, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 C. W. Stewart

Gary's Blog Map

Feb 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 C. W. Stewart

Theme:  Something you find on a fish.  No, not FINS or GILLS.  Think more musically - no, not even Vince Gill - and the reveal will make it clear.  So let's start there.

38 A. Musical sequence found at the starts of the answers to the starred clues : SCALE.   This word has many disparate meanings as both a noun and a verb.  Here, we are talking about a set of musical notes, ordered by pitch.  This puzzle has them ordered in ascending sequence, though, of course, you can also go the other way.  We're not told if the quality of the scale is major, minor, nor if it is one of the many modal variants.  But we can sing along anyway.  

The beginnings of the first words of eight in-the-language phrases name the notes of the SCALE.

1 A. *Where deliveries may be left : DOOR STEP.   The spot where mail-order deliveries end up.  DO is the first scale note, and the tonal center, aka tonic, for the SCALE and any music based upon it.

17 A. *Airport pickup : RENT-A-CAR.   The plane does not take you to your final destination.  You usually need to drive there, and you can use a conveniently located vehicle for a price.  RE is the 2nd SCALE step, a whole tone above the tonic.   We won't talk about the Phrygian mode, the comma of Pythagorus, nor vibrational frequencies.

20 A. *Modest garment : MIDI-SKIRT.  Mid-calf-length to protect delicate legs from winter winds and prying eyes.  Seems a bit awkward.  MI is the third scale step, another whole tone above RE in a major scale, but only a half tone up if the quality of the SCALE is minor.  BTW - the distance from one note to another is called the interval.

26 A. *Hiker's pouch : FANNY PACK.  A container on a belt, often perched over a person's back side. [But not in England.]  FA is the fourth scale step above the tonic.  This note does not vary between major and minor scales, and its interval above the tonic is called the perfect fourth. 
51 A. *Infant's dietary prohibition : SOLID FOOD.  Mom's milk is best, formula is OK.  Save the bran flakes for when they're a bit older.  SOL is the fifth scale step, always a perfect fifth above the tonic.  

58 A. *Breaking point : LAST STRAW.  An ancient measure of camel capacity being the last straw minus one.   LA is the 6th scale step, a major or minor sixth above the tonic, depending on the quality of the scale.

67 A. *History book chart : TIME LINE.   A graphic representation of what happened when.  TI is the penultimate SCALE step, either a major or minor seventh interval above the tonic.  As you may have gleaned by now, the natural minor SCALE differs from the major by having lowered 3rd, 6th, and 7th SCALE steps.   There are other versions, but we needn't get into that here

72 A. *Words of admonishment : DON’T DO IT.   Have we heard these words?  Have we heeded them?  Probably not.  This brings us to another DO, a perfect octave above where we started.  Despite what I said earlier, I'll point out that the frequency is exactly twice that of the previous DO.

Hi gang.  JazzBumpa conducting for today's thematically rich excursion.  Note that though the spellings are right on for the eight notes, the pronunciations vary a bit.  Rogers and Hammerstein wrote a song, based on a major scale, that illustrates all this, but I hate it and will not link. However, I will wave my arms around - so let's see where the music takes us.


9. Adorn in relief : EMBOSS.  To carve, mold or stamp a design into a surface.

15. First three of ten digits : AREA CODE.  So you can phone home.  

16. Bad guy : MEANIE.  Like Kylo Ren.

18. State with conviction : ASSERT.   Or aver or avow.

19. "It's __ cause" : A LOST.   Words of giving up.

22. Extra-play qtrs. : OTs.  Over Times.

24. Influenced by, in recipes : A LA.  In the style of whoever the influence might be.

25. July baby, maybe : LEO.  Astrology sign usually associated with August, actually running from July 23 to Aug 22.   LEOS are generous, loyal and supportive.

31. Storm winds : GALES.   

33. Have yet to pay : OWE.

34. NFC South team : ATL.  The ATLanta Falcons of the National Football Conference South, a division of the National Football League.

35. Part of rpm : PER.

36. Whipped cream amount : GLOB.  Non-specific quantity, but I'll take two, thank you.

40. Authoritarian figure : CZAR.   Named for Russian despots of a by-gone era.

44. Chair part : ARM.  What - no love for the leg?  Is that why we have the MIDI SKIRT?

46. Balderdash : ROT.  Nonsense.

47. Poetic tribute : ODE.

48. Volunteer's offer : I'LL GO.

54. Buck's mate : DOE.   A deer, my dear, and a thematic homophone.

55. Sun Devils of the Pac-12 : Arizona State Univesity.

57. Afternoon social : TEA.  In which the beverage is accompanied by sandwiches or cakes.

62. Giant : TITAN.   From Greek mythology, the twelve TITANS were gigantic second order deities, six female and six male.   The familiar Greek pantheon of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera and Demeter were the offspring of the Titan Cronus.

66. Where it originally was : IN SITU.  From Latin for "in place."

69. Had to have : NEEDED.  

70. Cordial with a licorice-like flavor : ANISETTE.   Last week we learned that Anise, the flavor element here, is an herb in the carrot family.  So why is there no cordial with a carrot-like flavor?

71. Prone to avarice : GREEDY.


1. Swimmer Torres with 12 Olympic medals : DARA.

2. Pitcher Hershiser : OREL.   He played in the major leagues for 18 years with 5 different teams, won the Cy Young Award, was a 3-time all star, and World Series MVP.   Not bad.

3. Wine lover's prefix : OENO.  Into English from ancient Greek.

4. Exposes to the cops : RATS ON.   Alternatively, sings like a birdie.

5. Absent-minded, to a Brit : SCATTY.  From scatter-brained, I assume.

6. Front-of-bk. list : TOC.  Table Of Contents.

7. Red-coated cheese : EDAM.   From the eponymous town in The Netherlands.

8. Prefix with scope : PERI-.   The submarines monocular.

9. Text alternative : E-MAIL.  Two forms of communication by device.

10. Many a text : MESSAGE.   I'm trying to imagine a text that is not a MESSAGE, and coming up short.

11. Get some rays : BASK.   In the sun - for pleasure and relaxation.   Don't get burned.

12. "The Hairy Ape" playwright : O'NEILL.  Eugene.  The play is about class struggle and alienation.

13. Yes or no follower : SIRREE.   Colloquial emphasis.

14. Brief arguments : SET TOs.    Or hockey fights - which also generally do not last long.

21. Divided terr. : DAKota.   North and South.

23. Cramp, say : SPASM.  Involuntary muscle contraction.

26. Weather condition in the final scene of "Casablanca" : FOG.   But it's the start of a beautiful friendship

27. Belt maker's tool : AWL.  A pointy tool for poking holes.

28. Opposite of paleo- : NEO.  Modernizing a blast from the past.  Paleo- indicates adhering to old ways as they always were.  Can't quite see these as opposites.

29. Flight coordinators: Abbr. : ATC.   Air Traffic Controllers.

30. Light cigar wrapper : CLARO.  The wrapper is the outer leaf of a cigar, and can influence its characteristics.   CLARO is yellowish or light tan and usually indicates a shade grown tobacco.

32. Part of a ring : ARC.  A ring is shaped like a circle and a circle can be divided into arcs - but does anyone divide a ring this way?  Hmmmm.

35. __ point: embroidery stitch : PETIT.   A very small, fine stitch that allows detail in the design of the article.

37. Groceries quantity : BAG.   Paper or plastic?   

39. "u r a riot!" : LOL.   Laughing Out Loud.  Texter's appreciations for something funny.

41. Menagerie : ZOO.    An exhibit of captive wild animals.

42. Excitement : ADO.   Trouble, difficulty or fuss.

43. Like the bull in the Chicago Bulls' logo : RED.

45. __ peanuts : ROASTED.   Crunchy

48. In neutral : IDLING.   Running, but out of gear.

49. Temporary wheels : LOANER.

50. Tenant : LESSEE.   Renter with a lease agreement.

51. California's Big __ : SUR.  Approximately 90 miles of rugged coastline from the Carmel River in Monterey south to San Carpoforo Creek in San Luis Obispo County.    The name is derived from Spanish for "The Big South" relative to the city of Monterey.

52. Can't stand : DETEST.

53. Didn't hit the books? : FAILED.  Neglected to prepare for a test in school.

56. Hit the books : STUDY.  Prepare for a test in school, and back to back clehos.

59. It has its highs and lows : TIDE.   Ocean levels.

60. Minimally : A TAD.   Possibly derived from tadpole, the larval stage of a frog, transferred thence to a small child, and than representing a small quantity.

61. Skid row regular : WINO.   Wine-addicted alcoholic.

63. Jackson 5 brother : TITO.

64. Voting no : ANTI.

65. Discontinued depilatory : NEET.  Evidently the name was discontinued, but the product wasn't.  It is now sold under the trade name VEET.

68. Part of rpm: Abbr. : MINute.

That's it, folks.  Hope you enjoyed the performance.

Cool regards!


  1. Thanks for the write-up and the music lesson, JzB. How about a "set text" not being a message? Or is that another "to a Brit" thing? A set text is a book you must read as part of a syllabus.

    Straightforward enough theme, had to work my way back up to the north-east but a pretty quick solve.

    I didn't know that "scatty" was British English, I guess I do now.

  2. Morning, all!

    Less than satisfying solve for me today. I completely missed the theme, despite getting the theme reveal and staring hard at all the theme answers. It should have been blindingly obvious, but I kept looking at the first word of each theme answer instead of just the first two letters. D'OH!

    DARA was a complete unknown, but the perps took care of her no problem.

    I hit a wall in the very center, however. It was the last empty square in the puzzle and I just stared at it in confusion for awhile before finally just guessing that 34A might be ATL and hoping that ATC was a real thing. Air Traffic Controllers just never occurred to me, so I was glad to come here and discover what it meant.

  3. Getting the theme from the get-go helped a lot.

  4. Good Morning, JazzBumpa and friends. I liked this (dreaded) Sound of Music. Although the DOOR STEP can me immediately, getting the SCALE helped with some of the other theme clues, namely the SOLID FOOD and FANNY PACK.

    I liked seeing the Didn't Hit the Books and Hit The Books being essentially side-by-side. Also interesting to see two parts to the RPM.

    QOD: Everyone gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. ~ Gertrude Stein (Feb. 3, 1874 ~ July 29, 1946)

  5. Like Barry, I looked at the first word, not the first letters, and couldn't suss the reveal. Fun CW, though, and terrific write-up, thanks CWS and JzB! JzB, u can send a picture via text; would that be a message?

  6. Thanks to Jazz for some of the clarifications. I was lost in the NW despite having DOOR STEP, but not AREA CODE, and not knowing the names DARA and OREL, or the abbr. TOC.

    SCATTY is a newie on me too, so Steve, I guess it's British only in the narrow sense of being from Great Britain, but not the Commonwealth.

    For the second day in a row, we're getting a beautiful snowfall starting with the big fluffy flakes that stick to the trees so beautifully. I'm glad I have nowhere I have to go today though. Stay safe in this weather, those of you who are in its path.

  7. I thought this puzzle was going to be an extremely tough one today, but for every fill that I didn't know, there were solid perps. In the end I got through it in good shape, even though I am double-dumb when it comes to music and had no clue as to the theme. (My offspring say I can't even play the radio very well.) Thanks for the fun run Mr(s) Stewart. JazzB, you are the perfect guide to this musical maze. Thank you for an entertaining and educational expo.

    Abejo, your statement last Wednesday that you may know a couple of people from my little home town really surprises me, even more so because I may also know one of them. I would like to discuss this further. Please email me at and we will go from there. Thanks.

    Gotta cook for the big party Sunday. Cya!

  8. Good Morning.

    This was a fun run after numerous passes, but the struggle was worth it. Thanks, C.W. Some clues were a little gnarly for me today, but I didn't give up. I absolutely did not suss the theme.

    Thanks, JzB for a fine write up--especially the music lessons. Nicely done.

    Stay cozy.

  9. I think it was supercool that a Music based theme fell in JzB's lap to blog. Luckily I saw the theme with the RE even before the reveal so this went easily and the proper names were all known. If I were a nit picker, I would say the fact that some notes are pronounced differently in the words chosen...

    Dara Torres went to the University of Florida and has been an amazing swimmer competing in the Olympics over a 24 year period and winning 3 silver medals in 2008 at age 41.

    While I knew NEET was gone did not know it lived on as VEET.

    Thabks again C.W. and JzB

  10. Any truth to the rumor I'm starting that Michael Caine is set to play Tito in an upcoming motion picture?

  11. Definitely a puzzling puzzle today...

    Last to fall was "First three of ten digits."
    Man, that drove me crazy for a while! (My swimmer was Dora at 1st)

    Rent-A-car? (is that allowed?) (in crosswordese?)
    Hmm, still trying to chew on that clue/answer...

    Do, (OK) Re?, (isn't it ray?) (or am I thinking Sound of Music...)

    Part of RPM= Per(very tricky, I was looking for an Abbrv...)

    Sirree? OK, I will give you the double E, but does it really have a double R?

  12. Lemon, yes I am a nit picker!

    I forgot to mention 34A NFC Team= Atl crossing Claro!
    A sports clue (I am not a sports person)
    crossing cigar nomenclature? ( I gave up smoking!)

    I loudly protest this (hmm, Natick is not the right word, will have to create a new one...)

    Anyway, I loudly protest this, because,,,

    (well,actually, I WAG'd it right!)
    (Now I have nothing to complain about!)

  13. Hi gang -

    I'll admit I was focused on the literal meaning of TEXT, and rejected - perhaps incorrectly - the notion that a picture sent via hyou phone was still a TEXT. The other meaning of TEXT, as in TEXT book was off my radar screen.

    Hahtoola - Interesting Stain quote. She dies the year I was born. Pretty sure they didn't even have the internet back then.

    Here is a very nice performance of a piece of music in Phrygian mode by my favorite 16th century Spanish composer. Not sure why she plays it twice, but she does.

    While were back in the time machine, here's a tune in lydian mode from Merrie Olde England.

    Anon @ 9:14 - not only that, I predict he'll get an Oscar!

    Cool regards!

  14. Hello Puzzlers -

    Zoomed right through without noticing the theme. Thanks for clarifying JzB, as well as for sparing us the earworm!

    Air Traffic Control, or ATC, may be a federal government entity, but as a whole it works in a strikingly non-governmental way: the people are caring and responsive to the needs of those they serve, and they do all they can to promote rather than inhibit the flow of traffic. Sure, there are occasional flare-ups of surliness (New York on a Friday afternoon...) but all in all they're a helpful bunch. Plus, when the chips are down, they just might save your life.

  15. Good morning everyone.

    Good puzzle but unremarkable. Knowing the theme @ SCALE helped me nail DOOR STEP as opposed to loading dock or warehouse (I know, the letter count is different.) Crunchy enough to be a Wednesday level.
    ATC - Dudley, I agree there are some federal 'jewels' out there. Social Security and USA Corps of Engineers come to mind. I've always found Environment Canada helpful, too.

    Spring rain today.

  16. Musings
    -Jazz’s informative blog had some nice scenery along with his musical expertise
    -ATC (is MST Middle School Teachers?) next to CLARO gave me pause with ARI and ATL being NFL franchises. Throw in TOC for Table Of Contents
    -A non-402 AREA CODE call is probably some poor soul pitching something
    -We had GALES here last night but our heavy snow mostly stayed put
    -Who will say I’LL DO IT?
    -ODE: Yup, there really is a Tallahatchie Bridge on Mississippi Route 7
    -Funniest ATC scene ever! (:29)
    -DARA and her husband were using a fertility doctor with no success. She divorced her husband and got pregnant by that doctor.
    -America’s first shots of WWII were fired by the USS Ward at a Japanese submarine whose PERIscope as spotted at 03:57 outside the entrance to Pearl Harbor on 12/7/41.
    -ZOOS have come a long way in humane treatment of animals but…
    -Empty cars IDLING in the cold weather to heat up here had better still be locked!
    -Some our TEXTS have no message but just a picture of our resident kitty


  17. I didn't get the theme until JzB splained it. I didn't notice the starred clues until the reveal clue, but I was able to fill in the unknowns with perp help. Good puzzle and great write-up.

    I had a couple of stumbles along the way. I tried RENTALCAR (too long) before RENTACAR. I also wanted AVERS or AVOWS but they were too short, once I got the SS's with the down clues, it was evident. I guess I was even more modest than the constructor because I entered MAXISKIRT before MIDISKIRT became evident.

    I don't know anything about embroidery, but my DW immediately said PETIT when I told her the clue. Don't know where I'd be without her.

    All in all an interesting puzzle.

    Have a great day everyone.

  18. Good Morning:

    Took me a minute or two to realize the entire first word was not in play but the light did go on to catch the theme. What bumps popped up were smoothed out by perps. Enjoyed the solve very much.

    Thanks, CW, for a fun run, and thanks, JzB, for a melodic and harmonious review! 🎹. 🎼

    CED from yesterday: Thanks for the Cary Grant fix! 💞

    Have a great day.

  19. Jazz: Wonderful write-up and links. Outstanding Job!!!.

    C.W.: Thank You for a FUN Wednesday puzzle with a great musical theme.
    (Probably my favorite "Musical Puzzle" ever!)

    Fave today, of course, was 51-d, WINO ... got to stick-up for my compatriots ...
    Does that make me a "ScotchO" ??? LOL

    Off to walk on the "Dog Beach" at Honeymoon Island.
    geez, this 80 degree February weather is tough-to-take.

    A "Toast-to-ALL" at Sunset.

  20. 20A / hand up for anyone who automatically filled in Miniskirt instead of Midi without paying attention to the meaning of the word "modest"

    What stymied me was the 21D clue, divided terr:

    I was thinking Dakotas, but was thinking N & S Dakota are states now. However they were part of a territory before they became states!

    Otherwise would have had a perfect solve. Better luck next time, and I truly enjoyed this puzzle having been a piano player in my youth.

  21. Greetings friends!

    For the most part this was a fun run until I encountered ATL/ATC and since sports teams mean nothing to me AFL seemed right. At least I know ASU. Another problem area that required an alphabet run was CZAR/ZOO. Finally I saw the light on that one.

    However, even though I admired her in the OLympics, DARA eluded me and DORA stayed which really messed up AREACODE. Drat!

    The MIDISKIRT photo is not my idea of one; they were always longer and frumpy looking. That started me wearing slacks which up to that time were not allowed for women at work.

    Thank you C.W. S. for the musical interlude and we could not have had a more perfect guide than Jazzbumpa; thank you both.

    Have a splendid day, everyone!

  22. The first question that I remember asking my piano teacher mother was "why wasn't it Middle A instead of middle C". But then again why is 'middle C' on a B-flat instrument (trumpet, clarinet) really B-flat? But on to the puzzle.

    I had trouble starting, knowing DARA's last name but not her first and then complicated the matter by filling OREL in 3D instead of 2D. Never heard of SCATTY or PETIT point and they only fell through the crosses. CLARO came from the crosses but at least I had heard of it before but didn't know really remember. I wasn't looking for a theme and when I saw the giveaway 38A clue for SCALE the rest of the starred fills started easier.

    Lemonade-NEET was made by Whitehall Labs (maker of ANACIN) in the USA and NAIR was made by Carter-Wallace (Miltown & Trojans). Neither sold that much.

    CED- I didn't like the RENT-A-CAR either but 'it fit'

    Dudley- ATCs have to work with the cards they are dealt. They don't schedule the flights and I can guarantee they didn't invent the 'hub and spoke' systems the airlines use.

    HG- at least the doctor knew exactly what he 'what he was getting into'. Knew it from the inside out.

  23. I just lost my comment when I had to sign back in to my Google account. Rats! Here whatever of the insignificant stuff that I can remember and have to retype.

    Thanks Mr. Stewart and JzB.

    I LOVE Casablanca. It's right up there with The Third Man.

    A doubt that any of your belts were made with an awl. It just separates a little of the leather whereas a leather punch removes a little bit of leather leaving an empty space for the hole where the leather used to be.

    I don't care for midi skirts. Mini skirts have spoiled me.

    I always thought Tsar was used for Russian rules and czar for business bosses but I guess I'm wrong about that. They seem to be interchangeable.

    I learned, years ago, that 'fanny' is a VERY rude word in British English.

  24. Hi Y'all! Good fun puzzle, C.W. Got the theme with the reveal then couldn't think of the word SCALE for a bit. Duh! Thanks, JzB.

    The "L" in ATL/CLARO cross was the last to fill after a red-letter run. Had no idea a tobacco leaf had a specific name. Don't really care.

    Got TOC from perps but couldn't figure out what that stood for. No other problems with the puzzle.

    DARA, I filled in confidently and was surprised it was right. I read once about all the support personnel it takes to keep her aging body in prime condition such as chiropractor and masseuse. I have two male friends in their 80's who still swim every day then soak in a hot tub so their joints don't seize up.

    Twice in the past week, I've been wakened from a sound sleep by my phone with a message saying, "Congratulations, you've won a free trip to the Bahamas!" I don't know whether I'm angrier about being awakened or because I'm not physically able to go. I don't listen long enough to hear what I'd have to do to accept.

  25. I have a bil that is always telling everyone how great things are where he lives, weather, restaurants and such. He is a bore to be around, one upping everything I talk about. Just before the LAST STRAW, I started to suspect he is really trying to convince HIMSELF that his life is better than others. Sad, really...

  26. Lovely musical ride today. How appropriate that JazzB is our guide. Many thanks to him and C.W.

    Like Barry and others, I was looking at the first word of the starred clues and it took a while before the lightbulb moment.
    Like CED, Husker Gary and PK, the cross of CLARO and ATL was the last to fall (and required a red letter run).

    Kazie, this Canadian is not familiar with SCATTY either and your assumption that it is not used in the Commonwealth is probably correct. I actually had Scotty until I decided that RENT O Car was not correct. I don't think SCoTTY is politically correct either. LOL!

    Is the only difference between 3D OENO and 61D WINO, the amount consumed??

    I also noted some other answers in the puzzle that tied in with the theme and the Sound of Music song.
    TEA - could have been clued as "a drink with jam and bread"
    DOE - could have been clued as "a deer, a female deer"
    It might have been interesting to have also included Ray.

  27. 57A: Thanks for the Nat "King" Cole video. We lost him too soon. One of the greats!

  28. Fine puzzle. Last to fill was the TL in ATL, but I had heard of CLARO in regard to cigars, and I assumed the team was ATL. I flirted with CHARO for a while, but it seemed wrong and the H would not work with 34 across. No nits. I was sure of TOC, but not what it stood for. I have never seen it. Same with 21D. Crosses provided DAK, but I was reading Divided term. Divided terr. makes sense.
    JzB, fine, informative write up. Unfortunately, my speakers quit just as I tried to tune into your music. Drat! The connections are sure. The volume is turned on. There is absolutely no sound in my computer, except for the tap tap tapping of the keys.
    As for my not picking many nits, I have assumed for all my life that X-words take certain liberties, just as authors take poetic license, so I am lenient. Reading this blog I believe that constructors set themselves certain rules and allow quite a bit of latitude otherwise. Picking up the rules here helps me to get on their wave length many times. I look fortheir point of view, realizing how vetted these puzzles are. Often nits reflect what is not in one's wheelhouse or a rigid idea that we know every nuance of a word. Sometimes clues panned as vague or obscure are common usage in other contexts. What a learning opportunity for me and all of us!

  29. YR:
    Amen to that!

    Today I dropped off my tax information and I'm hoping for a substantial refund. Ha! But any amount will help me with the upcoming dental work I need. One of my crowns and a root canal have "aging" problems and must be reworked. One upper and one lower have problems and since I have to take amoxicillin every 6 hours until tomorrow morning, I am feeling queasy. All this is to say that I may not blog tomorrow since I'll be unconscious for most of the day.

  30. My nit: 29. Flight coordinators: Abbr. : ATC. Air Traffic Controllers.
    Shouldn't that be ACTs?

  31. Wiki says, "Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace..."

  32. JzB, thank you for the guitar links!
    I also saw a side link I have to check out about how to use the circle of fifths!

    DW's Sister (& her husband) are retired Air Traffic Controllers
    (She was on duty 9/11, worst ATC day ever...)

    I have always had the fantasy of being the hero landing a plane
    when the pilots were unavailable, she always shoots me down saying:

    "you'd be dead!"

    Some actual ATC conversations! I know it's technical, but stick with it, especially if you "have to go..."
    (Also, it is kind of scary that they have Anons too!?!?!?)





    (Continued at the Coda...)

  33. So the expo should have been just Air Traffic Control; got it.

  34. Dear Techies, What could have happened? Where is my sound

  35. Dear YR,

    I have found that when I lose sound, it is usually because my foot kicked
    a necessary wire & loosened a connection.
    Usually announced by a loud buzz...

    Without being there,
    I am afraid you must start with the basics...

    But bear in mind that many of these problems can be mechanical,
    & not electronic...

  36. Loved the theme! Several years of piano lessons made sure I knew the SCALE and the note names. I needed help to chip away the ice in the NE and had a natick at A?L/A?C. So, a DNF. Thanks, C.W.Stewart, for the fun puzzle. JzB, my favorite expo yet!

    Bill G: the length of the skirt depends on the fitness of the body wearing it. I guarantee that you would prefer a midi skirt on this mildly overweight body rather than a mini!

    My fanny pack contains dog treats, a couple of dog toys, usually a dog brush and my cell phone.

    Mother Nature has allowed Miss Spring to visit with us for a few days but tonight she is reassigning Ol' Man Winter to duty. It has been nice while it lasted!

    Have a nice rest of the day.


  37. Fun Tuesday puzzle, C.W., although I goofed in the middle because I didn't know either the sports team initials or the flight people initials. But I got the theme and it was fun to go to each of the starred answers, and there they were DO RE MI FA SO LA TI Do. Canadian Eh, glad you brought up "The Sound of Music" (hey, I'm Austrian, so it's a favorite!). Fun write-up, JazzB, many thanks.

    Have a great Wednesday, everybody!

  38. YR, maybe you've muted the sound, or turned it way down. When viewing a You-Tube video there's a speaker icon (third from the left) that can act as a mute switch or volume control. See if that could be your problem.

  39. CED 2:59 - Those situations can be a real mess. I'm not very familiar with the A340, but sometimes it's difficult to get a crew member down to the ground and back without an air stair, or at least a stepladder. Plus, it's unnerving to mosey around near the fuselage when all the engines are running and you don't have hearing protectors on. Still, you do what you must.

  40. Shooby dooby doo, the good ol' musical scale. Nice puzzle; I enjoyed it. That L crossing CLARO and ATL required an alphabet run with red letters on.

    Yellowrocks, fire up Device Manager in Windows and search for audio or sound devices. It will tell you whether the device is working properly and allow you to disable and re-enable it.

  41. Czar, Tsar, Kaiser, Caesar... all the same, just different countries.

  42. P.S.Yellowrocks,

    sometimes the easiest fix is the best,

    when apps get overloaded,

    Just turn the dang thing off,& then turn it on again!

    (automatic reset)

    Sometimes starting from square one solves a lot of problems...

    OMG! Now I need help!

    I have helped 2 Daughters thru College applications,

    But Daughter #3 is freaking out because she cannot sign in to get her audition
    time at Montclair because she has been locked out!(it's after 5pm,now what?)


    & Indiana State says she is two months late on her prescreens?

  43. Yay for today's puzzle! Thank you so much for the much needed STUDY break! I got to think about OREL - he's now an announcer for the Dodgers when they are away and I love his input. And he was pitching when I was growing up going to the games so I'm especially fond of him. And there was Big SUR which oh-so-close to my old stomping grounds. If you are near San Luis Obispo there are always elephant seals this time of year! They are beautiful and ugly and amazing all at the same time. Sometimes there will be a traffic report where the 1 is blocked because of a rogue seal. They literally weigh a ton so you don't have much choice but to wait it out! The local groups have put up seal fencing to keep them off the highway, but where a one ton seal wants to go, he goes.

    And wine was mentioned which always makes me happy.

    Thanks again for the puzzle and the great write-up! Back to the books for me :)


  44. Hello from San Antonio!

    I'm tired (up at 5:30a to drive here for meetings) so I'll keep it short. Thanks C.W. For the puzzle. It took me a bit, but I enjoyed some sparkly fill (e.g. INISITU, LAST STRAW).

    Thanks JzB for climbing the SCALE with your write-up.

    WOs: MID length b/f MIDI SKIRT [I'll 'splain; I wrote EMAlL. Looks like EMAIL, but also like an little-l, I must remember to finish my letters (I do all caps in the pzl just for this reason)]. SOTS b/f WINO.

    Like Berry said, the middle (C?) was the last to fall.

    Fav: MEANIE after KARMA the other day.

    Time to call the kids.

    Cheers, -T


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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