, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 C.C. Burnikel

Gary's Blog Map

Feb 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Food Inside Food - Foodstuff that has been stuffed with more foodstuff.

18A. Single proprietor : SOLE OWNER. Stuffed sole - Crab meat is one popular stuffing.

20A. The Old Spaghetti Factory alternative : OLIVE GARDEN. Stuffed olive - commonly pimento.

38A. Self-defense option : PEPPER SPRAY. Stuffed pepper - Ground beef

57A. Fragrant bloomer with typically pink flowers : CABBAGE ROSE. Stuffed cabbage - Ground beef again but wrapped in a cabbage leaf roll.

61A. Comment after a feast ... or what the first word of 18-, 20-, 38- and 57-Across would sometimes say--if it could talk : I'M STUFFED

Argyle here but it should have been Steve. More food! (Note the vertical stacks on the sides.)


1. Rosie of "The Jetsons," for one : ROBOT

6. Recede : EBB

9. Downloadable programs : APPs

13. Golden Gloves venue : ARENA

14. Chimney substance : SOOT

16. Toondom's __ E. Coyote : WILE

17. Camp shelters : TENTS

22. Big D hoopster : MAV. (Dallas Mavericks)

23. West Coast sch. with more than 100 NCAA championships : USC. (University of Southern California)

24. Martini order : DRY

25. Gloomy : MOROSE

27. Golf hole starting points : TEEs

29. On the topic of : AS TO

32. Fed. power dept. : ENER.

33. "__ Legend": Will Smith movie : I AM

35. Nook and Kindle : eREADERS

40. Emphatic military reply : "SIR, NO SIR!"

42. Actor McKellen : IAN

43. Japanese soup noodle : UDON

44. Formula for salt : NACL

46. Brewpub lineup : TAPS

50. Mr. Fixit's forte : REPAIR

53. Singer Orbison : ROY

55. Aflame : LIT

56. Chinese chairman : MAO

63. Christmas celebrity : SANTA

64. Future plant : SEED

65. Nonstick cookware brand : T-FAL

66. __ salts : EPSOM

67. Grinds to a halt : ENDS

68. Seek damages from : SUE

69. Poker-faced : STONY


1. Squeal on : RAT OUT

2. Parental warning words : "OR ELSE!"

3. "No fighting, kids!" : "BE NICE!". These two should be reversed. "BE NICE OR ELSE!"

4. "As seen __": ad phrase : ON TV

5. Used a stun gun on : TASED. This is the "OR ELSE!"

6. College application pieces : ESSAYS

7. Mannerless fellow : BOOR

8. Like headline typefaces : BOLD

9. "So-o adorable!" : "AWW!"

10. Cash for fun : PIN MONEY. This used to be the lady of the house laying by the egg money for herself but for a bowler like Boomer, it may have a different meaning.

11. Crowd __: popular performer : PLEASER

12. Order takers : SERVERS

15. Overflow (with) : TEEM

19. Artist with the website : ONO. New clue for Yoko?

21. Pa's pa : GRAMPS

26. Hill-building biter : RED ANT

28. "Burnt" crayon color : SIENNA

30. __ firma : TERRA

burnt sienna terra cotta
31. Surg. sites : ORs. (operating room) 51A. Post-surg. area : ICU. (intensive care unit)

34. Mil. mail address : APO. (Army Post Office)

36. Literary wrap-up : EPILOG

37. Football's Parseghian : ARA. Part of the "Holy Trinity" of Notre Dame head coaches with Knute Rockne and Frank Leahy.

38. Popped the question : PROPOSED

39. Bavarian article : EIN

40. Conjecture : SURMISE

41. Think tank guys : IDEA MEN

45. Baby rocker : CRADLE

47. King in Shakespeare's "The Tempest" : ALONSO

48. Moving engine part : PISTON. Up and down part.

49. Hot and humid : STEAMY

52. Rapids transport : RAFT

54. Go-aheads : YESes

58. Inseparable pals, to texters : BFFs. (Best friends forever)

59. Brummell or Bridges : BEAU

60. Captivated : RAPT

62. NFL scores : TDs. (touchdown)



  1. Morning, all!

    Fun puzzle today. Nearly a complete walk in the park, except that I stumbled briefly by going with SUPPOSE instead of SURMISE. That didn't take too long to correct, however.

    I thought the theme was cute, although I didn't need to know it to get the theme answers. CABBAGE ROSE was actually a total unknown, but by the time I noticed that answer I already had CABBAGEROS_ filled in via the perps and it was pretty easy to guess at that point...

    Another sub-zero day this morning. At least it's not snowing (yet)...

  2. Good morning!

    I saw C.C.'s name on the puzzle as I opened it, and knew I was in for a smooth ride. And of course, I was not disappointed. Unfortunately, once I picked up on the theme, I realized that I would have to scrap a puzzle I am working on with the reveal STUFF IT! (Rats!)

    I was impressed with the overlapping entries on this one - that is not an easy thing to do. And as Argyle already mentioned, BE NICE and OR ELSE sitting next to each other gave me a real chuckle.

    Try to stay warm everyone - it's crazy cold here. (Will spring ever come???)

  3. It got down to -13°F here in the mid-Hudson valley. I was up all night making sure the pipes didn't freeze so I solved the puzzle around 3:00 AM. I'm getting too old for this.

  4. Good morning!

    I started out with TATTLE at 1d, but that didn't last. No other stumbles today. "Burnt Sienna Terra Cotta" -- cute, Argyle.

    In these parts they're called FIRE ANTs. You treat your lawn and they move over to your neighbors. He treats his lawn and they move back. I'm allergic, so I avoid the little buggers.

    Haven't heard the expression PIN MONEY in years.

    I bought a Kindle a couple years ago, and haven't read a tree-born book since. With Amazon's lending library, I haven't bought very many, either.

    Marti, your statement got me to wondering. How many different puzzles do you have in various states of completion at any given time?

    Taxing day. Gotta run...

  5. d-otto, I usually have anywhere from 4-5 puzzles at various stages. Most of them are in the theme-developing stage, and usually only one or two that actually have a grid developed. My STUFF IT had the grid and most of the clues written. Oh well...

  6. Good Morning, Argyle and friends. Fun Tuesday puzzle. Does a CABBAGE ROSE really smell nice?

    I initially tried BE Good! before switching to BE NICE!

    I also confidently wrote down Miso because a read only the words "Japanese soup" and ignored the noodles!

    Nice shout out to our commentary blogger today with SANTA.

    QOD: Things don’t have to change the world to be important. ~ Steve Jobs (Feb. 24, 1955 ~ Oct. 5, 2011)

  7. Thanks C.C. and Argyle for a nice start to a very busy morning here. When I saw C.C., I was expecting a little baseball! Great theme.

    I can smell the CABBAGE ROSES. I chuckled at college application ESSAYS. I read enough of those to last a lifetime. The best ones were always something offbeat: how cereals reveal who people are and why I am like such and such a cereal. Over the years: Admission to Stanford of three students who wrote about food. The cereal, Gummy Bears and Krispy Kremes. :-)

  8. Argyle: Nice write-up & links. Especially enjoyed the CSO to you at SANTA!

    C.C. Thank you for a FUN Tuesday solving experience.

    Fave today, of course was TAPS ... my favorite Brewpub has 50 Craft Beers in its lineup.

    A little foggy this morning, though I would not call it MOROSE.
    High will be around 70 degrees and Sunny later this morning.


  9. Possible theme: What do the following words have in common: DEFT HIJACK, LAUGHING FIRST, CANOPY, STUPID CALMNESS?

    There was a cute doxie, a flirt,
    Whose manner was sassy and pert.
    She was a big deal
    With guys who were real
    But was spurned by any STUFFED shirt!

  10. Howdy all,

    A mostly fun puzzle today although I found the South a little trickier then the North. In the end though, it was a FIW for Hondo.

    I don't text, therefore I am not familiar with s good amount of the lingo and I seldom cook, so a Non-stick cookware brand a foreign language to me. Therefore, I wagged an R ending up with T-rAL for 65A & BFrS for 58D.

    CABBAGE ROSE I managed to get, but it's another new term for me. This blog is such a great learning tool for if I could improve on my retention capabilities!

    Don't know what the temp is here and don't really care. All I'm sure of is that it's cold & going to be getting worse.

  11. Smooth run, WBS about suppose before SURMISE. Also had CABBAGE ROLL before ROSE, but then realized it would fit the theme, but not the clue.
    Thanks, CC and Argyle. Sorry Marti - can you submit it somewhere else or post it for a "bonus" on the blog like George Barany does?

  12. Marti, maybe as a Curious Conundrum?

  13. Good and easy today, and as I got into it, I had a feeling it might be C.C.'s, and on checking, of course it was. Cute theme!

    Too bad for Marti, but maybe you can make adjustments to get it working again.

    I rarely get stuck on something I'm really in doubt about, because I solve like a basket weave, checking perps everywhere there's doubt before filling, so for me then it's pauses rather than having to change things. Only when I feel certain of a wrong answer, that's when I have to backtrack and redo.

    We're in for a heatwave of 32F today here in SW WI.

  14. Musings
    -I wonder if C.C. got The Jetsons in Guangzhou
    -A parole officer I know told me PEPPER SPRAY is his only “weapon”
    -WILE’s tools of the trade
    -Omaha Univ. changed from the Indians to the MAVericks in 1971
    -Our plumber giggled when he saw my attempt at REPAIRing a drain
    -The fabulous ROY O was in the worst movie ever
    -A bag of these high-tech SEEDS could run you $300
    -My SIL always said “OR ELSE” but never followed through
    -This movie we saw yesterday has proven to be CROWD PLEASER (91% on Rotten Tomatoes)
    -The EPILOG for the above movie was great as well
    -I agree Otto, I liked SANTA’s SIENNA/TERRA combo
    -I’ll be in the OR Friday but, hopefully, not need an ICU
    -I learned about this RAFT painting in the Louvre on the Smithsonian Channel last week. If you know this painting, I’m impressed!
    -Rather than be STONY, what did Charles Emerson Winchester do when he had a good poker hand?

  15. Good morning, folks. Thank you, C.C., for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    Got the North easily. The South was trickier. I think someone else said that too.

    Theme was good. I enjoy all those stuffed foods except the SOLE. Stuffed Peppers and Stuffed Cabbage (or cabbage rolls, or golabki) are my favorites. I do cook them both myself. My wife showed me how years ago and she quit cooking them ever since.

    Not familiar with I AM LEGEND.

    I have heard of TFAL. We do not use non-stick pans anymore. Not sure the stuff that flakes off is any good for you. We own four cast iron skillets. had five but gave gone to our daughter. We have a #3, 5, 7, and 10. The numbers refer to the number of eggs you can cook in the frying pan. FYI.

    Just had TERRA the other day, only tied to COTTA.

    I am still working on Sunday's puzzle. Hope to finish it today.

    It was about 8 degrees this morning when I got up. Has not been above freezing for weeks in Chicagoland.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  16. Husker:
    He whistled when he "Had Nothing!" lol

  17. Hello Puzzlers -

    Smooth sailing today through this elegant offering from our fearless leader! Paused a bit at Pin Money; seems we've had that within the past year, but I'm kinda iffy on its meaning. I was thinking the thrifty householder had to save up a few coins to buy sewing notions - to keep wardrobe malfunctions to a minimum.

    Morning, Argyle, I see your point. This would have been a fit for Steve.

    It is cold. There, I said it. :-)

  18. Good morning everyone.

    C.C. STUFFED this STUFFING puzzle with a lot of good STUFF. Any theme with food makes me salivate. Mostly a straightforward solve. No searches were needed.
    SIR NO SIR - Never had to experience it up close and personal, but have uttered plenty of Yes Sirs and No Sirs.
    GRAMPS - My grandkids call me Opa (German) to avoid confusion with their other (in-law) Grampas.

    Al @ 0639. I made 4 piss calls during the night, too, to check pipes. Down to -12º.

  19. Good Morning:

    Another smooth and enjoyable solve from our own CC. Cute theme to tickle Steve's foodie fancy! Nice CSO to Santa. Only write over was ratted/rat out.

    Thanks, CC and Argyle, for providing a welcome distraction from the never-ending winter woes! ☺️

    Have a great day and stay warm!

  20. Did anyone hear of the expression "MAD MONEY"? This was the term used in Brooklyn when I was growing up for money used for "fun". Never used the word "PIN".

    Rather straightforward puzzle. Theme was gotten early. I, too, was not familiar with "CABBAGE ROSE", but it was easy to figure out with the theme.

    The only other redo was 69A. I put "STOIC" in first, but quickly took it out when I realized the "IC" ending didn't fit with the perp entries.

    This puzzle made me hungry. Stuffed peppers and cabbage are favorite foods of mine. Sweet 'n sour with raisins. YUM. Old-fashioned recipes from the old country; before we started watching our diets.

    Oh, oh. It suddenly turned dark inside. The sky is ready to burst open. Better go see that my cats get in safely before it rains. They detest water.

    Have a happy, healthy and DRY day.

  21. Quite the stroll down the food aisle today. Didn't get the theme until the reveal, but it was easy enough without that help. Favorite of the stuffed foods for me would be sole stuffed with crab, but am more familiar with stuffed flounder.

    We're having a nice day here, but it's a roller coaster. Today's high is predicted in the mid to upper 40's. Tomorrow...low 20's. No prolonged relief in the 7 day. Maybe March will bring improvement.

  22. Hello, friends! What a lovely surprise today to find a C.C. grid! Well done, C.C.

    Not only are the clues clever but except for ONO, ROBOT (not really a name)ALONSO, MAO and SANTA no other obscure names appear. I call that a remarkable feat.

    Finally, UDON is etched into my brain.

    I loved the theme, of course, because it's food!

    You should do as others suggested, either as a Curious Conundrum or some other avenue for your puzzle. It's a shame to put so much effort into it and then scrap it.

    I recall one year ago when I was in NY and Connecticut the weather was calm but cold the entire week. I guess Mother Nature didn't approve.

    Have yourselves a great Tuesday anyway, everyone!


  23. It's always a thrill to see that we're getting a C.C. puzzle. This one started out as a speed run for me, but slowed down with E READERS, which flummoxed me at first. But eventually it all fell into place--many thanks, C.C. And you too, Argyle!

    When I saw STUFFED SOLE, I thought "Really?" Then I remembered the first dinner I ever made for my husband. I didn't cook in those days and so told him we'd just have pizza, and he said he had pizza for lunch every day, and would love a "real dinner." I panicked and went to Trader Joe's where I found a STUFFED SOLE with directions on how to cook it. It turned out great. Haven't had it in years--I should go back to TJs and look for it again--maybe for our anniversary!

    Have a great day, everybody!

  24. Hi gang -

    BE GOOD? Nope. STOIC? Nope.

    Never had stuffed SOLE.

    CABBAGE ROSE and T-FAL were unknown.

    Perps required.

    Tasty theme, and the verticals are quite filling.

    Nicely done, CC - and a fun fill with no clunkers.

    Cool regards!

  25. Argyle: After yesterday's comments and discussion, I like the way you slid "laying by" into your write up.

  26. "puzzling thoughts"

    Hands up for being among those who find both CC's and Marti's puzzles to be the most fun and enjoyable to solve; not too easy nor too difficult.

    While the theme (STUFFED) was not evident until the very end, the solves came predictably, of course until I hit the wall in the SW corner

    Nice CSO to Argyle (Santa) as well as a nice recap of the puzzle; a few mini-SO's to Tinbeni with 24A/46A, and yours truly with 56A

    27A - I have moved up at least one or two TEES from when I was a consistent, single-digit handicap golfer. Despite living in SW FL, I usually play only 1-2 times per month, so using the "correct" TEES has made me enjoy the game again

    As for the answer to 10D, I have an old friend who uses that term a lot; I suspect one of his aunts or his mom used it. I checked the origin of PIN MONEY; since I got it from the internet, it must be true!

    I remembered the answer to 28D from an old box of Crayola Crayons my sister had. My box had only 8 colors; hers 64. She excelled in art; I did not. Not to worry, though. 8 colors + Burnt SIENNA are more than enough for me!! ;^)

  27. Food! I'll need to go on a diet at this rate. Thanks, C.C!

    We needed the EPSOM salts at 66A after all the stuffing - did you see the "NO" sandwich at 40A as well?

  28. I always like a C.C. puzzle. Today's is lots of fun.

  29. I have never said or heard anyone say "Sir, no Sir!" or "Sir, yes Sir!" except in movies. Like Spitzboov, I have said "Yes Sir" and "No Sir" many times. I have also said "How high, Sir?" and "What color, Sir?"

  30. "What kind of deli meat does the Chairman like?"

    "Mao say tongue"

    I hear coach Parseghian is putting on a lot of weight"

    "Yes sir, Ara fat"

  31. Really enjoyed and breezed through this one, despite being a veritable crossword newbie (at the ripe age of 67 after retiring as a newspaperman). When I saw EPILOG, I immediately thought of the final scene in every (maybe except the last episode) of TV's Fugitive. Also, this grandfather had fun with Grampa/Gramps) -- "Jeff's Collie" (not "Lassie" as many presume) featured Gramps (George Cleveland), who died during filming in the fourth season during the mid-'50s. Show also featured Tommy Rettig and Jan Clayton, Pokey the dog and "Jeff's" friend Porky (Ruby Keeler's nephew Joey Vieira or something like that).

  32. I don't believe this was a CC puzzle. Not one mention of baseball and spring training is just getting underway. Everyone's team is a winner before they've played a game.

    Did anyone notice the kinda clecho for Big D hoopster? MAV and (my first thought, being in the Midwest) 48D PISTON.

    Nice write-up, Argyle.

  33. Jerome:
    You can always make me laugh!

  34. George Cleveland played "Gramps" in Lassie from 1954-1957. Jeff's Collie was the name given to the series when it was later released in syndication.

  35. Jayce, visit your nearest Marine Corp boot camp and you will hear all the "SIR YES SIR" and "SIR NO SIR" you want. Take it from one that said it many times.

  36. Santa was a marine?

    Hmm, this explains a lot....

  37. oops, sorry, for got to capitalize Marine...

  38. My early morning post never made it to print- ah well. It was a thank you and a thank you and food talk.

  39. Hmm, I thought I had an FIW, but sorry CC, I have a nit...

    Never heard of T-Fal, but my BFF beau WAGed it...(not perped, WAGed, I have no idea how to spell Beau...)

    Pin money never occurred to me, but in my warped mind, I guess it makes sense. I have "flat tire money", which I hide in the deepest, darkest recess of my wallet so I don't spend it unless it is an emergency. In that perspective, it makes sense to pin money where you cannot easily reach it...

    But my nit,,,

    I stared & stared at Phnmoney, & could find no recourse but to come to the Blog. (as if you could keep me away...)

    You see, I remember distinctly an episode where the Coyote introduces himself to the Roadrunner with a business card the says WILE E. COYOTE

    It has to be an "I"

    Phn money, whatever that is...

    & to prove it...

    I searched the Internet!

    Just because it is spelt/spelled...

    Oh CRap!
    Where did that "H" come from?

    *&^%$# pain killers have drained my brain...


  40. JUst a quick reminder for those who failed the TFAL test
    check out 25 down on >| LAT 1-31-15 less than a month ago. I suggest the JD book of writing down every new fill


  41. Thank you C.C. and Argyle.

    After 3 days (yes, Monday included) of puzzle anguish, what a refresher to take on a Tuesday C.C.

    So many of the horizontals filled quickly that I didn't have to clue the corresponding verticals. Also nice touch with a new clue for ONO.

  42. Speed Run! My paper doesn't print the constructors' name so I had to come here to find out who gifted us with this gem. Thanks, C.C.! This started my day out well: temp on the + side of 0*, fun puzzle, good night's sleep. Your expo was the icing on the cake, Argyle.

    Favorite clue/answer: Christmas celebrity/SANTA. One of my cousins is Santa.

    Belated Happy Birthdays to Keith Fowler and to Argyle. I hope you had wonderful days.

    Happy Tuesday!


  43. Argyle, good point; I guess it's a Marine expression.
    CrossEyedDave, that stuffed cabbage picture was extra special funny. Thanks for it.

  44. Inanehiker et al, thanks, but I think I'd rather not be embarrassed by posting my puzzle anywhere that it could be compared to C.C.'s gem today!

  45. Argyle at 2:17. Yep. That was my thought with no experience: Sir ,yes, Sir! All Marine-- above and beyond. No, disrespect to other services-- I'm from an all Army family. When my former students--Marine men and women--came back to school, they always knocked my socks off!! Full dress uniform--no desert fatigues--and Remarkable Respect.

  46. Greetings!

    Swell puzzle, CC! Great write-up, Santa!

    No problems.

    Went to Target today. They have lots of eVOL (except the e is backwards) frozen dinners--organic and gluten free. First 2 that I tried previously were delicious.

    Mary was a bit more human the other night!


  47. Hi all!

    Quick fun offering from C.C. - not just the theme but the sparkling fill in the NE and SW. Thanks too for the writeup Argyle.

    My only WAG came at the xing of 42a w/ 37d. Misspelling EPoLOG at 1st didn't help. Otherwise smooth as TFAL (properly seasoned (and NACL'd?) cast-iron pans are just as non-stick).

    Let's see, we have the MAVs v. PISTONS in the ARENA. And TAPS after SIR, NO SIR! Was it all YESES the next day?

    CED stole my WILE E. Coyote link - good ASTO that!

    Marti - Let Rich publish STUFF IT in July. We'll have forgotten 1/2 of this by then :-)

    I won't complain about 38F here with y'all in DRY and/or wet GLOOMY -??F weather. I'd be a BOOR if I said I was cold...

    What, SUE me for that comment? That ENDS this then :-)

    Cheers, -T

  48. Oh, I forgot to welcome offtopc. Offtopic, I hope you find many new BFFS here.

    EPILOG: I PROPOSED to my BFF when I was 18. I've been her BEAU since!

    Cheers, -T


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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