, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, June 12 2019, Tim Schenck

Gary's Blog Map

Jun 12, 2019

Wednesday, June 12 2019, Tim Schenck

Theme:  BREAK THE BANK. Various words for "money" are strewn through each theme answer.

Ulan Bator residents: MONGOLIANS. MOOLA - sometimes spelled moolah.

20. Electrical unit: KILOVOLT. LOOT - often refers to stolen money or goods.

59. Bayou critter: CRAWFISH. CASH - the only word here for money that isn't slang.

61. Wedding party member: BRIDESMAID. BREAD - since bread was the traditional everyday necessity of life, to earn one's living was to earn one's bread, therefore bread became synonymous with money.

39. Share good fortune, as suggested in four sets of circles: SPREAD THE WEALTH. Sometimes the circles are not needed, but with this one, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have found the dough.


1. WCs: LAVS. Plumbing manufacturers often use the term "water-closet" to differentiate toilets from urinals. American plumbing codes still refer to a toilet as a "Water Closet" or a "WC". The Royal Spanish Academy Dictionary accepts "váter" as a name for a toilet or bathroom, which is derived from the British term "water-closet."

5. Rope fiber plants: HEMPS.

10. Shell game, e.g.: SCAM.

14. Hodgepodge: OLIO.

15. Wedding: UNION.

16. Somewhat, in music: POCO. Also a band from the '70's. Who knew they were still touring?

17. Blockhead: CLOD. Don't hear this word much any more.

22. "Citizen Kane" director: WELLES.

23. Fill with love: ENAMOR.

24. Flower part: SEPAL. A sepal is a part of the flower of angiosperms. Usually green, sepals typically function as protection for the flower in bud, and often as support for the petals when in bloom. 

 26. Philosophy suffix: ISM.

28. Antediluvian: OLD. "Of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood."

29. Talk, talk, talk: YAK.

32. Drive away: REPEL.

36. With the bow, in music: ARCO. "Arco (which is not an abbreviation) means to return to bowing after pizzicato (abbreviated pizz.) or col legno. Pizzicato means you pluck the strings with your fingers instead of using the bow, col legno using the wooden backside of the bow instead of the hairs."

38. "__ Lisa": MONA.

42. Ore bed: VEIN.

43. Multivitamin ingredient: IRON.

44. Compare: LIKEN.

45. Fielder's strong throw: PEG.

46. Cultural Revolution leader: MAO.

47. Recede: EBB.

49. Does some mending: DARNS.

51. Disaster area thief: LOOTER. Again with LOOT.

56. Gauguin's island retreat: TAHITI. Foul man, fine artist.

63. Inevitable outcome: FATE.

64. What Benjamin Button did backward: AGED.

65. Not windy: TERSE.

66. Side squared, for a square: AREA. Ohhhhh .... math.

67. Like Santa's cheeks: ROSY.

68. Eyelid woes: STYES.

69. Metallica drummer Ulrich: LARS.


1. Age of Enlightenment philosopher: LOCKE.

2. Do-or-die Texas Hold 'em bet: ALL IN. For Gilmore Girls fans, this phrase is not about poker.

3. String quartet instrument: VIOLA.

4. City destroyed in Genesis: SODOM.

5. Caters to: HUMORS.

6. Carbon compound: ENOL.

7. Freebies near the register: MINTS. Never turn down a mint.

8. Faddish '90s disc: POG.

9. Road maintenance vehicle: SNOW PLOW.

10. Mop target: SPILL.

11. Shade of black: COAL.

12. Proactiv+ target: ACNE.

13. What some proverbial stones don't gather: MOSS. I'll be hearing Bob Dylan all day in my head. How does it feel?

19. Detective's need: LEAD. Not clue.

21. "And there you have it!": VOILA and VIOLA (3D) in same puzzle.

25. Epoch in the Cenozoic Era: EOCENE.

27. __ of honor: MATRON.

29. Egg part: YOLK.

30. Get the pot going: ANTE.

31. Madeline of "Blazing Saddles": KAHN. So talented, she passed away in 1999.

32. "Let us know if you're coming" letters: RSVP.

33. Duel tool: EPEE.

34. Uptight type: PRIG. Funny word.

35. Bard's nightfall: E'EN. Contraction for evening.

37. Density symbol, in physics: RHO. Also the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet. Looks like a p - ρ.

38. __ tai: MAI.

40. Nin and Frank: DIARISTS.

41. Macaroni shape: ELBOW.

46. Pal at the barbie: MATE. Not Midge or Ken.

48. Turbine parts: BLADES.

49. One of Sean Combs' stage names: DIDDY. Also Puff Daddy.

50. Hair-raising: SCARY.

52. Butcher shop byproduct: OFFAL. Entrails and internal organs. The Offal-Eater’s Handbook.

53. Sparkly crown: TIARA.

54. Perfume compound: ESTER.

55. Relatives of emus: RHEAS.

56. Lift up the slope: T-BAR.

57. Golden Fleece ship: ARGO.

58. Goes quickly, quaintly: HIES.

60. Ascend: RISE.

62. Bumped into: MET. Okay - but met seems more planned than unexpected.


  1. WARNING, a wee bit on the racy side.

    There was a girl from TAHITI
    Whose titter sounded tee-hee-hee.
    Her ROSY smiles
    Drew boys from miles
    Who loved to see her ti-hi-tis!

    A hooker was proud of herself
    Her attributes gained her much pelf.
    Her motto, she said
    Whenever in bed,
    Was take pleasure and SPREAD THE WEALTH!

    {B-, A-.}

  2. FIR in 36:05 min.

    Wonderful Wednesday Writers!

    Thank you Tim Schenck for this crunchy CW. I had to pull out all the stops for the NE cell.

    Thank you melissa bee for your excellent review.

    1 A -- WCs: LAVS, "Etymonline first attests "water closet" in 1755. Presumably the first WCs were converted closets (or closet-sized rooms) that had running water to carry the waste away." --LINK--.


  3. Thank you mb for the tour if Tim's midweek challenge.
    We had a CSO to me with ARGO and Oo with MAI TAI her mixed drink of choice, one of which was used last evening to toast my nephew who is moving to Deland.
    Speaking of etymology Dave

    prig (n.)
    "precision in speech or manners," 1753, originally in reference to theological scruples (1704), of unknown origin; earlier appearances of the same word meaning "dandy, fop" (1670s), "thief" (c. 1600; in the form prigger recorded from 1560s) could be related, as could thieves' cant prig "a tinker" (1560s).

    A p[rig] is wise beyond his years in all the things that do not matter. A p. cracks nuts with a steam hammer: that is, calls in the first principles of morality to decide whether he may, or must, do something of as little importance as drinking a glass of beer. On the whole, one may, perhaps, say that all his different characteristics come from the combination, in varying proportions, of three things--the desire to do his duty, the belief that he knows better than other people, & blindness to the difference in value between different things. ["anonymous essay," quoted in Fowler, 1926]

  4. Oh Lemonade714 at 5:06 AM don't be such a PRIG.


  5. Today's USA TODAY, I FIR in 20:04 min. --LINK--.


  6. Good morning!

    Time sent me down a few rabbit holes this morning with LooS, KILOwatT (remember Reddy?) and MATter of honor. But the stains came out in the wash, and this one was finished in normal early-week time. Thanx, Tim and Melissa Bee.

    POCO -- Reminded me of the '60s music duo, the Pozo-Seco Singers. (OK, I don't know my Poco from my Pozo.) I'm told a pozo-seco is a dry well. Don Williams went on from there to a successful solo career.

    SNOWPLOW -- Do the still have those things? Haven't seen one in years and years.

  7. FIR, but had to erase loos for LAVS and eerie for SCARY.

    In the Ma Bell world, WC was Wire Chief - the person the technician calls to test the connection between the customer's premise to the telco central office. His (it was always a he in those days) station was at a WCTS (Wire Chief Test Set).

    FLN, PK, building with cottonwood sounds scary. Our house was built in 1914, back when a 2 x 4 was 2" by 4". Haven't seen any substandard materials yet, except our "hardwood" floors are pine.

    Thanks to Tom for the fun puzzle. I liked BRIDESMAID and MATRON of honor. Only one wedding invite this season- my step-grand daughter from Seattle is getting married in PA. I'm making it a vacation, taking the motorhome up and camping near Intercourse. And thanks to Melissa B for the interesting narrative.

  8. Good Morning, Melissab and friends.

    Like D-O, I started this puzzle with Loos before being convinced we needed the LAVS.

    Interesting about Paul Gauguin. Certainly didn't do a deep dive into his life in art school.

    QOD: Corruption never has been compulsory. ~ Anthony Eden (né Robert Anthony Eden; June 12, 1897 ~ Jan. 14, 1977), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  9. OKL, I would love to hear your stories about the inability to differentiate girl friends' faces. Never heard of that before. But I once knew a guy who lost his girl friend - he forgot where he laid her.

  10. 7:25 today. I guessed at the crossing of Arco and Eocene.
    If they appear tomorrow, I'll likely have to guess then too.

  11. Good morning everyone.

    A nice gift from Tim Schenck. (Schenken means 'give' in German.) :-)

    Solved with a few perp helps - LARS, ARCO. Had YOLK, but first spelt it 'yoke'. D'uh.
    Fun to work on.
    KILOVOLT - Usually abbreviated KV. We have a 765KV line connecting the Quebec border with our area. 345KV connects Niagara with eastern NY and Ont.

    Off to play some bridge.

  12. Wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for the fun, Tim and Melissa bee.
    I found the money today (and was reminded of James H on Jeopardy with ALL IN).
    But I arrived here to discover that I FIWed. Like Anon@8:02, I guessed at the cross of 36A and 25D, and had a Z instead of the C. I should have known ARCO.

    My fielder had a strong Arm before PEG. Hand up for Loos before LAVS.
    I remembered to leave the U out of HUMOR.
    TAHITI changed Daddy to DIDDY.
    I smiled at the new cluing for AREA, and at KILOVOLT after previous energy discussions.
    CSO to our beloved Argyle with those ROSY Santa cheeks.

    We have beautiful weather (no SNOWPLOWS!) and I must do some work in my gardens.

    Wishing you all a great day.

  13. WC- Just a reminder... It was an English plumber, Thomas Crapper, that invented the modern toilet.

  14. Good Morning:

    Saw the theme early on due to the tell-tale circles. I think circles in a mid-week puzzle detract from the difficulty level and, therefore, the challenge. That said, the reveal was spot on and fresh. I needed perps for Kilovolt, Lars, and Eocene. CSO to CC at Olio, one of her favorite words. CSO to me at Scam for the five robo calls in a six hour period yesterday advising me that my Social Security number had been used fraudulently on the Southern border of Texas. The caller was the same all five times, but there were 3 different spoofed numbers. I saw the Loot ~ Looter duo but missed the Voila ~ Viola entries.

    Thanks, Tim, for a fun solve and thanks, Melissa, for the neat summary.

    Have a great day.

    1. You can buy a small device that hooks in to your phone outlet that will allow you to push a button that will block calls from the robo caller numbers. Got one a couple of months ago and have now blocked over two hundred spammers.

  15. Hi Y'all! Thanks, Tim & Melissa.

    No circles and I couldn't come up with the CASH. Story of my life. I though GOL in MONGOLIAN was going for the GOLd but it didn't materialize.

    NE was last to fill. DNK: LOCKE, POG, EOCENE, and one other that I noted, but can't read my writing.

    Hand up for wanting "watt" before KILOVOLT. KILOVOLT? Is that right, our esteemed electrical engineers?

    Jinx FLN: my old stone house was mostly built in 1878 before the railroad was built thru. They were still hauling "good" lumber from 100 mis. away by wagon. Only one of the six rooms in the original house had cottonwood beams. The river half a mile away had plenty of cottonwoods. I think they ran out of the good boards and made-do with the nearby stuff. It looked okay after the lath & plaster went on but the ceiling cracked a lot more than other rooms.

    1. Kilo, prefix is equal to 1,000. 1 kilovolt equals 1,000 volts.

  16. Musings¬
    -A fun puzzle where the gimmick stood out like a brick in a punch bowl
    -Yeah, I’m the only guy who had K I L O _ _ _ _ and put in WATT
    -8’ tall HEMP plants thrive around corn fields here
    -The Mona Lisa only became famous because an Italian man stole it from the Louvre in 1911 to try to return it to Italy
    -Fill in the blank: Gary Cooper : TERSE = ________ : YAKKING
    -A “free” MINT after I paid for a $35 steak?
    -I wish our city’s SNOWPLOWS had this feature (:29)
    -I’m off to present Bernoulli’s Principle to 150 people. Have you seen the leaf blower/toilet paper demo?

  17. HG, some videos are just too gruesome to watch. Are there no buses or planes from Nebraska to little latitudes? Oh the humanity!

    The Pacific Coast Intertie sports 1 megavolts (DC) from its + to its - conductors. Each is a half-megavolt from ground. Sends 'lectric from the Pacific Northwest to LA in the summer, and from LA to the Pacific Northwest in the winter. Capacity is 3 gigawatts.

  18. In the small world department, I learned today that Cieszyn is a small town of 36,000 residents that sits on the Olza River, which divides Poland and the Czech Republic. Technically, there are two cities: Cieszyn, Poland, and Český Těšín, Czech Republic, but the city functions ostensibly as a single entity. Until the write-up yesterday, I had not seen the word Český and now I know without looking it up that Český means Czech, in Czech.

    Speaking of Snowplows, do you know the words BLENKY or SWULLOCKING? I no longer know why, but I just ran across this fascinating LIST OF WEATHER WORDS YOU DON'T KNOW

  19. Enjoyable puzzle, if a bit crunchy here and there (appropriate for a Wednesday). Many thanks, Tim. And neat commentary, Melissa, thanks for that too. Like others, had LOOS before LAVS, but got BRIDESMAID early on, and the BREAD alerted me to the money theme. Lots of fun, thanks again.

    Two medical appointments this morning, so have to rush off.

    Have a good day, everybody.

  20. Alas, I have to be the grouchy guy today. This one seems to set a record for crosswordese fill in a single puzzle. Ester and enol, the former stacked with tiara and rheas. Viola and voila. Ism, yak, arco, ebb, darns filling the middle. RSVP, epee, prig, een side by side. Seems as if the wordlist is strong with this one.


  21. This was a Wednesday appropriate puzzle.

    Some crunch as expected.

    Bit on Electrical Unit so...

    Markovers....KILOWATT/KILOVOLT. Will I never learn?

    And on to Thursday, when it might actually stop raining.

  22. "-Fill in the blank: Gary Cooper : TERSE = Mike Lindel (the My Pillow guy) : YAKKING

    I was warned about a guy in he GTE training department: Don't ask him the time, he'll tell you how to build a watch.

  23. Hola!

    Thank you Tim Schenck and Melissa! You both gave us an OLIO of fun today.

    I saw the money theme but also a mini theme in UNION, MATRON of honor and BRIDESMAIDS.

    My first thought at WCs was loos but I held back and mentally worked out that it would be LAVS. However, I had SISALS until HEMPS emerged. KILOWATT also gave way to KILOVOLT.

    The only doubt I had was at PEG. Really?

    It's a busy day ahead so I'll say adios for now.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

  24. Hmmmm. The normal Houston smuir has eased a bit today. Of all those weather words, the only one I recognized was thunder-head, which we normally spell thunderhead.

    Jinx (and other electrical geniuses), I thought AC power became the power standard so that you didn't need a DC generating station every few miles. What is it that makes long distance, high voltage transmission by DC practical? [Note: You'll need to 'splain that in itty bitty words.]

  25. I can't imagine a duelist ever calling out, "Hand me my EPEE!"
    It's a *#@! sword, Damnit!

    Thanks, Melissa, for your fine response, and especially for reminding me of Mr. Bueller's rejection of ISMs.

    Good luck with your docs, Misty. Hope all's well!

    Sorry to see Emma Boettcher gone so soon from Jeopardy. I liked her look--neat, modest, bright and promising.
    I wondered what became of her, as I missed the episode of her defeat here in SoCal. I had to go online to learn her fate.
    How could she have mistaken Arlo for his Dad?!
    ~ OMK
    Abbondanza! One diagonal on the near side and a 3-way in the mirror.
    Starting out we have a salute to somebody's favorite dives, those magnificent taverns, the...
    but on the far side we find a curious reference to a security device that's apparently too slow to catch any speedy perps, the so-called...

  26. I wanted LOOS and strongly resisted LAVS until Viola cam along, which forced me against my will into answering LAVS. In (American) plumbing, a LAV is specifically a bathroom BASIN (distinct from a kitchen SINK) and a WC or TOILET is, well, the toilet. So to me WCS are definitely NOT LAVS. But hey, this is crosswordese day, as noted by Northwest Runner. Lots of cutting of slack today.

    It turns out my BRIDEGROOM turned to be BRIDESMAID because BREOM isn't a word for money. I smiled when I wrote it in, though, because it made me think of BRAM, that Stoker guy. I can't think of anybody else named Bram although there are probably hundreds. (I just looked it up and holy cow there's a British musician named Bram Tchaikovsky. That's just his stage name, though, and not his real name. I also learned that Bram is not necessarily an Irish name, as it is derived from the name Abraham, and common in Dutch-speaking regions.)

    I had VOLT before I had KILO because I already had ENOL and MINTS. However, the presence of VIOLA did hold me back from filling VOILA. It all worked out, of course.

    To those who asked, a kilovolt is simply a way of saying one thousand volts, just as a kilogram is 1000 grams and a kilometer is 1000 meters.

    Melissa, I learned a lot about Gauguin from the link you provided. Thank you.

    The only OFFAL I have eaten any significant quantities of are chicken liver. heart, and gizzard. I see the Offal Eater's Handbook also includes skin, so yes I've eaten plenty of that. I like tendon in my pho, and I did have a steak and kidney pie once. There used to be a Campbell's soup I liked, called Scotch Broth, which I think had tripe in it, so there's that, too. And oh yes, tongue. So, I hereby retract the first sentence of this paragraph.

    I have YAKKED enough. Good wishes to you all.

  27. Thanks, O'Man Keith. Medical tests all went well, but won't get the results on the most important one for a while.

  28. Jayce ~
    My most memorable gaffe as a too-young grad student in England came when an adopt-a-poor-student hostess once served us steak and kidney pie for dinner.
    When I realized what it was in my mouth (phooey!), I took care to separate out the bits of kidney to the side of my plate. They gradually formed a neat little stack that proved difficult to ignore.
    Our hostess inquired ever-so-politely, "Oh, don't you care for kidney?"
    Whereupon I answered, "No, I'm sorry. You see, at home, we feed this to our cats."
    ~ OMK

  29. Thanks, Tim Schenk, for the detailed info on OFFAL. I'm more convinced than ever that it's AWFUL.

  30. I forgot to add to my previous post:
    ~ OMK

  31. When I first visited Europe many moons ago, I was greatly surprised to see the signs indicating "toilet" and thought, what a great idea! We should adopt that word instead of the misleading bathroom.

    If you saw the Tony Awards show on Sunday with it's episode inside the "bathroom" you noticed how awkward it looked to have the dancers exit from the toilet stalls and refer to them as bathrooms. I would hereby like to start a movement to refer to toilets as toilets. Some airports already do. Is anyone with me?

  32. I think that is a shitty idea.

  33. No thank you to OFFAL. I'll stick to hot dogs and sausage, especially chorizo.

    DO, the very thing that makes AC handy for regional transmission makes it inefficient for long haul, high voltage, heavy current use. AC can use transformers, while DC cannot. When current flows and the voltage swings from positive to negative and back, any wire that is close to the conductors will be energized. At household voltages and currents the effect is negligible, and to make a transformer the wires from the source (called the primary side) is wound into a coil and placed close to the coiled wires connected to the device that needs a different voltage (called the secondary side). The transformer works because of that relationship, called "coupling" (back to bridesmaid and matron of honor).

    With very high voltage and current, the transmission lines (there are usually three with a small neutral wire) will couple with each other, any other wires nearby, and even the transmission towers. All this coupling leads to lost power. DC transmission doesn't couple, it just creates a magnetic field. Therefore that technique doesn't experience that loss.

    Profits are good
    Competition is bad
    I like doughnuts
    (apologies to Scott Adams)

  34. Lucina, I vote for the generic term "rest room."

  35. Terry, what is the make and model of the robo-caller blocking device you refer to, and where can one buy it?

  36. Re: WC:

    Head – Marine toilet. In its original form, toilet facilities were found right forward in the bows, so that the smell would be blown downwind and away from the ship (since sailing ships could not lie directly into the wind when underway). The extreme fore part of a ship was known as the "beakhead," which may have been shortened to "head" over time.
    (BH knows what it means.)

  37. Hi All!

    Thank you Tim for a fine Wednesday puzzle. Wonderful expo mb - love me some Ferris Bueller and Blazing Saddles!

    WOs: cAHN b/f KAHN, P-DIDY, LARz
    ESPs: ARCO, EOCENE (Hi @8:02 Anon!), OFFAL
    Fav: 65a caught me for a while - I was thinking literal "gusts" and guffawed when TERSE pop'd out.

    {B, A}
    GLACIAL CAM - watch the ice-caps melt... :-(

    Jinx - LOL build a watch guy.

    Lucina - I'm a baseball fan and PEG

    Jayce - your description of OFFAL made me look up what's in haggis. I had haggis once - it is part of the breakfast sides in our Aberdeen office. Hey, I had to try it. And it wasn't that bad -- tasted like oddly spiced hamburger with a texture to match.

    I don't care what The Can is called, just point me that way when I start hopping around like a loon.

    Cheers, -T

  38. D4 - thanks for calling out C.C.'s puzzle -- Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign [3:00 Five Man Electric Band]

    Cheers, -T

  39. First FLN: I didn't know ASADA but guessed. I ended up with MODE LT. What a V 8 slap when I finally got here

    Prescience is something I was going to post at the J, but it's gotten late (especially for my Bruins. ). I mentioned to Irene at the pool that she was CSO'ed at the Xword. She mentioned Irene CARA who popped in the next day and shortly thereafter Irene DUNNE appeared. The grandslam? IRINA the skater.

    Today was crunchy; I didn't see how the circles helped they were simply theme. The classic PRIG was Fraser, especially his role in Cheers.

    The real WC

  40. Have to agree with Northwest Runner on this one. Throw in olio, sepal, Mao, stye, rho, Tbar, Argo, and hies to the crosswordese words. A real slog. I can’t complain about the circles, very appropriate for this puzzle. Not in a good mood right now, my Boston Bruins just got routed by the St. Louis Blues in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final.

  41. One thing I'll commend the hockey player's behavior. After a brutal seven game series which included a broken jaw, several cheap shots and other various dubious behaviors, the players still line up afterwards where every player shakes the hands of the other team's players. I even saw several embraces, conversations and genuinely congratulatory offerings. This happens in bo other professional sport that I am aware of. The TV commentator mentioned this tradition goes back to over 100 years ago.

    Still brutal though, did I mention the broken jaw, another concussion and the 8 year old kid flipping the bird to a player as he was leveled? But I admit
    I was engrossed for the final 3 games.

    #playoffhockey #eliminationgames

  42. Here's a joke I just saw:

    A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, “Harry, what’s your problem?”

    Harry answered, “I’m too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I’m smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!”

    Ms. Brooks had enough. She took Harry to the principal’s office.

    While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed.

    Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

    Principal: “What is 3 x 3?”

    Harry: “9.”

    Principal: “What is 6 x 6?”

    Harry: “36.”

    And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.

    The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, “I think Harry can go to the 3rdgrade.”

    Ms. Brooks says to the principal, “Let me ask him some questions.”

    The principal and Harry both agreed.

    Ms. Brooks asks, “What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?”

    Harry, after a moment: “Legs.”

    Ms Brooks: “What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?”

    The principal wondered why would she ask such a question!

    Harry replied: “Pockets.”

    Ms. Brooks: “What does a dog do that a man steps into?”

    Harry: “Pants.”

    The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open.

    Ms. Brooks: “What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?”

    The principal’s eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, “Bubble gum.”

    Ms. Brooks: “What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?”

    Harry: “Shake hands.”

    The principal was trembling.

    Ms. Brooks: “What word starts with an ‘F’ and ends in ‘K’ that means a lot of heat and excitement?”

    Harry: “Firetruck.”

    The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, “Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last six questions wrong… “

  43. WC:

    My friend, Mark, and I each have the same kind of telephone and he recently discovered an internal blocking feature. It's well explained in the manual. So now when an unwanted call appears I go through the process and block it! It's terrific. I'm aware that some of those scammers use multiple numbers but I know what to do. What I don't understand is how my own number can appear on the caller ID! It's happened several times.

    LOL, head and can! I'd even call it the john.

  44. Lord Stan @10:38...

    Can I call you Stan? :-)

    When I was a kid playing baseball, win or lose, we'd shake hands with our opponents and acknowledge "Good Game." Some kids would 1/2-ass "butt hurt" say it, but most of us would acknowledge a certain play or player that made a good play. //long aside: Pawnee (IL) Lumber had the best team in the area (won State a few time IIRC) and would whip our butts [ever see an 12yro throw upper-80 pitches?] but they gave my unassisted triple-play a nod after we actually won a game.

    Anyway, I kinda wish MLB had that tradition too. //I sometimes see NFL players say 'Hi' and congratulate former teammates after games.

    WC - LOL!

    Lucina - in the past caller-ID spoofing was done through manipulating ANI* data. Now, with VoIP (Voice Over IP) in the mix anyone can setup a virtual PBX* and game the system.
    Here's more than you ever wanted to know from Rapid7 [Rapid7 is a respected security company - I know many of the folks there].

    Cheers, -T
    *Jinx - I'm not a "real" TeleCom guy - correct my nomenclature.

  45. Lucina ~
    Toilet is fine with me. But how to get anyone's attention...?
    ~ OMK

  46. Toilet, Powder-Room, Bathroom, Head, Loo, Lav, WC, Can, Shitter, Pisser, Latrine, Potty... Just point - I gotta go! :-)


  47. Jerome - D'Oh! I forgot Crapper in my list. -T

  48. Or...
    dunny, poopatorium, the pool(as in drop the kids off at the pool), fudge pot, thunderbox, the throne, the library and many many more.*

    *just found out that there is also an

  49. OMK:
    We start with ourselves, one by one until it catches on.

    Thank you.

  50. Full Stop...
    I was just reviewing everyone's posts (to wrap up the day) and noticed that I said:
    "Lucina - I'm a baseball fan and PEG "(?)

    Where did "stymied me too." go? Lucina, I've never [that I recall] heard that either and should have included it in my ESPs.

    Sorry for the over-post, -T

  51. Anon-T @ 11:38 ...

    "You need to setup your Asterisk server to where it can be accessible—ideally an external IP. However, internally NAT’ed will work if you plan on VPN’ing in and using a softphone or using port forwarding. FreePBX is available as an AWS AMI image, so that’s the route that I took. The specifications can be run in the free tier and Elastic computing will run you approximately $10 a month depending on utilization of the PBX and, if you’re like me, leave it powered on all the time."

    Sorry, but my Mongolian-Romanian dictionary is on the fritz.


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