, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday March 1, 2015 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 1, 2015

Sunday March 1, 2015 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Theme:  "Say What?" -  The spoken phrase in each clue modifies the first word of each theme answer & serves as an example of the whole theme answer. 

22A. "I got a C" : PASSING COMMENT. In my school days, it's 60.

37A. "Edison was born in 1847 and died in 1931" : LIFE SENTENCE

67A. "This is my fishing spot--please find your own" : BANK STATEMENT. Barry G loves fishing. But he's too polite to utter that statement.

96A. "Heart, liver, kidneys, ... " : ORGAN RECITAL

117A. "I survived boot camp!" : PRIVATE MESSAGE. Love the clue/answer.

16D. "That's the worst synopsis I've ever read!" : SUMMARY JUDGMENT

45D. "Do you know how to copy this disk?" : BURNING QUESTION

Fun theme. I like Sundays when the theme answers are all solid in the language and the clues play a major part in the gimmick.

Nice theme placement also. Those top/bottom 6/7 breaks are not easy to fill in cleanly.


1. Prohibition specifics : TABOOS. And18D. Prohibition notable : NESS (Eliot). Clue echo.

7. Embodiment : EPITOME. My first Across fill.

14. Bad flareup? : ARSON. Great clue. Was thinking of arthritic flare-up.

19. Yukon neighbor : ALASKA

20. Supermodel Schiffer : CLAUDIA. The iconic Guess girl.

21. Ring bearer, often : SPOUSE. Another great clue.

24. Causes for pauses : COMMAS. Rhyming clue.

25. Bordeaux bud : AMI

26. End of a series, briefly : ET AL

27. Worldwide cultural org. : UNESCO

29. Adams and Grant : AMYs

30. Fish order : SOLE

32. Exeter exams : A-LEVELS. Got via crosses.

35. 1986 rock autobiography : I, TINA. Big gimme for all crossword vets.

41. Bases for deviation : NORMS

44. Put up with : ABIDE

46. '80s IBM models : XTs. No idea.

47. Eagle-eyed raptors : ERNES

49. Word from a pro : YEA. The "in favor of" pro.

50. Rig : TRUCK

51. C-ration successors : MREs

53. __ set : JET

54. Obstacle to progress : LOGJAM

56. Atmospheric prefix : AERI. Always want AERO.

57. French for "under" : SOUS. Underground: Sous terre.

58. Tries to buy, on eBay : BIDS ON

60. Arrivals at home? : RUNS. Home plate.

61. Bach choral works : CANTATAS

63. Market order : SELL

64. Worked (up) : RILED

66. Govt. assistance program : SSI

70. Econ. yardstick : GNP. No GDP error today due to the easy NANOS (71D. Some iPods).

73. North of Nogales : NORTE. Same root.

75. Hammer sites : EARS. Nailed it.

76. Grade school exhibits : DIORAMAS

78. They're deliberately broken so they can be fixed : EGGS. I love banana egg pancakes.

80. Oft-swiped item : ID CARD

82. Vicious and others : SIDs

83. Little houses on the prairie : PENS. All crosses. Clever clue also.

84. Kitchen toppers : TOQUES

86. Gator tail? : ADE. Gatorade.

87. Hairy "pet" : CHIA. So, do any of you eat Chia seeds?

88. "Ready __ ... " : OR NOT

89. R&B group __ Hill : DRU

90. Start to foam? : STYRO. Styrofoam.

92. White wine apéritif : KIR

93. FDR and JFK : INITS. Tricky clue. Makes you think of DEMS

94. Moves very slowly : SEEPS

100. Farm call : SOOEY

102. StubHub offerings : TICKETS. Husker Gary buys concert tickets from StubHub.

103. Actress Gilbert of "The Big Bang Theory" : SARA

107. Riga resident : LETT

109. Pinpoint : LOCATE

112. "Let __ There": Newton-John hit : ME BE. Not familiar with the song.

114. Price __ : WAR

115. Panini cheese : ASIAGO.  And 15D. It's often grated : ROMANO

121. Exactly right : SPOT ON

122. Control on a wing : AILERON. For Dudley.

123. Just-in-case items : SPARES

124. Ecclesiastical council : SYNOD

125. Weatherproofing application : SEALANT

126. City where the Alcázar is located : TOLEDO. Lucina might have visited this place.


1. Salamanca snacks : TAPAS

2. Memorable shrine : ALAMO

3. Pho soup garnish : BASIL. I don't like basil at all.

4. Org. that employed Julia Child during WWII : OSS. She graduated from Smith College. OSS employees were mostly from prestigious colleges those days. 

5. Steinbeck's Tom Joad, e.g. : OKIE

6. Capital east of Gallup : SANTA FE. Never heard of Gallup, NM. What's it famous for, Owen?

7. "Turn! Turn! Turn!" source: Abbr. : ECCLES. No idea.

8. Gaza Strip gp. : PLO

9. "Who __": 2001 #1 country hit : I AM. Unfamiliar to me also. I don't like country songs.

10. Uproars : TUMULTS

11. Danish seaport : ODENSE

12. "Battle Hymn of the Republic" possessive : MINE. Was it gimme for you? I was stumped.

13. Wolfs down : EATS

14. Pvt. address : APO

17. Anthem opener : O SAY

21. Alexander Graham Bell, e.g. : SCOT

23. Major blow : GALE

28. Diez squared : CIEN. Diez = 10.  Dix in French.

31. Draw out : ELICIT

33. Aggravates : VEXES

34. Frodo's forest friends : ENTS

36. Words before many words : IN SO.  Far trickier a clue than " ___  many words".

38. Texting shrug : IDK. I Don't Know.

39. Space __ : NEEDLE

40. Increasingly rare screens : CRTS

42. Average : MEAN

43. Shopping club : SAM'S

44. Gray ones are debatable : AREAS. Gray areas.

48. Causes of unusual weather : EL NINOs. It's plurable, D-Otto?

50. Tic __ : TACs

51. Sounded like the wind : MOANED

52. '60s secretary of state : RUSK (Dean). JFK era.

53. Leaves painfully : JILTS. Not an easy clue for me.

55. LSAT cousin : GRE

57. Supporter of a strong, centralized government : STATIST. New word to me.

58. What a sports star may sport : BEARD

59. Company founded by Gem State brothers : ORE-IDA. I did not know this trivia. 

62. Condensed, condensed : ABR (Abridged). The second "condensed" indicates abbr.

63. Gawk : STARE

65. Paper size: Abbr. : LTR

68. Salt : SEA DOG

69. 16th-century date : MDII. 1502.

72. Head-turner of a sort : PSST

74. The Cowboys of the Big 12: Abbr. : OSU. Oklahoma State.

77. March followers : APRILS

78. SFO postings : ETDs

79. Quayle follower : GORE. VP.

81. Vocalist Vikki : CARR

82. Green 2001 title hero : SHREK. Easily obtainable via crosses.

85. Canadian pump name : ESSO

87. Pub. concern : CIRC. Circulation. Pub is for "Publisher" I suppose.

88. "Bird-Wire" link : ON A. Bird on a wire.

91. It has a string attached : YO-YO

92. Big name in stunt jumping : KNIEVEL

93. "We did the right thing" : IT'S BEST. Not a phrase I used.

95. Chip source : POTATO

97. Number one Hun : ATTILA. We learned a lot about Genghis Khan in school. Somehow not Attila the Hun.

98. Binding material : CEMENT

99. Column couple : ITEM. Oh, newspaper columns.

101. Tar Heel State campus : ELON

104. Tuned in : AWARE

105. Flowed furiously : RAGED

106. Sandbox rebuttal : ARE SO

107. Girl : LASS

108. Jimmy V Award for Perseverance, e.g. : ESPY. Never heard of  Jimmy V.

110. Bk. reviewers? : CPAS. I nailed it also.

111. Singer India.__ : ARIE

113. Old Bruin nickname : ESPO. Phil Esposito.

116. Word on U.S. coins : GOD

118. Celestial altar : ARA

119. Gross __ : TON

120. Muppet monkey Minella : SAL. Stranger to me also.



  1. There once was a politician (and still may be now)
    Who would always attest, or aver, or avow.
    An oath he would swear to.
    (No sin was he heir to!)
    So we knew he was lying from toe to eyebrow!

    That used the theme of today's puzzle, but crosswordese instead of any of the actual entries. So here's a second try. And yes, that's an actual word -- I looked it up to make sure it really existed.

    Whenever the husband would make a mild COMMENT
    His wife would respond with a contrary STATEMENT.
    Could pass without dissentience --
    "Justified homicide": the all-male jury's JUDGEMENT!

  2. Well, needed red letters on this one, all down south. Didn't know ELON or ARIE, couldn't spell AILERON or KNIEVEL, and until I had those, couldn't figure out LOCATE or CPAS.

    First try: Ring bearer, often: HOBBIT.

    Gallup? It's got some pretty nasty DWI stats. Not much else except desert scenery.

    Turn, turn, turn is from a song based on Ecclesiastes 3:1.

  3. Morning, all!

    What a delightful puzzle! I figured out what was going on almost immediately, despite the fact that I kept guessing the phrases wrong (I initially tried PASSING REMARK and SUMMARY STATEMENT, for example).

    A little bit of weirdness here and there, of course. I couldn't believe, for example, that there really was a Muppet named after a form of food poisoning. And ITS BEST just seemed odd without FOR THE in the middle.

    Everything else was pretty much in my wheelhouse today, either from past puzzles (I'm looking at you, ARIE) or my own general knowledge. I knew The Byrd's song was based on a passage in Ecclesiastes. I knew that ORE-IDA is short for OREGON-IDAHO and that IDAHO is called "the Gem State."

    On the other hand, I did not know the song with MEBE in it or Mr. RUSK, but the perps took care of them easily.

  4. Hello Puzzlers -

    Pretty much WBS. I caught onto the the theme right away but needed lots of perps to see the theme answers. Ara was remembered from past puzzles, Arie most definitely was not.

    Morning, C.C.! Aileron was pretty easy all right, but since it's a technical word I've known for ages, I have no sense of how familiar it is to the public. As to the IBM computers, when the first models came out, they were called PC for Personal Computer. The next model offered was a PC-XT, for Extended Technology (it had a hard disk). Then came the PC-AT. After that I've lost track.

  5. Good morning, and may the Lion of winter be roaring at your doorstep!

    I found this one to be a slog. I kept asking myself, "Is this almost finished?" And just when I was about to wrap things up, I entered PRIVATE MEMOIRE and progress came to a halt. Only after I applied a generous dab of Wite-Out was I able to see the perps in all their glory.

    I don't speak Spanish, C.C., but I'd think the "EL" would need to change to make it plurable. :) Something like LOS NINOS, maybe? Of course, we're looking at the in-the-English-language EL NINO, so just add an S and move on.

    The name SARA Gilbert didn't ring a bell for TBBT -- had to go to Mr. G. Aha, she occasionally appears as Leslie Winkle.

    I think Gallup's claim to fame is its appearance in the song Route 66.

  6. The Week in Review: M 4:25 T 5:18 W 7:17 T 11:31 F 20:14 S 12:20 S 36:22

    As others have observed, Friday's puzzle was more difficult than Saturday's Silkie. There were a lot of empty squares in the middle and I despaired of coming up with the unknown title of James Brown's autobiography until it dawned on me that it might be the well-known title of one his songs. The "TaDa!" sounded a few minutes later (though it then took me a few seconds to decipher the slash-less HESHE).

    I spent nearly half the time today on a typo-hunt. I didn't know DRU Hill but figured the perp had to be either ETAS or ETDS. Neither seemed to work so I had to look elsewhere. Turns out I had entered AERO early without fixing it after ELICOT appeared.

    Last month turned out to be the coldest February on record here in the mid-Hudson valley, ending with a record (for the date) low of -7°F. More snow is on the way but we may have seen the last of sub-zero temps. Maybe.

    See y'all next Sunday, when Daylight Saving Time begins.

  7. This took me longer than Saturday's puzzle, but the themes and clues were so enjoyable I gladly kept at it until I succeeded.
    I see ECCLES is a legit abbreviation, but I didn't recognize it after I wrote it.
    Busy day. See you later.

  8. Rabbit, rabbit!

    What a fun puzzle! Thanks for the comments, C.C. I noticed a lot of CSOs today, as you mentioned.

    I stumbled a bit on the spelling of AILERON - for some reason, I always want an extra "I" after the "R." Hmmph - I bet Dudley filled that one in without a second thought.

    But my favorite fill was SAL Minella - a play on the salmonella bacteria. I'm not sure what the connection is to the monkey muppet, though!

    March will be coming in like a lion later today, so I had better get out and do my errands before the craziness. Have a great day, everyone!

  9. Good morning. I almost finished this one, but since I never went to a British school A LEVELS never entered my mind. Why, even though I helped develop programs for pharmacies to go from manual to computer in the early 80s on IBM PCs and personally sold hundreds of them (not IBM brand- too expensive) to drugstores, I never heard of the XT model. MS DOS vs. PC DOS- Microsoft platform won.

    But on to the solving. I liked the theme with the first halves being easy to guess. I had a lot of trouble in the SE not knowing ME BE, SAL,ESPO, SARA, India ARIE and not sure about the spelling of AILERON, a French word along with Diez and CIEN.

    I really don't get the 'YEA', it just doesn't make any sense to me. IDK- I didn't know- I thought it meant "I don't care". DRU- any rap group, song, or singer will always be filled by the crosses. I hate it when thugs pull up next to me with their trash playing at 100 decibels. So I just blow the car's horn until the light changes. Don't get mad, get even.

    So in the end, it was a DNF due to a missing V & X.

  10. Good Morning--both as a greeting and an assessment of today's puzzle. Thanks, Pamela.

    I never found the theme until after several passes when the perps gave me PASSING COMMENT. Still, I toiled but the solves were fun. I liked the cluing for COMMAS and EGGS. I had Unicef before UNESCO. I knew CRTS but I wanted pcs for XTS.

    Thanks, C.C. for the expo. Have a pleasant Sunday.

    Have a

  11. Pros and cons = yeas and nays

  12. Hospital Musings
    -“A 3 hour tour, A 3 hour tour…” Like Gilligan that was how long my procedure was to have taken but it turned out to be 8 hrs. There was more junk than they thought but I am on the mend. Thanks again for the support. Back to sleep. Love ‘ya all!

  13. 7D Eccles - Turn Turn Turn is a song written by Pete Seeger performed by The Byrd's and inspired by the Bible verses 1 thru 8 in Ecclesiastes chapter 3

  14. Husker, good to hear that you made it through. Eight hours? Geez, that surgeon is going to bill you overtime!

    I bet this will refresh the memory for those of you who don't remember Olivia Newton-Johns' Let Me Be There. Not a great song, but memorable. Note, the audio doesn't begin until 0:23.

  15. CREDIT CARDS are often swiped; but, ID CARDS?

    PENS are little houses on the prairie? Wheat is grown on prairies, not hogs. You'll find pig pens where corn is grown – Indiana and Iowa.

    And, only a sports star sports a BEARD? What about rock musicians? Hippies? Abe Lincoln?

  16. Anon@10:08 -- Employee ID cards are often "swiped" to gain access to the building, or even access another floor.

  17. WEES. Same LOGJAMS and AHA moments as everyone else. Re. 83a.: Can someone please explain to me how a roofless pen becomes a "little house" which by my definition has a roof? And what does "on the prairie" have to do with anything? A pen/sty/corral is an enclosure where ever it is located, no?

    Good theme, cute theme clues and fill. Thanks Pamela for a delightful puzzle and C.C. for an entertaining expo.

    HuskerGary, good to hear from you. 8 hrs. of surgery?! Good Lord! Here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.


  18. C.C. - Jimmy Valvano - Jimmy V - was a college basketball player and coach. He passed away from cancer in 1993 a few weeks after giving this speech at the ESPY awards. His foundation has raised millions for cancer research. If you've not seen the speech it's wonderful.

  19. Agree on PENS as a home, even for pig, on the prairie.

    Jimmy V was Jim Valvano, former coach of North Carolina State, who was dying of bone cancer when he gave a speech urging "Don't Give Up...Don't Ever Give Up", for which the ESPYs are dedicated.

    It may be Lord of the Rings nerdness to point it out, but Frodo never met the Ents except briefly on his trip home; Merry and Pippin spent considerable time with them.

  20. Someone stated that they could not understand the reason people would post before reading the comments...

    This Sunday puzzle may take me all day, I have much to do. But I could not wait to share what I had found...

    I have had similar wiring problems, but not to this extent...

    Simply amazing...

  21. Very enjoyable theme today. After getting the first two theme answers, I knew the unifying idea had something to do with speech or words. Made figuring the others out a little easier.

    I remember my mother helping me with my school dioramas using shoeboxes. Brought back fond memories.

    Used to love growing the greens on my CHIA PET. Are they still popular nowadays?

    Well, March is upon us. Soon another winter will be just a bad memory for those of you that suffered. Then complaining about the heat will shortly begin.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  22. billocohoes @ 10:55 The clue for 83a. states "Little houses on the prairie", not little homes. And as Dionne Warwick and Luther Van Dross taught us "A House Is Not A Home". I stand by my nit.

  23. Good Morning:

    Not knowing Gallup, having O Levels somewhere in my memory, and not parsing Santa Fe, gave me Santofe, (which looked reasonable) all led to a big, fat FIW. Ack!

    Anyway, it was a fun run, Pam, and thanks, CC, for guiding us along.

    Good to hear from you, Gary. Hope you're up and at 'em soon.

    Cold, windy, and snowing. What else is new?

    Happy March 1st and have a great day.

  24. Good morning everyone.

    Enjoyed getting the theme fill. Here and there a head scratcher. Some WAGS like ECCLES, ASIAGO, and AILERON. I've seen STATIST before.
    52d RUSK - I believe Dean Rusk served throught the LBJ tenure as well as JFK.
    28d - CIEN. I knew we were going for 100 in Spanish, probably starting with 'C' but had to rely on perps.
    94a - SEEPS. Did not like the clues for the fill involved. Didn't feel the context meshed.
    Glaciers move slowly but they don't 'seep'.

  25. "Turn, Turn, Turn" song by The Byrds from Ecclesiastes in the Bible; "To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn..."

  26. HG, I wish you a speedy recovery.

    I actually taught a kid named Sal Minella or Minnelli IDK which. There was also Dustin Glass and Anjul Sang, whom my colleague called Angel Sang. Once we had a new ESL student called Fook Wu whose name provoked gales of laughter which embarrassed him. He soon adopted an American first name.

    Today I liked that the second part of each theme answer was a form of vocalization referring to the quotes in the clues: comment, sentence,statement, recital,message,question, and judgment. Very clever.

    Fog creeps, seeps, and moves slowly into every crevice.

    Snowing again. Drat!


    Irish Miss: you flubbed the SO to me? :(

    "little houses" or "prairie" must have some meaning we're not catching here.

    billocohoes: glad I wasn't the only one bugged by linking Frodo and Ents.

    Anon@10:08: You've never watched a spy show where ID cards had to be swiped for admission? My wife needs one at her job, and she works at a public library!

    OTOH, I completely agree that equating sports stars with beards is ludicrous, I think they're generally more clean-shaven than the norm!

  28. Greetings!

    Thanks to Pamela and CC!

    Theme very cute!

    Finished w/o help! But, a rather long slog!

    Had same nits mentioned above.

    Welcome back, Gary!

    CC: "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..." (First line of the song. A gimme for this old timer.)

    Rained like hell last night.


  29. Oh - and congratulations to C.C. and JzB for their "Orca" nomination in the "Best Easy Crossword" category for their August 5th "slide" collaboration!

  30. RIP Minnie Minoso. A great talent and greater man.

  31. Re: 58. What a sports star may sport : BEARD

    For the non-sports enthusiast. Many athletes are a stuperstitious lot. Golfers have lucky socks or clubs. High school teams have team meals with the usual fare because "that's what we always eat." I think maybe hockey players may have started the playoff BEARD. When the playoffs begin the shaving stops as not to bring bad mojo. And since those playoffs last forever, their beards can become newsworthy. A couple years ago the Boston Red Sox baseball team stopped shaving until they won the World Series. They had the rally cry, Fear The Beard!

  32. Enjoyed this puzzle very much. Fun clues and nifty fill. I like Pamela Klawitter's work.

  33. p.s. Its always funny when a fresh faced young rookie has trouble producing his whiskers and gets teased by teammates and fans alike.

  34. Knew Gallup from reading many of Tony Hillerman's novels; the stories are set in the Navajo reservation in the Four Corners area.

    I laughed at Little houses on the prairie not because of the answer but because it is a play on the Laura Ingalls Wilder books.

    Eat Chia seeds? You can eat them???

    Sometimes I am my wife's sous chef, sometimes she is mine. Nice to take turns.

    Didn't know ODENSE is a seaport; I thought it was inland. Heck, damn near everywhere in Denmark is coastal :)

    Some of my cousins have the last name ECCLES.

    I don't think IBM made a personal computer after the AT.

  35. CHIA and BEARD link ala CrossEyed Dave!

    Link numer two

  36. Back to the Corner after some time in the sunny , warm Caribbean! Spent some time on the flight home looking at an AILIRON but didn't know it was called that.

    We like to think of Alexander Graham Bell as Canadian because of his time in Brantford, Ontario and Baddeck, Nova Scotia, but he was American also.

    I wanted APRONS for kitchen toppers as my TOQUES are needed outside for the frigid weather.

  37. It is interesting that IAM and AILERON are in the same puzzle. After selling Iams Pet Foods to Proctor & Gamble for 2.3 Billion, Clay Mathile, in order to "give back" to the business community, established Aileron, using the metaphor of controlling flight just miles from where the Wright Bothers perfected powered flight and received U.S. Patent 821393.

    Here is a nice article from the New York Times describing the experience I was lucky enough to have at the beautiful campus.

  38. Gary,
    Good to hear you are on the mend. 8 he's! Wow.

  39. HG, I was so relieved to see you check in. Get better soon!

  40. OwenKL @ 12:34 - I not only flubbed your CSO, I really thought there could be a city or place called Santofe! I think maybe the unrelenting cold weather caused my brain to freeze over. 😒

  41. Anyone else fall into the trap of EGOS instead of EGGS or was that just me...?

  42. Congratulations to CC and JzB for their Orca nomination and thanks to Steve for sharing that news with us.

  43. Hunter York @ 4:08 pm

    I had entered EGOS which led to YES OR NO QUESTION at 45D.

  44. I learned 3 things from the puzzle today:

    Alexander Graham Bell was a Scot.

    What Kitchen Toques are. (had to Google image, dictionary was no help at all.)

    & Jimmys 1993 ESPY Speech! (Thank you Steve @ 10:51, not to be missed!)

    HG! Get well soon! (I need my daily fix of your posts & links!)

    Anon@1:32 (I wish I had thought of that!)

  45. It was supposed to be showery off and on this weekend but the Doppler map doesn't show anything threatening nearby so maybe I'll be able to get in a short bike ride.

    Grumblings: Growing up, I don't remember food being faddish but they sometimes are now. My son's girlfriend (we really like her) showed up with a bottle of coconut water at the ready. First, I don't think a short visit with us will dehydrate her and we do have decent tap water and ice close by. There's nothing wrong with her coconut water but I don't get the appeal. I think clutching a bottle of hydration fluid has gotten to be a trendy habit these days.
    And why gluten free as a selling point? Unless one has celiac disease, I can't find any health reason to avoid gluten. But it's being hyped as a health benefit by some. Just an advertising ploy?

    Gary, I've been thinking about you. I hope all continues to go well. Please stay in touch.

  46. Gary, you put me to shame by posting from the hospital. (I can't seem to stay awake long enough to post on most days. I'm going for my 3rd sleep study test next Wednesday.) Will this surgery relieve pain in the long run? I hope you will still be able to enjoy your favorite foods since I understand it was major intestinal surgery, even though you have made light of it? Hope this RN is not asking too many questions. Please get better soon. I look forward to your musings.

    I really liked today theme and chuckled several times at the answers.

    YR, I also had some interesting student's names also. Holly Wood, Autumn Frost, Jack Frost,Jack Ashe, etc. Celebs seem to be taking unusual names to a new level lately.

  47. Let me add my anks to Gary for checking in. I sincerely hope that the recovery is swift.

    Blue Iris, I've met a Holly Wood personally (last name by marriage)' and there's a guy on local TV named Jack Frost. Also, a local Bob White. But I think the most distinctive name I've encountered was the wife of Harvey Day. His wife's given birth name and middle initial was Apple A. I'm as serious as a train wreck. Apple A Day. Then, they named their 3 kids Dusty, Sunny and Stormy. You just can't make this stuff up.

    Enjoyed the puzzle a lot. WEES. Also enjoyed the day-old NYT Sunday puzzle today.

  48. I pictured a chicken coop on the prairie.

  49. My compliments to all who finished this unaided. Without the help of Google, I would've had no chance at completing it.

    BIll G., my goodness, you continually amaze me with what a pill you are! Focus on the good things in life and stop complaining about the trivial. Life is too short, especially to whine about things like not being freebied extra cheese.

  50. DNF today due to distractions but I liked the puzzle and theme as well as the layout. I had gone to crossword from an old link herein and saw the Orcas awards. Waytogo on your nomination, C.C. and Ron. Looking forward to finding your SLIDE puzzle and solving it.

    The answer of YUKON today made me reflect back to 17 years ago and my quest to visit all 50 states. I still had not gone to Alaska. So I flew to Juneau, etc., rented a car in Skagway from Rent-a-wreck just after Labor Day, 1997, not realizing that the "good" rental cars are returned southward for the cold weather period. You probably guessed it: no heater in the car. Fortunately, it was 50 F, warm enough to survive, but it was a miserable drive to Whitehorse and back. Beautiful drive, though. Recommend it.

    Gary, glad you are getting some good rest.

    Thanks, C.C.

  51. Something I saw this morning that i thought you might like...

    I especially like the ice water challenge...

  52. Another Zach King video, but depicting Kitties as Nazis? Totally unbelievable.

  53. Didn't have time to play today said...

    HG - God Speed my eFriend! I look forward to your musings, subbing mayhem, and golf "stories". May you hit -3 in Apr.

    CED - I've never heard of Zach King. Thanks for the intro.. I'll Google for more goodies.

    Cheers, -T

  54. Oh, and Bill G. Don't let anon@5:58 detour your kvetching, Larry David made a career out of it. And it's funny... Coconut water... only in CA :-) C -T

  55. Good evening, friends.

    Because it's so late I almost didn't post, but had to comment on C.C.s observation. Yes, I have been to the Alcazar in Toledo, twice. I love visiting Spain.

    Thank you for the fine review, as well.

    This puzzle was clever and fun, thank you, Pam Amick. Early this morning I had most of it done but went to church, then my company came from their hotel and it was time to start cooking the evening dinner. So now I finished it late tonight.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!

  56. I can hear the rain pounding on the skylights. I would be delighted if it would rain all night. Not too much in the burn areas though (mudslides).

  57. Hey I'm new here, kind of do crosswords as a hobby. My local paper uses the L.A. Times crossword for their Sunday crossword. I love to come to this site to check my answers on this grid. I'd consider myself fairly mediocre at crosswords. March 1st took me a couple hours and got 5 squares wrong. Doesn't compare to the word titans on this blog, but hopefully not too embarrassing. Thanks for letting me post. CHRIS FROM MA

  58. Chris from MA,

    Welcome. But I like your real name better than anonymous. I'll be glad to help you then.


  59. Chris from MA,

    Come hang out here. I'm quite new. This is a great group. Everyone has expertise in some area, which is terrific. Lots of folks have many ideas, which is quite nice for learning something new. All of us bring some strength.

    Do bring your strengths and interests, and join us at the Corner.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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