, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Amy Johnson

Gary's Blog Map

Aug 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Amy Johnson

Theme:  PUZZLING PROVERB PARTS.  Portions of proverbs are clued with slightly askew hints at their missing segments.  I went on a quest to determine what the differences are among the PROVERB, aphorism and adage, and found nothing definitive, or even worth a link.  They all are various pithy, often quip-like sentences that literally or figuratively capture some bit of truth, wisdom or belief.  

17. Proverbial flying companions? : BIRDS OF A FEATHER flock together.  You can judge them by the company they keep, on land or in the air.

24. Proverbial pavers? : GOOD INTENTIONS.  The road to hell is paved with them, it's said.  This can either suggest that “The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley,” or be an admonition not to let your good intentions languish due to lack of action.   Which meaning do you take?

42. Proverbial loser? : HE WHO HESITATES is lost.  On the other hand, look before you leap.  So - who ya gonna believe?

56. Proverbial pyrite? : ALL THAT GLITTERS is not gold.  This could be interpreted as meaning that gold does not glitter.  As a child, I found that to be confusing.  In German, IIRC, it's Alles ist nicht Geld was glänzt, or all is not gold that glitters.  Not so easy to misinterpret.  Pyrite, iron sulfide, is a yellowish glittery mineral, called fool's gold.

Hi gang, JzB here.  Let's boldly plunge into this puzzle.  After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained., and fortune favors the bold.  So onward - there's no time like the present.  I've included some pictures and videos, thereby saving thousands of words.


1. House of Dana fragrance : TABU.  Perfume.

5. Hiccups cure, so they say : SCARE.  BOO!

10. Wilson's predecessor : TAFT.  U. S. Presidents.  Is the plural of POTUS POTI?

14. Economist Greenspan : ALAN.  Famous quote from the emeritus Fed Chairman.  "Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets. We can see that in the inverse relationship exhibited by price/earnings ratios and the rate of inflation in the past. But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?"
    — "The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society", 1996-12-05

15. Senate aides : PAGES.  To the best of my knowledge, they are not characterized as recto and versoThey serve primarily as messengers, distribute copies of The Congressional Record and other relevant documents, and assist in other ways.

16. On a cruise : ASEA.  Literally, upon the sea.

20. Bare runners : STREAKERS.  Also literally.

21. Explosive trial : N-TEST.  Nuclear bomb testing.

22. GPS suggestion : RTE.  Route.  Note Abrvs.

23. __ Miguel, largest of the Azores : SAO.  This scenic archipelago is an autonomous region of Portugal, located in the north Atlantic, about 850 miles off the coast of continental Portugal.

33. Fencing equipment : EPEES.  Dueling swords, not pickets.

34. Bow (out) : OPT.  To OPT is to make a choice among various possibilities.  This clue is far too specific.

36. Real bore : DRAG.  Time DRAGs when you're bored.

37. Station : DEPOT.  For trains or buses.

38. Sorority letters : PHIS.  Though  groups could OPT for other letters, such as alpha and gamma.  The letters are the initial letters of the organization's motto or slogan in the Greek language, which is often a secret.

39. Tended little ones : SAT.  Baby sitting.

40. President before and after Medvedev : PUTIN.  Hero or villain, depending on which position you OPT for

41. Move stealthily : SLINK.  Sneaky.

45. Sue Grafton's "__ for Outlaw" : O IS.   One  book of the Kinsey Millhone [English] alphabet mystery series.  I got bored with it somewhere around E.

46. Ocasek of the Cars : RIC.  You know what he wants.

47. Unskilled workers : PEONS.

50. Lose it : GO BANANAS.  Or berserk, have a fit, hit the ceiling.

58. Muse of history : CLIO.

59. Gauchos' gear : BOLAS.  South American cowboys alternative to the lariat.

60. Whistle-blowing Brockovich : ERIN.  She built a case against Pacific gas and Electric for contaminating drinking water with highly toxic hexavalent chromium.

61. Great Smokies st. : TENNessee.

62. "I'm at your disposal" : USE ME.  Could be a dangerous offer.

63. Lays down the lawn : SODS.  Green side up.  Nice word play.  A clue can be both straight-forward and clever.


1. Keep __ on: observe : TABS.   To keep "tabs" (or "a tab") on someone, is short for "tablet" in the sense of "writing tablet," i.e., an account book or written record. Thus, when Santa Claus is described as "making a list and checking it twice," he is "keeping a tab" (or "tabs") on all those naughty and nice kiddies. This use of "tab" is relatively recent, first appearing in the late 19th century. The same sense of "tab" meaning "written account" is found in "tab" meaning "restaurant check."   [Edited quote from here.]

2. Came down to earth : ALIT.   Remember when returning astronauts ALIT ASEA?

3. "Last Comic Standing" judge Roseanne : BARR.  Occasionally funny.

4. Long shot : UNDERDOG. Proverbial loser.  Occasional winner.

5. Already claimed, with "for" : SPOKEN.  The meaning is clear enough, I guess, but I can't find any history on this usage.

6. Stylish eatery : CAFE.   This comes from the French word for coffee, and can indicate a small restaurant selling light meals and drinks, not necessarily upscale.

7. Biology lab gel : AGAR.  A gelatinous material obtained from red sea weed.

8. Officiates, briefly : REFS. At a sporting event.  Briefly indicates a shortened form of referee.

9. Jargony suffix : ESE.  I guess this means the suffix indicates jargon, as in legalese, rather than being jargony itself.

10. Parlor art : TATTOO.  Skin decoration.  Pick an image.

11. Stadium named for a tennis great : ASHE.  Arthur, 1943-1993, winner of three grand slam titles. 

12. Late charges, e.g. : FEES.  Also payments made for services rendered.

13. Lemony : TART.   Sour.

18. Nightie material : SATIN.  A smooth glossy fabric. Pick an image.

19. Diarist Nin : ANAIS.  She was free-spirited before it was cool, acted in movies, was a pioneer in female erotica, for which she was supremely qualified and had two simultaneous marriages in New York and California.  Must have been tiring.

23. Never mind, to an editor : STET.  Let it stand as written.

24. Meanders : GADS. To meander is to take a winding route to your destination.  To GAD about is to visit many pleasurable places, while avoiding other duties and responsibilities.  I don't see the equivalence.

25. Talk show for 25 seasons, familiarly : OPRAH.

26. Deliver an address : ORATE.

27. Spots for caps and crowns : TEETH. Not têtes.

28. "Silas Marner" foundling : EPPIE.  "The narrator describes her as 'a creature of endless claims and ever-growing desires, seeking and loving sunshine, and living sounds, and living movements'; she loves flowers and butterflies, and birds and animals. Basically, she's the exact opposite of Silas."

29. Glowing signs : NEONS.  Light bulbs in which ionized gases [not necessarily NEON] emit light via fluorescence.

30. Like four Sandy Koufax games : NO-HIT.  A baseball game in which one team finishes without reaching base via a hit.

31. Book back : SPINE.   Writing there usually identifies the title and author.  But don't judge a book by its SPINE.

35. Chiding sounds : TSKS.  Disapproving tongue clicks.

37. Teams on police shows, often : DUOS.  They usually travel in pairs

38. Calms using concessions : PLACATES.  Only works for a little while.  Then they want more.

40. Scam using spam, perhaps : PHISH.  Internet slang for an attempt to fraudulently obtain confidential information or personal data.  The scammer wants to snag you like a fish.

41. Stretch in the service : STINT.  The length of time a member of the armed forces commits to serving.

43. Chinese dumpling : WONTON.  I think every nationality has their equivalent.

44. Hold 'em declaration : I RAISE.  Poker term for raising the stakes of a bet on a given hand.

47. Kyoto Protocol, e.g. : PACT.  A formal agreement among the involved parties.

48. Fashion monthly : ELLE.  Named for a French female pronoun.  Here is the French Canadian edition featuring Elle, an Australian model on the cover.

49. Lena of "Chocolat" : OLIN.   A movie she was in.

50. Pontiac muscle cars : GTOS.

51. Eye lasciviously : OGLE.  Something a gentleman would never do.

52. "Kapow!" : BLAM.  Explosion noises.

53. Wolfe of fiction : NERO.  A armchair detective created in 1934 by American writer Rex Stout.

54. Like Arizona's climate, largely : ARID.  Hot and dry, difficult for vegetation to survive.

55. Some employee IDs : SSNS.  Social Security Numbers.

57. __ Dhabi : ABU.   The largest of the seven emerates in the United Arab Emirates, a country at the Southeast end of the Arabian peninsula, and also the name of the capital city. Plus it's almost as much fun to say as Kuala Lumpur.

OK.  That's it.  Hope you kept your nose to the grindstone.  If not, don't cry over spilt milk.  You'll live to  fight another day.

Cool regards!


  1. HE WHO HESITATES is lost.
    That's what it says, our puzzle across't.
    But with a G.P.S. phone
    We can't stray off to roam,
    To get to Lost we'd need an invite, embossed!

    The road to Hell is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS.
    The other road, to Heaven, gets no mentions.
    If they're really day and night,
    As black is opposed to white,
    Can I get to Heaven tonight, Miss, with my bad attentions?

  2. In this latest from Amy, all I can say is:

  3. Good morning!

    This one seemed just right for mid-week. Not too hard, not too obvious. My only stumbling point was leaping to CHIS before PHIS showed up. I saw "HE_HOHES...." before reading the clue and wondered what in heck that was going to turn out to be.

    The new bike tire arrived late yesterday, so I plan to get after it this morning, before it gets too hot.

  4. Hi, all!

    Very fun and informative write-up, Jazzb. I do agree with your take on "meanders" vs. GADS.

    With the well-worn proverbs, this puzzle was a cinch. Big chunks of the grid just filled themselves, and prevented me from going too far astray. The clues were also straight-forward for the most part, so no real "Aha" moments or flying V-8 cans.

    Oh, and a CSO to Lemony @ 13D! Here's what immediately came to mind when I read your comment.

    Happy hump day, everyone.

  5. Being Mr. Left-brained Literal, it was fun when the metaphorical theme appeared.

    -Those of us here are BIRDS OF A FEATHER in our love of puzzles but after that…
    -Three petty issues have arisen after my GOOD INTENTIONS of planting a memorial tree. Corollary – No good deed goes unpunished.
    -TABU was Joann’s fragrance of choice when we first dated. Talk about a scent bringing back fond memories!
    -TAFT’s big trick was turning TR into a Bull Moose and WW into the POTUS
    -The GPS on my iPhone will hopefully give me the RTE to the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis on Friday
    -Great PHI for both daughters at UNL
    -Can the guy on the left PLACATE the guy on the right?
    -My dad loved BANANAS and kids on his school bus called him Jack Bananas and so then so did we
    -The guide said we were in the Great Smokies but it was raining so hard…
    -Russians cosmonauts ALIT this way
    -Roseanne’s show was funny until her ego made her “jump the shark”
    -Don’t you hate saving seats and telling others “these are SPOKEN FOR”
    -DUOS – always think of Joe Friday with Frank Smith, Bill Gannon, et al
    -Great OGLE material in your fine write-up , Jazz!

  6. My first thought of GAD was not "to visit many pleasurable places, while avoiding other duties and responsibilities," but as says, "to move restlessly or aimlessly," which matches the definition of MEANDER, "to wander aimlessly, to ramble."

  7. This puzzle started out with fast fills but then slowed down in the south. But it did eventually all fill in.

    I wasn't a fan of the cluing for GADS either.

    Companies here had to stop using SINs (we call them Social Insurance Numbers) for ID because of identity theft problems.

    Getting ready for granddaughter's overnight visit!

  8. Husker Chuck (a.k.a. Ergo)August 20, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    Your gentle indulgence please as I flash back to Sunday's puzzle. You will recall that the theme was SILVER. (Two word answers ended in A and started with G)

    I anguished over this puzzle for two days, especially the longest horizontal clue of "1965 Beach Boys hit." Then yesterday, while leaving the dentist, "California Girls" came on the radio. Something familiar about it keep nagging at me. Then in a moment of clarity, it struck home. I would have joyfully sung along if not for the mouthful of Novocain.

  9. Husker, those are all good looking kids. Which are your daughters?

    Husker Chuck, ith hard to thing when your mouth ith flowthen.

  10. Jazz,
    Sorry to pick nits, but Geld means money, and Gold is the same word as in English.

    I didn't do brilliantly today but had other things on my mind. My newsletter is finished for this time, so things should get better from here on in.
    Have a great hump day, everyone!

  11. Geld as a noun is far preferable to the verb form!

  12. Hi Gang -

    Yes GELD/GOLD. My memory is imperfect.

    I'll concede GAD.

    Cool regards!

  13. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Amy Johnson, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Jazzbumpa, for a fine review.

    Good Wednesday level. Theme appeared slowly. They were easy to get.

    Never heard of TABU. After getting the TAB the U was a gimmie.

    PUTIN, rebuilding the empire. Too bad for those around him.

    CLIO was a new one for me. Took a while to burn ERATO into my head. Now another one.

    Our old favorite, ANAIS Nin.

    On my way to a Gardeners potluck. Yummmmm.

    See you tomorrow.



  14. d-o@8:39: ith hard to thing . . .

    I'm reminded of an old joke from Playboy, back when you could say (with almost a straight face) that you read it for the articles. It was the morning after the night before on Mt. Olympus. One of the gods introduced himself to one of the young maidens.

    "Hi, I'm Thor."

    "You're Thor. I'm so thor I can hardly pith."

  15. Good morning everyone.

    Another fun puzzle. Amy has good stuff. Good maxims.
    Solve was uneventful; no lookups or strikethroughs.
    43d Dumpling - WONTON.
    German dumpling is Knödel or Kloß
    Low German is Klümp. Elderberry soup with Klümp is my favorite.

    Have a good day

  16. We have such a turnover rate here at the Corner, it may be there are few who recall my prior linking of this TV STAR but the word GAD always brings him to mind.

    I read your link for Anais Nin, who because of her names is crossword fill gold, but who really was quite an interesting person.

    Speaking of interesting, with the lingerie, the see through Olin, Elle and the GTTO pic, I would have to say JzB this was your breast write up ever!

  17. Good Morning:

    This lovely offering from Amy put a big smile on my face because, as I've mentioned before, my mother was the Queen of adages. She had one of these sayings for practically every thing you said or did, or didn't! Her favorite comeback was used whenever we tried to take a shortcut or tried to avoid doing a particular chore:

    If a task is once begun,
    Never leave it 'til it's done.
    Be it great, or be it small,
    Do it well, or not at all.

    But, today brought a FIW due to Cleo/Olen and bolos/blom. Blom didn't look right but neither did blam. Oh we'll, it was a fun solve and I thank Amy for providing some happy memories. Thanks also to JazzB for his witty, erudite expo. Nice CSO to Lemony!

    Have a great day.

  18. Anon: Thanks for plugging C.C.'s continued dominant week with the NYT (her 12th, 7 solo)and I will give you hint, 1 across is an homage.

  19. Fun puzzle, Amy, many thanks. But, boy, did I have a tough time with that last proverb. The problem was that I had BOLOS instead of BOLAS and BOOM instead of BLAM, and so couldn't figure out that pyrite clue answer. Luckily, I took a break for some more coffee, and when I came back, Voila!

    Another silly moment came when I read "Spots for caps and GOWNS" rather than "Spots for caps and CROWNS." Hey, I was a professor for almost forty years and that means I wore a lot of caps and gowns at graduations. Couldn't believe it when TEETH shook down and I finally saw my mistake.

    JazzB, loved the way you jazzed up your expo with additional proverbs!

    Kazie, thanks for pointing out that Geld is money and not gold. Makes the German proverb interesting.

    Have a great Wednesday, everybody! We are off to the Irvine Art Museum this afternoon. Lots of local landscapes and seascapes to look forward to.

  20. Jazz: Thank you for another outstanding write-up & links.

    Small nit ... in the write-up you said:
    "Proverbial pyrite? : ALL THAT GLITTERS is not gold.
    This could be interpreted as meaning that gold does not glitter."

    I think this really means that whereas gold does always glitter ... other things also glitter, and they are NOT always gold.

    Amy Johnson: I really enjoyed the "Proverbial themes" of this FUN Wednesday puzzle.

    Fave today was 20-a, Bare runners, STREAKERS ... brings back memories from college. lol


  21. What happened to 32 across clue?

  22. Anon 12:12
    After the Blacksmith finished shoeing the horse, he took off his APRON and rode away.
    Plus the answer was in the Crossword grid.

    Can YOU get any lamer?

  23. Absence makes the heart grow fonder?


    Out of sight, out of mind?

  24. My Beolingus gives it as:

    Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. [Sprw.] All that glitters is not gold. [prov.]

    Methinks JzB might have had a typo, which we don't fault here.

  25. Hi Y'all! Fun & fast, thanks, Amy! Doin' good, JzB! You obviously like to keep abreast of current events.

    I was sailing along but ran aground in the middle. Like Misty I read "caps & gowns" which caught me good. Took 5 perps. Duh! Couldn't remember EPPIE but thought it began with "E". Not ELISE or ELIZA. Oh well, perps.

    Two of my kids acted as PAGES for a day in the state legislature. Very positive experience for kids & I. My daughter was a little amazed during a session, "Mom, those guys act like a bunch of fifth grade boys in there."

    Gary, you mentioned one of my hardest learned adages: "No good deed goes unpunished." The other one is: "If you have a lot of relatives, you don't have to go out and make any other enemies." I'm wondering if your tree is planted in a place where other people don't like to have it? Or are they just jealous because they didn't think of it?

  26. Misty & PK ... Hand-up on mis-reading the clue (at first) as "caps & gowns".
    So I waited until "Every Single Perp" (my form oe ESP) filled in TEETH. Clever clue.

    I also liked seeing EPEES crossing EPPIE (another ESP).

    But overall, this puzzle had very little crosswordESE.

    Husker Gary: Can we get a picture of the Memorial Tree?
    That is such a wonderful thing to do ... kind of curious what the "Three petty issues" are ...

    A "toast" to ALL at Sunset.

  27. CC - Congratulations on your "Triple Crown" puzzle week.

  28. Lemon's reference to "CHACUN À SON GOÛT" brought back great memories of taking Barbara to see The Limeliters at Cornell and hearing Lou Gottleib sing "Have Some Madeira M'Dear," one of the wittiest songs I've ever heard.

    Here 'tis. Have Some Madeira M'Dear

  29. Dave’s Tree Pix
    1. Governor Dave Heinemann’s brother, me, Harvey and Ken
    2. Close-up of the base of the newly-watered tree and some Callaway golf balls that Dave favored. The right two were put down by an Omaha golfer who had heard our story while his group was teeing off and thought it was pretty cool
    3. Watering the tree on a stifling, hot day
    4. View of the tree with my partner in the foreground. In the background is the pond into which Dave hit countless Callaway balls
    5 Delivering the tree

    Issues –
    Local paper wants a picture now and we’re not ready for one until next Tuesday when league reconvenes
    Some wanted other sources of trees checked on (we went to four of them)
    Some guys want to be in the newspaper picture if they contributed a few bucks but want it done at their convenience
    Some wonder why others were not honored. (Hey, Dave was my friend and I moved on it)
    Dave’s brother had some money he wanted to contribute but had failed to get it to us in a month and so he is upset

    Otto, that is a generic Πβφ picture but the house and the girls look very much like the Lincoln contingent

  30. This had to be the easiest Wednesday puzzle that I have done in years. it took all of 8 minutes. The only question was on 41A- would it be SNEAK or SLINK? The only unknowns EPPID SAO TABU were solved by perps. PHIS- pick a 3-letter Greek letter. Smokey Mountain State- only NC or TENN.

    JzB- was the photo for GTO for OGLING?

    As for the rest of the unskilled PEONS ( INCLUCING ME), someone has to sweep the floors, take out the garbage, wash the dishes, trim the hedges, and mow the lawn. I'm elected at my house.

  31. Husker- before trusting a GPS print out a map from Google Maps or Mapquest.

    Tenbeni- yes I saw 'caps and gowns'

    Kazie- haben Sie Geld? Or as Hank Williams sang, 'If you got the money honey, I got the time'

  32. Got stumped on the middle for a few minutes hands up for tetes also noticed epee was twice but spelled different. Good links JzB looks like Victoria doesn't have too many secrets left. Hands up for sneak, finished but with a FIW for ntest I put htest and didn't catch it until I read the review. Oh well next time I guess. Bon apres midi from Cajun Country !!

  33. I just came across "The Three Amigos on cable. That's a guilty pleasure of mine for sure.

  34. hello c.c. and all,

    just popping in to say hi and much-deserved congratulations once again to c.c. for her continued success with her blog and published puzzles.

    JD alerted me to the recent birthday wishes here, thank you all.

    i've not been puzzling for some time and after a recent long-distance move, just started the morning solving routine again. was pleased to be able to rely once again on the daily write up as solving skills had gotten a bit rusty.

    nice to "see" you all again.

  35. Anon @ 12:21 said:
    Absence makes the heart grow fonder?


    Out of sight, out of mind?

    I've heard it said that "Absence makes the heart grow fonder...of someone else!"

    I agree that Jazz probably made more of a typo than anything else. Anyway, both gold and money have value, and iron pyrite doesn't, so the words aren't really so important--both convey the same thought. I just wanted to forestall any misunderstanding of the sameness of the proverb in both languages.

    Hi there Melissa! How's your Mom doing?

  36. hello, melissa bee
    really good to hear from you.

  37. Flashback to yesterday - thanks HeartRx and Anon -T for your last line limerick contributions.

    That will definitely be a "one-off" . . .

    My "puzzling thoughts" . . .

    JzB - great write-up, offering of additional proverbs, and especially your links; the whole recap was positively "titillating"! Brings to mind an old movie where David Schwimmer and Chris Cooper play plastic surgeons. Also brings to mind an old limerick:

    There was once a young girl who begat,
    Three male babies named Nat, Pat and Tat.
    'Twas fun in the breeding,
    But hell in the feeding,
    When she found there was no tit for Tat!

    Hands up, anyone, for WHAM at 52D? My lone write-over, unless you count 10A, where I wrote in the answer for 16A. I was definitely AtSEA this morning when I did the crossword.

    Thanks to Amy Johnson for a fun puzzle, and again, to JzB for a clever recap.

  38. hi kazie - my mom is well, thanks - i'm actually staying with her at the moment.

    thanks argyle - appreciate that.

  39. Hi all!

    Late to the party again. I had most of this done early on and wasn't able to play blog 'till now (after-hours cocktails with my old boss).

    I got my wish from last night, not too much a bear...

    Count me as one who PUT(-)IN BOOM at 1st. Also had RIk instead of RIC which held up PLACATES. OW no WOs. A WAG of N & A at 19d was too much luck but also made sense.

    Fav - PHISH. I setup the new campaign today. I can't wait until I PHISH and no one in my organization clicks. I'd hate to think they send their SSNS to a .ru domain. Near Fav - ALAN; he said something in '08 along the lines of I didn't think banks would think in their short term interest. I guess he got lollipops as a kid (TAT)TOO

    Thanks Amy for a fun pzl! Thanks JzB for a great write-up!

    Well, I guess I'll OPT to SLINK out now.

    Cheers, -T

  40. Chairman Moe, groan! LOL!

    welcome back, melissa bee!

  41. I enjoyed Amy's clever puzzle today. No completely unknown fills for me.

    All my kids worked as PAGEs for the State legislature. They were payed a minimal amount, but no one usually cashes the check. It seems most teens keep the check as a memento. My oldest daughter volunteered to work a couple of days with a lobbyist. A real learning experience.

    JzB, some of those TATTOOs were a little too realistic. Ewwww... I felt sorry for the TATTOOed pigs half way down the page.

    When I was in college in the early 70s, we had a fellow STREAK across campus in below freezing weather. The anatomy professor said, "Did you notice how he was trying to move quickly but couldn't? That is because the lactic acid can not get to the muscle in the cold." Talk about a teaching moment.

    I had a really good physical therapy session yesterday. She had me float passively in the pool while she stretched my limbs, neck, and back. Worked really well. I found out that I can have P.T. twice a week for a year and all will be payed for by my insurance.

  42. Greetings!

    Thanks for nice puzzle and write-up, Amy and Jazz!

    No problems! EPPIE was partially perped.

    Got to swim again today, finally. Hooray. Chris' cellulitis was better.


  43. I'm sure you all know that Shakespeare wrote "all that glisters is not gold" in Merchant of Venice.

    Has anyone ever heard "gads" used without following it with "ooks"? Not impressed with that one. Worse is NTEST. Google it & you will see its not a real term. You get 0 references for nuclear test. It's only use is in crosswords. Sorry, made up terms that are not real is lame IMHO.

  44. Well, all that talk about glittering gold makes me think about getting moldy.

  45. Anon @ 12:10 Agree about N test. Disagree about GADS. The clue asks for a synonym of meanders, not a shortening of Gadzooks.


  46. Melissa Bee,

    Sorry I missed you yesterday, but great to hear from you. Look forward to your return on a regular basis.


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