, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Alex Eaton-Salners

Gary's Blog Map

May 30, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Alex Eaton-Salners

Theme" You Can Take That To The Bank - You have a nice selection of banks to choose from.

17A. Mike and Carol's blended TV family: BRADY BUNCH. Branch Bank.

27A. Musical group with conga drums: SALSA BAND. Sandbank, of Provincial Park Ontario.

32A. Had a religious awakening: FOUND GOD. Food Bank.

45A. Lost it all: WENT BUST. West Bank, Paris. Palestine/Israel West Bank. Thank you, CanadianEh!

53A. Where to learn to crawl?: SWIM CLASS. Swiss Bank, where you're a number, not a name.

61A. Kitty Hawk locale ... and what the circled letters graphically represent: OUTER BANKS. Off the coast of North Carolina and Virginia.

Argyle here. If you don't have the circles, the outer letters of the themes form a type of bank.


1. Lather on lattes: FOAM

5. Stage performer: ACTOR

10. Tag sale tag words: AS IS

14. A6 automaker: AUDI

15. Prepare (oneself), as for a shock: BRACE

16. Gridiron strategy: PUNT

19. __ Major: URSA. The Big Dipper.

20. "Mamma __!": 5-Down musical: MIA. Abba.

21. Chinese currency: YUANWiki.

23. Season ticket holder, probably: FAN

24. Willem of "American Psycho": DAFOE.  Spider-Man's "Green Goblin".

29. Share parts with: OVERLAP

31. HBO's "Game of __": THRONES

34. Fish-and-chips fish: COD

35. Start of some email subj. lines: FWD. (forward)

36. Military day's march: ETAPE. Hello old friend.

39. __ jar: TIP

42. Upper limb: ARM

48. In any case: AT LEAST

52. Sticks (to): ADHEREs

55. Hungry, probably: UNFED

56. "For __ a jolly ... ": HE'S

57. Japanese noodle: SOBA

58. Texter's "Yikes!": "OMG!"

59. Folk singer Seeger: PETE

66. "Got it, man": "I DIG". Hippy talk.

67. Dinner holder: PLATE

68. "Star Wars" princess: LEIA

69. Tickle Me Elmo toy company: TYCO

70. Clout: SAY SO

71. Risqué message: SEXT. A text message of a suggestive nature.


1. Adjective for a British Invasion foursome: FAB. The Beatles!

2. Couple's possessive: OUR

3. Oral health org.: ADA. (American Dental Association)

4. Around 10:00 a.m.: MIDMORN

5. "Dancing Queen" pop group: ABBA

6. Grand __: wine label words: CRU. A wine that displays this label is supposed to exhibit (translated into English) Great Growth.

7. Country singer Tucker: TANYA

8. Paranormal: OCCULT

9. Discuss to death: REHASH

10. "The Simpsons" shop owner: APU

11. Steak-lobster combo, on menus: SURF AND TURF

12. Off the wall: INSANE

13. Where season ticket holders sit: STANDS

18. Triangular road sign: YIELD

22. Drug cop: NARC

24. Remove respectfully, as a hat: DOFF

25. Say openly: AVOW

26. Like medieval Europe's social structure: FEUDALISTIC

27. Catch sight of: SPOT

28. Heckler's cry: BOO

30. Grow old: AGE

33. Margery of kids' rhyme: DAW

Seesaw Margery Daw
Johnny shall have a new master
He shall earn but a penny a day
Because he can't work any faster

37. Pod veggies: PEAs

38. Cease: END

40. "Oh, of course!": "I SEE!". Echo of 66-Across.

41. Combat vet's affliction, briefly: PTSD. (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

43. Dream letters: REM. (rapid eye movement)

44. Apple computers: MACs

46. Hitchhiker's digit: THUMB

47. Cincinnati NFL team: BENGALS

48. Chimney receptacle: ASH PIT

49. Like some hunting jackets: TWEEDY

50. Single-masted ships: SLOOPS. Remember, "We come on the Sloop John B".

51. __ rasa: clean slate: TABULA

54. Skewered Indonesian dish: SATAY.  Various sauces but mainly peanut sauce.

58. Twistable cookie: OREO

60. Self-worth: EGO

62. UFO crew, supposedly: ETs. (extraterrestrials)

63. Alumna bio word: NEE

64. "Kid Tested" cereal: KIX

65. Minded the kids: SAT



  1. Hi everyone!

    Thanks to Alex and Santa!

    No problems. But, no circles. Should have worked at the WA Post site!

    Am addicted to a game called Word Solitaire in the iPad. Finally made a score over 300 today! It is a Candy Writer game. (There are other word solitaires.)

    Have a great day!

  2. Good morning!

    Had the circles, but no, I didn't figure out they were banks. Nicely done, Alex, and thanks for the enlightenment, Argyle.

    I must've had a deprived childhood. Never heard of Margery DAW -- sounds like an old crow.

    Didn't make it to the corner yesterday. DW dragged me around looking at washer/dryer sets. She finally picked one out, and I got to pay for it. Then she said, "Well since you helped shop for them, you can't complain that they're mine."

  3. Good morning. Thank you Alex and Argyle.

    No circles and it was too late when I read the reveal clue. Still fun to solve the puzzle.

    Had a couple of type overs with udon to SABO and espy to SPOT.

    Never heard of Margery Daw and never heard the rhyme that Argyle cited.

  4. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Alex Eaton-Salners, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, for a fine review.

    Worked this last night on the iPad via Cruciverb. I did have the circles. Therefore the theme was on my puzzle.

    I also have never heard of Margery DAW.

    Tried spelling TYCO with a K. The long FEUDALISTIC fixed that.

    Spelling LEIA is always a trick.

    I am not a SURF AND TURF person. I will take the TURF part.

    I have to get ready for my last day as a crossing guard today. School is over today. I am going to wear my George H W Bush socks.

    Then to the church to Count the Offering and then to the Scottish Rite for an Almoner's meeting. After that gardening at home.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  5. Nice puzzle today, with just a nice amount of crunch. Had "sobe" for a while, until the perp gave me SOBA.

  6. Easy day, except for two Naticks: ETAPE x DAW and SOBA x SATAY. I guessed the second correctly but not the first. My second bad cell was TWEEDs - should have known TYCO, not TsCO, since I used to have a lot of their model train rolling stock. The only stuffed toy brands I know come from shopping for my greyhound.

    My sole erasure was DeFOE for DAFOE. I always get him confused with that actor who wants me to convert my IRA to gold.

    I live about 1 1/2 hours from the Outer Banks, and drive down occasionally.

    Thanks, Alex, for the learning opportunity, and thanks, Santa for the reveal.

  7. Desper-otto,

    I just read your post. I also didn't make it to the Corner yesterday. We went mattress shopping. You know, if you spend 15 minutes or so in each bed as "they" suggest, you can spend many hours at the store(s).

  8. We spent Memorial Day with some of my sibs at my brother's home. Good food. good company. Rain in the morning, then drizzle or mist the rest of the day. They were able to grill outdoors, but we ate indoors. We have not had a really unusual amount of rain, but have gloom, cloudiness and mist five days a week, it seems. If it really rained all that time we would need an ark like Noah.
    I had the circles but didn't see their connection until the reveal.
    Jinx, I, too, had TWEEEDS and TYSCO. I knew it was wrong, but didn't go back to rethink it. I am well aware of TYCO. I should mark all my problem areas, so that I can go back to them.
    When I was kid, I had a very large nursery rhyme / fairy tale book which I read over and over, so I knew Margery Daw. I am surprised others never heard of her.
    FYI before FWD.
    It seems to me that news readers used to be paragons of grammar and pronunciation. No longer. For example, today one of them said, "Sources told Pamela and I ...."
    Our fireplace does not have an ash pit. We clean the ashes out from the front.
    Alan wants to go to the mall now to spend more of his birthday money. He prefers money which stretches out over months to include many shopping trips and CD /DVD purchases.

  9. Good morning everyone.

    For those who get the WSJ, CC has today's puzzle: "AYE AYE, SIR"

    Easy enough. Didn't really focus on the circles before coming here. Thanks, Argyle.
    Was slowed a little in the SW, but finally thought of I DIG and it was done.
    OCCULT - Can also be used to describe a light pattern emanating from a lighthouse. "An occulting light is a light totally eclipsed at regular intervals, the duration of light always being greater than the duration of darkness."
    MAC - This is coming to you off my brand spanking new IMAC swapped out last Friday; first change in 8 years. (Lots of little changes and features to get familiar with.)

    Have a great day.

  10. Good Morning:

    Well, this had a bit of crunch but nothing serious. The reveal was a surprise as I had no idea of the relationship of those circled answers and that's just hunky dory with me. I, too had Tweeds but Tyco became obvious. I always want Laia before Leia, too. I filled in Daw immediately but since I've never heard that rhyme, I must remember her from previous crosswords. I like the word occult, if not its reference,

    Thanks, Alex, for a fun Tuesday and thanks, Argyle, for your faithful guidance.

    DO, I think you are been outwitted again! ��

    Abejo, I'll gladly take your unwanted Surf!

    Jinx, I'm not sure which one I'm more tired of hearing on TV: William Devane (Gold) or Mike of And the Trivago guy runs a close second. And the Verizon and Sprint guys bring up the rear!

    Breaking News! It's raining. Again. Still. Yet. ACK,!!!!

    Have a great day.

  11. Correction: DO ~ I think you have been outwitted, again. (I think the rain has addled my brain.)


  12. I use the Mensa site, so, no circles. Didn't need them to solve the puzzle, just no theme.

    Breezed through in record time. Perps were the saviors for the few unknowns. Also, didn't get to fill in many of the Down clues because they were already filled in by the Across clues.

    Nice puzzle, and nice expo.

    Now that Memorial Day is over, it's unofficially, officially summer even though we are still at least 3 weeks away from the summer solstice. Sure beats snow though.

    Have a great summer everyone.

  13. Nice easy puzzle to start the week (for me). With the circled letters it was easy to guess the theme. I had no unknowns but didn't like the cross of two 'foreign' words- SOBA & SATAY- intersecting. ETAPE- I know it but have never seen it anywhere except in a puzzle. I am not familiar with the Margery DAW rhyme but know the name.

    Mensa site? No. WA Post site? No. LA Times site? No. Newspaper pen & paper? YES. It's too easy to CHEAT myself with red letters so I use C.C.'s blog to find out if I worked the puzzle correctly.

    Question? Why is 10:00am MIDMORN but 12:00am (0:00 hours) MidNIGHT? 12pm is called NOON but technically it should really be a.m. since 12 follows 11 and it is 11:59am. I once read that the railroads don't ever use either and don't schedule anything at 12:00 so there would be no confusion.
    And speaking of C.C., forward, as Splynter would say.
    I worked C.C.'s puzzle. You didn't get it? It's on page A14 in today's WSJ. Very cute theme. When my EYEs noticed her name as I was turning the page AYE was compelled to work it. I only had one change when I changed 1A- "Easy targets" from DUCKS to the correct answer. Only SITTING DUCKS are easy targets.

    "I" salute you Captain Burnikel. You too diamond socks.

  14. Hand up for SOBe, ETAPE and SATAY felt familiar but I couldn't have defined them. Surprised so few knew Margery DAW, I thought that was a standard in Mother Goose. Wiki says it was published in 1765.

  15. I struggled today and I don't really know why. Once I finished it all seemed satisfying and obvious. I even knew Margery DAW. Thanks Alex and Argyle.

  16. Thanks, Alex, for a fun puzzle. And to Argyle, for another fine write-up.

    I also worked C.C's aye-aye puzzle. Really cute theme! Wonder where all those ideas come from......

  17. Thank you, Alex Eaton-Sainers! Though I had the circles and parsed the words I didn't connect them with BANKS. So thank you, Argyle, for supplementing that detail.

    Over all, easy puzzle today and didn't have to BRACE myself for possible frustration. My mother knew Mother Goose rhymes from memory and recited them to us when we were young. Then I bought a Mother Goose book for my daughter and read them to her so Margery DAW is familiar to me.

    I've been seeing SATAY on menus lately but wasn't sure what it was so thanks to today's CW I've learned more about it.

    Have a splendid day, everyone!

  18. ETAPE is very uncommon today, even in historical and period novels. I can find few examples. For the most part, it seems only crosswords have preserved it.
    On the other hand satay and soba are common in many places in the USA. Plenty of recipes for them can be found on the internet. Metropolitan areas have a multiplicity of ethnic cuisines and cultures which have popularized words such as this. Like pizza and sushi, soba and satay are becoming English words and have found a place in our dictionaries. In summer I like cold soba noodles in dipping sauce.

  19. Hi Y'all! Fun puzzle, Alex. Thanks, Argyle.

    No circles and I couldn't figure out anything that had to do with Outer Banks. But just the mention of them brought back a giggle. I had a great bus trip to the Carolinas where another lady traveling alone and I got together. I never laughed so much in my life. she was a hoot.

    Last to fill was the "T" in SPOT/ETAPE. Why I didn't SPOT that answer I don't know.

    Didn't know YUAN, DAFOE,TABULA. But for the first time, I remembered SOBA & SATAY! Yay!

    TWEEDY for a hunting jacket? Not out here in deer & pheasant hunting country unless you want to be shot. HUnters wear an "orange" jacket over camouflage fatigues or jeans. Bright orange allows other hunters to see you aren't a deer. When they are all thrashing through the woods and weeds full of the excitement of the hunt, some guys will shoot at anything.

    Amazing that so few knew Margery DAW. We had an old English Nursery Rhyme Book with that in it. We also knew it as a simple little song in our beginning piano book. I remember rocking hard in an old rocker with my little sister singing that song at grandmama's house.

  20. Straight-forward puzzle today. Thanks for the fun, Alex and Argyle.
    I was working in my newspaper and had the circles but did not figure out the relationship of Branch, Sand, Ford, West and Swiss until I reached 61A reveal. Lightbulb moment.
    I have visited Sandbanks Provincial Park. Very popular in the summer.
    I think of the disputed Palestine/Israel West Bank rather than Rive Gauche (actually Left bank) in Paris.

    I noted the cross of FAN and STANDS (season ticket holder clecho).
    Hand up for Tweeds before TWEEDY but I corrected it. I thought about Espy but already had the first letter S. I waited for perps to complete AVOW (over Aver).
    But I see I had a FIW with Sobi giving Sitay (and I have heard SATAY).

    I dredged up ETAPE and DAW with the help of perps. It has been a long time since I heard that nursery rhyme. I must check the grandchildren's books.

    Have a great day.

  21. Ooh, I love seeing circles in a puzzle in the morning--means a fun theme is in the works. This one was a Tuesday delight--easy but with just a little bit of crunch here and there. Many thanks, Alex! Fun references to popular culture with The BRADY BUNCH, and ABBA, and Princess LEIA and MAMMA MIA, among others. And, surprisingly, I remembered Margery DAW from reading nursery rhymes to my son almost fifty years ago. So a fun puzzle, and, Santa, how nice that you posted Simon and Garfunkle in your write-up.

    The heater just went on and off for the tenth time today, it seems--crazy, cold weather for the end of May in southern California. But I can't complain when I see what a difficult winter so many other regions of the country have suffered.

    I love C.C.'s puzzles and will have to see if I can find this one.

    Spitzboov, interesting comment on OCCULT--never heard of that.

    Have a great day, everybody!

  22. I wish there was a way to tag CED@1:12's link "Too far in?" for tawnya (not TANYA).

  23. Totally unaware of the "banks" theme was I!

    A new word for me was ETAPE. I kept staring at it, kinda remembering having seen it before - but uncertain as to its meaning or correctness. Perps convinced me to keep it, although after-the-fact research (online) left a conflicted impression. Some dictionaries don't recognize it at all. Others say it is a storehouse or prison, and a few say it's an encampment, "as of soldiers."
    Plenty of marching back in the '60s left me with such drill components as "phalanx" and "dress right" and "Step off on your LEFT foot, idiot!" But ETAPE was left out of my education.

    Still, I thank Mr. Eaton-Salners and Argyle for today's Ta-DA!

  24. Seemed to be a typical Tuesday puzzle. Had the circles but didn't need ( or want) them.

    Pittsburgh won another one.

  25. Cool puzzle. I liked it. What Ol' Man Keith said about ETAPE.

  26. Misty @ 1355 - Thanks. J
    ust for S's and G's, I looked at the USCG Light List for California. Two lighthouses emit occulting light; Point Pinos near Monterrey, and Point Bonita in the Golden Gate Rec Area.

  27. Dear Spitzboov--

    With a new iMac, it' not just "little changes and features" you have to deal with, those people at 1 Infinite Loop changed a lot of familiar software -- just for starters, AppleWorks is gone ... and over a decade's worth of work now had to be laboriously recreated, "We were not amused."

  28. Hi All!

    Wow - I had issues in the SW w/ today's Alex's LAT and trouble in the NW in C.C.'s WSJ. The WEST coast was not kind to -T.

    Thanks Alex for a fun Monday. I FIW going for DeW and ETePE; Nope, never heard the rhyme. Thanks Argyle for fixing it (and the music!)

    WO: ASHbin - and boy did that take a long time to give up on.
    ESP/WAG: SOBA / SATAY; started w/ SOBi and fixed it near the end. Don't know why.

    Fav: FOUND GOD. Mom did for a spell and I couldn't listen to Ozzy 'cuz my soul'd be UNFED. Did I just OVERLAP OCCULT into this link? :-). DUH*, I SEE, no religion on C.C.'s TURF.

    Re: TWEEDY - I live in TX so I was going w/ TrEnDY before I walked, er, crawled out of that SWIMming. Yes, PK, orange is much better!.

    CED - Your 'pen' at the BANK link made me think of Corsican Brothers [you only need the 1st 4 min but I know you'll watch to the end]. Everyone, point at CED for that REHASH :-)

    I'm a Dyslexic Agnostic - I've never FOUND dog.

    Cheers, -T

  29. Howdy!!

    No circles, no problem! Had the same mistakes as most of you - did not know DAW, TWEEDY, etc. Overall, well done Alex. And I'm taking TANYA as a CSO because I'll never see my name in there otherwise ;) Thanks for the write-up, Argyle - much appreciated.

    @CED - LMAO at the last link!! Thank you!! Sick, twisted, and right up my alley!

    Favorite song of the day: SLOOP John B (I had actually filled in BEACH BOYS for 27A - the first band I thought of with congas)

    Happy Tuesday!


  30. Thank you, CanadianEh!. I felt I was a little too quick on that Paris thing.

  31. For awhile there I was saying"Who's this Jason Saulniers guy and doesn't he know it's Tuesday? But then it all fell in and I even WAGed SOBA. Btw.. are ramen noodles SOBA?

    Jason slipped in a QOD for Splynter: FOUND GOD. He'll get it.

    I knew DAW, does anyone remember the Skeezix? Or Uncle Wiggley for that matter.

    ETAPE? We've had it before. Our Quantico hikes had no 'leg', that would imply that we stopped. Oh, the good ol' days.

    Speaking of.. Cape Cod had a "Season" once: Memorial to Labor day. Oh, the GoDs

    Grr. That AVOW/AVER thingy again.

    Don't get me started on hunter killer mania. Advertisments? Ugh. Cialis and the pharma stuff. I tape everything.


    Ps. Kudos to Argyle and Owen. I liked​ your ERSATZ one yesterday. I never quite got in yesterday.

  32. Musings
    -Got the puzzle done at 8:15, went to 9:00 golf league and just finished chores around here
    -Puzzle was fine even though theme eluded me and ETAPE, CRU, SATAY and SOBA are not in my day-to-day lexicon
    -I was, however, familiar with the DAW woman
    -Punters are second from the lowest in NFL payscale. Only trail Long Snappers
    -What’s yours is yours and what’s mine is OURS
    -Should you still DOFF your hat?
    -Getting enough PEAS for one bowlful is a lot of work
    -Were the Wright Brothers first? They are given credit for the first heavier than air flight that was controlled and sustainable.

  33. H.G.- The Wright brothers had the sense to realize that they had to be able to control their plane and didn't want to die in the process of being first.

    Sikorsky chained all of his prototype helicopters to the ground so that they couldn't get high enough to do damage when he couldn't control them. He didn't want to die either.

  34. Etape is french for "step" or stopping place. You hear it in bicycle racing. Each day of a multi-day race, like the Tour de France, is an etape.

  35. Spitzboov,
    New Canal Light at the Lake Pontchartrain entrance to our small boat harbor (New Orleans Marina) is an occulting white light.

    It was first built in 1838 but destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. It could be seen almost all the way across the Lake.....and was a source of great comfort on rainy, foggy nights as we were heading home in a storm! I used to know the seconds in each rotation and held my breath till it came on again!

    Thanks for the memories.

  36. D-Otto: Betcha your clothing will be washed & dried in the new laundry set, so of course it is OURS. Unless, of course, you've reverted to scrubbing your DUDS in the sink and hanging them on the bushes. Laundry is not gender specific, guys. LOL!

    My husband never learned to use the washer-dryer until the last few years of our marriage, being sure that was women's work. When I broke my vertebrae and was flat on my back a while, he decided doing laundry himself was more fun than going stinky. Then he ran in and washed his duds every night as soon as he took them off. He wasted a lot of soap and water washing five items every night (two of them socks), but I did not say one word.

  37. Michael @ 1525 - Tell me about it. I now have to find a new version of Solitaire Mahjongg, because the version that was migrated over doesn't play well with others- keeps dumping Safari. Also lost all my old e-mails -- I know, bad filing system.

    SwampCat - Thanks for sharing. I mentioned the 2 on the California coast because they would be the closest to Misty who weighed in on realizing there was another meaning for OCCULT.

  38. Do you know of Jacaranda trees? They are prominent in southern California at this time of year. They have pale violet blossoms for a few weeks that eventually fall off giving way to uninteresting leaves. They are really beautiful for a few weeks and then become very messy as the blossoms fall off and litter the ground. JACARANDA TREES

  39. Occulting white lights--it really is fun to learn new things on the blog!

  40. I agree, Misty! I have learned so much!

  41. BillG: Thank you for the pictures of the Jacaranda trees. I visited a friend in La Mesa, CA years ago. There was a huge Jacaranda in full gorgeous bloom across from his place. I had never seen one before nor since. I didn't realize they only bloomed a short time. Things in season make a person appreciate them more, I think.

  42. Thanks, Argyle, for the ASH PIT graphic. New to me. Haven't lived in a home with a fireplace since I was a child.

    I stayed in the OUTER BANKS with my parents as a teen. I loved swimming in the warm water and I loved visiting the Wright Brothers Museum. This was back in the 70s. People were hang gliding on the sand dunes. This was the very beginning of the sport, before people dared to go higher than you were willing to fall!

    After I got home I built a hang glider with a friend. Pretty sketchy. Good that we didn't go higher than we cared to fall!

    DW and I went to the WEST BANK in Israel/Palestine a couple of years ago before we were married. We visited Bethlehem and Jericho there. It was very peaceful. We were probably the only non-believers there, but we enjoyed the history and the stories.

    ETAPE/DAW a Natick for me. But I did WAG it correctly for a FIR.

    SATAY is a common dish in Thai restaurants, too. Yes, very tasty with peanut sauce and with the pickled cucumber sauce.


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