, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday, March 4, 2018 John Guzzetta

Gary's Blog Map

Mar 4, 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018 John Guzzetta

Theme: "Island Hopping"- Seven islands are hopping in the grid.

24A. Preliminary negotiations : INFORMAL TALKS. Malta. With the L in 22A: "I didn't mean that":  NOT REALLY and 25A. - : TALKS

48A. Former Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale component : VERBAL IQ. Bali. With the A in 43. Italian peaks : ALPS and 50A. - : LIQ

51A. Fluorescent bulb element : KRYPTON GAS. Tonga. With the O in ' 44. "Seriously?" : YOU DO? and 52A. - : NGAS

67A. "On the Good Ship Lollipop" performer : SHIRLEY TEMPLE. Leyte. With the Y in 63. Fine-grained wood : YEW and 69. - : TEMPLE

84A. Lesser clergy member : MINOR CANON. Minorca. With the R in 81A. Show some teeth : GRIN and 86A. - : CANON

88A. Confirmed : BORNE OUT. Borneo. With the N in 82. Washington soccer team : DC UNITED and 89. - : EOUT

110A. Check out a wreck, perhaps : GO SCUBA DIVING. With the B in  105. Lacking what it takes : UNABLE. And 112. - : ADIVING. Cuba.

 As I mentioned before, Across Lite can't handle no clues, hence the "-" in the last part of each theme entry.  

Amazing grid from John! The starting & ending phrases are all symmetrically placed. I especially loved those few where the finishing parts are real words, like TALKS, TEMPLE and CANON.

Tons of sparkling long fill, despite various theme restrictions.


1. Pond organism : ALGA

5. Traffic sound : BEEP

9. Spin, for one : CYCLE

14. Niger neighbor : MALI. Ali Farka Touré!

18. Slight mitigation? : NO OFFENSE. And 20. One dressed for dinner? : CAESAR SALAD. And their symmetrically partners: 115. Babysitters' woes : HOLY TERRORS. 119. Romcom, perhaps : DATE MOVIE. Gorgeous 11's.

23. Defense opponent, briefly : ASSISTANT DA

27. Bivouac structure : TENT

28. Sportage automaker : KIA

29. Olympic skater Ito : MIDORI. We see ITO more often.

31. Mag. edition : ISS

33. Obliterate : ERASE

37. Blow bubbles into : AERATE

40. Canberra school : UNI. University.

41. Benjamin of "Private Practice" : BRATT. He was in "Law & Order" also.

46. Teachers' org. : NEA

53. Functions : OPERATES

55. Ring holders : TOES. Tiny dupe with 26. "Single Ladies (Put __ on It)": Beyoncé hit : A RING

56. Fish eggs : ROE

58. Toffee candy bar : SKOR

60. Alloys, e.g. : MIXES

61. Corner office execs : CEOs

62. Word spoken con affetto : CARA.  Google Translate "Con affetto" means "with love". Looks like "with affection" to me.

64. Sleep it off : SOBER UP. Also 72. Youth support group : ALATEEN
66. "Shame!" : TSK

71. Tach figure : RPM

74. Antique : OLD

76. Storage facility sometimes found underground : SILO

77. New Mexico's __ Ski Valley : TAOS. Never skied. You?

78. "What __": "Ho-hum" : A BORE

79. Scoop : INFO

80. Part of TNT : TRI

90. Balaam's mount : ASS

91. Vade __: handbook : MECUM, New phrase to me.

92. Old Vatican bread : LIRE

94. Port of __: Trinidad and Tobago's capital : SPAIN

96. Fashion initials : YSL. Lovely.

98. Hundreds, slangily : C SPOTS

102. Plane wing parts : SLATS

104. Driver's lic. figure : HGT

107. Mauna __ : LOA

108. Blood prefix : HEMO

121. Piton user : MOUNTAINEER. Looks dangerous.

122. How titles may be written : INITALICS

123. Sludge : OOZE

124. Wonder Woman's __ of Truth : LASSO

125. Chinese: Pref. : SINO. We also have 6. China's Zhou __ : ENLAI

126. From Denver to Topeka : EAST

1. Golfer Sorenstam : ANNIKA. She is a special VIP during the annual 3M Championship here in MN.

2. Canadian coin : LOONIE

3. Had success : GOT FAR

4. Picked hairdo : AFRO

5. Classic "Star Trek" order : BEAM ME UP
7. Night school subj. : ESL

8. Manning in Nationwide ads : PEYTON

9. Amontillado holder : CASK

10. Base reply? : YES SIR

11. "__: Miami" : CSI

12. Final part of a task : LAST STEP

13. Art Deco artist : ERTE

14. Watchword : MANTRA

15. PC space bar neighbor : ALT

16. Bloke : LAD

17. Early civil rights activist __ B. Wells : IDA. Wiki says she "was an African-American journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, feminist, Georgist, and an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement. She was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909."

19. Pro, country-style : FER

20. Colombian city : CALI

21. Clear-minded : SANE. Nothing seems to rattle D-Otto. 

30. Pair : DUO

32. Relish : SAVOR

34. ATV part : ALL-TERRAIN

35. Watches secretly : SPIES UPON

36. Legal titles: Abbr. : ESQs

38. Actor Lew : AYRES

39. Some action figures : TOYS

41. Successful shot : BASKET

42. Vocal effect : TREMOLO

45. Subway line with a Yankee Stadium stop : D TRAIN. Have any of you been to the Yankee Stadium?

47. "Whoa!" : EASY

49. Payoff : BRIBE. Common practice in my first job near Tsingtao. My boss knew how to bribe those local mayors.

51. "Laughing" Australian bird : KOOKABURRA

52. "SNL" alum Kevin : NEALON

54. Paul Bunyan tool : AXE

55. Chicago Museum of Science and Industry showpiece : TESLA COIL. Got via crosses.

57. Bobby on the ice : ORR

59. Has a loan from : OWES TO

61. Windy City transp. org. : CTA. Chicago Transit Authority.

62. Frito-Lay product with a spokes-feline named Chester : CHEETOS

64. Put together, as film : SPLICE

65. U.K. heads : PMs

67. __ A: Italian soccer league : SERIE. New to me also.

68. "The Simpsons Theme" composer Danny : ELFMAN

70. 105-Down launch : MIR. And 105. 70-Down launcher : USSR
73. Slew : TON

75. "... the worst thing you can __ nothing": Teddy Roosevelt : DO IS

77. Clobber : TROMP

79. Attaché attachment : ID TAG

81. African bovines : GNUS

82. Two-baggers: Abbr. : DBLS. Doubles. Also 91. Commissioner's Trophy org. : MLB

83. High : EUPHORIA

85. Timberlake's former band : NSYNC

87. Approve : ACCEDE TO

 93. Welding fuel : ETHYNE

95. "And So __": Billy Joel song : IT GOES. Rare 6-letter partial.

97. Riyadh residents : SAUDIS. One of our readers lived there for a few years as a diplomat.

99. Kid-lit pig : OLIVIA

100. Elixirs : TONICS

101. Like the best wisdom : SAGEST

103. Paving stone : SETT. Regular in our old Wayne R Williams days.

106. Classic language : LATIN

109. Dinner, for one : MEAL

111. It has a Double Stuf variety : OREO. Three characters in Chinese. O RE O. The first character and the last one are the same.

113. The Beatles' "__ Loser" : I' M A

114. Burrowing rodent : VOLE

115. Aetna offering : HMO

116. Tic-tac-toe win : OOO

117. Spanish light : LUZ. New to me also.

118. ER workers : RNs

120. Young Skywalker's nickname : ANI

Mike Alpern told me that only three spots remain for the Cru Dinner. So email Mike ( now if you don't want to miss the chance to mingle with other solvers and constructors.



  1. DNF today -- didn't know con affetto/CARA, NEALON, ETHYNE, SETT, probably others that perps took care of. A few CSOs to me tho.

    New Mexico's TAOS Ski Valley
    Is the place for a winter-time rally!
    Go join the folks
    Who like the slopes --
    Or stay inside with the SANE ones like me!

    I drive a KIA SPORTSTER and I like it!
    Tho circumferentially enhanced, I still fit!
    It looks A BORE outside,
    But it's comfortable to ride,
    And it helped me solve the puzzle by today's wit!

    The Star Trek line was "Scotty, BEAM ME UP!"
    It got them out when they ran out of luck!
    It had a side effect
    Which Scotty would affect,
    The transporter caused an instant SOBER UP!

    Georgism, also called geoism and single tax, is an economic philosophy holding that, while people should own the value they produce themselves, economic value derived from land should belong equally to all members of society.

  2. That Georgism comment is cut & paste from Wiki, since I didn't know what it was, either.

    {B+, C+, B-.}

  3. Greetings!

    Thanks to John and CC!

    Got 'er done sans cheats. but what a struggle!

    Also did Friday's without problems. Saturday, however, was a disaster!

    Things that I didn't know: VERBAL IQ, A RING, CARA, TAOS, MECUM, SLATS, IDA, D TRAIN, SERIE and ETHYNE.

    Great amount of rain! The trees that are left may survive the year!

    Have a great day!

  4. Without the circles, this would have been a disaster, and even with them, it was not easy. Once I got started it began to make sense but the islands did not all jump to mind. Another feat of visual building skill.

    If you watch William Shatner on his crazy new show, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER he repeatedly denies ever saying "Beam me up Scotty."

    I very nice shout out to Kazie. When my oldest brother started school, he had music class where they sand songs and the Kookaburra song was my favorite.

    Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree

    Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
    Merry merry king of the bush is he.
    Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,
    Gay your life must be!

    Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
    Eating all the gumdrops he can see
    Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra
    Leave some there for me.

    Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
    Counting all the monkeys he can see
    Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra,
    That's no monkey, that's me.

    Do they really LAUGH .

    DST next Sunday, except for Arizona contingent.

  5. Good morning!

    It took me foe-evuh to figure out that the answers spanned two horizontal spaces with a "bump" in the middle. D'oh! The E in BORNEO gave me the second E in SERIE. Without that, it would have turned into a DNF. Whew! Nice puzzle, John. Thanx for the expo, C.C.

    AYRES -- I remember him as Dr. Kildare in the old movies with Lionel Barrymore. Back when we first got a TV the studios licensed only old movies (at least 10 years old) to TV. We got to see lots of early "talkies." Tried to misspell AYRES as AYERS, like the rock. Quickly fixed.

    ETHYNE -- Looked this one up after finishing. I knew Acetylene as the welding gas. Its "systematic name" is ETHYNE. Who knew?

    Spring has sprung in the southland. The azaleas are in bloom, the trees are in bud, and the pollen counts are out of sight.

    Time for that bike ride...

  6. A neat little theme with the islands incorporated in other words today. But with so many unknowns, it was difficult to grind all of them out. Benjamin BRATT, Vade MECUM, Amontillado, Lew AYRES, DT RAIL, Danny ELFMAN, ETHYNE (acetylene?), LASSO, OLIVIA, LUZ- those I managed to get, but the WAG cross of another two- ALATEEN and SERIE- stumped me. I guess AL-ATH-EN for the 'athletic' part, guessing sports.

    You can't win them all.

  7. Hello Puzzlers -

    Even having caught onto the trick, I struggled in a few places. Hand up for wanting Acetylene, which doesn’t fit of course. Early on, with empty white all around, I confidently put in “Make it so!” at 5d. Sorry, Picard, it turned out to be “Beam me up”. Very artful grid design, John!

    Morning, C.C., nice to have you on the bridge today (a nod to Star Trek there)

    Speaking of which: last night’s Symphony performance was a hit. The first half was all Star Trek music, the second was Star Wars. Each section was accompanied by a costume contest from the relevant franchise. There were some first-class examples. Winners of both adult and youth groups were determined by strength of applause. The younger Star Trek winner was a manifestly disfigured child with a pretty good costume who really won over the crowd - I think the little kid was well rewarded with applause. Really warms your heart!

  8. Good Morning:

    Because of the title and helpful circles, this was a fairly easy solve, but needed lots of perps and wags. Unknowns were: Serie A, DC United, and (Vade) Mecum. W/os were Agreed to/Accede to, Mole/Vole, and DOB/Hgt. Minorca and Borneo were the hardest to parse because of the surrounding fill. CSO to CanadianEh with Loonie.

    Thanks, John, for a fun and enjoyable challenge and thanks, CC, for the detailed summary. Your professional observations on clues and fill are much appreciated.

    Our recent foot of snow is melting at a good clip due to temps in the 40's. However, another storm is expected on Wednesday. It's too early for any accumulation estimates, though.

    Have a great day.

  9. Since we’ve discussed a cappella harmony at the Corner now and then: 95d, Billy Joel’s “And So It Goes”, has been a favorite of close-harmony groups for some years - it works well with the moving chords that make a cappella so enjoyable. There are lots of good examples on YouTube.

    1. a capella fans should check out
      the mighty echoes at genghis cohen in la this sat 3/10 @ 8
      they’re funderful and pretty decent chinese food too

  10. Musings
    -Wow!! This linear thinker finally looked at the title to get the gimmick(s) that C.C. so skillfully exposed in her always great write-up. I even wondered why there was no reveal. Out of the box thinking escaped me today but I had a great time!
    -High temps and winds both near 60 today on the Great Plains.
    -Otto, azaleas in the southland? Can the Masters be far behind?
    -Site of some Underground abandoned SILOS in my hometown
    -James Caan’s son’s lack of HGT (5'5") is pretty obvious in this shot from Hawaii-50
    -NETFLIX’S Narcos first features Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel and then the Rodriguez Bros. and the CALI Cartel
    -I took my family to Yankee Stadium when the girls were little and it was amazing and scary at the same time
    -My friend just returned from visiting her daughter in Riyadh. She said at least the weather was nice

  11. FIR for a change. I didn't see the circles, but caught on to the superscript continuation of the first part of the theme answers. Didn't catch the islands gimmick. Caught on when I had to change TEMPLE to SHIRLE. Also changed tank to SILO and a couple of minor misspellings

    I used to scuba dive on a wreck of a sistership of Jacques Cousteau's vessel. We got there on my buddy's scuba-friendly powerboat he kept in Channel Islands Harbor (in last week's OXNARD, CA.). It was pre-GPS days, and we had to locate the wreck using a fish finder and compass bearings.

    CSO to one of our favorite constructors, Jeffrey Wechsler. For us antique and collectible car aficionados, another CSO to the great auction house MECUM.

    Thanks to John Guzzetta for a fun, tough puzzle, and to CC for another interesting explanation and comments.

  12. Hi everybody. I started and finished this late last night. No circles on Mensa. I struggled along until the title finally clicked and made sense. I saw the "Island Hopping" gimmick and thought it was very clever and tricky though I didn't know a few of the island names. (I thought the clues were hopping over a black square (island).I was guessing the folks who didn't tumble to the gimmick would not enjoy this very much. Thumper maybe? Thanks John and CC.

  13. This started easily enough and I sashayed along quite well, caught on to the circles, then I hit a big time Natick at the intersection of two soccer teams and the unknown TESLA COIL. Yikes! Google, here I come! That finished me, or so I thought.

    I had FLAPS for the airplane wings (Hi, Dudley) and I garbled ETHYNE with LIRa.

    Sports and I do not mix!!!!!!

    Time to go. Thank you, C.C. for explaining it all.

    Have a delightful Sunday, everyone! It's gorgeous here.

  14. This was a struggle for a long time as I groped for the theme. With so many unknowns I had lots of scattered bits, but no completed theme answer for quite awhile. Then I got INFORMAL TALKS/MALTA and I smiled! Very creative theme! And mostly fair.

    A few Natick crosses: CARA/NEALON and TROMP/MECUM. Otherwise the unknowns had comprehensible crosses. Hand up with Big Easy I know ACETYLENE; did not realize this is also called ETHYNE. Learning moment! My welding experience is limited to spot welding for physics experiments. Maybe someday I will graduate to gas welding.

    I have done ISLAND HOPPING in Southeast Asia.

    Here I was DIVING in a WRECK at the Tubbataha Marine Reserve.

    The WRECK offered more marine life than the surrounding reef, which sadly was mostly killed off. It was the first time I was diving with sharks around me which was exciting. My favorites were the sea turtles, though.

    CC: Did you do anything special for Chinese New Year? Sorry if I missed a previous post about this.

    Here is my article about our beautiful SINO-West Chinese New Year performances.

    SINO-West is the name of a local dance school. The teachers are Chinese, but you can see they mix in some dance of the West, too!

    Learning moment about the TESLA COIL at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. I was thinking of Sue the T Rex at the Field Museum.

    Here is my article about our recent SpaceX Falcon 9 LAUNCH!

    Frustrating that we still depend on the former USSR to get Americans into space. But glad to see this LAUNCH may be getting us closer to a return.

    Learning moment about IDA B WELLS being a Georgist. Thanks, OwenKL for sharing the information. The concept of Georgism is to tax consumption/pollution rather than creation and production. A carbon tax and a road user tax are similar ideas.

    His idea was that if we taxed the use of land we would make more efficient use of it. It would eliminate taxes on income which would encourage more innovation. A little something for everyone on the political spectrum.

    Yes, Lemonade, it is true that BEAM ME UP, Scotty was never actually said in any Star Trek episode. But BEAM ME UP was said quite often and made for some exciting moments!

  15. WEES about everything! For some reason this was the most difficult Sunday puzzle for me in months. I can usually finish one in half an hour or less, but this one took about 50 minutes. I did FIR, but what a struggle. I don't know why, but the theme took ages to filter into the little grey cells. Once it finally cleared up for me, things began to go much better.

    I know that I have read before (several times/places) that while Shattner did say "beam me up," it was most often "beam us up," and was never "beam me up, Scotty."

    Sunny here in NE Illinois today. Looking forward to a little more of this, but definitely NOT looking forward to Daylight Saving Time, which I detest!

    Have a good week, all!

  16. Sure could have used the circles!

  17. Sunday Lurk say...

    Wow! I can see, sans circles, how John's puzzle would be a doozie. But, it's quite a brilliant concept. Thanks, C.C., for letting me play vicariously.

    Good to see you Fermat. What's your standing in the game?

    //nothing puzzlepropos follows:
    IDA, I've have known but not as clueed: Georgism is new to me. I like the ideal; quite egalitarian and in-line with what little I think I know about Native Americans' philosophy - that is: 'the land is for all.'* This too would apply to natural resources like wildlife, ore, and oil.**
    This would make sense with the tax paid by the land-holder. And, for a resource-extraction play, the %x on resource would be passed on to the users of said product; e.g. %x on oil would make plastic go up but only significantly for those constantly nursing water from a 12oz plastics.

    While this kinda sounds ideal (and I'm sure we could do the maths to get the %x right to balance what we had paid on labour), our Congress Critters would surely muck it up. Especially, if the tax is 'weighted' based on the supposed scarcity of said resource. Eg. We've lots of sand but oil, as a resource, was on a decline (we're running out!) until we learnt fracking - then we's ain't gots enough sand (which is needed to frac).
    You can pick any two natural resources and make a similar comparison.*** Fun ensues and we still gets screwed. :-)

    Back to xwords... 'Beam me up' gave me an idea for a common word that could be clue'd as: Picard's "Step on it" //don't shout it out Picard :-)

    Cheers, -T
    *Oh, Com'on - there's a little Guthrie in us all, no?
    **shhhhh - don't tell my boss
    *** Proof is left as an exercise for the reader :-)

  18. How well I remember VADE MECUM! In our daily spiritual instructions we were often told "make this your VADE MECUM today" meaning, whatever the reading or instruction consisted of, take a word, phrase or thought from it and mull over it throughout the day. Often it was Scripture or readings from the vast convent library.

    I thought of you at TAOS and Canadian Eh! at LOONIES, Kazie at UNI and Dudley I already mentioned.

  19. Well, I averted an afternoon filled with frustration and gnashing of teeth. My upstairs (main) TV was inoperative. It's connected through a DVR and cable box. It was unresponsive to DVR commands. Just a dark screen. The only diagnostic fix I could think of was unplugging the box and letting it reset itself. That solves almost everything. But no. Still nothing. A call to the cable company resulted in their opinion that it was a problem with my TV. I normally control everything with the DVR universal remote. I hunted up the TV remote and found it unresponsive. Taking off the battery cover revealed two AAA batteries, one of them badly corroded. I cleaned out the battery container and got two new batteries. I reset the input to the TV and voila! Teeth gnashing avoided. In the olden days, I could often fix things. These days, it's try unplugging something. If that doesn't work, then it's buy a new one.

  20. Congratulations to our CC are in order. She won the ORCA Award for Best Free-Style Puzzle of 2017 for her puzzle that appeared in The New York Times on June 16, 2017. Brava, dear CC! (Complete list of awards is on Crossword Fiend web site.)

  21. IM - Thanks for the heads-up. That's awesome and Congrats C.C.! //that is a cool puzzle. Y'all check it out... just, um, neat-o!
    C, -T

  22. I still have no idea of what this puzzle is about. My printout had neither title or circles. I finally cut my losses and took a DNF

  23. Hi Y'all! Wow, wow, wow! Tricky layers of a puzzle without circles. Thanks, John. I finally caught on to the hop up to capture a crucial letter and was satisfied that was the island. Then I came here and learn that in addition there is an island name, from C.C. Thanks so much and congratulations on the ORCA Award. So brilliant, our darling!

    No idea what Vade MECUM could be or that ROMCOM wasn't a technical computer term. Romantic Comedy. Why can't people say what they mean anymore instead of speaking in abbreviations?

    I kept books for and processed all invoiced purchases in three garages as well as having a husband who did a lot of welding. I never saw the word ETHYNE gas. Acetylene, I know.

    ALATEEN is, of course, associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and a great learning experience.

    Picard, thanks for the information on city event planning. Actually, I was kidding about moving to your town although it sounds like a lovely place to live. The city in which I live has some really good events which I enjoyed when I was still able. Loved the authentic Mexican Fiesta with costumed dancers & music. Can't go anymore.

  24. PK:
    Are you satisfied that you know the meaning of VADE MECUM? Someone earlier translated it, "come with me"; it's a small compendium that you take along with you.

    Irish Miss:
    Thank you for informing us about C.C.'s award. Congratulations, dear C.C.!!!!

    I'll have to check on that puzzle now.

  25. It is wonderful to note the recognition of our founder, C.C., with such a nice award. I also want to acknowledge John Lampkin and Roger and Kathy Wienberg who have their LAT work nominated. I also want to congratulate all mentioned in the recap for their continuing contributions to crossword construction.

  26. Dudley: Way cool you thought of "Make it so!" before BEAM ME UP. I did, too, of course!

    AnonT: Sorry, but I am not getting the inside joke. Please do let us all in!

    PK: Glad to know you were joking about moving here for our community activities. And glad to know your community has such activities, too! Where do you live? Your profile seems to be blank.

  27. Picard - see email. it's a real c/a I'm thinkin' about.

    OK, who has Amazon Prime? Bill G. - I got Season One of WKRP on Prime for $10 today. Youngest & I are binging. See you after S1E7 (Turkeys away! :-))

    C, -T

  28. AnonT, I think I saw every episode of WKRP once and, I'll bet, many of them twice. Some even more often. Brilliant stuff. What a great ensemble.

    Jimmy Kimmel taking some of the Hollywood elite across the street to meet some movie-goers inside a theater. More brilliant stuff.

  29. Organic chemistry notes: Carbon has four attachment points possible, for any single carbon atom.

    If you have two carbon atoms attached together, and hydrogen for the rest, you can have ethAne, C2H6. This is called a saturated bond. (Remove one -H and replace it with an -OH, and you have Tinbeni's Solution, ethanol.)

    But you can also have the two carbons bonded TWICE to each other: C2H4, an unsaturated bond. The formal IUPAC name for this is ethEne, but it is better known to us as ethylene, or minus an -H, as vinyl, which become many differing plastics.

    And if the two carbons have three bonds to each other, C2H2, then it is formally called ethYne, but almost universally known as acetylene.

    The reason for the odd names here, is that when chemistry was starting to take off around 200 years ago, a handy starting point was "acetum", vinegar in Latin.

  30. Thanks, Michael. I was hoping some knowledgeable person would shine some light on that. I didn’t exactly excel at chemistry.

    Picard - I suspect you’d have enjoyed one of last night’s orchestral pieces particularly. It was the full suite built around the simple, pretty flute melody played by Capt. Picard on The Inner Light and subsequent episodes. Since they didn’t have a Ressikan flute available, a good quality penny whistle was substituted. One of the orchestra’s three usual flutists took up the challenge of learning the unfamiliar instrument and turned in a splendid performance. She got a solid round of applause! Lots of Trekkies in that audience.

  31. Gee, Picard, you say you're glad I'm not moving to your town. My feelings are hurt. LOL! As for not having anything in my profile, I've had some strange people in my past who precipitated happenings I wouldn't want repeated so I'd rather leave people guessing. One of them died last week, but there are still a couple more somewhere out there.

  32. Midnight and gave up after eleven hours (off and on) of struggle. Not feeling well, computer off line, so I tried the "old way" using my two sets of encyclopedias and my two most recent almanacs. . impossible! Why, oh why make puzzles with so many twists and ifs?? Word knowledge, history knowledge, scientific knowledge, geographic knowledge doesn't count any more, just the ability to log into an on-line "cheat site" (and there are dozens - I've counted. What's the value of a puzzle if it only measures your computer skills?? Please don't lecture me - as some have before when I expressed my concern before - about looking for "easier" puzzles. How demeaning is that?? why do puzzles need silly gimmicks and un-clever guises to get published?? As I go to bed unfulfilled, I think I might cancel my subscription to the LAT after over a half century of faithful readership

  33. I see that somewhat obscure actor Gary Oldman has just received a Best Actor Oscar for playing Churchill in Darkest Hour.

    Some of you will know why I posted this - if you read really late posts like this one.

    Clever puzzle. WEES about ethyne - never heard of it. Actually did some acetylene welding decades ago.

    I hear that Taos has an unusually high number of steep runs - intimidating for beginning skiers.

  34. Very clever, challenging puzzle. Loved it!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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