, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, September 28, 2015 Lila Cherry

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Sep 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015 Lila Cherry

Theme: Give My Regards To Broadway - Things you see in a theater.

17A. *Last leg of a journey : FINAL STAGE

57A. *Matching breakfast nook furniture : DINETTE SET

11D. *Thanksgiving night snacks : TURKEY WINGS

25D. *Cold War barrier : IRON CURTAIN

43D. Broadway building, and where to find the ends of the answers to starred clues : THEATER

Bonus entry: 39A. Broadway productions : SHOWS

Argyle here with an anagrammed constructor. Some new stuff, some old, and some to see if you've been paying attention the last few weeks. Enjoy!


1. Borscht veggies : BEETS

6. Garden neighbors of glads, perhaps : MUMS

10. "Looking at it differently," in texts : OTOH. (On The Other Hand)

14. Play the coquette : FLIRT

15. Part of MIT: Abbr. : INST. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

16. Make all better : CURE

19. Cleveland's lake : ERIE

20. Protruding-lip expression : POUT

21. Made minor adjustments to : TWEAKED. Like using botox to get that pout.

23. Enjoy snowy trails : SKI

26. Constellation bear : URSA

28. Discussion groups : PANELS

29. Stephen King's harassed high schooler : CARRIE. "Carrie: The Musical" was both on Broadway(1988) and Off-Broadway(2012)(Revival).

31. Shiny photo : GLOSSY. "27 8×10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us" ~ Arlo

33. Great Plains natives : OTOEs

34. Largest Greek island : CRETE

35. Roll of cash : WAD

38. Comes out on top : WINS

40. Actress Sorvino : MIRA. Screen and TV but no stage work that I could find.

41. "Just a __!" : SEC

42. How not to talk in libraries : ALOUD as distinguished from whisperingly

43. Piquant : TANGY

44. Stereotypically wealthy city area : UPTOWN. Sans shades.

46. Clavell novel of feudal Japan : SHOGUN. On Broadway in 1990, "Shogun: The Musical".

47. Take out a loan : BORROW

49. Ice hockey feint : DEKE

51. Observe : SEE

52. Intermittently : AT TIMES

54. Perfume container : VIAL

56. Fava or soya : BEAN

62. Spy novelist Ambler : ERIC. NYTimes Obit

63. Japanese noodle : UDON

64. Midterms, e.g. : EXAMS

65. "The __ Ranger" : LONE. The Green Hornet's great-uncle.

66. Chapel seating : PEWS

67. Assemble, as equipment : RIG UP


1. Texter's soul mate : BFF. (Best Friends Forever)

2. Yalie : ELI

3. A, in Austria : EIN

4. Mouse catcher : TRAP. Board game with cheese-shaped tokens, "Mouse Trap". "The Mousetrap" is a murder mystery play by Agatha Christie. It opened in the West End of London in 1952, and has been running continuously since then. Will it come to Broadway?

5. Arch city : ST. LOUIS

6. Catchers' gloves : MITTS

7. __ vez: Spanish "once" : UNA "At once" or 58D. Without delay : NOW

8. High-ranking NCO : MSGT. (Master Sergeant)

9. Gumbo cookers : STEW POTS

10. Pacific and Atlantic : OCEANS

12. Bay window : ORIEL

13. Pays attention to : HEEDS

18. "Be glad to" : "SURE"

22. Effortlessness : EASE

23. Garbage haulers : SCOWS

24. News anchor Couric : KATIE

27. Bad way to run a yacht? : AGROUND

30. Legal thing : RES

32. Indecent : LEWD

34. Vittles : CHOW

36. Take issue (with) : ARGUE

37. "Tell It to My Heart" singer Taylor __ : DAYNE

39. Decelerated : SLOWED UP

40. Chinese chairman : MAO

42. Molecule part : ATOM

45. Royal son : PRINCE

46. "SNL" segment : SKIT

47. Biblical tower site : BABEL

48. Alamogordo's county : OTERO, New Mexico. Update: Otero County was created January 30, 1899 from the eastern end of Doña Ana County, the southern portion of Lincoln, and southeast corner of Socorro County. Otero County was named after Miguel Antonio Otero, New Mexico's governor at the time (the first Hispanic surnamed governor of New Mexico Territory, served 1897-1906). His father, by the same name, had served as Territorial Representative to Congress from 1856 to 1861.

50. Odds alternative : EVENS

53. Either team on the field : SIDE

55. LPGA golfer Thompson : LEXI. Hmm, golfer or model, Images.

59. Droop in the middle : SAG

60. Down Under bird : EMU

61. Baker's meas. : TSP



  1. Finished in the wee, small hours of the morning. Been waiting for Argyle's post. A little crunchier than most Monday fare (IMHO), but given the constructor, I'm not surprised. Well done, Lila. Great expo, Argyle. Always appreciate your links. Apparently I need to watch more LPGA tournaments.

    I was a little surprised to see SLOWEDUP as fill. Not saying it's incorrect and not picking a nit. I'm sure it is fine and proper usage. It's just that I've always slowed down and speeded up.

    Just to show how tired I must be, my only hang up was MUMS, even with the M & S from crosses. My tired brain took the loooongest time to suss the fill, even with the a couple mental alphabet runs. Darned insomnia.

  2. A fun run and I guess time to try and create a new Monday.
    Great week to all, my second granddaughter was born 3:10AM edit
    I can't sleep

  3. What's a bad way to run a yacht?
    At speeds of over 60 knots?
    In a messy state
    So it's not ship-shape?
    Why, to run it AGROUND you'd better not!

    When studying with a library crowd
    Perhaps your head o'er your book is bowed.
    But if you're pert
    You shouldn't FLIRT,
    Because the talking allowed, is not ALOUD!

  4. Morning, all!

    Stayed up late last night to view the lunar eclipse. The weather cooperated and we had a clear, unobstructed view. I even woke my son up at 10:20 to see it, although I'm not sure how much he'll remember this morning since he may have been sleepwalking...

    Fun Monday puzzle from Rich. Mostly smooth sailing, although OTERO and LEXI weren't exactly Monday friendly in my opinion. The part that SLOWED me UP the most was my own fault, as I typoed and entered IRON CURRAIN at 25D, which had me staring at the crossing of the unknown O_ERO and the misspelled A_RIMES until I finally realized my mistake.

  5. Good morning!

    Rich got me, and on a Monday! I can't believe I screwed it up. I had SWIFT, but the perps demanded DAYN_. Obviously, it must be DAYNA, right? That was the Governator's daughter's name in True Lies. That would make 51a SEA -- a perfectly nice Monday word. Not!

    Barry, I vote that we add DAYNE to your list of words that aren't Monday-friendly.

    Off to my quarterly dental prophylaxis...

  6. Dudley, clue in today's NYT -- "Gershwin composition in United Airlines ads." Apparently, Will Shortz thinks it's sufficiently well-known to appear in a Monday puzzle.

  7. Good Morning.

    Thanks, Lila for a bit more challenging Monday. I didn't get my Tah Dah when I finished so I had to proof the whole puzzle. Both silly mistakes, a quick fix and Tah Dah! Gimme for me today was MUMS. Just saw a pretty grouping with glads yesterday. I was surprised because I always thought gladioli peaked a little sooner. Nice, though.

    Argyle, thanks for the start to the week. I saw Mousetrap last year in a smaller local Equity theater. It was intimate and fun; I had never seen it before.

    Congrats, Lemonade. More cuddles!!

    Have a good day, everyone.


  8. No issues or nits today. Perps needed for 10A. Since I do not text, the language to abbreviations are all "CRETE" to me.

    Big week in the family. Next Sunday our family will become larger as there will be two new additions...a DIL & step grand daughter. We're very exited.

  9. DAYNE was all perps, definitely not a Monday word. Otherwise a typical Monday puzzle. Argyle, I enjoyed your expo. DO, I would need many perps and wags for the Gershwin answer.

    I read SHOGUN and four more of Clavell's Asian Saga novels, all except Whirlwind, set in Iran in 1979. All the novels are quite long, but I enjoyed them very much. They contain tons of Asian history and culture, a treasure trove of learning.
    When one of us POUTed, my mom used to say, "I could take a ride on your lip." I know I am in the minority, but I think the Botox POUT is not pretty. When the POUTy lips are natural they fit the other features better.

    Congrats on the new grandbaby, Lemonade. Isn't being a grandparent awesome?

    Unfortunately it was too cloudy here for to view the eclipse, but I saw great pictures of it on TV.

  10. The usual speed run for an early week puzzle. The cross of OTERO and ERIC made me pause for a second I'm glad UDON had easy perps- all three were unknows.

    Why can you say SLOW UP or SLOW DOWN but only SPEED UP?

    So Lila Cherry is "Really Rich". Sneaky 'girl' he/she is.

    Have a nice week everybody.

  11. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Lila Cherry, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    I ignored the crosswords for the last few days, being too busy to even start. I am, however, in the middle of the Sunday puzzle. Hope to fin isn it today. So, when this morning arrived, I was hungry for a puzzle.

    Got through this fairly easily. Theme made sense early on, so that helped.

    I do text a lot, but not with the texting mnemonics. I tend to spell things out. Oh well. Old habits are hard to break.

    I am not a big fan of TURKEY WINGS, but I love CHICKEN WINGS. Go figure. When there is a tray of fried chicken at a banquet I eat only wings.

    Our old favorite, ORIEL. I learned that word from crosswords, many years ago. Other words as well.

    Have to run. A little worried today, my mother had a stroke yesterday in Erie, so waiting to hear what is happening there. She has not been in very good shape lately.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  12. Good morning all. Thanks Rich. Thanks Argyle.

    Bluhen, I too SLOWED UP at MUMS. The U was my last fill. I had SSGT and thus M-SS but the clue suggested an abbreviation and I wasn't certain that oNA VEZ was going to be correct. Easy fix. E8, not E6 in the US Army.

    Vaguely recall the name LEXI Thompson, but perps did all the work. Same with DAYNE and OTERO.

    Hondo, I liked "... all CRETE to me."

    Spoiler Alert !!!
    A Favorite Version Don't click if you haven't done the NYT puzzle yet.

  13. Good morning everyone.

    Thought Lila Cherry was Rich. Thanks Argyle for confirming.

    Easy one today. No searches, strikethroughs, muss or fuss. Perps gave OTERO.

    Eclipse was right on time here. Sky mostly clear.

    Have a good day.

  14. Thank you "Lila" for a good start to the week. I don't know the names of a lot of recent singers, but somehow I recalled Taylor DAYNE, probably from this song. I always thought it curious that we say "Slow up!" or "Slow down!" but with the same meaning. Idioms are strange things.

    Argyle, great write-up! [Which you wrote down.] I had to laugh at the references to previous puzzles like "Mousetrap" and "Green Hornet". I thought you'd link this song for UPTOWN, but it was fun to hear Roy instead.

  15. Good Morning:

    As others have said, some crunch for a Monday but nothing the perps couldn't fix. Needed the reveal to catch the theme but that's my preference, anyway. CSO to Abejo with Erie, to Marti with ski, and Splynter with Deke. Multiple CSO's to Steve: chow, turkey wings, stewpots, udon, bean and tangy!

    Nicely done, Lila, and great expo, Argyle.

    Congratulations, Lemony! I hope Charlotte will enjoy being a big sister.

    Bluehen, I hope your insomnia disappears quickly.

    Sorry to hear of your mother's bad turn, Abejo. Thoughts and prayers go your way.

    Did anyone watch Quantico last night? I set the DVR but when I went to watch it, it wasn't there. I'll get it On Demand at some point, but I was just wondering if others liked it.

    Have a great day.

  16. Hello Puzzlers -

    There were a few points that were sticky by Monday standards. Tried Steamers before Stewpots - not because I thought gumbo was steamed, but because it looked right. Perps prevailed. Glad we've had Oriel before.

    WBS about the clear skies last night. Our bonfire guests departed before the moon was restored, but the LW and I stayed up to watch it brighten. Kinda tired today.

    D Otto 6:43 - still surprised. I had no idea that ad campaign existed.

    YellowRocks - I'm not sure I can tell which pouty lips are fake, but overall I agree with you. I wish people didn't tinker with their looks that way.

  17. Silence is not so golden in the modern library. Not long ago a librarian was speaking with me in a conversational tone, not loud, but not whispering. An irritated lady scolded us reminding us of the rule requiring silence. Not these days. The librarian ignored her and continued the conversation. Our library has a large comfortable room for quiet study where the silence rule is always followed. I used to study my Japanese there. The librarian could have direct the lady to that room. I think we have the best of both worlds.
    Link Is silence golden?
    Abejo, thoughts and prayers for you and your mom.

  18. Abejo, our best wishes for your mother. It makes me wonder how many here still have living mothers? Mine is 10 years gone.

  19. Thanks Rich, um Lila for a nice Monday puzzle. Any puzzle I can finish in under 30 minutes without red letters is nice. I did not know UDON, DAYNE OR OTERO.

    I thought I had heard of ALAMOGORDO,“fat cottonwood tree”, in regards to the atom bomb.
    I was right, TRINITY
    , the first atomic explosion, was done in the desert near Alamagordo.

    Abejo, my prayers are for your Mom. And congrats all the new grandparents, currently and in the near future.

    Also, to Abejo, regarding chicken wings are better:
    I think TURKEY WINGS are not so good because
    1) They raise the birds for big breasts, period, wings would only let them fly and get away. Maybe wild turkeys would be better, I have heard the whiskey of that name is also pretty good.
    2) If the wings cook with the bird, it is almost impossible to keep them from drying out, let alone burning. Little foil tents can only do so much.

    In Cleveland Heights the lunar eclipse was mostly blocked due to a lot of cloud cover. The moon did pop out, on and off. I saw some of the beginning and some of the ending of the eclipse. I looked during the full eclipse and the clouds were too dense to let it show.


  20. Good morning all,
    Enjoyable puzzle today. Needed 1 or 2 letters to shake up my memory for a few, but mostly they just slid right in. Needed all perps for Lexi and Otero. Learned oriel from crosswords, and about that time, we put one in our living room.

    Congrats Lemonade!! More cuddles for you.

  21. I thought I recognized Lila’s name. She/He produced an enjoyable puzzle with just a few speed bumps

    -IRON CURTAIN - Putin’s 60 minutes interview last night was very interesting.
    -BEETS – gotta love ‘em or hate ‘em. I’m in the former camp
    -MUMS are the stars of the landscape this time of year
    -Little Town Coquette (2:47)
    -MASS. or INST. or TECH?
    -Before being forced to Oklahoma, the OTOES lived in SE Nebraska where OTOE County is today
    -Is a CRETE expatriate an Excretion?
    -If you want to buy a white G6136CST White Falcon™ that Roy is playing in that great lip sync clip, you’d better bring a big checkbook
    -Grandkids just wanted to build the Rube Goldberg trap not play the game
    -The final piece of the arch was 5” too long due to the heat of the day and it took fire hoses to cool down the south leg to make it fit
    -Baseball lost a gentleman and great user of his MITT last week
    -Congrats Lemon!
    -What musical featured a character named STEW POT?

  22. Well, I found this a delightful Monday speed run--a relief after having trouble with Thursday, Friday, and Saturday puzzles last week. So, many thanks, Lila, for getting my week off to a great start. Delighted to see CRETE in the puzzle. My husband and I had three lovely vacations there, always at the same delightful resort, so this brought back sweet memories.

    Hope you get some sleep, Bluehen, and you too, Lemonade--congrats on new grand-daughter. Abejo, I'll be praying for your mother.

    Have a great week, everybody!

  23. Hello, friends!

    Congratulations, Lemonade, on the latest arrival!

    Thanks to Lila Cherry, aka, Rich, for a sweet and speedy grid. Borscht with BEETS in Russia is a delicious treat especially if the bus arrives four hours late and all the passengers are famished. Add crusty bread and it's almost heavenly.

    I like ERIC Ambler's books and have four of them. DEKE and ORIEL are solid crossword terms. Ditto for STEAMERS until they were TWEAKED.

    It was a clear night here and I watched the beginning of the eclipse but when I looked out again, it was over!

    What a good way to start Monday. Thank you, Argyle, too, for a nice write UP.

    I hope all are enjoying this lovely day!

  24. My proofreading acumen again exhibited in 7:42 post this AM. Last word should be excited, not exited.

  25. @ Yellow Rocks. In south Louisiana, I'm not from NOLA but further southwest. We put fried fish, fried shrimp, fried stuffed shrimp, fried softshell crabs. fried stuffed crabs, crawfish boullettes, and fried froglegs. French fries for the side.

    That platter in the pic is 57 bux and feeds 4.

    No tada so I proofed it and looked until I spotted BABAL I always thought it was spelled with an A instead of an E.

  26. Look, Ma, no cavities! Unfortunately, I do have some deep pockets. Dentists love folks who have them.

    Congrats, Lemon, on your new arrival. You asked about's been gone for 15 years and dad for 23. Abejo, enjoy 'em while you've got 'em.

    Hondo, congrats on your family additions.

    Boo, maybe you're thinking of BAAL -- another good Biblical xword word.

    1. Congrats on the good checkup. I know what you mean. I'm awaiting my 12th dental implant. My pockets have been well-emptied.

  27. Bluehen,
    I'm no expert but from what I recall from reading, the human sleep apparatus goes to 25 hour cycles unless it is synced with daylight. Blind people sometimes have problems with this and a year or two ago they were running ads for a new drug. Also, TV and computer screens are really bad to look at right before bed. They can make the brain think it is daytime.

    In addition, I get SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder and the lessoning amount of daylight makes me all messed up. I take medicine for that and often use a special lamp in the morning to help me 'WAKE-UP'.

    I hope you find the answer to sleeping ok again.


  28. Boo, sounds delish. I love seafood.
    DO, I had deep pockets, too, which continued to deepen, so now I go to a periodontist who restored my gums to health. Good luck.

  29. It's nice to know that the guy who edits these puzzles is also a constructor, gives us a chance to throw some critique back. Unfortunately I fell into the Staff Sargent trap, & I can't complain because I like a little moss in my garden...

    Abejo, our thoughts are with you. Mums been gone over 50 years now, but at least Dad got to see his Granddaughter for 3 months in 89.

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday Dennis, sorry I missed it. I had to go to a 2 day wedding function in the Hamptons. A 2 day party that was finalized in a vineyard. ( I am lucky I survived, I don't know how these young kids do it...) Anyway, since you are not here on Mondays I thought just a small slice of cake would suffice, but it didn't turn out that way...

    Anywho, in an attempt to get even with Rich, I am off to look for some silly pics to go with his theme answers...

  30. Hi gang -

    Pretty nice theme execution, with lots of familiar fill making it Monday friendly.

    Names added a little crunch.

    Condolences on you mom's condition Abejo. Hope she get's through it OK.

    Congrats to the new grand parents. It's the best part of life.

    I was fortunate to get some moon shots last night. Clouds were intermittent.

    Cool regards!

  31. Just a few random thoughts before I sign off for the day.

    1) Thanks for all of the kind thoughts, but please don't be concerned. I'll be fine. Insomnia and I have been friends since high school. It usually only lasts a couple days, and since I'm retired, I catch a quick nap when needed. I actually don't mind the insomnia terribly. I have a lot of extra time to get things done. Our house is ready for a BH&G shoot.

    2) Isn't OTERO also a form of coloration on a pinto (paint) horse? I am definitely not a horse person, so I could use some help with this. I read YEARS ago the there are two types of coloration in pintos. One type has colored spots on a white background and the other has white splotches on a background of another color. I believe the former is called otero. I can't remember the other name. How about it. Am I close?

    3) Remembered Taylor Dayne from a celebrity cooking show on Food Network, of all things. I didn't know who she was, never heard any of her music and here she was purported to be a celebrity and an outstanding cook at that. when she was eliminated midway through, I remarked to DW about the irony of it all.

  32. Greetings!

    Recognized Rich right away!

    DAYNE, OTERO and LEXI were perped. A chewy Monday.

    Thanks, Rich and Santa!

    Congrats, Lemon!

    Hoping for the best, Abejo. (Do you read the posts after yours?)


  33. On Saturday, THE HEARD came to Detroit.


  34. For me, that final stage is more like a carrot on a stick...

    Dinette set? I have heard of balanced meals, but this is ridiculous...

    Happy Thanksgiving Damnit!

    The Iron Curtain, If only...

    Theater ain't what it used to be... & Anon, no I can't explain this pic. If you don't get it, you don't need to get out more...

  35. Bluehen: Click here for everything you ever wanted to know about pintos (the horses, not the exploding Fords). I think you're thinking of overo (a word that's new to me).

  36. Good Morning, Everyone, Thank you Abejo for the fine expo of Lila Cherry's/Rich's puzzle this Monday morning. I didn't have any problems with the unknowns as they were perped easily.

    Congratulations Lemon, on your new little granddaughter. Grandchildren are life's wonders!

    Abejo, I'm thinking about you and your mother. My prayers are with you both.

    Clouds obscured the eclipse last evening. It is still cloudy this morning, but no rain in the forecast! How we do need the rain.

    Lucina, I'll have to look up some of Eric Ambler's books. I like a good spy/mystery novel.

    Have a great day everyone.

  37. Abejo:
    Positive thoughts and prayers for your mother. You are fortunate to have had for this long.

    Mine has been gone 19 years; she died the year my granddaughter was born and my grandmother died the year my daughter was born. It's a way to mark those sad milestones. In my youth I knew both grandmothers and my paternal great-grandparents. All four died when I was an adult and they remain one of the deepest memories of growing up.

    I hope you enjoy Eric Ambler though I have to warn you there are no modern devices in play, only old fashioned but intriguing detective footwork.

  38. I didn't have time to get to the puzzle before work as I was in Wisconsin all last week and had to play catch up. Nice easy Monday, with just a few minor challenges easily perped.

    HG I think the character Stewpot was from South Pacific.
    I just visited the moving Vietnam Memorial Wall yesterday at our Capitol - I think many of those GIs could have been in "South Pacific" too, from the pictures in the accompanying display. I found the name of the GI that I wore a POW/MIA bracelet for in the 70s on the wall. Still MIA after his plane was downed.

    Thanks Argyle for the write-up, and Lily/Rich for the puzzle!

  39. Enjoyed today's construction. Only total unknown was 48d that was easily figured out with crosses. After it was apparent it was not Taylor Swift, had to dig a bit deeper to pull out Taylor Dayne from the recesses of the cobwebs.

    With reference to dental costs, they keep getting more expensive each visit it seems. As to having deep pockets, I can only say it's better to have AND not not need than to need and and not have!

    Mom has been gone for 23 years, Dad for 50 years, and little brother 26 years. I think of them every day. To everyone out there who still have parents still living, all the best wishes and prayers go your way.

  40. I updated the write-up with this: Otero County was created January 30, 1899 from the eastern end of Doña Ana County, the southern portion of Lincoln, and southeast corner of Socorro County. Otero County was named after Miguel Antonio Otero, New Mexico's governor at the time (the first Hispanic surnamed governor of New Mexico Territory, served 1897-1906). His father, by the same name, had served as Territorial Representative to Congress from 1856 to 1861.

  41. Good puzzles yesterday and today. Thanks to the constructors.

  42. Abejo, best wishes for you and your mother.

  43. Deep pockets in dentistry refers to receding gums as well as the money needed to treat them.

  44. According to my Larousse Spanish dictionary, OTERO means "hillock, knoll."

  45. Jazz Bumpa,

    It is cute how the rear half of each horse in The HEARD detaches and they can dance separately. Does the Raffia make any noises when they dance?


  46. Hi from Midland TX,

    I enjoyed Really Rich's puzzle but, like most, felt a few crunchy-for-a-Monday areas. I got the WIN which goes to SHOWS ya', I can be smart ATTIMES and I'll say it ALOUD. ('Corse on a Monday loss, I POUT and MUM'S the word).

    Thanks Argyle for the writeUP, esp. for Arlo's GLOSSY lyrics.

    W/os- a in BABEL; aNA leading to MasS...

    ESPs - 37d & 48d. Thanks VS for info on Trinity; did not know that.

    We played SHOGUN in HS. It's a lot like Axis & Allies (Risk on 'roids).

    HG - I'm w/ you; I love BEETs. Grandma would can the best.

    Abejo - so sorry to hear about your mother.

    Congrats Lem. Since you asked re: Mom; yes and so's Pop. But they were born in '50.

    I met a fellow cruciverbalist* at IHA on his way to Jacksonville, FL. He says he stops buy the corner for answers, but never posts. I said to join the fun. If he ends up being obnoxious, I guess you hafta blame me. :-)

    Cheers, -T
    *I hope I got that right, spellcheck no likie.

  47. My new temporary bridge came unglued last night and I got it reattached today. Our dental insurance will pay part of it. In general, the insurance costs as much as it pays out; some years we come out ahead, other years in the red. So we're going to drop it from now on. It's kind of like buying repair insurance when you get a new appliance. In general, the 'insurance' company is planning on making a profit. I can afford to pay to get a refrigerator fixed if need be. I can afford to pay my dental bills. When a big expense is incurred, the insurance helps out somewhat. It's not like liability insurance for your car. We can't afford to get sued for a couple of million dollars due to injuries in a car accident. That kind of insurance seems necessary. Dental insurance, not so much.


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