, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday June 14th 2018 Joe Kidd

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Jun 14, 2018

Thursday June 14th 2018 Joe Kidd

Theme: Fight On! Up! No USC cheers here.

4D. Cobalt in the human body, e.g.: TRACE ELEMENT. Mêlée

Here's a cobalt atom - plenty of protons, neutrons and electrons to cause quite a mêlée!

8D. Promotion criteria: MERIT SYSTEMS. Stir. You can stir up some discontent if you don't fairly apply the criteria.

21D. Certain 19th-century history specialist: CIVIL WAR BUFF. Brawl. I guess the Civil War might be described a big brawl?

25D. Smallish, as an apartment: TWO-ROOM. Row. Do small apartments cause rows?  Might have something to do with it.

23D. Cause commotion ... or what the circled letters do?: RAISE A RUCKUS

The theme entries run north-south today, as the reveal requires that the "ruckuses" are found running upwards. This puzzle is a really nice construction - there are four long non-theme entries in the downs, and some entertaining 7's in the crosses. This isn't easy to pull off, so kudos to Joe. The rest of the fill is non too shabby either. Let's see what jumps out:


1. Common borrowing result: DEBT. Common? Isn't it always the result?

5. Add one's two cents, with "in": CHIME

10. "So that's what that means!": A-HA!  Good excuse for some 80's pop. If you're familiar with the song, you might like the awesome Literal Video version.

13. Novelist John le ___: CARRÉ. And the third diacritical mark of the blog so far. There quite a few today.

15. Resort near Vail: ASPEN

16. "Hansel and Gretel" figure: HAG

17. Pigmented eye parts: UVEAS

18. Devour, with "down": SNARF. I knew "scarf" from the "Peanuts" strip. Snarf is new to me - maybe?

19. Outback bird: EMU

20. Longtime network symbol: PEACOCK. NBC, now part of Comcast NBCUniversal. The name gets longer with each acquisition.

22. Historical display: DIORAMA

24. Lucy's co-star: DESI

25. Sandal features: T-STRAPS. I used to wear these as a kid. I never liked them, too uncool for school. Here's me rocking a pair with my big brother.

26. Hardly helpless: ABLE

28. Solemn oath: VOW

30. Subj. that may include a lab: SCIence

31. Potting need: SOIL

32. Skater who lit the Olympic cauldron in Nagano: ITO. Midori Ito. She was the first female figure skater to land a triple axel in competition.

33. Responses from a sycophant: YESES

36. Refine: HONE

37. House of __: LORDS. I had "CARDS" first. Was wrong. Fixed it.

39. Student stressor: EXAM

41. Cut even shorter, as a green: RE-MOW

43. Loophole: OUT

44. Times in classifieds: AFTS. Afternoons.

45. "Bambi" doe: ENA

46. A: ONE

47. Small deer: ROES. By the Steve Law of Things, you can have deers/roes or deer/roe, but not both. In the same fashion, you can be an actor named Seen Bean, or Sean Borne, but you can't have both.

48. Not a good fit: TANTRUM

51. Heavy hammer: MAUL

53. They're run in taverns: BAR TABS. I picked up one last night. Someone had dropped it.

54. Standoffish: ASOCIAL

57. Cracker lacking pop: DUD

58. Producer Scott with Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony wins: RUDIN Grammy for "No Country for Old Men", ditto Oscar, Emmy for "He makes me feel like dancin" and six Tony awards.

60. Tsar's decree: UKASE. I don't think I knew this. Thank you, crosses.

61. Mimic: APE

62. Poker declaration: I FOLD

63. Private student: TUTEE. Private teacher = tutor, hence tutee.

64. Strong desire: YEN

65. Spot __: OF TEA? Nice Cuppa knows the answer to this one.

66. Scorch: SEAR


1. Bra spec: D CUP. What do you call a "breaking news" item about an adult movie actress? A Stormy in a D-cup.

2. Holiday lights may be under one: EAVE

3. Depression Era sight: BREAD LINE

5. Wine container: CASK

6. TV buying channel: HSN Home Shopping Network.

7. Apple Store buys: IPADS

9. Carry out, as laws: ENFORCE

10. Lots: A HEAP

11. Actor Jon and others: HAMMS. Mia Hamm, the soccer play, I know. Jon Hamm, not so much. Thank you crosses. Now all together - the World Cup starts today - "Goooooooooooooooooooaaal"!

12. Rio contents: AGUA. "The water in the river flows down and down, down and down, down and down". Earworm alert!

14. Those, in Tijuana: ESOS. Spanish lesson #2.

26. Tapped-off remnant: ASH. As in tapping  a cigarette to remove the ash. I find it hard to believe that I did this thousands of times before I quit.

27. Uncouth sort: BOOR

29. Oklahoma people: OTO
34. Use a microdermabrasion agent, say: EXFOLIATE. Great word, especially next to a long themer. c.f. 3D also.

35. Make fully content: SATE

38. Hound for payment: DUN

40. Submissions to eds.: MS'S. Manuscripts.

42. Quebec neighbor: ONTARIO. O Canada. Eh.

48. Brownish gray: TAUPE

49. Elizabeth of beauty products: ARDEN

50. FAA overseer: US DOT I didn't know that the Department of Transport oversees the Federal Aviation Authority, I thought they were two separate departments.

52. Été month: AÔUT. Here we go with the French lesson (and the diacritical marks!). August, in summer.

53. Gift-giving occasion, for short: B-DAY

54. Shave-haircut link: AND A

55. No longer in port: ASEA

56. Not a good look: LEER. But on one hand, you are having a good look, just not in a "good look" kind of way.

59. Land in la mer: ÎLE. And the last circumflex of the day. Island, in the sea.

On a totally unrelated note, I want to take Line 6 northbound when I leave the office and change to the E Train at 51st and Lexington just so I can say I've done a "Manhattan Transfer".

I'm easily amused.

That's a wrap!



  1. DNF/FIWrong. ScARF> SNARF, HSchannel>HSNetwork, USbureauOT>USDeptOT, RUbIN>RUDIN, RUCcUS>RUCoUS>RUCKUS, unknown AOUT, UKASE, RUDIN, ESOS, HAMMS, ITO, "tapped-off remnant", probably others saved by perps.

    "erase a tat">EXFOLIATE, I'm Out>I FOLD. had to wait for perps before CHIME/pitch, a\b\c/D-CUP, t-STRAP, eves>AFTS. Was momentarily fooled by "not a good fit" and "not a good look".

    Saw the reveal before I had any full line of bubbles filled, so no chance to discover the theme on my own.

    Computer problems persist, so hope I can post this in a more timely manner than yesterday. Odd thing -- when I punched the LATimes button on, I got sent to the LA Times page. Didn't want that, so went back and noticed I wasn't signed in (due to using this back-up machine and browser) Signed in and tried again, and this time was given the customary .PUZ download!
    Flag Day today, so I'll be out at 6 helping put flags out!

    When younger, I was ABLE and bold,
    But now, TWO reps and I FOLD!
    The world's an EXAM
    On the decay of a man
    That no ONE can pass, IF OLD!

    Hansel and Gretel came OUT just fine
    From the HAG who planned on them to dine!
    But not lost and alone,
    They could have been home,
    Had birds not SNARFED up their BREAD LINE!

    {B+, A-.}

  2. Happy Flag Day; this week with Bunker Hill Day coming on the 17th was always fun when I lived in Connecticut.

    Major problems caused by not knowing RUDIN and UKASE. They both intersected themers...I did know Jon JON HAMM from his work on MAD MEN and more recently in the annoying H&R Block commercials.

    I thought STIR was weak compared to the others, not as dramatic as a RUCKUS. I did love EXFOLIATE and BREAD LINE.

    Thank you Joe K and Steve, sorry about the sandals, but I am sure your parents really loved you.

  3. Good morning!

    This one felt Mondayish until I got down south and ran into RUDIN and UKASE (hello, old cw friend!). Had the circles and got the theme. Thanx, Joe and Steve. (Stormy in a teacup. Cute.)

    SNARF: More common that scarf around these here parts.

    DEBT: Steve, I had the same thought. Only if you borrow money.

    ASOCIAL: Guilty, as charged.

    Tijuana: I was quite old when I learned the correct pronunciation. Now it sets my teeth on edge when folks add that third a.

  4. DNF. Looked up AOUT, and since my speling is suckspect I verified RUCKUS while I was Googling. Erased isl for ILE and toupe for TAUPE. Bad spellers of the world UNTIE!

    The greens at today's first round of the US Open will be lightning fast, having been REMOWn a lot recently.

    I'm a big fan of D-CUPS, until gravity and longevity turns them into D-kneepads.

    Thanks for the fine Thursday-appropriate puzzle, Joe. My favorite C/A was "cracker lacking pop" for DUD. So many potential misdirections. And thanks to Steve for another fine tour. I also ScARF up my FOOD!

  5. I noticed the upside down fights but will not RAISE A RUCKUS, am not ASOCIAL, and will not throw a TANTRUM over their insignificance. The spanners were gimmes after a few crosses were in place. Easy puzzle for a Thursday.

    Mia HAMM I know. HAMM's beer I've heard of. Jon HAMM-less than Steve. Ditto for Scott RUDIN.
    UKASE- remember from years ago when it was a regular fill.
    SNARF- only in crosswords because down here we SCARF it down when it's time to eat and run.

    CIVIL WAR BUFF- not if you are from the South. It was the 'War Between The States". Northern soldiers burned and pillaged southern towns and farms; not the other way.

  6. As Owen demonstrated in his poem, we SNARF UP, not "down."

  7. Good Morning.

    Still working on MIL's house. Thanks, Joe for some fun with fresh entries.

    Thanks, Steve. My kids all wore "barefoot sandals" in the summer. I have no idea why they were called that. They were pretty sturdy and needed socks to protect their little feet.

    Loved all the talk of yarn bombing. Madame hardly every sewed, knit, smocked or quilted something that wasn't to wear or to warm. The old days!!

    PK: No, the glasses are not jelly jars. Although, we made grape jelly every fall with my mom, so I am quite familiar with them and the paraffin seals. Thanks for reminding me. It was always fun.

    Have a good day,all. A sunny one at that here in Chicagoland.

  8. Thanks Joe. Thanks Steve.

    Fast until I got to the east/southeast. Slowed down by test before EXAM and nite instead of AFTS. Rereading the clue and seeing "times" rather than time broke that logjam. Thank you MSS for making me look again.

    I knew UKASE but that must have been from different puzzle sites. The last time we had it here was Sunday August 21, 2016 Gail Grabowski, and the time before that was Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke.

    In the end, I too was done in by ScARF instead of SNARF.

    Back to my house staining project.

  9. Good morning everyone.

    Tough one. Had to be real patientand eventually the fill came in. Few unknown like RUDIN. UKASE was a regular a few years ago like Big Easy said. The bottom's-up circle fill came after sussing the reveal. Had mineral before ELEMENT. We've had the SNARP / scarf dust-up before, too. I think SNARF is crosswordese.
    SNARF - Funny, a German English dictionary interprets it in the sense of pilfering. Merriam defines only the SNARF (down) idiom.

    Have a great day.

  10. Thanks, both to Joe for an easier than usual Thursday puzzle that still was interesting and somewhat challenging, and to Steve for his usual humor along the way.

    BTW Steve,
    Your circumflex in août was misplaced. I appreciate that you even bother to include it, but it usually is a hint that an "s" would follow the vowel it is used on in the English equivalent. Think August, forêt>forest, etc., often happens before a "t".

  11. Good puzzle except for crossing aout with ukase.

  12. Good Morning:

    This was on the easy side for a Thursday but I had a few hiccups here and there: Does/Roes and Nite/Afts. My favorite combo was Not a good fit=Tantrum. CSOs to CanadianEh with Ontario and Bill G with Tutee and Lucina with Agua and Esos. The theme was obvious early on and the reveal was a fun and familiar phrase.

    Thanks, Joe, for a smooth and satisfying solve and thanks, Steve, for sharing your amusement with us.

    Lemony @ 6:07 ~ Not only are those H & R Block ads annoying, they are insultingly ridiculous, IMO. I can't believe Jon Hamm is in such need of money that he would embarrass himself this much.

    Have a great day.

  13. Great puzzle, just enough crunch for a Friday. The reveal helped me go back and find BRAWL and CIVIL WAR.
    Fave, not a good fit, tantrum.
    Cards before Lords.
    I use neither snarf nor scarf in this sense. They are not common in my circles, but I have heard and read both many times.
    I have seen SNARF and UKASE in puzzles before.
    I was so pleased I wagged the D in RUDIN. DOT, Dept. of Transportation seemed reasonable. Then I had to go and make a careless spelling error for one bad cell. RUCCUS is obviously wrong and UCASE looks wrong, too. I knew it should have been a K. Arggh.
    To me, SATE is just past contentment and into ODing.
    I know spot of tea is in the language and used my many, but not by me and my gang.
    Have you heard "A shave and a haircut, two bits"?

  14. Hi gang -

    About right for a Thursday, but I have a couple sizable nits. FIW because of SNARF, making a Natick with HSN. SCARF I know, but is it with a C or a K?

    I call foul - big time - on the AOUT - UKASE cross. Nothing like that should ever be allowed. Anything French is marginal anyway. UKASE is far, far, beyond the pale. The cross??? 'Nuf said.

    Concert tonight in Kellogg Park, 8:00 p.m.. If you're in Plymouth pop on up to the band stand and say Hi.

    Cool regards!

  15. I'll CHIME in though most of my experience has been posted by all of you. This was fairly easy for Thursday. Thank you, Joe Kidd.

    Count me in for house of CARDS before LORDS and ScARF DOWN. Actually, I left a blank cell intending to LIU since I was sure about HSN, Home Shopping Network, but then forgot.

    Then I hit a Natick at AOUT/UKASE. If UKASE has been in previous CWs I have no recollection of it.

    Like YR, I got RUDIN only because of Dept. of Transportation. AFTS seems more like a nautical term, right Spitz? But I won't RAISE A RUCKUS about it. TANTRUM was also my favorite.

    DIORAMA takes me back to teaching elementary school; students would bring shoe boxes to make one after our unit on the desert. Some were really good.

    Thank you, Steve. Your Thursday forays are amusing and highly informative.

    Have a beautiful day, everyone!

  16. Mike Sherline @ yesterday.

    Didn;t know about Posaunenfest. Posaunenstadt is also the name of a composition by Eric Erwazen that was played at the first event at the church two years ago. I joined in last year.

    Music from all three years is included in the play list at this link .

    My favorite from last year is the Octet, Mvmt 2.

    Hope your computer behaves so you can give a listen


  17. Another easy Jumble today with a CSO to Dudley!

  18. Good workout, ukase? Still hate puzzles with circles they get in the way. My two cents anyway.

  19. I had fun with this puzzle. Thank you Joe for this intricate staircase of riotous behavior and Steve for all the musical explanations. The animation in that video was spectacular.
    The tale of the Ontario Lords:
    I drove up to Aspen on a call from a Civil War Buff. I hate CWBs, they’re always correcting you on everything. A cask of wine was stolen. He was also a vinter.
    His grass looked remown and they dug up the dark soil for planting. A man who looked like he belonged in a bread-line was outside. That was probably Dun Arden. Next to him was a woman who looked like she belonged in a D-cup, with sprigs of tea roses on her on the T-straps of her sandals.
    We met in the middle of the walk.
    “Ashmont Aout?”
    “You can call me Ash. Mr. Arden and Mrs. Arden?”
    “Call me Dun and this a friend of mine, Tutee Ukase.”
    He did a little aside and said, “I call her Tootsie but you might not want to.” He winked at me.
    I didn’t want to raise a ruckus or a maul.
    “The cask that was stolen,” I said. “It must have weighed a ton – how much was in it?”
    “No sir, the actual barrel was not stolen. The contents were stolen – drained. My cask, or barrel, held 59 gallons.”
    “Wow – that’d be a big bar tab. So they had another cask and emptied your. Okay, show me everything.”
    He took me on a searing tour, with an exam, I had to exfoliate my mind, shed some dead cells to take it all in. I had a yen for answers after I saw a chart, under a notice from the U.S. DOT, showing trace elements of chemicals in his wine.
    “What’s cobalt?”
    “It’s not in my wine! Not to be a boor, but my numbers for it and other harmful elements are the lowest in the industry.”
    “Okay – so your wine and others can be chemically matched, or unmatched like fingerprints?”
    “Aha,” he said, then. “The health departments enforce such merit system laws. So we test all the wine being sold and catch the thief!”

    That wasn’t easy. We had to a sea of samples and hire a chemist, who looked like a peacock in a diorama to test them all. He matched a sample that came from a social club. I remember the place with B-Day signs in it and ivy growing from the eaves. People were inside playing with their I-Pads. That led to a man who delivered the wine just two days earlier, Desi Carre, a Lord from England.
    I got his address and checked up on him. He reminded me of an ape and greeted me in a taupe wig that looked like the top of an Emu. I asked him some questions and this hag of a woman comes out who would chime in with, “Yeses” to him and me. She says her name is Ena Ito and is able to drink lots of “agua.” I see a dog in their house and he’s about to snarf down some food that looked like uveas. I told him his wine was identical to Arden’s and his wife throws a tantrum. He vows to kill Mr. Arden because he said it was his wine.
    I call the cops. They haul them out and are able to get a confession out of them in an hour. Turns out he was in debt to a guy named Rudin Hamms, part Oto, and also a Lord from England. He was arrested too; while paying poker, he said, “I fold,” to the cops.
    Dun Arden shook my hands and handed me a bottle of wine.
    I said, “It looks like a good one.” And I leered at Tutee while I said it.
    “Won’t be a dud!” He said.

  20. Another DNF...

    Could not get the D in Rodin/USDot.
    Penned "nite" for Classified adspeak, and had to deal with an inkblot,
    plus I could have sworn those deer were Roen?
    40d subs to eds=Man? Adspeak=Afta? NUTS!

    But my biggest gripe is French in the puzzle!
    You want to have Cross Words with me, just add French!
    But, but, crossing Russian and French? (Aout/Ukase?)
    Thats' it! Thems Fightin' words!

  21. Musings
    -aoUt/Ukase was right! I’ll take a “got ‘er done” out of petty phrases
    -MERIT PAY - We know going into teaching that excellence is never rewarded. On the other hand, sycophancy…
    -Raise your hand if you’ve never helped a child with a DIORAMA
    -After years of giving my NASA presentation, I have HONED it into a pretty good program
    -He’s ASEA this week in his $20M yacht to avoid traffic at the U.S. Open

  22. I agree with d-otto ... this felt Mondayish.

    Fave today, of course, was BAR-TAB ...
    Though I NEVER carry one since I always "pay cash" when I am in a Bar or Pub.
    (That way when it is time to leave ... you can leave, without waiting for the bartender).


  23. FINALLY!! More than 50 years later, I was finally able to make good use of 2 semesters of Russian history when UKASE reared its head. Woo!

    I too thought the clue for TANTRUM was the best one today, but there were others nearly as good.

    A fun Thursday romp in the park. Thanks to Joe and to Steve.

    Several SO's today helped keep it interesting, too.

    Have a great day, all… or not; your choice.

  24. I enjoyed the RUCKUS theme and got it fairly quickly. Hand up UKASE and that HAMM unknown. Hand up TANTRUM clue was amusing!

    When I was a teen we went to the Cyclorama in Atlanta. Lots of DIORAMAs. Great for the CIVIL WAR BUFF. My father's Aunt Ruth lived there and was our guide.

    But I only seem to have these photos outside the building.

    I also have been to an extraordinary DIORAMA exhibit in Manila, but I can't seem to find those photos. They covered the history from prehistory up to the present.

    Did anyone else think of the Beatles' song Day in the Life regarding the HOUSE OF LORDS?

    He blew his mind out in a car
    He didn't notice that the lights had changed
    A crowd of people stood and stared
    They'd seen his face before
    Nobody was really sure if he was from the HOUSE OF LORDS

    From yesterday:
    Wilbur Charles: Sorry, but I am not seeing where I was wearing a blue sweater? In the YARN Bomb photos? Somewhere else?

    Lucina: Regarding printers, I have only ever owned laser printers and they were all made by HP. Laser printers cost less to run in the long run. The toner doesn't go bad like ink jet ink. They are very reliable. Nothing to clog.

    Black and white laser printers are quite cheap now. But I finally made the big step up to an HP M451dn color laser printer.

    Your printer is an all-in-one. Do you need the other functions? I have a separate scanner.

  25. Steve: Thanks for the AHA Take On Me song. I like the song, but never knew the title!

  26. Lemonade......I lived in CT for 56 years, I’d still be there except retirement made me relo to SC......speaking of which....

    Big Easy....they call it “The War of Northern Aggression” here....I guess because when you open fire on a fort with no declaration of war and are battled back, why that’s “northern aggression”....

    In a similar vein, this war wasn’t about slavery, but “states rights”.....despite slavery being cited as the cause in every seceding state’s declaration of secession. Cuz what did the people who seceded actually know about what they were doing?

    Anyway, a nice Thursday puzzle with a bit of crunch.

  27. "20. Longtime network symbol: PEACOCK. NBC, now part of Comcast NBCUniversal. The name gets longer with each acquisition."

    So do their bills.

  28. Hi Y'all! Really fun, great puzzle, Joe Kidd. Great expo, Steve. Cute picture with your brother.

    No circles. Steve had to explain the theme. I liked all the long answers.

    DEBT/DCUP were sort of startling leading fills. Does that imply a large loan? DEBT put many men in a BREADLINE during the 1930's, so placement of the two is apt.

    For some reason Cobalt made me think of a barium enema, but that didn't fit.

    Jinx: Knee pads. I wouldn't go that far. LOL!

    Did not know: RUDIN, UKASE, AOUT. WEES. I SNARF so had no problem.

    Big Easy: I agree that there was nothing CIVIL about that WAR. I had three ancestors in that mess. One was too old and discharged after two months. One came home and fathered eight girls & one boy. One died of severe diarrhea.

    After trying about 8 mos. ago and not being able to make the software work, the only grocery store that delivers has received my order and promises to come tomorrow. They have definitely made the process easier. I will keep my fingers crossed that they come and my frozen food is still cold in our predicted 100* weather. My trickle-down charger failed to keep the battery on my car charged so I'm without transportation again. I may go into the dealership and have a TANTRUM.

  29. Nice puzzle, nifty theme. As Lucina said, "If UKASE has been in previous CWs I have no recollection of it." Here we go again with the ole SCARF/SNARF debate. I'll CHIME in: I have always said and heard "scarf down" and only relatively recently, when I started doing crossword puzzles regularly, did I learn of the expression "snarf down." According to Steve's Law, you can have "scarf down" and "snarf up" but not "snarf down." Or maybe you can. Whatever. Anyway.

    The only way I got RUDIN was from the perps. I'll forget him by next week.

    Hand up for CARDS before LORDS, and for liking how TANTRUM was clued.

    Good wishes to you all.

  30. For TTP, Owen, Jazzbumpa, Lucina, et al.,
    if I were a lawyer I would make a grand case for SCARF as the perfect equal of SNARF. In the end the difference doesn't matter to the diligent cruciverbalist. Let us declare that either is acceptable, and any dissenters are hereby awarded a legitimate Ta- DA!

    Not convinced? Then consider: The C/N swap allows for the key perp to retain its integrity. I mean, HSC is quite as valid as HSN in received usage - so I would adopt the position of New Criticism by pointing out that the author's (and editors') intentions are irrelevant, as the opus must stand on its own terms and merit.

    This was in all other respects a fine offering from the esteemed Mr. Kidd, with an excellent response from our Steve.

    I knew UKASE from George Bernard Shaw. He uses it in a speech in his play Misalliance, a comic tirade spoken by the character Gunner, a role I once played as an undergrad.

    ~ OMK

    Diagonal Report:
    Today we have a single diagonal (NW to SE). Mr. Kidd’s pzl holds an anagram that yields the following phrase (where the traditional “V” for Victory is explained):


    … by which we may presume is meant a truce concluded by Caesar, or one in line with his style and substance.

  31. PK@2:21

    100* weather? It is definitely the heat that is killing your battery!

    I had the same problem down in Florida over the summer with my Scooter.
    I was told to remove the battery and bring it into the air conditioning
    if not using it for months at a time.

    I realize that is not a practical solution for a full size car battery,
    but there are some things you need to be aware of:

    A trickle charger that constantly charges without a break is worse for
    a battery than going dead! You need A BATTERY TENDER.
    Make sure your charger says TENDER. What they do is bring the battery
    up to full voltage, and then slowly bleed volts, and then recharge it again
    on a regular cycle.

    Here is an example. (note that I got mine at Harbor Freight on sale for $4.99)

    Also, if the battery is bad, no amount of charging is going to help...

    Good Luck!

  32. Le Carre's Trilogy was "Tinker, Tailor...", "The Honorable Schoolboy"and Smiley's People". The first was made into a most excellent PBS Series with Alex Guiness.
    I made a complete Rohrschach blot out of this baby. The last to fix was BARTAPS/TABS. HOLD,CALL, FOLD, The whole RUCKUS thing.. At first I thought it would be easy. I'm guessing others found it crunchy.
    Speaking of... T_. #1 was hard to decode.
    Steve, good one on Stormy. You easily amused me at least.

    I had this ear worm all Wednesday; Ringo, now I can't remember. Dadada...

    Two W's today Owen.

    Jinx, I have the golf on as I type. Poor Jordan. I've got it on tape of course.
    Mia is best known in Boston for marrying Nomar Garciaparra. He was a college soccer player
    Big Easy: Or the war of Northern Aggression, eh?

    I didn't think of it at the time but Jazz etal have a point on the classic Natick. Of course, the months of Summer are French 101. But, I didn't know USTED until Lucina helped me out*
    Speaking of.. _J: I just got it Lucina.

    Picard. I looked again. It was green. Teal in fact and. It was fabulous. The pic with "Chicago". Mme D, you're an expert. Check out Picard's sweater from Tuesday night post. Or maybe Monday.

    So after reading the posts I see it was declared"Easy". Perhaps online where one can undo easily.


    * That was a NYT Sunday. 0527 . Now I'm doing 0520.

  33. Lucina @ 1011 - I agree about AFTS. I think they picked the meh clue because it's a Thursday. They could have kept it nautical by invoking a harder clue for AFT; say, "where the crew watches flicks in good weather", or "where the crew fishes from with no way on", por ejemplo.


    Glad I took French in HS to get AOÛT. (Chacun à son goût.)

  34. Yes, Lucina, another easy Jumble.
    I wasn't into solving until Misty started talking about them. They were tricky at first but seem easier now.
    I'm either overdue for a fall, maybe a real toughie, or it's a case of practice making perfect. Today I found I don't need to think hard, just plant the anagrams in my head and let my unconscious sort them while I'n doing something else.

    ~ OMK

  35. Checking the history, from the time the Corner switched to the LAT(2009) to present below are the appearances of UKASE in the fill.

    LA Times - Aug. 21, 2016

    LA Times - Apr. 01, 2014

    I did not remember, maybe JD who used to chronicle new words has a better recollection.

    Kazie- thank you for your French expertise, but where is the blue you?

  36. FIW: I changed HSN to HSC for SCARF. After reading all the discussion, I'm forced to admit that I have encountered SNARF before.

    Wanted [The fall of] the House of USHER. Didn't work.

    There are ways around MERIT SYSTEMs. We had one position stay vacant for several years when no one wanted to hire the woman who was blocking the list.

    I do know UKASE; usually used only for the decrees of the tsars (or of someone who thinks they're the tsar.)

    Shave and a haircut.

  37. CED:
    Rear end award reminds me of Average Joe. I miss his posts.

    That's a hilarious story. I laughed at the name TUTEE UKASE! I believe that will etch UKASE in my memory.

    A friend and I went to see the movie "Pope Francis: in His Own Words". Both of us were quite moved in several places; it's a powerful presentation.

    I also keep a dictionary of crosswords and phrases but can't find UKASE in it. I could have been gone during that time. I'll have to check the date.

  38. Hi All!

    D'Oh! 3 bad squares for me today. Hand up with ScARF and I had AOsT and, more like Jinx and less like YR, I didn't know how to spell RUCcUS. ScACE didn't look like anything but, in my defense, neither does UKASE :-)

    Thanks Joe for the puzzle. The NW was the hardest corner for me (that I nailed) and the SE my killer. I caught the theme at STIR and ROW (my 1st 2).

    Steve - LOL@53a & 1d. Thanks for the expo Mate.

    US DOT - I knew that.

    WO: N/A
    ESPs: CARRE, RUDIN; AOUT and UKASE needed lucky WAGs that I lost on [odds: (1/26)^2]
    Fav: WEES c/a for TANTRUM


    Roy - Love Roger Rabbit. Thanks.

    Lucina - I've not had time yet to look at printers. Maybe I'll have time this weekend while I look into that Carder (and maybe by you a HOT new one ;-) )

    TTP - I'll take your word that we had UKASE 2 years ago... My memory isn't that long; obviously.

    Before getting back to work/ (and then my TPS Report)... Could you describe the RUCKUS sir? [Breakfast Club @1:18 of 2:20-ish].

    Cheers, -T
    //Rick - I'll read your story later when I can enjoy it fully.

  39. Lemonade at 4:15 PM. You must have missed this earlier post at 8:17 AM

    UKASE on the LA Times Crossword

  40. Dash T, yep, site search: ukase

  41. TTP - I knew you used a little Google-Fu there :-)

    Rick - what fun! Thanks.

    Cheers, -T

  42. AnonT:
    Thank you. The new one is already installed and has been tested. It works.


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