, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday November 12, 2018 Matt McKinley

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 12, 2018

Monday November 12, 2018 Matt McKinley

Theme: : INSIDE STORY (54. Facts known to a select few ... and a hint to each set of circled letters) - Three type of stories span across each theme entry.
17. Forgetful moment: MENTAL LAPSE. Tall story.
26. One arguing for the unpopular side: DEVILS ADVOCATE. Sad story.

41. Education division governed by a board: SCHOOL DISTRICT. Old story.

Boomer here.  

I would like to thank all of the veterans out there for their service to our country. I was also part of the U.S. Army from 1968 to 1970. I did not serve in Vietnam, however I worked in the US Army Hospital in Fort Campbell, KY and then was sent overseas to a Nike Missile battalion in Hardheim Germany. I never was a big fan of beer, and certainly did not care at all for the German version, but many of my friends loved it. 

I also would like to remember the Armistice day blizzard of 1940.  My mother would mention it every year about this time. The day started warmly but then temperatures dropped around 50 degrees F and nearly two feet of snow fell in Minnesota. I believe around 50 people lost their lives that day. Armistice Day was created to honor the end of WWI (Century being honored this week in Paris).  After WWII, Dwight Eisenhower changed it to Veterans Day in 1954. 


1. Tempo similar to lento: LARGO.  A key in Florida

6. Quacked insurance name: AFLAC.  Known for clever commercials on TV.  Much better than Medicare supplement ads.

11. Film watcher's channel: TMC. There are so many movie channels on cable now, I can't keep up with all of them.

14. Plane, to Pierre: AVION.

15. "Fighting" Notre Dame team: IRISH.  What though the odds be great or small, Old Notre Dame will win over all. Knute is a great Norwegian name.

16. Listening organ: EAR.  I do not consider an ear an organ.  You cannot play church music on it.

19. Falsehood: LIE.

20. Request: ASK.  And you shall receive.  Wear an 80s jersey and you may also receive.

21. Great enthusiasm: GUSTO. Go for Schlitz beer.

22. Revise, as text: EMEND.

24. Indian lentil stew: DAL.  "How 'bout them Cowboys !"

25. Sporty sunroofs: T-TOPS.  Popular in the 70s.  I don't see them much any more. I suppose folks did not want to spend the money on them.

32. Absorb the lesson: LEARN.  PBA Senior member Bob Jr.

33. Applauds: CLAPS.  Roll a 7 against the point and it's CRAPS.

34. Effort: TRY.

35. Rowing tools: OARS.  Gently down the stream.

36. "Cha-__!": register sound: CHING.  That's the way you spell it, but it never makes that sound.

37. Delighted shout from the roller coaster: WHEE.

38. Summer hrs. in Oregon: PDT.  We turned our clocks back last week. 

39. William __, early bathysphere user: BEEBE. Monday word???

40. Exclaimed: CRIED.

44. Peer: EQUAL.

45. Humble dwelling: HUT. I think this is where the first little pig lived.

46. Aleut relative: INUIT.

47. Louvre Pyramid architect: I M PEI. A Frank Lloyd Wright competitor, I think.

50. Govt. agent: FED.

53. Windy City rail initials: CTA.  Not to be confused with the MTA of Boston.  (Poor old Charlie)

57. Funhouse reaction: EEK.  No funhouse ever scared me.  I only eek at snakes.

58. Wafer named for its flavor: NILLA.

59. Like a funhouse: EERIE.  More like the Twilight Zone.  Do do do do

60. Dr. of rap: DRE.

61. Best Buy "squad" members: GEEKS.  We have used the Geek Squad several times. Amazing how they can fix computers.

62. Faked, in hockey: DEKED.  Then, "He shoots, he scooorrres !"


1. Dalai __: LAMA.

2. NYC's Madison and Lexington: AVES.  Duh … I would think we have Aves in every city.

3. Hockey enclosure: RINK. Most have boards now, but when I was a kid we played hockey on wide open rinks

4. Received: GOT.

5. Rescheduled after being canceled, as a meeting: ON AGAIN. The stock market has been on a gain fairly recently.

6. Afflicts: AILS.

7. House with brothers: FRAT.  In a Fraternity, if you F a class you are a RAT.

8. Slimming surgery, for short: LIPO.  Better to just eat less don'tcha think.

9. Braying beast: ASS.  No comment

10. Frito-Lay corn snacks: CHEETOS.  Delicious, but they might turn your fingers orange.

11. Blessed with ESP: TELEPATHIC.

12. Primary thoroughfare in many towns: MAIN STREET. This was a book by Sinclair Lewis, reflecting on his life in a small town, Sauk Centre MN.

13. Believability, for short: CRED.  I SEE RED when I see half a word.

18. Break in the action: LULL.  Wishing for a lull in the California fires.

23. Soft shoe: MOC.  Another half a word

24. TiVo products: DVRS.  Wanna buy a vowel ??

25. Freq. sitcom rating: TV PG.  See above.

26. Right smack in the middle: DEAD CENTER.

27. Threat from a fault: EARTHQUAKE. Another California dread. My sisters have lived through several.

28. NFL list of games, e.g.: SCHED.  Nothing for my Vikings this week.  The NFL added bye weeks to the schedules a few years ago.

29. Crook's cover: ALIBI.

30. Claire of "Homeland": DANES.

31. Observed closely: EYED.

32. Cuts (off): LOPS.

36. Phone in a purse: CELL. These things are incredible now. I see people reading their email on their phone.

37. Legal document: WRIT.

39. Enjoying the ocean: BOATING.  We have 10,000 lakes to enjoy.  Don't need an ocean.

40. Enjoyed the ocean: CRUISED. ditto

42. Yves' yes: OUI.  One of the three French words I know.  (The others are FRIES and TOAST)

43. Biblical pronoun: THEE.

46. Cooled with cubes: ICED.  That's why it's called ICED Tea, not Ice Tea.

47. Ocean map dot: ISLE.

48. Cereal go-with: MILK.  Every morning.

49. Smooching in a crowded park and such, briefly: PDAS.  Public displays of Affection, but also a personal data something or other, like a cell phone.

50. Road divide: FORK.  As Yogi once said, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it".  Speaking of pretty good all time catchers,  Joe Mauer announced his retirement a couple of days ago.

51. Lake that's a homophone of 59-Across: ERIE. The most common crossword Great Lake by far!

52. Lightened, as hair: DYED.  I think if you lightened it, it's bleached.  Darken it would be dyed.

55. Nietzsche's "never": NIE.

56. Casual shirt: TEE.  I have some of these.  But I also have a few in my golf bag.


Notes from C.C.:

Happy birthday to Rich Norris, editor of LA Times Daily Crossword. Often half or more of clues in our daily puzzles are Rich's creations. And he always helps constructors to make the theme tighter and fill cleaner. He's just a quiet and generous soul.

Rich and his wife Kim


  1. The crossword was Mondayish, but I did it on Mensa, so no bubbles. I searched and found TALE in MENTAL LAPSE, and EPIC in TELEPATHIC, but that was it.

    I had a senior moment as this poem I did write
    A MENTAL LAPSE of forgetting, but not quite.
    It is truly EERIE,
    It's echoing in my EAR-Y
    But I can't recall that word that rhymes with rite!

    Facing life with GUSTO, give it all you have!
    Enjoy the roller coaster, both up- and downside halves!
    Shout WHEE at climbs,
    And EEK at times,
    And don't fear to tread the sometimes EERIE paths!

    {A, B+.}

  2. Good morning Cornerwriters.

    Thank you Mr. Matt McKinley for this enjoyable Monday CW. I was able to FIR.

    Thank you Boomer for your excellent review.


  3. Greetings!

    Thanks to Matt and Boomer!

    Nice, easy Monday. Perps filled in DAL and BEEBE.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Y'all! Thank you, Matt, for a fun crunchy challenge on Monday. Thank you, Boomer, for putting some much needed chuckles in my morning. Good luck these next weeks with your treatment.

    No circles, so looked but didn't see the stories. Nice theme tho.

    DNK: Wm. BEEBE. At first glance, I thought the picture was of Picard. But I realized it couldn't be because his shirt was too boring and colorless.

    I only EEK at mice. If a house is EERIE, I don't think it's a funhouse. There were a couple of EERIE houses we saw when I was shopping for the one I live in. I left those quickly. Dunno why. They just didn't feel right to me.

    Always forget DAL altho my niece's young son likes to make it after they lived in India.

    I.M.PEI: I filled in his name right away, but then looked him up to see if he was still alive. Yes, he is, at an amazing 101 years old, born 4-26-1917 in Canton, China. His nationality is given as America.

    Happy Birthday, Rich Norris! Keep 'em coming, please. You do nice work.

  5. Good morning! Thank you Matt and Boomer.
    This was fun and especially so because the ta-da came quickly. The Erie crossing with eerie led me to changing things in that corner, but then came the end without my having to search for errors. It is the start of a good day even though it is snowing.

  6. Good Morning all. I am looking forward to the next two weeks to hopefully freeze the cancer growth and get rid of my pain in the back. Last week I was prepped by a CT scan followed by marking my body with ink, (called a tattoo). I was told that the operators can use the markings to pinpoint the radiation perfectly so as to kill cancer cells without harming unaffected parts of the body. Hope it works!

  7. Good morning!

    Got through this one without noticing the circles, and without seeing the reveal clue because that section was filled via the "downs." As they say in Utah, "Sessed Lah Vye." Tried LANE before FORK elbowed in. Thanx, Matt and Boomer. (Good luck with those treatments. You're going to be busy for the next few weeks.)

    MENTAL LAPSE: I seem to be having more of those lately, particularly with names. Hope that's just a sign of growing older, and not something more serious.

    Happy Birthday, Rich! We really enjoy your efforts around here.

  8. FIR, but erased "eat it" for LEARN and "memory LAPSE" for MENTAL LAPSE. DNK DAL (except for the destination for SWA) or BEEBE (hi fermatprime and PK).

    HBD to Rich Norris. I also play another syndicated daily crossword, so I greatly appreciate your superior skills that are lacking in the other one.

    Thanks to Matt for the fun Monday grid. And thanks to Boomer for another fine review. Best of luck in beating that damned cancer.

  9. Fun day, Monday!

    I agree with you Boomer about BEEBE- but perps settled that one!
    When you bleach your hair -it takes pigment out - and is very hard on peoples hair!
    But you can have it DYED lighter or darker or purple or chartreuse!

    Thanks for a amusing blog as always Boomer! and Matt for the puzzle!

    Birthday greeting to Rich!

  10. MENTAL block before perps gave LAPSE

    If you’re a fan of convertibles, T-TOPS are very poor substitutes.

    Wright died before I M PEI’s first major project, so they weren’t really “competitors” except for historic reputation

    As discussed before, the Yogi quote is not some humorous life philosophy, but a serious description of how to get to his house.

  11. Fun puzzle, Matt. I needed the reveal to see what tied tall, sad, and old together.
    DNK Claire Danes. ESP.
    Beebe dawned on me after I had most of the perps. My mental lapses or memory lapses are becoming more frequent, especially names and remembering where I laid something down a second ago.
    Happy birthday, Rich. Thanks for enhancing our puzzle experience.
    Boomer, I hope you procedures help to lessen your pain and inhibit the cancer growth.
    Even in my cataract surgery, they marked my eye with a regular permanent Magic Marker so as not to work on the wrong eye.
    I approve of the clue and answer for 26A but will add that being the devil's advocate is much more than arguing for the unpopular side. Wikipedia says, "In common parlance, the term devil's advocate describes someone who, given a certain point of view, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with (or simply an alternative position from the accepted norm), for the sake of debate or to explore the thought further." I loved doing this in college. I like exploring all sides of a question. Some instructors did not appreciating questions supporting an opinion other than theirs. So many other people are like this,too. Sooo boring. Maybe a little of my arguing against nits here, is my instinct for being the devil's advocate.
    Here is a clip from our dance yesterday to give you an idea about what our hobby looks like.
    square dance


  12. Good morning everyone.

    Nice intro, Boomer; a pleasure to read.

    Solved without incident.
    Agree with YR about DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. That's how I use it.
    We GOT ERIED to death today.
    The long down sets gave the puzzle a pinwheel look.
    OUI and NIE in the same CW.
    We always take the FORK in the road; the kitchen drawer is full of them.
    Used to be, when setting the timing on a car engine you had to know where top-DEAD CENTER was.

    CC has a CW in the WSJ today. Hopefully I'll get to it later.

  13. Enjoyed today's entry! Thanks, Matt McKinley and Boomer, for your delightful blog. Don't post often but read the blog daily. Just wanted to say good luck to Boomer, with his treatments! Will be thinking of you. Had many family members endure them, so I know it isn't fun, but onward and upward to better health!

  14. Just to clarify Sptiz: You only had to know where TDC was when setting camshaft timing, that happens during engine assembly. As part of a routine tuneup, ignition timing was set by pointing a strobe light at the crank pulley and turning the distributor. The pulley was marked with "degrees before TDC".

    One also had to replace the points. The cover flap of a book of paper matches was just as good as feeler gauges for setting the point gap. And remember the effect of leaded gas on spark plugs?

    Back in the day we could install bigger carburetors, high-lift, long duration cams, re-curve the distributor and add headers (and sometimes lakes pipes) to make it breathe better. What can the young men do now? Change out the computer. Little wonder that we have all these beta males driving tacky, loud Subarus.

  15. Jinx - - Thanks. I figured I could evoke some shade-tree mechanics to recall the way it used to be.

  16. Good Morning:

    This was a nice, easy-breezy Monday with a hidden theme and an Aha reveal, to me, anyway. Beebe was unknown, but easily perped. (PK, I, too, thought he looked like Picard). I liked Whee and Thee, Erie and Eerie, and the clecho-esque cluing for Eek and Eerie, and Cruising and Boating. Adds some extra fun, I think. Also liked Cred and Sched. (I'm easily amused.) It's always a treat to see Irish, Fightin' or not, ☘

    Thanks, Matt, for an enjoyable start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for always making me chuckle. Best of luck with you treatments and results.

    YR, I enjoyed your square dance video. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.

    Happy Birthday, Rich. Your efforts and expertise are greatly appreciated. 🎂🎈😉🎉🎁


    Bill G, I didn't have to click on your CPR clip as I had already watched Sunday Morning. That heart-warming scene took place in CC and Boomer's hometown of Brooklyn Park, MN. I'm so glad that you and Lucina turned me on to watching that show as I thoroughly enjoy it every week. Jane Pauley is one classy lady, IMO.

    Have a great day.

  17. Musings
    -I got the theme before the reveal! I need a lottery ticket!
    -EAR – We went to a fund-raising event for my grand-nephew yesterday in a bar with a “band” that was so loud it hurt my chest and I had to yell in sister’s ear to be heard. What’s the point? Ten minutes was enough.
    -In my small hometown, a school board member wrote a scathing letter-to-the-editor about another member just before the election this month. It shook up the town and the “scathee” lost
    -I watched Guns Of Navarone and The Longest Day on TMC last night with FB in the PIP corner
    -These emitted the onomatopoeia of CHA CHING
    -WHEE – What a snail says while riding on a turtle
    -BEEBE is a small seed corn company 25 miles from here
    -Oops! ALI _ _ as clued has two reasonable endings
    -Happy Birthday, Rich. The constructors sing your praises here. Did you edit your assistant Patti’s Sunday puzzle yesterday?

  18. Musings 2
    -MENTAL LAPSE – I have spent two weeks trying to think of a word that means a single outlier that is probably just a chance exception to a general rule or obtained data. It cannot be used to negate the general premise although some might try to do so. What is it?

  19. DEVIL’S ADVOCATE began with the Catholic Church. When someone was considered for sainthood, the DA was appointed to find evidence that the candidate wasn’t worthy (so the devil got his soul), forcing more rigorous argument by the pros.

    My first Volkswagen didn’t need a strobe light to time it. With the engine not running, a notch on the pulley lined up with the seam on the engine block, then turn the distributor until a simple light clamped to it showed the points were closed.


  20. Good morning. Thank you Matt McKinley and thank you Boomer.

    Didn't have the circles, but TALL, SAD and OLD stood out. Studied the long downs looking for more. PATH was the only possible contender, but STORY PATH didn't fit the reveal.

    Boomer, your DVRS comment made me think of Kent Hrbek !

    OK Coach, here's the SAD STORY. Worked too hard last Wednesday, felt it Thursday, then got a call to sub Thursday night. Wasn't feeling up to it, but figured "What have I go to lose ?" Plus, I wanted to try the shiny new Ebonite on the 10 pins !

    Not a good night. 170, 172 and 173. Just an all around struggle on dry lanes to the outside that got dryer as the night went on. The league high average bowler (220) bowled on the opposing team and didn't break 190. We throw the same line.

    Early on, I moved left (perhaps too far), and hit light or left washouts. Moved back to the right a little and left a 6-7-10. Shoulda changed to my Brunswick that doesn't bite as much as my Hammer, but then I'd bury a strike, and think "I got this." Not to be.

    The good news is we took all 7, and my buddy Greg got hot with a 746 series featuring a 286. X-8-0 in the 10th. Greg's also a righty. He throws down and in on a tight line, just inside the third arrow. There must have been oil on that line !

    Husker Gary and other football fans might remember Dan BEEBE of the Buffalo Bills and Green Bay Packer. He had blazing speed. Perhaps most famous for chasing down Leon Lett and knocking the ball out of Lett's hand at the goal line in a lost cause in Super Bowl as the Bills were getting blown out by the Cowboys.

    Husker, in the general sense of an anomaly or aberration ? Or, a term specific to mathematics / statistics ?

  21. 49D: A PDA is a Personal Digital Assistant. The first successful one was the Palm Pilot. APPLE introduced one called The Newton but it failed. Of course we now have smart phones which do everything. It’s still a PDA: Personal Distracting Activator.

  22. D'oh ! Should have been DON BEEBE !

  23. HG @ 10:17 ~ My first thought was Anomaly. (Hi, TTP).

  24. Thanks IM and DO for watching our dance video. I like it because it shows the dancing. Most of the videos this man takes show too much of the caller, so the viewers get very little idea of what the dance is like. We must learn all the calls, hopefully well enough to respond instantly and in time to the music. During a singing call like this the calls form a predictable pattern. The same steps are also used in patter calls where they are put together in unpredictable and ever changing patterns, so you need to be on your toes. Great mental exercise, as well as physical exercise. It is a fun, social time with great friends.
    DO, the video was taken after I left so I am not in it.
    HG @10:12, I don't know the word you are looking for. The exception that proves the rule comes to mind. I found this Wiki article interesting.
    exception that proves the rule
    Billo@ 10:28, Thanks for posting that. I had forgotten about the origin of the saying. Very interesting.
    I'm off the the supermarket. I am making a cream cheese pie which takes 2 pkgs of cream cheese. I see I have only one left. Something will lie around for a long time, but when I count on it, it is gone.

  25. Magilla,
    PDA - Public Display of Affection

  26. Whew! Thank goodness DAL and BEEBE turned out to be correct--otherwise I might have goofed up a Monday puzzle. But in the end, everything was correct and perfect--Yay! Great way to start the week--many thanks, Matt! All the long words actually filled in pretty readily, and that made solving this puzzle a delight. And it was fun to get the reveal and see that the circles were indeed INSIDE STORies.

    Boomer, I was so happy that you did our commentary today. We're all rooting and praying for you. Thanks also for explaining the reason for the tattoo. Makes perfect sense. Have a good week and take good care of yourself and C.C.

    Thanks for explaining PDAs, Magilla.

    Fun poems, Owen.

    Yellow Rocks, I loved seeing your square dance group. Wish we could tell which one of those ladies in their neat outfits was you.

    Finally, have a wonderful birthday, Rich Norris, with many, many thanks for the wonderful way you manage our puzzles. What a lovely picture!

    Have a great day, everybody!

  27. Happy birthday, Rich! And thank you for all you do.

    Amazingly, I recall BEEBE's bathysphere from a 5th grade lesson when I was in school. The entire textbook fascinated me because it contained stories of inventors, Elias Howe, Cyrus McCormick, etc. I can still recall the page with its picture on it and wondering about the people who could accomplish such wondrous things. I have always loved to LEARN.

    This was a great grid and fun to finish. I almost felt TELEPATHIC!

    The square dancers look like they are having fun.

    Thank you to Matt McKinley and Boomer. I sincerely hope your treatments are effective, Boomer, and bring you relief.

    I hope you are having a magnificent day, everyone! God bless and help the firefighters in California and prayers for those who lost everything. So SAD.

  28. Yet another themed puzzle without the “giveaway” cells, nicely done.

    And zero markovers today, always nice, even on a Monday.

    And on to Tuesday.

  29. Fun puzzle, excellent write-up. Boomer, I laughed heartily at your fries and toast comment. Good stuff!

  30. HG--Is artifact the word you are looking for?
    Anon G

  31. Hello Puzzlers -

    Cruciverb was suffering a dereliction of duty, so I had to use the junky LAT site. There were no circles, ironically enough given it’s the LAT, so I didn’t suss the theme.

    In aircraft engines, TDC is as important as it ever was in the timing of ignition pulses. We use a timing light of sorts, but it’s not used stroboscopically; you see, no one wants to stand in front of a whirling propeller pointing a light at it. Instead, we remove the plugs and gently move the propeller to detect the opening of the ignition points. Each magneto (remember those? There are two per engine) has its own points, so we check them separately and confirm simultaneous firing. Aircraft engines generate full power at roughly 2500 RPM, and since that’s so slow, there’s little benefit to have an advance curve built in. The sparks happen at the same time irrespective of RPM, generally 24° BTDC. There will be a quiz

    1. Dudley, that’s odd, I see the circles on both and

  32. Happy birthday Rich and thanks for all your support and guidance. Thanks Matt and Boomer.

    Mind how you go...

  33. I'm always bemused by the current 'emphasis' on veterans, the 'thanks' and all. As I was growing up and entering the adult world, in the 1950s and '60s, many people were veterans. Either drafted, or enlisted, from WW2 or Korea, being a veteran was commonplace. We did our duty, but it wasn't such a big deal....

    So, you're welcome, but the GI Bill was thanks enough.

  34. Hmmm... an hour and a half after Dudley found Cruciverb down, I found it working. That’s the first time it hasn’t been down for multiple days. Hope it’s a harbinger of things to come.

    RIP Stan Lee. 95 years is a good long run.

    Thanks and positive thoughts to Boomer. Excellent writeup as usual. Thanks also to Matt M for a nice puzzle.

    FIR in n a little over 9 minutes, kind od long for a Monday. I knew BEBEE, but it took a while for his name to percolate to the top. Liked EERIE/ERIE.

    I think you can dye your hair blonde.

    Gotta run; busy busy. Have a great day, all!

  35. HBD, Rich Norris!

    Ta ~ DA!
    A fine start to the week from Mr. McKinley, and a well presented response from Boomer, including a nice tribute to our Vets. (I believe the anti-Kavanaughian beverage statement stayed just this side of the political line.)

    ~ OMK
    A single diagonal on the mirror side, with a very strange message in the anagram, suggesting a fellow who wishes to be deemed a fly-boy, i.e.,

  36. I entered ALFAC and never checked the downs

    I also forgot to finish with an E on BEEBE

    I remember Don Been . And Chuck McKinley the tennis player.

    Boomer we're praying for you. Try that bret Favre brace.


  37. How did I miss it? Tall, sad and old: CSO to Moi!

  38. There was an animus against veterans among the university age group from 1965-198?. It finally faded .

    The Greek tragedy Lysestrata (OMK, ring a bell) was played out during those years .

    Eligible females not having anything to do with anyone associated with the Armed Services. But the practice of tossing resumes showing Vietnam Service in the circular file wrankled as much or more.


  39. HG - I saw Guns of Navarone and The Longest Day once again, too. Many fine actors including the German side. Especially Curt Jürgens and H C Blech (Maj. Pluskat)

    Did CC's CW in the WSJ. Had a nice cadence to it. BZ

  40. Wilbur C ~
    You're right about the bad feeling many college kids held toward the military from the '60s into the '80s. For most of those years I was mainly not teaching but working professionally.
    But my first four years of teaching--right out of grad school--were from '64 to '68 at Williams College. Williams was an exception to the rule, as it was then an all-male school and a chief feeder for the CIA and Naval Intelligence. Coming from my classroom, I used to be approached by dark suited, trench-coated men who would flash their credentials and ask me questions about seniors and recent grads.
    Being in the arts I naturally gave my highest recommendations to the most suspicious applicants.
    ~ OMK

    You are right, too, that the "animus" is now much less than it was. At least when I retired two years ago I was unaware of any overt hostility. I think this has to do with the current lack of attention to our foreign engagements.
    Back in the day, the anger against the military was triggered by severe distaste for what many considered our post-colonial aggression into Vietnam. The exposure of the administrations' lies fomented negative feelings most unfairly against the poor guys who were often draftees.
    Now that we have an all-volunteer military and continual fighting abroad, I would have expected more protests, but it has not worked out that way.

  41. BTW, Wilbur, the difference between the women of Lysistrata and those of the Vietnam years is that the ancient females believed their husbands & lovers had a choice.
    (Hmmm. If individual classical soldiers could not stop the whole war, I'm not sure what their equivalent of Canada was.)
    ~ OMK

  42. Hi All!

    Happy Birthday Rich! You enrich our every day!

    Thanks Matt for the puzzle. Thanks Boomer for the comedic review.

    WOs: I put PDAs in MILK's squares, aMEND @1st.
    ESPS: DAL, BEEBE [last E was a lucky WAG]
    Fav: GUSTO is a fun word
    Sparkle: what IRISH Miss said... //and that CSO there

    {A, A-}

    Welcome to The Corner dddbmc. I've seen you in here before; don't be such a stranger.

    Spitz - thanks for the heads-up on C.C.'s WSJ. I'll finish the solve after I post.

    YR - aww, it's too bad you weren't there for the recoding. I kept guessing [obviously, wrong] on which dancer was you.

    HG - I was going with Black Swan.

    Michael - as a Vet, it bothers me when folks say "thank you for your service." Personally, I didn't do anything special and was never in harm's way. Youngest Bro has been to Iraq (2x) and Afghanistan (and slated for Kuwait in the Spring), I think deserves thanks but he just says, "It's my job."

    I though Crenshaw said it best on SNL last weekend. Never Forget.

    Cheers, -T

  43. Boomer thanks for the witty reviews!

    CC thanks for the photo of Rich and his lovely wife Kim!

    Irish Miss and PK I am honored that you thought I resembled that adventurer BEEBE! That must have been quite an adventure! Never heard of him or the cross DANES. Though I certainly know DANES.

    Here are a few of my photos of the IM PEI Pyramid at the LOUVRE and a bit of art there.

    I was in Paris for work in 2015 during peak season. Someone told me of the "secret" entrance through the subway that greatly reduced the wait time to enter. The entry came under the Pyramid instead of through it.

    I do not put MILK on my cereal. I really dislike MILK.

    Once again here are my photos of the Charles M Shulz Museum. If you scroll all the way to the bottom you can see the RINK where he played HOCKEY with his friends up until he died.

    DhAL is one of my favorite Indian food dishes. Usually spelled with the H in my experience.

    Hand up the puzzle was a breeze except for the unknown BEEBE/DANES cross. I usually am a fan of themes. But this seemed a bit weak as themes go.

  44. From yesterday:
    Jinx thanks for explaining about the tattoo that Boomer received. I Googled Tattoo and Cancer and got a slew of tattoos that cancer patients got. I am not a fan of tattoos. Glad this has a functional purpose and hope it helps speed Boomer to recovery!

    AnonT thanks for taking the time to view my Veterans Day Parachute Jump video. Yes, quite impressive that people will jump out of a perfectly good airplane. One of my co-workers recently told me he has done over 300 parachute jumps. I had no idea!

    Wilbur Charles thanks for the reality check that you also did not know FRIDA KAHLO. Perhaps it is also a bit regional. In California she is definitely hugely known and popular. I think all of her paintings feature herself as the subject.

    From two days ago:
    We had EARED SEA LIONS in the puzzle. That same day, DW and I attended so many events, we got tired at one point and took a water taxi from the wharf to the harbor.

    Here was our little water taxi ride, complete with a close encounter with EARED SEA LIONS!

    Cheapest thrill in town at just $5 each!

  45. I wondered about the tattoo remark; we pray it works as planned

    Happy birthday Rich Norris and many more

    in Chiang Mai now

  46. Veteran of desert shieldNovember 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM

    AnonT. I wish you had not posted
    that SNL clip because I now feel obligated to comment about it and I may be too political.

    First, I must say I despise apologies from comedians when their apologies contain jokes and self deprecating comments. It as if "hey, I can make fun of myself so the target of my bad humor should have thick skin also". They only apologize because their bosses see a major loss in revenue if they dont do "something". Joy Behar is notorious for this also. Many of their mean spirited jokes pass without any repercussions and only fake faux regret when the joke is so reprehensible that sponsors have no choice other than to demand a public apology.

    For this I really appreciate humor that has no victims. The current late night humor TV show al Pacino lost zero imagination. Just jokes about how disgusting and stupid our President is to them.

    Second, and more importantly, the jab at Crensaw's appearance is abhorrent, whether or not how he came to be missing eyesight from his eye, but the real offense to me was how he judged the injury as a result of war. Look up the original offense from 2 shows ago and see how Pete Davidson dismisses the fact the injury occurred while Crenshaw was fighting for our country is "some war or something, whatever". Shades of Vietnam era disrespect there. And dont tell me it was an off the cuff comment. SNL, rehearses their jokes many times leading up to Saturday and then they perform a live rehearsal again on Saturday before they again perform and broadcast they show at 1130p. He knew that he was going to make fun of his eyepatch and make fun of how he received the injury in "a war or whatever". He should be fired and left to rot in his own little world where his entitled to everything that previous generations sacrificed so he could perform condescending humor. What a piece of...

    Sorry to all for the rant.

  47. **omg hahaha lol!
    I dont know how al Pacino lost was inserted by autocorrect but that is funny right there!

    Maybe autocorrect liked Scent Of A Woman where LT Col Slade lost his eyesight in a less admirable way than Congressman Crensaw did. Hoo ah

  48. CanadianEh! FLN at 3:57 PM

    Thanks for posting that "today is Remembrance Day in Canada."

    World War I (often abbreviated as WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War or the Great War, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. It was contemporaneously described as the "war to end all wars". - Wiki

    "This year’s Veterans Day also coincides with the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. The war, which claimed the lives of millions, including more than 100,000 Americans, ended Nov. 11, 1918.

    Veterans Day, originally called Armistice Day, began a year later." - Hawaii Tribune-Herald


  49. Desert Shield/Storm...

    That was my time too. I was called up from the Reserves to back-fill at Ft. Hood's hospital & blood-bank (MOS: 92B); where were you?

    As for Davidson, his shtick is that he's clueless about current events - not that that excuses the week prior. Also, note that Davidson's father was a fire-fighter lost on 9/11. I thought the apology was sufficient and I thought Crenshaw (Congressman-elect from Houston - not in my district so I couldn't vote for him) was the much-bigger man. My post was to focus on his (Crenshaw's) message and not the silliness leading up to it. NeverForget fellow brother(or sister)-in-arms.

    TTP - if this is too much for The Corner, feel free to take down both my posts.

    Cheers, -T

  50. Marvelous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Matt and Boomer (wishing you well).
    I got the theme and circles, although like Picard, I thought the theme was a little weak. But it is Monday and the circles really did not affect the solve.

    Again, like Picard, I almost had a Natick at the cross of BEEBE and DANES but my WAG at the E was correct.

    Hand up for Memory LAPSE before MENTAL.
    I had forgotten our CW friend I M PEI and although it filled in, I did not parse and wondered who IMPEI was. (But, along with INSIDE, he did help me to decide between THEE and THOU.)

    I wondered if it was OK to have channel in the clue for TMC???
    INUIT reminded me of our recent discussion about IGLU.

    The "Road divide" clue reminded me of Robert Frost's famous lines from his poem, The Road Not Taken: "Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

    Happy Birthday Rich.
    Good evening to you all.

  51. I wish I could comment. My posts all get lost.

    Crunchy Monday for me. But fun. Boomer, thanks and prayer for your procedure next week.

    Owen loved the poems and the attitude!

  52. Maybe this will work also!

    HBD Rich. We do appreciate all you do for us.

    Boomer, more support and love than I could express before. Hang in there!!

    Anon T.... I’m with you, guy!!

  53. Billocohoes 3:32 - your post inspired me to look further.

    I had done the puzzle at the LAT site in the wee hours, with my tablet brightness down to minimum. I just returned to the site at higher brightness and better contrast, and what do you know, the circles were there! Apparently they’re just hard to see when dimmed down, on my device at least. Now that I know that I stand corrected.

  54. Pete Davidson’s ignorance of recent warfare is not his problem alone but is endemic among younger folk these days. Whether for good or ill, I believe it’s a consequence--as I posted above--of the lack of a military draft. In saying this, I take no side as to whether or not a "peacetime" draft is good thing.
    Nobody is required to do public service these days (other than to pay taxes), so it is very easy to remain insulated from combat news. This means it is also easy for our "leaders" to carry on a continuing series of battle actions around the planet.
    Only when events are politicized do they gain public focus. I'm pretty sure far more people are aware that active duty troops have been deployed to back up our Border Patrol along the Rio Grande than know how many are fighting--and dying--in the Middle East.
    ~ OMK

  55. Good evening, folks. Thank you, Matt McKinley, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Boomer, for a fine review.

    Boomer, best of luck in your medical fight. You will win!

    Puzzle was fine. Zipped through it in fine fashion.

    My old lake made it again, ERIE.

    GEEKS and DEKED right next to each other.

    In Erie what could have been MAIN STREET is named STATE STREET. Runs all the way to the bay.

    Anyhow, I am going to crash. See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  56. Our son Dan was a big fan of early SNL shows. I never got interested. I have made another recent effort to enjoy it but to little avail. I just don't get their attempts at humor. I think their big crime/shortcoming is they are not funny and mistake political insults for humor. The audience is pre-programed by their warm-up comedian to think they are experiencing hysterical cleverness. I for one think it's just a waste of time. If I want to smile and laugh, I'll watch reruns of WKRP or a You Tube video of Steve Martin doing his The Great Flydini magic skit.

    Rant over.

    Mind how you go...

    Bill G.

  57. C, Eh! DW introduced me to Frost. Good stuff, that.

    OMK - yes, it strikes me odd when talking to my own family members that don't watch / listen to news nor vote. The apathy... Oy!

    Bill G. You know I loves me some WKRP. I don't recall ever seeing The Great Flydini before. [Carson: 6:43] Thanks!

    Cheers, -T


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