, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 C.C. Burnikel

Gary's Blog Map

Oct 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Palindrome Partial - "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama"

The theme entries are elegantly described by the reveal at 63A - my title is a sad second in the elegance race, but the best I could come up with!

17A. Project windup : FINAL PHASE. I learned early that I.T projects follow the formula "The first 90% of the project takes 90% of the budget. The final 10% takes the other 90%"

24A. Subject of an antique auto owner's quest : ORIGINAL PART. When I had an old Jaguar XJS, eBay became my best friend in the quest for arcane components. Try asking for a distributor cap for a V12 in AutoZone and see what kind of looks you get.

37A. Me, for one : PERSONAL PRONOUN. Great clue-to-answer letter ratio!

52A. Badlands or Death Valley : NATIONAL PARK. To borrow from Buzz Aldrin: "Magnificent desolation":

and the hint:

63A. "Just in case" strategy, and a hint to a hidden letter sequence in 17-, 24-, 37- and 52-Across : BACK-UP PLAN. The back-up plan for the Panama Canal was "forget about it and build a bigger railway".

Morning all - Steve here with another product of C.C.'s fertile imagination. A very slick theme - I couldn't see the "PLAN" until the reveal - I was trying to see what FINAL, ORIGINAL, PERSONAL and NATIONAL had in common other than the "NAL" ending, so the reveal was a nice "oh!" moment. Let's see what else we've got.


1. Tell tales : FIB

4. Animal that can learn limited sign language : CHIMP. Washoe learned about 350 ASL signs. I know about ten, five of which are not suitable for a family audience.

9. Barely open : AJAR. Joke from my childhood: "When is a door not a door? When it's ajar".

13. OS X-using computer : iMAC

15. Invisible vibes : AURAE. I picked up a first edition of Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan" a few months ago from my local charity store. Lots of aurae in there, and ignoring the debate of whether the books are fiction, fact or philosophy, a great "time-capsule" read.

16. Tiny parasites : LICE. I'll spare you the enlarged images.

19. Accident scene figs. : EMT'S Emergency Medical Technicians.

20. Fit to be tied : ANGRY

21. Romance writer Roberts : NORA. I've never read her, but I've seen enough of her covers on the shelves of airport book stores to have no hesitation here.

23. Baltimore Ravens mascot : POE. This was my last fill, not knowing Mr. Parsons. Congratulations to the Ravens for having some great imagination with mascot-naming. Compare and contrast with "Pat Patriot", "Freddy Falcon" and "Roary the Lion" amongst others.

28. Wheaties box figure : ATHLETE

31. Take turns? : STEER

32. "Just like I said!" : SEE

33. Ambient music innovator Brian : ENO

35. Take it easy : REST

43. Hannity of talk radio : SEAN

44. "Well, of course!" : DUH

45. Washington Wizards' org. : N.B.A. The National Basketball Association. The first of today's sports organizations.

46. Hits a high fly, in baseball lingo : SKIES

49. "Supposing ..." : LET'S SAY

55. Brouhaha : ADO. I'm working on an updated Shakespeare screenplay called "A boatload of brouhaha about diddly-squat". Well, I wasn't, until just now. Dibs on the title.

56. "The Lion King" queen : NALA

57. Kmart section : AISLE

61. "If you don't mind ...?" : MAY I?

66. Slaughter with 2,383 career hits : ENOS. I like seeing ENO and ENOS in the same puzzle.

67. Vulgar language? : LATIN. The vulgar language was listening to us grammar school boys complaining that we had to study it.

68. Place in order : SORT

69. "Cream of" serving : SOUP

70. Overplay the part : EMOTE

71. Malibu mover : GAS. The Chevy Malibu. I was thinking "earthquake" or tremor-derivatives first. Great clue.

1. "For the Game. For the World" sports org. : F.I.F.A. "Fédération Internationale de Football Association", or, en anglais, "International Federation of Association Football" An organization which is not a stranger to controversy in recent years. Note the source of the word "soccer" from "Association Football".

2. Words while anteing : I'M IN

3. Loud noise : BANG

4. Graduation flier : CAP. Does it matter if you don't get your own cap back?

5. "What?" : HUH?

6. Tabriz citizen : IRANI. IRAQI/IRANI? Wait for the cross, unless you have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Middle Eastern cities.

7. Bricks-and-mortar workers : MASONS

8. Watch closely : PEER AT. I associate "peering" with not being able to find my reading glasses. They're usually on the top of my head.

9. Yard sale? : ALE. Ah, happy memories. I think I'd burst if I tried to drink a yard of ale now, but I did quaff a few of these in my day, usually after playing rugby. There's a "swirling" technique involved so you can pour it smoothly down your throat without drowning in beer.

10. "The Big Bang Theory" star : JIM PARSONS. Learning moment today. I don't watch a lot of TV, unless it involves Food! or sport. Combine them for tailgating shows and I'm happy as a clam in the sand where no-one's digging.

11. 10-Down, e.g. : ACTOR

12. Pedometer button : RESET

14. Winter air : CAROL. My sister was born on December 18th, and was named "Carol" in honor of the season. She spent her early life being thoroughly disgusted by this lack of imagination, and changed her name to "Kate" at her first opportunity.

18. Strings for Orpheus : LYRE

22. Last Olds model : ALERO

25. Cal.-to-Fla. route : I-TEN. The I-10 officially starts at the McClure Tunnel, but it's more photogenic to suggest that it starts at the entrance to Santa Monica pier, which is directly above the tunnel.

26. Rowlands of "Hope Floats" : GENA

27. Hammer head : PEEN

28. Nile Valley danger : ASP

29. Concert souvenirs : TEES. Vintage ones can be quite valuable, judging by some of the prices quoted on eBay.

30. Clinking words : HERE'S TO YOU. Try doing this with two yards of ale.

34. Antique : OLD

36. Big brass : TUBA

38. Storytelling nom de plume : SAKI

39. Scallion kin : ONION. Food! Called "spring onions" in the UK.

40. "__ Free": Minute Maid spec : PULP

41. Three-toed bird : RHEA

42. Anti vote : NAY

47. Pave the way for : ENABLE

48. Peace, in Arabic : SALAAM

50. Mouse catcher : TRAP

51. Bypasses, as online ads : SKIPS. The sooner the better, in most cases

52. Designates : NAMES

53. Fictional Sicilian town in a Hersey novel : ADANO. There's a real town named Adrano in Sicily, but the bell tower doesn't look much of anything. Here's the fictional representation instead:

54. Milk: Pref. : LACTO

58. Walk with effort : SLOG

59. "Good Morning America" co-anchor Spencer : LARA

60. Tolkien tree giants : ENTS

62. DSL offerer : ISP I switched from DSL to fiber recently, but kept my ISP. At least that's what AT&T told me I was doing. Acronym soup - Digital Subscriber Line & Internet Service Provider.

64. First-aid aid : KIT

65. Cézanne's one : UNE

That's about it. As the inventor of Saran responded to questions: "It's a wrap".



  1. Either way you look at, backwards or forwards, this was a fun puzzle.

    We have some baseball, SKIES ENOS, some great trickery, Vulgar language: LATIN, Cezanne' s one: UNE, and Sheldon' s full name.

    As always Steve entertains when explaining C.C., thanks

  2. Morning, all!

    I had no idea what was going on with the theme until I hit the reveal, and then I was amazed that C.C. managed to find so many phrases that fit such a narrow theme (and fit the grid, as well!)

    I struggled to make sense of the "Words while anteing" clue for awhile, since anteing just didn't seem like a real word to me. I did eventually get it, however.

    I got GAS from the perps, but didn't understand it until I got here. I was thinking the city in California, not the car. Great misdirection!

    "The Big Bang Theory" is our current favorite T.V. show, so JIM PARSONS was a big old gimme.

    I'm not a big baseball fan (in case you hadn't noticed by now), so I needed all the perps to get SKIES. It made sense, however, once I got it.

  3. Good Morning, Steve and friends. Lots of fun clues in today's puzzle. I especially liked the Vulgar Language = LATIN.

    My first car was a Malibu, so I should have immediately though of GAS, but I was thinking of the California beach instead.

    QOD: The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen. ~ Lee Iacocca (b. Oct. 15, 1924)

  4. Good morning!

    I immediately entered LIE for 1a and was off and stumbling. Nice job, C.C. Enjoyed your humor, Steve.

    Learning moment: I did not know that Badlands was a NATIONAL PARK. I thought it was just a "monument."

    IMAC was a gimme since I joined the Apple picker's union. I-TEN was another gimme -- I've logged lots of miles on it.

    The ADANO Bell Tower looks a lot like this one. It's the symbol of the planned community just west of us. I'm sure it cost a bundle to build.

    Somebody knocked my mailbox off the post yesterday. That's my project for today -- before the mail lady comes around.

  5. Good morning Steve! I always enjoy your write-ups, and today was no exception. I agree that the reveal was very elegant. I was actually focusing on the ALP in each entry. My BACKUP PLAN was to come here and see what you had to say!

    No major stumbles today. Just a sweet, smooth puzzle from start to finish. Thanks, C.C.!

  6. I love JIM PARSONS' Machiavellian smile when he knows he's put one over on any of the others.

    I also had to await the reveal to figure out the theme, but otherwise, no major hitches.

    C.C., another brilliant offering!

  7. Thanks for a fun puzzle, CC and an entertaining write-up, Steve. Usually have a later start on Wednesday, but starting regular time today, so off to work!

  8. Good morning everyone.

    Special treat this am with C.C.'s offering and much clever cluing. Great theme. Getting to the reveal helped flesh out NATIONAL PARK. Few unknowns like SAKI were covered by the perps. Agree with Steve about the Malibu:GAS entry.
    PULP - My OJ of choice is Florida Growers with Most Pulp. 180º out with the clue.

    HERES TO joeknows. Welcome aboard.

    Here's a link to Where does she keep it all?, a magic show from China. For you, C.C.

  9. Hi Y'all! Took awhile but I finally "got" the theme. Fun & Clever -- both C.C.'s puzzle & Steve's expo!

    Malibu mover was a real GAS!

    FemA, FomA, FImA, FIbA, FIFA! foe, fum! I smell another set of initials I can never remember.

    Never heard of a yard of ALE or SKIES. Perped in all right.

    No idea on JIM PARSONS. Don't watch sitcoms. Can't remember names of the people on them. Lately I can't find much I want to watch. One of the programs I rejected during breakfast was "Man with 100# tumor". Don't know why that didn't appeal to me while eating.

  10. Even after getting the reveal in C.C.’s lovely puzzle, it took a little while to say DUH and see what our lovely Blog master (mistress just doesn’t sound right) was doing. What fun!

    -Our kitty had mites not LICE and we put her in a sweat pants leg with just her head showing to administer the drops which worked
    -I don’t think POE or any other Baltimore icon can stop the KC Royals
    -Scroll through these Wheaties athletes back to Babe Ruth
    -Listen for SKIED as a baseball verb for this dropped ball (:39)
    -Incorrect PLOD made for a SLOG to get AISLE and GAS
    -How many teachers have prompted, “MAY I” when asked by a student, “Can I go to the bathroom?” by saying, “I don’t know, can you?”
    -I’ve heard a story about a good Nebraska golfer in Las Vegas saying I’M IN for playing for 5 per hole with some strangers, which he thought, was $5. It turns out it was for $5,000 and he came home with a big check after he nearly fainted.
    -Cleverness atop those flying caps
    -BIG BANG is the beginning and end of my network TV schedule
    -Not surprisingly, My TEE shirt

  11. Well my last fill was also POE and it was a WAS because JIM PARSONS was all perps. There was a reporter for the Times-Picayune for 40 years named Ed Poe, and on the last column that he wrote when he retired he wrote ( and I paraphrase):
    I will answer the question that everybody always asks. He wrote one word- YES.

    But back to the puzzle. Arabic and Hebrew read right to left but not my brain. The fills were easy with only a few hesitations, FIB or LIE, EMTS or ESTS, GENA or GINA, TUBA or EXEC.

    The only other unknowns were SKIES and LARA. I do like the clues for CAROL, KIT, ALE. Clues that require television actors are usually my last fill because I don't watch any regular television shows. If you want comedy, just look at Congress and our president. It's a shame that we elect all these clowns.

  12. I made a very basic error on this one. Not remembering clearly the name of the Lion King queen, I settled for NOLA. That left me with ENOBLE for 47D. Although I couldn't for the life of me figure out how ENOBLE was to "Pave the way for," I counted on our blog to explain it to me.

    The joke, as ever, was on moi.

  13. Musings
    -I too laughed and learned reading Steve’s write-up
    -I wonder what other names Steve’s sister could have acquired by being born near different dates on the calendar
    -Yes, now infamous, OJ, Lance Armstrong and AROD were Wheaties cover boys.
    -Big Bang is smart and funny. Just watch this this hilarious scene on operant conditioning, citing Thorndike and Skinner. (2:44) Beverly Hillbillies it ain’t. Yeah, you’ll have to SKIP the ad.
    -FORE on a beautiful fall day on the Great Plains.

  14. Thanks to Spitzboov for the welcome. Went to the "where does she keep it" link. Loved it. I am sending it on to a friend of Chinese extraction whose daughter is a performance artist.
    Malibu clue stumped me until I read the logic behind it.

  15. Good Morning:

    CC has a knack for raising the difficulty bar just a notch or two above the expected level for the day of the week her puzzles appear. Today's was no exception but, as usual, perps and P and P get the job done.

    Had no idea of the theme until reading Steve's witty and informative expo. Thanks CC and Steve for a fun and bright start to a breezy but warm mid-October day.

    I'm typing this on my original IPad because IOS 8 on my Mini is still giving me fits with the Sign In function, despite JJM's instructions which worked, but only temporarily. He has given me another suggestion to try which I'll attempt later.

    Have a great day.

  16. Very clever theme today. Didn't notice it until nearly done because it was a quick Wednesday solve for me.

    Looks like I'm in the dissent here, but Big Bang Theory is overrated. Just because its main characters are scientists, does not mean it's a "smart" show. Most of their conversations are juvenile, and often crass. And, it has a laugh track -- a sure-fire sign that the comedy isn't very funny.

  17. Happy Hump day all.

    Well, no getting around it today...CC kicked my butt. I struggled throughout, but flamed and burned in the SE corner. Yet, I did enjoy the challenge. Steve, great write up. Especially liked your 90%/90% comment. It's why Engineers made me proficient in vulgarities.

    CC, don't think it was intended, but thanks for the shout out at 51D.

    The SE corner damn near wore out an eraser and I knew it was wrong. Never thought of an AISLE as a Kmart section. Had plod rather then SLOG Mary instead of LARA & Dys for GAS.

    Started with FIBA for 1D, thinking of the recent UConn (oops, USA) victory in the Women's World Basket Ball Tourney.

  18. C.C. Thank you for a FUN Wednesday puzzle.
    [BTW, that's a tribute to the "First word" in the very first crossword puzzle created 100+ years ago.]

    Steve: Excellent write-up & links. Good job!!!

    HeartRx(Marti) I also fell into the ALP thingy before the theme reveal BACKUP-PLAN.

    Only my ESP got me LARA. In the early morning I usually watch CNBC (while solving my crossword).

    I'm getting tired of having my daily fave be ALE ... always hoping for a Pinch of something else.

  19. Hello, Puzzlers.

    It's no FIB, this was clever and fun and adds even more depth to C.C.'s already established talent.

    I had no idea about the theme except that Ps were involved in each one. Not surprising though, that a few baseball references were also included. SKIES was a pure WAG because I did know SAKI, the writer.

    Some refreshing clues:

    take turns, STEER
    yard sale, ALE
    Malibu mover, GAS

    It took me a while to recall JIM PARSONS' first name as I'm not a regular viewer. I find it too silly. But once JIM emerged, the whole corner filled quickly.

    Congratulations once more, C.C. on an ORIGINAL grid.

    And thank you, Steve. I enjoyed your write up.

    Have a memorable Wednesday, everyone!

  20. Hi gang -

    Some days the puzzle gets me.

    LIE for FIB, and never recovered.

    Didn't know Sheldon's off-stage name.

    Theme eluded me until the reveal.

    Well done, C. C.

    I am humbled.

    Cool regards!

  21. I love C.C. puzzles but started out in despair this morning because it looked as though I might not get anything. We don't watch "Big Bang Theory" or "GMA" or listen to talk radio or read romance novels--so all the names that would normally help out weren't available. Also know nothing about cars or sports, so another blank there. But amazingly, I still don't really know how, it all began filling in and in the end I GOT THE WHOLE THING! Yay, Yay, Yay--a million thanks, C.C.! And always love your expo, Steve!

    Like Marti and Tinbeni I started to look for ALPs in the theme words although for the life of me couldn't figure out what they'd have to do with a strategy. Still, that helped a lot.

    Favorite clue answer: POE. Never heard of a yard of ALE and still am not sure I understand what it is. But what fun!

    Welcome Joeknows!

    Have a great Wednesday, everybody!

  22. Anon above me, I agree, and for much the same reasons and validity. Might as well have pseudo-Einsteins kick each other in the butt. Would that be funny and intellectually clever ? The fact that the show is ever so popular, probably points to the dumbing down of american audiences, if that was at all possible and possibly redundant. Whatever. I guess some science in some form is better than none.

    Meanwhile, the puzzle was challenging because of the clues, rather than the answers. The LATIN vulgar was very charming, and the Yard Sale was a huh? until I saw the explanation. The humor of the idea entirely escapes me.

    Steve, you are wickedly funny. Thank you for your comedy and wit and the food references. I loved your IT consulting joke of the 90% - 90% - 10% - 90% formula - I thought about it for a few minutes -(apparently, I am not that smart - ). Very clever indeed, and so true.

    Lastly, on that thread, I have a friend in IT consulting who had a top job with a big Corp. heading the Y2K crisis ( remember that ?). In Jan 1999, he quit and took a pay cut to head elsewhere because, as he said, come 1/1/2000 those jobs will drop like flies on DDT. Today, he's a big shot on a super secret program related to 9/11/2001 ( remember that, all too well - ) - he says his current job will last him for 9 lifetimes.


  23. Nora Robert writing as J D Robb has a mystery series based on a female police Lieutenant set in 2059 and later. Its called the "in death" series because the title all contain that phrase, ie Born in Death. I am in the middle of reading them.

  24. For some reason all of todays long answers just jumped out at me with just a couple of letters, including Jim Parsons & Heres to you. The fill took a lot longer.

    Lie b/4 fib (but how many big noises start with an E?)

    Limp b/4 slog (2 herniated discs & a bad knee...)

    The "K" in skies was a WAG, (my backup plan was an "H.")

    I had a tough time convincing myself that the lion king queen was Nala, (I know it was Sarabi...) Quick, for 100 points, what was Nalas mothers name? no peeking!

    AS I got older, my backup plans got more complicated... (you should see what I am working on now...!)

  25. OMK @9:06
    NALA, the Lion King queen was another Every Single Perp.
    NOLA ... isn't that New Orleans, Louisiana???

    As for The Big Bang Theory being over-rated I think that is a matter of personal choice.
    Nothing more ... Nothing less ...

    OTOH ... I find the show quite amusing.
    Just watching the JIM PARSONS character, Sheldon, being so out-of-touch with the real world is a hoot.

  26. Enjoyed your write-up Steve. Just 1 thing

    You mentioned studying Latin at Grammar School. In the US a Grammar School is an Elementary School, not a High School (as in England & Wales). While it is quite possible that you were a child prodigy, I doubt that you studied Latin in Infants or Juniors. Not a criticism, just a language check - best to use "High Shool" in this case (although that was the Girls' School in my town).


  27. to Tinbeni @ 1:36

    My all-time favorite JIM PARSONS dialog/episode is when Sheldon tries to order a drink at the Cheesecake Factory

    As you say, his naivete with the real world is comedic genius.

  28. Chairman Moe ... Great clip!!!

    ... then I got lost watching a whole bunch of the other links on the right ... LMAOROTF ...

    BTW ... when I say "A toast to ALL at Sunset!" ...
    Do the "Anon trolls" realize they are not included in my toast?

  29. Tin: we watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory regularly - it's the one show for us that never seems to "get old".

    Cheers to you for today's sunset! I will be pouring wine at a wine tasting from 6-8 so no "toast" for me.

  30. Wow, what a terrifically imaginative puzzle! So much fun to solve. And Steve, your writeups are a pleasure to read.

  31. I loved the clever puzzle, CC and the witty, informative blog, Steve.
    The "Sheldon at the bar clip" only reconfirms that I can't stand him. To each his own. Enjoy!

  32. I must admit that I regularly watch reruns of TBBT also, it never seems to get old for me. Some people will never like it (you can't please everyone.) But for those hovering on the edge, bear in mind that other than being very witty, part of the allure is identifying with the characters, which takes time to develop.

    Each of the characters is broken in some way (with the possible exception of Bernadette, but I am sure they just haven't got to her yet. Plus I have not seen many episodes that are not yet in syndication.) If you take the time to identify how each character is broken, you will already be hooked. Then it is just fun to watch how they manage to interact with each other.

    A case in point is this collection of clips (@ 15 minutes, very long, all about Sheldon, & not even their funniest stuff.) Take a look @ 1:00 to 2:00 mark where Penny buys a Xmas present for Sheldon. Walowitz & Rajs' response speaks volumes...

    If you don't believe me, maybe you will listen to this self diagnosed sitcom snob who say (& I quote:) It took roughly a week of nightly viewing before I realized how impoverished my life had been for the four years that I was oblivious to “The Big Bang Theory.”


  33. I need to train myself to look first at the puzzle author as I'm sure it would inspire me to finish in one sitting.

    (That's C.C.! I know her! I've exchanged emails with her!)

    It's just not quite to same to identify the author afterwards, in fact it contributes a little toward feeling like you should have savored the puzzle just a little bit more.

    Regardless, a fine offering C.C. You are prolific! Thank you Steve for the write up.

    And now I know that accident scene figures are EMTS and not ESTS and that there is not an actor out there named JIS.

  34. Hello Puzzlers -

    I needed the unifier to see the theme. This was one of those themes that had me wondering how constructors think of these things! Very enjoyable, C.C.

    In my house we've come to the conclusion that TBBT is not as funny as it used to be, but we still watch it anyway. I absolutely hate the canned laugh track. As I understand it, the laughter used to be real, from the studio audience. The show still manages to have some clever bits, such as this week's episode in which Sheldon had to clarify parallel time lines in a time travel scenario.

  35. C.C. enjoyed your puzzle ... thank you

    As normal a couple things went right over my head until I came to the blog.... :) for one... gas made absolutely no sense to me... never even thought of a chevrolet... no one in our family ever drove a chevie until my son bought his tahoe :)

    And thank you Steve for the as always great write up... thanx for the pic of the pier... I worked for a time across the blvd for the peugeot dealer...

    Had to smile about your sister changing her name... :) my daughter was born on the first day of spring.... naturally she was named Robin... :) she changed it... :) :)

    Irish Miss I do hope you have the problem solved...

    Hope you all have a great day and evening.....

    thelma :)

  36. -If I have denigrated someone’s entertainment choices at this site, I summarily apologize. Having been somewhat of a science nerd my whole life, it is a delight to see me and other kindred spirits get respect for our pursuits and the communities in which we run. Operant conditioning, Schrodinger’s Cat, String Theory, the Cosmological Constant, Dark Matter, etc. are in the script in real context. The beautiful girl and her equally beautiful paramours are usually the odd ones out. It’s fun to see sympathetic characters on TV whose IQ’s are above room temperature and they are not portrayed as single dimensional outcasts unworthy of character development
    -Big Bang has done for scientists what Frasier did for fine dining and art. The Crane brothers taking a shop class was as hilarious as Leonard trying to learn the basics of football or Penny trying to grasp the fundamentals of physics in one night.
    -Of course this is a tempest in a teapot and I don’t have my undies in a bunch, but I enjoy the show with its smart writing and have laughed hard at many of their bits and plot devices.
    -That’s why TV’s have a channel selector. ;-)

  37. @Everyone: Thanks for all the plaudits; I have so much fun adding my every-other-Wednesday contributions to this talented cast of bloggers. I'm challenged to keep up with the inventiveness of this community!


    Heisenberg and Schrödinger get pulled over for speeding.

    The cop asks Heisenberg "Do you know how fast you were going?"

    Heisenberg replies, "No, but we know exactly where we are!"

    The officer looks at him confused and says "you were going 108 miles per hour!"

    Heisenberg throws his arms up and cries, "Great! Now we're lost!"

    The officer looks over the car and asks Schrödinger if the two men have anything in the trunk.

    "A cat," Schrödinger replies.

    The cop opens the trunk and yells "Hey! This cat is dead."

    Schrödinger angrily replies, "Well he is now."

  38. The Uncertainty Principle added to my list in a very funny way! Great Steve!

  39. Good Thursday morning, folks. Thank you, C.C., for a fine puzzle.

    Thank you, Steve, for a fine review.

    I solved this yesterday, but had no time to log on. Here I am.

    The puzzle was fine. A couple inkblots. Had LIE at 1A, then FIB arrived. Had REGIONAL PARK for 52A, then NATIONAL PARK became the answer.

    Theme was clever and tough to get. Had everything answered first.

    IRANI was easy. I am very familiar with Tabriz.

    MASONS was my favorite of the day. My fraternity.

    Did not know JIM PARSONS. Perped it. I do not watch The Big bang Theory.

    SALAAM was easy. Being a Shriner, that is part of our motto.

    Never tried a Yard of ALE. Maybe some day.

    Lots to do.

    See you on Friday.




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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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