, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, October 3, 2016 Jake Braun

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Oct 3, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016 Jake Braun

Theme: By The Way - Three letter combos.

16A. Expose wrongdoing: BLOW THE WHISTLE

37A. With the breeze at your back, in sailing: BEFORE THE WIND

60A. Where the driver sits: BEHIND THE WHEEL

69A. Incidentally, in texting ... and a hint to three long puzzle answers: BTW

Argyle here. Jake's given up the easy stuff, four Sunday puzzles, and produced a credible Monday offering.


1. Hospital IV amts.: CC's. (Cubic Centimetre)

4. Irrational fear sufferer's suffix: PHOBE.. The fear itself would have a phobia suffix.

9. Texas city: WACO

13. Until now: YET

14. Specialized language: ARGOT. There is some interesting word origin if you care to look it up.

15. Dashing style: ELAN

19. Gymnast Korbut: OLGA

20. Choose by majority vote: ELECT

21. Wok cook's flavoring: MSG. (monosodium glutamate)

23. Attacked by surprise: RAIDED

26. Baseball card stat: RBI. (run batted in)

27. Day, in Durango: DÍA

28. MBA hopeful's test: GRE. (Graduate Record Examination)

29. Take a break: REST

32. Lead singer's part: MELODY

34. "No need to explain the joke": "I GET IT"

36. Is obliged to pay: OWES

41. Creative fields: ARTS

42. Feathers: PLUMEs

43. Hot chocolate drinks: COCOAs

46. Actor Morales: ESAI

47. Braz. neighbor: ARGentina. I counted ten neighbors.

50. Astounded state: AWE

51. What it takes to tango: TWO

53. Maple syrup rating: GRADE A

55. Bank acct. earnings: INT. (interest)

56. Peddler's merchandise: WARES

59. Like "Supergirl," ratings-wise: TV PG

64. Decimated Asian sea: ARAL

65. Budget prefix: ECONO

66. Genetics lab subj.: RNA

67. Audacity: GALL

68. __ Island: RHODE


1. RoboCop is one: CYBORG. RoboCop · ‎RoboCop 2 · ‎RoboCop 3 · ‎RoboCop (2014 film). Can't keep a good cyborg down.

2. Wine storage area: CELLAR

3. Inferior cigar: STOGIE. I smoke old stogies I have found short, but not too big around. Who am I?

4. Compliment "on the back": PAT

5. Princely letters: HRH. (His Royal Highness)

6. S-shaped molding: OGEE

7. Soup serving: BOWL

8. Out-of-use anesthetic: ETHER

9. White terrier, familiarly: WESTIE

10. Ctrl-__-Del: PC reboot combo: ALT

11. "You're getting too excited": "CALM DOWN!"

12. Like a 45-10 football game: ONE-SIDED

17. Roll of bills: WAD

18. Long-range nuke: ICBM. (intercontinental ballistic missile)

22. Many pride parade participants: GAYS

24. Therefore: ERGO

25. Bucks and does: DEER

30. Instructions component: STEP

31. "Superman," e.g.: TITLE

33. Superman lover Lane: LOIS

34. "In that case ... ": "IF SO ... "

35. Consequently: THUS

37. Lunchbox alternative: BROWN BAG

38. And so forth: ET CETERA

39. Cyberzine: E-MAG

40. Small dam: WEIR

41. Berry rich in antioxidants: ACAI

44. Whenever you want to: AT WILL

45. Ugly duckling, as we learn later: SWAN

47. "-ly" word, usually: ADVERB

48. Admonition to a sinner: REPENT

49. Act that suppresses free speech: GAG LAW

52. What an unruly courtroom lacks: ORDER

54. Part of NCAA: Abbr.: ATH. (National Collegiate ATHletic Association)

57. Carve in stone: ETCH

58. Chase off: SHOO

61. Evil film computer: HAL2001: A Space Odyssey:

62. Last in a sequence: END

63. "__ is me!": WOE. The end until tomorrow.



  1. {A-}

    As cars get smarter, here's the deal,
    They won't want you BEHIND THE WHEEL!
    A human part
    Is not too sharp,
    At least, that's how the car will feel!

    Could a car of metal be thin-skinned?
    Would the brain inside it be chagrined
    If a human driver
    Got inside her
    With an urge to steer BEFORE THE WIND?

    If a CYBORG cop should BLOW THE WHISTLE
    All forward motion is supposed to fizzle.
    A smart car will know
    When it's time to slow,
    But a human might shoot like a guided missile!

  2. {B.}

    A clue that's complex might be convoluted
    But some recently have been involuted.
    "Work with a writer of its ilk contained in it."
    "Irrational fear sufferer's suffix."
    POEM and PHOBE should feel persecuted!

  3. Good morning!

    Once again, I failed to read the entire clue. "Irrational fear..." led me to immediately ink in PANIC. Then "Princely letters" would be ARN, son of Price Valiant. Thought that was tricky for a Monday. Not! It worked out in the end. Everything's Jake, thanks.

    Argyle, that'd make you the king of the road.

    We see a little WESTIE almost every day on our march 'round the 'hood. His name is Herc -- short for Hercules.

    Thought of GAG Order before GAG LAW, but then ORDER showed up almost immediately.

    Hal wasn't evil. He suffered from contradictory instructions.

  4. Fast, fun, Monday!! I loved it, thanx, Jake! Nice write-up, thanx, Argyle! My only slow-down was SE corner, as Argyle mentioned, Brazil has too many neighbors to figure out 47a, had to peep it, and 47d ADVERB didn't come to mind; too long since grade-school English, I guess.

  5. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Jake Braun, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    Got through mostly easily. Was a little sticky in places.

    Theme appeared just fine. I think I had them all before the BTW at the bottom.

    New word for me WEIR at 40D. Never heard that before in my life. I looked it up after I was done.

    CYBORG was with perps.

    I BROWNBAGged all the way through school. Always peanut butter sandwiches.

    Have to run. Guarding the crossing, then giving a pint at the blood bank.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  6. Pleasant start to the week with a bit of a challenge offered by Jake. After Argyle explained what MSG is, I now understand why Chinese food is not a favorite. Always have to check my spelling for COCOAS. Never can remember which comes first, the A or the O.

    I too wanted GAG order before LAW forced its way into the grid.

    Argyle, the comment was part of the song, King Of The Road sung by Roger Miller. Just so happens the radio station I listen to in the AM had just played it. Glad October is here because that same station plays Hail October multiple times during the broadcasting day til months end.

    Fall weather is finally in Connecticut and the UConn ladies begin practice this week, so thankfully, summer is in the rear view mirror.

  7. Nice tidy Monday with long theme answers that were easily accessible. Great for getting to work on time!
    What Abejo said about WEIR - know some people whose last name is WEIR but never that definition. Have already had my learning moment for the day!

    Finally watched the last few episodes of "Person of Interest" this past week- highlighting the differences between "The Machine" and "Samaritan"- reminded me of HAL- one of those two only focused on the greatest good for the most people but didn't have any "heart"- so accomplishing that could end up with a lot of collateral damage as far as people's lives lost.

    Thanks Argyle and Jake!

  8. Argyle: Nice write-up. Jake: Thank you for a FUN Monday puzzle.

    Hand up for WEIR being a learning moment, always a plus!
    (I guess Weir Dams never caught on in Florida).

    Fave today was seeing ET CETERA spelled out.

    Well it was 20 years ago today I became an orphan.
    The "First toast at Sunset" is to my Mother ... like every 1st Toast!

  9. Fun, easy Monday puzzle - Thanks, Jake. Good write-up by Argyle, but for a change I understood everything. Erased lingo for ARGOT, going down WIND for BEFORE THE WIND (we also say going downhill), and goods for WARES.

    BOREDOM ALERT - This aside is just personal stuff for Abejo. Don't read unless you have had your morning joe. I was a so-so maintenance switchman in the Palos Verdes step-by-step office. When the #2 EAX was planned for Rolling Hills I took a screening test (kind of a modified IQ test) and was one of only 11 who passed. Sixteen weeks of training later I was on loan to the installation crew, and after the switch went on line we found out that I REALLY got that system. Shortly after that I was promoted to engineering at 100 Wilshire Blvd. The GTD-5 was in development, and I was assigned Coachella and Santa Maria base units and associated remotes. Turns out I was good at that, too. When the company left Santa Monica I went to Mission Hills and was soon promoted to engineering administrator. After finishing my BS degree I was promoted to Standardization Manager in Phoenix, then was relocated to Dallas. In Dallas I got my MBA and Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, and was promoted to IT project manager in Atlanta. I retired there shortly after Verizon took over. It was a great career.

  10. Nice Monday with just enough challenge.

    Am I wrong, or isn't MSG a flavoring enhancer rather than a flavoring in its own right? I wanted SOY there for a while.

  11. Good day to all!

    I moved through this one quickly and easily. No snags, no nits. Thought it would have been rather fun if the first theme answer had begun with "below" rather than BLOW, then all three theme answers would have begun with an ADVERB. Thanks for a fine puzzle, Jake.

    Thanks for being our faithful Monday guide, Argyle. Beautiful photo of Durango, Mexico.

    Enjoy the day!

  12. Good Morning:

    This was an easy, peasy start to the week with a not-too-often seen theme. (Constructors' creativity continue to amaze me. Take a bow, CC, for yesterday's really creative NY Times offering. Brava!) As Tin said, seeing etcetera vs etc was refreshing.

    Thanks, Jake, for an enjoyable Monday meander and thanks, Argyle, for guiding the way. Loved the Westie picture as I have a special affinity for little white dogs, especially Bichon Frises. Perhaps one of the linking geniuses would make my day a little brighter?

    Have a great day.

  13. Good morning all,
    Another fun Monday...loved seeing et cetera. Thanks Jake and Argyle.
    Just read the other day that acai is one of the top 10 mispronounced words.Proper pronunciation for this palm tree species is ah-sigh-EE. I bet I'll forget.

  14. Good morning everyone.

    Easy one today. No nits, no searches or erasures.
    PLUME - Always think of "la plume de ma tante" from basic French.
    BROWN BAG - The married guys in our Wardroom were referred to as BROWN BAGgers.
    One time when I was on a Training Exercise with SACLANT in Norfolk, our midnight watch was commanded by a UK RAF Group Captain. At 0200 he opens his lunch basket and hands out sandwiches and sides, which his wife had made, to all us Reserves, but not the regulars. One of them complained: "Where are ours?" He replied: "They don't have their Mummies with them." An endearing fellow.

  15. Morning all!

    I went through the acrosses and was questioning my abilities, but the the downs filled everything in with no need to go back through a second time. Fun puzzle, Jake! And of course, thank you for the write up A!

    @irish: I, too, love little white frizzy dogs!

    This is my style for Behind the Wheel but you may also enjoy Carrie Underwood

    TITLE brings up this tune from pop star Meghan Trainor. Her music is pretty catchy, with a lot of 50's influence. And she plays the ukelele!

    Happy Monday! One final tomorrow then I get two weeks off school - my first break since January. A whole lot of laziness on tap...


  16. Fun Monday puzzle. Thanks Jake. Thanks Argyle.

    Specialized language, Argot. Like Cryptography, the study of tombs. Cartography, the study of automobiles.

    We watch Chef Joanne Weir's Cooking Class show on the local PBS station.

    Irish Miss, from yesterday... I'm cobbling together my notes and the links together for making pizza in a cast iron skillet.

  17. Nice puzzle by Jake. Got the theme early on and immediately filled in BLOWTHEWHISTLE and BEHINDTHEWHEEL.

    Kazie, I agree that MSG is a flavor enhancer, not a flavoring in itself.

    Thanks, Argyle - Loved the pics of Durango and Waco! Love that area of Texas..... you can see for miles and miles and miles!

  18. Irish Miss, so here's the recipe. This is our mashup of Christian Petroni's dough and pizza recipes and J. Kenji López-Alt's "Skillet-Broiler Method" for cooking the pizza.

    The two things that make it stand out for a home made Neapolitano-style pizza are the flour for the dough and the cooking method. Rather than using all-purpose or bread flour, try to find the very finely milled high protein 00 flour.

    First time we made it with King Arthur Bread Flour, and it was pretty good. Then I found a local store that carries the "red bag" Caputo 00 flour. Made a better pizza crust than the bread dough.

    Neapolitan Style Pizza Made in a Cast Iron Skillet

    We make the dough as shown here, except that we cut the recipe in half: Christian Petroni's Pizza Dough

    The pizza toppings:
    4 to 6 tablespoons Simple Tomato Sauce for Pizza
    2 to 4 ounces fresh mozzarella, drained, cut into 1-inch pieces
    5 to 7 fresh basil leaves
    1 tablespoon freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
    2 tablespoons best-quality olive oil

    Here's the link for Christian's toppings. We don't use a peel or the semolina. Nor do we follow the baking instructions you'll see in the link. Christian Petroni's Margherita Pizza

    The pizza sauce: Same as Martha's Simple Tomato Sauce for Pizza, but half as much.
    1 14 oz can San Marzano Tomatoes.
    1/4 tsp fine sea salt.

    Disclaimer: DW thinks we should drain at least half of the juice before blending, but I like the sauce thin. After I stick blend the tomatoes, we put half in another bowl. She adds oregano to hers.

    Kenji explains the "The Skillet-Broiler Method". He also has a link to his version for dough and toppings, but we prefer Christian's.

  19. Tawnya @ 9:57 - Thank you for brightening my day. (Actually, 508 days per Google's footnote.!). If I didn't know better, I would swear some of those images were my Fluffy in the flesh. My Discover card has a Bichon on it which often brings smiles from sales people. Again, thanks and please try very hard to be as lazy as you can be for the next two weeks! 💤 😴 💤

    TTP @ 11:32 - Thanks for the pizza information. I'll check out your links and keep you posted.

  20. A nice well-constructed and clued Monday puzzle, a perfect week starter, well done.

  21. OK. Yesterday I heard 8 minutes for a Sunday lat-xw. OK, let's see if the great one can do a Monday in 8.

    13 minutes. Actually, I found today a little sticky. I sometimes suggest that a newbie try a Monday. Perhaps not today.

    OK 2. I see y'all need help on that baseball question. To review and be clearer than last night:

    I won a batting championship playing for Philadelphia, post war, before 1960.

    But, I took 37 DAYS OFF while doing it.

    C'mon someone take a stab at it. CC, are you listening? I know you love baseball.

    I have a third hint coming. And please, please don't look up MLB batting championships.

    OK 3, back to the puzzle, ETCETERA.

    HAL couldn't be evil or good. He was a computer. And Asimov covered all that earlier, right? BTW, have you heard about the Hillary clone conspiracy?

    It brought to mind one of Asimov's sequels where to prove the robot wasn't a robot, she laughed uproariously at the suggestion. You had to be there.

    Mike Weir won a Masters but now has trouble qualifying.

    ACAI will be Ack-eye forever. That horse left the barn.


  22. Weird that some of you have never heard of weir. They're common in my homeland.

    I count only 4 common English words (+ their derivatives) beginning with wei– : weir, weird, weigh and weight (all 4 have distinct origins), and all blithely ignore the "i before e" rule. Any others? (Wait, wait, don't tell me).

  23. What AnonymousPVX said. What Wilbur Charles said about Ack-eye. What Kazie and C6D6 Peg said about MSG. What TTP said about cryptography and cartography; made me laugh. What desper-otto and Wilbur Charles said about HAL. What thehondohurricane said about COCOA. What TX Ms said yesterday about Anonymous T's humor. Re what tawnya said yesterday about San Luis Obispo, I didn't know Luis was not pronounced Looie.

    Best wishes to you all.

  24. Very nice Monday offering. I had a snit with the NYT puzzle today. No problem with this one.

  25. Great Monday puzzle, Jake--many thanks! I breezed right through it until I got to the Southeast corner and then got stuck. Panic. But after calming down and getting most of it, TVPG fell into place, and I prayed it would be correct. It was --Yay! It helps to have ACAI and RBI down after years of doing crosswords.

    Great pics, Argyle. "The King and I" was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. Saw it several time at the movie theater. Haven't seen it in years and wonder if it's PC at this time in our lives?

    Owen, fun car limericks this morning.

    Have a great week, everybody!

  26. I should have looked it up before. Sure enough, Luis is pronounced Loo-EES, which makes sense. Oddly, I have always pronounced San Luis reservoir correctly; don't know why I have been pronouncing San Luis Obispo incorrectly. I imagine it hurts the locals' ears as much as hearing TV newscasters pronounce the city of Beijing as Bay-zhing hurts my ears. (It's Bay-jing, as in jingle bells.) Hearing Fallujah pronounced Falluzha and Raj pronounced as Razh also hurts my ears. I don't know why newscasters think everything should be pronounced the "French" way. Bob Costas kept pronouncing Sochi as Soshee all during the Olympic games there. In fact, I hold Bob Costas responsible for single-handedly starting the whole Beizhing thing.
    End of rant.

  27. Hello Wilbur,

    You must be communicating to us from your final resting place, because the only name I recall in that period is Ferris Fain, first baseman for the Phila A's in the '50's . Don't remember the date, but Ferris has left us. We played the same position, but Ferris rose to the bigs and I rose to the Semi pro leagues. As i call, like me, he was a lefty.

    I hereby certify that this info comes entirely from my recall with no outside assistance. Now I'm going to do some research.

  28. Musings
    -Great golf days may be running short. We’re predicted to get 2” – 3” of rain tomorrow.
    -A just-right Monday level puzzle!
    -I BROWN BAGGED as well with sandwiches in waxed paper we later used on the slide
    -Considering the negative emotions both current candidates evoke, I’ll bet we have a winner with a plurality and not majority
    -I “attacked by surprise” the fridge last night!
    -Simple Simon asked the pieman, “Let me taste your WARE”
    -We don’t have ACAI berries here, but yesterday I bought some jelly at a local craft show made of these berries grown locally
    -Wilbur, I don’t know if I am right or not, but I immediately thought of a Phillie batting champion who was born in Tilden, Nebraska with initials R.A. Is he it?
    -Now where’s that umbrella?

  29. Hondo. Great get. The two keys you did without: Ferris as in Buckler's day(s) off and my misleading "Philly" player. I expected Richie Ashburn of the Phillies to pop up.

    Did you follow Ferris Gain's career? Feisty guy. Had a famous brouhaha with Billy Martin.

  30. Speaking of pronunciations, there is a well-known area south of here called San Pedro. Anybody who knows Spanish knows how to pronounce Pedro (Peh-dro or something close to that). But that will get you odd glances by all the locals who know it as San Pee-dro.

    The PBS show was recommended to Barbara by a friend as something similar to Downton Abbey and just as enjoyable. I recorded it and struggled through the first episode. I found it slow and tedious. You?

  31. Aargh! In the previous post I was referring to the PBS show Poldark as being slow and tedious.


  32. Wilbur,

    i followed baseball with a passion in the late '40's, early ''50's It was the BG (Before Girls) time of life. I could probably name more player's from that period then players today. I still follow the Giants, but again I could name more players on their '54 WS team then today's team.

    I'd forgotten about Fain's fight with Martin, but I recall he had some other incident. About the same time that Philly first baseman De Waitkus was shot by a girlfriend. Maybe you can elaborate. Feel free to Email me so we don't bore all the other folks to death about this trivial

  33. Bill G, I also find Poldark to be boring. We don't watch it after one episode experience.

  34. Hi All!

    Ahh, and easy puzzle [compared to the one I've worked on all weekend - someone's posting "stuff"; I'm making sure it's not an insider*]. Thank Jake for the diversion, and, yeah, I GET IT - CALM DOWN and REST. Pop says the same thing.

    Thanks Argyle for 'splainin' what HRH was - the R in ARGOT was an eWAG and last square.

    WO - none. ESPs - OLGA, WESTIE, ESAI.

    Fav: Since EES went w/ CETERA I'll stick to typecast and go w/ CYBORG.
    I so wanted to build robots in college. I even studied Machine Vision & AI in grad sch. [it's kinda cool to see where we are 20 years later w/ self-driving cars; I studied DARPA models from the 80s - talk about learning to crawl BEFORE getting out from BEHIND THE WHEEL]

    {A+, B, B, B+}

    Tawnya - Hey, leave a MELODY for someone! Good luck on your final final tomorrow! Nursing, right? Exam Pro-tip: keep it ?NA and wait for the perps. :-)

    TTP - LOL cartographer. Also, I'll try the 00 flour; I've always just used all-purpose.

    CED - HAL is a sociopath? Why's he not running for ELECTion? (YET?) //cue Psycho theme

    Jayce - on 1st pass, I read you blaming Bob for the (pronunciation of) the "Benghazi thing"... Sure, I'm wrong, but beer still came out my nose. :-)

    BTW, on PLUMES, I really admire the The Norwegian Blue... Lovely plumage.

    Cheers, -T
    *yeah, prove a negative. "This?, It'll be fun," they said.

  35. Hello Puzzlers -

    Quite late, obviously. Just wanted to pile on: we also found Poldark un-captivating. By the second episode we were willing to miss the rest.

    In the opposite corner, we loved Last Man on the Moon (streamed on Netflix). It was more than just a high quality documentary. Thanks to whoever pointed it out - I think it was JzB, right?

  36. Well I'm in the great unread territory again. Hondo, there's about five in here
    that are interested in 50s and sixties sports.

    And anonymae that complain about everything.

    I see that autocorrect got me. The whole point of my trivia was to juxtapose Ferris Bueller and Fain using DAY(s) OFF.

    The additional trick, and I missed Husker's get was Ashburn of the PHILLIES.
    One naturally thinks of a PHILLY ballplayer as a Phillie(s) not the Athletics who left PA in 55(KC for a sojourn before embarking for Oakland).

    Now I'm really in boring, borderline tendentious territory. I'll wrap it up by adding that I too had an MLB friend and Charlie O of said As signed him for a bundle(pre draft).


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