, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 ~ Roger & Kathy Wienberg

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 16, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 ~ Roger & Kathy Wienberg

Theme: Petty Theft - Synonyms.

17. Delayed show of surprise: DOUBLE TAKE

23. "Frumious" beast in "Jabberwocky": BANDERSNATCH

38. Cosmetic surgery that removes bags: EYE LIFT

48. Eight-ball call: CORNER POCKET

60. Indicate willingness to date someone, on Tinder ... and an apt hint to the last part of 17-, 23-, 38- and 48-Across: SWIPE RIGHT. Words on the right are synonyms for SWIPE.

Argyle here and I have an alibi. I don't have a device that can be swiped. Can you swipe with a mouse?


1. Soaking spots: BATHS

6. Wile E. Coyote's supplier of iron bird seed: ACME. I'm not kidding. The Illustrated Catalog Of ACME Products.

10. Car ad no.: MSRP. (manufacturer's suggested retail price)

14. Cry during a winning streak: "I'M HOT!"

15. Stick in one's __: cause resentment: CRAW. Idiom.

16. Home furnishings giant: IKEA

19. River sediment: SILT

20. "Happy Motoring" company: ESSO

21. Philosopher Descartes: RENÉ

22. "Hamlet" courtier: OSRIC. A young courtier at Claudius's court. Rich and little more, he is affected in his speech and manner.

26. Suave: URBANE

29. Long, wriggly swimmers: EELS

30. "Rock-a-bye Baby" tree limb: BOUGH

31. "From the __ of Montezuma ... ": HALLS. Semper Fi.

34. Q's neighbor, on most keyboards: TAB

37. Tolkien creature: ELF

40. Program file ending: EXE

41. NFL official: REF

42. Graphic showing 50 sts.: US MAP

43. Central Florida city: OCALA

45. To be, to Caesar: ESSE

47. Wound like S-curves: SNAKED

53. Stubble remover: RAZOR

54. Big name in skin care: OLAY

55. Playbill listings: BIOs. SE corner gave me fits.

59. "Am __ early?": I TOO

62. Transmitted: SENT

63. Actress Campbell: NEVE. Quite active on the Corner of late.

64. Word before and after "de la": CRÈME. Best of the best.

65. Quarry: PREY

66. Tram loads: OREs

67. Madison Ave. pro: AD REP. AD MAN slowed me up.


1. __ one's time: wait: BIDE

2. "Famous" cookie man: AMOS. There is a short bio if you watch it on YouTube.

3. Therefore: THUS

4. Large, bindle-shaped purse: HOBOBAG. For all you bindlestiffs.

5. Abbr. on a Cardinal's cap: STL

6. Performed on stage: ACTED

7. "Whooping" marsh bird: CRANE

8. Manufacturer: MAKER

9. Flock female: EWE

10. Mass book: MISSAL. A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year. - Aug 11, 2010 and Jan 30, 2014 Crossword Corner.

11. Beef often used in stir-fry: SKIRT STEAK

12. Thing of the past: RELIC

13. Pothole repair: PATCH

18. Fish-eating bird: ERNE

22. Brit's 14-pound equivalent: ONE STONE

24. Busch partner in beer: ANHEUSER

25. Starter starter: SELF

26. Lyft competitor: UBER

27. Playbill listing: ROLE

28. Minimal-conflict area: BUFFER ZONE. NOT the spot where you take your car after it has been washed and waxed.

31. Garment border: HEM

32. First state, alphabetically: Abbr.: ALA. Alabama

33. Impudence: LIP

35. Rod between wheels: AXLE

36. Necklace sphere: BEAD

39. River of Flanders: YSER

44. __ seat: advantageous spot: CATBIRD. Idiom.

46. High-and-mighty: SNOOTY

47. Breed of terrier: SKYE

48. Fruity dessert: CRISP

49. Wild West film: OATER

50. Remote button: POWER

51. Fruit that's black when fully ripe: OLIVE. Canned black olives have often been artificially blackened and may contain the chemical ferrous gluconate to improve the appearance. Acme olives?

52. Lighthouse locales: CAPES

56. Disney CEO Robert: IGER

57. "Good heavens!": "OH ME!"

58. Part of a recovery program: STEP

60. __-Caps: candy: SNO

61. Color TV pioneer: RCA



  1. Hi Y'all! I enjoyed this clever & tricky puzzle. Thanks, Roger & Kathy. Thanks, Argyle!

    Don't ever remember seeing BANDERSNATCH before. Sounds LEWD!

    YSER does not flow through the U.S. MAP anywhere but in this puzzle.

    We raised choice beef and never did a SKIRT STEAK appear wrapped and frozen in my freezer. Not a term a cowboy knows.

    Last to fill was CRISP. Duh! I must have made a hundred of these during my farm wife career with fruit I raised and picked my own self: cherry, apricot, peach, apple. OATER next to it made me laugh since I used OATs to make the CRISP part of the dessert.

    With MISSAL nearby, I was stuck on a Catholic Cardinal's cap and didn't remember any letters. Double duh dah day!

    FLN: So glad to hear from C.C. that you and Boomer are recuperating. We hear that flu is nasty!

    Belated Happy Birthday to J.D.

    Very frigid here! One good bit of news: my lawn guy came and shoveled my drive. He had been in the VA hospital much of the summer after having gangrene in a big toe and having it amputated. At one point they wanted to remove his lower leg but didn't. He was grinning very big to see my happiness at seeing him well enough to work. He is diabetic and around 50.

  2. Another snow storm heading our way, another round of appointments messed up. It's the only disadvantage about our location....we are really "in jail" when storms arrive.

    Todays puzzle wasn't in my wheelhouse, but IO managed to get thru it unscathed, but the eraser got a workout. Me too with Adman Argyle. Also spelled ANHEUSER Anheiser initially.

    Remember long ago getting my face slapped real good when i said I'M HOT to a young lady. Didn't think so at the time, but it was deserved. Never think of an olive, Black or Green as a fruit.

    Nice win by the UConn ladies last night. They are about all I watch for sports anymore. Just can't stand the TV replays, challenges, etc.

  3. Good morning!

    TV Weathermen are all in heaven this morning, issuing dire threat after dire threat. Folks have taken notice. Almost all schools and many businesses are closed in advance of the nasty weather. My M-o-W route has been cancelled. Roads are likely to get icy, and south Texans have no idea how to drive on ice. Today's a good day to stay home.

    Oh, the puzzle...I liked it. Had to change CAST to ROLE and ENT to ELF, but otherwise it was a smooth race to the bottom. Argyle, thanx for the explication on STL. Like PK, I was thinking about those church dudes. No, this dunderhead didn't get the theme until Argyle 'splained it, because this dunderhead failed to read the full reveal clue. Again. Thanx, Roger and Kathy.

  4. What a slog for a Tuesday

  5. This was a little tricky for a Tuesday - but I'm a little foggy too waking up after battling a cold the last 2 days. I also had ENT before ELF and ACTS before BIOS for the playbill. I didn't get the theme until I came here and got the Doh! moment!

    Thanks Argyle and Roger &Kathy!

  6. Good Morning:

    Well, this was an easy, peasy Tuesday solve. The only unknown was Bandersnatch and only mishap was duplicating Hondo's error of "I" instead of "U" in Anheuser. I caught the theme before filling in the reveal but just barely.

    Thanks, Roger and Kathy, for a pleasant puzzle and thanks, Argyle, for guiding us along.

    JD, a very belated but heartfelt Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉🍾🎈🎊

    Light snow right now but several inches expected, later in the day, just enough to make the commuters miserable. It's still very cold, also.

    Have a great day.

  7. Swiped Debbie's idea.

  8. I thought this was WAY too hard for Tuesday. Maybe Rich accidentally reached into his Thursday folder by mistake. I know nearly nothing about Catholicism, Hamlet, Jabberwocky or British units (except BTUs), and they all populated the northeast causing a whiteout that I couldn't dig out of. I also didn't get the theme until I read Santa's explanation.

    Hand up for erasing cast for ROLE. Also erased hen for EWE and AD man for AD REP.

    Oh well. At least it's going to be 66 and sunny here today. Another cold snap expected tomorrow night.

  9. Good morning all!

    I thought "this is a bit crunchy for a Monday" then remembered it's Tuesday (DH was off for MLK Day, so I'll be thrown off all week) but most of the "crunch" was due to my own missteps. Thanks to Roger and Kathy for a great puzzle and Argyle for the fun review- the ACME link was a treat.

    I got the reveal easily enough but couldn't quite figure out the theme because I had BANDERSNATCH as Snitch (even before that I had Witch because I thought it was Two STONE not ONE) Missil didn't seem right but I went with it. Didn't realize my mistake until the blog; then had my doh! moment with MISSAL which was tucked far away in my brain.

    I also had Ent/ELF and had an I for the U in ANHEUSER. My remote button was Pause for a bit until POWER worked itself out.

    I'll blame it on brain freeze- our thermometer is reading 4 degrees and we got more snow yesterday that added to the ice/snow over the weekend that had melted a bit then refroze. Have I mentioned how much I despise Winter? Yet I continue to live in Ohio, lol :)

    Hope everyone is warm, healthy and safe- have a great day!

  10. YMMV is clearly the description of the reaction to today's puzzle.

    First- Anon at 8:09- you do not know that this was based on Debbie Ellerin's WSJ puzzle. We have seen numerous puzzles with nearly identical themes which were produced independently. I hope the Wienbergs will comment today.

    I too never think of olives as fruit and agree that BANDERSNATCH is not an easy word to remember but I once had a roommate who loved reciting the poem....he also liked describing Pi to the 50th place. I did not recall MISSAL and never heard of a HOBO BAG, which is surprising as Oo loves purses.

  11. Greetings, puzzlers!

    I keep trying to think of something to say about this clearly clever xword but I guess Thumper and I will sit it out

    It is supposed to snow down here in the swamp later today. Now that would be worth commenting on. I'll believe it when I see it.

    Stay warm everybody!

  12. Good morning everyone.

    Once again the extreme bottom listing of clues affecting the SE of the puzzle was missing from our paper. So I had to go to Mensa to finish it. (I bitched out the paper and got a credit for today). Rest of the fill was easy enough. BANDERSNATCH came from perps. No searches were needed.
    YSER - Just over 400 sq. mi. in the watershed. If it were in upstate NY it would probably be called a 'creek'. Significant battle site early in WWI, so it's name will probably endure for a long time.

  13. No prob until I reached Texas. OLIVE, MISSAL, OSRIC and BANDERSNATCH were easy for me. I memorized Jabberwocky, at one time. Being a teacher I have expanded my definition of fruit, so olive is not a prob. ENT before ELF. I could not remember OLAY. DUH! I red lettered to find I had the O and A cells wrong. When I thought of them, it gave me pOWer and cAPe which autofilled SWIPE. I saw the relationship of the theme answers from the start, but did not get SWIPE until then. I am a mouse user. I don't use Tinder or dating apps.
    I have made many an apple crisp using my mom's recipe.
    I like HOBO BAGS, aptly named, but I am no longer fussy about my purses and am too lazy to keep changing them. I usually stick with one all purpose bag.

    Happy belated birthday, JD.

    My very dear long time friend whom I have known since age 5 is getting weaker and weaker and suffering more week by week from stage 4 lung cancer. Understandably this is very upsetting to her, and me, too. We live several hours apart and she is not up for company or phoning most of the time. All I can do is send cards and write to her. I don't know what to say. Any thoughts?

    Anonymous T, CC and Boomer, I am glad to hear you are recovering. My heart goes out to all with this terrible flu and heavy colds.

  14. Hello Puzzlers -

    Pretty much zoomed through, with a pause around Hobo Bag, didn’t know that name, and NBAer which is naturally harder to parse in a puzzle.

    Anheuser Busch: years ago my mom told me that a college classmate asked her out on a date, which she accepted; she remembered that the fellow was one or the other, an Anheuser or a Busch, but after so many years couldn’t recall which.

  15. Musings
    -Second “snow day” in a week here with no snow – First one - A bad forecast and second one – Very low temps
    -I enjoy seeing my 82-yr-old neighbor SWIPING right for his iPhone pix
    -My worst student travel experience was with two girls who tried to LIFT items in Sea World but got caught. Talk about “in loco parentis”
    -MSRP – Granddaughter bought a $400 Kate Spade HOBOBAG for $130 Sunday
    -Flesh-ripping EELS (2:54) on River Monsters
    -BIOS – Name the Neil Simon play with, “Ask an actor a question and you get his credits!”
    -This St.L team is part of one of the funniest comedy bits of all time
    -This may be the beef state, but I’ve never heard of SKIRT STEAK
    -Below 0 today and 50˚F Friday. That’s the freeze/thaw cycle that makes potholes
    -“Leo the LIP” and CATBIRD seat are familiar to all baseball peeps

  16. Greetings!

    Thanks for today's clever puzzle, Roger and Kathy. I didn't know BANDERSNATCH, but thankfully the perps were friendly. Hand up for AD man before AD REP, but Robert IGER helped me fix that glitch. Thanks for the tour, Argyle. The ACME catalog is certainly extensive.

    A belated Happy Birthday to you, JD. Glad you were able to celebrate it with family.

    C.C.--Good to hear that you are on the mend.

    Enjoy the day!

  17. Further to my 0947 missive. Re: YSER. Many streams in eastern NYS are called Kills, a remnant of the early Dutch colonialization of the 17th century. The Batten Kill watershed near Argyle has about the same drainage area as the YSER, and the stream is called a Kill.
    BTW - Yser is French. Flemings would say Ijzer.

  18. Thanks Roger, Kathy and Argyle. Not very easy for me yet fun.

    I could be wrong but I'm thinking a SKIRT steak is what I've always called a flank steak. It's very lean yet flavorful. I slice it super-think on a diagonal rather than eat it in larger chunks.

    I got used to using a mouse and I am not handy with a touch pad. As a result, I've never 'swiped' in either direction.

  19. Thank you, Roger and Kathy Weinberg; I liked this puzzle.

    It's true, some parts took a while to suss but with RELIC and MISSAL it's right in a Catholic's wheelhouse. Then there's BEAD, as in rosary. And BANDERSNATCH fits into an elementary teacher's vocabulary. My students liked Jabberwocky for the rhythm not so much the words.

    OH ME! I spelled ANHEiSER wrong and didn't realize it. Drat!

    Argyle, thank you; I laughed at your BUFFERZONE remark.

    I hope you are feeling better and staying home to rest.

    Have a gorgeous day, everyone!

  20. Skirt Steak is the beef used in Mexican fajitas (at least the Tex-Mex variety). If skirt steak isn't available, some folks substitute flank steak. It's similar, but different.

  21. Well, this was a Tuesday toughie all right, but I worked and worked at it and in the end I got the whole thing without cheating! Yay! Woohoo! Many thanks, Roger and Kathy. It helped a lot that I got BANDERSNATCH right away, with the lines of the poem popping into my head right away. Ridiculous, when I think of all the things I can't remember, and then I remember this. Catholic background helped with MISSAL, and I've learned enough sports stuff on this blog that I caught that the Cardinals would be a team and not clergy and got STL. The item that drove me crazy was that black fruit clue. I have always thought of OLIVE as a vegetable, so this was a surprise to me. The reveal totally mystified me since I don't know Tinder, but perps filled it in, thank goodness! So, a satisfying morning, after all, and fun write-up and nice pictures, Argyle--many thanks to you too!

    Enjoyed your mom's dating story, Dudley. And so glad that all is well with your lawn guy, PK.

    So sorry to hear about your friend, Yellowrocks. Could you maybe send her some flowers--something she could see even if she doesn't read or do notes anymore?

    Have a good day, everybody!

  22. Enjoyed the puzzle today...a little more difficult than usual for a Tuesday but it all came together eventually. I was stuck for awhile in the southeast! Hope all are staying warm...I have my wood stove cranked.

  23. No one commented on 47A? Wound like s-curves = “Snaked”? I have looked, no reference anywhere I can find for this usage. Anywhere.

    Otherwise, a nice Tuesday puzzle.

  24. Misty, thanks for a great suggestion. I will send her flowers today.
    She still can read letters, but I don't know what I should say. I sent her a chatty Christmas letter detailing our doings here and referring to her grandkids. Two months ago I sent her a "Do you remember when?" letter. Should I continue as I usually do? Should I refer to her dire situation or not? I can't say get well or wishing you good health. I will tell her I added her name to the prayer list at church.

    Here is an interesting article about the types of clues you find in American crossword puzzles. In all but the most basic puzzles, usually many of the clues are not straight forward one to one vocabulary definitions. When you have been solving puzzles a while you come to value this type of flexible thinking.
    Happy solving

  25. What Irish Miss said!
    I found this easier than yesterday.
    My CT son makes meals with 'skirt' steak. When he visited here in Montana, we found no such cut, even in large stores.
    Last month I stopped at a butcher area of a large grocery to ask. Young worker had no idea what a skirt steak is, but called out the head fellow. He knew what a skirt steak is and said if I came back in, with advance notice, he could cut skirt steak for me.

    Husker, I took my first 7th grade volleyball team to an all day tournament. With a couple hours between matches, some of the girls walked to a local grocery store. They 'lifted' candy by hiding it in their kneepads! When I found out back home, there were consequences.

    Have a good week,


  26. Say it!

    OH ME! Of all the ways to STEP in today's Crunch... YSaR. Oh well, it was still a fun puzzle Roger & Kathy even if BANDERSNATCH needed a DOUBLE TAKE as it filled. Thanks yous both

    Thanks Argyle for the expo. Enjoy'd the ACME 'store' but expected a better take on bindle. :-)

    WOs: Bran[c]H [D'Oh!] b/f BOUGH. Hand-up: ADman
    Fav: ACME as clued.

    FLN - WC: thanks for that. I looked up Valsartan/Diovan and now need an apt. w/ Doctor -- she won't be happy that I stopped my meds but I feel better already. //a post-hoc fallacy for sure.

    Lucina - almost all of Houston is staying home today; 'Tis cold and icy outside. Only the idiots w/ big pickup trucks think they can drive in this mess.

    YR - so sorry to hear about your friend..

    The whole sketch for HG.

    Cheers, -T

  27. Tuesday workout today. Thanks for the fun Roger and Kathy, and Argyle.
    I had a few inkblots- AD Man to REP, Iser to YSER, Anhauser to ANHEUSER.
    I got the theme and thought I had FIW but since I completed on paper, like BunnyM, I discovered when I got here that it was snAtch not snitch (MISSAL not Missil).

    AnonPVX@11:59 - Were you thinking of WOUND as the noun or the verb? If a road winds through the mountain, we might say that it "snakes" because that is the s-shape that it has.

    52D-"Lighthouse locales" was apt for me today as I just finished reading The Light between Oceans by M.L. Stedman. Spellbinding story and beautiful descriptive writing. Here is a short example: "He looks behind him, where a full moon is edging its way into the sky like a counterweight on the twin horizon, heaved up by the dying sun. Every end is the beginning of something else." Has anyone seen the movie? Does it do justice to the book?

    Belated Happy Birthday JD.

    Enjoy the day everyone.

  28. Jayce, so we both love Reuben sandwiches, pastrami sandwiches, etc. You also mentioned the lowly grilled cheese sandwich. I couldn't agree more. A simple work-of-art tastewise. A local cafe offered one with white cheddar-style cheese and tomato. Avocado was available too. Delicious!

    I'm getting hungry...

  29. Hello Friends!

    I did both Monday and Tuesday puzzles today - seems like we are in for a tougher week in the crossword world. Not that I mind, I really enjoy the challenge and the new clues. I had the same hang-ups as most of you. I knew MISSAL but couldn't spell it for the life of me!

    YR - I'm not sure there is a "right" thing to say to your friend. I lean towards letters filled with current happenings, including pictures of your grands, mixed with warm memories and how much her friendship has impacted your life. But really there is no wrong thing to do or say, I'm sure she's just happy to hear from you. And I would prefer a live plant versus cut flowers (because they die and it's too representative of what's happening to her) but that is just me.

    I swore my thermometer was broken this morning when I got home - it read 0. The wind chill had it down to -20 or something equally stupid. This SoCal girl is frozen and quite done with Winter. Should be almost 60 on Saturday so at least the snow will melt. Headed to Vegas in 10 days to thaw out a little!

    Springfield has the Double A team for STL and I love to go to games. It's a small stadium and we usually get seats behind home plate for under $20. I wear red Cardinals gear to support the home team but I won't wear STL labeled things because I can't betray my Dodgers :)

    I was sick last week with a nasty cold that still kinda lingers. I hope everyone is feeling better than I was. The flu is rampant - we see positive tests all the time. The word is the vaccine is only 10% effective this year. I hope you guys are the 10%

    Sending warm thoughts to everyone,


  30. Yay Argyle! Glad there is another person who does not own a device that can be swiped! You, too, BillG.

    Definitely some crunch, but I enjoyed the ride. I loved Alice's adventures a lot as a child. I re-read them many times looking for the deeper meanings. So, I was able to remember BANDERSNATCH after just BAN.

    Husker Gary: I am sure you know Lewis Carroll was a math person as we are.

    OSRIC/MISSAL, not so easy. I am inspired to re-read Hamlet now. Did WAG it to FIR. Hand up for AD MAN to slow me down. And ENT before ELF. And ANHEISER. NEVE we saw recently. Learning moment about HOBO BAG.

    Anonymous at 8:09AM: Thanks! That indeed looks like a pretty close SWIPE of the theme!

    This is the SNAKED street I think of for S-CURVES. Lombard Street San Francisco.

    Reputed to be the crookedest street in the world. I was too lazy to dig out one of my own photos for this.

    Across the Bay in Oakland these shipping CRANES were reputed to be the inspiration for the AT-AT Walkers in Star Wars.

    According to that article it is an urban myth. Too bad!

    On that same side of the Bay is the city of Berkeley which was named for the philosopher George Berkeley. My professor John Searle was proud to be teaching in the only city named for a philosopher. Berkeley was famous for the following saying:

    ESSE est Percipi. To be is to be perceived.

  31. Spitz @ 10:36 - My husband used to fly-fish on the Battenkill. I live a stone's throw from the Poestenkill which flows into the Hudson. And I do my shopping at the Hannaford in Wynantskill. Yes, there are many Kills in this area. I forgot Catskill and the Catskill Mountains. Mr. Meow's stomping grounds, maybe!

    YR, I think cards and notes expressing your caring, and memories of your friendship and shared experiences are most meaningful.

    Missal brought back memories of our grade school days that started with daily Mass attendance, each of us having our own special missal which was usually a gift at First Communion or Confirmation. The right side of each page was in Latin and the left in English, so we could easily follow the liturgy. I remember how stuffed mine was with prayer cards of my favorite saints. Those were special days, I now realize.

  32. Picard - that is too bad the AT-AT inspiration is a myth... It does seem to have a ring of Truthiness to it. :-)

    I've been down Lombard a few times. I had more fun standing at the end of the SNAKE'd curves and watching folks navigate it / take selfies on their way down.

    tawyna - SPI, IL? Cards?. I went to their games when I was a kid and enjoyed seeing my big-league idols on rehab visits in my hometown. What year(s) did you not don your STL cap? [pre '84 for me].


  33. Jabberwocky
    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
    The frumious Bandersnatch!”

    He took his vorpal sword in hand;
    Long time the manxome foe he sought—
    So rested he by the Tumtum tree
    And stood awhile in thought.

    And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! And through and through
    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
    He left it dead, and with its head
    He went galumphing back.

    “And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
    He chortled in his joy.

    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    A true classic of English-language poetry!

  34. Ack! FIW...

    56d I had Eger, & 57d I had Ah me,
    55a Bios never occurred to me (Bea's???)

    Oh well,

    Irish Miss, My stomping grounds?
    Why yes, I have killed a lot of time in those mountains...

    This swipe thing has had me completely bamboozled.
    When I get a recent call (lit up in red) on my phone, and want to
    delete that stupid (1) notification on my home page, I found it impossible.
    I had to defer to my Daughters, who showed me the swipe thingie...
    My biggest complaint, why is it not in the manual? are they keeping it secret?
    I guess I just grew up in a different time...

    How to take legally???

    Snatch? (Oh dear, this could get me in trouble...)
    but it does remind me of other riddles wrapped in an enigma...

  35. Excellent puzzle today! Lots of good fill. Only the SE gave any problems and those were minor.

    Being much enamored of beer in my ute, and growing up only 90 miles from St Louis, ANHEUSER was a gimme.

    "Frumious BANDERSNATCH!" was a phrase we used in Jr High and High School because we'd get in trouble if we voiced the epithet we were really thinking.

    In the Chicago area at least, SKIRT steak and eggs is a meal featured on the menu of nearly every "family" restaurant.

    Thanks, Roger & Kathy, for the puzzle and thanks also to Santa for the write-up.

  36. Spitz and IM, so I guess that means that Fishkill, NY has nothing to do with killing fish?

  37. D-O: I named Phil after yours. Mine's not terribly happy today (even w/ old bedsheets).

    Once, I tried to block Bro's 8-ball in the
    Back then
    I wore my watch inside the wrist
    Crystal shattered
    RIP Casio
    Digital watches were a neet idea.

    //apologies to Douglas Adams & Volgons everywhere

    Cheers, -T

  38. For a Tuesday, it took a lot of perps and luck. The NE gave me trouble and I would have never filled it correctly if SWIPE wasn't in place for the unknown Tinder clue. I'd never heard of BANDERSNATCH and really didn't know MISSAL or OSRIC.

    EYELIFT clue- I don't think it's correct; I would call it something else when people have the bags under the eyes removed.

    Lemonade- with so many puzzle constructors out there, coming up with an original unused theme is getting tougher. Personally I like the puzzles with no themes because after the reveal fill is in it makes the perps too easy.

  39. Misty, I'm happy to see you earned today's Ta- DA! without any cheats! Congratulations! Oh frabjous day!
    But I am particularly happy because you took inspiration from BANDERSNATCH. I spent a year (on-and-off) touring VA impersonating Lewis Carroll, so naturally it was also a gimme for me. (It took me just a moment to unscramble "Frumious" from the "Jubjub Bird.")
    Callooh! Callay!

    Thanks to the Wienbergs for giving us a nicely balanced double diagonal - or Big "X" - for our Tuesday pzl. Those with a keen eye could see past the blacked-out squares to discern the narrow opening diagonal (NW to SE) and its only-slightly-less-narrow mirror opposite (NE to SW).
    Together these two slashes form a grid-spanning "X," meeting and crossing at the letter "L" at square 113.
    (No, no hidden messages in the relevant letters. Not yet.)

    Lucina, Irish Miss, along with Misty and others of the Catholic persuasion noted their advantage in grokking MISSAL. But even some non-Catholics may claim early exposure to the accoutrements of the Mass. I spent my first three school years as the single non-Catholic at St. Vincent de Paul Elementary (San Francisco) where the nuns very politely & properly excluded me from religious instruction. But I couldn't help picking up a lot of spillover information.

    Signing off,
    ... a beamish boy!

  40. A true classic of English-language poetry!

    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
    The frumious Bandersnatch!”

    He took his vorpal sword in hand;
    Long time the manxome foe he sought—
    So rested he by the Tumtum tree
    And stood awhile in thought.

  41. And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! And through and through
    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
    He left it dead, and with its head
    He went galumphing back.

    “And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
    He chortled in his joy.

    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.

  42. Thanks very much, Roy!
    Some of the Rev. Dodgson's made-up words have entered our common language. A personal favorite of mine is "galumphing."

    Some friends like "burbled" a lot, forming it into the very useful regular verb, "to burble"= To babble or prattle in an ebullient manner.

    I burble,
    You burble,
    He/she/it burbles
    all the way to
    They will have burbled!

  43. Anon-T, your "Phil" looks better than ours. Your Phil has droopy branches...ours has branches folded at right angles. He used to be 8+' tall and 10' in diameter. Now, he's crumpled to less than 4'. With a hard freeze expected tonight, I'm afraid Phil may resort to towel throwing. He's too big to cover, so he's going to have to fend for himself.

  44. CED @ 2:17 ~ I was just equating your love of cats with a reference to Cats(kill). (I loved your Pocket Protector.) And, far be it from me to nag, but there has been a noticeable lack of canine links/pictures. Woof!

    DO@ 2:26 ~ I forgot all about Fishkill and there are probably more "kills" that didn't pop into my head.

  45. OMK -- No doubt taken from the Middle High German word, "ausgeburblen"?

    Mit burblische grüsse!

  46. Cool puzzle. I enjoyed it. Feeling real tired today so I won't write more. Gonna go take a nap. Best wishes. Spitzboov, I'll reply tomorrow to your question about our son's father-in-law's cancer treatment.

  47. Loved your post, Ol'Man Keith (sorry I've forgotten how to make words bold). Your Jabberwocky echoes were delightful and then came Roy, giving us the whole thing! Wonderful memories! And also neat story about your Catholic school days. Loved the description of your MISSAL, Irish Miss.

    Tawnya, helpful suggestions for helping Yellowrocks's friend.

  48. Back to doable Monday/Tuesday level easiness. Thanks, Roger and Kathy W. for the fun. Thanks, Argyle, for your always entertaining write-up and links.

    The NE did me in. I didn't know 11D, SKIRTSTEAK, I've looked at Jabberwocky but never read the poem so BANDERSNATCH was a no-go. The rest of it came together with perps and perseverance.

    YR and others, when ordering flowers: Years ago I had gone to a local florist to order bouquets for Mom and MIL. The florist suggested that I call a store local to the recipient, tell them how much I was willing to spend and have them make the nicest bouquet they could. Both ladies received beautiful arrangements every time.

    IM, I have some videos on You Tube of shelter dogs, if you need a doggie fix. Shelter dogs

    I hope those who are ailing get better soon, and those of us in the deep freeze, get warmer soon.

  49. D-O, neither do the Catskill Mts. have anything to do with killing cats, but the one-time Rutten Kill (Rat Creek) in Albany was piped and filled over, so they did kill most of the rats there

  50. D-O and IM - There's also a Normans Kill SW of Albany and any chart of NY Harbor shows the Kill van Kull, a tidal strait between Staten Island and Bayonne, NJ

  51. Not to speak of Peekskill (sic).

    At first I thought " Oh boy, we're back to easy." But I did have some trouble later. Of all things I had HYMNAL.

    STEP is a CSO to our much missed Splynter. Anyone heard from him ?

    I've always enjoyed "Jabberwocky".

    I don't recall seeing NBAer today but we had it recently. Or perhaps NYT had it. When I do both I can't recall which clues came from where.

    I'm feeling human which tells you how I felt yesterday.

    Btw -T, I believe it was D4-dave who did the potassium research. I've been taking BP meds and lipitor for 20 years so I've adjusted. I didn't take my meds last night for fear that I wouldn't keep them down.

    Btw, your right OMK, Misty's getting very proficient in her solving. Now's the time to try P&P instead of cheating on the real toughies.

    Not that I don't check an answer now and then.


  52. Ol man Keith @ 2.46... ..being raised in Catholic N'Awlins I'm very familiar with Catholic words. It helps in crosswords!!

  53. YR, I think your instincts are correct. Just send cheery and loving thoughts. There is no right or wrong,

    When my husband was dying of lung cancer, he just loved hearing from friends. Bless you for caring!

  54. Here's a pic of the stone arch bridge over the Moses Kill in Argyle, NY. It is just north of the Batten Kill but not nearly as famous.

  55. Anonymous T: Yes, it is too bad about the CRANE/Star Wars story! Oakland has very little fame and that would have given it some!

    A friend who lives in Oakland told me the story years ago. I wanted to check if it was true before I posted it. I just emailed my friend to see if he knew the truth now.

    Argyle: I meant to thank you for the ACME catalog! Love it!

  56. Dear Cornies,

    Please forgive my generic words of praise for the constructors, and the reviewer. Also please accept a blanket statement of support for those who are ill, or have loved ones who are ill or dying, for those who are freezing cold, and for whom the freezing cold is killing plants. If I missed you in my genericity, buy the brand name.

    I'm forcing myself to hit amost all correct keys to report learning how to "Kill" a creek, but mostly how to "Wocky the Jabber." I wish I could say like WC 648P that "I've always enjoyed 'Jabberwocky'," but I had only heard of it. I could not recite it.

    Thanks to Roy 203P for posting the poem, and the blogmeister for combining the posts.

    Dave 2 much effort to say more

  57. WC - you're right. My bad. Thanks D4 for the info on the BP meds. -T

  58. D4, I found the full poem in the spam filter after Roy had posted again. I released it and that's why it shows up twice.

  59. There is a Schuylkill River and county, etc. in Pennsylvania. It is pronounced skoolkel or skookel. The river is a tributary of the Delaware River. I had ancestors there and didn't know how to pronounce it until I ran into a native of the area. I'm wondering what the original translation of that would be. Bet the "kill" is another stream meaning.

    YR: So hard to know what to say to a person with a terminal illness. I had a dear friend who was also my editor/publisher who died of an aggressive form of cancer. That turned out to be a profound experience for a number of us. One friend & I learned to do a meditative type of prayer which our dying friend said lifted her pain even long distance. It was very taxing. I would say two things about you and your friend: your instincts seem spot on so far. Short & sweet is probably better than long missives. And if she has respiratory involvement, find out first if she can tolerate flowers or they will end up banned from her room.

  60. Enjoyed the puzzle but I blessed every perp on Bandersnatch - never read Jabberwocky. Not required reading in my years-behind school. Adman b4 adrep, as others have noted. Iger changed that direction.

    Anon-T, I'm sorry that you're still ailin' - read in the Chronicle a few days ago that The Moody Blues are appearing tomorrow (the 17th) @ the Smart Financial Centre in your neck o' the woods. So much for TxDOT preparing freeways and overpasses (as reported, starting last Saturday!) for this icy havoc - cars, trucks and 18-wheelers were all slip, sliding away, all over the place. In other news, Alaska is enjoying "balmy weather" - 38 degrees for a high today.

    Stay warm all and safe.

  61. TXMs - Our office closed early today (after 1/2 the folk drove in) and will be closed tomorrow... No Slip Slidin' Away on the 59/610 overpass. I saw the ad for Moody Blues; I think I'll keep them in my memory...

    TTP - I got the Raspbery Pi happy. Time to mine some Bitcoin on the darktubes :-) Cheers, -T

  62. Oh, and D-O, if the past is any indication of the future, Phil will make it; poor guy was down to a stub 3 years ago. The palms, on the other hand... Oy! -T


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