, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, August 9 2016, Nancy Salomon

Gary's Blog Map

Aug 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 9 2016, Nancy Salomon

Theme: Chill Out

20. "Rest those weary feet" : TAKE A LOAD OFF

36. "Why not try the recliner?" : SIT BACK AND RELAX

53. "Don't just stand there" : PULL UP A CHAIR

Melissa here. Perfect theme for a summer day, with the grid-spanner right in the center. Smooth ride except for the southwest, where I hit a few snags. Favorite answer was PICKY EATERS.

1. Cuts (off) : LOPS. Started off wrong right away by entering ENDS.

5. Unwelcome stocking stuffer : COAL
9. Express gratitude to : THANK
14. Monogram ltr. : INIT
15. Starting poker pot contribution : ANTE
16. Pocahontas' husband John : ROLFE. Anyone else try SMITH first? D'oh. Here's the real story.
17. Corp. assistant : SECY. Secretary. I need one.
18. "Lovely" meter maid in a Beatles song : RITA
19. Volunteer's offer : I WILL

23. Tarzan actor Ron : ELY
24. Whole bunch : TON
25. Spanish beaches : PLAYAS
29. Div. the Phillies play in : NL EAST
31. Most of a mortgage payment, usually : INTEREST
33. Big oaf : APE. Not ASS.
34. Sheriff Taylor's TV son : OPIE
35. __ Fáil: Irish coronation stone : LIA. Thanks, perps, never remember.

41. She raised Cain : EVE. Great clue.
42. "The Scarlet Letter" letter : RED A
43. Colorful Mattel card game : UNO
44. Wedded couples : MARRIEDS
47. Had heard about : KNEW OF
50. Deep down : INSIDE
51. Yellowfin tuna : AHI.
52. Boston skyscraper, with "the" : PRU. The Prudential Tower.
57. Johnny with the catchphrase "Come on down!" : OLSON. Needed almost every perp to fill this.
60. "Out of Africa" author Dinesen : ISAK
61. Toaster waffle choice : EGGO
62. Air rifle : BB GUN. Always makes me think of this.
63. Prefix with meter : PERI
64. 1969-'74 Israeli prime minister : MEIR
65. Word-guessing game : JOTTO. Total unknown to me. Looks fun. There's an app for that.

66. Table scraps : ORTS
67. Taxpayer IDs : SSNS

1. "__, my children, and you shall hear ... ": Longfellow : LISTEN
2. Common soccer score : ONE ALL
3. They're fussy about food : PICKY EATERS
4. Eyelid sore : STYE
5. Used auto area : CAR LOT
6. Veggie that may cause tears : ONION
7. "__ girl!": "Way to go!" : ATTA
8. Starring role : LEAD
9. Wee bit : TRIFLE
10. To what length : HOW FAR
11. Late, great boxer : ALI
12. Org. with Jaguars and Panthers : NFL
13. Kenan's Nickelodeon pal : KEL
21. On the briny : AT SEA
22. Made a choice : OPTED
26. Book for finding local businesses : YELLOW PAGES. Does anyone still use them?
27. Where billions live : ASIA
28. Lay's chips-in-a-can brand : STAX
30. Police dept. alert : APB
31. Apple tablets : IPADS
32. 1492 ship : NINA
34. Gave the green light : OKED
36. Tractor-trailer : SEMI
37. Lendl of tennis : IVAN
38. Fish basket : CREEL
39. Hard to decipher, as some ancient inscriptions : RUNIC
40. L.A.-to-N.Y. dir. : ENE
45. Remove roughly, as a magazine page : RIP OUT
46. "Couldn't tell ya" : I DUNNO
47. Casual pants : KHAKIS
48. Starting point : ORIGIN
49. Uproars : FURORS
51. Not together : APART
54. Slimming surgery, for short : LIPO
55. Techie's client : USER
56. Skirt bottoms : HEMS
57. Transitive vb. follower : OBJ
58. Wall St. takeover : LBO. Leveraged buyout.
59. Mil. three-striper : SGT


  1. Greetings!

    Thanks to Nancy and mb.

    Only unknown was STAX.

    More doctors tomorrow.


  2. Sorry, I'm going to go way over the limit this morning. I did one limerick before going to sleep last night, but this morning woke up to a whole story!

    SIT BACK AND RELAX, enjoy the fresh air!
    Get away from the hustle,
    Work a crossword puzzle.
    Regrets at retirement? Just the loss of my hair!


  3. Adam and EVE were once young MARRIEDS,
    Back when the world was new
    And ever in Eden they could have tarried
    With nothing at all to do!
    But EVE got bored as she wandered around,
    Until a snake caught her eye.
    She saw he was built awfully low to the ground,
    And he seemed a TRIFLE dry!
    She offered to bring him a cup of water
    From a spring that ran nearby,
    But he said for drink he really oughter
    Have the juice from her apple pie!

    Now cooking of pies was her special skill
    When in her kitchen at home,
    But way out here could she do it still
    HOW FAR she happened to roam?
    The snake said "I really don't need the crust,
    The filling alone will do.
    And I KNOW OF a tree with fruit is only just
    Around a bend or two!"

    As promised, they found a tree set APART,
    With branches too high to reach.
    But fruit on the ground, that EVE, with her art
    Could turn into juice for a feast!
    The fruit smell was strong, and tickled her nose,
    Because the fruit had fermented.
    The juice she squeezed in her cup quickly rose,
    And cider had been invented!

    EVE and her friend, the snake, had a toot.
    Adam found them next morn.
    His FUROR diminished when of their grog he'd a snoot,
    Instead he became forlorn.
    When the juice hit his brain he said "I DUNNO,
    I think you've broken our lease!
    God will kick us out faster than toasting an EGGO,
    And send down His angel police!"

  4. Hi Y'all! Fun one, Nancy! Thanks, Melissa.

    The last to fill was the SW corner. Forgot OLSON. (There is a different announcer under Drew Carey. Can't think of his name either.) OBJ/LBO/JOTTO unknown. Had to red-letter JO. Entirely too many tricky abbrev. today. Didn't know PRU. (50 years since I was in Boston.) INIT = initial? Duh, didn't understand that until I saw it here.

    Didn't think of PERImeter as a prefix. Snip before LOPS.

    Didn't know how they score soccer. My kid quit after one season. He thought it was a stupid game because no one ever scored in his matches. They just all ran around raising dust.

    SIn before LIA. As Splynter says, 33% right.

    Good luck on your doctor visits, Fermatprime. Hope you get the help you need.

  5. Morning, all!

    Got through this one lickety-split, faster than yesterday (and with no stupid mistakes). Never a fan of OKED and I swear I have never seen MARRIED as a noun before (let alone MARRIEDS), but that was it for the nits.

  6. Oh -- I meant to ask...

    Is PRU hard to get for those who don't live in the Boston area, or is it famous enough (whether in real life or as crosswordese) to be a gimme for everybody these days? We were actually just there last weekend, having lunch at the Cheesecake Factory in the mall (the Prudential Center) at its base. The Prudential Building and the John Hancock building are the two most famous buildings in Boston, but I have no idea if they are well known outside of this area.

  7. Good Morning, Melissa and friends. I found this a little more challenging that many Tuesdays, but not unmanageably so. LOPS didn't come easily to me, however, and it generally isn't good when I can't get 1-Across on the first pass. I liked the theme and caught on to it early.

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere was one of my favorite poems when I was a kid, so at least I could immediately fill in 1-Down with LISTEN.

    I used to live within walking distance of the PRU when I lived in Boston years ago.

    If one makes regular payments, the INTEREST should constitute the bulk of the payment only at the beginning of the payment schedule.

    She raised Cain = EVE was my favorite clue of the puzzle.

    ISAK Dinesen was the pen name of Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke (1885 ~ 1962).

    QOD: I hope that everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that. ~ Gillian Anderson (b. Aug. 9, 1968)

  8. A few write-overs: KNEWIT-KNEWOF; NHL-NFL; KREEL-CREEL. And ISAK was all perps. Didn't know who wrote Out of Africa, so cheated and Googled it, to find Karen Blixen wrote it. That really left me confused. Thanks, Hahtoolah, for clearing the air. Other than that, fun CW, thanx, Nancy! Great write-up, thanx, mb! Owen, you'd best lighten up on those amphetamines, u gonna hurt yourself!!

  9. Good morning!

    My pen was running out of ink, so no need for Wite-Out today -- just Wite-Over it. No, Melissa, I didn't fall into the SMITH trap -- I fell into the ALDEN trap. Otherwise, no problems today. Thanks Nancy.

    Barry, right with ya on MARRIEDS. Makes sense, but I've never heard it. PRU was all perps. Yes, we've seen it before, but I never remember it. When I heard John Hancock building, I think of "Big John" in Chicago. But building owners and names keep changing. Remember the Sears Tower? Renaming is really prevalent in Houston: Transco Tower is now the Williams Tower. Texas Commerce Bank became the JPMorgan Chase Tower. Republic Bank Building became the Bank of America Center. Reliant Stadium became NRG Stadium. And, of course, Enron Field became Minute Maid Park.

    TxMs, from yesterday. Thanks for setting me straight. I saw that commercial last night and confirmed what you'd said. I never would have sussed that a one-man moving company was actually a pitch for free electricity.

  10. Hello, all.

    Nancy, thanks for the fun this morning. I enjoyed it, but upon completion, no Tah Dah. I checked it over and errant finger strokes produced three typos. Loved the ONE ALL soccer score. My eldest daughter was a keeper, and often had to save the tie on penalty kicks. I feel like soccer would be more interesting if they started with the penalty kick, then the rest of the game would have something to "shoot" for. My impression is soccer is more fun to play than to watch. My 8 year-old grand daughter is always pulled from her Park District games because she's the only one who scores--almost any time she get the ball. It's not fair to the rest of the kids and the other team, so she's either taken out or put in the cage. This year she'll have to be on a traveling team in order to play the game. $$$

    Barry, Ditto on D-O's summary of buildings. The Prudential and the Hancock are still so named in Chicago. There used to be a Stouffer's Restaurant named The top of the Rock, and it had a great view of the city. (It was a favorite spot when we were dating and young MARRIEDS>) The restaurant at the top of the Hancock is appropriately called the Signature Room. In addition to various colors of Sox, we share some architectural commonalities.

    Thanks, Melissa for the walk through!

  11. Fun puzzle with a little Tuesday crunch! @Barry - never heard of "PRU" though I've been to Boston several times and it was easily filled by perps since I know Prudential is a Boston based company. Hancock building is one of my favorites in Chicago near the lake - back when I was in residency there since we had little money we would take out of town guests to the lounge at the top of the Hancock - the drink we would get was very pricey but still cheaper than the cost of the elevator ride to the observation deck of the Hancock or the Sears tower and you could sit and enjoy the view for as long as you wanted!
    As far as MARRIEDS - churches often have a "young MARRIEDS" class if they are big enough to split up their Sunday school classes.
    The puzzle was all about sitting down - but I need to get to work so
    Thanks Melissa and Nancy!
    Looking forward to watching the women's team finals for gymnastics tonight!

  12. "Puzzling Thoughts":

    Yesterday's puzzle page was pristine; not a write over to be found; not so, today. But it wasn't too bad: ONE ONE before ONE ALL and OKAY before OKED. I had ROLFE all the way so I did not fall into the SMITH ALDEN (or any other pre-Revolutionary day name) in 16a

    I could hear Johnny OLSON's voice when I pondered 57a but had to wait for a few perps to recall the name. "Come on down"!

    Thought it clever - though was probably just coincidence - that the word RITA (from the Beatles song) was right next to I WILL (another Beatles hit single)

    KHAKIS was another answer that was appropriate in this "relaxing-themed" puzzle, although the once popular trouser for casual Fridays has now become a staple wear for the business world, as suits and ties seem as if they are only worn by lawyers, bankers and politicians. Of course, living in Florida, we are pretty used to casual, most of the time! 😜

  13. For those who need a tune to carry around in their head today, who would provide this for you here at the Corner? I WILL. Only 1:38 in length.

  14. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Nancy Salomon, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Melissa Bee, for a fine review.

    Zipped through this pretty easily.

    Theme worked out. Very nice.

    Only ink blot was my reversing the vowels in Golda MEIR's name. I always do that until I see it written down, and then I reverse them.

    Barry G: I did not know the PRU. I have seen it, however, and I do have a nice photo of it, when I was visiting my sister and her family. My avatar was taken on that trip, quite a few years ago. They live in your town, if you remember.

    I wanted to write SMITH for 16A. Held off for a perp or two. ROLFE filled in easily. I read the report submitted by Melissa Bee on Pocahontas. Very interesting.

    Good luck Fermatprime on your trials and tribulations.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  15. Melissa: Wonderful write-up & links. Good Job!

    Nancy: Thank you for a FUN Tuesday puzzle.

    Needed ESP to get JOTTO ... learning moment I WILL forget by noon.

    Still receiving a cooling rain. Yesterday we hit the "All-Time" lowest-high for the date, 81 degrees.

    Don't think I WILL be able to "see the Sunset" ... but I WILL "Toast it" anyway.

  16. Good Morning:

    This was an easy, breezy Tuesday invitation to just take it easy and enjoy a fine summer day. A few hiccups but, overall, smooth sailing.

    Thanks, Nancy, for a fun outing and thanks, MB, for the guided tour.

    The three H's are slowly coming back but it's early August and expected. (Not accepted but expected!) ☀️☀️☀️

    Have a great day.

  17. Owen: The juice she squeezed in her cup quickly rose....? Ooh, naughty but nice! Sounds like you've been reading too much Mills&Boon in your retirement.

    Other comments. Solid Tuesday fare:

    • Disappointed not to see a connection between TARZAN and APE.

    • Do people still make physical "Yellow Pages"? I thought it was all on-line now.

    • I appreciate that RUNES may be difficult to read, but I had not met the adjectival form RUNIC used in a general sense of "hard to decipher"

    • I too pursed my lips at "MARRIEDS", but it seems to have a respectable 20th century history. It does sound rather dated now - like the institution of marriage itself, some might have said. But that has now been resurrected by the LBGT - swings and roundabouts, I guess.

  18. Good morning everyone.

    Very RELAXing puzzle today. Thank you Nancy.
    No problems with the solve. Got JOTTO from perps.
    SGT - I guess the clue is OK if the usage is deemed laic and informal. The actual 'stripes' are correctly called chevrons. OTOH, stripes are the correct name for the rank device on Navy Officers' shoulder boards and sleeves. A three-striper would be a CDR. Also so defined in Merriam.
    RUNIC - Agree with Nice Cuppa. We saw some runes on posts outside Gripsholm Castle near Stockholm. They were clearly inscribed but we couldn't read them because of lack of training. Very elegant and captivating.

  19. Someone delivers a book of Yellow Pages to my door every year and I still use it for local numbers if I don't know who I'm wanting for sure. It also has maps of the city which I've used a lot. The only problem is they've reduced the print size to a ridiculous degree. I have to have a magnifying glass for the actual names & numbers.

  20. P.S. The LA Times relaunched its on-line version of the crossword in a new format.


    • Seems to run smoothly and not get bogged down by the flanking adware.
    • Toggling from Across to Down is now done by a click of the trackpad (or mouse), which is convenient.
    • When you move the cursor and click on a new square, the relevant DOWN and ACROSS clues move into the clue window, which is great (***but see below)


    • The FILL letters are SO large and BLACK they almost bulge out of their squares.
    • When resizing the window for optimal viewing (and cropping of!!!), the relatively low resolution reveals itself, but not too badly.
    • ***MAIN COMPLAINT: The "jumping clue" windows are a good idea, but the movement needs to be SMOOTHED out - otherwise it can be as distracting as ADWARE (and while cropping the CLUE windows would certainly make the crossword more challenging, it might perhaps make it a TRIFLE too challenging).

  21. PK

    It was the occasion of my 40-something-th birthday when my wife bought me the beautiful gift of (one of the last) single-volume unabridged OEDs. However, even with the illuminated magnifying glass provided, I could not read the entries.

    Then it hit me. That other (non-Olympian) Downhill Event had begun.

    Are you certain it's the print size and not your specs specs?

  22. Though we haven't seen Nancy Salomon in a long while, she always delivers. Thank you, Nancy!

    I zipped through this quickly but fell into the ALDEN trap until ROLFE became obvious. Otherwise only OLSON/JOTTO gave me a bit of trouble but that didn't last long. ISAK Dinesen is a frequent CW visitor and I studied her works in a lit class eons ago when I learned that because of her royal status she chose a pen name. PLAYAS was of course a given. How I wish to be at one.

    Barry, PRU is now familiar to me only because of crossword puzzling.

    In my head I can hear The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere which one of my teachers used to read to us.

    Thank you, Melissa! It's really nice to see you on a regular basis.

    Have a delightful day, everyone!

  23. Super fast Tuesday fill with three unknowns- JOTTO, LIA, & STAX. The cross of the last two was a guess but since the chips have to be stacked, the 'A' was the only logical choice.

    Johnny OLSON- ' This has been a Mark Goodson- Bill Todman production'- I think I heard that over 1,000 times at the end of game shows years ago.

    YELLOW PAGES- I always keep 3 or 4 old ones around and circle any business that I used in the past. They are free and you are not steered to the latest advertisers that Google offers when you search for one.

  24. I had given up on trying to solve puzzles on the LA Times site because of the number of ads running that caused the app to perform at an unusable slow speed. Then I discovered an add-on for my browser called AdBlock Plus. Today it blocked 8 ads and gave me a clean interface for an ad-free solving experience.

    I am aware that advertising revenue keeps the site free but they had become so intrusive and used so much of the bandwidth that the site was no longer functional.

  25. What xtulmkr said.

    I might add that the LA Times' ads are often bizarre: State Farm insurance ads in Chinese?? The latest is people painting sunglass frames green....

    I'm at the point where I'd pay, just to have the endless ads gone.

  26. Good morning to all!

    I liked today's laid back theme. Thanks for a fun ride, Nancy.

    And thanks Melissa for the expo, including some very interesting links.

    We played a lot of UNO on our vacation last week, along with completing a number of jigsaw puzzles.

    Barry, I was not familiar with the Prudential building as a Boston landmark, but it was easily perped.

    Enjoy the day!

  27. I usually do the weekday puzzles online, but for some reason, I cannot seem to access the LA Times crossword using the new online layout. The "Daily Crossword" game at the LA Times' website keeps loading up with old puzzles from "Boatload Puzzles."

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  28. Follow-up: It appears that this quirk (whether intentional or in error) is caused by the browser extension HTTPS Everywhere, which ensures more secure browsing. If that extension is enabled, the LA Times' online crossword app will not load with the daily LA Times crossword, but rather with an old puzzle from the website Boatload Puzzles.

    If this is a design feature rather than a bug, color me disappointed.

  29. OwenKL:
    Your poem today is a hoot!

  30. Like just about everyone else, I learned JOTTO from the perps. It would seem to be a game we cruciverbalists would know, but Unh-UH.
    On the other hand, we're all quite familiar with good ol' UNO.

    A nice easy-peasy Tuesday pzl, one to be appreciated for allowing my solving pattern to flow according to my customary diagonal, from 1-A to the intersection of 56-D and 67-A.

  31. Huge relief! I got stuck on a few unknowns in this puzzle and worried that I'd have a rare Tuesday goof-up. But Yay! Everything was correct and I got the whole thing--Yay!

    Many thanks, Nancy, for a real Tuesday challenger but that finally worked, and you too, Melissa, for the always great expo. My unknowns were ROLFE and KEL,but I guessed NFL, thank goodness. Didn't know STAX or LIA (which I should have known, given all my Irish studies over the years)--but guessed that one correctly too. And didn't know OLSON or LBO but still got it.

    Loved the reference to "Paul Revere's Ride." Learned it in fifth grade when I could barely speak English and yet I could recite almost the whole poem to you today--"One if by land, and two if by sea, and I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and to spread the alarm through every Middle___ village and farm for the country folk to get up and to arm" and so on. Great memory of school days and the happiness of becoming an American.

    Loved your Adam and Eve and snake poem this morning, Owen.

    Have a great day, everybody!

  32. Fun Tuesday puzzle. Thanks Nancy and Melissa.

    WES about the SW corner. JOTTO was unknown and OLSON slow to come to mind.

    I had Chinos before KHAKIS which held me up there.

    This Canadian did not know PRU!

    Enjoy the day. We are hot here again and still no rain!

  33. A quick solve this morning before playing 18 in 81% humidity! Yuk!

    -A slight variation of 20 Across
    -Lavern Defazio’s L may be the most famous TV init.
    -In the first year of a $100,000, 30 yr mortgage @3.7% you pay $5,216 in INTEREST while reducing your principal $1,410
    -A very funny Johnny OLSON (6:50) as a 1965 mystery guest on What’s My Line?
    -Per’ eh mee ter? Per’ eh mee ter? Oh, Per im’ eh ter! Doh!
    -The real and hilarious truth about Paul Revere (3:44)
    -Our new grandchild is the most PICKY EATER I’ve ever seen. We stockpile Mac and Cheese microwave dinners for him

  34. Nice to see my mentor from when I was a rookie constructor. I'm not sure I would have figured out the puzzle biz without her. What a great and wonderful woman.
    I'm sure many of you are interested in giving construction a shot. Do yourself a big favor and read Nancy's comments at Cruciverb's main page. It's titled "Sage advice"

    Not so sage-

    LBO grease

    "Where are you going OPIE?"
    "To take APB."

  35. A quick solve despite "JOTTO" which I have never heard of. Nicely constructed as well. A good Tuesday puzzle all around.

  36. PRU -- never heard of the building, but know the insurance co., so was able to guess it with only 2 perps.

    I usually use the Mensa or Cruciverb sites, but thought I'd try the new one yous are talking about. I won't bother reciting the intermediate problems I had, but the final one was the killer. Any time I tried to enter a letter in the grid, Firefox intercepted it and put it in the "find" box instead.

  37. Hello Puzzlers -

    Late to the party today - coming to you live from the island of Nantucket, where about 50% of the 1% can be found in the summer. The President of the United States is next door on Martha's Vineyard, and believe me, that really gums up the works for aviators. But I carefully followed the rules and got out here without an F-16 escort (wouldn't want that).

    Breezed through today's puzzle. Favorite clue: Raised Cain, for sure.

    Howdy M Bee, nice to have you walk the walk with us today.

  38. There once was a man from Nantucket
    Who kept all his cash in a pail.
    His daughter, Nan,
    Ran away with a guy,
    And as for the pail, Nan left it!

  39. Fun puzzle. I liked the theme entries. Hand up for ALDEN before ROLFE. I learned a PLAYA is a beach; I had always thought it is a dry lake bed. Another hand up for not remembering LIA; for some reason I keep thinking it is Sin Fáil. Maybe I'm thinking of Sinn Féin. Yeah, that's it.

    Does soccer really call it ONE ALL? All I recall ever hearing is "one one" (or nil nil as the case may be.)

    I think LW and I haven't used the Yellow Pages for years. Usually we use Yelp these days, or just a search for local businesses.

    Never heard of STAX. Our preferred chips in a can are Pringles.

    Best wishes to you all.

  40. The new LA Times format on sort of took me aback. Everything is so huge. As Cuppa said the letters in the grid cells seem to almost bulge out. The clue list on the side is so large you can only see 3 clues each across and down, and yes, they sure do jump around as you type the answers in. I had gotten used to the old format skipping over letters that were already filled when you press the Tab key, but this new format skips entire answers if they have been filled. Makes it harder to go back to see what the clue was. I think I'll get used to it pretty quickly. Oh, and it was preceded by an ad, just as before. Before, some ads you could not skip after 5 seconds; you had to wait for the whole thing, 15 or 30 seconds, to finish. Today I could click Skip Ad after 5 seconds.

  41. Not having ANY of the problems you are all mentioning.

    You can use the MENU option to turn letter skipping off if you don't like it.

  42. I have been to the gym, walked my dog and spent time with dogs at the shelter, so it was time to heed the theme: I just had a nice 20 minute nap. Thanks, Nancy S. and M.B.

    I had John wOLFE. What the heck is a TwIFLE? Didn't do an alphabet run so had to come here to get it sorted out correctly. FIW.

    Didn't know PRU or JOTTO, but perps filled it in.

    Hope your Tuesday is a good one.


  43. What Nice Cuppa and Jayce said about the new LAT format on line, but all the negatives. The arrows are SLUGGISH. The highlight no longer jumps to unfilled blanks, but only to the end of the word. A click of the mouse always did change the direction. The new app is HORRIBLE.

    "On the briny" is ASEA, not AT SEA. AT SEA means "lost" ("addled").

    And OK'd is misspelled.

  44. I think I will take a day off today...


  45. Anonymous @ 1845. AT SEA can mean either 'on the briny' or 'confused or lost'. Look it up. I don't recall 'asea' to have been used by any Navy types I served with. Some dictionaries say it can mean 'at sea' or 'toward the sea'. I think its main use is in crosswordese. In any event it's usually an easy fill.

  46. pje asked, "What the heck is a TwIFLE?" You know darn well it's just a small thing to Elmer Fudd.

  47. Jerome, thanx! I never thought of Elmer!

  48. Hi All!

    THANK you Nancy for the mini-vacation. Ahh, I'm rested now. Too bad I still have work to finish tonight...

    Thanks Melissa B - enjoyed The Beatles.

    I almost FIWW (way-wrong)... W/ PARA @63a and AnI @51a. Since ROLFE, IVAN, JOTTO & OLSON were a leaning moments, maybe KnAKaS was too. I DONNO.

    I checked all the perps and the perp's perps and finally(!) discovered only Gangsta' Techies would have USaR client PLAYAS. Shiii, I speak Jive, 'yo.

    I fixed USER and things finally fell into place though my KHAKIS are stained.

    WEES - Fav = c/a for EVE.

    Re: PRU - with PR_ in place it took a vowel run. PRUdential seemed most prudent (and I KNEW OF their HQ in Boston).

    {A+, A}

    D-O: I still call it Transco. I'll probably call I-69 US-59 forever.

    Let's see, RELAX from The Offspring or Frankie Goes to Hollywood?

    Cheers, -T

  49. Work mostly done & time rest b/f doing it again in 5 hours. I'm PULL'd -- do I go w/ The Band at Woodstock OR The Boss @ The PRUdential Center? I OPTED for both versions of Weight (TAKE A LOAD OFF).

    I hope both INTREST y'all. Cheers, -T

  50. Eldest is still awake and told me about this study. I don't know to be alarmed or super-proud of her research: The effects of psychotropic drugs on spiders. (MA).

    CED - your fault. You don't & somebody's gotta go INSIDE the inter-webs and RIP OUT inane stuff.

    Cheers, -T

  51. At first this was easier than Monday. Then a few snags. I thought Poky ran off with Roark(E). I think there was a book recently all about her escapades. Western microbes were her undoing, I recall.

    JOTTO. Familiar but OBJ just didn't make sense😑 I think it's a lifelong detestation of the niceties of Grammar.

    Great poem Owen. How it took me 8 seconds to 'get' the last one I'm embarrassed to say. Reminds me of the lady from France.

    In some past xword blog someone mentioned the secret of parking at the Pru, getting the ticket stamped upstairs and walking through the Fenway to Fenway

    Wow. I'm only five hours after the last posts

    PS. Thx to author and Melissa

  52. I did look it up, Spitzboov. Try a reputable dictionary, like the Cambridge.

  53. 37 Down: You know what? Doesn't Ivan Lendl look a lot like Evel Knievel?


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