, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Craig Stowe

Gary's Blog Map

Nov 20, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Craig Stowe

"Larcenous Behavior"

17. Traditional Easter dinner: ROAST LAMB.

25. Steinway seat, perhaps: PIANO BENCH.

33. Ohio's has wheat and arrows: STATE SEAL.

51. Boating safety feature: LIFE JACKET.

59. Glancing blow on the road, and a hint to the puzzle's circles: SIDESWIPE.  Forms of thievery are found by combining the circled letters at the leading and trailing sides of the compound words


1. Worked off nervous energy, say: PACED.

6. Grounded fast jet: SST.

9. Like imitators: APISH.

14. Maine town on the Penobscot: ORONO.    Named after the Maine town, the Lake Minnetonka city of Orono, Minnesota gets little reference in crossword puzzles.   It deserves a CSO. 

15. Letter after sigma: TAU.

16. Food from heaven: MANNA.

19. "... better __ worse": wedding vow words: OR FOR.

20. Wedding rental: TUX.

21. "Not bad, not great": SO SO.

22. Cuts anew: RESAWS.

23. "In your dreams!": AS IF.

27. Biological mapping subjects: GENOMESAbout the Human Genome Project

If you want to find out about your ancestral lineage, buy a kit from National Geographic for $70.  That's the Genographic Project. 

29. By the seashore: COASTAL.

30. Garden tool: EDGER.

31. Scientist Wernher __ Braun: VON.

32. Undercover agent: SPY.  Secret agent man.  Secret agent man.  They've given you a number, and taken away your name.   I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Desper-otto has the song on his music server.

38. Transmission type: Abbr.: STD. Standard.

41. Line on many a receipt: TAX

42. Hold (onto): LATCH.

46. Take advance orders for: PRESELL.

49. Colder than cold: SUBZERO

53. Former couples: EXES.

54. Curly-horned goats: IBEXES.   Sure-footed creatures.

Alpine Ibexes live in the mountainous alps of Europe.

Nubian Ibexes live in the mountainous desert areas of the Middle East and parts of Africa.

55. Mama's mama: NANA.

57. Vietnam New Year: TET.

58. Renaissance fair garment: TUNIC.

61. Still soft, as concrete: UNSET.

62. Sci-fi vehicle: UFO.  After subzero earlier,  we need something warm.  How about this hit from the British rock band ?

63. Golf targets: HOLES.

64. Jury members: PEERS.

65. Wooden pin: PEG.

66. Wide-mouthed pitchers: EWERS.


1. Canoe carrying: PORTAGE.   Probably pretty safe to assume that the city names of Portage Michigan, Portage Indiana, and Portage Wisconsin were each influenced by the language of the French fur trappers of early America.  I read there are 8 more city names of Portage in the U.S.,  and 1 in Canada. 

2. Turned on: AROUSED.  See the image at 47D.

3. Cajolery: COAXING.  Arm-twisting. 

4. Running trio?: ENs.  Quantity three of the letter n.

5. Colon components: DOTS.  In this clue and answer, the punctuation mark.   Not the large intestine in human anatomy.

6. Equilibrium: STASIS.

7. Polynesian island nation: SAMOA.

8. "Rub-a-dub-dub" vessel: TUB.   A container for the butcher,  the baker, and the candlestick maker.

9. Microscopic organism: AMOEBA.

10. Analyzes grammatically: PARSES.

11. Babies: INFANTS.

12. Mt. Hood hood?: SNOWCAP.

13. How scolding words may be spoken: HARSHLY.

18. Leisurely gait: LOPE.

22. ABC exec Arledge: on Roone Arledge

24. Enemies: FOES.

26. Cpls. and sgts.: NCOs.

28. Muscular 2017 "Dancing With the Stars" competitor: Mr. T

31. Distress: VEX.

34. Book of maps: ATLAS

35. Gymnast's powder: TALC.

36. Vatican vestment: ALB.

37. Lounge (around): LAZE.  Initially had loaf.

38. Call it quits: SPLIT UP.

39. Chicago newspaper: TRIBUNE.

40. The "D" of "NORAD": DEFENSE.   When I served, it was the North American Air Defense Command.   Now it is the North American Aerospace Defense Command.    

43. Silk or cashmere: TEXTILE.

44. Climbing vine: CREEPER.

45. Snack cake maker with the Nasdaq symbol TWNK: HOSTESS.

47. More appealing: SEXIER.   Error 404 - There's nothing here.

48. Spits out, as a DVD: EJECTS.

49. Old salt: SEADOG.

50. __ Reader: eclectic digest: UTNE.   Utne Reader is a digest of the new ideas and fresh perspectives percolating in arts, culture, politics, and spirituality. - - About

52. Chef's cutter: KNIFE.

56. Tennis great Arthur: ASHE.

59. "How's it hangin'?": SUP.  Slang.  Contraction of What's up ?

60. __ factor: impressive quality: WOW.



  1. DNF. Missed it by one cell -- ORO.O + E.S -- I know I'd seen that town name before. Just north of Natick, isn't it? And ENS -- even after I filled it in, it took me a few minutes to PARSE it as ruNNiNg trio.

    As for the theme, I didn't get the bubbles at Mensa, so needed the reveal, but with that, the hidden words were easy to find.

    CSO to me at Mt.Hood. I grew up in Portland, Oregon, and went to Mt.Hood with some group or another nearly every winter*. I grew up thinking that's what looming mountains were like. Now I've lived in Provo (Mt.Timpanogos), Albuquerque (Sandia Peak), and Santa Fe (the Sangre de Cristo Mountains), and now realize Mt.Hood was really just a bump on the far horizon!

    *...and usually disliking it, except one year I went tubing -- riding a truck inner-tube like a sled!

    An Ancient Irish blessing ~~
    May your EXES be as rare as your IBEXES!
    Your FOES as real as your U.F.O.s!
    Your ROAST extolled on each COAST!


  2. Short a Q for the pangram!
    One beef: Don't most gymnasts use ROSIN?! Although talcum powder would make things a little more challenging!

  3. Thank you Mr. Craig Stowe for this challenging Tuesday CW. I BAILed at 32 A, and 27 D at the Natick of HEJIRA, and MAO.

    hejira: An Arabic word meaning emigration or flight, used to refer to any flight from danger but especially the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622.

    Thank you TTP for your excellent review.


  4. Good Morning, TTP and friends. Another speed run for the dreaded circle puzzle.

    Nice to see ORONO in the puzzle again. The clue in the puzzle, however, refers to Orono, Maine, which is on the Penobscot River. Orono is also the home of the University of Maine, where I went to college.

    Nice also to see the SST appear, which I tried to put into yesterday's puzzle.

    I learned that the Chicago newspaper is not The Trib, but the more formal TRIBUNE!

    I laughed at your Error 404!

    I tried LOLL before settling on LAZE for Lounge (around).

    QOD: When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclude me, I shall draw a larger circle to include them. ~ Pauli Murray (née Anna Pauline Murray; Nov. 20, 1910 ~ July 1, 1985)

  5. Overnight reply to TTP. Thank you for your comments and I appreciate you looking back on the "My Nickel's Worth" articles. I have had a lot of fun with it over the years. Yes, I had fun last Spring, winning a tournament with three huge games surrounding a 140. I have not been able to bowl for awhile this year with the fractured vertebrae, but I'm hoping current treatments will get me back on the lanes soon. Sounds like you are doing okay. Splits will happen, sometimes on decent shots. But keep at those easy spares. It sounds like the strike ball is working okay. Good luck !!!

  6. Portage Maine sits on the south shore of Portage Lake in Aroostook County. Spent a few happy summers there back in the 50s. The water is really cold even in July and August. Trivia- Aroostook county is the largest in area east of the Mississippi.

  7. Good morning all.
    Quick and easy with a few stumpers.
    STASIS not a word I’ve heard often.
    Needed the I in the circle so changed The Trib to TRIBUNE
    Changed Sea man to SEA DOG Loll to LAZE and done .
    Wintery chill in the air today , have I ever mentioned I love summer?
    Will happily spend a few Gs for a glass in my hand and toes in the sand come January!!

  8. Good morning!

    Saw the circles and [surprise!] actually looked at 'em. They let me know that STATE FLAG was wrong. Noticed the CSO to Hahtoolah. D4, what puz did you work with Hejira and Mao? TTP, your link to ROONE Arledge invited me to join the Disney Fan Club. Thanx, Craig and TTP.

    PORTAGE: The one in Wisconsin is not far from Madison. Marquette and Joliet discovered the land route between the Wisconsin and Fox rivers in their survey of the area.

    GENOME: The National Geographic GENOME project results are very different from what you'd get from Ancestry. NatGeo will explain where your ancient ancestors went when they left Africa thousands of years ago. Ancestry will show you where your recent (going back a few hundred years) ancestors lived. I've taken both tests.

    SUBZERO: It's also a brand of refrigerators. It might be for you, if you've got a few extra thou to spend on a fridge.

    SPY: TTP, you guessed wrong. I've got hundreds of oldies on my server, but almost all are pre-Beatles. BTW, I always thought Johnny Rivers was saying "Secret Asian Man."

  9. So, who holds the record for most over-all appearances in crossword puzzles? OREO cookies, or Arthur ASHE?

  10. Got the theme from the circles early, then wondered why “jack” wasn’t circled until the reveal of SIDE.
    APers and APIng before APISH from crosses, then I could Fill the Steins (except it’s not even 9:00 yet)

  11. Finished this off after figuring it was APISH and not APERS. Still would prefer starred clues instead of circles in the grid, to make it somewhat more challenging, but it was a nice early week puzzle.

  12. Bravo to C.C. for a great and timely NYT today.

  13. Apropos of C.C's NYT puzzle and 60d, this video is impressive to me. I had never realized how much went into producing something so every day as as a stack of newspapers! It's funny to realize the system they were upgrading to seems so archaic given current technologies.
    I wish I could link this video but maybe these will help you to find this fascinating documentary.

    Url is

    Title : FarewellEtaoinShrdlu

    I wish they had shown how the crossword was created along with the comics but I guess they headlines and actual news was more important.

  14. Good morning, folks. Thank You, Craig Stowe, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, TTP, for a fine review.

    TTP: Liked the Ibexes climbing the side of that big rock.

    Puzzle went quickly. Theme appeared quickly, as well.

    D-O: I agree with you. I vote for ERIE. Of course I am prejudiced.

    Really no unknowns. A few perps did help, however.

    Just finished my cross g guard duties. Crossed 60 kids in 30 minutes. Now i am off to the County Election Commission to count Absentee Ballots again.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  15. Good morning.

    D4, what puzzle are your solving ?

    Hahtoolah, of course in the puzzle ORONO is referring to the Maine town, since Maine is in the clue. Orono Minnesota deserved a shoutout.

    Desper-otto, were those tests worth the price of admission ?

    Boomer, I read more last night. Good stuff. I know you haven't been able to bowl. I thought you might get a kick out of reading of my attempts at a comeback after ten years. I'm finding it's like not having golfed in a long time, when the short game becomes so inconsistent. Only in bowling it's getting the spares. That's what I meant about bearing down. Not going to take those single and two pin spares for granted. Yes, that 4-7-10 was really light, barely catching the 1, but I buried the ball that left the 7-10.

    Well, now that the kitchen is cleaned, the bed is made, and Rawhide is over, I gotta go get the emissions test done on the old van. Lines shouldn't be too long this time of month.


  16. OH, Desper-otto, you don't have to join the Disney club. You can still read teh article without joining.

  17. Musings
    -Greetings from the English teacher du jour
    -A student I had yesterday did get SIDE SWIPED last week and was glad she had on her seat belt
    -RESAW cure? Measure twice, cut once
    -Here comes some 8th graders thirsting for knowledge of subjects, verbs and objects

  18. No problems with this interesting puzzle. I even got the theme early on. I also had Apers and Aping before crosses gave me APISH. I’m stil not sure any of those are really words.

    TTP, great write up and links. I couldn’t believe the IBEXES!!

  19. Terrific Tuesday. Thanks for the fun, Craig and TTP.
    This CW filled itself in good time and I got the theme.

    Write-overs included ROAST Beef to LAMB (I thought beef was wrong and was looking for Ham!). Beef is for Christmas per YR.
    Hand up for Loll before LAZE.
    Another hand up for taking a minute to parse the 3 Ns in Running, and Distress as a verb.
    We haven't seen UTNE for a while and I entered our friend ETNA at first.
    "How's it hangin?" is not an expression around here; but then, neither is SUP!

    Don't ask DH about his one attempt to have me drive a STD. After many rabbit-jerks down the back street, I handed the wheel back to him and said "never again. That's why they invented Automatic transmissions!"

    I waited for perps to decide between DEFENSE or Defence. I guess we know whose spelling won out in that contest. LOL.

    Enjoy the day.

  20. TTP, depends on how curious you are about your ancestors. I didn't learn anything earth-shaking from either test. Both traced back to Europe. Still can't get to ROONE:

    Sign in or join D23 today for unlimited access to!

    Forgot password?"

    STD: My pickup has a standard transmission 5 on the floor. I think it was the last year that Ford offered a "stick." One downside, only two people can sit in the front seat, and there is no back seat. But, there's a side benefit. I don't have to worry about the truck being stolen. Kids today can't drive a manual transmission.

  21. Maine town on the Penobscot? It must be ORONO! I like saying Penobscot. It lilts off my tongue.

    Thank you, Craig Stowe; I see you didn't hide your name anywhere this time. But this puzzle certainly had the WOW factor.

    CSO to me, NANA. It's what my grandchildren call me.

    The Phoenix zoo has several IBEXES scampering about an enclosure.

    It's interesting how we all learned TET during the Viet Nam war during the TET offensive.

    Hand up for LOAF before LAZE and I appreciated that all the fill in this puzzle was made up of actual words; only SUP caused me to pause but it could have been clued as to eat.

    Thank you, TTP, for your very nice review.

    Have a restful day, everyone!

  22. The link to that article on Roone Arledge was working the other day. It asked me if I wanted to join, and I just X'ed out of the popup. Not today, so thanks for letting me know Desper-otto. I've updated the entry with a nice article on Roone Arledge from

    It's a 24 mile round trip to the emissions testing station. About the 10 mile mark, I realized I didn't have my wallet and drivers license. Continued on. They didn't ask for it. The vehicle passed. No testing required until Feb '21. Only a 4 minute wait. Plus, back with an hour of leaving.

    Think I'll go grocery shopping. Maybe I'll stay lucky and find an open checkout lane.

    Just saw this article. The 2018 Oxford Word of the Year

    Lucina, the Rawhide episode yesterday was "Incident at the Arana Sacar." A very young Cloris Leachman was a quest actor. I used Google Translate on Arana and Sacar, but it (spider take) didn't make much sense to me when joined. Does Arana Sacar mean something special in Spanish, or is it just a place name ?

  23. Was there a tilde on ARANA? If so, it's spider, but if not it may be just a place name. It could mean take out the spider. ARANA means swindle and SACAR means take out so I'm not sure how to translate that or if it's just a name.

  24. Hi Eveyone:

    This was a fun romp with a couple of hiccups: Gran/Nana, Apers/Apish, Loll/Laze, and Chi/Tau. (Thought of Sweetheart of Sigma Chi). No unknowns but I was slow filling in lamb, for some reason, although that's probably what we had on Easter because my mother disliked ham. The theme was evident after Rob and Pinch but the reveal was a pleasant surprise. Thought of Hatoolah and Lemony at Orono.

    Thanks, Craig, for a Tuesday treat and thanks, TTP, for the guided tour. You reminded me that my car inspection is due this month, so I better make an appointment before I forget.

    Made a grocery run this morning and expected a zoo, two days before Thanksgiving, but I had no problems. Tomorrow, though, will be a different story, I'm sure.

    I vote for Erie as the most frequent entry.

    Time for lunch.

    Have a great day.

  25. Hi Lucina,

    No, there was no tilde. I checked the IMDb entry.

    There was a synopsis there that said, "The owner of a remote trading post and his wife are coerced into backing a rustler's scheme to get the drovers drunk, swipe the herd and sell the beeves to hide skinners."

    I guess it was just a name.

  26. Morgan PRESSEL burst upon the LPGA at an early age and won the Open(US). Had the nerve to make raising a family her first priority.
    The U of Maine is in Orono. Strangely, the baseball team made a lot of trips to the Omaha world series. That may have been in my time eg ancient history.
    Oops, I see Hahtoolah had it earlier

    Zipped through this one.


  27. I liked this puzzle, except maybe for APISH. Liked the theme. Hand up for LOLL before LAZE. I immediately thought of Hahtoolah at ORONO and Lucina at NANA. Nice fresh clue for STD. FROZEN was not enough letters for colder than cold, but at least the Z was in the right place. I love IBEXes but their horns don't look all that curly to me.

    I also laughed, uproariously in fact, at Error 404.

    I think Mt. Hood is pretty. Mt. Shasta in Calif is also nice looking. Owen, I didn't know you grew up in Portland. Cool. I had the pleasure of living in Eugene while going to college at the University of Oregon; I have also spent several pleasurable summers at my sister's home in Roseburg where we rubber-rafted down the North Umpqua River. The third connection I have with Oregon is that my sister's husband got his Master's degree in animal husbandry from Oregon State in Corvallis and has been an official voting resident of Oregon all his life. (In spite of said degree, he ended up serving a 30-year career in the US Air Force as a navigator in the Strategic Air Command and retired as a Lt. Colonel. He is now, in his retirement, raising hogs, cattle, and vegetables at his small farm just outside of, you guessed it, Roseburg.)

    I remember that Shrdlu guy.

    Abejo, what an energetic, active guy you are! So admirable.

    Good wishes to you all.

  28. Very clever, this Mr. Stowe....

    BUT Ta ~ DA! ANYWAY!

    No, I know it is not a contest between creator & solver, but sometimes it just feels good to shout. Sorry, everybody.
    ~ OMK
    A 3-way on the flip side. The main diagonal yields one of the strangest anagrams I have yet seen...
    Not what on earth can that mean?

  29. Hello everyone.

    Easy solve today. Not much German today so we'll force a little out:

    TAU - German for 'rope.
    KNIFE - German is Messer, but, Low German is Knief, an obvious cognate. From Merriam: "Middle English knif, from Old English cnīf, perhaps from Old Norse knīfr; akin to Middle Low German knīf knife"

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

  30. Printer (HP Mobile Office Jet 100) quit today, so had to work the puzzle at the LAT site (w/ad blocker). I like paper better because I can look it over before checking it against the crib sheet. I didn't know some of the fill when I came here because the perps had already done my work.

    Picked up an Epson WF-100 mobile printer in nearby Cary, NC. Hopefully I'll be using a pencil tomorrow.

    I was surprised that Rich let "how's it hangin'?" slip in (so to speak). Is there a female equivalent?

  31. TTP: Nice, informative write-up. Good Job!!!

    Craig: Thank you for a FUN Tuesday puzzle. I enjoyed the SIDE SWIPE Theme.

    Jinx in Norfolk @ 2:46
    The LA TIMES Crossword puzzle is probably 50% of the reason I still subscribe to the Tampa Bay Times newspaper.
    I like to "Solve on newsprint" in black Ink.

    Hope all who are traveling for Thanksgiving have a safe trip.

    I'll just "tough-it-out" here in Florida.


  32. 38A Why is manual transmission still referred to as standard? These days automatic is much more standard. Throwback to the '50's?

  33. Gary, CC or anybody: Yesterday, I was working on the Gary/CC crossword called Golden Words. I stopped about halfway through and I can't seem to get back to it. I can get to today's puzzle but I don't see a way to go back to the previous date. Thanks in advance.

  34. Thank you, Jayce, for thinking of me.

    I just returned from the grocery store (shame on me for forgetting items!) and it was a madhouse. Everyone, however, was polite even as we almost collided with our shopping carts in those narrow aisles.

    Yes, it sounds like a name and a strange one at that.

  35. BillG. That was not a LAT crossword. I think someone provided a link to that puzzle. Either at the end of yesterday's write up or somewhere in the comments.

  36. This was a nice Tuesday puzzle, but the theme was a giveaway, I got the last two themers by just filling in the obvious theme letters.

    I also had LOLL b4 LAZE.

    I think ERA Is most common.

    Both my cars are manuals, the newest one, a 2016, was the ONLY car available - from anyone - that had a six cylinder, 4 doors, Front or all wheel drive, and the manual tranny. THE ONLY ONE. And now the manual has been looks like I’ll be in this car for a while. Not a bad thing, I was in the Passat for 16 years.

  37. Mike S - Great question. Also, ever wonder why we call them a pair of pants, glasses, etc. but "bra" is singular?

    Tin, I ain't smart enough to work a puxsel in ink. I get the hard copy Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, but just because the online-only version price is the same as hardcopy + online price. I make copies of the King Syndicate CW, no-name sudoku and (for the DW) Cryptoquip from the paper (one carefully-folded page in the newspaper), then print the LAT CW from the LAT web site and another good time waster from

    Charging light is off; time to install the new printer!

  38. I was impressed with the construction effort to make the SWIPEs on the SIDEs. Glad you noted this, TTP. And thanks for the many illustrations!

    ROONE totally unknown. He seems to be a guy with two last names. Not sure which one comes first.

    Amusing learning moment that TWNK is the symbol for HOSTESS. This was not always the case. Nor was it always on the NASDAQ. In fact, there was a moment during bankruptcy where the Twinkie almost went away. Its previous symbol was HB for Hostess Brands.

    Fun puzzle! FIR!

    At the Dead Sea we saw these IBEXES up close in a parking lot!

    Here are some photos and videos of us at a RENAISSANCE FAIR last year. TUNICs and all.

    The main point of RENAISSANCE FAIR GARMENTs: To show off "large tracts of land".

    AnonT nudge-nudge. Say no more. (From yesterday.)

    Here is a wonderful "tribute" to Wernher VON Braun by Tom Lehrer.

  39. OMK, I think it definitely a battle between constructor and solver! Not a hostile, ugly battle but a competition nonetheless. Hehehehe

  40. Yo, Yo, Yo!, SUP Cornerites?!

    SUP there, Constructor Craig? Nice puzzle today.

    TTP! In da House! Nice expo, Bro. //except 404 - that was evil, dude

    //Ok, I'll stop now - good thing we had the whole TRIBUNE or I'da had to punk-up THE TRIB :-)
    WOs: N/A
    ESPs: ROONE; ORONO took 4/5th perpage
    Fav: I giggled, probably more than I should have, at the clue Mt. Hood hood.


    D4 - still waiting to learn what puzzle you solved. I'm hoping it's not tomorrow's LAT printed by accident.

    D-O: Funny, DW thought it was Secret Asian Man until about 10 years ago when I set her right. //++ERIE

    B/fWillShortz - I enjoyed 1/2 that TYPE SET video. Funny, yesterday's WSJ had SET TYPE in it. I'll enjoy the other 1/2 later.

    C, Eh! - me too on DEFEN[s|c]E but I don't have being Canadian as an excuse :-)

    Jinx, your 'clue Rich let slip by,' CED's 'spills load,' and Picard's 'tracts of land, there's a sub-theme here,,, somewhere...

    Surely I'm not the only one who thought "Close up the Mountain" [2:43] at NORAD...

    Cheers, -T

  41. HG - Measure Twice, Cut Once.. If you want some of these American-made pencils, I know the Pencil Pusher [seriously, I met him at DefCon].

    Cheers, -T


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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