, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, August 1, 2014, Julian Lim

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Aug 1, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014, Julian Lim

Theme: Flights of fancy, or just plane pun!

White rabbit, white rabbit. In a reversal theme, the four in the language phrases are clued to make them related to air travel. The first word of each phrase can be used in the context of a scheduled flight, and what you may see if you look at the arrival/departure board at an airport. If you Google, even with quotation marks, the four phrases you see they are all common, though obviously some more easily sussed. Boarding School tipped me to the theme and it made getting the others much easier. Julian, a prolific constructor living in Singapore always gives me a work out, but this one seemed a tad easier. Not easy, just doable. In addition to two 13s and two 14s in the theme (TEMA for our Italian friends) there were some gems CASIOS,  SPATES, CROATIA,  DATA SET,  PAY CASH,  RASHERS, LOLL AROUND and my favorite TOOTSIE POP.  Well, while I suck on my candy, let's get to work.

20A. Consequence of a late flight? : DELAYED EFFECT. (13). For me this was the hardest because it is such a vague, all encompassing phrase. Flight delays are less of problem now that the airlines deliberately factor them into their estimates.

33A. Where to learn how to be on time for a flight? : BOARDING SCHOOL.(14). I went to boarding school, one run after the tradition of Eton (see below).

39A. Luggage on a recently-arrived flight? : LANDED PROPERTY.(14). This TERM may be more prevalent in Singapore, but I am sure you have heard of the landed gentry and their ESTATES. (see below).
52A. Mark showing the status of a stormy-day flight? : CANCELED CHECK.(13). Remember when you used to get your canceled checks from the bank with your monthly statement? Theme complete? Check!


1. Bottom application : TALC. Cute way to start the day with a baby's bottom.

5. Crystallizes : JELLS. Are they the same? Certainly when it comes to an idea, but does the science work?

10. Hemingway sobriquet : PAPA. I get called Papa, because my beard is all white but I do not look like these guys:

14. New car feature : ODOR. You can buy the smell in a can now.

15. "Stop kidding around!" : OH YOU. I get this often.

16. Claire's younger daughter on "Modern Family" : ALEX. The smart one. CLIP. (0:23).

17. First name at Woodstock : ARLO. He gave the absolute worst performance and refused to sing even a few bars of Alice's Restaurant. Had 400,000 people angry.

18. Harold's film partner : KUMAR. The modern version.

19. "Eek!" : YIPE.

23. Outpourings : SPATES. Spate to me is even more dramatic then just an outpouring.

24. Day __ : SPA. Very popular here.

25. Narrow inlet : RIA. A word I know only from crosswords. We just do not teach geography in the US.

26. 2014 U.S. Women's Open champ : WIE. This 6' Hawaiian, Michelle, is finally harnessing her TALENT. (0:32) You may not know that her mother was a beauty queen.

29. Immature retort : IS TOO. IS NOT!

36. Premier __: wine designation : CRU.

37. Patek Philippe competitor : OMEGA. You have to watch out for Julian's trickery.

38. Ratified : OK'D. Is this a real abbreviation?

44. Stop by : END AT. Not to visit, but to cease.

45. Getting-off pt. : STN. Station.

46. Some hosps. : VAS. Veteran Administrations. Hard to comment and not get political.

47. Talking-__ (lectures) : TOS. Ah, the old parental good "talking to."

49. Privia digital pianos, e.g. : CASIOS. The FACTS.

56. Media concern : BIAS. Really? It hardly seems anyone cares about bias in the media as all sides have their slanted presentations.

58. Bellowing : AROAR. Oh my, I have not had an "A" word in months; they used to be the bane of Fridays.

59. Sport with touches : EPEE.

60. Boxer's reward : BONE. Woof woof.

61. Tool in Excel : MACRO. I know how to use macros in word perfect...

62. It's played on Broadway : ROLE.

63. Stop : QUIT.

64. Church reading : PSALM. I get confused, as the Psalms are all part of the Old Testament, how are they used in the Church?

65. Hit the __ : SPOT. For me it is that first sip of coffee.


1. Natterjacks : TOADS. No idea. A very Friday CLUE. 

2. Pitcher? : AD REP. Back to my Monday references to Mad Men and Crazy People.

3. Hang out : LOLL AROUND. This required building from the perps, just not a phrase that jumped to mind.

4. Montenegro neighbor : CROATIA. The Black Mountain is a very entertaining book in the Nero Wolfe series by Rex Stout where he explores the characters Montenegrin background. An CSO for Tinbeni and his work.

5. Routine elements : JOKES. Really great Friday clue, as jokes are part of a comedian's routine, not part of everyday life.

6. Israeli statesman Barak : EHUD. This past prime minister of Israel perhaps is best known for his involvement in successful RAIDS. A Friday name for certain.

7. __ disease: tick-transmitted affliction : LYME. This was named after a town in Connecticut, not far from where I grew up.

8. Word with meat or sugar : LOAF.  Your choice, MEAT (7:18) or SUGAR.(4:00).

9. Sees the sites : SURFS. Sights, sites word play.

10. Exchange notes : PAY CASH. Bank notes. Tricky as you fall into the school note passing trap.

11. Disembarked : ALIT.

12. Zip or drive : PEP.

13. Big name in men's grooming : AXE. This does appear in many forms in so many of my puzzles to blog.

21. Wine datum : YEAR.

22. Expansive : EPIC. Four letters but not that easy.

26. Chickens : WIMPS. I perceive wimps as even more afraid than chickens.

27. Nonreactive : INERT. The clue is often a gas. How noble.

28. Goad : EGG ON. According to the use of  egg as the verb to  'urge' as in egg on is from Old Norse eggja 'incite, encourage, urge on' - and is not related to the eggs laid by birds. Egg as a verb is recorded in print in 1200, but not until 1566 in the phrase egg on.

30. Lickable candy since 1931 : TOOTSIE POP. I bet many a tooth was lost to the impatient ones wanting the to get to the center. HISTORY.

31. "The Addams Family" adjective : OOKY. The theme SONG.(0:54). What would you rhyme with spooky?
32. Clichéd : OLD. Hmm, maybe I am only cliched now.

33. Cereal box word : BRAN.

34. Chuck Hagel's gp. : DOD. Department of Defense.

35. Enervate : SAP. The opposite of the similar sounding energize.

36. Browns, on scoreboards : CLEveland, Johnny Manziel and Lebron; and the PGA at Firestone in Akron; how much excitment can Ohio take?

40. Mining target : DATA SET. The next step in the Bif Brother world predicted. LEARN.

41. "The most private of private schools": Hugh Laurie : ETON. You need to know this four letter school in England for kings and princes and actors.

42. Copter rescue, perhaps : EVACuation.

43. Bacon units : RASHERS.

48. Rogue : SCAMP.

49. Storage medium : CD-ROM. Why are all CDs gypsies?

50. 3M sponge brand : OCELO. Actually, O-CEL-O.

51. Sport with shotguns : SKEET. I never heard of a word which was born in a CONTEST.

52. "Is it allowed?" : CAN I? I was raised to ask May I.

53. Chunks of history : ERAS.

54. "Livin' La Vida __": Ricky Martin hit : LOCA.

55. Well-manored individual? : EARL. Another fun play on words, as Downton Abbey is Lord Grantham's manor. A reference to the Landed Property above.

56. Chip flavor : BBQ.

57. Slip for chips, maybe : IOU. A chip double...When you win keep betting, when you lose quit before you lose big. Never gamble on IOU's.

Well we embark on a new month, the Bachelorette got called out, we are down to the semi-finals in AGT and the Last Comic and there are more and more original programs on TV during the summer. Well hoping you all still find time for the puzzle and the Corner. Lemonade out.


  1. Morning, all!

    Definitely a challenge for me today. Lots of tricky clues and a few unknowns. Down south, I struggled with OCELEO since I wasn't at all familiar with it, but the perps finally filled it in for me (thanks, perps!)

    Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky up north. I had LYME and that was it for the center section. Couldn't figure out DELAYED EFFECT, didn't know/remember KUMAR or EHUD, couldn't think of JELLS, and just didn't get the clues for JOKES, LOAF or SURFS. Epic fail up there. Finally turned on the red-letter help and fumbled around until I managed to get through.

  2. And yes, I meant OCELO. Not OCELEO.

  3. On my first pass through this puzzle I had maybe six answers I knew for certain. WIE EHUD PAPA LOCA LYME INERT. I made it to the bottom and worked my way back up finishing with JELLS and KUMAR (?). I did finish but DELAYED EFFECT (Jet Lag anybody?) was my last large fill. My solving required many WAGS starting with the 1D clue which is a word that I was unfamiliar with. I guess TIMEX AND CASIO aren't big competitors of PATEK PHILLIPE so OMEGA finally worked its way in. I don't drink wine so CRU and YEAR were perps. And I had a few waffles on CAN I or MAY I, STA or STN, ME TOO or IS TOO.

    Other complete unknowns were AXE OOKY OCELO .

    Did anybody else call 30D a TOOTSIE ROLL POP?

  4. Good morning, gang - this was a tough go for me today, one where I spent a fair amount of time just trying to get a foothold. Even knowing what a natterjack is (from some previous puzzle), I still had trouble in the NW. When I finally got it, even then LOLL AROUND didn't feel right. Blunders included BELT for 'Boxer's reward' and ROAD for 'Hit the____'. On a positive note, I somehow pulled out both EHUD and KUMAR for no apparent reason. Overall, a very enjoyable puzzle, but when isn't a Julian Lim puzzle a treat?

    As to yesterday's post (the responses to which I read this morning), I was surprised by the reaction to what was clearly a dumb spoof on the whole man/woman thing. But then I read anon@10:32's post, and he/she hit it on the nose. I AM out of touch with the current feel of the blog. This is a completely different animal than it was a few years back, but fortunately (or unfortunately for some), my sense of what's funny is the same. I'll keep that difference in mind in future posts.

    Isn't it funny how much vitriol comes out when one has the mask of anonymity? What do you think makes a regular poster post under 'anon'? Can it really be anything other than lack of, uh, spine? I mean, seriously, what's the worst that can happen by putting your name with a negative comment? Think someone's going to spend time and money to try to track you down because you didn't like a post of theirs? I really don't get that.

    Anyway, it's the first day of a brand-new month and all's well in sunny Florida (so far), so enough of the negativity; hope it's an outstanding day for everyone -- do something FUN this weekend!

    Oh, and thanks for the support yesterday from several people, both via the blog and email; much appreciated.

  5. Hello Puzzlers -

    It's rare for me to be on Julian's wavelength, but today it all came together. I zipped through this in Wednesday time. Paused at Can I and OK'd, but not at O-Cel-O because I remember packages of those sponges under my mom's sink. Ooky needed a few perps, but it sounds like it belongs in the Addams theme.

  6. Good morning all. Thank you Julian Lim and thank you Lemonade.

    A lot of misdirection today. And in the end, although I had the joy of the solve, I did not get the joy of the completion. At the very end, it was the north central again.

    Got BOARDING SCHOOL first, an LANDED PROPERTY shortly thereafter. CANCELED CHECK came in due time, but DELAYED EFFECT didn't come until I realized LOAF.

    Lemonade, here's another choice for SUGARLOAF

    While we're at it, I would rhyme this enunciation of Cookie

    Because they are Romani ?

    And then JOKES came when I quit focussing on elements and put the stress on routine. That was at the end.

    "Bottom application" made me laugh. So did "Sees the sites."

    Never saw RASHERS coming. Had "Bellies" until the perps made me change it.

  7. Forgot to mention - Lemonade, great job with the write-up; a most enjoyable read.

  8. After a rocky start I finally saw the theme and moved along quickly until the north central. I knew EHUD. KUMAR was all perps, as was TOADS. However. my downfall was a natick in the NE. I had ALEC and ACE. I ran the alphabet, but didn't go all the way to X.
    I remember the Addams Family song.
    In church, in addition to readings from the Old and New Testament we always say or sing one of the Psalms, either in unison or responsively.
    To me the word outpouring is quite dramatic.

  9. Solution to yesterday's Cryptic clue.
    Reversals put | many papers | back | in the | red, | having unrealistic aspirations (7)
    [reverse] {[REAM] [reversed] [inside] [RED]} = [DREAMER]

    Didn't like today's puzzle. Too many contrived answers and/or too loosely worded clues: LOLL AROUND, OH YOU, END AT, AROAR, EPIC, WIMPS. For example, WIMPS are "weak and ineffectual," but that has little to do with bravery or cowardice. I was surprised to find JELLS, LANDED PROPERTY, were real terms, but not surprised AROAR isn't in any decent-sized dictionary. There were a lot of nice clues -- SURFS, OOKY, chickens (if it had been for cowards), etc., so it wasn't a train wreck, just not up to quality.

    Since the cryptic clues have been creating an uproar, as an experiment I've taken Anon's advice and started a separate blog for them. Too soon to say much about it yet except to invite you over to help get it running with your comments.

  10. This started badly but I somehow, slowly, gained momentum. The SW was the last to fill. BONE was an early WAG but I couldn't wrap my head around a three-letter "chip flavor" with a "B" in the middle. Finally got CAN I, IOU, and BIAS and that first "B" led to the "Q".

    Saturday looms.


  11. Same here. Didn't like the clueing. And another theme that gave me a headache.

  12. Dennis, great to see you two days in a row. You will always be an important part of this blog whether anons appreciate you or not.

    Julian is always tricky, with more of a NYT cluing sensibility, but then since Rich changes clues????

    Listen tot he theme song Dudley and you will hear ooky quite clearly

  13. Hard puzzle for me but loved the write up! Lemonade, In the Catholic Church , the responsorial psalm is read between the first reading from the Old Testament and the second reading from the New Testament. Love this blog, but first time contributor!

  14. Miriam Webster includes cowardly, along with weak and ineffectual in the definition of WIMP. The Free Dictionary says that WIMP as a verb means to show timidity or cowardice.

    Although many, but not all, dictionaries omit AROAR, it is frequently found in poems. Most of the A words that you all object to are readily found in poems and other literature. Because they are poetic and expressive I love them.

    -from The Ballad of Calliope
    Through that long, long night of dread,
    While the storm raged overhead,
    They were waiting by their engines, with the furnace fires AROAR;
    So they waited, staunch and true,
    Though they knew, and well they knew,
    They must drown like rats imprisoned if the vessel touched the shore.

    -from Sunset at Sea
    In the cottages on the quay
    Plates chink, fisher wives prepare for tea
    Warm lights, glowing in windows
    The pubs AROAR with drunken laughter.

    Welcome Gramma Jean

  15. Hello. Late again. Yup, Harold -- not KUMAR's buddy, but the slow-walkin', slow-talkin' variety. I also go slowed on the solve by writing ADMEN rather than ADREP.

    RASHERS was familiar to me. In '73 I was commuting to Cedar Rapids and living in a hotel. The breakfast menu included eggs, toast and a RASHER of bacon. Turned out to be two slices.

    In the end, Julian left me out on a limb. I fell into the same C/X trap that YR mentioned. I seldom hear the "TADA" coming from the page of my newspaper, so I let the C stand. DNF, but it was a nice ride.

  16. Rabbit, rabbit!

    Already into August..wasn't yesterday January 1st?

    Great write-up as always, Lemony. I enjoyed it more than the puzzle. For some reason, this one fell flat for me. I did enjoy some of the clues and fill, but I'll let Thumper do my talking for the rest...

    TTP @ 7:37, loved your sugarloaf link – great song! But for Sugarloaf, I immediately thought of this mountain.

    Welcome Gramma Jean!


  17. Good Morning:

    Whenever I see Julian Lim as the constructor, I know there is trouble up ahead and today's puzzle proved me right. I did finish w/o help but only with a few lucky guesses and spending an inordinate amount of time doing so.

    The last to fall was the NE corner. Don't watch Modern Family, not aware of men's grooming products, and zip or drive screamed computerese before pep finally filled in. I went astray early on by filling in Maude for Harold's film partner. Did anyone see that movie, Harold and Maude?

    Well done, Mr. Lim, as usual, and thanks, Lemony, for an effervescent expo.

    A while back, I mentioned a friend who was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach nursing courses to graduate students in Jordan. Well, she and her sister are stopping by this afternoon on their way to Buffalo for a two week last hurrah before she leaves later in the month. It will be nice to see her, even though it'll be a short visit, as they still have a lot of driving time ahead of them.

    Have a great first day of August. BTW, PK, my neighbor went to see the Bolshoi yesterday, but I haven't seen her yet to get a review.

  18. Pinch, Pinch ...

    Lemon: Excellent write-up & links explaining my Rorschach Ink Blot / DNF.
    (At least I admit my DNF's. I don't act like "I solved" because I used "Red-Letter" help.
    If it is a DNF ... then it is a DNF!)

    OK, right off-the-bat I got TALC which led to CROATIA (though Albania would have fit).

    But for Harold's film partner I confidently plunked in MAUDE. One of my favorite movies ... way-back-when.

    I only got AXE because I was watching ESPN and they had an Ad for it ... some kind of Hair-Gel I would never use ...

    Fave today, along with a V-8 can head-smack, was BONE for "Boxer's Reward".

    Have a GREAT Month!

  19. OwenKL @8:19
    Did you really say:
    "Didn't like today's puzzle. Too many contrived answers and/or too loosely worded clues."

    Have you taken a real-good look at your "Cryptic clues" / Answers???

    I think the word CONTRIVED would be bouncing around you head au-nauseum.

    OTOH ... Good luck with your Cryptic clues Blog.

  20. Greetings, puzzlers!

    I loved this puzzle! On seeing Julian Lim's name I immediately feel a stir and know I'm up for a challenge.

    Once I found his wave length, I followed it along. Loved the theme, especially the cluing for BOARDING SCHOOL. I worked in one and had some interesting experiences there.

    Others have stated that a PSALM is always included in the Catholic Mass.

    As Lemonade mentioned, EFFECT was the last to fall but when SURFS dawned on me as "sees the sites" I gave myself a "tada".

    Thank you Lemonade and Julian; you always force me think outside the box.

    Have a fantastic Friday, everyone!

  21. Don't know if I'm double posting -- have been puzzling over my attempts to post! Trying again in order to express my thanks for the blog and the latimes xword keeping my English current and for all the help here.

    Have wanted to comment, especially when Swedish, Swedes or Sweden is clued! Just as well I didn't become pedagogical regarding the Swedish alphabet (ä, ö and ö are letters in their own right and not the result of diacratical characters, but don't get me started on the number of letters in the Swedish alphabet).

  22. Agree with OwenK about the cluing. And if my new car had an ODOR I would take it back.

  23. That new car smell is from the solvents and adhesives they use while putting it together. I'd definitely call it an ODOR. It sure ain't perfume!

  24. Well, I'm afraid I found this harder than a Saturday puzzle, and although I got some sections, it just didn't work for me. Relieved that others found it a bit tough too. Even when I got things, like ALEX (we love "Modern Family") the down AXE didn't make sense to me. But at least I got the delightful BOARDING SCHOOL.

    Still don't understand who or what a Patek Phillippe competitor is.

    Helpful write-up, Lemonade.

    Have a great August, everybody!

  25. Hi gang -

    Mixed feelings about this one. A few nits, but I won't pick those BONEs. BOARDING SCHOOL hits the right note. The other theme entries feel forced.

    It was always TOOTSIE ROLL POP to me, and I never liked them much. Perhaps because the ersatz chocolate center was a DELAYED EFFECT.

    Odd solve. First through nth passes were sparse. Finally gotunraveled it from the bottom up.

    Thought I was staring at another DNF, but as I turned on my computer to come here, LOAF JELLed. I resisted JELLS, but then softened to it and the rest fell into place.

    TALC - because PREPARATION H does not fit.

    Tinbeni - re: contrived. With cryptics, that's pretty much the point, i think. It's a whole different puzzling approach.

    Re: JELLS. I see it in the figurative sense for both words, but IMHO the science does not work.

    Crystals - consider salt and sugar - are crunchy. Jells are like - well, consider JELLO.

    Saw a toad in my yard yesterday about the size of a fingernail. Not a natterjack, though.

    Cool regards!

  26. Good morning everyone.

    Except for the x in ALEX/AXE, I eventually got everything else. Quite a toughie.
    But the good side is many of Julian's clues were fun to suss.
    1a. - Wondered if 'wack' would work. :-) TALC was apt.
    Had DELAYED effort before EFFECT.
    PSALM - In addition to what others have said, some special psalms may be read at weddings or funerals or other special rites.
    New learning - Natterjacks.

    Have a great day.

  27. My favorite Montenegro.
    Miss Montenegro from Bones. Angela

  28. Pretty tough. But I finally finished. Sometimes when I am stuck I leave and then come back and that seems to help. The hardest for me "BBQ" and "lollaround". I don't know why.

  29. Good morning all,
    Enjoyed your write up more than the puzzle today, Lemonade.If there was a misdirection, I was misdirected except bone. I also had Maude. I spent a lot of time for a DNF, but always enjoy the work out.

    Kids here in Kauai were supposed to go back to school today...YIKES!...but parts of the island went under a boil water advisory last night due to a waterline that was disturbed . So, we are all drinking wine, beer or bottled water. No slushy slurpees.

    Nice seeing you on the blog today, Dennis.

  30. The theme was not very memorable and the compromised fill was very Un-Lim like. For those that don't like the cluing, end of week puzzles are made more difficult either due to the cluing or putting in obscure words or phrases. If I have to choose I'd rather a fair clue then some archaic word that is only in the Oxford dictionary.

  31. I don't understand the "Psalms" comment. It's part of the Bible and Christians read from the old AND new Testament.

  32. I always enjoy a Julian Lim crossword, and slowly worked through it. Hang up in the northwest, with my first fill being Joan (Baez) for Arlo of Woodstock fame, complicated by having no idea what a natterjack is. Learning moment on Jells--I use jell-o and jelly, but usually use gels for the verb.

    I realize that there is a wide variety of tastes and values on the blogs-- I appreciate when the posters let us know that a picture is going to be off color, close to soft porn, offensive to women, etc. so I can skip them. Some images are hard to get out of your mind even if they are there briefly, plus opening some of those tend to have a higher incidence of junk to your computer if you open a link.

  33. To Misty @ 11:21

    Patek Phillippe is perhaps the most expensive brand of watch in the world; Omega, while no slouch, are priced thousands of dollars less.

    As for AXE, this line of men's grooming products, including hair and body gel, deodorants, et al, is marketed toward the 18-35 year old males. I tried their body gel once and here was the outcome!

  34. A DNF today. Great write-up, though, Lemonade.

    Two of my Honolulu grandkids started school today. The other two start Monday.


  35. Julian Lim certainly put me to the test today, as I had a hard time figuring out the theme (our print version in the paper does not list the puzzle's "theme" except on Sunday). The "southern" part of the puzzle filled in fairly easily (I once worked for 3M, so getting O-Cel-O was not too hard), but the "northern" half was peppered with empty cells. I finally googled 1D, 6D, and 18A, and was able to complete the solve. I guess in this blog's nomenclature I had a "DNF" since I had to cheat! ;^)

    A comment regarding yesterday's blog: when I found this site a little over a month ago, I just "observed" for a week or so before posting and "going blue". Since limericks were a daily part of the comments then, I naturally "assumed" that they were allowed and/or encouraged. As crossword puzzles often use "play-on-words" as part of the clues/solves, limericks - if done "properly" - are to me, just another way to express ones thoughts about the day's puzzle.

    I won't always have a daily limerick - and when I do, I hope it will cause a few smiles and/or groans. I'll try to keep them "clean", but sometimes they're more funny when they're a bit risque . . .

  36. This was a challenge for me. I got most of it done by myself but finally turned on red letters when it felt as if I was stuck and taking forever. My only complaint with the cluing was "Is it allowed?" The response should be May I?, not Can I? It would have been easy to fix...

  37. Chairman Moe, when Owen first posted his limericks they drew raves from many of us. That apparently caused jealousy and led to yesterday's vitriol. I agree with you, that as crosswords often use plays on words, a good limerick is just another way to comment on the puzzle.

  38. "Jells" and "crystallizes" do work in the figurative sense. The clue wasn't intended in the scientific sense.
    In re: so called obscure words. Many words that we feel are contrived or obscure are just not in our wheelhouses.I am sometimes surprised that words I haven't heard are well known by many others, and words others claim as obscure are well known to me. Usually, but not always, when other bloggers and I wonder about these words I can find examples in many places, such as novels, poems, NYT, Time magazine, newspapers, etc.

    In re Alan's MRI of the brain, I was able to schedule an MRA within 10 days on Auguat 11, to rule out an aneurism. That's a relief because that could pose a major problem. However I couldn't get an appointment with the neurologist for almost 8 weeks to rule out or confirm multiple sclerosis, a long time to wait for the other shoe to drop.

  39. Many thanks for the cool and helpful info, Chairman Moe!

  40. Misty @ 2:26 - my pleasure! BTW, I noticed from your profile that you're originally from Lancaster, PA. I grew up on the opposite side of the Susquehanna in the "White Rose" city. Haven't lived there in over 40 yrs, and no family there now, but I still refer to it as "home" . . .

  41. OK - a limerick finally came to me:

    A lisping, Shakespeareian fellow,
    Supported the sponge brand "O-CEL-O";
    Of course, you know why;
    It's that one he buys:
    'Cause to him it sounds just like Othello!!

    This is definitely in the "groan" category!!

  42. Lemony, I expected you to comment on your venture in Montenegro. I really didn't understand the concept. Would you like to explain it to us?

  43. I do not believe you can have a group of many thousands of people reading a blog and expect there be no differences of opinions. I do not see jealously, the complaints were I believe about the proliferation of cryptic clues. If any of you would go back and read the blog from 2008 forward you will see that as it has grown there have been varying periods of adjustment and change. The 20 line/5 post rule was a result of posters making the site their own and completely ignoring the puzzle. As with many things in life, it is often a matter of degree. Personally I used to have fun when Seen and others offered alternative crossword clues. On the other hand, none of this should be taken too seriously.

  44. I am pleased by the continued appearance of new posters; welcome one and all. bear in mind the percentage of readers who comment in tiny. The people who actually read the full write up and comment is also small compared to the hits, but it enough to keep us coming back.

  45. The next puzzle that mentions RAF, I will link lots of videos of WWII aircraft. However the next puzzle that mentions "Stoa" will have a lot of boring links about foreign walkways....

  46. Lemonade, thanks for the "I Would Do Anything For Love" link. While there, I had to watch/listen to "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad" and "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" (they're three of my favorite Meat Loaf songs).

    This was a DNF for me. Didn't get JELLS, EHUD, LOAF, SURFS, OH YOU, or KUMAR.

    Like some of you, I wanted MAUDE, but it just wouldn't work with LYME. Irish Miss, I saw "Harold and Maude" years ago and loved it.

  47. Nancy, I agree with your choice of meat loaf. Since he got skinny I have heard nothing.

    One man's STOA is another's pin-up.

  48. HI Y'all! I like Julian's puzzles and I found this one easier than some Fridays despite some obscure stuff like "natterjacks". Great as usual, Lemonade!

    I got a chuckle finding TALC over ODOR since TALC is used to cover ODOR.

    Harold's buddy KUMAR had stuck in my mind from seeing TV trailers for a movie which I didn't see.

    WAGd CROATIA although I didn't think it adjoined Montenegro. Bosnia didn't fit.

    Hmmm, chickens were not "birds" but WIMPS. Okay!

    Didn't know MACRO was a tool in EXCEL. I used to copy old pictures for genealogy with a MACRO lens on my Nikon.

    Well gee, I learned I have LANDED PROPERTY a/k/a farms. Who'da thunk it?

    Before I moved, I sat many hours running many years of CANCELLED CHECKs through the shredder. Got new insights on some things.

    Chairman Moe: some of us like a little risque. My career was spent largely among men. One can't survive unless one can take risque.

  49. This was a real red letter slog for me. However, if I were trapped on a plane for a 6 hour flight, this puzzle may have been very entertaining. What I am trying to say is I am not ready for this level of difficulty. (but I am working on it!)

    Lemonade714 brought up an interesting point. I remember when we used to come up with alternative clues for fun. (it has been a while since we emulated/annoyed Rich Norris)
    What if this puzzle had to be clued harder, for a Saturday say... taking the existing clues, & theme, I give you:

    20A Red eye...

    33A Meat packing plant at O'hare...

    39A MIG Defection

    52A Did I do that?

    Based on the above, could you have solved the puzzle?

    (from the Bizzare mind of CrossEyedDave...)

  50. Lemonade, just to clarify....I was only referring to the nasty, personal attacks we had yesterday. When several, non-registered, non-Blue posters repeat the same hateful messages, I assume it is all the same unhappy Anon who must have some ax to grind (such as jealousy).

    Differences of opinion are not the same thing, in my opinion.

  51. Dennis, if you're still reading this, I wouldn't be too concerned at the 'vitriol' on your link yesterday. Senior citizens, female or male, are not too 'hot' to begin with anyway.

    Remember, today is National Forgiveness Day and also Forget-about-what-happened-yesterday -Day.

    Lemonade, since you live in an area lined with psalm trees, its easy to get confused. Easily forgiven. Cute blog, enjoyed it.

    Seeing your map, I wondered where Croatia ( Hi, Tin) borders on Monte Negro. Oh, that thin line of coastland. Is Kosovo finally a separate country, or just a break away province ? And what is F. Y. R. Macedonia ? Does F Y R stand for For Your Review ----- or ----- For Your Records (only) ?

  52. WIMP: What Irish Miss Postulated.

  53. So I take it you're from York, PA, Chairman Moe? I dated a sweet guy from there when I was in my teens--I won't say how many decades ago that was. Yes, it was a nice part of the country to grow up in, wasn't it?

  54. Missed YIPE, settled for YIKE.


  55. I get so many unsolicited phone calls. I try to stay polite but... At this point, if someone called and offered to give me $100 for taking a two-minute survey, I'd refuse the offer. If I decide on a solar energy installation or a home improvement project, it won't be with one of the businesses who cold call me.

  56. BillG: I've been getting a lot of political calls with a primary election next Tuesday. I very politely hang up. It's better that way. They wouldn't like to hear what I'd say.

  57. How to deal with annoying phone calls.

    If you ever wanted to practice asking questions, this is your chance...

  58. Saddder but wisserAugust 1, 2014 at 7:03 PM

    Bill G. Now that you mentioned it, an interesting thing happened during my Googling yesterday. I was searching for some work related Google subsite codes when what should appear but a polite request from Google, for an online survey. This was from Google, itself, under the Google doodle logo and everything. So, since I use Google extensively I felt obliged to answer a small request. The survey was brief, 3 questions on my Google usage. Then a surprise. Google offers me the latest iPad for $1.00 ! My Spiderman antenna should have sensed something, but I must have ignored it, because I fell for the trap hook, line and sinker. I gave them my name, address, phone number and all the details of my credit card. ;-x) One hour later, I get a call on my cell phone from the Bank of America, credit card fraud department regarding suspicious activity ( for $ 1.00 ! yet ) on my account. The payee is a fraudulent website -, or or, and it does not exist, and its being monitored for phishing. After a brief chat, with the fraud officer, I am getting 2 entirely new, cards each on the 3 credit cards I carry with them. They arrive by FedEx tomorrow.

    Normally I never 1. answer any surveys 2. Accept any offers from free trips to DisneyWorld, Cruise vacations, Club Med, WalMart or BestBuy or Olive Garden/ Buffalo Wings / Abuelos/ Bahama Mama OR anything else. But, once in while I fall, hard, like everyone else. Now, if the White House calls, I WILL hang up on them.

  59. Like a lot of you, I wanted MAUDE so badly--it was only after a quick glance at the verts that I realized she wasn't meant to be with LYME disease.

    I did find ADREP a bit refreshing, since if feels like I've been writing in ADMAN every other day for at least the past six months. Likewise, I was relieved that none of the "flights" referred to in the themes had anything to do with stairs, steps, or banisters. When I first saw "Consequence of a late flight?" I actually counted to see if STAIRWELL WIT fit.

    I found the SW corner quite brutal and had to wait for my son to go down for his nap to clue that one together. It took me a while to land on IOU and BBQ because there were no acronym/abbreviation signals in their clues. Is it me, or is this becoming more and more common?

  60. Jace @ 5:18 - WIMP=What Irish Miss Postulated=Snarky Anons=WIMPS=What Mean Ignorant People Say behind the cloak of anonymity. The vitriol directed at Dennis and Owen yesterday was all anonymous, as are most other negative and sarcastic posts. Fortunately, they are few in number compared to the majority of the Corner contributors.

  61. Sorry, should read What Ignorant Mean People Say.


  62. Irish Miss you're a really nice, decent, lovable person.

    Don't get so agitated.

    Anons should not be taken seriously. As Dennis said, if they don't have the guts and the spine, they're not important or worth reading.

    Pass on by.

    Life's too short to be worrying about worms.

    Don't sweat the small stuff.

    Think about the exciting crossword coming up tomorrow, and Splynter's sweet face.

  63. Happy Friday everybody!

    Thumper, Thumper!

    Enjoyed the puzzle today, have not cared so much for the drama of the last few months. Unfortunately, whenever anyone responds to the GOADing trolls, they win. They exist to stir up the pot and create commotion. A truly pathetic bunch. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - it’s WAY too easy these days to be cruel (or even unusual) from behind the curtain.

    The best response to snarky anons, in MY humble opinion….

    Just keep reminding yourself, “If ignorance is bliss, then some people must be very, very happy….”

  64. Hi all. Had tours for surfs, belt for bone as in championship belt, fowls for wimps, open for epic, brilo but knew it had two l's then ocelo came in. What in the world is rashers for bacon units ? In south Louisiana we call em slabs !! Have a good night. I'm starting my cryptoquote

  65. CED thanks for effort, I would have gotten none of those

  66. TBTG! It's raining! A long, loud, thudding rain! On a few occasions the rain has fallen around us missing Scottsdale altogether, but it's right directly in our path. We are in about a 5 inch deficit for the year.

  67. Just got back from seeing 'A Most Wanted Man', starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the last role before his untimely death. The movie's well worth seeing - taut plot, excellent casting and it's just enjoyable to watch Hoffman show his skills. Anybody who saw 'Charlie Wilson's War' know what I'm talking about. Be forewarned, however; the movie is over two hours long.

    Also saw 'Lucy' last week, which was enjoyable for the special effects and the chance to gawk at Scarlett Johansson. See it if you're a fan of either of those.

    Have a great night.

  68. Lucina, congrats on the rain, but also my sympathy -- a five-inch deficit is never a good thing.

  69. Lucina, I'm envious.

    Scarlett Johansson, yep, I'm a fan. Other than that, was the movie any good?

    CED, when you write the clues for a puzzle, warn me ahead of time to start with the red letters turned on. :>)

    I'm enjoying Longmire. I recognize Vic from 24.

    I'm wondering why I like Endeavor? I think it's the characters and actors more than the stories.

  70. Lucina, I wish some of that rain would come our way. We are in a DIRE drought situation and they say that we have a year's deficit of rain. No lawn left, we don't flush every time, and we catch the water in our shower while waiting for the hot water. This we use to flush the toilets. We're hoping for rain this winter, but our rainy season doesn't usually start until Oct.

    As for the puzzle, Wees for my experience today. Difficult for me. However, I did have about 2/3 of the puzzle done on my own, so I felt good about that.

    Dennis, it was good to see your post today. We miss your presence.


  71. Greetings!

    (Maybe two of you will see this?)

    Thanks, Julian and Lemon.

    Natick at AXE and ALEX. So DNF.

    Tried to watch District 9 which is highly rated. Gave up after 12 minutes or so. Yecch!


  72. Yep, I saw it. Did you see this?

  73. Fermatrime when will you believe people read the comments for days so you late night post will be seen 1000 times or more. Will you se this?


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