, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday, Mar 7th, 2015, Daniel Nierenberg

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 7, 2015

Saturday, Mar 7th, 2015, Daniel Nierenberg

Theme: None

Words: 72 (missing Q,W,X)

Blocks: 27

  I would have to say it depends on one's approach to a crossword that can make all the difference.  Last week I struggled with a Silkie that most others from the corner seemed to do well on.  Today, I cruised through this puzzle with nary a hiccup.  Just over the half-way mark of my personal time, too.  Of course, a lack of personal/proper names did help tremendously, too ;7))    Anyway, triple stacks of 10's and 7's in the corners, and a pair of 8-letter fills on the inside.  Some of the longer answers;

1. It's often swiped at offices : ACCESS CARD - I thought "PAPER CLIPS" - but with "PUNCH in" at 2d., I 'ventured forth' (6d) with APPLE iPADS, which seemed logical - lots of people I know do business with a tablet these days; I'm one of them - my Home Inspections are done thru an app on my tablet, and I send the report via email.  Did you hear about Apple's new tape measure~?  It's called the "iRule"....

61a. Surrounded : UNDER SIEGE - good movie, too; featured Steven Segal as a "CPO" (q.v. 50a.) - the Wiki

O - ah - O - ah - O-ah-O-ah - O - AH  - O - nward~!


11. Censor's target : SMUT - for those in the area, I had "-MU-" and considered IMUS

15. Deer, e.g. : PLANT EATER

16. Leveret's dad : HARE - huh - I thought this was a personal name, and did not get it until I looked it up during the write-up; new word for me

17. Reminder, often : POST-IT NOTE

18. Largest island in the Tuscan Archipelago : ELBA - once I had -LB-, the rest was 'E-Z' - or is that "E" "A"~!?

19. Slip in a store: Abbr. : RCT - receipt, not the "oops" of a lawsuit

20. Quarters : ROOMS - huh - a WAG that never went away; I like those guesses

21. Olympics coach Karolyi et al. : BELAs

22. "Fooled ya" : I KID

24. Corn lead-in : UNI - unicorn

25. Carbon compound found in crude oil : BUTENE - threw in the first 6-letter "fuel" I could think of; in this case, it was ETHANE, and that's strictly 33% correct

26. Closed up : SILENT - ah, a personal description, not an end-of-day routine

28. Attire for filmdom's The Mask : ZOOT SUIT

30. Month in el invierno : ENERO - Spanish~?  Month~? WAG 'enero', Spanish for January

31. Terminal : DEPOT - I have a question that I'd like everyone's feedback on; see the end of the write-up

32. Member of the fam : SIS - Started with SIB, but I did not think 14d. was going to end with "-TB" - but not unheard of; could have been "Silent B"

33. Tiny time div. : nSEC - nanosecond - or, the equivalent of 1 second to 31.71 YEARS~!  Since light travels 11.8 inches in one nSEC, it's referred to as a "light foot" - could you call that a "Gordon"~!?

35. Govt. collectors : T-MEN - I put in G-men, but T is better; refers to the Treasury

37. "Sweet!" : RAD

40. Norwegian flag feature : CROSS

42. Indian bigwig : RAJAH - Ooops, went with RANEE - that's the missus

46. Intimate : ONE-TO-ONE

48. Words to a savior : "MY HERO~!"

49. Breaks off : SEVERS - huh.  Filled this in, took it out, and ended up putting it back in

50. Naval NCO : CPO - Chief Petty Officer - e.g. Casey Rybeck (who~?)

52. Big name in shaving : ATRA - change up from the usual cluing

53. "The Girl Next Door" co-star Hirsch : EMILE - I have the DVD - but did NOT cheat; all perps

54. Work unit : JOULE - usually, it's "ERG"

56. Much : FAR - my only 'meh' for the day

57. West Virginia resource : COAL

58. Lingered : HUNG AROUND

60. Biblical preposition : UNTO - dah~! Not THOU

62. High school subject? : TEEN - is that a "high" school subject, or a high school "subject"~?  ;7P

63. Commercial success : BEST-SELLER


1. Inform : APPRISE - Oddly, I've heard this word twice this week

2. Start work : CLOCK IN - daH~!  Not PUNCH in

3. Medieval Iberian kingdom : CASTILE - all I had to WAG was the "I" - Love the flag
4. Fictional giant : ENT - ah, from the "Rings" movie trilogy; perps again

5. Activity : STIR

6. Venture forth : SET OUT

7. PowerShot maker : CANON - I like their printers, too

8. Reduce to minute particles : ATOMIZE

9. Soaks, as hemp : RETS

10. Beats Electronics co-founder : DRE - Bought my brother the wireless headphones for Christmas - I have not heard how good they are (pun intended), but for the price, I should be able to hear them from the next town over....

11. Rain may fall in them : SHEETS

12. Hammer-shaped bone : MALLEUS

13. Pope who initiated the First Crusade : URBAN II - the "I-I" at the end did not concern me

14. Dollhouse accessories : TEA SETS - I would love to build a custom dollhouse for my daughter - in fact, I would just love to have "a daughter"

21. Like shortbread : BUTTERY

23. "Blue Velvet" actress : DERN

25. Horizontal spar : BOOM

27. Reason for overtime : NO SCORE - say, in ice hockey.  This Wednesday, we're going to try playing with a puck instead of a ball, so I am planning on modifying a pair of skates so that I can take a shot off my toe without breaking bones - my experience has taught me that taking a ball on the toe stings like a sonofabitch; and the plastic pucks are harder....

29. Goes (for) : OPTS

31. Maker of the Ultra Set trap : d-CON - becoming a Sat crossword staple

34. Mythical archer : EROS

36. Okinawa's capital : NAHA - bottom left

37. Diamond buyer's choice : ROSE CUT

38. Red flower created from the blood of Adonis : ANEMONE

39. Digress : DEVIATE

41. Motion backing : SECONDS - we have business meetings in AA - which includes motions and seconds and voting

43. Aviation supply : JET FUEL

44. Put in order : ARRANGE

45. Compulsive subject of a former A&E series : HOARDER

47. Rat out : TELL ON

48. Grinders : MOLARS - ah, teeth, not sandwiches

51. __ Sound, part of the Salish Sea : PUGET - DAH~! Shoulda gotten this; I visited Seattle WA some years ago - I'd like to go back, too

54. Alexandrite is one of its birthstones : JUNE - Oh how I love the name Alexandra.  As for the clue, the choices were JUNE or JULY - so I filled in JU-- and waited.

55. Gaelic language : ERSE

58. Center : HUB - Our UPS center is referred to as a terminal - the largest HUB is Worldport in Kentucky; the Medford facility where I'm at is 24 years old - and it's outdated.

59. Whale __ : OIL


 OK, so - I am working on my board game, and I have to come up with some clever street names - I have a list of some of my personal favorites, but I'd like to hear what your favorite street name is....


  1. So close! Filled, but no ta-da. Proofread, and while a couple wags were possible blocks, I couldn't think of anything better for ROSE CUT or BUTaNE, so gave up and turned on red letters. BUTENE+MALLEUS was my downfall. Just one vowel!

    BUTENE is found in crude oil,
    MALLEUS for our hearing must moil.
    Two words, where they cross
    Caused this puzzler a loss,
    A red splotch did the monochrome spoil!

  2. Morning, all!

    All right, screw Thumper. I did not like this one, no I did not. Like Owen, I crashed and burned at the crossing of BUTENE and MALLEUS (gee, what a surprise that spell check doesn't like either one of those...) BUTANE was something I've heard of and MALLAUS seemed just as plausible as anything else. Kudos to Splynter for apparently knowing MALLEUS off the top of his head, since he didn't find it worth commenting on.

    Never heard of ROSE CUT or NAHA. Never heard of a leveret. Hated the generic PLANT EATER. Didn't want to let go of SUPPORT until the perps finally forced SECONDS on me (why is the answer plural but the clue singular?). Medieval kingdoms? "The Girl Next Door"?

    On the bright side, I did manage to get ZOOT SUIT with no perp help, which made me feel sooo smart for about 5 seconds until the rest of the puzzle beat that feeling out of me.

  3. Not bad for a Saturday. I awakened at 5:30 and had no luck with the puzzle. I turned on the TV and fell back to sleep. I awakened again at 7:00 and had a much easier time of it. I really liked this easier puzzle and I always enjoy Splynter's commentary.
    I crossed my fingers for NAHA. Yay! I had BUTANE, but knew MALLEUS was not spelled with an A. BUTENE seemed more likely than BUTINE.
    Knew MALLEUS, but not the spelling, rose cut, and leveret.
    I have a CANON Power Shot and love it.
    56A I have said to a student, "Your paper has FAR too many errors."
    Are IMUS and SMUT synonyms?
    Splynter, my first thought at slip was law suit.
    SECONDS is okay by me, the more support for my motion the better.
    Bright sunshine this morning, but temps in the teens. We are expecting above freezing highs all week, still below normal, but I'll take it. The light at the end of the arctic tunnel?

  4. I enjoyed this puzzle by Daniel Nierenberg, whose byline I have not seen before, and the writeup by Splynter. When I teach organic chemistry, we refer to C4H8 as butylene, and need the modifier "normal" or "iso" in front of it, since two isomers are possible. Not sure which isomer is the one in crude oil.

    Yesterday, March 6, was the birthday of one of my crossword constructor friends. A bunch of us researched some additional names sharing that birthday, and put together a puzzle that was jammed with theme material in both the grid and the clues. You may find Maazel Tov! by clicking on the link that I've just provided. After solving, go back to the first paragraph of our puzzle page, and have additional fun clicking on the numerous links found therein.

  5. Good morning!

    I was getting no traction in the NW, so I switched to the NE and then worked my way back around. Nice to see RETS again; it used to be a cw staple. MALLEUS didn't bother me -- I must've remembered it from the anatomy class I didn't take.

    I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't recognize the CANON PowerShot immediately. There's one sitting on my desk only two feet away.

    Splynter, you been watchin' 24 on Audience? I heard the lady President say, "Keep me APPRISEd," earlier this week.

    I knew it wasn't Doha; could it be NAHA? Aha!

    I'm not aware of the term "grinder" as a sandwich. Back in boot camp they had us out marching every day on this huge blacktop area known as the "Grinder" -- capital G. It was pleasant in the hot, mid-July, southern California sun. :(

  6. I think "grinder" as a submarine (sub) sandwich might be a New England regionalism. Here (where?) they're "subs" or "heros" (there's a local sub shop called "My Hero"). Down south they're po' boys (I think). Then there's "hoagies". Any others?

  7. Thanks Daniel and Splynter,

    I found this very doable for a Saturday with NAHA the only unknown.

    MALLEUS, INCUS and STAPES (hammer, anvil and stirrup) were all hammered into my brain.

    Grinders are very popular in New England, I recall how foolish I felt when I tried to order one after I moved to Florida.

    Rainy and mid eighties, enjoy the week end

  8. I also put down "butane" but gave it a mental "?". "Mallaus" didn't fit, but "malleus" sounded familiar.

    George Barany - Thanks for the puzzle! Fairly tough because of all those proper names, but you balanced that with the fill.

  9. Yep, at first I felt like Barry G. But then I slowly started filling in the SE, and worked my way back up north. I got lucky with some WAGS like HOARDER PUGET and MOLARS. I did know MALLEUS was the "hammer" bone, but also remembered the Latin term from the "MALLEUS Maleficarum" ("Hammer of the Witches").

    Splynter, the best street name I have ever heard of is Farfrompoopen Road in Arkansas.

  10. Splynter, does it have to be a real street somewhere? In my ute I thought it would be neat to live in Alaska in a log cabin on Ptarmigan Terrace.

  11. I'm flaming out this weekend. When I started my thought were that this is too easy for a Saturday. I haven't ween RETS or NAHA for a while, but 1A, 15A, & 17A fell immediately. I worked clockwise all the way around til I finished with SILENT & ENERO. 19A & 22A slayed me.

    I KID would not come to my brain, having never heard it before. 'I kid you not', I've heard, but not 'I kid'. I wanted RET or EST for the slip but RETs was already an answer and ESTimate would make 2D CLOSE IN, which would 'start work' but 'closed' was part of a clue for SILENT. DERN being an unknown didn't help but I guessed it.

    Other unknowns were the CLUES for URBAN II, HARE, ZOOT SUIT, HARE and JUNE. Answers were easy. I keep waiting for a clue to read 'Idol judge children' or something similar. All these 'pope-Roman numeral' clues are always perps.

    Hands up for the HOARDERS out there. Not me. I ditch everything. Can't stand clutter. If I haven't worn it in the last 12 months, it's gone.

  12. Barry G- inner ear bones- hammer, anvil, & stirrup- malleus, incus, & stapes.

    NAHA & RET ( for wet) were staples for crosswords for years, along with JAI ALAI.

    Mr. Barany-when I took Organic back in 1969, they had already changed fro ethylene, propylene,... to ethene, propene...

    But I've never heard antifreeze called 'ETHENE GLYCOL', only ETHYLENE.

  13. Splynter, now 'bout TCHOUPITOULAS street in New Orleans?

  14. ...I HATE auto correct.... I meant How 'bout. Now it's taken on much too much importance! Or is that FAR too much importance?

  15. 19A RCPT is the standard abbreviation for "receipt." I've never seen RCT.

  16. I'm sure nobody is coming to this blog for a chemistry lesson, but let me quickly address the point made by Big Easy (and kudos to him for having taken those classes in 1969, when I was still in high school; I taught my first college course in 1980).

    You're right about ethylene glycol, and how about the common plastic polyethylene? The "ene" suffix was introduced to make complicated molecules somewhat easier to name, but it is also always accompanied by a numeral to indicate the starting position of the double bond. Regardless of the "systematic" nomenclature rules, the simple and common chemical compounds invariably have so-called "trivial" names reflecting their common usage (much of which may predate any structural understanding, which only started in the mid-to-late 1800's).

    This wikipedia site is as good as any to get oriented, and if you are interested further, contact me off-blog via e-mail to and I can direct you (and others) to additional resources, some of which are absolutely hilarious.

  17. Good Morning:

    FIW for me due to butene/malleus. I can't say I enjoyed the solve but that's how it goes on Saturday.

    Thanks, Daniel,and Splynter for keeping us on our toes.

    Cold, no sun, but no snow.

    Have a great day.

  18. With very little after the first pass, was able to get a foot hold in the SW, then the SE, and moved up. Faster solve than a usual Saturday. Thanks, Daniel for a nice puzzle.

    Splynter - always a nice write-up.

  19. There are two streets in Lake Jackson Texas called "This Way" and the other is "That Way"

  20. A smooth and speedy Saturday solve. The clue leveret and fill NAHA were the only complete unknowns and required ESP. Remembered MALLEUS which changed BUTaNE. Very enjoyable puzzle, Mr. Nierenberg, thank you. And thank you, Splynter, for an entertaining expo.

  21. Nothing easy about this one for me. As difficult as a Silkie, but without as much familiarity of the constructors mind set. It beat me.

    I did manage most of it, but ultimately had to google for the L in Belas and let butane ride. So 2 bad cells. But it was a good challenge.

  22. Greetings, weekend worders!

    What? This was a Saturday puzzle? I loved it even though the E in BUTENE/MALLEUS beat me. Should have researched it.

    But the whole fill was nearly a sashay, especially the south where I really breezed through it.

    I was on PUGET Sound just last summer, taking a ferry to visit a friend. CASTILE, URBAN (waited to see which one)ENERO and Leveret were all givens. Leveret is vaguely related to the Spanish, liebre, hare.

    CSO to Dudley at JETFUEL.

    Agreed, RETS has been a crossword staple in the past.

    Thank you, Daniel and Splynter for a good time today. I'm trying to think of street names so I'll be back.

    Have a sensational Saturday, everyone!

  23. Good morning everyone.

    Not too hard for a Saturday. Got the E side without much hassle. Then the SW. COAL helped. The NW was stuck in neutral until did a triple Hail Mary WAG for CASTILE SET OUT, and CANON, and the rest filled in nicely. Held off on entering grass eater for Deer, until PLANT EATER was clear. Lots of interesting fill with B ELAS, BUTENE, and ANEMONE.
    CPO, UNDER SIEGE. Agree with Splynter; Liked the Chief Ryback role.

  24. In Carefree AZ there is a street named Ho and assert named Hum. They meet and become
    Also in Carefree is Here to There Dr.


  25. Kerrys, I'd bet you a dollar that Here to There Dr was hijacked from Cave Creek and Harold's. There's a song titled Man With the Big Hat that is set at Harold's Cave Creek Corral on the album Here to There by the country/folk duo Frummox (Steve Fromholz and Dan McCrimmon).

  26. Here's a clip of Man With the Big Hat with a picture of the album cover.

    It's a rare, almost cult status album. I've got some pretty rare things in my collection, but this is the one I'm proudest of.

  27. It took a while to get a break through in the SE corned (RAJAH/JET FUEL) and then off I went.

    -SMUT of two generations ago is now prime-time TV
    -One PLANT the deer like here is sweet corn
    -Where you don’t often see a RCT
    -Lift an apple from the floor to your waist requires one JOULE of energy
    -A giant that was fictional this time
    -I first thought that rain might fall in the PLAINS
    -Salish Sea is learning for me
    -A shortage of Whale OIL made petroleum very attractive a century ago
    -Time for a nap

  28. A hard challenge today.

    The south wasn't too bad. Filled that without a problem. The top, however was a white sea. I knew 1A was some sort of card, but 1D wouldn't come to me, and so I couldn't get the first letter.


    I also thought PUNCHIN at first, and wanted POP instead of UNI. Never would have thought of PLANTEATER..Too generic.

    ZOOTSUIT is a fun word to say. Makes me think of Betty Boop. Don't know why.

    When I lived in Brooklyn, NY, I lived on a street called Croton Loop. It is not an unusual name, but had a large significance to me. Crotons are my favorite flowers. Secondly, this was the last place I lived where my sister, mother, father, and two best friends all resided closeby. Alas, after moving to Florida, they shortly were all gone. The name recalls fond memories.

    Don't forget to put your clock ahead. DST starts at 2AM Sunday morning. If you don't want to miss the hour of sleep, retire one hour earlier. I will.

    Enjoy your weekend. Stay happy and healthy.

  29. No cigar - the SW had me stumped!

    Serves me right for yesterday's toughie :)

  30. I managed to solve the bottom half of this puzzle, but almost none of the top.
    Splynter, thanks for the write-up. I learned a lot today.
    My father loved to woodwork and made many items for his daughter, me. (You would be great at it too!)
    My avatar is me with a few things he built. Years later I had him built similar items for my sons. There were sturdy stools instead of dainty chairs & workbench instead of kitchen but he loved to make them all.


  31. Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Daniel Nierenberg, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Splynter, for a fine review.

    As Saturdays go, this one worked much better for me. I actually finished. About 3 hours and 6 cups of tea (Earl Grey, of course).

    I did make one uncorrected mistake. I had BUTANE/MALLAUS. So, DNF. However, I had a lot of fun. Maybe I should start using the IPad again. At least you know when you have an error.

    My big inkblot was writing in STICKY NOTE for 17A. Fixed that to POST IT NOTE after a bit. I use those daily. Love them.

    Wanted MY LORD for 48A. Would not work so I waited for MY HERO.

    SECONDS was easy. I am in many meetings where a Motion is made and someone Seconds the Motion. Then after discussion, the Motion is usually Carried and So Ordered.

    This morning is the first one in a long time where at the time I got up it was above freezing. Maybe spring is around the corner. Daylight Savings Time is. Tonight!

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  32. Ave Joe, I listened to the song in your link twice. You can still find 'working cowboys' in Montana. 4-wheelers have taken over most of the range and herd work, though.
    (Side note: Homeland Security guys sure have some monster size, camouflage colored, 4-wheelers to patrol border area with. They show them off in local parades.)

    Every year before Labor Day, there is a week long wagon train in my county. Lots of people have wagons and horses, so they take a different trail each year and live like their ancestors did.
    LOTS of cowboys out there. No motorized vehicles allowed.

    Many locals will go out after work for the campfire gatherings but back home to sleep for work the next day.


  33. Ave Joe,
    That was me, Montana, writing the post about cowboys and your link. I don't know why it says I am Anonymous?


  34. Re: Croton Loop: It looks like Starrett City, Brooklyn, can trace some of its design elements to Parkchester, in the Bronx (where I grew up).

    Learning moment: I didn't know "croton" was a flower. My first thought would have been the Croton Reservoir.

  35. Hi all!

    This was my best Sat ever! Oh, DNF for sure, but I got more today than I've ever sussed on a Sat. Thank you Mr. Niernberg (mmm, no H in that burgh Steve).

    Thanks Splynter for helping me w/ 12 & 13d, I stood no chance against 16, 18, nor 21a even w/ 11 & 13, & 14d in place. TITT.

    ZOOT SUIT was my first inked c/a - The kids & I love that "Smokin'!" movie. Everything branched from there except for the afore mentioned I've APPRISEd you of.

    Re: sammiches - I think of Grinders as hot meat & sauce like a Philly Cheesesteak, Meatball, steak & peppers, etc. Subs / HEROs are cold but on the same bread. Po' Boys are fried seafood and best in S. LA.

    Abejo - I too tried sticky NOTE. I have 'em all over the place and love when I can finally throw a list fully lined out away.

    Splynter - for street names you can't beat Kuykendahl, pronounced Kir - ken- daul (help D-O), here in Houston (not pronounced House-ton).

    I'm w/ H-G. I'm going to reclaim my DST hour with nap time soon.

    Cheers, -T

  36. morning all -

    typical saturday, tough but enjoyable and lots of learning moments!

    i giggled at UNIcorn as it was definitely not coming to me until perps filled in U--. and i loved seeing "sweet!" cluing RAD! just about everything was rad and bi***in' (is that smut? i censored it anyway) when i was growing up.

    @billG from last night: no i don't think the dodgers will be available through the other cable companies this year. its really sad when 70% of the fan base cannot watch their team. no one is winning with this standoff. living in missouri with the MLB package through directv, i saw every game last season. my mother called to get the mlb package in Vegas and was told since she lives in the viewing area, the games are blacked out even though she can't watch them (TWC isn't even available there). it makes no sense. i think the angels are appreciating all the new fans they are gaining through this. and the dodgers had more sold out games than i think any other team last season, so maybe ticket sales are driving their decision to stay out of the fight. anyway, here is the last article i read about the mess and it doesn't look promising.

    hope you all are enjoying your weekend!


  37. Montana - I missed your post re: cowboys. It's Rodeo Time here in Houston. Many times I've been stuck on 288 (a freeway) or Memorial Drive behind horse-drawn covered wagons streaming into Houston. Rodeo happens this time every year - we think it's the biggest in the world 'cuz everything's bigger in TX! And yes, these guys are real cowboys - they start young (6ish?) with mutton bustin' (which is cute to watch).

    Cheers, -T

  38. Funny, I'm currently watching a episode of "American Eats" titled "History on a Bun" on The History Channel". They've covered it all From hamburgers to pb&js to Ruebens to, you guessed it, grinders. They say grinders came first and were so named because one had to really chew hard, or grind, through the hard crusty bread and piled high meat. Then a local shop received a standing order for 500 sandwiches a day from a local shipyard that built the submarines for the U.S. Navy. Thus, the sub was born. Later, a restaurant in Louisiana helped to feed some workers during a labor strike and renamed the food the po' boy. Heroes and other references followed.

  39. Splynter, Sunday Drive is good. There's a tennis nabe near me: I like Tennis Court, Margaret Court, Clay Ct., Grass Ct., and Game Set Way. The tennis courts are long gone but the street names remain.
    Oh, the puzzle! Record time for a Saturday puzzle, 30 minutes. I think it helps to solve them when you're mentally alert. There were a lot of stuff I didn't know or couldn't remember, but most of all I noticed at least 12 answers with two words and I'm not sure what the average number is? HUNG AROUND, UNDER SIEGE, MY HERO, CLOCK IN, PLANT EATER, ACCESS CARD, ZOOT SUIT, and at least five others, plus some hyphenated ones. Maybe I am just over-caffeinated this morning and noticing things I should have noted long ago.

    BarryG, Thumper speaks very highly of YOU.

    Oh, in Canada you can replace the street suffix, Court, with Crescent, and I'm not sure how that got started. Never see it here. Pillsbury Crescent? Nah. Maybe CanadaEh will weigh in. AvgJoe comes in contact with a lot of cute courts, no doubt.

  40. Got 'em all, but didn't get that good feeling... Wonder why it just felt like work. I wasn't sure about RETS, but if it's OK with Splynter, it's golden with me. Never heard of ROSE CUT but there are lots of things I dunno about diamonds.
    I wondered between GRANADA and CASTILE, but in the end went with the lucky province...

  41. I very much doubt that the "sub" got its name because it was served to shipyard workers building submarines. Rather, it was named because of its shape.

    See Wikipedia for more fun facts.

  42. Hey Earl, I don't think either of our sources are 100% reliable. But of course the show I just finished watching is on youtube. Watch video here. If you click the circle on the timeline and drag it to 1:03:40, you'll see my claim.

    Spitzboov, are you familiar with those shipyards?

  43. Cute street name. The Catholic Church in Hilton head Sc is on Pope avenue

  44. Hi again~!

    Thanks for all the input on & off the blog for some great street names - I think I might just use "Farfromwinnin" for the one furthest from the finish line, HeartRx~!

    I have heard of Croton on Hudson. Grew up around some uninspired names; a "forest" section with Antler, Fawn, Longbow, Trapper; a "Biblical" section with Joan, Jonas, Rosemary, & Simon; I plan to make my one "apartment" section castle references - moat, rampart, drawbridge.

    Actually, D-Otto, I was watching Survivorman, and he was being taken out of the wlderness due to an emergency, and he asked to be "apprised" of the situation


  45. J Schwartz @ 1447 - I've been to shipyards, but not Groton's on your video. I have toured the Nautilus at the Museum in Groton.

  46. All this sandwich yum-yum talk got me to thinking that I failed to mention the Muffaletta which is in a class of its own. BTW, the picture shown is just 1/4 of the sammich you ordered.

    On our way from NOLA last year we ordered one at Central Market and picnicked on it at Oak Alley on our trip back to HOU. The kids should remember that for a spell.

    Splynter - let us know when your game goes to market or if you need Beta testers. I've got teen girls that will tell you what they think (even when I don't want to hear it!)

    Cheers, -T

  47. Rainman, the streets of Lincoln are all very uninspired, IMO. Nothing that I can think of that's humorous or interesting. After all, the main drag though the city is "O" St. But some of us call it Zero St. Another often renamed one is Normal Blvd.... To Abnormal:-)

    The only thing I can think of that's partially official and mildly amusing is on a flood map, but its an error. Instead of Briarpark Dr, FEMA called it Briarpork.

  48. This was hard for me and once again I had to play at "novice" level. Splynter, thanks for your writeup.

  49. After a few flights of fancy, a couple of ideas for street/place names occurred to me.

    I'd have a hard time resisting Kangaroo Ct. And if there was any waterfront property, maybe Dokatha Bay.

  50. Hi again~!

    I like Dokatha Bay, Joe~!

    Personally, I like having opposing 'courts' that are "Arock" and Hard Place

    Anon-T, will do~! I am pushing myself to have a playable prototype done by next weekend.


  51. Thank you Daniel and Splynter.

    Blast that NE corner! I had the bread slices of SHEETS AND TEASETS, but just could not fill in the baloney, and I DO MEAN baloney, of MALLEUS and URBANII. Otherwise, it was a day-long adventure of finding a grip in the lower corners and working my way up until only those two remained.

  52. Smooth sailing, especially compared to silkie-not-so-smooth Saturdays.

    I thought for sure ZOOTSUIT would turn out to be wrong.

    TMEN was a grating non standard abbreviation as was RCT. Not knowing NAHA, the N remained my only red letter.

    The cluing for "much" was a bridge too FAR for me.

    HARE for Leveret's was a learning moment afterwards as was ERSE for a Gaelic language.

    I really wanted SHEETS to be PLAINS. 'enry 'iggins would've approved.

    Disappointed that there's no theme for all those long fills.


  53. Splynter]
    I always enjoy reading your write ups and today was no exception.... :) thanx.... just wanted to add my 2 cents to street names.... where I lived in nevada the street behind me was called Six Shooter.... good luck with your project....

    Managed to crawl thru the puzzle with red letters to guide me.... but I forced myself to finish.... :)

    My very best to you all and wishing a speedy recovery to HG and Yellowrocks....


  54. Am I the only one in the world who entered DYING for TERMINAL?

  55. Anon@1:25 - hard to say; let's ask the other 6,999,999,998... :-)

    I had ZOOT SUIT leading to OPTS and ATOMIZE. BOOM!, DEPOT and BUTTERY cookies. Somehow, even with shortbread, we DEVIATEd to sandwiches. Put the two ideas together and we get an Xword staple - Oreo. I'm hungry again...

    Cheers, -T

  56. "Puzzling thoughts"

    Thanks for the SO C.C.!


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