, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, September 5, 2016 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

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Sep 5, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

Theme: Mystery Monday - No reveal, or is there?

62. Brief film role: CAMEO APPEARANCE. A CAMEO can appear as part of the other three items.

17. Chronological documentation in a court case: CHAIN OF EVIDENCE. Cameo necklace(chain)

27. Point an accusing finger at: PIN THE BLAME ON. Cameo pin(brooch)

48. "Be careful on that icy sidewalk": "WATCH YOUR STEP", Cameo watch (Usually a pocket watch)

Argyle here. Some easy stuff, some easy to overthink them and some that will get your thinking cap working. I think we will have a range of responses today. The grid itself with its two grid spanners and stong corners is solid.


1. Captain obsessed with a whale: AHAB

5. Baseball great Ruth: BABE

9. Channel covering Capitol Hill: C-SPAN

14. Formal affair: BALL

15. Taken by mouth: ORAL

16. Rome's home: ITALY

20. Prior name of Ho Chi Minh City: SAIGON

21. Spot of acne: ZIT

22. Driver's license prerequisite: TEST

23. Damaging precipitation: HAIL

25. NFL officials: REFs

32. Greek Cupid: EROS

33. Great Lakes' __ Canals: SOO

34. Prom participant: SENIOR

37. Japanese drama: NOH

38. Cry bitterly: SOB

40. Links org.: PGA. (Professional Golfers' Association)

41. Sharpshooters' magnifiers: SCOPES

45. Discouraging answers: NO's

47. Organs that may be pierced: EARS

51. When repeated, a Hawaiian fish: MAHI

52. Shoelace securer: KNOT

53. Offended smack: SLAP

56. New Deal org.: WPA. (Works Progress Administration)

58. More gloomy: DARKER

65. Female reproductive gland: OVARY

66. Any one of the Bahamas: ISLE

67. Geometric art style: DECO

68. Cup, in Calais: TASSE

69. Cartoon screams: EEKs

70. Leaves speechless: AWEs


1. Elementary lessons: ABCs

2. "You're a riot ... not": "HA-HA"

3. Jai __: ALAI

4. Fatal plant diseases: BLIGHTS. I question "fatal".

5. Outskirts of the outskirts: BOONIES

6. Weimaraner warning: ARF. 31D. Try to bite, puppy-style: NIP AT

7. Joan at Woodstock: BAEZ

8. Horror's "Mistress of the Dark": ELVIRAOfficial Site.

9. Spanish hero El __: CID

10. Classic cowboy hat: STETSON

11. Windex target: PANE

12. MLB postseason semifinal: ALCS. (American League Championship Series)

13. Kremlin refusal: NYET

18. Genesis shipbuilder: NOAH. Would we laugh at him today? Or be worried?

19. List listings: ITEMS

24. Wall St. deals: LBOs. (leveraged buyout)

26. Price of admission: FEE

27. Check-signing needs: PENS

28. __-Z: classic Camaro: IROC. (International Race of Champions) In March 2008, IROC auctioned off its tools, equipment, cars, and memorabilia, and went out of business.

29. "Not gonna happen": "NO HOW"

30. Zany: LOONY

35. Kiddie-lit monster: OGRE

36. Sing like Joe Cocker: RASP

39. Best-seller list entry: BOOK

42. Fusses over: PAMPERS

43. LAX listing: ETA

44. The "a" sound in "about" or "around": SCHWA

46. Ice cream treats: SUNDAES

47. Erik of "CHiPs": ESTRADA

49. Flower child, e.g.: HIPPIE

50. Roll in the aisles: ROAR

53. Kilt wearer: SCOT

54. Volcanic flow: LAVA

55. Amo, __, amat: AMAS

57. Vaulted church recess: APSE

59. Had the information: KNEW

60. Behold, to Caesar: ECCE

61. Classic cars: REOs

63. Santana's "__ Como Va": OYE. "Oye como va mi ritmo", meaning "Listen to how my rhythm goes."

64. Lodge logo animal: ELK. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.



  1. {A, C, B+, B-.]

    A volcano, with an ashy spew
    Felt passion for a peak in view!
    His heart inflamed,
    AMAT proclaimed
    As he declared, "I LAVA you!"

    What jewelry can a beau bestow,
    Rings for the EARS?
    Well, it appears
    All that matters is the stone to show!

    [If the volcano wants to get a stone at a bargain, he should check for the ITEM on "Crag's LIST"!]

    There was a tiny BABE from ITALY
    Who would SOB and whine incessantly!
    Sometimes a bottle
    Would sooth her twattle -- [sigh].
    Already a lush at just twenty-three!

    Brace yourselves well, there's been an eruption!
    Emergency procedures were in you instructions!
    Our teen-ager SENIOR
    Has a crise majeure --
    The night of the BALL, there's a ZIT-filled complexion!

  2. Greetings!

    Thanks to Gail, Bruce and Santa!

    Was bewildered by the CAMEOS.

    Gail's name is on three of the puzzles that I worked tonight!

    Did I tell you that my water bill was about $1280 for two months! Egad!

    Have a great day!

  3. Fermatprime- come down here and get all the water you want. We have too much. It rained so hard Saturday that the roof of a Ford Dealership fell in from the weight of the water.

    No problems today except maybe 'Joe Cocker' doesn't sing from the grave. He did have a RASPy voice though.

  4. Good morning!

    I was determined to LAY the blame and couldn't see how a LENS was needed for a check-signing. Otherwise, this was a smooth Monday romp...all six minutes of it. Thanx, GG, BV and RG (aRGyle). I think the Cameo thingee is over-thinking the puzzle. I think the theme is simply decorative things that people wear.

    Argyle, they've built a modern-day Noah's Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky. I laughed.

    Have you ever noticed that the start of Billy Joe Royal's Down In The Boondocks sounds very similar to the start of Gene Pitney's Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa? Even their voices sound very similar.

    Happy Labor Day to those of you who still labor.

  5. Morning, all!

    Decided to sleep in a bit this morning.

    Got through this one in pretty standard Monday time, despite not getting the theme during the solve and despite trying PUT THE BLAME ON before PIN THE BLAME ON. In retrospect, I figured the theme was just (loosely) "different types of jewelry," assuming you consider watches to be jewelry.

  6. Nice Monday puzzle. Didn't know NOH or OYE, but the perps were easy enough.

    In that light: What does one call a person who speaks 5 languages? Multilingual. What does one call a person who speaks 2 languages? Bilingual. What does one call a person who speaks 1 language? American.

  7. Good Morning, Argyle and friends. I found this to be more of a Tuesday or Wednesday-level puzzle. I got the theme with the CAMEO APPEARANCE, but didn't see the connection between the CAMEO and other pieces of jewelry. I just thought we were perusing the Jewelry Store.

    Just because a BOOK is on the Best-Seller list doesn't mean it is a good piece of literature.

    Louisiana could have used a NOAH a few weeks ago. Instead, we have the next best thing - the Cajun Navy! And the rain continues ...

    QOD: I certainly don’t delude myself that there aren’t certainly more important things to do in life than make people laugh, but I can’t imagine anything that would bring me more joy. ~ Bob Newhart (b. Sept. 5, 1929)

  8. "Puzzling Thought":

    I'm just starting the puzzle but I have to leave it for awhile as work is beckoning. I know I've been MIA but have been super busy. Anyway, I filled in 4d and it brought to mind an old poem/limerick I'm not sure I shared on this forum:

    An old arborist started a fight
    With a fellow tree surgeon last night;
    The main reason, you see,
    Was this knotty pear tree,
    But its bark was much worse than its BLIGHT

  9. No prob, but the cameo theme, although legit, leaves me kinda cold. As DO said, " I think the Cameo thingee is over-thinking the puzzle. I think the theme is simply decorative things that people wear."
    Jinx, so true. Even more disheartening is that some Americans resent seeing signs in other languages here and resent hearing other languages spoken, even though the speaker is not addressing them. I was grateful for the multilingual signs in Tokyo train stations and museums and also in many European countries.I admire the ability of many non-Americans to speak several languages.
    Hermine was not so mean here in New Jersey. It was over-hyped, like the weekly non blizzards some winters.
    Ferm, have you explored why your water bill is so high? It seems to me there may be a leak in the system or some mistake.
    That wet kilt looks soggy and uncomfortable.
    OYE was all perps. So it means listen, Argyle? Could it be related to OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ,used at the opening of court sessions and by old town criers to gain attention?

  10. Lots of NOs in the puzzle with NOS, NOH, NOAH and NOHOW. Also KNOT.

  11. Good Morning,

    Thanks Gail and Bruce for an atypical Monday, at least for me. I could not get out of the mess I started with Put THE BLAME ON. So that whole area resulted in an FIW. I knew IROC, but I couldn't iron it all out.

    Nice tour Argyle. N-I-C-E kilt!!! Hmmm, Argyle tartan, perhaps.

    I missed my exercise class this morning. How can I be retired and still operate with a week-end mentality!!?? My grand daughter told me recently, "Cool, Gramma. It's always summer for you." Indeed.

    Have a good day and perhaps an end of summer picnic.


  12. Your indulgence as I revert back to yesterdays puzzle. It was moments before midnight when I filled the last square with an "A" (Shared by CREASE and AVONLEA).
    I then rewarded myself with something from the refrigerator.

    I finish 2 or 3 Sundays in their entirety over the course of a year. It was a momentous occasion.

    The whole SW was a demolition derby when I prematurely inked in GREEKGODS instead of GODDESSES. But with patience and a healthy vial of ink, I persevered.

  13. Let’s see, the SW corner had a Latin, French and Spanish word but somehow I got ‘em. Can I remember NOH? NO HOW!

    -It was said BABE’s performance enhancing drugs were hot dogs and beer
    -C-SPAN even covers these speeches
    -A former colleague of mine had an acrimonious divorce, moved to teach in SAIGON (still the most common name used) and married a lovely Vietnamese woman. Life’s funny that way.
    -A(n?) historic NFL REF
    -I wonder how many NO’S (or worse) telemarketers hear in a day
    -We used the “bunny ear” method to teach our daughters shoe tying
    -I didn’t know TASSE but I had seen demitasse, so…
    -Many people garden in this town and fret over tomato BLIGHT
    -The price of admission/FEE

  14. Beaten by a Monday. harrumph! "Oya Como Va" was heard in my minds ear, so in went an A. For the cup I was thinking along the lines of a trophy, not a household item, so I didn't even think about demitasse and my print copy didn't have a tada. Hrumph!

    Also wanted Lay the blame on, but that didn't last long. The only other write over was loopy to loony.

  15. Good Morning:

    I alway enjoy a G and B offering and this one poses the question of whether Argyle's interpretation is correct or, as others have stated, it's strictly pertaining to types of jewelry. Maybe one of the constructors could enlighten us? I had Put before Pin the Blame On and sights before scopes but perps corrected those in a hurry. Otherwise, smooth sailing.

    Thanks, Gail and Bruce, for easing us into the week and thanks, Argyle, for 'splainin' it all.

    We had a great outing yesterday with perfect weather. One of my nephew's sons came home from Marist College and brought 3 of his classmates who all were assigned the task of peeling the corn. I teasingly told them they were going to be graded on how silk-free the corn was. (I take my Corn Queen title seriously!). Before they headed back to school, they all came over to say goodbye and asked how they did on the "test". I'll let you guess how 20-somethings who probably never peeled an ear of corn in their life did!

    Have a great day.

  16. The theme does seem to be an array of jewelry, CHAIN, PIN, WATCH, CAMEO. This was a fun fest even if it lasted only a short while. Thank you, Gail and Bruce. You always amuse.

    I had only one write over, GALA before BALL.

    Thank you, Argyle and I also wondered if the tartan is an Argyle?

    Have a lovely Labor Day, everyone!


  17. Didn't get the theme, but didn't need it. One trip across and one trip down filled in all of the blanks. Good Monday puzzle Gail and Bruce.

    Like others, the only two clues that I didn't know were NOH and OYE, but perps took care of them.

    Ferm: Usually a high water bill is indicative of a leak or other problem. I had a whopper of a bill a few years ago in a former residence and they found that the meter was defective. In Ocean City Maryland, there are no water meters. The Water Authority bases every property owner's water bill on the number of faucets they have. This is great for year round residents, because they can use all the water they want to water lawns, wash cars, fill pools, etc. and pay the same as non-resident owners who use very little water. I don't know what would be more equitable, meters or faucets as a basis for billing, but it does cover the expenses for the water authority.

    Here's wishing everyone a great Labor Day of non-labor.

  18. Greetings to all!

    A fine Monday offering from Gail and Bruce. Unusual to have grid spanners on a Monday. I'm in the camp that these are all items of jewelry.

    Thanks for the expo, Argyle. I particularly liked your Scotsman.

    Enjoy the day!

  19. I liked the hunky Scotsman but would have preferred him in more suitable attire. I keep thinking of my all wool Fraser plaid Scottish kilt out in that surf. Yuck!

    At my previous home our sewage was billed on how many measured gallons of water we used, so water used for lawn watering, washing cars etc. increased our sewage bill without it actually reaching the sewers.

    Two years ago our condos had an large water main leak on the long line that leads from the town road up our internal street with branches to each home. The leakage occurred before reaching our home meters and so did not get recorded and paid for. The town was furious at our delay in fixing it and threatened to fine us a huge amount for every day it was not fixed. It cost our Assn huge $$$$ to dig up the paving, make the repair and repave.

    Paul Bullion, HA to what?

  20. Good morning everyone.

    Mostly easy. Had to look up NOH tho. Only KNEW kabuki. No other issues. Interesting theme.
    TASSE - Also German. Probably a borrowing.

  21. Hello Puzzlers -

    Easy enough. Interesting coincidence seeing Oye Como Va today - I just happen to have Santana's Abraxas album in the car CD player. Over the years, I've changed my mind about which track I like best, but for the last few years it's been Incident at Neshabur. Santana was one of the very first non-classical acts ever booked at Tanglewood, in 1970. I wish I had seen that performance but I was a bit young.

    From yesterday: I dug around in Google to find out which space mission suffered a loss of a Hasselblad camera. Turns out it was Gemini 10 in 1966. Mike Collins was doing a complex EVA, a relatively new skill in those days, and as usual he had to take pains to keep his tether from getting fouled and his suit from getting snagged on structure. The camera tether probably got disturbed at that time, and off it drifted - just out of reach. I don't know how long it takes for an unpowered satellite to decay from that orbit, but we can reasonably guess that within a few weeks the Hasselblad would have burned up in the upper atmosphere.

  22. Fun Labor Day puzzle, Gail and Bruce--many thanks! Sailed though it pretty easily but had to look up to verify the SOO canal, which I'd never heard of. But I had it right--Yay! Great way to start the Fall season.

    Never got the theme, though--many thanks, Argyle.

    I'm hosting a small cocktail party for neighbors around our house this afternoon, and decided to decorate by using table cloths and the like in autumn colors to welcome in the new season.

    Liked your limerick, Chairman Moe.

    Ergo, congratulations on the Sunday puzzle!

    Irish Miss, loved your corn test story.

    Have a wonderful Labor Day, everybody!

  23. 19 minutes for a Monday CW!! Oi. Labor Day indeed!! I hope I do better tomorrow, I'm really starting to worry about myself: three DNCs last week. That's a first for me. Now a 19 minute Monday. Anyway, fun CW, thanx, G & B!! Terrific write-up, thanx, Argyle!! I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day. Here in FLL it looks like a day of thunderstorms, which I'm O.K. with; I actually LOVE thunderstorms!! And my Bar-B-Q is under a roof, so that should work out fine, too!! Hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day!! My wife has to work, but she's getting double-time pay, so that makes it worth it.

  24. Did nobody have trouble with 44-D, SCHWA?
    I appreciated today's Xwd (Thanks, GG + BV!) for continuing the Monday trend toward toughness. I'm asking about SCHWA because I thought that was a slightly obscure bit of jargon from my own speech specialty. As I filled it I thought, "This will be tough for non-speech pros." But I guess not.
    Or was it that the perps yielded it up?
    Where I was briefly out of my league was at 30-D, LBOS. The perps did it for me (although I wasn't so sure about the O from 33-A, SOO), but I didn't know what the acronym meant. (Thanks, Argyle!)

  25. Hi Y'all! Fun puzzle, Gail and Bruce! Great expo, Argyle! Liked the tunes. "Down In The Boondocks" could be my theme song at one time.

    Didn't get the theme even when Argyle explained it. Had to go back and by golly there was jewelry there. I thought it was something about crime.

    This seemed very proper name heavy for a Monday: AHAB, BABE, BAEZ, ELVIRA, CID, STETSON, NOAH -- just in the top tier. Then add in EROS, ESTRADA, SOO, MAHI, IROC. Did I miss any? Didn't have any names I didn't know though.

    Unknowns: TASSE, ALCS, OYE.

    Irish Miss: out here in the BOONDOCKS we don't "peel" corn, we "shuck" corn. I've shucked bushels at a time to freeze in my past. Aw shucks, I refuse to do it anymore. But I sho' nuff got the silk out.

  26. I liked this puzzle; I usually like G & B's work. All the answers I didn't know were easily gotten by perps.

    Anonymous T, I loved the Robin Williams routine you provided the link to last night. Thanks.

    I agree with the others, fermatprime, that you may very likely have a water leak. I hope you can get it fixed soon. Glad you had a nice dinner with your son and his family and two friends yesterday.

    I like Weimaraner dogs. Our friend has one, the company of whom we also sometimes have the opportunity to enjoy. My wife calls him "Crazy dog" because he has such a distinctive personality. All Weimaraners are quite intelligent, or perhaps I should say cunning, and are a lot of work to raise. Gotta keep him occupied and exercised or he gets bored. He is a perfect example of the adage, "A tired dog is a good dog." His owner, our friend, takes him up to his mountain house almost every weekend and he's in dog heaven, running around and exploring to his heart's content. Then he sleeps in the car all the way home.

    My maternal grandmother was pure-blood Scottish, clan Macbeth. Her brother, a vice president at Corning Glass, would wear the tartan even at the office. However, because she married an Englishman, and because my paternal grandmother was also English, I am actually 1/2 English and only 1/4 Scottish. The other 1/4 of me is German, from whence I get my last name.

    Best wishes to you all.

  27. Keith: Y'all have talked about SCHWA enough in the blog that I didn't hesitate to plug it in. I didn't even see the LBOs clue until you mentioned it.

  28. I believe SOO would have been appreciated by GB Shaw, who was a champion of simplified spelling. Whenever he came across a word, often a proper name, like Worcester (pronounced "Wooster") or Cockburn (pronounced "Ko-bun") he would argue for changing the spelling. Here SOO is the pronunciation for "Sault," a corrective supplied by locals who didn't take to that fancified Frenchy spelling.
    Shaw would sometimes provide samples of how English spelling could go so very wide of the mark, my favorite example being Ghoti, his way of rendering "Fish." Try it out, and see if you can tell how "Fish" is phonetically derived from those letters.

  29. Husker Gary:

    On that movie 'fee' chart, looks like the quality in Hollywood went in the opposite direction.

  30. G'Morning all!

    The theme was beyond me - Jewelry? I thought I was in trouble - WATCH YOUR STEP mister... The EVIDENCE, we can PIN it on you. Then CAMMO APPEAR'd and it was all the DARKER...

    Fun start to the Holiday. Thanks Gail & Bruce. Thanks Argyle for turning on the light and kickin' off the party w/ Santana - that will be in my head all day!

    WO: TVA b/f WPA.

    For a Monday there sure were a bunch of ESPs - BAEZ, NOH, ECCE. I'm kNOT sure how I KNEW OYE but nailed it [Ave Joe; after I realized it wasn't a California city, I heard the 'a' too.]

    Fav: HIPPIE from ITALY :-)
    NOAH was cute too after FLN.

    {A, B-,B+,C++} {B+}

    HG - LOL! Special sessions on CSPAN are perfect nap-time noise [though I don't think I could fall asleep w/ Sanders speaking].

    OMK - The only question I had re: SCHWA was the clue at 1st pass - are these Canadians say'n about? :-)

    Labor Day is a day to labor for me. Christmas & Thanksgiving are ballet holidays, New Years is recovery, Memorial Day is too much at the end of school and 7/4 is blowing stuff up. Today I hung new speakers in the garage; got the new amplifier hooked up, tested, and the sat-radio buzzing through it. Then I got to play the puzzle. Now, let's go see what's on CSPAN...

    Cheers, -T

  31. OMK:

    SCHWA is familiar to most teachers of primary grades and anyone else who teaches phonics, but as PK noted, it's been used often in puzzles and is likely familiar to solvers.

    Hand up on the chance that you have an ongoing leak. It's not always easy to find if it's in the internal plumbing but a good leak finder (that is an actual occupation) can help.

  32. Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Gail and Bruce, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    I tried this on the IPad while traveling back to Chicago, but Cruciverb was not playing ball today.

    Tried it then on the Trib site on the IPad and it was so slow the IPad timed out and I could not get it back. Waited until I got home and did it in the newspaper.

    Two inkblots. Tried SHORT was the A sound. Should have checked crosswords first. SCHWA appeared after some perps helped.

    The other was I got OYE wrong. I had OYA. No idea what the french word was.

    Liked the theme. They were easily obtained.

    One of my fraternities again. ELK.

    Remember ELVIRA. Have not seen her in quite a while.

    Watching the Cubs at Milwaukee right now. Milwaukee ahead 1-0, top of the 6th.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  33. Hahtoolah- James Patterson has written an incredible amount of best sellers... and they're incredibly bad.

    Ol' Man. You're right. Soo is simply the short version of Sault. However, I looked up Sault in a couple of French to English dictionaries and there's no translation other than "Sault". So, anyone know what the heck it means? Is it a proper name?

    And what the heck does this mean-

    "Is Mr. Young home?"

  34. The way I see it, CAMEOAPPEARANCE is the theme reveal. There are CAMEO CHAINS, CAMEO PINS and CAMEO WATCHES.

  35. Happy Labor Day! I hope your day is a good one.

    This was almost a speed run. Not thinking I put in mSnbc/CSPAN and NO way/NO HOW. Least liked clue/ans: 48a Be careful on that icy sidewalk/WATCH YOUR STEP. In college, I came out of the Student Union, slipped on ice and landed on my knee. 40 years later that knee was replaced.

    Favorite clue/ans: 53d Kilt wearer/ SCOT. One of my cousins has done genealogy research on Dad's family. She has traced us back to a minister in Scotland who passed away in 1625 and two of his sons emigrated to Virginia in the 1600's. When she visited Scotland last month she found the ministers grave site.

    Thanks, G.G. and B.V. for the fun puzzle. Thanks, Argyle, for the fun expo.

    I agree that SCHWA has been in enough puzzles that I have learned it.


  36. Robert @ 3:05 I did get it, but I do not city into it.

  37. Dang spell check.I do not cotton to it.

  38. Jerome - cute! "Is Mr. Young home?" "No, Cy gone." Baseball on the home stretch - thank goodness. This Houstonian wishes the very best of luck to the BB team who's featured on the next SI cover.

  39. Late to the party . Liked this speed run a lot. Things I didn't know filled with perps. I didn't remember SCHWA but I also didn't see it until I got Argyle's clever write- up. Thanks for the fun!

    Good job, Owen.

  40. I am late to the party also having PC problems so I am doing this on my g pad. Small screen so I didn't see NYET I put in NEIN which led to TEEN instead of TEST. which was my only hangup.

    I knew TASSE had many demitasses of Cajun coffee at my grandmas house. Stand a spoon up in there yea !!

  41. The new speakers, and their placement, are weirding me out...

    I hung 'em in the rafters instead of being right in front of me. It's like music is from Heaven which was apropos - I came out here and Queen was playing. Freddie would be 70 today IIRC.

    Jerome funny. TX Ms - LOL. After 45 games I was hoping for another tombstone (remember '05!). Nope. I don't think 'Stros can pull a wild-card rabit out w/ only 30 or so games left.

    '05 I KNEW it even at 15-30. We had the pitching. I have every H-Chron sports page from that year. Sure not a World Series win but the best season H-Town had.

    Off to dinner - Youngest wants Antonia's for her B-Day supp'n.

    Cheers, -T

  42. Jerome: Sault (pronounced soo) is old French Canadian for waterfall or Rapids

    Oc4beach not Anon

  43. I was hoping someone would link "Farewell Angelina" by Joan BAEZ. I forget how Owen taught us to do it. Speaking of: nice work today.

    I had TRANCE and then had to change ENT

  44. Anon-T - Had to google 2005 Astros (15-30) - didn't follow MLB then - a sport where I could whip up a batch of cookies at the start of an inning and return to watch the end with plenty of time to spare. Rockets - NBA '94 and '95 champions. Houston teams have had dry runs since then. Gearing up for the Texans though.

  45. Did the puzzle twice today...

    Using my Iphone, I had it 98% done when I hit the wrong button & lost everything.
    Quickly reloaded it (& watched the #$# advertisement AGAIN) & managed to
    retype everything in airplane mode before my plane left the ground.
    (not easy with those tiny little Iphone keyboard buttons...)

    fermatprime, good luck with that plumbing leak.

    Funny thing about leaks, they can always be worse than what they are now...

    Ok, I am beginning to understand "Schwa."
    No, wait a sec, what's with this upside down "e" thingy?

    Anonymous T, I could not find a cake with happy birthday "youngest" on it...

  46. WIlbur - BAEZ just for you.

    CED - Cake was great! I shared w/ Youngest & she was delighted. Thanks.

    For the record... the Italian joint is closed on Mondays. We had Sushi instead.

    Totally random - but if you're still up reading this, you may enjoy Spacey's impressions. I can't recall what I was looking for before I found it...

    TX Ms - I'll forgive you for not recalling the '05 'Stros BALL team if you'll forgive me for not getting my bum to H-Town before '98 [I missed the Oiler's / Clutch City days].

    Boo - FLN: you never said it! I've got imaginary money riding here :-)

    Cheers, -T

  47. I heard Spacey would cadge a meal in NYC by pretending to be Johnny Carson.


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