, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Tom Uttormark and C.C. Burnikel

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 5, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Tom Uttormark and C.C. Burnikel

Theme: May I have a word with you? - Words that are a???? are split into two words and clued as such.

20. One hospital celebration? : AWARD CEREMONY. A WARD CEREMONY (Ward - section of a hospital)

25. One mug from the boxing ring? : ABOUT FACE. (military command) A bout face; a face after a bout in boxing.

46. One news magazine managing editor? : AHEAD OF TIME. A head of Time(Time magazine)

52. One adorable romantic threesome? : ACUTE TRIANGLE. (triangle that has all angles less than 90°) A cute triangle.

Argyle here but no reveal. The puzzle has mirror crossword symmetry. Many proper names. I added a few songs to ease the pain.


1. Nothing, in Nogales : NADA but here's something...I'm not sure what.

5. A-list invitee : CELEB

10. Inhale in awe : [GASP!]

14. "The Big Country" Oscar winner Ives : BURL. Here is a clip from the movie.  Clip(2:41)

15. Hertz competitor : ALAMO

16. Germany's von Bismarck : OTTO

17. Study at the last minute : CRAM

18. Decorated anew : REDID

19. Grown-up tadpole : TOAD

23. The blahs : ENNUI

24. Radon and ozone : GASES

29. Joe of "Casino" : PESCI. Pesci played Nicholas "Nicky" Santoro.

32. [Not my typo] : (SIC)

33. Ethan of "Before Midnight" : HAWKE

37. Sound system component : AMP

38. "Honest!" : "NOT A LIE!" Sure. 40D. "Honest?" : "IS THAT SO?"

41. Breathable mixture : AIR

42. "Count on it" lawnmower brand : TORO

44. Fast-spreading Internet phenomena : MEMES

45. Michelin rating unit : STAR

49. Without question : BY FAR

50. Store posting : HOURS

56. Long-distance swimmer Diana : NYAD. When she was 64, she swam from Cuba to Florida, the first person confirmed to have done so.

57. Crime scene clue exposed by dusting : PRINT

58. Hereditary code carrier : GENE

60. Table tennis video game : PONG. Do you remember?

61. Cozumel cash : PESOs. Was that where the ill-fated cruise was headed a few years back?

62. "__ but not least ... " : LAST

63. Trick : RUSE

64. Look after : SEE TO

65. Barely managed, with "out" : EKED


1. "Parks and Recreation" network : NBC

2. Heavenly glows : AURAE

3. Written (up), as a contract : DRAWN

4. Annually updated reference : ALMANAC. Did any almanac predict this winter?

5. Pulse-boosting exercise, for short : CARDIO

6. Utility measured in kilowatt hrs. : ELEC.

7. Fill with cargo : LADE

8. Qatari bigwig : EMIR

9. Hispanic convenience store : BODEGA

10. Set sail : GO TO SEA

11. Make reparations : ATONE

12. Hangs around : STAYS

13. Sci-fi escape craft : POD

21. Apply before cooking, as spice to meat : RUB IN

22. Papier-__ : MÂCHÉ

26. Spanish pronoun : USTED. (you)

27. Words of grande affetto : TI AMO. Italian for "I love you".

28. Bass staff symbol : F CLEF

29. On-the-back praise : PAT

30. Expressive rock genre : EMO

31. "Contents under pressure" containers : SPRAY CANS. Do not incinerate.

34. Plumbing problem : WATER LEAK

35. Sorento automaker : KIA

36. Throw wide of the cutoff man, say : ERR. (baseball)

39. Dr. Eric Foreman portrayer on "House" : OMAR EPPS. Full name today.

43. G-rated cry of dismay : "OH, FUDGE!"

45. Sneak across the border : SMUGGLE

47. Nosh : EAT

48. Electrified particle : ION

49. Louisiana wetland : BAYOU

51. Hearing, for one : SENSE

53. It has bark, but no bite : TREE

54. Get out of bed : RISE

55. Playing a fourth NHL period : IN OT. (overtime)

56. Network home to "A Prairie Home Companion" : NPR. (National Public Radio)

59. Takeoff approx. : ETD. (Estimated Time of Departure)



  1. Morning, all!

    Got the theme early on and it let me stick an "A" at the beginning of every subsequent theme answer. I thought the theme was fun, although a bit strained at times. Minor stumble putting in RUB ON before RUB IN, and I always have trouble remembering NYAD, but that was about it. Finished the whole thing in normal Monday time, which is pretty good for a Tuesday.

    Six degrees outside right now. BRRRRR!


  2. Well, I didn't throw wide of the cutoff man, but I managed to ERR by rushing the play when there was plenty of time to end the game with no flubs. EKEs instead of EKED prevented the TADA. Simply scanned the clue and didn't notice the tense. Oh well, it was still fun.

    Here's another... (9 letters): "A crooked amused expression." ---------

    Quit doing business with Hertz years ago. It was 2003 or 2004. Just like the Seinfeld episode. They didn't honor the reservation. Needed a large car like a Grand Marquis or Lincoln Town Car, and all they had was a small SUV Ford Escape. Went to Enterprise and have used them ever since.

    Thank you CC, D-O, and Argyle.

    Argyle, I could only recall the Costa Concordia. Didn't know of one in Cozumel. Ethan Couch's cruise appears to have ended in Puerto Vallarta.

    Thanks for the music. Roy Orbison was not blind. HONEST ! NOT A LIE ! ITS (sic) TRUE !

  3. Love seeing OTTO in this latest collaboration in C.C.'s stable of Corner Constructors. SPRAY CANS, WATER LEAK and OMAR EPPS added zip to this doable Tuesday. Did not remember the movie but BURL IVES will always be a big part of my holiday memories.

    Thanks Tom and C.C.

  4. Creative theme.
    Late to work- in the 20s here
    Thanks Tom, CC, and Argyle!

  5. Argyle: Great write-up and tunes.

    D-OTTO & C.C. Thank You for a FUN Tuesday puzzle with a nice theme.

    Unfortunately, no-booze-in-the-grid to earn a 4-STAR rating.

    It's Epiphany Eve, which is probably a Big-Deal here in Tarpon Springs.
    Tomorrow is the famous Cross-Toss and the town doubles in size for the celebration.


    PS Just curious, I gained 4 lbs between Thanksgiving & New Years (they will be gone by month end).
    How did y'all do ???

  6. It wasn't the speed run it should have been because my other than cervesa, amore, and ASCII, my knowledge of Spanish, Italian, and computer jargon is non-existent. Luckily I managed to correctly fill USTED, TI AMO, & MEMES although I had no idea what 'TIA MO- aunt ?' and MEMES were.

    The 'A' theme came out early and I was expecting an AEIOU but didn't get it. My only writeover was A LOVE TRIANGLE instead of CUTE. The saying OH FUDGE is new to me; never heard it before.

    Johnny Horton- appropriate with the 201st anniversary of 'The Battle of New Orleans" coming up next week. Jackson Day race was last weekend. Then he went 'North to Alaska'.

  7. A lot of what Big Easy said, but I was worse--a DNF because of lacking knowledge. I caught what was happening with the theme, but could only decipher ACUTE TRIANGLE, and the ends of all the rest. I thought we were supposed to get better at this with practice, but I'm getting worse.


  8. Sounds like I'm going to be in the minority today, but I had a helluva time solving today's puzzle. It finally came down to a one letter wag. I had no idea about 44A & 27D. Grande affetto & fast spreading internet phenomena?? The crossing M was my wag. Figured in someone's language Affetto must be affection & the M gave me AMO (Love). Is affetto Spanish?

    Always want to spell GASES gasses.Started with AURAs before AURAE. Thank you ENNUI. Never remember NYAD.

    Actually had the least trouble today with the theme clues. Liked the shout out to Tom at 16A.

    Thank you CC & Tom, my streak remains intact, but you made me work for it.

    Between Thanksgiving & New Years, I gained ten pounds. Cocktail hour has been suspended until further notice. It's the only way I can limit my food intake. I'm figuring at least six to eight weeks.

  9. Our friends C.C. and DesperOtto presented us a pleasant puzzle with speed bumps for me in the middle with SIC, TIAMO, FCLEF and MEMES. Fun!

    -I got AWARD CEREMONY and wondered about such an event in a hospital before DUH!!
    -You’re welcome in Spanish – De NADA – Literally “It is nothing.”
    -One CRAMming strategy questioned
    -Don’t go in the cornfield, Nicky!
    -What requires [SIC] more often – There/Their/They’re or To/Too/Two?
    -A business arrangement with nothing DRAWN up between my MIL and her son cost her big $$$
    -What we bought and where we bought it to check our CARDIO on treadmill
    -I wonder if longshoremen ever use the verb LADE
    -Ain’t happenin’ Dave!
    -We had to check for SPRAY CANS of shaving cream on the last day of school
    -A famous throwing ERRor last fall (not to a cutoff man) (1:09)
    -Thanks for a fine write-up, Argyle. Johnny and Roy rocked my morning!

  10. A very pleasant surprise to open the paper and see the Tom and C.C. byline this morning. The puzzle was at least Tuesday level for me. Had some hangups in the center that slowed things down, but it all worked out. Thank you both, and thanks Argyle.

  11. Morning, guys and gals!

    I worked this puzzle top-to-bottom, but didn't recognize anything about it. Only after finishing did I notice my name at the bottom of the page. I was even going to comment on the 16a shoutout to me. Am I red? Yes, I am. In my defense, C.C. tells me that this one was accepted by Rich way back last June. I'd forgotten all about it. I asked C.C. to "retire" me from puzzle creation work last fall. I guess this puzzle must be the last hanger-on. Hope you enjoyed solving it as much as I did. As Avg Joe commented off-line, "Well, at least you can hide your own Easter eggs."

    Yes, Big Easy, "Tia Mo" is the affectionate name for Auntie Maureen.

  12. Thanks D-otto and CC for this fun puzzle. I got the theme with A WARD CEREMONY. I couldn't see the reason for ABOUT FACE until Argyle's explanation. Perps helped to finish it.

    Husker Gary, a famous miss of the cut-off man in movies.
    Tom Hanks and Bitty Schraum [of Monk TV show]


    and later, after Dugan has reformed his ways--

    Must go do yard work. Snow has held off and it is sunny, yet cold.

  13. PS
    Language in first clip is R-rated near the end of clip.


  14. Good Morning:

    This was a pleasant and easy exercise with an interesting theme. (I think I was absent the day creativity genes were disbursed, but CC and Tom were definitely present! 😉)

    Nice job, CC and Tom, and nice wrap-up, Argyle.

    Not sure of the temp, but it is very cold!

    Have a great day.

  15. This was a fun struggle for me! Loved the theme, but never heard of MEMES or PESCI. Thanks, Tom, C.C., and Argyle. How nice to hear Roy singing Blue Bayou.

    It's cold here, too....for us. All the way up to 45 by mid morning.

  16. Tom and CC, congratulations. Very punny, enjoyable theme. Argyle,your ACUTE triangle picture capturing both meanings is clever. The pets are adorable. The themes were the easiest parts. This puzzle leans toward a Wed. level. Iffy answers were perpable and waggable. NYAD was all perps.
    I gained 4 pounds between Thanksgiving and Jan. 2, all of which are gone now. Newly gained pounds are easy for me to shed. However, I gained four pounds before Thanksgivng and that will take about 2 more weeks to lose. Through it all my glucose level remained excellent. An incentive to lose the last few is that I will be able to wear my skinny bathing suit again.
    It's hard to believe that on Christmas Day we opened gifts with the outside doors wide open. Early this morning the temps were close to zero. It is not the cold that is hard to take, but the wild swings. It makes it difficult to get acclimated. These last weeks have not been an example of our climate, average conditions over an extended period of time. Rather they are an example of day to day weather conditions. Hearing the regulars chew the fat in our coffee shop, I see they don't know the difference.

  17. Greetings, friends!

    Congratulations, Tom and C.C. I loved this puzzle and cottoned on to the theme right away. So sorry to hear you won't be creating any more, d-o. This one was lovely.

    AURAS put me on the wrong path but once WARDCEREMONY was complete I saw the error and AURAE also gave me ENNUI. Thank you for the Spanish, Tom. That's enjoyable.

    Don't fret. I believe it's the American expressions and idioms that trip you. Think of how well you do with French and German. Most of us err on those, speaking for myself, of course.

    Since November 23 I have lost 5 1/2 pounds due to my revised eating regimen. My goal is 20 more. But remember, diabetes requires it.

    Have a delightful day, everyone! Lots of rain here.

  18. D-O, aka Tom- T I A M O- it was all 'Greek' to me.

    Swamp Cat- Joe PESCI was in GOODFELLAS, Lethal Weapon 2, 3, & 4 with Mel Gibson, but my favorite was as the clueless lawyer in My Cousin Vinny.

    A CUTE ANGINA- 'a lovely heart attack' I don't think that would have made Rich's cut list.

  19. Desper-otto, your post this morning cracked me up. Loved hearing that you did the puzzle without noticing that it was yours and C.C.s. Glad you liked the OTTO shout-out, and hope you thought the puzzle was terrific. C.C. how do you do it all--lead our blog, comment on Sundays, and still get puzzles written. You're a genius!

    This was a lot of fun, and got my rainy Tuesday off to a great start. Have a wonderful day, everybody!

  20. Fun with A words!

    Turning a crossword nightmare into a fun puzzle, genius!
    Makes me wonder, can I copy this idea? (imitation is the sincerest etc...)
    Hmm, can I make an entire puzzle around the Greek word Stoa?
    (need more letters for walkway, 15 letter grid spanners, Ack! CC! Help!)

    Reminders to self:
    Must watch The Big Country (never seen it, looks awesome!)
    Print out music to Blue Bayou!
    Thank you Argyle!

    Tinbeni! Watcha mean no booze on the grid!
    (+ it has the advantage that no one would think of putting ice into champagne!)

    (side note to Tin & Hondo@ 9:09)
    I can't believe it, but I lost 20 pounds between mid October & Xmas.
    (with a slowdown around TxGiving.)
    Unfortunately I gained four pounds last week on VK in Florida.
    There must be something wrong with my math,
    Let's see, Weight Watchers allows me 30 points a day,
    a glass of red wine is two points...
    Where did I go wrong! It was working fine until last week!

    Virginia Sycamore @10:12
    Thank you for those 2 League of Their Own links.
    I must find the time to watch that movie now,
    those 2 links together were priceless!

  21. Oh fudge! Square 56 eluded me. Didn't know Nyad or NPR, and could not even go thru the alphabet to WAG it. Otherwise,it was a fun fill. saw the theme when I filled the last 2. Award ceremony was too cleverly hidden.

    Kazie, on many a day I feel just like you.It seems to take a tad longer to dredge up known information, which is frustrating.

  22. A little crunchy for a Tuesday. The 2 spanish downs did me in. I had 4 blank squares in the center. I couldn't recall memes and i share them on facebook.

    To me a BAYOU is a small river not a wet land, that would be a marsh or swamp. Which I was raised around them all my life.

    Bon Apres Midi from Cajun Country ~!~!

  23. D-O, CC and Argyle--Thanks, I enjoyed that. I thought that this puzzle had a different feel to it with some especially original cluing and answers. I'm guessing it was the D-O/Tom influence rearing its head. Unless you don't enjoy it or are too busy, I would encourage you to continue constructing. Well done!

    Here's Linda Ronstadt's version of Blue Bayou. I've always loved it. LINDA RONSTADT

  24. Wonderfully clever theme. Puzzle seemed harder than usual for a Monday. NYAD sounds like a Greek water nymph. DINERO wouldn't fit in the space for PESOS. Just think, if OMAR EPPS' name was Amar, NOT A LIE would become NATALIE. I had forgotten baby TOADs were also called tadpoles, so entered FROG at first, but quickly REDID it. I also always want to spell it "gasses," just as I always seem to spell "pencilled" wrong and "labelled" right. And I'll refrain from passing judgement on "judgment."
    Thanks for the Orbison version of Blue Bayou, Argyle. It's a refreshing change-up from Linda Ronstadt's version (which is also excellent.)
    Good job on the weight loss, Lucina!
    Best wishes to you all.

  25. Congrats on the weight loss CED and Lucina.

  26. Good afternoon everyone.

    Another puzzle originating in the Corner! Nice.

    Liked the lively fill. "Got" the theme easily but find it hard to explain clearly. Thanks Argyle, you did a good job at that.
    Only hiccup was I had PBS instead of NPR. Huge brain fart. Little heavy on the Spanish but is good training to shop better at Lowe's.
    Kudos to Tom and C.C. on a fine offering.

  27. Thanks, D-O and C.C. Great theme. And, I, too, would encourage D-O to keep on constructing. You've had some great puzzles!

    Thanks, Argyle, for your always great write-ups! You bloggers totally amaze me with your creative links and write-ups.

  28. Finally found the time to do this fun CW at 2:30pm. Geez. Anyway, fun puzzle, thanks D-O and CC. Terrific write up, too, thanks Argyle! A few things slowed me down: GRANDE AFFETTO, no clue, all perps. Only write over FROG instead of TOAD. Anyway, fun CW, done in my usual Tuesday time. But late in the day.

  29. CED
    15 glasses of Red Wine a day seems like a GREAT diet plan to me. LOL

    You GO GIRL!
    Good News is always welcome.

  30. Jeez, today is Tuesday. Strike my comment about being harder than usual for a Monday.
    CED, congratulations on your weight loss, too.

  31. Looks like thing are getting pretty nasty in th LA area. I hope all of our SoCal contingent is safe!

  32. Hey Lucina, hold onto your hat. More water is on the way. It's been pouring here all morning, sometimes really heavy. It's supposed to be a wet week. Excellent by me though I'm hoping the people in the recently burned hilly areas will avoid the mudslides.

  33. Yesterday's puzzle was a speed run with no write-overs! Today was a bit harder with 3 w/o's. Thanks, D-O, C.C. and Argyle! Things are getting off to a great start!

    I like the shout-out to me at 29D On the back praise/PAT

    Congrats to those who are losing weight My eating habits change today.

    Yesterday I experienced the downside of volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter: my favorite dog went home. I'm delighted he has a furever home but I'll sure miss him. Time to find another favorite.

    One of the first things I do in the morning is read the comments that were posted after I turned off the computer. It doesn't matter what time you post, I'll read and enjoy it.

    Have a good evening.


  34. Boo, I agree a "wetland" is a marsh or swamp. But I do understand that bayous run through them..and are more familiar.

    Personally, I put in Swamp at first...of course! Then changed it to Marsh. When ACUTE TRIANGLE was clear, I realized the answer had to be BAYOUS....and that's ok with me!

    The fun of this blog is that we can all be picky about the areas we know most about....but still be accommodating about other answers!!

    And I loved hearing Blue Bayou. Not sure there's ever been a song written about a swamp! Heheheheee

  35. Pat, I also read the late night comments the next day. Keeps us all up to date.

  36. Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Tom Uttormark and C.C., for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    Nice to see D-O with a puzzle.

    Filled in the top easily. Then I slowed down. Bounced around and slowly filled it in. Caught the theme after I had a couple of them. Worked out in the end.

    Did not know Ethan HAWKE. Perps.

    Never noticed the pattern of the puzzle grid until I came here. Something I seldom notice.

    I still have to report on yesterday's puzzle. Will do that later. Soon I am heading to our Brass Band Christmas Party. We always do it after the Holidays.

    See you later and tomorrow.


    ( )

  37. A Swamp Song. Don't worry, it's not by Tool. Don't think many here could handle that one!

  38. Guess what - "A Prairie Home Companion" is NOT on NPR, but APM - American Public Media, along with "Marketplace", "Symphony Cast", "The Splendid Table" and several other programs which I suppose may be thought of as "NPR" but aren't. There's another production/distribution company called PRI - Public Radio International - whose programs are also broadcast on many public radio stations.

  39. "Charlie". ....thanks for the Legend of Wooley Swamp! I'd forgotten that one. And this rendition has wonderful pictures to go with it!

  40. Hi All!

    Back to the grind today... The joy of seeing D-OTTO & C.C.'s byline made up for that. Thanks for the puzzle. And thank you for the writeup Argyle!

    I found the W. Central crunchy. I didn't help I had PEcCI and so it looked like cPRA_CANS going down. CPR what CANS?!? BY FAR, the hardest bit.

    No idea how I recalled OMAR EPPS w/ only M---PPS in place. Never seen the show so it's gotta be HOURS of Xwords.

    W/o: AURAs; I knew SNN had to be an ERR.

    Loved NOT A LIE xing IS THAT SO, RUB IN (BBQ!) over-EAT (tee-hee) and the theme, but Fav:MEMES.

    For those that don't know (and don't want to look it up) what a MEME is: It's an idea that somehow goes viral and then stays that way. LOL Cats, for example, or "It's turtles all the way down" to end a circular argument in a forum. Godwin's Law is one of my favorites MEMES.

    CED - Loved the pizza box :-)
    HG - I'll share the CRAM link w/ Eldest [as if that will convince her]
    Mike - That's why, even w/ PONG (other great c/a!) I couldn't figure out to go NPR or APM. I'm listening to Market Place now.
    Nice work CED & Lucina! Keep your eye on the prize!

    Cheers, -T

  41. The things you learn here!

    Godwin's law at it's inevitable conclusion could also be seen as an Internet version of jumping the shark. love it! Thanks tony.

  42. Re. Godwin's Law, I had never heard of it before but it is now my favorite. Thanks for the education. Seems to me that one of the candidates has been close to running afoul of it...

  43. "Puzzling thoughts":

    D-OTTO - had to laugh when I read your post! Great puzzle today; you and C. C. done good. I had several write-overs; too many to discuss, but I finally got a TADA

    Hands up for one of those who's having a battle with Thanksgiving ---> New Year's weight gain. Just need to cut back on portion size, sweets, and keep up the exercise. Notice to Tinbeni ---> I didn't say anything about cutting back on the Scotch! ;^)

  44. Swampcat in answer too your comment about food.

    When it's cold butcher is made cause the pork won't spoil like in the summer.

    Gumbo is a good warmer upper in the winter time as is soup.

  45. SwampCat @ 5:33 said: Not sure there's ever been a song written about a swamp!

    The second I read this I knew I had to jump in...
    (but I see others have also joined in.)

    Not sure this qualifies, due to the lack of water in Australia,
    but here goes...

    "Not sure there's ever been a song written about a swamp?"

    Jeez, Yr talkin bout out National Anthem!...

  46. Guys, the fill was (Born on the) BAYOU - CCR. Swamp Nazis! (Ooops...) :-)

    BTW D-O: I also enjoyed the c/a for 53d - TREE.

    Cheers, -T

  47. OMG!! Lots of music in the Swamp!! Thanks,Guys!

  48. I'm definitely not an expert on Swamp Rock, but that was the name of the genre that included Amos Moses by Jerry Reed.

    Thus beginneth and endeth my knowledge of Swamp Rock. You're welcome! :-)

  49. Dudley - I've never heard that song before. While not my normal cuppa' I loved the bluesy-guitar and up-beat lyrics. The only Jerry Read I know is from Smokey and the Bandit, (Eastbound and Down). Thanks for sharing. C, -T


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