, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday, April 2, 2015 Gareth Bain

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Apr 2, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015 Gareth Bain

Theme:"Here Comes Peter Cottontail"

17-Across. Holy woman sculpted by Bernini : SAINT TERESA. (of Avila)

25-Across. It may call for lateral thinking : BRAIN TEASER . Here's an apt one for this puzzle:
" There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket?" (*Answer at the end)

35-Across. Van Gogh painting depicting peasants : THE POTATO EATERS. He considered it one of his best works.

48-Across. Many a sofa : THREE SEATER.

And the reveal:
57-Across. Words spoken often this time of year, one of which is anagrammed four times in this puzzle : HAPPY EASTER. Very tight theme, with the last word of each entry an anagram of EASTER.


1. Sweet Spanish wine : MALAGA. From Andalusia. Gimme.

7. Work unit: Abbr. : FT LBFoot Pound (libra).

11. Mendel's sci. : BOT. I wanted "Genetics" at first, but that science came about as a result of Mendel's work with pea plants in the field of BOTany.

14. Place to surf : THE NET. Gimme.

15. Washbowl partner : EWER.

16. Protein-building molecule : RNA.

19. Battleship letters : USS. Spitzboov!

20. Self-conscious question : IS IT ME?

21. Preceder of old age? : RIPE. "He lived to the RIPE old age of 95."

22. Peoria-to-Decatur dir. : SSE.

28. Iconic figure with an anchor tattoo : POPEYE.

30. Tenochtitlán natives : AZTECS. It was their capital city, complete with floating islands.

31. Zenith : APEX.

32. Chanted phrase : MANTRA.

41. Hostile advance : INROAD. I don't always associate them with being "hostile." You?

42. Toe loop kin : AXEL.

43. Not around much : SCARCE.

46. Campaign ad urging : VOTE NO. "...on Question 2."

52. Common animal in "The Far Side" comics : COW. Gary Larson has pleaded with people not to infringe on the copyrights of his cartoons by copying them and displaying them on websites. I bow to his request.

53. Participated in a poetry slam : READ.

54. Holey reef dweller : SPONGE.

56. Give __: pay attention : EAR.

62. Whirlpool site : SPA.

63. __ nitrate : AMYL. I have to confess, this was my first thought. But I wondered how well known the compound is to the average puzzle solver?

64. Allow : ENABLE.

65. Lush : SOT.

66. In the wrong business? : NOSY. Ha ha!!

67. Scone fruit : RAISIN.


1. High pts. : MTS. Mountains.

2. "So that's the answer!" : AHA.

3. Island souvenir : LEI.

4. Years in the Roman legion : ANNI. Latin years, that is.

5. Manages : GETS BY.

6. It's worn : ATTIRE.

7. Physics Nobelist of 1938 : FERMI.

8. Typical "Divergent" reader : TWEEN. I take offense - we did the book for our book club last year!

9. Guitar man Paul : LES.

10. Beach top : BRA.

11. Banana blemish : BRUISE.

12. How many artists work : ON SPEC.

13. Police weapons : TASERS.

18. Greek vowel : ETA.

21. Gangster film sound effect : RAT-A-TAT.

22. Cross words : SPAT.

23. Junior-to-be : SOPH.omore.

24. Sport with double touches : ÉPÉE. They must occur within 40 milliseconds of each other, in order to count as a "double touche."

26. Museum that awards the Turner Prize : TATE. Awarded to an artist under the age of 50.

27. Biblical scribe : EZRA.

29. No longer valid : EXPIRED.

32. "Nixon in China" tenor role : MAO. Which reminds me of this incredible video I found this week. 3:59

33. __ moment's notice : AT A.

34. Auction bid, often : NOD.

36. Formerly : ONCE.

37. Half of seis : TRES.

38. Board member, usually : EXEC.

39. Slots spot : RENO.

40. Impede : SLOW.

43. Overachiever's concern : STRESS.

44. Chintzy : CHEAPO.

45. Turkish peak : ARARAT.

46. Thin layer : VENEER.

47. "Star Wars" surname : ORGANA.

49. Best Angler and Best Jockey, e.g. : ESPYsExcellence in Sports Performance Yearly.

50. Ask (for), as a job : APPLY.

51. First car, for many : TOY.

55. Actor Morales : ESAI.

57. Harrison role : HAN.

58. Ovid's "I love" : AMO.

59. CNN launcher : TBS.

60. Wearer of a "Y" sweatshirt : ELI. Y for Yale, not "the" Y.

61. Stimpy's chum : REN. Ren is the psychotic chihuahua, and Stimpy is the dimwitted cat.

*Answer: The sixth person took the basket, with his egg in it.

That's all for now!


  1. Finally!! A so-called anagram puzzle that is actually an anagram puzzle!

  2. Gary Larson must be a fool to think he is above the internet.

    Larson has asked his fans not to repost his work on the internet. In a public letter, he told fans his work was too personal and important to him to have others take control of it.

    Meanwhile Gary has a net worth of over 50 million dollars thanks in a large part to the thanks of publishing his cartoons.

    Me thinks the man is delusional.

    The internet is a great sharing device where all may enjoy sharing music, ideas, art and humor. Deal with it gary.

  3. Morning, all!

    I'm glad a lot of you got and appreciated my little prank yesterday. I was a little worried after the first few comments, though... ^_^

    I sort of got the theme early on today when I realized that TERESA and TEASER were anagrams of each other. I didn't get the EASTER connection until I reached the theme reveal, however. Still, knowing what I knew definitely helped with EATERS and SEATER.

    I got hung up right out the gate because I didn't know/remember MALAGA. Had to come back to that section at the end and let the perps do a lot of the work for me.

    At 11A I tried GEN (for genetics) and BIO before the perps finally convinced me to enter BOT.

    Give EAR sounds like an incomplete phrase to me. Give "an" EAR or Give EAR "to" perhaps.

    Learning moment was discovering that INROAD has an element of hostility to it. I just never realized that and have always used and understood it in a much more neutral sense.

  4. There once was a prankster, an April Fool TEASER,
    Who drove a small clown-car, just 13 SEATER.
    But he got in a fix
    From pulling his tricks,
    So he had to lay low, but he ta-da'ed at EASTER!

    You all know, o'course, that Big J and his crew drove a Honda, since they were all in one Accord. But it came in handy when he drove the moneychangers out of the temple.

  5. A really tight theme from or South African vet friend Gareth.

    I agree with the INROAD and Get EAR nits by marti, but DIVERGENT was published in 2011 by Harper Collins Children's Books LINK. Tween indeed.

    Happy day thanks GB and marti

  6. I have always gotten Amyl Nitrate and Amyl Nitrite confused, but my father used the nitrite for his angina. It is a calculator and lowers blood pressure.

  7. AMYL ( or BUTYL , Nitrate)- a gimme. MALAGA- never heard of it and I couldn't decide if High pts. were mountains or heights and I guessed wrong. HALAGA looked as good (strange) as MALAGA to me. So 1A & 1D caused a DNF. Other than that this was a speed run with easily solved unknowns, THE POTATO EATERS and ORGANA, which was all perps.

  8. Lemony, I had no nit with EAR - that was our friend Barry G. But after thinking about it, I kinda like the idea that I must be considered a TWEEN for having read "Divergent." (Now, what will I wear to the dance tonight?)

    And I knew that my tongue-in-cheek comment about Gary Larson would bring the anons out of the closet today with his very best cartoons. Thanks, guys!

  9. Good Morning, Marti and friends. Fairly easy Thursday puzzle with some fun clues.

    Hand up for trying Gen and Bio before settling on BOTany for Mendel's field of science.

    There is another surname in Star Wars besides HAN Solo?

    My favorite clue of the puzzle was First Car = TOY.

    I think of Dinosaurs when I think of Gary Larson, but I do remember his COWs.

    QOD: I will begin with this confession: whatever I have done in the course of my life, whether it be good or evil, has been done freely; I am a free agent. ~ Giacomo Casanova (Apr. 2, 1725 ~ June 4, 1798)

  10. Given the theme, shouldn't 20A have been IS IT I?

  11. Good morning!

    This one didn't require any strenuous lifting. I had AWARD at first but changed it to ESPYS after the E and S showed up. Always thought they were named for some Esposito guy. Dunno.

  12. Good morning all,
    Sleep pattern seems to be a little off, so it was nice to see that crucifers had the puzzle... No paper yet.
    I don't usually catch anagrams, but after filling in my patron saint ( confirmation) and one of my favorite paintings, I actually saw the trail to Easter. Filling these helped immensely. Did not know that épée was a sport.

    Martie, like the Harry Potter series, Divergent was equally enjoyed by adults as well.

    Mort, a little harsh I think on Gary Larson. Many have been known to " borrow" others work for ads,etc. I can see his concern. His take on life in the Stone Age (Neanderthals vs. australopithecines) are my favorites.

  13. Ahem, another error...Cruciverb. Letters look tiny this morning.

    Enjoy your day.

  14. Fun run, at first I thought all the theme answers were going to have AINT in them after the first two.
    WBS about GEN to BIO to BOT, slowly corrected by perps.
    Thanks Gareth - always a good puzzle and Marti for the write-up!

  15. This was quick and easy for a Thursday with no unknowns. I needed a perp or two to suggest some of the answers.
    ---AGA, for instance suggested MALaga. I liked your riddle, Marti.

    My favorite fill was NOSY, in the wrong business. You've got your nose in MY business instead of yours. MYOB (mind your own business) which my classes pronounced "my yob" was used as a reminder from fellow students and me to prevent many a fight.

    I believe inroad is most often used with a hostile meaning. Most dictionaries don't even give a benign meaning.

    "1. An advance, especially at another's expense; an encroachment.
    2. A reduction or diminishment, especially by encroachment.
    3. A hostile invasion; a raid. "

    I have frequently use and read GIVE EAR TO, without the AN. From when I was a primary grade student in Sunday School I remember Psalm 5, "Give ear to my prayer, O Lord."


  16. Thank you Gareth and Heart.

    A spry Thursday offering.

    Favorite answer: MANTRA (or is it Mohn-tra?)


    Barry G. - yes, your April Fools prank was very clever.

  17. Easy and fun...what more can we ask? And the write up was great, as always, Marti.

    Only nit was " Is it Me" which is just wrong. But the fun of saying Ratatat and Ararat in the same puzzle more than made up for it.

  18. Good morning everyone.

    I'm not fond of anagrams, but I like Gareth's puzzles. Luckily I didn't have to sort out the anagram stuff until I was done; so, no bother. Only one white-out -- oded before READ @ 53a,
    Liked the way BRA crossed SAINT TERESA.
    Couple very minor nits.
    An AXEL is a forward launched jump. A toe-loop is backward like a LUTZ or SALCHOW. Don't know how much kin that is other than they are both jumps.
    SSE - Peoria to Decatur direction is 142.3º T. SSE dir. ranges from 146.25º - 168.75º T. In this context it would be more correct that the Direction is SE; but then we wouldn't have the needed 3 letters.
    Marti - I knew USS was wanted and is correct. Sailors tend to use the Navy designation of BB.
    BB's were all decommissioned before I entered Naval service and then Reagan recommissioned several after I had retired from active service, so I never served with them or steamed with them. I have toured the New Jersey and Wisconsin as museum ships.

    TTP from last night. Great story.

  19. SE corner came slowly. Took me a while to figure out ORGANA. Otherwise, all is good.


  20. It took a while before I had much entered on the North side of the puzzle, but once I got the reveal, it started to fall in place. It took a lot of perp help to get 'er done. Challenging puzzle but enjoyable.

    Initially I had AM I FAT for 20A, which is a question you should never, ever answer. IS IT ME just didn't sound right.

    In our house Scone Fruit is Chocolate Chips not raisins. Chocolate comes from a tree doesn't it, so it must be a fruit?

    In central PA the snow is gone and the temperature is headed for the 60's today. I hope everyone has a warm sunny day.

  21. I had a very late day yesterday and read comments late last night. Thanks, Barry! When I saw ISADORA, I knew you were up to something for April 1! I've learned my lesson: Once I listened to an interview with Studs Terkel on Chicago NPR. It was so stupid, I couldn't believe he agreed to do it. Then AHA! It was 4/1!

    Also forgot Mendel was a botanist as geneticist comes to mind first. I also found first car to be my favorite. I was trying to think of a make or model name. Ha!

    Pleasant puzzle, Gareth. I have another busy day and had time to enjoy this one. Nice run through, Marti. Thanks.

  22. Marti: Outstanding write-up & links. Good Job !!!

    Gareth: Thank You for a FUN Thursday puzzle with a timely theme.

    Have to admit I needed ESP (Every Single Perp) to get MALAGA ... I'm NOT a "wine person."

    Fave was TOY for "First car, for many."
    Though NOSY for "In the wrong business" was a close second.

    It is another beach walking day ... our weather is perfect.

  23. Pleased to say I finished, and enjoyed, this CW. As usual, didn't get the theme until examining the completed puzzle (DOH!!). I seem to bit a bit slow in that area. Knew "thepotatoeaters" immediately, which was a huge help, it being the only spanner. Never heard of the Spanish wine, although I've been to Spain a number of times, and couldn't get "sangria" to fit, so that answer took perps. All in all, a fun puzzle.

  24. Again, we are speaking of technical formal language versus informal or casual language. Grammar Girl says the proper form is, "It is I."
    However, she adds, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage says that it’s a style choice, and that “It is I” is a formal style and “It is me” is a more casual style. In fact, most people who write about language agree that unless you're answering the phone for the English department at the University of Chicago or responding to a Supreme Court judge, “That's me” is an acceptable answer.
    Should I wear a cocktail dress to
    the baseball game? Casual language has its place.

  25. Several AHA moments today but I got the theme. Thanks Gareth and Marti for the fun.

    Agree with Howard @6:48 about IS IT I? (Judas Iscariot). Also, apparently it is proper English although we probably say IS IT ME more commonly.

    FTLB was an unknown. I wanted ACME before APEX and STOP before SLOW. Small nit with EXEC which I hesitated to use because the clue did not indicate a short form. I was misdirected at TOE LOOP thinking of Ring.

    Lots of different clues for SOT this week.


  26. A very elegant and timely puzzle, today!

    -MA___A was MADIERA first (no oenophile, I)
    -The Mendel chart we all studied as sophomores
    -Yes, Howard, this is the more familiar question this time of year
    -3-second MATNRA line by Jeff Goldblum
    -We watched some of Emma’s Slam Poetry competition on streaming video. Boring, but it’s what you do
    -A left tackle in football is supposed to ENABLE his QB to stay upright
    -RAISINS and coconuts are one of those hate ‘em or love ‘em foods
    -When comparing driver’s license pictures a few years ago, we discovered that my BIL’s license EXPIERD seven years prior
    -Some VENEERS are unbelievably thin
    -Some think ARARAT was Noah’s mooring place

  27. Oh! What a tangled web we weave when we once practice to bastardize the beautiful grammar of our native language.

    Actually, If the sense of 'me' is 'myself', then I think "Is it me?" is ok.

  28. I'm pretty sure Judas didn't say "Is it I?" or "Is it me?" as there was a dearth of English speakers in Jerusalem at the time.

  29. am not even going to suggest a nameApril 2, 2015 at 10:42 AM

    I am a day late and a dollar short, but isn't it too bad that April 1st, comes only once a year ?

    I just saw this post, and immediately ( I wonder why ) thought of CrossEyedDave.
    So, if you care, here's 20 pictures that prove you have a dirty mind. The pictures are harmless, seriously, but they will leave you thinking. Enjoy.

  30. hear business people speaking of making inroads in markets all of the time, all in a decidely non-hostile manner. Also, when I have taught, I have heard amny lectures about making inroads in delivering education. EXAMPLE.

    It is interesting to see YR's slant.

    Swamp Cat, I agree the ARARAT and RATATA was wonderful.

    HG, you really opened a religious can of worms with the Noah's Ark comment. My take on the thinnes t veneers, are those of sophistication exhibited by many.

  31. Greetings!

    Great work, Gareth and Marti! Swell theme.

    Madiera has too many letters, so I was stumped by MALAGA for a while.

    Had BOT immediately.

    Really must try to get back to sleep (and succeed this time)!


  32. That was a good and tough puzzle, just right for a Thursday. I'm so impressed with Rich, how he can be so good at rating the puzzle difficulty, Monday through Friday. Thanks Rich, Gareth and Marti.

    I love Gary Larson cartoons!

    I agree with the INROADS and give EAR complaints. Neither seemed appropriately clued to me.

    I'm envious of you Minnesotans, having such a good U.S. Senator in Al Franken. He is thoughtful and intelligent. I wish all of us had such quality representation in the legislature.

  33. Hi gang -

    A tad easier than the typical Thus, i thought. Nicely crafted. Gareth never disappoints. I'm anagram challenged, so needed the unifier.

    GEN>BIO>BOT for me.

    We thought we'd beat the rain by running our errands this morning, but that didn't work. Cleared off and now it looks like we're in for a 2nd round of showers.

    I'm pretty sure winter is done, though we might get some flurries on Sat.

    Opening day is Monday.

    Grammar rules are arbitrary in the first place, and then mutable. If the meaning is clear, then no prob.

    Cool regards!


  34. What a fun Thursday puzzle, many thanks, Gareth! I breezed through this one, thanks in part to getting BOT right away. Didn't Mendel work on peas, or something? And I figured out the theme even before the reveal--unusual for me. Loved the pics, Marti. What a great way to begin a sunny Thursday morning!

    Have a wonderful one, everybody!

  35. Hello, friends! Yowza, 34 posts already!

    WEES for most of this clever puzzle. I didn't realize MALAGA was a wine so had to wait for some perps but knew BOTany was Mendel's forte. He made a great impression on me in high school.

    I couldn't suss the theme right away but saw a pattern and that helped. AMYL got me as I've never seen or heard of it and of course had no idea about ESPYS; it's sports, you know. ESPOS looked right.

    Still, this was fun, thank you Gareth Bain, aided and abetted by Marti's amusing review. I liked your riddle. Cute.

    Much to do today as some of the family who are in town will be here Sunday. We'll use our clubhouse. The usual hosts are gone away for the weekend.

    Have a special Maundy Thursday, everyone!

  36. I got it without figuring out the anagram theme. Still, it was nice to see the Easter message. Although a non-theist now, I still recall the fresh springtime associations with the holiday, including a resurgence of family feeling because it was the one time of the year my parents went with me to church.
    And I am grateful to the observance of Easter for opening my eyes to secular humanism. Ironic, I know, but it became so hard for my young mind to accept the Easter Bunny that my skepticism spilled over onto Santa Claus and other mythic manifestations and deities.

  37. "puzzling thoughts":

    Not often I can say that a Thursday puzzle is a speed run; today's was, but it happened probably because I started "in the south" and worked my way north - got HAPPY EASTER (theme) and the rest was downhill - or actually, UPHILL since I started at the bottom. I had AWARD before ESPYS, but the theme answer quickly changed that error. Only other "ink blot" was changing THE WEB to THE NET

    7D was an easy get for me, as I lived in St Charles IL for a few years and was not too far from Fermilab. I never visited it; kept my distance. Never quite understood its concept; maybe if The Big Bang Theory was around then, Sheldon could've explained. Here is a clip from their "almost experience" with the Hadron Collider

    Always enjoy Gareth Bain puzzles and Marti HeartRx recaps - thanks!

    Looking forward to the weekend sports; couple of key KY Derby prep races (Wood Memorial, Santa Anita Derby), and March Madness Final Four (Saturday semi-finals; Monday final game)

  38. A "puzzling puzzle" but doable.

    Got the reveal early, and that helped a lot. I was not familiar with the art references of the long fills, but knowing the letters of EASTER had to be there made it, along with perps, solvable.

    MALAGA was a gimme for me. Used in many recipes, especially as a substitute for sherry when soaking sponge cake for trifle desserts. Yum! Coincidentally, RAISINS taste plump and sweet when steeped in it prior to their use in baking.

    FERMI crossing FTLB killed me. ONSPEC..need to look that up. AMYL? New to me.

    All in all, an interesting and challenging Thursday offering. Now if I can only retain the learning moments. My brain seems to be reaching its retention capacity.

    Did everyone get through yesterday unscathed?

    Enjoy a wonderful weekend. Eat, drink, pray.....Tell your family you love them. We don't need special times to do so.

    TO LIFE!

  39. Hi Everyone:

    I'm very late to the dance due to a busy morning and, then, having to do the puzzle in the newspaper as my iPad Mini is d-e-a-d! (My old iPad doesn't support the app for Crosswords.)

    I, too, always enjoy Gareth's puzzles, today being no exception. Needed the reveal to catch Easter. Hand up for Bio before Bot. Also needed some perps, particularly in the SE corner. Fav clue was In the wrong business=nosy.

    We finally have a Spring-like day but the temps are going back into the 40's for Easter Sunday.

    Have a great day.

  40. Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Gareth Bain, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Marti, for a fine review.

    Got started real slow. Picked up speed after I got the HAPPY EASTER at the bottom, and then applied that to the theme words. THE POTATO EATERS also came easily. That helped a lot too.

    Liked SOPH as Junior to be. Only it took me a while to get it. I liked it after I got it.

    TOY for 51D was slow in coming. I was trying to think of a real car.

    ARARAT was easy. Used it as perps for 6 acrosses.

    Lots to do. See you tomorrow. Heading to Kansas City in the morning.


    ( )

  41. Great puzzle, Gareth, and great write-up, Marti. I just loved you baiting the Trolls. You devil, you.

    Trouble linking the images of my favorites so I'll just tell you the caption, you'll know it. Does this violate copyright?

    "Hey Bob, think there's any bears in that cave?"

    "I dunno, let's go find out."


    "I'm sorry ma'am. He has a license and your husband was in season."

  42. Enjoyed the puzzle and it was pretty smooth sailing. Didn't get the theme until the reveal, but that's no surprise.

    My favorite Larson cartoon has a chicken sitting in a bar full of cows. The caption reads: "Vera looked around the room. Not another chicken anywhere. And then it struck her ---this was a hay bar."

    Next favorite is a throwback to the other day when many of us wanted Rack as a place for guns. This cartoon had a cave man driving a pickup. And he had a spear in the gun rack in the back window.

  43. coneyro:
    Thank you for that tip about soaking RAISINS in MALAGA. I'll have to look for it as I've not seen it before even in Spain.

  44. I remember another caption. 2 deer are talking in the forest. One of them has a bulls eye on his side. The other one says, "Bummer of a birthmark Hank."

    We is cooking crepes four easter sunday breakfast. I will be hiding some plastic eggs for jordan too find. I wonder if he has finally caught onto me hiding the yellow 1's in the branches of the lemon tree?

  45. The puzzle was a challenge but the blog was a delight of wit. Thank you a lot,Marti.

    The AMYL nitrate was my second choice because potassium or sodium nitrate (Chilean saltpeter) would not fit. Lemonade, you're right - Amyl Nitrite (one oxygen atom less) is far better known than the Nitrate. I don't know what sort of 'calculator' it is - perhaps you meant vasodilator.

    Because of certain 'recreational' uses, most nitrites are severely restricted - the drug of choice, nowadays for angina pain is nitro -glycerin or IsoSorbide Dinitrate. The latter is very safe, and even the pills are punched out as soft, fat, white hearts ....

    Louis Ignarro, an Italian-Amercan pharmacologist shared the 1998 Nobel prize in Physiology, with 2 other Americans, Bob Ferchgott (jewish) and Ferid Murad ( an Albanian American) on the importance of nitric oxide ( as from the nitride) as a signaller in the body. This also led, indirectly, to the discovery of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis etc. for erectile dysfunction treatment.

    Another QOD, for today: (Ignarro) "Only in America could the son of an uneducated carpenter receive the Nobel Prize for Medicine".

  46. Hi Y'all! Great puzzle, as always, Gareth! Great Expo, Marti!

    I found this easier than Tuesday despite getting off to a slow start. Didn't know MALAGA or ANNI & couldn't come up with ATTIRE on first pass thru. I wanted to surf THE sEa, not NET. Didn't know FTLB. (Still don't know where you'd use that measure.) Everything else went pretty easy. Worked back up without alphabet runs.

    As a sophomore in HS, we were studying Mendel & genetics when I first saw The Potato Eaters. I thought it was a caricature. I was dating a boy of Dutch descent who was homely but lots of fun. Then I met his mother who looked just like a Potato Eater. Ugliest woman! All this made a big impression on me. Our bio teacher had commented that many granddaughters look like grandma. I didn't have a bit of trouble staying chaste.

    TWEEN? Hmmm. My 48-yr-old daughter loved the "DIVERGENT" trilogy. She's sorta in her 2nd puberty stage though. Likes to hang out with her teenaged niece.

  47. My favorite cartoon, which I think is Larsen's, shows two dinosaurs standing on the shore as Noah's ark sails away. One dinosaur says, "Was that today?"

  48. Moe, small world.

    I interviewed at Fermilab out of school, but turned down the job offers. Plus, I thought Chicagoland would be too cold, so I accepted a job offer in Houston. How ironic that company transferred me to Chicago about 8 years later.

    I live 5 minutes from Fermilab. Have for 25 years. Bowled in St Charles for years. Golfed there and all the area courses for years. My best friend worked at Fermilab. My neighbor works there. A guy I bowled with works there.

    Every year I post the April 1st edition of Fermilab Today. I realized this morning with 7D that I hadn't... Then got caught up in work.

    They have a little fun every year. Without further ado...

    April Fools 2014

    April Fools 2015 If you watch the short Bob Tschirhart video in this one, at the end you will see a series of legitimate videos by Dr Don Lincoln. He's excellent at explaining the LHC, the Big Bang Theory, Dark Energy, etc. Very easy to understand why they seek and why it matters.

    Fermilab Today, today The real daily. Explore the Archives tab for summary lists of the articles in the daily...

  49. Bill G- No politics, religion, or personal attacks.

    But since you mentioned the esteemed Senator from Minnesota, they have a comedian to join the rest of the clowns in Washington.

  50. I was taken aback by the Gary Larson request, & did not believe it until I did some research.

    Very well Mr Larson, I will respect your wishes & not post your cartoons. Hopefully others out there will take up the creative reins & be glad to share with the world...


    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  51. Coneyro, interesting suggestion to use malaga on trifle. I'll have to look for it. I have heard of malaga, but never tasted it. Every Easter I make a trifle with sherry and jam soaked cake, homemade custard sauce, freshly whipped cream and fresh raspberries. It's a big hit. I can almost taste it now.

    CSO to Fermatprime. Hello, dear.

  52. P.S. (Re: 6:25PM)

    I am assuming this Stan Fill guy is not making any money from his imitation Far Side, if he were, that would be completely different story.

    Maybe you teachers out there can enlighten me. Why is it considered copyright infringement to sing a song in High School Auditorium, when you acknowledge the original author, and make no profit from it... Music class would be a lot more interesting if we could study modern music...

  53. We do the Page-A-Day tablet puzzle and yesterday's April 1 clue for 60 Across was "Make parallel". The answer was "Sender".
    I realize this doesn't relate to your daily puzzles (which we do faithfully), but can anyone shed light on why "sender" is the answer for "make parallel"?
    Many thanks! ronso

  54. Anon (8:54) Wow! I can't make any sense out of that answer. It sure sounds like a mistake to me.

  55. Hi all!

    Whoot! Got a Bain! No, I solved it, not just that it showed up in the paper. I also got Marti's BRAIN TEASER after noodling for a bit. Thanks to both of you...

    The anagram help'd me. I was beating myself up for not knowing so much (IS IT ME?), but w/ HAN, TBS, and REN, I WAG'd HAPPY EASTER and then back-filled everything but 25a (1st pass - NE was cake).

    A few ESPs (1a, 45d, 47d, 43d, 60d...) and a few write-overs (Web before NET (the WEB is not THE NET! /rant over)).

    Hand-up for NOSY as fav c/a.

    Spitz - oded? Sounds like a relapse post DTs.

    CED - I believe the school pays royalties for the sheet music (eldest is in choir) - I recall him saying ONCE it cost $3,000 for song sheets. Imagine the tax-payer outrage if we didn't have money for football but instead the sheet-music for Yellow Submarine.*

    TTP - Neutrin-O's - lol.

    PK - I don't recall that Far Side, but very funny.

    Other than "Bummer of a Birthmark, Hal", my other fav is the dog luring the cat into the dryer with signs that say "Cat Fud." Grandpa explained - Dogs can't spell..

    Pop's kitty food container / despener says "Cat Fud" to this day. Thank you Mr. Larson.

    Cheers -T
    *remember, I'm in Texas

  56. "I recall him saying once..." Him=choir director, not eldest; she's a she. C, -T

  57. Anon @ 8:54 pm.

    I googled your dilemma and got this:

    How to Make a Parallel Payment Using Adaptive Payments - PayPal ...‎
    When a sender is ready to make a parallel payment, use the Pay call to set up the payment. The input fields below include the email addresses of two receivers, ...

    Maybe you could go to that site and take it from there.


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