIT not so nasty this time of year, but will be later if we make excessive claims now.

    When I saw PEU, first thought was "what smells?"

    See you tomorrow.

  6. Good morning.

    75-degrees yesterday afternoon, freezing this morning. C'mon spring!

    I zipped through this one, but still found ways to screw things up. I overthought the Popeye clue and immediately entered SWEE'PEA. And my supermarket had EXPRESS COUNTERS. That's where you'll get stuck behind mothers on food stamps with cartfuls of stuff, and all you wanna do is pay for your beer.

    Argyle, the situation is even more dire when, rather than one, you have nunnery.

  7. My experience was somewhat simpler than Argyle or BarryG's. I found it Monday level, and even a bit boring with the pedestrian clue for LAHR and repetitive clue for PEU after the ones we had for them last week. There were a few good ones though, like the starting ones: rosary counters (I momentarily had the same pause as Barry did), fall faller, and review of business books (motivational ones perhaps); but after that only janitor's janglers (my ESP in having Bojangles yesterday) and king beater. Also never heard of Alvin Ailey, and had to dig deep in my memory for HAGLER, but those were it.
    Nice having comic book characters Superman and Popeye nearly next to each other. Did any of you try my comic strip site I mentioned last week? It verges on piracy, so I'm never going to advertise it, but still I would like to share it with another aficionado.

  8. Good Morning Everybody, and welcome to March!

    This was an easy puzzle for me today, but I had a lot of PERPS. I was not familiar with: ESME, PEU, HAVSE, AILEY, UTNE, NEHRU, ARS, and HAGLER.

    THERAM threw me off because I didn't see THE RAM in THERAM.

    Anybody else getting tired of seeing Bert LAHR in puzzles?

    No other complaints. Have a great week!

    PS: Great captcha today: 8282828

  9. Waltzed through this easy Monday offering. As Abejo said there were many old favorites. BEADS and BACH made for a quick start. HAGLER and AILEY were all perps. Then Argyle reminded me of Alvin Ailey's American Dance theater, which I have heard of. Half way through I got the theme. Being the first word of each theme phrase made them obvious.
    LASSOER- In Scrabble my BIL added -er to every possible verb, so this didn't seem strange, at all. Many x-word answers are words we don't use in everyday speech, which is what makes them interesting.

  10. Hey Marie,

    I meant to mention Bert Lahr & forgot. I'm sick of him too. When will someone remember Dorothy had a couple of other road companions. Jack Haley
    & Ray Bolger; Tin Man and "Heartless". Shouldn't be too tough for the creators to fit into a puzzle, should it?

  11. fairly easy Monday puzzle not a speed run but still easy and perfect for a Monday. Stuck at home due to the snow with the boy. wife is also working from home to.

  12. I am repeating myself: I HATE it when a snowplow wakes me up. I know what I will see when I look out a window.
    Spring--where are you?

    Argyle, thanks you your comments. They are always fun to read. This was not as easy as some Monday's when one can solve by only going across or down. Needed a little perp help, as others said, for PEU and AILEY.
    I also needed help spelling. ERAT_, ESM_, EEN_Y, and RE_ were not on the tip of my finger today. (Must be the annoying grinding sound of the snowplow bothering my brain.) I go to Havre, MT for medical appointments. It was named after Le HAVRE.
    I rarely know the sport clues, but I immediately wrote HAGLER. I have no idea why I got that name.
    So, all in all, a pretty quick solve, even using perps.

    Supposed to get above zero here, today and stay there for at least 10 days.

    Have a good week, everyone,

  13. Have a major nit to pick with 11D-chestnut horse=ROAN. They are different coat patterns. Chestnut is a solid red-brown of varying shades, and a roan is a pattern of white hairs throughout a base color which can be chestnut (giving a red roan), black (giving a blue roan), or any other color including palomino!

  14. Good morning everyone.

    Easy enough puzzle but I agree with Argyle about a few of the answers. Starting to learn ESME but haven't learnt UTNE yet. Got CROCE from the perps, too. Got the theme words but could not suss the theme. Sigh.
    Nice to see Le HAVRE. Means harbor in French.
    Here is USS Havre (PCE-877) on which I trained on L. Michigan in 1964. Its namesake is Havre, MT (in Montana's bailiwick) and whose namesake is probably Le HAVRE.

    Have a good day.

  15. Speedy Monday, but several of the answers were in my wheelhouse as you say. Thanks Argyle for the write up.
    Alvin Ailey was one of the founding fathers of modern dance and quite groundbreaking for an African American to have his own dance company, especially growing up in the depression and getting started when the Jim Crow laws were still in effect. Though he has died, his company lives on and tours the US frequently.

  16. Fun Monday puzzle from David. As always witty coments from Argyle. My problem was with Itty-bitty - I wanted TEENY as in a pokka dot bikini. I'll skip spring and go to summer at Cape Cod.
    Off to buy circus tickets for the older grandkids and me.

  17. Nice way to ease into the puzzling week. Hadn't thought of the UTNE reader for years. My sister always used to have one in her bathroom for anyone to read. Now she has devotional books. How times and people can change.

    My favorite Jim CROCE son was "Time in a Bottle".

    Yesterday's COE college broought back memories. It was where my first boyfriend's parents sent him when they thought we were getting too serious at too young an age. In hindsight, a wise move!

  18. Good Morning:

    Thought this was a typical Monday level and coasted right through it. No unknowns and no write-overs. Had to stare at the completed puzzle for a minute or two before the theme jumped right out at me.

    Nice effort, David Poole, and good expo, Argyle. Re 34A, I bet there are none of those on Tin's menu!

    Cold, cold, cold, but no snow.

    Bill G - I know you are a big fan of Ellen, so I'm sure you enjoyed her Oscar hosting performance. I know I did, especially compared to the crass Seth Mac Farland last year.

    Have a great Monday.


  19. Musings
    -A just right Monday stew with ESME, REA, AILEY and UTNE for spice
    -SPEAKEASIES just showed you can’t legislate morality
    -Violence at the EXPRESS CHECKOUT
    -We did TREK all over Lincoln yesterday in -9° F weather to watch grandchildren play BB
    -Where a fireman puts puts his HOSE
    -Germany RESENTed WASTEFUL Greece that mismanaged their mutual multinational currency
    -Only a golfer would know the odd name of this device that tests the STEEPNESS of a golf green
    -Is being a LESSEE worth it to you to have a new vehicle every three years?
    -If a single drop of blood is spilled in a classroom today, you have to call a JANITOR who comes with a huge assortment of special gloves, eye protection, cleaners, waste disposal bags and specialized procedures.
    -My favorite TENOR aria (4:11) from a very unlikely source. Still gives me chills.
    -I have to rethink procedures to play a VCR TAPE for someone today
    -ROTE learning passes for teaching in too many classrooms
    -What famous newsman pitched TIMEX watches on live commercials? Monday level trivia ;-)

  20. Fun quick Monday solve held up slightly in the SW because I had never heard of AILEY or UTNE. Perps to the rescue.

    What Abejo said about old favourites and what Mari said about THERAM.

    Was that a CSO at 12A (PETRO CANADA=ESSO)??

    Like Qli,I remember Jim Croce more for Time in a Bottle.

    Re LAHR, lovely tribute to Wizard of Oz at Oscars last night. But Pink did not "outsing" Judy Garland IMHO! Was it necessary to breathe in the middle of O-ver?? Beautiful gown though.

    Freezing here and we had more snow yesterday!

  21. johnr@9:13 was in the spam filter...again.

  22. Argyle: Nice write-up ... but I "took-a-pass" on the Fugue link.

    Husker: That's a Stimpmeter. (Yeah, I use to be a golfer.)
    John Cameron Swayze was great in the Timex commercials. JMHO

    Only needed 5-perps to get AILEY, otherwise a speed-run.

    Fave today, of course, was SPEAKEASY.
    It may not be booze, but I'm sure that's where I would have 'hung-out' during Prohibition.

    Cheers to all at Sunset!

  23. Argyle! Thank you for the Fugue link! (I have been looking for a way to improve my piano playing while sight reading the music) Now I can finally see the tempo while playing!

    ( I always slow down thru the hard parts,)

    What the heck is a Fugue anyway?

    Re: puzzle (I never saw the theme...)

    About WBS,,, Rosary counters wasn't hard,,, (Nuns didn't fit...)

    Spitz, I clicked on your link expecting to see a beautiful ship, (Gov't links take forever, I thought I was on dial up...) What I saw was a workhorse that everyone overlooks. I had never seen the classification PCE before...

    (Back to the puzzle...) re: say what? ( as in what did you say? )

    Some reactions to the above, what you said...

  24. I love a speed run on a Monday morning--feels like redemption after my Saturday disaster. I got every single item right off the bat in record time and needed acrosses only to help me get the unknown HAGLER. A huge relief after feeling I might be losing it on Saturday. So, a million thanks, David, and you too for the always fun write-up, Argyle.

    Didn't mind LAHR, especially after the "Wizard of OZ" tribute on the Oscars last night. And I thought Ellen's low key, folksy style was delightful--especially the pizza (getting Brad Pitt to pony up an extra $20) and the Meryl Streep and company selfie. I only hope she didn't inadvertently embarrass Amy Adams. We didn't host an Oscar party this year--just watched it by ourselves--and thought it was great fun!

    Have a good week, everybody!

  25. Husker,

    Only a serious golfer would know that a Stimpmeter does NOT measure the steepness of a green.

    The Stimpmeter is a device used to measure the speed of a golf course putting green by applying a known force to a golf ball and measuring the distance traveled in feet.

    The measure of steepness or Slope for serious mathematicians is Newtonian formula.

    See Wiki

  26. Good morning all,

    Loved the speed run until I got to the SE corner and had a hard time getting warm.Utne crossing hagler left a hole, and I put in "oh my!" which gave my aileh.After reading Argyle's summation, I found that I had spelled Croci with an i and hadn't noticed stiepen.

    In school I hated speaking out loud in French class, and used "un peu" quite often.

    While in Yellowstone last week I tried to blog but since I was on my ipad in a FOREIGN(???) place it was impossible. Let's see if my new password works yet.Was not happy.

  27. I think this is my first puzzle with nary a write-over! Thanks, David, for the smooth week starter. Great expo, Argyle.

    I didn't know UTNE or HAGLER but perps solved it for me. Otherwise, a fun effort.

    Yesterday we had sleet, freezing rain and snow. Once the rain changed over to snow I salted the driveway. It was easy to shovel this morning. I watched a couple neighbors fighting the ice under the snow. An ounce of prevention....

    Have a great week. It's supposed to warm up by the end of the week; highs in the 40's, lows in the 20's. I'll take it.


    5284599 Yeah! A numerical captcha!

  28. Good morning everybody. I got the theme right away. I agree about AMER. Otherwise, a perfectly pleasant Monday puzzle. Thanks David and Argyle.

    I had something for breakfast that I haven't had in several years; soft-boiled eggs with a couple of small strips of bacon, a half English muffin, a small glass of V-8 and a half grapefruit. Really good. Soft-boiled eggs are so good; almost creamy.

    Yes Irish Miss, I enjoyed Ellen.

    Oscar Impressions:

    I haven't seen any of the nominated movies so you can take all of this with a tablespoon of salt.

    "Over the Rainbow" is a great song. I'm not a Pink fan but in any case, she wasn't the best singer for that song.

    I thought Ellen did an excellent job hosting. She managed to throw a couple of welcome curve balls into the ceremony including ordering pizza, then passing the hat to shame the luminaries into chipping in for the bill plus a tip and taking a selfie with Meryl Streep with a bunch of other stars. (The retweeting of her photo apparently broke Twitter for a short while.)

    Emma Watson (Hermione) continued to impress me with her pretty face and poise.

    I wonder about Kim Novak. She obviously made some bad decisions about plastic surgery but I wonder if she's also having problems with dementia or a stroke?

  29. HG,

    I hope we will hear Paul Potts again and soon. What a voice!~

  30. Musings
    -Mea culpa, you are right on the picture shown, Eddie. My bad. However, the Stimpmeter can be used to find a level area free of SLOPE by placing a ball on the meter and moving device until the ball will not roll off in either direction. Your anonymous, sarcastic rejoinder is duly noted.
    -Yup, Tin, but here’s John Cameron Swayze vamping after a snafu on one of those “live” commercials.
    -I only saw two 30 second pieces of the Oscars last night: Ellen humanizing the Hollywood swells in the audience with the pizza bit and the Best Picture winners going on and on and on in accepting the award.
    -Yes, Hondo, the Paul Potts segment was amazing for 1) his seemingly humdrum appearance, 2) Simon Cowell’s reaction to real talent, 3) looks of derision before the aria and 4) the looks of amazement of definite non-opera lovers in the audience who could recognize true excellence even though that art form is not their cup ‘o tea.

  31. Hello Puzzlers -

    WEES about the puzzle. Bert Lahr has certainly been popular lately. Failed to notice the theme, but it wasn't necessary for the solve.

    Spitz - I wasn't aware that the Navy had vessels in the Great Lakes. I just assumed it would be USCG there. Learned something!

    Husker - That Potts fellow was superb! I never heard of a Stimpmeter, but I see it was conjured up in Oakmont PA, where I lived for a short while in the 80's. The U.S. Open was played there during my stay, it sure made for a lot of traffic.

  32. Fun Speed Run. During Lent as a kid we had to say 2 Rosary's a day. Now that's a lot of beads to be counting and praying on!

  33. Fun puzzle today. Not much to add.

    Did y'all see the Oscar gift bag the attendees received?

    Isn’t it amazing all the cool stuff you get for free when you’re crazy rich and can afford everything? People just hand you things and don’t ask for money even though you could buy a million of them. Pretty good gig if you ask me. Like the coolest things that could possibly be in a goodie bag at a party I’m invited to would be those little champagne bottle poppers filled with confetti and a Chinese finger trap. Meanwhile Hollywood is cleaning up with a goodie “bag” that contains FOUR all expense paid vacations, $5,000 worth of art, a $300 bottle of MAPLE SYRUP, a lifetime supply of pet food and 2 mace guns (I guess in case a poor person gets close to you and your body guard is sleeping). Let’s not forget the condoms, as if those are a thing rich people use when they can afford abortions and z-packs with the change in their couch cushion. And you even get a $6,000 charitable donation in there! You get to make people think you’re a good person when all you did was go to a self-promoting award show. It’s unbelievable. Best goodie bag in history.

    PS – You really have to respect Hollywood. Everyone thinks award shows are just a bunch of millionaires petting each other’s egos. What better way to distract from the inordinate wealth in that room than giving everyone $80k worth of stuff.

  34. Dudley and CED - The Havre was at Michigan City, Indiana. There were several PCE's scattered around L. Michigan. But maybe 1 or 2 elsewhere such as Duluth or Toledo. Nicknamed "The Corn Belt Fleet". I think they were all disestablished by the late 60's. Other than a few summer visits, there are no Navy ships on the Gt. Lakes in the present time. (By treaty, neither country may station a warship on the Gt. Lakes without the other's permission.)

  35. This didn't just make me smile but at the end, some serious out-loud laughing. Ice-cream-eating doggies

  36. Tinbeni:
    Would you hang out at the SPEAKEASY for the booze of the Flappers?
    GO METS! Openning day at Citifield is only 4 weeks away!!

  37. QOD: It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises. ~ Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (Chief Joseph) (Mar. 3, 1840 - Sep. 21, 1904)

  38. BTW ... I did enter ICES (Tops, as cupcakes) because the 'S' made it acceptable.
    (I probably prefer my cupcakes "neat" also. lol!!!)

    Johnr: It is well established "here" that I "Rate Puzzles" based on the number of 'Booze-clues/answers'.

  39. HOla Everyone, I was zipping through the top half of the puzzle, when I got to Rea and on down the SE corner. Didn't know Ailey, Hagler, and Utne. I put in Oh My for "Goodness Gracious" so I had to jump around to fill in those unknowns. I managed to get it all done, but not an easy Monday solve for me.

    I know that all of you in the snow country are anxious for spring. I wish I could send you our Apricot tree in full bloom. It looks like popcorn along the branches. However, we have rain on the way, so the blossoms won't get pollinated if the bees can't come out in the rain.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  40. I remember a while ago some one said they were having trouble reading the values of resister color codes.

    technology to the rescue...

    Now you can build this for your Grandkids...

    P.S. If you were like me building Radio Shack kits as a kid, you will get a kick out of this guys website. He has over 1500 projects!

  41. A pleasant start to the week. Nice to see Bert LAHR, everyone's favorite ex-vaudevillian, again so soon, and I'm personally delighted to see Horace represented via his ARS Poetica, a document I've taught in directing and playwriting classes for many years. (The arts provide enlightenment and pleasure--"utile et dulce": the past is always with us.)

    My favorite Oscar moment was when Lupita Nyong'o said, "It doesn't escape me... that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's." She spoke to that strange doubleness actors go through when submitting to tragic pathos.

  42. CrossEyedDave,

    That kid's homework desk-cum-Mission Control Panel is absolutely fantastic! What a dad, putting all of that together!
    I thought I was a handy dad once when I built a puppet theater for my first son-- with stage lights, a real traveling curtain, and scenery. I was a piker compared to this kid's Super-Dad!

  43. Happy MONDAY all.

    WEES about the puzzle.

    However, Ol' Man KF, please explain: "that strange doubleness actors go through when submitting to tragic pathos." Please especially the submitting part.

  44. Lemonade714 @ 4:06,

    Thanks for asking. I sometimes get into this with advanced acting classes because of course it is very personal. But let me try.

    Lupita was probably speaking to the joy she was feeling at winning the prize. But leaving awards aside, actors know there is an elation that comes while enacting suffering. It belies those gurus who claim that actors must feel exactly as people feel in real life. Not so. The feeling is genuine, but it is a mixture.
    Real suffering is hard, but it is part of an actor's job. If it comes easily it is probably a shallow imitation. ("She's a drama queen!") When one reaches it, it is a mix of pain or loss (deeply imagined or dredged up from the actor's own life) and the satisfaction of succeeding in a very public way.
    I have talked with a few actors who experience guilt for "trading" on the suffering, even of fictitious characters. I felt something of this years ago when playing Macduff, who has a tough speech lamenting the murders of his wife and children. I try to counsel students that it's OK to feel joy at doing a good job if/when they succeed as surrogates for those who suffer but aren't gifted with eloquence.

  45. Cute doggies eating ice cream link, but beware the scam scroll on the bottom offering to fix your computer.

  46. Bill, LOVED the ice cream doggies!
    I also wondered about why Kim Novak was a presenter, and then there was Goldie Hawn with a strange new look too.I didn't see any new big lips.They always are a little strange.LOL. Lupita was a breath of fresh air.

    CE Dave, What a great video on the Mission Control desk. Will send along to s-i-l who can build anything.

  47. Why do actors take themselves so seriously?

  48. I dunno. I always wonder why the public gets so excited about actors that celebrity sometimes overwhelms the story or character. Most actors I know aren't as impressed with themselves as with writers and directors.

  49. Oh, MY, MY, Keith! Really?

  50. JD, I am quoting 2009 park information:
    Yellowstone National Park completed a plan which addresses the future of wireless communications in the park. Wireless communications in Yellowstone will be allowed in very limited areas to provide for visitor safety and to enhance park operations. The plan restricts towers, antennas, and wireless services to a few limited locations in the park, in order to protect park resources and limit the impact on park visitors.

    Wi-Fi access is pretty much limited to lodges and one has to pay for it.


  51. Thanks Montana, but I wasn't trying to use any phone or my ipad while I was in the park.All I took was my camera. We stayed in West Yellowstone and our motel had WIFI.Had trouble with Google thinking I was a stranger and also FB. No problem with email.

  52. Hi Puzzle Pal's - late again...

    Argyle - thanks for the CROCE link. It's been years since I've heard that. (Qli - my fave was always Leroy Brown... I heard it when I was 4 yrs (I think) and the junk-yard dog was vivid).

    Fun easy Monday - LA(e?a?...H!)R is still hard for me. The letter pattern hasn't stuck.

    @1:38 Probably not PK - I heard on NPR last week that the cheapest thing in the Oscar gift bag was two bathtub-drain caps ($12.95 for the pair). The inventor had to pay $2k to get it in the bag. I think the "gifts" are to get "stars" to their local / hook-'em on products. The sheep follow....

    I subscribed to UTNE in grad-school. Later I switched to Harper's when I learned David Foster Wallace oft wrote for them. I Googled; UTNE is still available on dead-trees. I might get it again. It was fun (if not out there).

    CED - I so want to build that mission control desk. Too bad I'm the only nerd in the house and will never be allowed time to play on something so silly.

    Mari - was that really your captcha or an SOS in base-9? Do you need assistance? :-)

    Cheers, -T

  53. -T, that's funny! (The base 9 SOS)

    I've never been to mission control at Johnson Space Center, but I've sat at the desks in the sister facility at KSC. Because it was about three months before launch (STS-26), the place was deserted. Even so, I was not allowed to push any buttons. :-)

  54. Dudley:

    That's sweet... STS-26 must have been tense at KSC...

    I may have mentioned this before, but I got a behind-the-scenes tour at JSC and went into the vault that held all launch recordings. I looked at all the mission's tapes/reels lined up on the shelf from Apollo-on smiling until I saw STS-25. It was the one with only one slot on the shelf. I think I was the only one that noticed as no one else seemed to sense the weight of that.

    On a lighter note... ISS's mission control is way cool! I got so giddy watching the blip that was the ISS sine-wave over the map. We are so EENSY...

    Cheers, -T


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