, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, July 17, 2017 Joe Schewe

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Jul 17, 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017 Joe Schewe

Theme: L C - but not a Lost Cause.

17. '70s Wonder Woman portrayer: LYNDA CARTER

23. Wonderland creator: LEWIS CARROLL

36. Borden cow ... and a phonetic hint to this puzzle's four longest answers: ELSIE

44. Her fashion company made the Fortune 500 in 1986: LIZ CLAIBORNE

55. "Who's on First?" funny guy: LOU COSTELLO

Argyle here. Joe Schewe hasn't been here since that punny Sunday in 2016. There are several subtle connections between some clues.


1. Gumbo pod: OKRA

5. Built with, as straw, sticks or bricks: MADE OF

11. Sculler's need: OAR

14. Indian bread: NAAN. Now a crossword staple.

15. On the train: ABOARD

16. Sport-__: versatile vehicle: UTE

19. Dreidel, essentially: TOP

20. Thus far: YET

21. Bulletin board fastener: TACK

22. Not at all serious, as threats: IDLE

27. Bridge support: TRUSS

29. Rime: HOAR

30. Source, as of knowledge: FOUNT

31. Plane arrivals: LANDINGS

35. Plane measure: AREA. Different plane.

38. Joint malady: GOUT

39. Said again: RESTATED

41. Longtime P&G soap "for women": CAMAY

42. "Who __ blame?": IS TO. "Not moi!"

43. Purvey provisions for a party: CATER

49. Gabor and PerΓ³n: EVAs

50. Hubbubs: ADOs

51. Treat like a dog?: PET. Aah.

54. Luau serving: POI

59. Drop the ball: ERR

60. Accumulate on a surface: ADSORB. [to gather (a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance) on a surface in a condensed layer] Antonym of absorb?

61. Like a busybody: NOSY

62. Ham on __: RYE

63. Itty-bitty: TEENSY

64. Henna and others: DYEs


1. "For Your Eyes __": Bond film: ONLY

2. Multi-talented Danny: KAYE. From White Christmas (1954).

3. Go ballistic: RANT

4. "Furthermore ... ": "AND ... " (more rant)

5. Colorful parrots: MACAWS

6. Old calculators: ABACI

7. Nerds: DORKS. Originally as a slang term for “penis”, I'm surprised to see it here.

8. Break bread: EAT

9. Metal-bearing rock: ORE

10. New Deal pres.: FDR. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

11. One-up: OUTDO

12. Wake Island or Bikini: ATOLL

13. Fend off: REPEL

18. '50s nuclear experiment: A TEST

22. Provide water to artificially: IRRIGATE. The "to" should be dropped from the clue.

23. Maniacs: LUNATICS

24. Indian spiced tea: CHAI

25. Top-rated: A ONE

26. "Cool!": "RAD!"

27. Ripped up: TORE

28. Bitterly regrets: RUEs

30. Partner of wide: FAR

31. '60s hallucinogen: LSD

32. Alaskan city on the Seward Peninsula: NOME

33. __ gum: thickening agent: GUAR. Not AGAR for a change. Wiki

34. Pigs' digs: STY

36. Soulful James: ETTA

37. First of 13 popes: LEO I

40. Comm. system with hand motions: ASL. (American Sign Language)

41. Art able to: CANST. Archaic.

43. Singer with Stills, Nash and Young: CROSBY. David.

44. Sufferer healed by Jesus: LEPER

45. Old piano key material: IVORY

46. Former name of the Congo: ZAIRE

47. Breakfast strips: BACON

48. Smells: ODORS. But bacon frying is an aroma.

51. Clever tactic: PLOY

52. "If all __ fails ... ": ELSE

53. Santa's sackful: TOYS

55. Back muscle, for short: LAT. (Latissimi dorsi)

56. Keats creation: ODE

57. Waste not: USE

58. Tackle's neighbor on the line: END. And our end, too.



  1. Hi Y'all! Fun and fast romp with words. Thanks, Joe!

    Learning moment: ADSORB. Didn't know there was such a word.

    Got the theme after all filled. Didn't read the clue for ELSIE until I came here because it was filled automatically.

    Thanks, Argyle, for another nice Monday. Enjoyed the music. Especially enjoyed the dance clip from years when the most dangerous move was a dip. I get anxious when these modern male dancers twirl the girl around their neck and do death spirals.

  2. Nice job Joe and Argyle.

    Never saw ADSORB. Same as PK's ELSIE.

    Congo, nee ZAIRE - The Democratic Republic of the Congo, but not the Republic of the Congo. Two different countries. Read the WIKIs when we had a Congo clue last week.

  3. {B-, C-.}

    There once was a man from ZAIRE
    But Zaire's not Zaire any maire!
    You wouldn't be wrong-o
    To call it the Congo --
    I hope now that makes it all claire!

    Hair stylists have conventions -- it's true!
    And the competitions always cause much ADO!
    For Gays who un-closet
    Contestants style to gloss it,
    Trying to OUTDO each other's Out do!

  4. Good morning!

    No problemo, this morning. Was familiar with ADSORB, but it's not what I'd call a Monday-friendly word. We see LEO I often, the other LEOs, not so much.

    Went to high school with a girl named Schewe...pronounced Shay-vee. I wonder how Joe says it.

  5. A Monday with some crunchy cluing. Thx Joe and Argyle.

    NAAN again, 3 in a row?

    Lucina says "Frabjous" and LC1 appears. We have SEUSS and the WHO* and LC3 shows up playing first base.

    I wondered yesterday whether the regulars here had actually heard of KATE WALSH. My rationale for cheating was that no one could possibly know such an obscure clue πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Well Wilbur out

  6. Greetings!

    Thanks to Joe and Santa,

    Filled in very quickly. Learnt ADSORB in the process!

    Good job, Owen!

    Hope to see you all tomorrow!


  7. Thanks to my screw ups, a bit of a struggle today plus the cost of an eraser. To begin, I had my I's & Y's mixed up. LINDA for 17A & CLAY.. for 44A. Figured LEO I made more sense then LEOY so that was fixed. Never even noticed I had KAiE. And Danny was always a favorite of mine. GUAR new to me.

    Then for 11D had On Top and it took a bit for me to decide it"weren't" right. Still think my incorrect fill was more appropriate then OUT DO.

    Had AbSORB before ADSORB and TreSS before TRUSS.

    At least I came out "On Top" at the finish line.

  8. Good Morning,

    That was fun. For some reason, I've returned to pen (Erasermate!) and paper. I'm enjoying the solves more. Perhaps my brain likes going back to an old familiar habit. I am a rather tactile creature.

    Repeated before RESTATED, Linda before LYNDA. I remembered the first name but couldn't recall her last name until I ran into ELSIE. As shocker for me as I seldom see the theme early on. Was Borden's a national brand? Elmer was stuck on glue. As a kid, I thought the glue was made from milk!! ADSORB made sense versus ab-, but it was a first for me also. Thanks, Joe.

    Argyle, thank you for the tour and the links. Nicely done again.

    Have a sunny day, everyone!

  9. Careless mistake on Danny KAiE x LiNDA CARTER cost me a FIW today. I did catch "repeated" for RESTATED for my only erasure. I knew ADSORB, but not GUAR nor FOUNT.

    Thanks to Joe and Argyle for a fun Monday.

    Disgusting old joke of the day: What did the LEPER say to the hooker? Keep the tip.

  10. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Joe Schewe, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Argyle, a fine review.

    First time I have reported in in a week. Could not get a puzzle from Cruciverb. I was out of town.

    Got through this mostly easily this morning. ADSORB is a new word for me. As was GUAR.

    Theme was fine and helped me with LYNDA CARTER.

    A friend called me yesterday and said the steak he had at our steak fry a week and a half ago gave him the GOUT. He did not blame me or the steak, but he knew he should not have had that much beef. Sorry Demetrius. We will remember next year.

    I did finish Sunday's this morning. will report in on that.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  11. Musings
    -LC stood out like a brick in a punchbowl and the reveal was fun!
    -Samuel Ratchett should never have gotten ABOARD this train with so many angry people
    -My SIL constantly made IDLE threats to her daughter instead of talking to her. That didn’t turn out well.
    -RESTATE this sentence: “I NEVER SAID SHE STOLE MY MONEY” stressing a different word each time
    -“Who is to blame?” After what disaster did JFK famously state, “There's an old saying that victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.”
    -A RANT by a DORK: “All I need is this AND...” (1:56)
    -IRRIGATION is kicking in big time in fields around here
    -In a very powerful scene, Judah Ben-Hur’s mother and sisters are LEPERS cured by Jesus’s crucifixion in the movie
    -A very famous literary PLOY

  12. Good Monday CW. Thanks for the fun, Joe and Argyle.

    I saw the theme with ELSIE (Madame DeFarge, Bordens made it to Canada!) and that helped me to remember the theme names.
    I did know ADSORB but thought it might give some solvers confusion with Absorb.

    My dreidel was a Toy before a TOP but eventually ReYel gave way to REPEL for the Tada.

    My joint problem was an Ache before perps gave me GOUT. Somebody here was having problems with Gout recently?? (Did your MD give you an Rx for allopurinol to reduce uric acid levels to prevent recurrence?)

    57D clue reminded me of the old adage "Waste not, want not". Newer version would be "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".

    Busy weekend with arrival of sixth grandchild!!! Beautiful girl (but of course grandma is biased.)

    Have a great day.

  13. Husker G: I remember the Cuban missile crisis (resulting from that B of P disaster) from my public school days. Even in Canada we had drills to hide under our desks in case of nuclear attack. (What a totally useless idea!)
    Another example of Canada being affected "by every twitch and grunt of the elephant".

  14.'re welcome.

  15. Always thought it was Font of knowledge, not FOUNT. Apparently a big dispute among language usage nerds. Both words derive from the same Latin root

  16. Good Morning:

    My dreidl was a toy for a few minutes but repel straightened that out. Then toys show up later; that happens a lot. Caught Else/Elsie combo, too. Typical Monday experience except for Adsorb which is a new word for me.

    Thanks, Joe and Argyle, for starting the week off so nicely.

    Congratulations, CanadianEh, on the newest bundle of joy.

    Have a great day.

  17. Canadian-eh. Congratulations on your new granddaughter.
    I have gout and take allopurinol and stay away from red meat among other things.
    So my doctor at the VA says"You came in to get indecin?*
    Uhuh. I had the Captain's platter. "WHAT!!!!!!"

    I've watched that stuff since.

    Btw. Also on NPR was an interview with Michael Nesmith formerly of the Monkees.

    Well, I was interrupted by an echo cardiogram. I see I didn't post.

    I will now, later


    * Indecin(Indomethecin) is a very powerful NSAID which I have for gout attacks but has side effects

  18. Good job on the write-up Argyle. Thanks Joe for a FUN puzzle.

    Well a Monday puzzle with "Two Learning Moments" ... they are always a plus!

    Needed ESP (Every-Single-Perp) to get both GUAR and ADSORB.

    ELSIE was a good reveal of the theme.


  19. Good morning everyone.

    Cute puzzle today with ELSIE. Straightforward solve; no searches needed.
    ADSORB - Nice to see a Chem. Eng. term in the puzzle.
    ELSIE - All our cows had names, including an Elsie. We had a Whitey (she was mostly white), a Racie (her mother, grandmother, and daughter were also named Racie), an Ixney (her papers said so), and a host of others. They all knew their correct stanchion/stall when entering the barn to be milked. (a few were a little slow on learning their 'slot', though.). But I digress.

  20. Attention, GOUT sufferers: Have you tried tart cherry juice? I had a gout attack nearly five years ago - started drinking tart cherry juice every morning, and haven't had another attack since! And, no unpleasant prescription side effects. Just sayin'...! :)

  21. Good day to all!

    What a fun Monday romp. I really liked the alliteration in the clue for 43A "Purvey provisions for a party". Thanks for guiding us through once again, Argyle.

    I missed posting yesterday as my nephew in the Los Angeles area orchestrated and hosted a lovely family gathering at his home. My 96 year-old mother was the queen bee, with four out of five of her grandchildren in attendance and all nine of the great grandchildren, all traveling from as far away as San Diego in the south to Seattle in the north. Such a wonderful time was had by all!

    And speaking of wonders, congratulations CanadianEh! on the arrival of you granddaughter!

    Enjoy the day!

  22. WEES. My dreidel also started as a TOY then TOP appeared with REPEL. LYNDA CARTER had an I at first but Danny KAYE changed that. I used to love watching him dance. He was a showman for sure.

    I laughed on seeing LEWIS CARROLL because yesterday I happened to read Jaberwocky so used frabjous. Nice of you to notice, WC.

    LIZ CLAIBORNE clothes are beautiful and since they have an extensive petite line I own many pieces. ADSORB was new for me, too. But GUAR was in the news a few years ago when unrest in worldwide areas made many fear it would be unavailable. Since it's an important thickener some American companies have a vested interest in large swathes of land where it grows.

    Canadian Eh!
    Congratulations on your new granddaughter!

    I'm packing to get out of Dodge tomorrow and escape the heat for at least a week.

    Thank you, Joe Schewe and Argyle!

  23. I had a couple of hiccups in this puzzle. Got the L C right away but didn't connect with Elsie, till I got here! I had adsorb but thought it might be wrong, never heard of it but knew Yeats could only be ODE.Just couldn't get 30D, Wide, just High, stuck in my mind, had a problem with 'repeated/ restated.
    Thanks for a fun run.

    Have a good day!

  24. Lucina, your on my wave length a lot. I drop "Walrus and Carpenter" lines too. In fact, I dropped"Beamish boy" one day here.

    I think... I thought. Owen, I liked #2. Except, the last bit of slang is unfamiliar.


  25. A nice Monday puzzle, just right.

    Abejo -
    So a guest overeats and YOU are to blame? Really? A good thing you weren't serving alcohol? If you ever invite me, I'll make sure to give you a list of all my medical issues that you can then be in charge of....oh, wait, I'm an adult, I'll guess I'll have to take care of myself like a big boy.

  26. Among other things, this blog is a FOUNT of medical knowledge. No substitute for experienced testimony. Some things work for one person and not another, but it is hard to pin down doctors sometimes and get things straightened out.

    Congrats, CanadianEh on the new granddaughter. Enjoy her! I didn't get to cuddle mine nearly enough when she was little.

    MJ: how great your and you got to enjoy the extended family. Hope you took lots of pictures.

  27. CanadianEh!, congratulations! Have fun - I'm sure you will. Our new granddaughter is six weeks old.

  28. Perfect Monday puzzle, Joe--many thanks. As soon as I got to ELSIE I figured out the theme, which really helped with all the names. Loved seeing LEWIS CARROLL and LOU COSTELLO in the puzzle, and great to see a picture of DANNY KAYE in your expo, Argyle. Didn't know GUAR, but everything else fell into place readily enough, so the whole experience was a lot of fun.

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter, CanadianEh! I always wanted a daughter, and got a son; wanted a granddaughter, and got a grandson. But both boys are totally sweet and loving, so no complaints. But what a delight for you!

    Have a great week, everybody!

  29. FOUNT vs font gave me some moments of doubt, but I see that both are acceptable though to me a FOUNT provides water (as in fountain) and font offers wisdom and knowledge.

  30. Gee, I thought "font" was just the type style in publishing.

  31. You're right, PK; it's that, too.

  32. After ending last week with serial DNFs, I needed today's more reasonable challenge from Mr. Schewe. I guess my moaning was the natural reaction of one who's crowed too loudly over previous victories - karma at work, eh? Anyway, I believe Monday is the appropriate day for the cruciverbalist gods to accept atonement.

    ADSORB is a good word, freshly learned by me as apparently by several others today. I'm sure I've heard it used many times, but the ear must have conflated it with "absorb."

    Ah, LEWIS CARROLL! The name brings back memories. I did a one-man show impersonating L.C. back in Virginia in the '70. It was fun introducing myself, complete with stammer: "How d'ye do. My name is Do --do- dodo Dodgson!" He was IRL the Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, lecturer in mathematics, Christ Church, Oxford. His stammer was the inspration for his Dodo.
    Some years later I directed a student outreach team at UC Irvine in a hip-hop version of "Jabberwocky." The poem matches perfectly to rap meters. Just add an occasional "Uh-HUH" on the off-beat.

    When I was a kid, Danny KAYE was my screen hero. He always played the comic underdog who managed to get out of the worst scrapes. And he did it with real style - as in his rendition of "Ballin' the Jack" in the movie On the Riviera. This clip doesn't have the greatest color reproduction, but just listen to KAYE as a masterful jazz singer: Ballin’ the Jack!

    Argyle's picture of the ATOLL (or is it two atolls?) caused me to worry for anyone living there. The photo makes it clear that their tiny plot of land is just the tippy-tip top of an underwater mountain range. Just look at it! It's not hard to imagine a small tsunami washing over everything, wiping all traces in an instant.

  33. Very Mondayish, but I thought it was "Clairborne" until the perps forced my hand. Remembered adsorption from high school science classes.

  34. Does anyone else wonder if the world's small ATTOLLs, even the inhabited ones, will eventually become completely submerged as the ice around the poles continues to break off and melt?

  35. Lucina - Bikini survived the A-Bomb tests of 1946 and has survived another 70 years. I would not wonder too much. JMPOV.

  36. Lucina & Spitzboov,

    Given the high probability of flooding connected to climate change I shouldn't think many ATOLLs will survive, even if they manage to avoid tsunamis (as I predicted above). Just looking at the photo Argyle posted gives me shivers.

  37. Hi PuzzlePals!

    Drat. Move over Jinx and make room for me on the group-FIW bench... I too had LiNDA and didn't check that KAiE looked dumb. I did know Wonder Woman out of the gate though - Dad had a crush on her in the '70s and 1st step-mom kinda looked like her :-)

    Thanks Joe for a fun puzzle; taking ELSIE as said and turning it into a theme is pretty cute. Thanks Argyle for the expo and telling me who Danny KAYE is.

    WOs: Hand-up, TOy b/f TOP, TEnNSY, LouIS CARROL, and thought it was spelt NOAM (but that's the Chomsky)
    Sparkle: clue for CATER, FOUNT, LUNATICS [here! :-)]
    ESPs: KAyA and GUAR

    Fav: Alms for an exLEPER

    Hand-up: ADSORB was learning moment.


    Congrats C,Eh! on the 6th Grandkid.

    Madame Defarge - You're right about milk and glue but did you know about the marriage of ELSIE and Elmer?

    HG - "I'm not a bum, I'm a Jerk." Love it!

    Cheers, -T

  38. So, this was in the news feed this week: Choose your source

    But the Atoll abides...

  39. OMK - Don't get me going on that subject. Hard to discuss w/o getting into politics.

  40. "Alms" was one thing but Bigus Dickus actually hurt me laughing so hard.


  41. WC - To me "Life of Brian" is the funniest movie ever made (that I've seen). Not only do you laugh like a LUNITIC but you think well after it's over. I love Brooks but Python is a step sideways... -T


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