, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, July 6, 2018, Susan Gelfand

Gary's Blog Map

Jul 6, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018, Susan Gelfand

Title: Dress your automobile for success.

Susan returns for her second 2018 puzzle, 6th LAT, and first Friday. She found four standard automobile components with the second word being a type of apparel. Then she clued them to reflect the clothing, not the part. Her definition of TIMING BELT is pretty funny and the others witty. She then packages it all in a pinwheel grid loaded with some nice 7/8 letter fill - ANALYST, HOKIEST, LOSES TO, PIGS OUT, STRIPES,  ZIPPERS, ARBITRATE and  SNEEZED AT. Oddly, neither ZIPPERS nor RUBBED has ever appeared in a LAT puzzle. On the other hand, there was a slew of very obscure clue/fill combinations which made this work.

17A. *Footwear that slows you down?: BRAKE SHOES (10). We start with a part that gets 70,900,000  HITS.

38A. *Satchels with vents?: AIR BAGS (4). Can you believe 771,000,000 hits for THESE?

60A. *Headwear with a power supply?: BATTERY CAP (10). There were 170 million hits for THIS.

11D. *Leg covering with a warmer?: HEATER HOSE (10) There were 42 million hits for this part. LINK.

29D. *Trouser support with rhythm?: TIMING BELT (10). 81,700,000 hits HERE.
And the reveal which seemed unnecessary:
57D. What the answers to starred clues are part of: CARS.(4)


1. Kid: JOSH. Not your nephew Josh, but "to make fun of, to banter," 1845 (intransitive), 1852 (transitive), American English; according to "Dictionary of American Slang.

5. Affected: ARTSY. It is interesting how culturally an appreciation for the fine arts has some negative connotation.

10. Layered hairstyle: SHAG. Speaking of connotations, Austin Powers, where are you? LINK.

14. Germany's von Bismarck: OTTO. This man was the most important figure in 19th century Europe.

15. Capital on the Aar: BERNE.  An Old CITY.

16. Relate: TELL. Okay, this is easy.

19. Pro __: RATA.

20. Fancy pillow material: SATIN. Pillowcases? LINK.

21. Takes a gander at: EYES. Always will remind me of Splynter and legs.


22. Urban extensions?: ITES.

23. Dutch export: EDAM. A repeat from last Friday. Cheesy!

25. Backpack features: ZIPPERS. Why backpacks?

27. Prepare: GET SET. On your mark...

30. Clipped to a greater extent: TERSER. This first-time clue was very hard to parse

31. Ramp sign: EXIT.

32. Glorify: LAUD. Praise (a person or their achievements) highly, especially in a public context.

34. Virtually can't be beaten: IS HOT. Erm.

37. Flee: LAM. Not used to this as a verb: 3rd person present: lams; past tense: lammed; past participle: lammed; gerund or present participle: lamming

40. Big Ten sch. with eight national football championships: OSU. This the other one JzB mentioned on Wednesday- the Ohio State University.

41. Request before a shot: SMILE. Photoshoot.

43. Diminish: BATE. This also was slow, as I did not think of the definition to reduce the force or intensity of - e.g. waited with bated breath

44. "In your dreams!": AS IF. YEAH RIGHT! Made popular by the movie CLUELESS staring Alicia Silverstone.

45. "Walker, Texas Ranger" star: NORRIS. Chuck, not our editor Rich.

47. Name on the cover of "Death in the Afternoon": ERNEST. Hemingway by the way.

49. Goes overboard, in a way: PIGS OUT. Not o'ded.

51. Furniture giant: IKEA. You recall the acronym?

52. Jewelry location: LOBE. Ear, ear...

53. Muffin choice: BRAN. Not so much

55. "But I don't want to go among mad people" speaker: ALICE.
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
                                 "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
                                 "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

59. Singles: ONES. Money, honey.

62. What flowers may do: WILT.

63. Kitchen additions?: ETTES. We have a nice Italian restaurant called Kitchenetta in town. And, 38D. Space beginning: AERO.

64. LPGA golfer __ Pak: SE RI. The single most influential golfer in the history of women's golf, who paved the way for all the Korean stars who took up Athe game. LINK.
65. 1974 Peace Nobelist from Japan: SATO. His STORY.

66. Passes out cards: DEALS.

67. Hardy title teenager: TESS. d'Ubervilles.


1. Positions: JOBS.

2. Other, in Oviedo: OTRA. Just Spanish.

3. Stolen bases, e.g.: STATistic.

4. Most contrived: HOKIEST. Dictionary  (2) noticeably contrived. "a hokey country-western accent"

5. Hunk's pride: ABS.

6. Bring up again?: RE-HEM. More misdirection.

7. Horse victim?: TROY. Speaking of contrived...

8. Treated as unimportant: SNEEZED AT. My mother was big on using this phrase- " that $2.85 an hour is nothing to be sneezed at."

9. Polite affirmation: YES SIR.

10. Highway markings: STRIPES. So simple, yet elusive.

12. Make changes to: ALTER.

13. Wine __: GLASS. A toast-

18. Köln closing: ENDE. We call this city Cologne.

24. Hun king, in Norse legend: ATLI. Maybe you will want to read this VERSION.

26. Pitchfork-shaped letters: PSISΨΨΨ

27. Some goop: GELS. Hair?

28. Knowledge determinant: EXAM. Not necessarily an accurate measure.

30. Big brass: TUBAS.

33. Resolve, in a way: ARBITRATE. Mediation and arbitration have replaced the need for so many trials, judges and juries.

35. Medical suffix: OSIS. E.G. denoting a pathological state.  "stenosis" "psychosis" or

36. Clump: TUFT. The difference between clump and tuft is that clump is a cluster or lump; an unshaped piece or mass while tuft is a bunch of feathers, grass or hair, etc, held together at the base.

39. Computer whiz: GEEK. This site is proof this is not so any longer.

42. Finishes behind: LOSES TO.

44. Wall Street figure: ANALYST.

46. Massaged: RUBBED. Just do not do it the wrong way.

48. Tail: REAR.

49. Farm equipment: PLOWS.

50. Ancient Greek region: IONIA. More Greek rhymes with geek.

51. Debriefing info: INTEL.

54. "__ girl!": ATTA.

56. Cold drink brand: ICEE.

58. Christian denom.: EPIScopalian.

61. Curved shape: ESS.

I am not sure if my brain was scrambled by all the fireworks explosions this week, but this puzzle took me a long time and much second-guessing. That was after I got the theme early on. Made for a Friday challenge, which is what is supposed to happen. YMMV. Hope you all had a safe holiday, I am enjoying the renewed enthusiasm here with all your comments. Lemonade out.

Note from C.C.: 

I've opened a thread for Jumble talk. Please mark this page. Just give a hint on the Corner blog that you need Jumble chat, then move the further discussions to that Comments section. 

Thanks for the understanding.


  1. Good Friday Cornerites.

    Mary Keller FLN at 2:43 PM wrote "What's the Diagonal Report?"

    Others addressed her question, but Young Man Keith at 3:23 AM gave his comprehensive review. I recapped this action in case Mary Keller didn't check back.

    On to Friday's opus

    Thank you Ms. Susan Gelfand for this Friday level CWP. I worked it n two sessions, and can not remember whether I had to BAIL or not. I did, however, complete it in 33:37.

    Thank you C.C. for opening the Jumble Chat Room I intend to show my redirect as follows:


    "J C" - and I have one

    Thank you Le Mon for what looks like an excellent review. I will read it now.


  2. Good morning!

    I expected a struggle this morning, but this came together pretty fast. My first misstep came at "Some goop," not GLOB or GLOP, but GELS. Then, as soon as I saw "Death in..." I wrote THOMAS (Mann) where ERNEST needed to be. Gotta learn to read the entire clue, d-o. Thanx, Susan and Lemonade (what does "Erm." mean?)

  3. D-O here is ERM. I learned it using captions watching some British TV where the accents were too much for me.

  4. Good Morning, Lemonade and friends. I Loved, Loved, Loved this puzzle. I worked backwards on this, as my first starred theme answer was AIR BAGS, then, when I came to the unifier, I realized it had to be CARS. I went back from there to get the other CAR parts.

    I started off at 1-A, by immediately entering Joke, which also worked for the 1-D JOBS. It took a while to get the JOSH.

    I learned that Diminish is not Fade, but BATE. I also learned that to Make Changes is not Amend, but ALTER and that Jewelry is not located on one's Neck, but in one's ear LOBE.

    I wanted Hit Me for the request before a shot. I was thinking of being in a bar instead of a Photo Shoot.

    My favorite clue was Bring Up Again = RE-HEM.

    I also liked the Horse Victim = TROY.

    Thank you C.C., for creating a separate Jumble page.

    QOD: Deep down, I happen to be very shallow. ~ Pat Paulsen (July 6, 1927 ~ Apr. 24, 1997)

  5. I'll bet nobody SNEEZED AT or say Susan's puzzle was the HOKIEST one this week. Good morning. I had to change SNEER to SNEEZE because RIPPERS just didn't look right for the backpack. The auto theme was an easy spot after the BRAKE SHOES and TIMING BELT were filled. SATO and BATE perped unknowns.

    Lemonade- I think comparing ARTSY to a pseudointellectual would be more appropriate. I equate both with phony and your 'Dictionary (2) noticeably contrived'. The wannabes.

  6. FIW x 3. I had OTRo and ErDE x SoTIr. Lemonade, if the clue had been "fancy pillowCASE material" I might have had a chance. And I don't know about y'all, but my koln's closing is a sphincter. The third error was EPeS x SERe. Where I grew up there was Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Church of God, Methodist and Baptist. Oh, and one elderly Catholic couple. I knew the sound of the golfer's name, but had no idea how she spells it or why she's famous.

    I had easy instead of BATE. TOO easy - I'll leave it alone.

    I worked at 700 Hidden Ridge Drive in Irving, TX. In addition to backing up to the TPC golf course, the building was used in the making of several Walker, Texas Ranger episodes.

    Thanks to Susan for a fun Friday puzzle. I should have only missed one cell. And thanks to Lemonade for the interesting tour. A sign outside of a local mediation service declares "Virginia is for Lovers; Mediation is for Ex-Lovers".

  7. Han Solo thought the Jedi the HOKIEST faith,
    EPISCOPALIANS he didn't even rate!
    But he would probably LAUD
    Any Ferengi god --
    Trusting in cash is much surer than fate!

    Mr. Worf drove a CAR worse on ground than in air.
    When a blond Wookie pulled him over, he was filled with despair!
    He thought a bribe? No, no graft
    Could save his ground-craft.
    Still the deputy let him off -- he was thorough, but fair!

    A well-dressed CAR will be suitably clothed
    With (BRAKE) SHOES covering (HEATER) HOSE.
    It will look very svelte
    With a (TIMING) BELT,
    Hide (AIR) BAGS under EYES with a (BATTERY) CAP pulled to nose!

    {A, B, B-}

  8. Yesterday I was too tired and busy to post about Agnes and CC's delightful puzzle.
    Tansy was a gimme for me. From reading historical novels, I have known tansy as an old folk remedy among the pioneers and native Americans. And its use as a medicine is actually much older than that. See Wikipedia. I didn't realize it is an invasive species or that it is poisonous.
    I was glad to see that CATTLE FARM was not CC's and Agnes's doing.
    Here Target stores are as big as Walmart and Best Buy. They are listed on the Internet as a big box stores. I see that Target and other big box stores are building stores with a smaller footprint. Maybe that is what some of you have.

  9. Third try. I edited this very poorly both times. Now I had every paragraph in there twice. If this is still wrong I will let it stand.

    I quickly found the theme with BRAKESHOES. After that it was off to the races. For me, this was easier than most Friday puzzles. Only SERI was ESP. Great theme, Susan.
    I agree, ARTSY always refers to pretentious display of love of the arts. Sometimes ARTY is used that way, too.
    RE-HEM, I had a skirt I loved. As hem lines rose, I cut more and more off the bottom and re-hemmed it many times. When hemlines fell, I had to discard my beloved skirt, but it lasted many years.
    Clipped/terse didn't deter me. I was looking for a word about speech.
    CC, thanks, for setting up a place for J. I enjoy the personal asides here. It helps make a connection with other Cornerites, but J was overwhelming the blog when you see how many lines were devoted to it.

  10. Hi Y'all! YESSIR, very tricky and different, thanks, Susan! Thanks for a great expo, Lemonade!

    Last to fill for me was JOSH/JOBS. For some reason, the whole NW corner gave me trouble. I had OTTO/OTRA after the first pass. Only got BRAKE to go with SHOES after working down to the reveal CARS which was 3 perps & a WAGd "C". Duh! And I'm the mechanic's wife/mother who kept books for a garage? BRAKE opened the NW corner for me.

    Actually, I had all the pieces of apparel before coming up with the other word. Like Lemonade, maybe stunned by fireworks.

    Slow before EXIT. Lot of suffixes: ITES, ETTES, OSIS, ENDES. Never saw BERNE with an "E" ending. Did not know SATO, SE RI, or ATLI (didn't know Attila got that far north).

    YR stated my feelings in thanking C.C. for setting up a place for the J. When one has no idea what they are talking about, it distracts.

  11. Well, this certainly seemed easier to me than a usual Friday. Took 21 minutes, and that included dealing with a recalcitrant cat. I knew I was going to like it as soon as I saw Horse victim: TROY. That just may be my new favorite for a while. Grinned as soon as I saw it, I did.

    It took me the longest time to correctly parse I SHOT. Just could not make any sense of that. Later (MUCH later) I finally saw it as IS HOT and the light bulb lit up for me.

    Loved SNEEZED AT. Sparkly. Had to put down OTR_ and wait to see whether the last letter would need to be A or O. Never had ZIPPERS or RUBBED? That’s a real surprise to me. And Lemon, you asked why backpacks as the clue for ZIPPER … my response: why not? Thanks for all the links, too. You always find good ones.

    Time to get productive. Have a great day, all.

  12. Good morning everyone.

    Great puzzle like others have said. FIR. WooHoo! Had trouble in the SE but tried to overthink it. After picking my religion as EPIS and guessing at ALICE, I entered CAR and, voilà, it was done. Many good WAGs helped.
    Köln closing scratched my head a bit, but then ENDE seemed logical enough, with SATIN and EDAM as perps.
    PLOW - Brits spell as 'plough'. "The spelling distinction applies to all senses of the word, including figurative ones. British and Australian writers always use plough, along with ploughed and ploughing; American and Canadian writers always use plow, plowed, and plowing. Both spellings are pronounced the same."
    German is Pflug; L. German is Ploog. I don't think the apple fell too far from the tree, here.

  13. Spitz, there used to be a Schering-Plough drug company which sold the likes of Claritin, Dr. Scholl's and Coppertone. Today it's spelled Merck.

  14. A very different and interesting puzzle today. Thanks, Susan. Lemonade, I always learn something from your expos. Thanks.

    I remembered this use of LAM from another puzzle where we had much discussion. Hahtoolah, I also wanted my jewelry at my neck instead of my ears, LOBE. (And I laughed at your QOD!)

    For big brass I wanted some high ranking military honcho. Oh. You mean a real brass instrument. So easy once you get it.

    YR and PK, I certainly agree the personal asides are interesting, but they usually are offshoots of a word in the CW. When some technical term is in the puzzle, out scientific gurus will explain it, or debate it. When a book or movie is in the CW we'll all chime in with our experiences with that. CC, thanks for the Jumble thread.

    Owen, I laughed so,they must be all A's.

  15. Good Morning:

    This was a puzzle that I found difficult in several areas because of the delightfully deceptive cluing, so finally finishing brought a resounding Tada! My only w/o was Eider/Satin which was due to the cluing of just Pillow instead of Pillow Case. I didn't know Sato and Ernest, as clued. Nice CSO to DO at Otto and Moi at Troy. I loved the theme and the images it evoked.

    Thanks, Susan, for a fun, challenging Friday and thanks, Lemony, for the grand tour.

    Have a great day.

  16. I tried to make a TIMING BELT, I thought it would be fine.
    I got a bunch of wrist watch bands, and buckled them in line.
    I tried to keep them all full wound,
    But couldn't take the ticking sound,
    So with regret I must admit -- it was a waist of time!

  17. WIK WAK, I am so pleased that you responded to my question about backpacks, and that you out forth the correct answer!

  18. Enjoyed the creativity of the puzzle with the dual meanings of the theme clues.

    I chuckled at the ZIPPERS answer of the clue backpack features. I got a new backpack for travel after replacing one I had had for years - it was great with all the places for different items. It had so many pockets and ZIPPERS though, it took me awhile to remember which one I had put something in. After a few years, I have it down again, especially for mission trips where I take so much gear and most of it in my backpack, since I never know if my luggage will arrive with me!

    Thanks Lemonade - especially enjoyed the mash up of toasting in films!
    and Susan for a fun puzzle!

  19. Hello, hello, hello, everyone! It's just wonderful to puzzle again!!!!! I have a NY Times Puzzle book that I take with me but it's not the same and it's lovely to read all your witty comments.

    I also loved this puzzle which at first I thought would be about a wardrobe but soon realized it was all about CARS.

    Nice CSOs to d-o at OTTO and Jazzbumpa at TUBA. TROY is may favorite, too. I believe BERNE is the Swiss spelling of its capital. OTRA had to wait for the A or O ending. Usually I take my cue from the clueing but not this time.

    Owen and Moe, you are in fine poetic form today!

    C.C., I see that you created a special thread for the Jumble. Thank you. I often thought we should have a separate place to discuss it.

    California was delightfully cool!! I was sorry to leave. Here it was 103 degs. already at 9:00 A.M. But just as those in cold climates spend the winter days indoors, so do we in summer.

    Thank you, Susan, for the entertaining puzzle and Lemonade, thank you, for providing us with amusing and informative details.

    Have a very special day, everyone!

  20. Loved the creative theme! So I was disappointed to FIW with OtIS/OtU. Learning moment OtIS is not a valid medical suffix!

    Thanks Lemonade for explaining the subtlety of the theme. I got the double meanings and I got the CARS connection. But I think I missed the clothing aspect. Sorry, I am not understanding the "IS HOT" connection to "erm"?

    Some people enjoyed the Mondrian HOSE I wore in the Solstice Parade.

    CC: Thanks for setting up the Jumble discussion page. I hope that makes everybody happy!

  21. A bit crunchy at least for me today. RUN/HIE then LAM for 37A. But this was more of a “lots of white space” crunch as opposed to lots of x-outs. This puzzle rewarded persistence.

    I appreciate taking the Jumble discussion offline, I was just thinking that it was starting to get a bit OOC, but as I am a (relative) newcomer I had no wish to rock the boat. So thanks for doing that.

  22. Picard it is -ITIS and -OSIS but you cannot mix them.

  23. Musings
    -A gorgeous summer day for 27 holes.
    -The SE corner made this a fun challenge for me
    -It’s not “ARTSY” or “fine arts” just because someone says so
    -The last three times I’ve driven to KC, I have missed the Broadway St. EXIT and had to make a “uey”
    -A familiar 50’s SMILE theme song!
    -AGATHA was not the author
    -Asian women are the best female golfers in the world and fun to watch!
    -I had an exchange student keep trying to show me how to pronounce his home city of Köln

  24. I liked this puzzle. A good amount of difficulty and misdirection, clever theme, and some excellent fill. The difficulty level was achieved fairly and imaginatively, with no trace of gratuitousness or whiff of "Aha, I gotcha!" A big SO to Misty with NORRIS. Thanks for the half hour of pleasure, Susan Gelfand.

  25. HG, I thought of Agatha first, too. Wrong death.

  26. D4E4H,
    Thank you for the assist! I appreciate any help in clarifying the art of diagonals!

    Help! today's pzl did me in!
    I guess it's because my schedule is so loaded today that I had neither the P nor the P to carry it out. I thought it a brilliant exercise in cluing from Ms. Gelfand and only wish I had the time to avoid cheating. But, alas, cheating I did ...

    Still, my thanks to her and to Lemonade for a fine Friday presentation.

    ~ OMK

    Diagonal Report:
    Today we have a classic example of two mainline diagonals, the back slash (NW to SE) and its mirror (NE to SW). The first diagonal gives us this brief anagrammed tale:
    Hank, the geologist, has been in an ongoing argument with Mr. T and his son “Junior.” The Ts have taken up religion recently, and they keep insisting to Hank that the earth is no more than 6,000 years old.
    This morning Junior cornered the geologist in his lab and demanded to know just where Hank “… got the audacity to contradict the Bible!”

    In reply, Hank lifted up a specimen of granite, and said (with scientific humility),


  27. I was trying to remember that name to look up some Joyce info .

    Bizarro's been funny lately TWiC"
    Another good one today. It's not linkable right now.
    Re. TELL. I just couldn't Grok this. I had COIF and FLASK. Then I tmreread 22a.

    I did it again. I had SNEERED AT. "Rippers"??? Parachute? AARRGGHH!
    Not to speak of misspelling SIRI. It's S. Park on the scoreboard.

    RE-HEM and TROY were clever
    Do not use the R word anywhere near a Licensed Massage Therapist

    Well I don't get up early enough for some posts that beat my similar observations. I'll let them stand.

    But I better post what I've got.


  28. That was quite a game, Brazil vs Belgium. Re. Announcers. My problem was that they were so biased. Reminds me of Johnny Most the old Celtics guy.


  29. Jayce,
    I happened across your post - and thought "What a neat commentary - my thought exactly."
    Just wanted to thank you for spelling out what I neglected to say.

    ~ OMK

  30. Irish Miss,
    Congrats on a hard-won Ta- DA! I appreciated this pzl's beauty and real challenge.
    I couldn't stay the course this time, so know how tough a grind it was to bring it off.

    ~ OMK

  31. Once again, good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Susan Gelfand, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Lemonade, for a fine review.

    I did the puzzle while going through Indiana. A little crunchy, but it is Friday. Enjoyed many of the clues/answers (once I got them).

    Especially TROY at 6D.

    Theme was great. Very clever. NW corner was really tough until I got a couple words.

    Liked TUBAS of course. Right in the middle too!

    I am writing this on my cell phone. Sent a short test message to make sure I could do it.

    Looks like the Chicago area bloggers are gathering on the 19th. Should be a great time.

    On my way to Pennsylvania for a family reunion.

    See you tomorrow if I can get the puzzle. Cruciverb has not been functioning lately.


    ( )

  32. Lemon: Excellent, informative write-up. Good Job !!!

    Susan: Thank you for a FUN Friday puzzle. I liked your "CARS" theme.

    Fave today, of course was that Scotch GLASS ...
    I rarely drink wine, though Gal-Pal does enjoy a crystal WINE GLASS.


  33. Picard, you have such a wealth of experience but gaping holes in all things sports and most things pop-cul.

    But to quote the ultimate pop-cul guy* "Not that there's anything wrong with that"
    LAM has appeared a lot lately. Btw, any typos blame Fifi my red-bellied conure who just visited. Talk about recalcitrant pets.
    PVX, as another sometime Rexie, off the cuff meanderings must be old hat


    * That's Seinfeld of course.

  34. Nice to see my noble instrument clued as something other than "oompah maker" or some such (30 d).

  35. Hi All!

    Whew, Susan, that was tougher than a Jeff Wex. Nice Job keeping it just doable with enough patience. Fun! Thanks.

    Interesting expo Lem. I imagine, after Takata, queries for AIR BAGS went way up.

    PK - I wanted JOSH off the bat but, since it was my 1st thought and this is a Friday, I held off. Surprise, Surprise, I was right!

    Hardest/last bit for me to fill was the central east. HEATER cOil (only in my head,not in ink) held me up a bit (and OSU fit the perp!))

    WO: I was so sure @31a (Ramp sign) was going to be easT or wesT so I put the S in hoping to help...
    ESPs: ALTI, BERNE, SATO, SE RI (oh, two names). Honestly, most everything took 3/5 perpage to fill.
    Fav: Juxtaposition of GEEK and INTEL (inside). Look for DEALS after DELL goes public again.

    Sparkle - Hahtoolah and WikWak pretty much spelled it out. I'll just add @34a could have been clue'd '__ the Sheriff; Marley' (hi, WikWak)

    {B+, B, A; A++ & LOL} { [AOL] }

    Jinx - LOL on Koln.

    Welcome home Lucina!

    Cheers, -T
    _B (the Bridge puzzle??) I think lead with clubs... //I'll see myself out now :-)

  36. Typical weekend in N’Awlins. Rain in forecast, the Shakespeare festival, and the Chicken Jam for competing fried chicken recipes. We brave the rain, we love cultural heritage, but mainly we love to eat!

  37. WC: You're not the only one to make that observation.

  38. WC, do you have pictures of your bird that you can share? I have seen some red-headed conures but I do not remember a red-bellied one.

  39. "Final Thoughts":

    Just wanted to say "goodbye" - or perhaps, "until we meet again". My job has started to consume more of my time, and I have to pick and choose my off-time activities. Unfortunately, the Corner will be one of those "casualties". Maybe, when I'm fully retired, I'll have more free time to spend on blogs. I didn't just want to disappear. But for now, I'll bid you all "adieu", and wish you well.

    My profile includes my email address; please feel free to drop me a note if you'd like to stay in touch, as checking my inbox is still one of the activities that "made the cut"!! ��

    CC, thanks for sharing this blog and community. I know I'll think of it whenever I see your name attached to a crossword puzzle.

    Chairman Moe

  40. Dear Moe, sorry you are so busy. Work and sanity must take preference. I will truly miss your posts. I looked forward to "seeing" you every day. I love your interesting thoughts and funny poetry. It has been a great ride. Please check in once in a while when you can. All the best in your future.
    Yellowrocks from Kathryn.

  41. Ah Chairman Moe, sorry to see you go.
    What will we do, without our daily Moe-Ku
    While continuing to play our puzzling game
    Without your words, it won't be the same

  42. Chairman Moe:
    How sad that your work consumes all your time! I shall miss you and your moe-kus! Be well.

  43. Moe, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Good luck!

    Lucina, really hot weather headed your way. Or is it there already?

  44. Chairman Moe,


    If you don't come back (or at least lurk,)
    I will be howling for the next Month...

  45. Greetings!

    Thanks to Susan and Lemon!

    FIR. Things perped were: OSU, ERNEST, ALICE, SE RI, SATO and ANALYST.

    It was hotter here today than in Phoenix, my friend there tells me. (117 degrees.)

    Hope to see you tomorrow!

  46. Bill G:
    Yes! Hot weather is definitely here! It will decrease just a few degrees next week.

    Thank you!

  47. C. Moe: Happy Trails [1:05] until we meet again... Ciao, -T

  48. Gonna be missing' them Moe-Ku's!


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