, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday, Jun 4th, 2016, Gareth Bain

Gary's Blog Map

Jun 4, 2016

Saturday, Jun 4th, 2016, Gareth Bain

Theme: None

Words: 72 (missing B,J,Q,X)

Blocks: 32

  This would have been an even quicker solve had it not been for the rash of proper names - and the fact of the matter is that it's the "Bain" of today's offering from Gareth.  Not only did I count 13 or more in the puzzle, but they crossed, too, and if you didn't know, well, then, you just didn't know.  And I did not know three squares, which I have to call fun-sponge on.  Not a particularly intimidating grid, with 2 11's and 2 10's in the Across, and paired 10's in the Down;

25. Film for which Anthony Quinn won an Oscar : VIVA ZAPATA - Never saw the movie, but there is this clip from Ocean's 13 which I did know - and proper name #6

11. 1980s scandal : IRAN-CONTRA - I remembered this news item from my high school days, with Oliver North and (a gratuitous leg image of) Fawn Hall; my earliest recollection of "news" was ABSCAM, and Claus von Bülow's trial

26. Angel on one's shoulder, so to speak : INNER VOICE

56. Genre of Madonna's "Ray of Light" album : ELECTRONICA - I thought this referred to her "gospel" album, Like A Prayer, but no.  I do remember this song, and it's along the lines of the "electronica" I listen to these days.  The Wiki on "Ray of Light"



1. Indian state bordering Bhutan : ASSAM - filled via perps; proper name #1

6. Lab glassware eponym : PETRI - OK, a proper name, but I knew this one (#2)

11. AOL, e.g. : ISP - Internet Service Provider

14. Bridges : SPANS - got it; the verb, not the noun(s)

15. Hamal's constellation : ARIES - thought I got it with "ORION", and it jibed with POPS, ERAT, and TIN....but left me with a mess at the end - and proper name #3

16. Indianapolis' __ Dome : RCA - #4 or....

17. 2008 Jack Black title role : KUNG FU PANDA - #4~?

19. Shipping nickname : ARI - OK, I tried UPS....more at 41d.

20. Considers with disdain : SNEERS AT

21. Spoke quietly? : SIGNED - Sign language, very cute

23. Sch. with a Riverhead campus : LIU - Uh, OK, drew a blank on this one - and I literally live like 5 miles from it; in my defense, it's on the Suffolk County Community College Campus - #5~?

24. Lure : SEDUCE - dah~! Had ENTIce

30. Author Morrison : TONI - #7

32. Benz finish : ENE - too bad the space wasn't longer, as I was thinking "clear coat" - the 'finish' on a Mercedes-Benz.  Nope, just BenzENE

33. Tender in Warsaw : ZLOTY - thought it was a kopek - #8

34. Proceeds : WENDS - I had "GAINS", as in the proceeds from a sale

35. Georgia of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" : ENGEL - proper name #9, filled via perps

37. Bapt., e.g. : RELigion

38. Austrian composer Webern : ANTON - proper name #10; via perps

39. Pet problem? : PEEVE - not fooled

40. Some cake layers : TIERS

42. Grill guard : U.S. :: __ bar : Australia : ROO - Nailed it, but not too hard to figure out.  I know what an automotive grill(e) guard is, and just expanded the idea....

43. Span. title : SRTA

44. Holder of an affectionate message : CANDY HEART

46. Destructive type : VANDAL

48. JFK, for one : DEMocrat

49. Tidbit : MORSEL

50. Most like a dive : SEEDIEST

55. Richard __ : III - I had it, then took it out because it didn't jibe with EMI at 58a.

58. Longtime Elton John label : MCA - dah~!! Not EMI

59. Show shown over : RERUN

60. Discussion venue : FORUM

61. Poetic twilight : E'EN

62. Fluid accumulation : EDEMA

63. Ridges on the neck : FRETS - I was in the wrong wheelhouse when I filled in MANES, which I knew was wrong, but....and then when the answer was revealed, I felt even sillier, since I play guitar....


1. Wants in payment : ASKS - tragedy has struck; my Dodge Stratus snapped a ball joint on Sunday, and because of various other ailments, I think it's time to upgrade; 293,475 miles, and it does not owe me anything.  Now I am looking for a Dodge Caravan, and they are ASKING for $10-13K, used

2. Like some flax : SPUN

3. Levelheaded : SANE

4. German chancellor Merkel : ANGELA - proper name #11

5. "The Magic School Bus" teacher : Ms. FRIZZLE - never heard of the book, show, or her; the Wiki - and proper name #12

6. Family nickname : PAPA - yeah, POPA is not quite right

7. Proof word : ERAT - part of Q.E.D., frequently seen in crosswords

8. Element in some solder : TIN

9. Site of a major part of the Bible? : RED SEA - RODS-- was just not going to give me any positive result - and "part(ing)" should have clued me in

10. Start of a repeat : "I SAID..."

12. Bug barrier : SCREEN DOOR

13. Like a pro : PAID

18. Everyday : USUAL - here's the "usual" gratuitous leg image

22. "__ Morgen!" : GUTEN - das German~! (see, I can knock more than just Frawnche)

24. Arranged : STYLED

25. Nixon and Ford : VEEPS

27. Flier's request : VEGETARIAN

28. Classical entrance : PORTAL - I want a drawbridge and gate on my castle home when I build it

29. Used the dining room : ATE IN

31. Tot's rebuttal : "IS NOT~!!"

34. Cleaned : WASHED OFF

36. Novak's TV partner : EVANS - no clue, but a good WAG on my part - #13

41. Its first truck was a Ford Model A : RYDER - I did not know this; UPS' first vehicle was a Model T car

44. Canceled due to rain, say : CALLED

45. Key of Sibelius' First Symphony : E MINOR - you know the drill; fill in -M--OR, and wait; once I got "SEEDIEST", I knew it was not MAJOR

47. Big name on the farm : DEERE

49. One apparently trapped behind glass : MIME - couldn't find a Spinal Tap link

50. Pond build-up : SCUM

51. Peak west of the Ionian Sea : ETNA

52. The Auld Sod : EIRE

53. Rabbit's tail : SCUT

54. Highland tops : TAMS

57. "And Venus sets __ Mercury can rise": Pope : ERE



  1. Very quick for a Saturday. SCUT was my main issue, but perp got it for me.

  2. Morning, all!

    I actually read a number of "Magic School Bus" to/with my son when he was younger, so MS FRISBEE was one of first things I entered into the grid. Oops. I eventually changed it to MS FRIBBLE, which didn't help matters too much, although it did finally let me get ENGEL (which I really thought was ENGLE). Finally, FINALLY remembered that it was actually MS FRIZZLE, which let me get VIVA ZAPATA and ZLOTY for the win.

  3. Never heard of MS FRIZZLE. After my time. The two Zs gave away the L.

    ZLOTY I knew. Jak się masz ? Dobry. Did you know there are more Poles in Chicago than in...

    Bill Wyman stripped the FRETS from his Fender bass. The rest is history.

    I was looking to use stet or dele, not ERAT. And zee, not ENE for Benz finish.

    I knew ENGEL but did't readily recall her. Problem was that Georgia Keefe popped in first. But Keefe didn't feel quite right, and I couldn't prove it anyway. After getting the L from FRIZZLE and the E from VEEPS, ENGEL came to mind.

    I still had that odd feeling about Keefe. Googled. Oh yeah, Georgia O'Keeffe.

    VEGETARIAN was the last to fill. Flier's request seemed like an odd clue for the answer. I suppose so. Oh well. Did you hear about the guy in China that bought a first class ticket and ate free for nearly a year ? man uses first class ticket to eat free

    Thank you Gareth and thank you Splinter.

  4. Good morning!

    After yesterday's Wite-Out-fest, I only needed to correct three squares this morning. Must've been on Gareth's wavelength, because this one came together very quickly. From the clue, I thought Hamal was a person rather than a star. Thanks for the softball, Gareth.

    Would've guess Zorba, the Greek as the Anthony Quinn Oscar vehicle. Wouldn't fit. My first "awl patch" employer in Houston was ZAPATA Offshore, name inspired by the movie. The south tower of Pennzoil Place in Houston was named Zapata Tower.

    CSO to CED with FRETS.

    Splynter, does "blONdeWARD" indicate that you have a new "mission" in life?

  5. Hi again~!

    Yes, D-otto, yes it does; and this one might have a solid chance, since we already know each other from the restaurant. We will see.

    Got a three-day weekend, yet again, and I need to get this new bathroom finished, so I can move in to my new space and enjoy the Jacuzzi - with company, I hope~!


  6. FIR! Took a few passes, but on the whole it seemed easier than most Saturdays. My love of cartoons was fed by MS.FRIZZLE crossing KUNG FU PANDA.

    {A, A-, B.}

    A fan of Madonna was a girl named Veronica
    Who loved the music that was STYLED as ELECTRONICA.
    Indeed, she was smitten
    So much that this kitten
    Learned to play it herself on her TIN harmonica!

    She SNEERS AT emotions, they have no part.
    To learn to SEDUCE is to learn an art!
    She will leave him no choice
    Like a VANDAL she'll melt his sweet CANDY HEART!

    KUNG FU PANDA woke up to a drizzle.
    A gloomy day for his ride with MS. FIZZLE.
    With foes he could cope,
    But a date made him mope,
    If moves ever ruin a romance, then his'll!

  7. Good Morning.

    I stumbled here a bit. I can never remember all the sponsored stadia names, so it took me forever to make sense of RCA. I liked INNER VOICE, and VIVA ZAPATA provided some oft needed letters, but I, too, went first to Zorba. Bzzt! SCUT was easy because my last Corgi had one. Thanks, Gareth, for the workout.

    Another fine Saturday tour. Thanks, Splynter.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  8. Good Morning:

    I always enjoy Gareth's puzzles but found this surprisingly easy for a Saturday. Some of the long fill came quickly and that always helps with the solve. I prefer more of a challenge, ala Silkie!

    Thanks, Gareth, for an enjoyable offering and thanks, Splynter, for the expo.

    Have a great day.

  9. Yes Virginia, there is a ZOLTY! Mark me down for “a got ‘er done” on a very doable Saturday.

    -Ah, Splynter, at least you had a warning on one leg shot today! I wonder if the critics went there anyway.
    -Today I learned that India extends around Bangladesh
    -KUNG FU PANDA is one of those movies where you can take your grandkids and you laugh also
    -The Missouri River WENDS less now that the Army Corps of Engineers have channeled it
    -A famous DEM. slogan
    -A fabulous scene about how to play RICHARD III (3:30) from The Goodbye Girl
    -If you can’t find M*A*S*H RERUNS, you just aren’t trying
    -How to pronounce ANGELA MERKEL (:09) in Deutschland. You’re welcome! ☺
    -Most of my principals - “As useless as a SCREEN DOOR in a submarine”
    -VEGETARIAN : Eating = Decaffeinated : Coffee
    -John DEERE green vs this red was a big deal when I grew up

  10. Sadly, I have not attempted today's puzzle yet, I am just too busy at the moment
    battening down the hatches for tomorrows weather. Perhaps later when things quiet down a bit...

    I did (as always) read yesterday's late nite Blog.

    Re: grading or rating links.

    I have said it before, & will say it again.
    The only reason I ever posted was because I thought others might
    be intimidated (like I was) by the level of intelligence of contributors to this Blog.
    So I injected a little sillyness to lighten the mood for people like myself who
    come to this Blog because because they can't figure out the puzzle.

    Pls note that all my posts should be rated F minus.
    They are silly and for people who need a break from life, & are not afraid to laugh at themselves.

    My strategy has been to take a theme, at look at it in a silly way (I.E: CrossEyedDave)
    When I can't find something suitably silly, I will go for cute (I.E.: Kitty pics)
    When I can't find Kitty pics, I might add something interesting. (interesting is in the eye of the beholder, just remember I am looking at this sideways...)
    When I can't find anything I find suitably silly, I DO NOT POST. But be sure I have lurked & looked...

    There was a comic strip once, with the title "F Minus."
    It pretty much sums up why I post...
    So if you don't like sillyness, don't look at my links...

    Guitar frets, on the other hand, have me intrigued!
    I always thought they were solid metal, but it turns out many of them are rolled stock
    & are hollow! no wonder they wear out & become dented.
    Like anything you want to learn on the internet, you must look at many, many different
    videos and sites to assemble the truth. Like this guy, Interesting? maybe, to some, but you have to look at a hundred other videos before you attempt to rework your frets...

    Likewise, I look at a 100 other images to bring you what I think is the best in sillyness...

    (Nuts, over 20 lines, pls consider this 2 posts...)

  11. Well, only the bottom filled in for me, before I had to start cheating--and even that was surprising since I've never heard of ELECTRONICA but got it with the perps. At least I got the German stuff-ANGELA Merkel and GUTEN Morgen, and I loved Georgia ENGEL on the "Mary Tyler Moore Show." The clue for PEEVE was funny, I thought, and I loved your pic of the little dog with the good and bad angels on his shoulder, Splynter. Also, glad you explained FRETS--I got it, but didn't understand it because I wasn't thinking of a guitar neck.

    Anyway, challenging Saturday morning, but entertaining all the same. Have a good weekend, everybody!

  12. Splynter: Excellent write-up & links.

    Gareth: Thnak You for a FUN Saturday puzzle that somehow was in-my-wheelhouse.

    Fave today was my personal CSO @8-d ... TIN.

    Enjoying a beautiful, sunny, high 80's degree day.
    Will probably hit the stores later to lay in my supplies for what they tell me will be Tropical Storm Colin arriving around Monday or Tuesday.

    Hmmm, Storm-Supplies list review ...
    1) Scotch and Beer
    2) Cigs
    3) Extra cash
    4) Top-Off gas tank
    5) Snacks and Chips
    6) Small 7-Up


    PS Lucina, will you be frying eggs on the sidewalk today?

  13. Unlike most of you, my friends, I was not on Gareth's wave length today only because I shot myself in the foot not once, but three times! Oh, the top WENDed very well. I actually knew GUTEN, PETRI and still have a few ZLOTYs as memorabilia. eventually INNERVOICE emerged as well as VEGETARIAN which finished off the western hemisphere. I couldn't recall ENGEL but could see her face and hear her wispy VOICE. Perps helped. Even ELECTRONICA, though mostly perped, polished off the south central.

    No, my problems were in refusing to give up SIGHED and DUSTED OFF and instead of erasing as any SANE person would I proceeded to Mr. G for, watch the V-8 can fly now, IRAN CONTRA!! Of course I know this having lived through those years and which a certain political party would like us to forget. Sorry don't mean to delve there.

    Then there was SCUD. Enough said.

    Have a delightful day, everyone. Thank you, Splynter. You deliver in the best possible way.

  14. No, Tin, I won't be anywhere near a sidewalk if I can help it. The pool maybe if it isn't roiling.

  15. Slower than normal Saturday, but got it done. Nice challenge for the day! Thank you, Gareth!

    Splynter, when did you move back to LI? Thought you were in Delaware? Good luck with your "new mission"! Great job today. Loved the "Zapata" clip, and loved the Oceans movies!

  16. SOUTHWEST gave a bit of trouble (do they offer vegetarian meals?).

    • Naturally 1A was a gimme - ASSAM tea makes the best CUPPA by a mile.

    • Best clue though was 9D. (RED SEA), even if we have seen variants of it before.

    Cheap joke inspired by today's crossword:
    "Would you like to speak to Angela Merkel?"
    " No, I have a GUTEN allergy".

    • FYI, the Polish currency ZŁOTI is pronounced "zwuti" (approx.), and means "golden". The L has that stroke through it, like our old friend Lech WAŁĘSA ("Vawensu") who visited us the other day (stroke though Ł = W; Ę = nasal E; W as V). As I said before, they should have stuck to Cyrillic.

    • Interesting, that the modern usage CALLED which I take as a shortened form of the phrase "CALLED OFF" (intransitive verbal phrase), has the opposite meaning to the transitive verb, CALLED (e.g. an election), which means to announce that something is ON.

    • I thought that 1D. should have "(for)" in the clue. The noun, an ASK, does not need it, but I think "for" is implied in the phrase "How much is he is asking" [for the item].

    • I do not recall a 32A style clue, where the ROOT given, "BENZ", is not a stand-alone word (in the context of the answer). Just an observation, not an objection.

    • 37A. How does "BAPT." equate to RELIGION? I assume it refers to the Baptist Church, which is NOT a religion [that would be CHRISTIANITY, last time I checked].

    Vive la Revolution!

  17. Hi Y'all! Like Splynter, I found the plethora of proper names/nouns frustrating. Even the ones I knew were hanging just out of reach in my FRIZZLEd mind. Finally got 'er done. Still prefer Gareth to Silk, thank you.

    Not Israel but RED SEA. Bug stopper wasn't repellent or insecticide but SCREEN DOOR.

    Flier's request wasn't "barf bucket" or "aisle seat" but VEGETARIAN, the last thing I'd ever ask for. (ESP)

    Hand up for the only Anthony Quinn movie I knew being "Zorba". When I got the second "V", "P" & "T" only, 'Viva Zapata" dawned on me. Didn't see either movie.

    Splynter, some smart girl is out there looking for a handsome studly handyman. Keep trying. Thanks for the expo.

  18. Nice Cuppa, maybe baptizing is what the religion is about rather than the denomination. Dunno, just a thought.

  19. I usually like Gareth Bain's puzzles. Wonderful long answers, and having a couple of them side by side is even more awe-some. But... It seems to have left some places with not very satisfying fill, such as REL, EEN, ENE, and ERE. Loved the clue for III; genius! So glad there was no mention of anything Roman or numerical for that one. I found the puzzle to be 90% satisfying and 10% nose wrinkling.

    I didn't know Anthony Quinn won an Oscar for that role. I would have thought his performance as Zorba would have earned one.

    CED, thank you for not letting the turkeys get you down.

    Splynter, nice castle! And good luck moving blONdeWARD~!

    Yes Husker Virginia, there is a ZOLTY! Would that be Georg, perchance? haha :)

    ANTON Webern's music is just plain weird. So is that of many of his contemporaries.

    Best wishes to you all.

  20. Loved it, Gareth. Not a walk in the park, a good challenge, but faster than some Saturdays. Splynter thanks for the expo.
    I doubted MCA, but the perps were solid. ANTON was perps and wags. Other than that the names were common enough. The Magic School Bus books debuted 31 years ago. As a teacher, tutor and grandmother I have long been acquainted with them and MS FRIZZLE.
    Filling in CONSCIENCE instead of INNER VOICE held me up for I bit. VIVA ZAPATA eventually set me right.
    The Baptists do define their belief as a religion. "A member of the Baptist Religion may be described as a Christian who believes in a theology and belongs to a church that holds to adult baptism (as opposed to infant baptism)."
    Even football and hockey has been called religions.
    VEGETARIAN meals are served everywhere these days. On my various trips, I have heard tourists demanding them all over the world. Me? I like meat.

  21. Nice write-up, Splynter!

    Naticked at FRIZZLE/LIU - guessed A, guessed wrong.

  22. GUTEN Tag everyone.

    Good puzzle from Gareth. Finally wrestled 'er to the ground after changing Orion to ARIES, and IS too, to IS NOT. Liked the cluing, especially for RED SEA.
    Splynter - A little Frawnche

    Belated Happy Birthday to Owen.

  23. Hi everybody. Thanks Gareth and Splynter.

    I was raised going to the local Baptist church. I'm sure my friends there all thought of it as a religion. I have moved away from any organized religion since college days and moving away from home.

    I loved Zorba the Greek! Very emotional; both sad and joyful.

    That quote about Venus setting ere Mercury can rise makes no sense to me.

    RIP Muhammad Ali. I remember his charisma and his wonderful quickness and skill in the boxing ring. I also remember his taunting some of his over-matched and beaten opponents. Not his finest moments.

  24. Do you get HGTV on cable? If so, our son and his girlfriend are featured on a segment at 10 pm on House Hunters Renovation.

  25. Tinbeni:
    You might be appalled to know that today vast quantities of H-2-O in the forbidden solid form will be consumed.

    Bill G:
    Thanks for the tip. I'll try to find it.

    I'm sad about Mohammed Ali but he fought Parkinson's as valiantly as he fought in the ring. The hospital where he died is about three miles from where I live at 74th Street and Osborn Road.

  26. Got held up the longest at 26D & 27D - mainly because I had entered PARVO instead of the well-clued PEEVE. I suppose most dog owners thought of Parvo as well, no?

    Requiescat in pace, Mohammed Ali... A hero to many; count me in.

  27. I cannot turn off Firefox and I get a fake Google request that will not quit for forbidden info.
    I have turned off my computer awaiting my tech. This post is from my Kindle. Never a dull (peaceful) moment.

  28. CED: Cartoon gets {B+}, video I didn't watch.

  29. Faster than the usual Saturday today. Thanks Gareth and Splynter.

    Israel before RED SEA, even before SANE, is too before IS NOT, folds before FRETS but all solved by perps.

    But DNF because I had den. for Baptist denomination and Podtal just did not make sense.

    But it was fun.

    Have a great day.

  30. For Bill G. -
    After my proper names DNF today, thanks for sort of asking a question I actually can answer :)

    "Love seldom haunts the breast where learning lies,
    And Venus sets ere Mercury can rise.”
    ―Alexander Pope
    Venus is named after the goddess of love, and Mercury is named for the god who represents communication and rational thought. So Pope is using the astronomical fact of the two planets' orbits as a way of saying people can't think straight until they're not longer consumed by love.

  31. By my count it has been about 5 years since Gareth had a themeless here. GB was once my Friday regular constructor.

    It is especially fun to comment on a fellow blogger's puzzles, but Splynter did such a great job, there is little left to see. Kopek may have been used in Poland when the USSR was in complete control, but the ZLOTY has been in use, I think, since the 11th century. It is worth about a quarter.

    I have never cared for any of the atonal composers from Schoenberg on down, and did not recall ANTON. Did not know FRIZZLE.

    EVANS and Novak? Haven't they been gone for years? HG, thanks, I almost missed the Fawn Hall pic.

    A bullbar or push bumper (also roo bar or nudge bar in Australia, moose bumper in Canada, and push bar, bull bar, or grill guard in the United States) is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage. Thanks GB, Splynter and wiki.

  32. Learning moment:Roo Bars

    Also, forgot to compliment Splynter on his meaty Gams...

  33. Got the lawn mowed just in time. Steady raining earlier. Was really coming down. Nothing like parts of Texas.

    Anon - T, I'm sure you've heard the news from Ft Hood. I was talking to my brother last week. He said that the Corps may have to release some water from both Stillhouse Hollow (Lampasas River dam) and Lake Belton (Leon River dam). Those two lakes supply Kileen, Temple, and Belton, as well as the small towns in the Centroplex. You may recall some of those names from your time spent in central Texas during Desert Storm.

    Near record low lake levels a couple of years ago, and now near highs. Downstream from the dams, the two rivers meet and form the Little River. The San Gabriel River is dammed east of Georgetown and joins the Little River near Cameron. That long elevated stretch on Tx 36 south of Cameron was built years ago because of the flash floods. Anyway, all three feed rivers feed into / are part of the Brazos River watershed. All that water is headed south to the Gulf. The Corps may take a lot of criticism in Texas and Louisiana, but there would have been much more loss of life had the Corps not done as much flood control and prevention as they have done.

    Yellowrocks, you might want to download and run Microsoft Safety Scanner

    Bill G, I'll be looking for it. What time zone ?


  34. Lucina,

    I tried to remove the sunscreen chemical stains from the white polo shirt using a few of those "tips" I found after googling. Whink Iron Out didn't work. Neither did "The Works Tile and Tub Cleaner." Soaking that shirt in RIT White Wash (Blanqueador) now. Hope that works. If not, I may send that polo to you to hang out in that bright Arizona sunshine.

  35. Hi All:

    A typical Sat fail for -T. I was certain that 17a had something to do with Gulliver's Travels. Didn't help I recalled 5d as MRS FRAZLE. Oh, well, it was fun. Thanks Bain of my Sat puzzling :-). Thanks Splynter for the writeup and good luck w/ Blondie. Show her your castle in the sky.

    The kids grew up on Magic School Bus like I grew up on Mr. Wizard. Try, fail, try again. Rinse and repeat. There's science/learnin' there.

    1st pass - TIN @8d (hello Villa Incognito!) and IRAN CONTRA then PETRI. 11d I recall from the early '90s though; where not the hearings then? Got a few other bits, but things were DELAYED from rain. Happy, I knew MCA even though I thought EMI puzzle-fodder at 1st. I just got a MORSEL of this theme-less - I coulda used a bit more help.

    TTP - Yes, I heard about the Ft. Hood training exercise gone south. Still waiting to hear about the last two solders. Folks in HOU - take note: if an Army vehicle can't make it through high water your F-150 can't either.

    CED - The FRET video was a bit long WiND'd but interesting. I love music; the only instrument I can play though is the stereo.

    Y'all have a USUAL great Sat!

    Cheers, -T

  36. TTP, Lucina and others: My son's show is on HGTV's House Hunter's Renovation, here at 10 pm and repeated at 1 am PDT (maybe different in your time zone?). His name is Tim, hers in Angela. They are moving from a condo in Redondo Beach to a Spanish-style house in San Pedro.

  37. Argent (4:20) thanks. Now it makes sense poetically though not astronomically. They can both be visible at the same time, or both not visible at all or it's possible that Venus can set at the same time. But I understand your poetic explanation. Thanks again.

  38. TTP, thanks. Microsoft Safety Scanner found no threats. I have a great security system. In the 25 years I have been computing I have never had a disaling virus. I just ran a full scan which canceled any threats. The problem persists. I turned the computer off any will get my in home tech on Monday.

  39. BillG: I just finished watching Tim & Angela's HGTV show. Really neat to see your handsome son and lovely lady and have this connection with a program that I watch often. Their house turned out very grand with that view. Hope they enjoy it for many years. Also enjoyed seeing Barbara's handmade quilt. My one disappointment was not seeing you on screen at the celebration party -- did I blink and miss you? Thank you for sharing the information about the program with us.

    I had a similar problem to theirs with a crumbling surface concrete slab over which my contractor poured the self-leveling polymer --lots of it. This more flexible, resilient material seems to have solved much of my problem in the past ten years since installation. However, I did put down a laminate wood flooring over the top. The polymer seems to seal the slab so water doesn't come up through the concrete too.

  40. Sorry, Cornerites -- I've been checking periodically for an explanation for the answer "mime" to the clue "One apparently trapped behind glass" -- could it be a reference to Marcel Marceau? - please help - driving me crazy all day! Or did Splynter's explanation "couldn't find a Spinal Tap link" go completely over this bottle-blonde's head? Thanks, all! D-O, hope you're OK!

  41. TX Miss - let me offer a talking MIME 'spain' it. And you're right. Now rest well. Cheers, -T

  42. Splynter - Are these MIMEs you are looking for?

  43. Thank you, Anon-T!! After working crosswords for 35 years, this one completely stumped me! Yes, I can rest well tonight. I hope you, family, and your property are safe, as I think you live in Southwest Harris County - Sugar Land? Saw the flooding even there tonight on the news. Thanks again!

  44. Bill G:
    That was a beautiful segment with your son, Tim and Angela and what a gorgeous accomplishment on their home. I also admired Barbara's quilt which blended in perfectly with their color scheme. She is talented.

    Thanks for alerting us to the program.

  45. Oh my. It's already the fifth. I tried and nearly succeeded except for MCA and MIME(didn't get MIME behind glass??). Duh! RCA had already been used.

  46. Did anyone else try INtERVener? that stumped my SW corner.

  47. Bill G, I am so disappointed in myself for falling asleep and not being able to watch the episode. I found this on the HGTV site. Hopefully it will re-air.

    Bookmarked the link so I can check...

    HGTV House Hunters Renovations


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