, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Gareth Bain

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Sep 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Gareth Bain

Theme: COCONUT - what else?  The first word of each two-word theme answer relates to something derived from the fruit - which botanically is a drupe, not a nut - of the COCONUT tree, cocos nucifera.

 16. *Butcher's appliance : MEAT GRINDER.   A device used make big chunks into small chunks for burgers and sausages.  COCONUT MEAT  is the rich white lining that is contained within the shell of a coconut.

 24. *Prankster's balloon : WATER BOMB.  You can get your friends as mad as wet hens.  Here are instruction for making one out of paperCOCONUT WATER is the clear liquid inside young, green coconuts.  It has been marketed as a natural energy drink.

50. *Allowance for the cafeteria : MILK MONEY.  Literally, money to be spent on MILK, or figuratively for the entire lunch.  COCONUT MILK is a rich, high fat liquid extracted from grated COCONUT MEAT.

 57. *Monet work : OIL PAINTING.  Made with oil based rather than water based paints.

COCONUT OIL, derived from dried COCONUT MEAT is used as a cooking oil and flavoring in South-east Asian cooking, and in beauty products. 

And the unifier -- 36. Fruit that can be the source of the starts of the answers to starred clues : COCONUT.  So many uses for this versatile, healthful and nutritious tropical fruit.

Hi gang, JzB here, once again united with Gareth on a Wednesday.  Seems like old times. Let's see what he has in store for us.


1. Expensive : HIGH.  Priced

5. GUM rival : ORAL-B.  Oral care products.   News to me

10. Conference with UVA and UNC : ACC.  The Universities of Virginia and North Carolina are in the Atlantic Coast Conference.

13. Guthrie at Woodstock : ARLO.  Woody's Boy

14. "__ Unchained": 2012 Tarantino film : DJANGO.  From IMDB:  "With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner." 

15. Arctic explorer John : RAE.  He roamed all over the far northern reaches of Canada.  Interesting fellow.

18. Not just some : ALL.  Every one, without exception.

19. Square peg, socially speaking : DWEEB.  Misfit. Sheldon Cooper is the prototype.

20. Sharp-eyed hunter : EAGLE.  Raptor

22. Time for fools? : APRIL.  Only for a day

28. Ride the wind : SOAR.  Like an EAGLE.

29. Lip applications : BALMS.  To protect and to sooth.

30. Persons : ONES.  Are you one of the ones who got this right away?

31. Ready to be driven : IN GEAR.  Cars and trucks.

33. "Cagney and __": '80s cop show : LACEY.  This show, starring Sharon Gless as Christine Cagney and Tyne Daly as Mary Beth LACEY, ran from 1982-1988.

35. Newspaper filler : ADS.  Revenue sources, too.

38. "No more details, please!" : TMI. Too Much Information.

41. "Right?!" : I KNOW.  Yeah, right.

42. Ruined, as hopes : DASHED.

44. Picture on a screen : ICON.  On your computer, phone or tablet.

47. Fast food package deal : COMBO.  Have it their way, for a special price.

49. Sock part : HEEL.  The part of the sock that covers the same part of the foot.

52. "A Change Is Gonna Come" singer/songwriter Sam : COOKE.  I remember Sam, but not this song.  What a voice.

53. Catch on the range : LASSO.  Capture with a looped rope.

54. Time to attack : H-HOUR.  I've heard of D-Day, but not H-HOUR.  What about M-Minute? 

56. Bass brew : ALE.  Nothing fishy about it.

 63. Pewter component : TIN.  An alloy of 85-99% TIN with copper, antimony, bismuth or lead.  But maybe the previous entry is for our TIN man.


1. Amateur radio operator : HAM.  Per Wikipedia:  "The term 'ham radio' was first a pejorative that mocked amateur radio operators with a 19th-century term for being bad at something, like 'ham-fisted' or 'ham actor'. It had already been used for bad wired telegraph operators.  Subsequently, the community adopted it as a welcome moniker"

2. Fury : IRE

3. Nice duds : GLAD RAGS.  One's best dress-up clothing.  I can't find anything on the origin of this phrase.

4. Start the wrong way? : HOT WIRE.  "The wrong way" meaning illegally, since hot wiring is a way to start up and steal a parked car.

5. "The Song of Hiawatha" tribe : OJIBWA.  Also know as the Chippewa, they were living in the Lake Superior region when Europeans arrived.

6. Operated : RAN.  As a vacuum cleaner.

7. "Your point is ...?" : AND.   Explain yourself.

8. T size : LGE.  Large shirt.  Cf. 12 D.

9. Tree-damaging insect : BORER.  Elm bane

10. Catherine's home : ARAGON.   Catherine, the daughter of Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, was betrothed to Prince Arthur, heir to the English throne, at the age of 3.  They were married when she was 16, but Arthur died 5 months later.  She then went on to marry his younger brother, Henry VIII.  Eventually, he grew tired of her inability to bear him a son, and set her aside in favor of his mistress Anne Boleyn.  None of this ended well. 

11. "I hope to hear from you" : CALL ME.  Or text.  Maybe we'll face time.

12. People people : CELEBS.  People in People magazine.


14. Dr. with Grammys : DRE

17. Salon supply : GEL.  Hair goo

21. "About __": Hugh Grant film : A BOY.   From IMDB: "Based on Nick Hornby's best-selling novel, About A Boy is the story of a cynical, immature young man* who is taught how to act like a grown-up by a little boy."  *Portrayed by the insufferable Hugh Grant.

22. Oman locale : ASIA.  At the South-east extremity of the Arabian peninsula.

23. Fishing spot : POND.  Small body of water.

25. "It'd be my pleasure" : ALLOW ME.   Let me help you.

26. Eliot Ness, e.g. : T-MAN.   A special agent of the U.S. Treasury Department.

27. Pre-euro Iberian coin : ESCUDO.  Spanish and Portuguese for shield.  At different times in history Spain had gold and then silver Escudos.  It was the currency of Portugal until the introduction of the Euro.

29. Rodeo horse : BRONCO.  A feral or untrained horse prone to unpredictable behavior, used in rough riding events.

32. Comic strip cry : ACK.

34. Greek vowel : ETA.  Seventh letter of the Greek alphabet, uppercase Η, lowercase η. 

37. Ring-tailed scavenger, to Crockett : COON.  Aka RACOON, a medium sized North American mammal noted for its dexterous front paws, facial mask, ringed tail, and appearing in Crockett's hat.

38. Formulate a possible explanation : THEORIZE.  Let me see  .  .  .

39. Overly compliant : MEEK

40. Doing nothing : IDLE.

41. Cartoonist's supply : INKS.

43. Called out : SHOUTED

44. Behind-schedule comment : I'M LATE.   Or something a zombie should say.

45. Viagra alternative : CIALIS. Bathtubs are optional, I think.

46. "Full House" twins : OLSENS.   They were born in 1986 and shared the role of Michelle Tanner in 191 episodes from 1987 (!) to 1995.  They went on to appear in various other roles, then reappear as fashionistas.

48. Manually : BY HAND.  As opposed to by machine

51. Freeloader : MOOCH.  Or this.

52. Put one over on : CON.

55. "__ Master's Voice" : HIS.  Nipper the dog in an iconic conic ad for RCA Victor, representing their record label and the Victor Talking Machine.

58. Nest egg item, for short : IRAIndividual Retirement Account

59. Auction unit : LOT.  By way of illustration, one last video.

Pretty smooth Wednesday ride I thought.  Hope you got through without straining your coconut.


Cool regards!


  1. Morning, all!

    I was tearing through this one in near record time for a Wednesday when I suddenly hit a wall at 41A. I had I_NOW in place and my brain insisted the second word in the phrase had to be NOW. I wanted OK NOW, which whould give me the very reasonable ACK for 32D, but that wouldn't work with INKS at 51D. In fact, 32D pretty much had to be ACK, but with INKS in place that gave me IK NOW for 41A, and that couldn't be right.

    I finally just stuck the K in there anyway and was very surprised to get the *TADA*. And then, of course, I finally had a very large D'OH moment...

  2. I thought a lot of the fill was impressive... superb really. GLADRAGS,HOTWIRE, IMLATE, CALLME, COMBO,IKNOW, THEORIZE, ALLOWME, and BRONCO. I'm also calling the DJANGO/OJIBWA crossing the coolest of the year. But I do wish Gareth would have changed HAM to SAM to go along with COOKE.

    Not so superb-

    "Arlo, why are you going to the restaurant so much?"

    "To Cialis"

  3. I have to agree the puzzle was filled with great fill and a tight timely theme. JzB also delivered some great comments and links so the day has started well.

    We had a young lady do the coconut bra as Halloween costume back in the day. This led to lots of attention and bad coconut milk jokes.

    The mini-video of Mila Kunis made me think that she and her current boyfriend could do a remake of Gilligan' s Island.

    Speaking of nuts why do we have non nut nuts like pea and coco?

  4. What do you think of COCOANUTS? I wonder about the a.

  5. Good morning!

    Barry had the same experience that I did. WBS, for sure.

    I agree, Jzb. I don't remember that Sam Cooke song, either. But I do remember this one. (2:45)

    I have a CD of Scott Joplin rags entitled Glad Rags. The best cut is Bethune, which I like but have no idea how to pronounce.

    Cute, Jerome. Reminds me of the current add for some prescription medication which you shouldn't take if you're already taking "Ford Motor Oil."

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I'm happy to report that I survived to age another day. Now for that three-mile "march."

  6. Good morning everybody!

    Great puzzle today. I had a few missteps though. I wanted Catherine of SIENNA for 10D, and I wanted ANTE for 68A: Start a hand.

    I quickly figured out what was wrong and here I ham.

    I hope you all have a great day!

  7. Good morning everyone!

    What a fun puzzle! WJS about the fill - great stuff in this one! (HaHa "to Cialis"!!)

    I especially loved the "Phantom" link, JazzB. I saw the show on Broadway and will never forget that opening scene. I didn't see the 2004 movie remake, though, so thanks for sharing.

    Argyle, Merv looked so young in that video - hilarious!

    Lots to do today...the sun is shining, so I guess I have to go make hay!

  8. Let's just get This out of the way.

    I thought this puzzle was Thursday level. It had lots of crunchy fill and a number of multiple option answers like Deal, Open or Ante. But like yesterday, I thought the theme was overly bland. Good puzzle, fair them.

  9. Hello everyone,

    Been awhile since I've tried to solve a puzzle and the rust showed up. The clues for 14A & 5D were total unknowns to me, so my wag was a crossing R instead of the J.

    The rest of the puzzle was a grind, but came together with minimal damage to my pencil's eraser.

    As has been already noted by others, some interesting fill. WATERBOMB, ARAGON, MILKMONEY (wanted Meal...), and THEORIZE took their time arriving, but in the end it was a J that did me in.

    Enjoy Hump day.

  10. My "puzzling thoughts":

    **Unlike the past two days, this solve took longer than the sum of both. A bit cryptic but I managed to get through with just a handful of write-overs
    **Hand up for INACAR before INGEAR; SAIL before SOAR; CELS before INKS; ALL ON ME before ALLOW ME
    **OJIBWA and DJANGO were semi-WAGS. Thought I knew OJIBWA but certainly didn't know DJANGO
    **a couple of limericks for today (had two versions and couldn't choose which one):

    The bus driver is taking CIALIS
    To revive his dysfunctional phallus.
    This remarkable pill
    That's called Tadalafil,
    Has returned him to "honeymoon" status!

    So Ralph K started taking CIALIS
    To revive his dysfunctional phallus;
    See, he wants to be sure
    That this pill is the cure
    When his hard-on returns he'll say "See? Alice!"

  11. I had a hard time getting started on this one with only ARLO ACC HAM and APRIL as my only fills in the top but everything fell into place once I got going. I didn't know the spelling of DJANGO OR OJIBWA and for some reason ORAL-B didn't click even though my company was a distributor of that product and I was the BUYER.

    I guessed GLADRAGS not knowing what it meant. Other unknowns were H-HOUR and RAE ( my brain refuses to remember RAE even though it is in every other puzzle).

    That brings me to 45D & 48D. Is is a 'coincidence' that CIALIS and BY HAND are close to each other? Everyone who is 'not guilty' speak out.Let's move on.

    Harry Callahan to Katie Moore ( Tyne Daly): How fast can you run the 100? That was when she was younger and thinner. The last time I saw her she looked more like John DALY.

    And speaking of COONs, I just bought a slingshot to shoot at the ones that keep coming on my back porch and eating my cat's food.

  12. "Glad rags" probably originated in the roaring 20s, but I first heard it in the 50s in Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock".

  13. Good Morning:

    Gareth is one of my favorite constructors and he never disappoints. This had a bit of a crunch but good, solid perps did their duty. Hand up for ante/deal. Nice CSO to Tin and no _ _ _ to be found!

    Meat grinder brought back unpleasant memories but Milk money brought back nostalgic, pleasant reminders of my early school days.

    Thanks, Mr. B., for a mid-week delight and thanks to JzB for a delightful expo.

    Have a great day.

  14. Good morning everyone.

    Belated Birthday greetings to D - Otto.

    Enjoyable, gnarly puzzle from Gareth today.
    Saw the COCONUT unifier developing, and it helped with the long acrosses.
    5a was a case of overthinking. GUM were a chain of department stores in the Soviet Union. Had no idea who their rival might be. Left it alone 'til near the end when I saw a glimmer of ORAL developing so went with ORAL B. D'uh.
    ARAGON came easily enough. Took a while to correctly parse the ALLOW ME / I KNOW cross.
    Eventually got it all without searches.

    Have a great day.

  15. Today's NYT was a wonderful offering from C.C. and Don G. Great puzzle!

  16. Great job, JB. Thanks for all the links.

    This was a smooth sail. Oddly enough, only 1A caused me to hesitate. As a Brit, I naturally wrote in "DEAR" for expensive, but HAM soon fixed that. HIGH as a synonym for expensive? HIGH-PRICED of course, but that is not a synonym. "The stakes were HIGH"? That means "of large monetary (or emotional) value, but not EXPENSIVE.

    And 31A. If you are IN GEAR, I thought the Engine was ENGAGED to the transmission, so you SHOULD BE driving, not "ready to be driven". I don't know much about automatic transmission though. When you are stationary with a gear SELECTED, and your foot is on the brake, does this activate a pseudo-clutch? I assume it must, as the engine is still running, but not engaged to the transmission - and so not IN GEAR.


  17. Jazz: Wow! Extraordinary write-up & links. (They took longer than my solve).

    Gareth: Thank you! Thank you for a FUN Wednesday puzzle.

    Hondo said "it was a J that did me in" ... Me too!
    I solved the puzzle correctly ... but that J ... that's another story all together ... lol

    Avg.Joe: Thanks for the COCONUT tune link.

    Fave today, of course, was ALE over my CSO.


  18. Greetings!

    Great puzzle and expo, Gareth and Jazz! Many thanks!

    Happy Belated Birthday to deeper-otto!

    Trash men extra loud this AM so I am blogging at a decent hour instead of in the almost-nobody-reads hours.



  19. Musings
    -Beautiful day for golf but subbing here is like stealing $135!
    -Gareth’s lovely puzzle taxed both ends of my pencil. MEAT CLEAVER, MEAL MONEY, et al are wrong?
    -Isn’t COCONUT one of those love/hate foods? I’m in the former camp
    -GUM in Moscow for me too at first
    -Ben Franklin in 1776 on having the EAGLE as our national symbol – “The eagle is a scavenger, a thief and coward. A symbol of over ten centuries of European mischief.” He wanted the turkey.
    -There is a BORER that is wreaking havoc around here
    -Do you know a better POND movie than this one?
    -It took awhile for CIALIS to, uh, “come up” with MEAL MONEY in place
    -The MOOCH of my ute
    -I can’t remember the last time I did this chore by hand
    -More kids! Read y’all later
    -What song invites you to “put your GLADRAGS on and join me hon”

  20. Mikey- The only time that I had heard the term GLADRAGS was on an old Rod Stewart song that has the title 'HANDBAGS AND GLADRAGS'. Other than that I have never run across that term or heard it spoken. BTW, that song was on an LP that I bought over 40 years ago.

  21. This was a Wednesday toughie, and I started getting it only by going from the bottom up. But it was gratifying to eventually work out the whole thing with a fun theme and some nice memories (loved CAGNEY AND LACEY in the day!). So many thanks, Gareth, and, Jazz, that was a delightful expo!

    We're having unusually hot weather here in Southern California, but when I think of all the tough weather so many bloggers have suffered all year, I feel like a sissy complaining.

    So, have a great Wednesday, everybody!

  22. Kids who brown bagged their lunch would get one of these. The tickets solve a lot of problems, like your kid losing the money, spending it on candy and of course, losing it to the bullies.

  23. Musings 2
    -I defeated the filter here at school by having the LA Times Crossword blog and Comments running at home and then merely opening the lid of my Vaio here at school
    -YouTube is still blocked and so I will try to have that running before I come here next time
    -It’s hard for me to believe anyone has never heard of the song with GLADRAGS in that lyric

  24. Gary -

    Who knows from lyrics?


  25. That's great, Jazz! I guess a lot of you horn players find it hard to sing along as you're playing, ;-)
    I'd still bet my bippy you know that song with the aforementioned GLAD RAGS in the lyric.

  26. Aloha, again! Because COCONUTs remind me of Hawaii and having to duck to avoid being hit by one.

    Very nice job, Jzb, thank you. Anytime you or anyone links Sam Cooke, it sends me.

    And thanks to Gareth Bain. HIGH came instantly though I had some of the same thoughts as Cuppa, still what can you do with only four letters?

    I knew DJANGO because I read movie reviews when the new ones come out to decide whether or not I like them. I didn't see that one.

    When COCONUT emerged it helped with the other theme answers although WATER BOMBS was slow to fill because I had Ness as a GMAN so when the light went on, so did TMAN and WATER. I did know ONES right away.

    Catherine of ARAGON was on my mind because a new book is available by Carolly Erickson and a friend and I discussed that yesterday.

    This was a wonderful way to start the day. Thank you Gareth and Jazzbumpa.

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

  27. Ergo (a.k.a. Husker Chuck)September 17, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    --) Husker Gary: Seems I recall that Fremont had a store named "Gladrags." Regarding the lyrics, that's "Rock Around the Clock."

    Puzzle was a DNF, thanks to the N and NE. But it was a rewarding DNF thanks to its clever construct.

  28. Husker, I would have guessed, but I thought your question was rhetorical and you were just responding to what Mikey wrote earlier.

  29. OK, I admit it ... when solving this morning ...
    56-a, Bass brew made me think of this ... (Before ALE appeared).
    Bass-o-Matic (0:30)

  30. FIW. Didn't know 21D, A BOY, so put in ABBY, which gave me BNES and blocked my brain from seeing ONES.

  31. Can't post a comment using iphone version had to go to full web version. Only full web version has captcha.

  32. Nice Cuppa 10:15 - an automatic transmission is coupled to its engine by a device called a torque converter (a name which I find odd). The TC is a fluid clutch. At low engine RPM, very little torque is felt by the gearbox. As the RPM rises, such as when pulling away from a stop, the TC becomes grippy and transmits the majority of the available torque to the gearbox and off you go.

    The TC is never perfectly disengaged, so at idle it wastes a bit of energy. Nowadays, a TC is built to lock up at highway speed, more like a dry clutch, so at least it doesn't wastefully slip at that end of the range.

  33. What Hondo & Tinbeni said, if Ojibwa/Django isn't a Natick they should move it from Connecticut to Lake Superior or Mississippi... (I also WAGed an R.)

    HG, I have never seen On Golden Pond(?) so my better fishing hole would have to be this!

    Always enjoy a Jzb writeup! except today I had a nit with that GIF of the girl with the coconuts. I wanted to see more, so I clicked on the source, but only the GIF came up. The heading mentioned something that sounded Hawaiian, not speaking the language I gave up & moved on. It was not until Lemonades mention of the same Hawaiian, Mila Kunis, that I realized it was a name, & the search was on again!

    Now I have never seen The Seventies Show either, (I have a lot to learn) but little did I know, or realize that Jzb in his infinite wisdom had that silent GIF for a reason all along...

  34. What a delightfully pictorial explication from JzB!

    This was unusual for a Wednesday. Normally I need no help until maybe Friday. But my Waterloo today was the NE corner, held up by two short 3-letter fills and my lack of knowledge of athletic conferences and arctic explorers. The vertical perps didn't help. (I couldn't "see" ARAGON or CELEBS.) Sad to say, I finally gave in and Googled RAE to unclog the jam.

  35. Alex Trebek's MustacheSeptember 17, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    Hey TIN, if those Scots vote "yes" tomorrow, better go out and double up your supply. Scotland independence would leave scotch industry on rocks.

  36. Dave -

    I actually found the GIF before the YouTube clip, and was too lazy to switch it out.

    Meant to correct the GIF source link. Here it is, FWIW.


  37. Mustache ...
    At Villa Incognito, Scotch would NEVER be ... on the rocks ... lol

  38. I worked on and finished this late last night. It was if I had access to the brain of Bain. I would read a tricky clue and the tricky answer would just pop into my brain. Very satisfying!

    I was at the local supermarket yesterday standing in the checkout line. I looked at the woman behind me and it was Mia Hamm. I wanted to say something but I couldn't think of anything intelligent and non-geeky to say.

  39. I'm sure saying nothing made a huge impression.

  40. No comment about RAE crossing CALL ME?!?

    This one is for you C.C.!

    I personally thought of this one for CALL ME.

  41. That is interesting about Scotch being in danger. Maybe I should stock up on Glenlivet. I love the stuff though it lasts a looooong time here.

  42. Jerome:
    I keep forgetting to tell you how much I laughed at Cialis!

  43. Good lord, it's another Mia Hamm story.

  44. I haven't had time to read the blog yet today, an I'm on my way out the door for a doctor's appointment. I wanted to comment on the puzzle. I thought it was easier than most Wednesday puzzles, and I really enjoyed it.

    I have 5 Ojibwa Manitou dolls made by a wonderful artist named Kevin Gadomski that you can check out at if you're interested. I didn't pay retail price for any of them and even bought one on eBay for only $90, including shipping. Such a deal!

  45. I was looking for some funny coconut links when I came upon another danger other than getting bonked on the head, (yes, that V8 can is much safer puzzlers...)

    Beware the dreaded Coconut Crab!

    What? You thought I was kidding?!
    (P.S., sorry about the 30 second commercial, but this falling skies show looks interesting...)

    P.P.S. Don't get pedant about coconuts!

    (Can I use pedant as a verb?)

    Coconut oil, before & after.

    Oh well, time to go...

  46. Alex Trebek's MustacheSeptember 17, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    BillG, you should have turned to her and said, "imagine there's a train leaving Los Angeles traveling at 50 miles per hour and at the same time another train is leaving San Diego at 75 miles per hour....."

  47. Great write-up, JzB. I like Gareth's puzzles also - always so well put-together.

    I was interested by the origin of "glad rags" so I did some digging. The first use in print was in the USA in 1898 in "Checkers - A Hard Luck Story" by Henry M. Blossom, Jr." but there's no history of where the term came from - it's probably one of those expressions that just appear out of nowhere (e.g. "selfie"). It became more commonly used in the 1920's.

    Rod Stewart's song was written by Michael D'Abo in 1967 when he was the lead singer of Manfred Mann. Stewart covered it in 1971.

    The Scottish vote tomorrow will be interesting. Both the pro- and anti- campaign funding comes from some interesting sources - J.K.Rowling has provided most of the money for the "No" vote, the "Yes" money mainly from a Scottish couple who won about $200M in the UK National Lottery. Talk about biting the hand that fed you!

  48. OhMyGosh! I finished a Gareth Bain puzzle with no help! Thank you, sir, for the challenge. That's not to say that I didn't have problems, just that I was able to figure it out on my own, for a change.

    JzB, thanks for the write-up and great links. Always liked Sam Cooke.

    Have a nice evening.


    I got the theme after the second answer but the unifier helped with the next two.

    I'm sorry, D-O. I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.

    My sibings and I packed our lunches for school and got MILK MONEY every day. I admit, there were times I saved the money to buy ice cream instead.

  49. When I typed up my post "Have a nice evening" and my name were the last 2 lines. I don't know what happened when it posted. Weird.


  50. Lucina, I wanted to again agree with you that the Roosevelts is very well done. They have managed to make a lot of history of that period as interesting as possible. Excellent narration, I agree too.

    I wonder how those huge crabs taste with melted garlic butter?

    I'm just finishing Pillars of the Earth. I liked it pretty well. I've liked some other Ken Follett novels. I used to like Leon Uris, Robert B. Parker and Rex Stout. Actually, I've reread a few of them when I didn't have a new book. Any suggestions?

  51. Hi All!

    NE cracked my COCONUT! Like Jayce, I had ABbY at 21d. With no clue at 15a, I started 2nd, 3rd, 4th, guessing if it's ACC or sCC. At least I finally settled on the former. But a DNF as I couldn't get 10d for the win.

    Hand up too Lucina - g-MAN held me up for a long time.

    JzB - thanks for the wonderful writeup that matches this fun Wed pzl. You never (WATER) BOMB! Thanks too to Gareth.

    Fav - 61d c/a. I think we may have seen it before, but I like it.

    CED - re: finding '70's show - Your Google-foo SOARs.

    TIN - I noticed the stack too and wonder how much constructors lurk here to add Easter eggs just for us.

    All the Adrian Peterson talk made me realize I've missed the point; "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is not a command, but an if-then proposition. I've tried to lightly spoil my kids while always sparing the rod. Maybe it's TMI, but I give them extra MILK MONEY so they figure out how to save.

    Or perhaps a monk accidentally inserted a comma and we're ALL wrong.

    Cheers, -T

  52. Alex T's Stache,

    My nearest neighbor is over 1/4 mile away. I'm purty sure they could hear me laughing when I read that post.

    And FWIW, I was watching Jeopardy at the time.

  53. BillG:
    I'm glad you liked Pillars of the Earth. It's my favorite book of all time.

    There are now four sequels to that by Ken Follett. The latest one was released this week:

    Fall of Giants
    Winter of the World
    World without End
    Edge of Eternity

    I have yet to read that last one since it's new, but plan to do so.

  54. Ergo - there may be better ways to do it, but I type the following (removing spaces and replacing _ w/ real spaces):

    < a_href = " source url " > blue stuff < / a >.

    Hope it posts and hope it helps.

    Cheers, -T

  55. Lucina @ 5:20 - A minor correction, if I may. World Without End is the sequel to Pillars of The Earth. The other three you mentioned are their own trilogy, taking place in the modern era, not the Medieval setting for the other two. :-)

  56. Steve @ 4:03, interesting aboutJ.K. Rowling's contributions to the campaign!!

    Bill G. @ 4:53, I loved "Pillars of the Earth"!! Have you read any of Edward Rutherford's novels? You might enjoy "Sarum," "Russka" or "London." All great historical novels.

    We just had ACC on Monday, and I had entered SEC at first. I didn't make the same mistake twice in one week!!

  57. Ergo @ 5:19, go to the home page of this blog. Scroll down on the menu on the right, and go to the "Olio" section. Click on the link that says "Create Comment Links." It will give you step by step instructions on how to link google pages.

  58. Yes, Husker Chuck, there was a GLAD RAGS store in Fremont that was owned by my youngest daughter Crissy's best friend's mother (Fred Schweser's daughter if you knew that store). Crissy got to unpack a lot of clothes and got to see the wholesale prices before the tags went on. She then understood how retailers can mark sweaters down 50% in late winter and still make a healthy profit.

  59. Check the lyrics of this hit song at the 1:28 mark regarding GLAD RAGS

  60. Bill Gl, loved your Mia Hamm anecdote. If you see her again, just say "Hi, Mia," and keep on grocery shopping.

  61. Ergo (a.k.a. Husker Chuck)September 17, 2014 at 11:00 PM

    Anonymous T and HeartRx - Thank you for the suggestions on renaming links. Looking forward to giving it a shot the next time I have something to share.


  62. Marti - Thanks for the heads up on C.C. in the NYT. The corner store had one paper left and now I get to play. Cheers, -T

  63. Ergo (a.k.a. Husker Chuck)September 17, 2014 at 11:12 PM

    Book Suggestion

    k... got my fingers crossed. Hope this works.

  64. Ergo - it does. Now if I can get the image of that book cover out of my head! C, -T

  65. IrishMiss@6:07
    Oops. You're so right. I just lumped them all together. Fall of Giants is the sequel to Pillars of the Earth.

    Thank you.
    I really enjoyed tonight's episode of The Roosevelts. It's easy to see why FDR was so popular and beloved by most people.


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