, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday April 21, 2019 Gary Larson

Gary's Blog Map

Apr 21, 2019

Sunday April 21, 2019 Gary Larson

Theme: "It's All in the Game Show" - Each theme answer sounds like a game show. 

22A. [Bee home + Venus + heron kin]: HIVE GODDESS EGRET.  I've Got A Secret.

39A. ["Star Trek" villain + mailed + light beam + take pains to avoid]: KHAN SENT RAY SHUN. Concentration.

52A. [Sass, in slang + inferno + turkey + Babe with a bat]: TUDE HELL DUD RUTH. To Tell The Truth. 

76A [Legume + yank + pound sound + bee product]: PEA PULL ARF HONEY. People Are Funny.

93A. [Cutlet meat + statute + quartet + goatee site]: VEAL LAW FOUR CHIN. Wheel Of Fortune

114A. [Utter + cherish + old laundry detergent + harm]: SAY LOVE DUZ INJURY. Sale Of The Century.

Did you guys all get the theme? 

Wow, I was at a total loss. Asked D-Otto, who spelled out each original game show for me. He thought I would have got 93A myself. Nope. 


1. Roll of dough: WAD.

4. Covert agents: SPIES.

9. ||, on a remote: PAUSE.

14. Melt: THAW. The last patch of snow on our yard was finally gone on Friday.

18. Bar order: ALE.

19. Ain't right?: AREN'T. ARE for [Modern art?] often confuses some.

20. Beach wear: TRUNKS.

21. Pixar clownfish: NEMO.

25. Crime film genre: NOIR.

26. In the same place, in footnotes: IBIDEM.

27. State as fact: AVER.

28. Kitten's cry: MEW.

29. NFL ball carriers: RBS. Running backs.

30. E Street Band guitarist Lofgren: NILS.

31. Actor Davis: OSSIE.41. A few other grid-friendly names: Anderson of "WKRP in Cincinnati": LONI.  48. Ward on TV: SELA.  50. Lennon's love: ONO. 81. Wray of "King Kong": FAY. 90. "The Raven" writer: POE. 106. "Scream" star Campbell: NEVE. 108. "This Is India" novelist Santha Rama __: RAU. 112. Author Dinesen: ISAK.

33. Stereotypical shipwreck site: DESERT ISLE. Great fill.

37. City near Düsseldorf: ESSEN.

43. Take effect, as meds: ACT.

44. Binges: SPREES.

45. Org. funded by FICA: SSA.

51. Everyday article: THE.

57. Flavor: SAPOR. Not a word I use.

62. O.T. book after Amos: OBAD. Obadiah. Before Jonah.

63. They may be vacant: LOTS.

64. Furrow maker: HOE.

65. Run off to wed: ELOPE.
66. Harry Potter's forte: MAGIC. We normally don't have "Harry" on Sundays.

68. Junkyard dogs: CURS.

69. Benefit: SAKE.

70. Hardly bold: TIMID.

71. Gladiator's venue: ARENA. Do you think these gladiator shoes look cool?

72. Has too much, for short: ODS.

73. Aretha's queendom: SOUL.

74. Musical pitch: TONE.

75. Lazy __: SUSAN. Not our Hahtoolah, who's super efficient.

83. Anger: IRE. And 84. Angry: SORE.

85. Suffix with cannon: ADE.

86. Level between kingdom and class: PHYLUM.

91. What's expected: NORM.

99. Instrument with movable frets: SITAR.

103. Poker pros, say: CARD SHARPS. I call them SHARKS.

104. Snap course: EASY A.

107. Opposite of COD: PPD. Prepaid.

109. Raggedy dolls: ANNS.

110. Advanced: LOANED.

117. __ stick: POGO.

118. Climber's tool: ICE AXE.

119. Hit the road: LEAVE.

120. Itinerary abbr.: RTE.

121. Fed. power dept.: ENER.

122. "Napoleon Dynamite" sidekick Sánchez: PEDRO. Learning moment for me. The guy on the left.

123. Borders: EDGES.

124. Slalom segment: ESS.


1. Female surfer: WAHINE. What is a male surfer then?

2. Suspects' stories: ALIBIS.

3. New Jersey NHL team: DEVILS.

4. "Parsley, __, rosemary ... ": SAGE. I never knew how these herbs are related to the girl he still loves. But it sounds sweet. Do you have a herb garden, TTP?

5. Teaser: PROMO.

6. Mil. roadside hazard: IED.

7. Hyphen cousin: EN DASH.

8. Lydia's sugar substitute on "Breaking Bad": STEVIA. Boomer uses Equal.

9. __-op: PRE.

10. Enlarge: AUGMENT.

11. Turmoil: UNREST.

12. Kebab holder: SKEWER. Mine always have pineapple chunks. Do any of you make tacos al pastor at home?

13. Body shop fig.: EST.

14. Spike TV, once: TNN.

15. Flexible pronoun substitute: HE OR SHE.

16. 1929 title words following "Now he's gone, and we're through": AM I BLUE.

17. Deteriorates: WORSENS.

20. Original D&D co.: TSR. Dungeons & Dragons.

23. Ford flop: EDSEL.

24. Gone out with: SEEN.

32. Talent: SKILL. I'd like to be a handyman in my next life. Fixing others' leaking faucet. Install a grab bar. Solve others' little problems. Bring smiles to others.

33. Designer's concern: DECOR.

34. Itchy red area: RASH.

35. Work on galleys: TYPESET.

36. Neighbor of Syr.: ISR.

38. Quick snack: NOSH.

40. Smooths in woodshop: SANDS.

42. Maiden name preceder: NEE.

45. Plant pores: STOMAS. Wiki says this is a tomato leaf.  Looks like freshly soaked and plumped-up wakame seaweed.

46. Outback automaker: SUBARU.

47. Sayings like "Haste makes waste": ADAGES.

49. Refer (to): ALLUDE.

50. Scoreboard count: OUTS.

51. What you used to be?: THEE. I used to be like this.

C.C., 1987

53. Minneapolis suburb: EDINA. Constructor Tom Pepper lives in Edina.

54. Backs, anatomically: DORSA.

55. Moving brand: U HAUL.

56. Stein's confidante: TOKLAS. Died in poverty.

58. 2006 Supreme Court appointee: ALITO.

59. Cal Poly city: POMONA.

60. Expressed a view: OPINED.

61. Flight named for its effect on fliers: RED EYE.

67. Flower-watering amounts: CANFULS.

68. Backup: COPY.

69. One and only fish?: SOLE. Cute.

73. More reliable: SURER.

77. Devout: PIOUS.

78. Opie portrayer Howard: RONNY.

79. To and __: FRO.

80. For the woman: HERS.

82. Asian nurse: AMAH. Popular term in Hong Kong. Lots of expats there hire amahs from Philippines, who speak good English and have low salary requirements. Locals are too expensive. You can see lots of amahs gathering every Sunday (Maids Day Off).

86. Material for drainage lines: PVC PIPE.

87. Adds and adds: HEAPS ON.

88. Golf hole measure: YARDAGE.

89. Honorary law deg.: LLD.

90. Well-liked: POPULAR. I finally tried these Trade Joe's shishito peppers. Very mild. You need fresh lemons.

92. Rapper Nicki: MINAJ.

94. The Red Baron, e.g.: WAR ACE.

95. Unraveled: FRAYED.

96. Suffix with Pleisto-: CENE.

97. Take care of: HANDLE.

98. Put out, as a magazine: ISSUED.

100. Prof's security: TENURE.

101. Wards off: AVERTS.

102. Colors again, as hair: REDYES.

105. Still in the game: ALIVE.

109. Fifth in NYC, e.g.: AVE.

111. Till bills: ONES.

113. "MASH" setting: Abbr.: KOR.

114. Drink sampling: SIP. I'm enjoying this kombucha right now.

115. Kitchenware brand: OXO.

116. Zig partner: ZAG.



  1. Great morning Cornies! Happy Easter! If you Lent it, you may get it back now.

    It's A Most Unusual Day (Finale) (A Date With Judy-1948) 1:32, and

    Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Original Spoken Intro Version) ABC Records 1967, 1970 3:36.

    Thank you Gary Larson for this exceedingly difficult Sunday CW. I have so much to report that I'm splitting it into two posts.

    Thank you C.C. for an excellent review. You looked good in 1987.

    I am not a sports fan, so it took my WAGing to solve 29 A - RBS (running backs).


  2. There once was a girl named Ramona
    Who came from the town of POMONA.
    She moved on to Italy
    But panned it critically,
    And became known as the Rome moan-a!


  3. It took me forever, but I FIR. I did not get the theme. Thanks for 'splaining it.

    The gladiator shoes look cold. Cold = stupid

    Natick alert, 57 A and 35 D.

    SAPOR is a property (as bitterness) affecting the sense of taste : SAVOR, FLAVOR. -- (MERRIAM-WEBSTER)

    In printing, a galley is a long, narrow tray, usually of metal, for holding type that has been set. (

    Second Natick alert, 66 A - MAGIC, and 45 D, STOMAS, WAGS to the rescue. All I know of Harry Potter, I have learned here. The other came from pores deep in my brain.

    Third Natick alert, 52 A - TUDE, never heard of it, and 47 D - ADAGES, I wanted idioms. I'm tired of LIU. Can anyone explain the difference?


  4. Good morning!

    Wan spawn term dare worsted ladle gull...pebble colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut. That about sums up today's gimmick. I worked it yesterday at C.C.'s request and found it fun. I told C.C. that I wasn't surprised she was having problems with the it. "Sounds like" phrases are bound to be difficult for non-native English speakers. Plus, most of those TV shows had come and gone before she arrived in the U.S. But when HEORSHE showed up, visions of manure danced in y head. I was sure I'd screwed up somewhere. Then I read the clue: oh, HE OR SHE. OK. Thanx, Gary, keep 'em comin'.

  5. D4, tude as in attitude. "Don't give me no tude, bro." An idiom is an expression with a different meaning from the literal one, like "piece of cake," "true blue," or "cold feet." An adage is an old maxim with a literal meaning.

  6. Really enjoyed this puzzle... was like a challenge inside a challenge. Needed a couple of red-letter helps to finish it, but finish it I did. I'm a game show junkie, but still took a while to puzzle out a couple of the "sounds like" answers. Excellent!

    Happy Passover and/or Easter to those who celebrate either/or...!!!

  7. Great puzzle. Got the theme finally, but never could figure out the last one, Sale of The Century. Never heard of it. But the rest made up for it.

  8. Good morning. Thank you Gary Larson and thank you C.C.

    No problems on this top to bottom solve. The only answer I had to change was UPROAR to UNREST for the "Turmoil" clue.

    Wait, there was another problem. I couldn't solve a single one of the theme answers. I finally gave up and read the review to understand what they were.

    C.C., my wife plants the herbs. Just a few herbs are grown in our garden. The others get grown in flower pots. My job is to tend to the weeds.

    Sold John Deere yesterday. Almost shed a tear.

    Jerome (FLN), google "Social Security break even calculator" and plug you personal numbers in to one of them. Or read a number of the articles in the hit list until you find one that has example charts. The Motley fool had one. As for "whether it's worth it", no one but you can answer that.

  9. FIR, but erased hit for ACT, surges for SPREES, and WAHINi for WAHINE (UNTIE!). A male surfer is a HODADDY. Yes, I once lived in Los Angeles. At the time, just about all the middle aged men wanted to move to Hawaii, smoke dope and listen to Beach Boys music all day. Now all they want is to avoid stepping in bum poop on the way to work, and to find a viable plan to move to Sun City (AZ).

    TRUNKS are beach wear only if I can't find a deserted stretch of beach.

    All of us DOS fogies know that TSR is Terminate, Stay Resident - The MAGIC behind "hot keys".

    POMONA is also home to the LA County Fair, the best fair (city or state) that I've ever attended. It is to most county fairs what Billy Bob's is to most local honky tonks.

    Sailing trimarans have two small hulls/floats called AMAHs. They connect to the main hull via akas.

    Thanks to Gary for another very fun puzzle. The only theme game show I struggled with was Sale of the Century, having never seen it. But I did get it before coming here, so I've got that goin' for me. My favorite was "one and only fish" for SOLE. And thanks to CC for the fun review. You were already a cutie back then, and have only become lovelier over time.

    1. Thanx Jinx for dredging TSR out of my subconscious. We didn't have those back in the CPM days. I'm still clueless about the clue though (D&D). Dungeons and Dragons? Was it a TSR? I wasn't much of a gamer.

      Male surfers? Google translate for Hawaiian pops out "Kane" when you plug in "male". But then I thought he was a newspaper tycoon

      And would someone please tell this newbie why you CW old timers start all your posts with the name of an evergreen tree in all caps, or at at least point me to a lexicon of CW meta language - it's needling me. :-)

  10. Good Morning, C.C., and friends. I realized what was going on with TUDE HELL DUD RUTH. That helped with the other theme clues with the exception of Sale of the Century. I am not familiar with that game, and even after I got all the squares filled, I still couldn't parse that game show.

    I liked how ANGER was beside ANGRY.

    I laughed at the crossing of SOUL and SOLE.

    Also interesting to see RED EYE and RE-DYES with nearly the same letters.

    I didn't have a Raggedy ANN, but I did have a Raggedy Andy. (The rag doll is probably still around somewhere in the house.)

    I can't use STEVIA. It doesn't agree with me.

    AMAH used to make frequent appearances in the puzzles.

    I am horrified by the terrible terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka.

    QOD: In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks. ~ John Muir (Apr. 21, 1838 ~ Dec. 24, 1914)

  11. TTP- I suppose I wasn't clear enough about my SS post. I started collecting SS at 62. I wasn't asking for advice about what I should do. I was posing a question for others.

    But thanks for your response.

  12. Good Morning:

    I was able to parse all of the shows except Sale of the Century, which I've never heard of before. I thought the best sound-alike theme answer was Concentration. I wasn't big on game shows so the only one in the puzzle that I ever watched was I've Got A Secret. My only w/o was Furled/Frayed and, unlike most Sunday's, the proper names were all familiar, so no stumbles there. Sela Ward is one of my favorite TV actresses; she has such a calmness and depth in her performances. I thought Redyes and Red Eye were worth noting.

    Thanks, Gary, for a Sunday stroll and thanks, CC, for the grand tour. That was a very sweet picture of a very sweet young girl. Best to Boomer.

    This week's good news is that my tax refund was $200.00 more than I expected. As this year was the first year that I didn't itemize, I used the standard deduction listed on the 1040, not realizing that I was entitled to an increased deduction, being over 65.

    This week's bad news is that I had a dead battery for the second time in two weeks. I've been housebound because of my foot problem but I did start the car earlier in the week, but, apparently, didn't let it run long enough. (PK, we make a good pair!)

    Happy Easter.

  13. Musings
    -Great fun! You’d have to have some miles on your tires to know some of these
    -Saying HIVE GODDESS EGRET about 10 times clued me in
    -K _ _ N _ _ N also supported KLINGON and I thought Gary would get to CENTURY with SENTRY
    -On the old I’VE GOT A SECRET, the host smoked onscreen and cartons of cigarettes were prizes
    -Gilligan’s “DESERT ISLE” had palm trees, lush vegetation and fresh water
    -Teenage grandsons who just toured Rome with the Lincoln Youth Symphony most remembered the world’s most famous ARENA therein
    -Playing for national championships is the NORM for Husker VB. Used to be for FB
    -My neighbor planted DILL in his herb garden and told him it can be hard to control
    -Body shop man on phone as tow truck brings in a severely wrecked Cadillac, “Honey, they just towed in our European vacation.”
    -C.C., THEE art cute!!
    -The _ L _ _ _ supreme was not ELENA (ignored the year)
    -TENURE is an equal defender of excellence and mediocrity
    -Off to services where it is very crowded twice a year

  14. An interesting concept that I caught at the VEAL LAW FOUR CHIN. I've never heard of the "People are Funny" or "Sale of the Century" shows so catching what was going on was not easy. I was also at a total loss.

    I'VE GOT A SECRET- Gary Moore, Bill Cullen, Henry Morgan, Jane Meadows
    TO TELL THE TRUTH- I remember Orson Bean, Tom Poston but not any of the others. I still remember Orson Bean saying "never buy life insurance so another man can have fun with your wife using your money"

    KHAN, TOLKAS, NEVE, RAU, AM I BLUE, PEDRO< OBAD, STEVIA, TSR- all perps and I don't think I've seen IBIDEM since freshman English in college. CANFULS was an easy fill but the word just looks strange; CAN FULL or FULL CAN

    CARD SHARP- I also had SHARK before changing.

    C.C., it's been a pleasure reading your write-up but I sincerely hope you don't have the word KOMBUCHA in any of your future puzzles.

  15. Great, fun puzzle!

    Hahtoolah, love your QOD's.

    Jinx, I still love L A.

    Jerome, We started SS at 62; worked out fine

    CC, love you picture!

  16. Good morning, folks. Thank you, Gary Larson, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, C.C., for a fine review.

    Got the puzzle done this morning. Last entry was TUDE and STOMAS. I had RUDE for a while, but SROMAS did not look right. So, I tried a T. Worked. Then TUDE made sense.

    Got all the theme answer fairly easily, I just never caught the theme until I came here. I should have sussed it out. However, Gary Larson made a great puzzle with that theme. Excellent.

    Got TYPESET with perps. That taught me that a GALLEY must have something to do with printing.

    Tried WWI ACE for 94D. That did not jive with perps, so WAR ACE did.

    POMONA was easy and that is where my office was when I worked in California. At the Automatic Electric Supply warehouse. 2950 South Towne Ave., Pomona, CA. Of course I was seldom there. Always in the Central Offices or at GTE for meetings.

    Anyhow, we went to church this morning for Easter. Now we are heading to an Easter brunch at the Shrine Temple.

    I will set my seedlings out to get some sun today. I have 200 started.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  17. Waseeleh, I think you are asking about FIR. It's shorthand used by some for Finished It Right.

  18. Delightful Sunday puzzle, many thanks, Gary. I loved getting most of it before I had to start cheating, and although I didn't get the TV programs until C.C.'s commentary, I still loved the way those multiple word answers filled in. Wonderful to see Alice TOKLAS pop up in a puzzle, and thank your for posting her picture with Gertrude Stein, C.C. Like others, I enjoyed seeing some of the similar word crossings, with SOUL/SOLE as my favorite, My unknowns included SAPOR, STEVIA, and DORSA. And I put ELENA before realizing that it had to be ALITO. Again, thanks for this treat, Gary. And I loved seeing that young sweet picture of you, C.C.

    Cute brief poem, Owen.

    Hope your foot gets all better soon, Irish Miss.

    Have a lovely Easter Sunday, everybody.

  19. Waseeleh, a lot of the acronyms used by the bloggers are shown on the "Comments Section Abbrs" (under Olio on blog main page)

  20. HG, Gilligan's Island had palm trees? I only remember four things about the show - Ginger and Mary Ann. Regarding TENURE, it occurs to me that it protects the free speech of instructors and stifles the free speech of students.

    Alice, I would still love to live in Marina del Rey if I could afford it. Probably would still like Hermosa Beach and Redondo as well. Don't think I would like living inland, or even San Pedro / Long Beach, but would probably buy Dodgers season tickets now that I don't have to work the next morning. Even back in the day I was delighted to move from the People's Republic of Santa Monica.

  21. Husker and Jinx: A desert island can be lush. The "desert" derives from deserted, not desert-like. In other words, it's uninhabited.

  22. Thanks D-O.

    You're saying desert in the song below is as valid as deserted. It seems awkward to me but I am (somewhat) trainable.

    The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
    With Gilligan
    The Skipper too,
    A millionaire and his wife,
    A movie star
    The Professor and Mary Ann
    Here on Gilligan's Isle.

    BTW, It's Mary Ann for me without any doubt.

  23. Sunday Lurk Say....

    C.C. - when did you meet Boomer? That '87 pic doesn't seem to do you justice.
    Herbs? I have Rosemary, Thyme, Dill, Sage, and a few herbs Eldest snuck in for her tea concoctions. TTP - do you find sometimes can't tell the weeds from the herbs [see: sage & chives]?


    Jinx - LOL @TSR; Waseely, it's CP/M [punctuation is sometimes important :-)] Also for Waseely, Blog abrivs to unravel the mysterious FIR (what BillG said: Finished It Right).

    Jerome - Just don't live past 81 and you're fine :-). Pop and I had this discussion a couple of years ago; he was still working his Handyman Biz [yes, C.C., He loves it - you'll do great in the next life] and looked at our family actuarial-tables (anecdotal) and figured none of us were going to live past 76yro. Of course, then there's OMK who beat the family record.
    //Pop waited until he was 65.5yro, IIRC

    HG - Always Mary Ann. That's gotta be a question on those Myers-Briggs personality tests.

    Y'all have a great Sunday!

    Cheers, -T

  24. Hi Y'all! Whew! What a workout! Thanks, Gary, for the challenge. Theme was funny, if confusing at first. Hand up for never hearing of that last show. I sat and read it aloud both fast and slow, over & over. Nope, made no sense to me.

    Great expo, C.C.! Loved the cute 1987 picture of you! You haven't changed in looks much.

    Silly me: isn't, wasn't, AREN'T. Oh!

    IM: we're two of a kind, each with a bad foot and dead battery!


  25. Guess what, desper-otto, I also immediately thought of Ladle Rat Rotten Hut when I solved HIVE GODDESS EGRET. I liked this puzzle a lot. I get a kick out of such sound-alike play even though sometimes I don't get it until, Like Gary, I say it aloud ten times. Late siphon! (LOTS of fun)

    Like Jinx, my favorite was "one and only fish" for SOLE. I also liked "they may be vacant" for LOTS.

    Wanted "lazy" BONES before SUSAN appeared. Wanted SAN LUIS OBISPO as Cal Poly city but it wouldn't fit. POMONA makes me think of the Pomona College more than it makes me think of Cal Poly.

    When he walks into Cheers everybody chants "what's expected." NORM!

    To me those gladiator shoes do not look cool. Cold, yes. Not attractive to my eyes.

    I vote for CARD SHARKS over SHARPS.

    My wife grew up with an AMAH.

    Good wishes to you all.

  26. FIR in just under half an hour. Thanks, Gary, for one of my favorite Sunday puzzles in recent memory. Thanks too, C.C., for your inimitable writeup. I absolutely loved the game show gimmick; I got it at the first one and never slowed diwn (although like many others here, I had no idea what show the last one was trying to make me say; even after reading C.C.’s explanation it still rang no bells). I’m wondering now whether that show might have been on a network we didn’t get back in the day. We could only get two stations back then, one in Quincy IL and one in Hannibal MO. The Quincy station was NBC all the time but the one in Hannibal picked and chose: sometimes ABC, sometimes CBS. There are a lot of old shows I never got to see.

    Hand up for the “one and only fish?” = SOLE being my favorite.

    We had a very nice get together today for Easter lunch, egg hiding and finding, and good fun with the kids and grandkids.

    Have a good evening, all.

  27. Nice steady fill - got around to it late with all the days activities! It was a challenge to try to say the theme words fast enough and slurred together to get the game show!

    I will always remember "Sale of the Century" because on a family trip to the East Coast when I was in junior high - we went into NYC for 1 day with old family friends and the dad of the family was in the Air Force. We stopped at the USO as we planned the day and they had tickets for that day's taping of "Sale of the the Century". They had the regular contestants who played the whole time, but then they had a brief part called "Audience Sale" where 3 people from the studio audience got to play one game. That day my mom was picked to be one of the three people and won a washer & dryer!

    Thanks Gary and thanks CC (I like the Synergy brand of kombucha compared to the rest because it doesn't have added sugar!)

  28. Dash T, yes, I've been reprimanded for weeding the herbs. As in throwing out the wrong thing. Some of those herbs are prolific growers, thus the pots. I can ID the chives easily enough. Love them. Don't mind when they grow beyond the garden borders. They smell great when running them over with the mower. Used to love to mow over the wild spearmint along the creek when I was a teenager...

    It's been a few hours, and I just went back to look at those multi-word fills again. Still had a hard time making them sound like the game shows. I guess my brain doesn't work that way. The only one I got easily enough was the first one, HIVE GODDESS EGRET.

  29. Thanks, Gary and C.C.
    This was a nice variation in the sound-alike vein. You had to work to get the fill.

    Inanehiker - here is your link SALE OF THE CENTURY . And here is a VIDEO.

    WikWak, the intermittent CBS/ABC sounds weird.

    Hope you all had a good holiday weekend

  30. desper-otto now you have really confused us
    "Wan spawn term dare worsted ladle gull...pebble colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut"

    Once upon a time there were...
    What is the rest?

  31. DNF, because I could only get the top 50% done after
    peeling potatoes & before 14 relatives showed up.

    KhanSentRayShun made me able to go back & understand HiveGodesSecret.

    Excellent Premise! Wish I had more time to play with it!

    I did get a little obsessed with 26. In the same place, in footnotes: IBIDEM.
    It just did not come up Googling for Silly Links. So I improvised:
    Exhibit A

    Exhibit B

    Exhibit C

    & a rimshot...

    Also, Gary Larson, this puzzle makes me think you might benefit from a speeech therapist...

    But as far a puzzles go, this one could have kept me entertained for...

  32. Good evening all! By now you are likely abed and asleep.

    I must thank Gary Larsen and C.C. even though it's late. I loved this puzzle and knew all but Sale of the Century of the game shows. Excellent stuff, Gary!

    This was not difficult and I finished before going to church then I went directly to my niece's home for our family dinner which was a blast! Besides Easter festivities we celebrated four birthdays and one who was baptized, confirmed and received Holy Communion for her first time on Saturday at the Easter Vigil. We had congratulatory and birthday hugs galore.

    When I came home about 6:30 I stretched out and promptly fell asleep for one and a half hours.

    C.C., what a cutie you were and grew into as well.

    I hope all had a beautiful day today!


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

Please click on Comments Section Abbrs for some blog-specific terms.

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