, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, May 20th 2015 Michael Dewey

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May 20, 2015

Wednesday, May 20th 2015 Michael Dewey

Theme: Kobe Bryant Masterclass - hoops moves from all over the floor.

17A. Complete set of recollections : MEMORY BANK. My recollections may be complete, but sometimes my memory bank doesn't want to let me make a withdrawal, at least not without a battle.

26A. Den fixture : TELEVISION SET. This seems archaic, or at a minimum dated. If I walked into Best Buy and asked to look at "television sets" there would probably be some sniggering. That's if I could remember what I went in there for in the first place.

43A. Climber's aid : GRAPPLING HOOK. More the "assault" type of climbing, rather than recreational.

55A. Thrill-seeker's leap : BUNGEE JUMP. I think I'd have a heart attack before I was half-way down if for some reason I was forced to do this.

63A. NBA scoring attempt, which can be preceded by the ends of 17-, 26-, 43- and 55-Across : SHOT. All basketball. Bank shot (off the backboard and into the hoop), set shot (usually a free-throw), hook shot (one-handed aerial move) and jump shot (airborne version of the set shot).

This is one of the most famous jump shots of all time - Christian Laettner's buzzer-beater as Duke edged Kentucky 103-102 in the 1992 NCAA Championship Final.

A Wednesday welcome to you all. Steve here with Michael's hoops-fest, timely as the NBA teams enter the Conference Finals phase of the play-offs. This was pretty much plain sailing for me, a left-to-right, top-to-bottom solve. I didn't look for the theme until I'd finished with the "T" in "SHOT", but I did enjoy the ride.

Let's see what else we've got going on here:


1. Swerves : ZAGS. Can you zag-zig, or do you always have to zig first?

5. Decorated one : HERO

9. Selects, with "for" : OPTS

13. Hockey violation : ICING. Like offside in soccer, which doesn't really help anyone who doesn't know either sport.

15. 1998 Sarah McLachlan hit : ADIA. A beautiful song, it's worth enduring the 15 seconds of commercials over on YouTube.

16. Pebble Beach cry : FORE. I've never played at Pebble Beach, the green fees are incredibly expensive. I've had my picture taken on the famous 18th green though.

19. Elite Eight letters : NCAA. The term for the last eight teams remaining in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's annual basketball championship.

20. Nile snake : ASP. Run!

21. "__ to please" : I AIM

22. Check : LOOK IN. Don't we need an (on) here?

24. Written words : TEXT

25. Price-regulating blocs : CARTELS

30. Screenplay units : SCENES

31. Extinct flightless bird : DODO

32. Pledge : VOW

35. Start to fall? : PRAT. Pratfall.

36. Olive __ : OYL

37. Spot to grab a bite : DELI

38. South, in Soissons : SUD. Obscure little town in northern France, but the name looks "French enough" for me to not cause any problems.

39. Sweater material : WOOL

41. Fries in a little butter : SAUTÉS. Food! You can sauté in other fats too.

46. Vacation options : CRUISES. I've never been on a cruise, I think I'd feel trapped.

48. Rover exploration site : MARS

49. Bit of fruit in a box : RAISIN. All the raisins produced in the US are grown right here in California. The HQ of Sun-Maid is right up the street from me.

50. Rubberneck : GAPE. A bad California freeway habit.

51. Consumes : HAS

54. Pay for a hand : ANTE. In betting parlance, the price for getting into the card game.

58. Headliner : STAR

59. In unison, on a score : A DUE. Shown on a shared score where both musicians should play the same notes.

60. Steadfast belief : DOGMA

61. __ d'oeuvres : HORS. Food! Finally!

62. Revolutionary sewer : ROSS. Not a sprial waste-water pipe, but needle-wielding Betsy. Nice clue


1. MillerCoors malt beverage : ZIMA. Never tried one. Never will. It's not sold in the USA any more, but apparently you can still buy it in Japan.

2. High-paid pitchers : ACES

3. Hitch in one's step : GIMP. To be honest, I've only seen this used in a derogatory fashion to describe someone physically handicapped.

4. Winter product prefix : SNO- Food! Here's a Sno:LA frozen yoghurt from the famous Los Angeles Farmer's Market on Fairfax:

5. They can be hard to kick : HABITS

6. Red-wrapped cheese : EDAM. Turning into a food-fest here.

7. __ Tin Tin : RIN

8. One end of California's Bay Bridge : OAKLAND. More California today. The new Bay Bridge is now open, the old one which had a span collapse in the 1989 Lomo Prieta earthquake is being dismantled. Here's the two southern spans side-by-side from San Francisco to Treasure Island:

9. Buzzworthy : OF NOTE

10. Rarely used Oval Office strategy : POCKET VETO. Lovely expression. Basically, the President vetoes a bill by not taking any action - essentially keeping his hands in his pockets.

11. Way to ski : TRAIL

12. Connery and Penn : SEANS

14. Feel the pain of a loss : GRIEVE

18. Graph line : Y-AXIS. I vaguely remember being taught which direction this axis goes, but it's deep in my MEMORY BANK and not easily found.

23. Thereabout : OR SO

24. Camping shelter : TENT

25. "Sweet!" : COOL

26. Recipe amts. : TSPS. I rarely measure any more, although I cooked a recipe from an English website the other day that confused the heck out of me as it was all metric. I now know that 15g is roughly a large tablespoon, 5g is roughly what we have here, a teaspoon.

27. Color similar to sand : ECRU

28. Rock band soloist : LEAD GUITAR. Hmmm. I'd say that Keith Richard is lead guitarist with the Rolling Stones, he plays lead guitar. Would you say that The Edge is U2's lead guitar? What do you all think? While you're pondering that, let's rock the first track on U2's Joshua Tree album

29. Rustic writing : IDYLL

33. Faux butter : OLEO. I always like seeing this as it reminds me of the time C.C. first taught me the difference between OLEO and OLIO.

34. Tide rival : WISK

36. "Careless me!" : OOPS

37. "Stupid me!" syllables : DUHS. I had a minor misstep with DOHS first, quickly corrected.

39. "What __ thinking?" : WAS I

40. Holiday party perk : OPEN BAR

41. Hogwarts potions master : SNAPE. Played by Alan Rickman in the movies.

42. Settled : AGREED

44. Steplike platforms : RISERS

45. Computer desktop array : IMAGES

46. Computer headache : CRASH

47. Totaled : RAN TO

50. Bearded antelopes : GNUS. A gnu is an antelope designed by a committee.

51. Romcom actor Grant : HUGH. I think he's pretty typecast at this point, he does always seem to play the same role.

52. BBs, e.g. : AMMO

53. Trivial tiff : SPAT

56. Japanese salad veggie : UDO. Final Food! reference today. I'm replete.

57. "__ Boys": "Little Men" sequel : JO'S

Here's the grid, and that's it from me!



  1. A simple run today, easier than Monday for me. I even got the theme early, recognizing BANK & SET were both types of SHOTs -- except I thought they were pool shots, not basketball! That baseball pitchers can be ACES was something I just learned here a few days ago!

    Jack Spratt and his wife had a SPAT.
    She shoved and Jack fell with a CRASH!
    'Twould have been a sad fate
    Had he hit his pate,
    But 'twas slapstick because he fell on his PRAT!

    Said bishop to priest, "I know you mean well.
    The drive-thru confessional really does sell.
    You were on a roll
    With 'Se Habla Español,'
    But stop saying you run a Mexican CAR-TELL!"

  2. Fun puzzle, no problems, though a bit slow going. Of course, I was doing it at 5:30am, the old brain just waking up. Great write-up, thanx, Steve!

  3. Morning, all!

    Theme was innocuous enough today. Didn't need it to solve and didn't see it until I got to the theme reveal, but it gave a nice *AHA* moment once I realized what was going on.

    Mostly smooth solve today, but there were a few crunchy spots. Biggest problem came in the SE where I went with AT REST and TENET instead of AGREED and DOGMA. I then had a brain fart and totally couldn't remember HUGH Grant, so it took me awhile to figure out what was wrong down there.

    Elsewhere, I was unfamiliar with (or just couldn't remember) UDO and needed the perps to help. Oh -- and I initially went with the Spanish SUR instead of the French SUD at 38A. OOPS.

    POCKET VETO was a learning moment for me. Thanks for the succinct explanation, Steve!

  4. Straightforward puzzle, though not nearly a top-to-bottom solve. Didn't get the theme until the reveal at the last clue. Liked the clues for ROSS and MARS.

    Steve - I always thought of "POCKET VETO" as deriving from putting the bill in one's pocket (and leaving it there). I prefer your interpretation of keeping hands in one's pockets (rather than taking them out to sign the bill).

  5. Good morning!

    This one seemed pretty easy. No over-writes -- I even immediately entered OYL rather than OIL, but don't ask me why.

    Can't see the word GIMP without evoking the image of Verbal Kint. Remember him? (Hint: Keyser Soze)

    I only know IDYLL from IDYLLs Of The King. And I only know that from the kids' card game Authors.

    Chore time. Gotta run...

  6. How about them Warriors in Oakland last night!

  7. Good day,

    The eraser got a pretty decent work out today, but in the end success was achieved. But I had a few wags I really wasn't sure about until coming here.

    The xing Z for 1A & 1D, the xing D for 59A & 56D & the xing P for 50A & 41D were wags that saved my butt. I understood them all except SNAPE. Thanks for the explanation Steve.

    In my day, basketball's SET shot was an important offensive weapon. It was a two handed shot usually launched from today's 3 point line. A foul shot was just that or a free throw. The SET shot is obsolete today. It's either jump shots or slam dunks with an occasional old fashioned lay up. Not the same game I played. That's why I don't follow the mens game today. I like the ladies game, they play a game I'm familiar with.

    That's my rant for today so I'll waddle off and try to get rid of a spring cold that's slowed me down a bit.


  8. Thanks, Marti, for yesterday's very nice work.
    Today's was very enjoyable as well. Thanks, Steve, for your input.
    In '95 and '96 I lived and worked on the Monterey peninsula and was able to play Pebble Beach for free once. (The price was right. Green fees were back then $250.) There are other courses there that were better: Poppy Hills (part of the AT&T pro-am for a time) and Pacific Grove Muni were great values and probably still are. Still, I'm glad I can say I played Pebble.

    Kept looking for FREE throw and DUNK today. Not there.
    ADIA is becoming crosswordese and I should try to remember it. Didn't need to. Perps.

    Nicely themed and crafted work. Thanks, Michael Dewey.

  9. Steve, a lead guitarist does not play lead on every song, just as a lead singer does not on every track. Unlike the old Boston days, the use of multiple guitars has fallen off.

    Speaking of Golden State, did you all see Curry with his little daughter after the game? LINK ?

    Nice puzzle and write up thanks

  10. Put me down for the bill in the pocket (not hands in the pockets).

    From reddit: "The first president to use a pocket veto was James Madison and not sure if it's folklore or not, but was said that when presented with a bill that [he] didn't agree with, that he actually folded the bill up and put it in his breast pocket knowing that Congress was going to be adjourning and that he didn't have to actually veto it and give Congress a chance to override that veto."

  11. Also, in the California connection, we had a CSO to our dear departed DODO. She was a sweetheart, with a kind word always.

  12. OPEN BAR ... my favorite answer of the year!


  13. Musings
    -UDO and SNAPE were the only hesitations in this nice, Wed. offering.
    -Does anyone remember Dolph Schayes’ two-handed SET shots? Most very young kids start this way until they get stronger
    -The 3-point shot has greatly reduced the 10 – 15 foot JUMP shot
    -A true HERO in a Captain America shirt on Sunday (1:58)
    -Yeah, Steve, my Pebble Beach cry would be, “WHAT?” for $495 cost to play 18
    -Broadcasters say, “The pitcher LOOKs IN for the sign from the catcher”
    -WOOL would have felt good playing in 39˚F weather yesterday
    -Joann almost agreed to a CRUISE until all the sickness and sinkings appeared on the news
    -Sunrise on Mars from Curiosity ROVER
    -A TENT for watching your child play in bad weather
    -WISK vintage commercial (:30)
    -What image did Pat Boone sing of for a VOW that was very transitory?

  14. Duke beat Kentucky in the Regional Final in 1992. They went on to beat Michigan for the National Championship.

  15. Good Morning,

    Thanks Michael and Steve.

    WEES. This was fun. I found the theme at BUNGEE JUMP just above the unifying clue. That made for a lot of progress.

    Have a great day.

  16. Good Morning:

    This was a fun, pretty straightforward Wednesday but I had no clue to the theme until the reveal. Nice job, Michael, and witty write-up, Steve. (I knew Tin would like Open Bar!)

    Coneyro, what did you think of the Stalker finale?

    It's very chilly today; the roller coaster weather continues.

    Have a great day.

    1. The Stalker finale was very unsatisfying. Figured out who killed the ladies quickly. Unresolved ending...Did someone save her?
      The only thing I liked is that Jack is allowed a satisfying relationship with his son. Other than that.....No biggie. Don't like cliffhanger endings for first season shows due to possible cancellation. They really don't respect the viewers.

    2. The Stalker finale was very unsatisfying. Figured out who killed the ladies quickly. Unresolved ending...Did someone save her?
      The only thing I liked is that Jack is allowed a satisfying relationship with his son. Other than that.....No biggie. Don't like cliffhanger endings for first season shows due to possible cancellation. They really don't respect the viewers.

  17. Am a frequent visitor to this site and find it most enjoyable - unfortunately by the time I do the puzzle, it's either late night or the next day but I was early today -otto's comment about the author's card game just brought back memories - it's how I learned of the some of the classic novels and their authors (Alfred, lord Tennyson) - have I read them...ahhh no, some but not all, but thanks for the memory.

  18. Never did get the "D" for either A DUE or UDO, so no "ta-da" for me.

    Speaking of Icing (11A) did anyone watch the CHI-ANA game last night. It ended at 1:15 AM but was the best game if this year's play-offs. 'Hawks won in Triple OT. Crawford faced over 60 shots on Goal and Anderson faced 56. It was incredible.

  19. Good morning everyone.

    Suitable crunchiness for a Wednesday, but got it done w/o lookups or erasures. My blurry eyes this am wanted city for cry @ Pebble Beach, so one more eye rub gave me FORE.
    UDO - Today's learning.
    BBs - If you Google BB with a number, say like 62, you'll get a battleship; in this case, the New Jersey. Given only 4 ltrs, I had to assume AMMO for a toy gun.

    My heartfelt condolences to Lucina for the loss of her dear niece.

  20. Hi gang -

    Nice puzzle today. Didn't suss the theme until the unifier. Really well done.

    I've never seen A DUE, but it did just recently see its Abrv, a2 on the Russian Sailor's Dance . First and 2nd Trombone parts are on the same sheet, and I thought it meant add 2nd, where the parts were in unison. The things you learn!

    Love the CAR TELL, Owen.

    Cool regards!

  21. Coneyro @ 10:55 - I agree with you 100%. That was a terrible ending if, indeed, the show is not coming back. No resolution whatsoever.

  22. "puzzling thoughts":

    First off, the solve for my "wordplay" yesterday (clue was: "Person who loves severing ties") - answer I was looking for is DITCH DIGGER. Maybe I'll save that one for the first Friday or Saturday Xword Puzzle I construct! ;^)

    As for today's puzzle, my only ink blot was when I entered "DOHS" instead of DUHS. Otherwise this was a very doable puzzle, but one that also made you think. I used the top to bottom, left to right method but had to solve a lot of verticals to perp a few answers

    Owen - really loved your second limerick today

    Steve - great writeup as usual

    Rainman - I, too played Pebble (once actually) back when it was "affordable". 1985 when the greens fee was $100. But that was a lot of $$ for the time. I liked the Pacific Grove Muni which back then had a walking fee of maybe $10-15.

    I thought Spyglass was a tougher track than Pebble, but Pebble is my all-time favorite. The views are just spectacular. Interesting though, that I would think you'd rarely hear the cry of "FORE" at Pebble, as there are no parallel holes at which this might occur. I guess if you hit to a green before the group ahead clears you could hear it . . .

  23. HG@ 9:22
    Love letters in the sand.
    p.s. always enjoy your links!

  24. Today was a little easy for a Wednesday. Two writeovers..LIMP/GIMP & GAWK/GAPE.

    I must say, yesterday was one of the most enjoyable days on the blog. So many puns offered by the gang. The interaction and camaraderie between all was amazing. Still waiting for Chairman Moe's post to find out the answer to his pun. Couldn't get the "severing ties" solution. Anyone know it?

    We should put aside days when the puzzle is quick and uneventful. Liven it up a bit with comical quips, pun entries..anything which would enrich the day's experience. What do you say? Not that most don't contribute on a daily basis, just a concerned effort at ho-hum times.

    What do doctors charge for injections?
    Ans:Sticker price.

    Good day to you all.

  25. coneyro @ 11:47


    BTW, I sent you a reply via email yesterday. It's in my "SENT" folder so it must be either in your SPAM folder or IN BOX!

    I see nothing wrong with adding puns or other forms of wordplay to our daily posts. After all, these may show up on someone's crossword puzzle in the future.
    Your example: What do doctors charge for injections?
    Ans:Sticker price


    1. Now you're going to have to explain "DITCH DIGGER" I get that the word "DIGGER" refers to one who likes something, but do not understand the "DITCH" reference. Googled the word's meanings, but still a ????.

  26. Hi Y'all! Great puzzle, Michael! Great expo, Steve!

    I can't believe I had to come to the blog to find out Golden State won the first game. One of my favorite teams playing another favorite team. Yay, Warriors! Usually, I watch some basketball or the sports highlights every night. Too mesmerized by Dancing With the Stars where my favorite won. And Bachelorette and Married At First Sight. Oh well, there will be at least three more games in the series. Thanks for the link to Curry's little one. She looks a lot like him, for sure.

    Pebble Beach cry wasn't "ouch". I was thinking bare feet on little rocks. When it turned red, I realized "golf". DUH, for the day. Never been on a golf course, but watched some greats play Pebble on TV. Now I "know" some guys who played there.

    Last fill was YAXIS/TEXT cross. Finally had to red-letter run it. More DUH! Thought YA_IS would be all one word. ZIMA & UDO: all perps.

    Revolutionary sewer wasn't PVCs.

    BUNGEE JUMP always reminds me of my sweet, shy unexciting niece. She went on a teenaged group trip to a fair. The chaperone had collared some of the adventuresome boys and told them there were to be no bungee jumps. She looked up just in time to see my niece jump off the tower. As she later told my disbelieving sis-in-law, "I never dreamed SHE would do such a thing." My niece wanted to jump again but was stopped. Liability issues.

  27. HG,

    Remember Doplh Schayes quite well. I didn't like him though because I was a Knick fan and he had some memorable games against them.. Another set shot player I recall was George Yardley. He had an unorthodox approach, but he was VERY accurate.

  28. (still looking for a funny decoder ring pic...)

    Wees, Zag has been discussed before. Bringing it up again would be like beating a dead horse. But tied in with Gimp & Zima took a lot of head scratching to figure out. (I lost a lot of dandruff in that corner...)

    HG, Sorry but I did not see yr Vintage Wisk Commercial (30sec). I bailed 1/2 way there because I could not stand to watch a 30 second commercial to watch another 30 second commercial... It's like my car, it has an idiot light that say TPMS, when I looked it up in the manual I discovered it was an idiot light to tell me that the other idiot light may not work.

    Ah yes, I remember...

    & now we have Skype!

    Hmm, bungee jumping. I think I would have to work my way up to that...

    Why do do many people lose their heads over a simple game of Basketball?

    Re: Grapplinghook, I have played many video games, but I have never seen anything like this! looks like they are having fun!

  29. Hello, friends!

    First, thank you all for your kindness and condolences yesterday. I shall GRIEVE for along time to come.

    Thanks to Michael Dewey for a puzzle which though themed about sports was quite doable and even fun.

    ZAGS gave me pause because GIMP seemed improbable but I left it and as much as we've seen ADIA it doesn't emerge easily.

    Alas, I also used SUR instead of SUD and LEAR GUITAR sounded good to me. As for SNAPE, like the Simpsons, I'm slowly learning about those characters from crosswords. Haven't read them or seen the movies.

    Thank you, Steve, for your lively and interesting chatter. OwnKL, I howled loudly reading your poem today especially CAR-TELL! You rock!

    SO to our DODO. R.I.P.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

  30. coneyro @ 12:18

    If you recall, I mentioned that I was using the verb form of the word DITCH - see definition 3 below:

    verb: ditch; 3rd person present: ditches; past tense: ditched; past participle: ditched; gerund or present participle: ditching

    1. provide with ditches. "He was praised for ditching the coastal areas"
    synonyms: trench, excavate, drain
    2. (informal) get rid of; give up.
    "It crossed her mind to ditch her shoes and run"
    synonyms: throw out, throw away, discard, get rid of, dispose of, do away with, deep-six, shed;
    abandon, drop, shelve, scrap, jettison, throw on the scrapheap;
    (informal)dump, junk, chuck, pull the plug on, trash
    3.(informal) end a relationship with (someone) peremptorily; abandon; sever ties.
    "She ditched her husband to marry the window cleaner"
    North American: be truant from (school or another obligation).
    "Maybe she could ditch school and run away"

    1. Thank you. Of course, NOW it seems easy....Forgot the slang definition.

  31. Moe, thanx for 'splainin'. I didn't get it either.

    Husker, I'd answer your song question, but Beachcomber beat me to it. Many of Pat Boone's songs were just covers of other artists, LLITS was actually his own.

  32. Late to the party today. Our next project (new deck) is underway, and there are always pieces missing, requiring additional trips to the lumber yard.

    The puzzle was enjoyable to fill in, but I had no idea about the theme, even when I stopped in the middle to scrutinize the entries. SHOT never occurred to me, since I don't watch basketball....unless I am in a sports bar...and my seat is directly in front of the screen...and it is the final four or whatever...and I can't convince the bartender to change the channel to the ice dancing championship...

    So, WEES at this point!

    Lucina, so sorry to hear about your niece. But I know she will live on in your sweet memories of her.

  33. What a fun, fast puzzle! Easier for me than Monday or Tuesday. My only sticking point is that I had Leadsinger entered for 28D, so nothing worked in the southwest corner. Perps started changing it to GUITAR, and, voila, it's done.

    JzB, thanks for the link to Russian Sailors Dance! Usually the cello part is boring, but in this piece of music we got a challenge and fun time.

    OwenKL, great job today.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone.


  34. Ch. Moe, even after reading the explanations, I'm still not sure about the DITCHDIGGER. But it might work. Yes, $100 green fees in 1985 were indeed a lot of spinaccio. I was a resident and homeowner in the City of Pacific Grove so the annual dues in 1995 of about $450, unlimited golf, worked out to just a few bucks per round. It was a nice course, and did you know they now have a fairly new clubhouse and restaurant? I was surprised.

    Yes, I agree... Spyglass was and is still tougher than Pebble and when the sun comes out over on that side of the peninsula, the views become glorious. Oh, did you play the FREE par-3 course at Pebble? Fun.

  35. Unless you are going to play only heavy metal music, I don't know why anyone would buy a LEAD GUITAR.
    Wouldn't one made with wood make more sense.

  36. Hi All!

    DoH!, er, DUH(S). OOPS, soloist was singing b/f picking up the axe. I GAwk'd before GAPE and I was 'easy to' b/f I AIM'd ta please. ESPs - SUD, ADIA, UDO.

    Fun puzzle. It was easy sailing through the north, but I got hung up in the south by the above. Thanks M. Dewey and Steve (and Owen - CAR-TELL :-))

    What Vito said re: POCKET VETO - that's the IMAGE from my MEMORY.

    Fav: OYL - just 'cuz it went sideways (who went with OiL 1st?) Runner up: AINT - I'd get a little slap when I'd say it even though Twain used it.

    Jerome - I had dinner and a few pints w/ a vendor from the Bay Area last night. He poked me every time GS make the SHOT. I waited for The Beard to take over, but alas my arm hurts. Game 2 tomorrow.

    Lucina - I didn't check in yesterday, but I think I know. So sorry for you and yours.

    Tin - UCMU*

    Tonight - The girls and I see Rush - I'm so psyc'd. I hope I don't tote come off like Paul Rudd if I CRASH their Green Room. :-)

    Cheers, -T
    *You Crack Me Up - better than LOL IMHO

  37. @Anon 9:23 - thanks for the correction re Duke/Kentucky.

    "After all the money your father and I spent on braces, this you call a smile?"

    "It would have killed you to become a doctor?"

  39. AnonT: Live and learn. I didn't know RUSH was a band name. I wondered why you and your girls would be that excited about seeing Rush Limbaugh! LOL!

  40. Rainman @ 1:33

    Never knew that Pebble HAD a Par 3 course! Did it exist 30 years ago? That was a great deal for you for Pacific Grove; I wish I remembered more of the course, but I recall it being pretty sporty and much, much cheaper than PB

    Last time I was at Pebble was as a spectator for the 2000 US Open - I saw the incomplete 1st Round (due to the marine layer that overtook the course in the afternoon). Did a lot of walking, I recall.

    My favorite way to "see" Pebble is to start backward from 18 green, hitting 17, then crossing to 4 and 5. I'll then continue through 15, and from there it's an easy to walk #2 and #1 back toward the Clubhouse.

    #3 and #16 are sort of "meh" holes for me - not the easiest for someone who's walking the course. And as I said in an earlier post, with no parallel holes the word "FORE" is rarely heard on that piece of golfing property. If my kids pay attention to my wants and desires, my ashes will be scattered on the rocks on the 18th. I actually bogeyed that hole when I played it but still broke 80 for the round.

  41. Moe, Breaking 80 is terrific at Pebble, I don't care how good you are! I think I shot 92 and was very happy. (I was about an 18 hdcp then. In 2005 I was a 12 and would have still been happy!)
    At the AT&T annual tourney, I think it's Wed. the day before they begin, the pros have a "big" round at the little course. Kind of like they do at the Masters.
    You familiar with Blacklake GC in Nipomo? My home course for many years, ending 2007. Had my only ace on Oaks #5. Brag, brag. :O)

  42. Rainman

    Nope to Blacklake or Nipomo. I never lived on the left coast; traveled there on business a few times each year, and took an occasional vacation. But am not familiar with Nipomo. Will have to check the map . . .

    Congrat's on your ace! There are a lot of golfers who've been playing the game their entire life and never sniffed one.

    My 79 at Pebble was really rewarding. I was playing to a 5 back then, so breaking 80 was something attainable for me most rounds. But PB was just so intimidating - in my mind, at least - that I struggled early in the round to stay focused. I wish I had an eidetic memory and could recount the round. We played in July but it was quite chilly (and overcast) that morning. Fortunately there was little if any wind so the conditions for scoring were good.

    I will also admit to being a little hungover when I played. The day before we played Spyglass; I think I was 4 over for holes 5-18 and about 12 over for the first 4! I got caught in the iceplant and sand on holes 2-4 and was pretty peeved. That night we went to Clint Eastwood's place (Hog's Breath?) and got into some adult beverages. All I will say is that I kept my head pretty steady whilst playing PB, as any extra cranial movement would've been quite painful!!

  43. I don't know about anyone else but I never tire of hearing guys talk about golf. I hope it becomes a regular feature here. Just like limericks.

    Please, sir, I want some more.

  44. AnonT:
    Yes, I had OIL before OYL and wondered why there was no reference to indicate it. Still, IDYLL fixed it.

    LOL! Took me a second to realize you meant PB LEAD not the present tense of led. Ha ha

  45. Haven't we been through this before? This is Crossword Puzzle blog. Those other word puzzles have their own sites. Do we want to be taken over?

  46. Greetings!

    Thanks, Mike and Steve!

    No problems.

    Jerome: cute!

    Owen: you have excelled yourself!

    I think that the last golf comment was tongue-in-cheek.


  47. Dear Oy Vey (4:12)

    OK, fair enough. My source was my Jewish brother-in-law. He sent them to me in an e-mail this morning. He is is a retired pediatrician and a country singer/songwriter and goes by Dean Dobbins.

  48. BS on the golf stories

  49. Golf of Arabia- Where the course is a massive water hazard

  50. Occasional LurkerMay 20, 2015 at 9:36 PM

    Coneyro @ 11.47

    re: What does a doctor charge for injections ?

    How about 'Prix fixe' ?

    (If it doesn't 'fit', I guess I've haven't got the concept yet ...)

    This is to the Anon, who's upset at all the golf stories and the word puzzles....

    While this is a crossword blog - as our 'retired' Marine officer, turned toy store salesman, now living in Florida said...

    Although this is a crossword blog - we should be generous and tolerant enough to allow all sorts of side interests, hobbies and whims to play around, on an occasional basis. People often get carried away with their interests and obsessions.

    I am, like many of you bloggers, an old man, and further, I am presently, far from home, and 'out of station' at the moment, and writing this with an iPhone, and I admit, tonight, I am somewhat mellow and wistful, and I think we need to have a litle sympathy and empathy in our life.

    " Tolerance for the fellow man", should be one of the mottos for this blog.

  51. CED: Found this and variations with other political messages), but maybe a limerick to assuage the yearning?

    Going to a party, needed something to bring.
    Scratch-n-sniff playing cards seemed like the thing!
    People thought it was neat,
    The smells were so sweet,
    And everyone wanted a DECK ODORING!

  52. Occasional Lurker @ 9:36

    I don't think Ollie was being intolerant of conversation other than crosswords. We all welcome these side interests, even Bill G's explicit details of his various lunches. Well, maybe not then...

    However, Moe and Ray reached a point where they should have taken their conversation offline. Reading those posts, I felt more like an eavesdropper than a blog participant. That's what e-mail is for. Let's hope they meet someday and enjoy a wicked round of golf together.

  53. What OL said - I'll put up w/ golf scores and you have to hear how amzaing Rush is. That concert was awesome. The girls and I had a blast and I still can't hear a damn thing (I got them ear-plugs 'cuz I'm a good dad).

    Re: Pebble Beach - DW and I rented bikes and rode around it. We saw a little isle about 40 feet out and walked to it. Then the tide came in. We were soaked and cold after wading back to our bikes.

    Oh, Rush is amazing. They're old but still LOOKIN' good. They played 2112 note-for-note. It was COOL that the stage hands built the SET up as the show progressed and then slowly tore it down as the band got to earlier stuff. The ICING - Lakeside Park; an Anthem for the 24th of May for C, Eh? They closed w/ Working Man.

    You spend your money on golf - I live for this. :-)

    Cheers, -T


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