, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Craig Stowe

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Apr 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Craig Stowe

This is the WAY.  The second word of two-word theme entries can follow "WAY" to make in-the-language words or phrases

17. *Necessary road trip stop: GAS STATION.  You have to fill 'er up if you plan on going very far. But, for now, stay home, please.  A WAY STATION is an intermediate stopping point on a travel route.

26. *Place for a sleeper hit, maybe: FLIP SIDE.  Refers to old 45 phonograph records.  Remember them? The WAYSIDE is the land adjacent to a roadway.  To fall "by the WAYSIDE" is to fall into a condition of neglect or misuse.

36. *Wild West impresario: BUFFALO BILL.  William Frederick Cody [1846-1917] was an American soldier, bison hunter and showman, most famous for the Wild West Show he toured through the United States and Europe.  A WAY BILL is a document prepared by the carrier of a shipment of goods that contains details of the shipment, route, and charges.

49. *"Once and Again" actress: SELA WARD.  This TV show ran from 1999-2002.  I never watched it.  Sela [b 1956] is an American actor and producer.

To be WAYWARD is to be unpredictable or difficult to control due to unusual or perverse behavior.

59. Crossroads concern, and where you might find the answers to starred clues' ending words: RIGHT OF WAY.  This can refer to a variety of things: a legal passage over another person's property; the land occupied by a public road, railroad, or utility; or the right to take precedence in traffic.  Here, the word WAY can be placed to the left of the second theme words, placing them to the RIGHT OF WAY.

Hi gang, it's JazzBumpa, here to show you the WAY.  Let's go.


1. Novelist __ Carol Oates: JOYCE.  [b 1938]  She has written 58 novels and several plays and novellas, and had won numerous awards.

6. Frittata ingredients: EGGS.  Is it am omelet or a quiche?

10. "__ baby!": ATTA.  Congrats!

14. They might be common: AREAS.  These are AREAS that may legally be used by more than one person.

15. Christmas purchase: TREE.  For decorating

16. El Misti's land: PERU.  El Misti is a 19,000 ft. high volcano in southern Peru.

19. Thrice dos: SEIS.  Three times two is six in Spanish.

20. Part of CPU: UNIT.   Central Processing UNIT - the brain module of a computer.

21. Honey, in slang: BAE. Before All Else.  You're no. 1 for me.

22. Where to see sites: THE NET.  The interwebs - it's a series of tubes.

24. Court great Andre: AGASSI.  Andre [b 1980,] a retired American professional tennis player, is an 8 time grand slam champion, and 1996 olympic gold medalist

28. "Losing My Religion" band: REM.  An American rock band formed in Atlanta, GA in 1980.

29. And so on: Abbr.: ETC.

31. Young __: kids, in dialect: -UNS.  The kiddos.

32. Palme __: Cannes award: D'OR.  Palm leaf of Gold, the highest award at the festival.

33. Frat house greeting: BRO-HUG.  Brotherly love.

35. Top-notch: A-ONE.  The best.

39. Bog buildup: PEAT.  A deposit of partly decomposed vegetation formed under wet conditions.

41. Bagel choice: SESAME.  Adorned with flavorful seeds.

42. Olive __: OYL. Popeye's love.

43. Tramcar filler: ORE.  Mining product.

45. "How Easy Is That?" cookbook writer Garten: INA. [b 1948] The Barefoot Contessa.

46. National econ. stat: GDPGross Domestic Product -- or G National P.  Always requires a perp.

52. Key with one flat: D MINOR. The relative MINOR of F major.

54. Robin's family: THRUSH The family, Turdidae, of passerine birds with a worldwide distribution. [Wikipedia]

55. Here, on MÈtro maps: ICI.  Literal, in French.

57. Grandkid spoiler, often: NANA.  Grandmother.

58. Word before ring or swing: MOOD.  A temporary state of mind.

62. H.G. Wells race: ELOI.  Far future people from The Time Machine.

63. The Bosporus borders it: ASIA.   Europe too, I would imagine.

64. Infuriated: IRATE.  Very angry.

65. Pixar clownfish: NEMO.   From that movie where they were looking for him.

66. Hagar the Horrible's daughter: HONI.

67. "Ciao!": LATER.  See ya'.


1. Automaker with a feline logo: JAGUAR.

2. Marmalade fruit: ORANGE.  Are there any others?

3. Positive reply: YES I AM.  Affirmative.

4. Finds players for: CASTS.  Selects the actors for a play or movie.

5. Toronto winter hrs.: ESTEastern Standard Time.

6. 1993 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee James: ETTA.  Jamesetta Hawkins [1938-2012] was an American singer who performed in many genres:blues, R&B, soul, rock and roll, jazz and gospel.

7. "Good __!": GRIEF. Charlie Brown's exclamation of disappointment.

8. 1990s Chevrolet subdivision: GEO.  It marketed models made in joint ventures with three Japanese companies: the Prizm with Toyota, the Metro and Tracker with Suzuki, and Spectrum and Storm made for GM by Isuzu n Japan.

9. Submitted: SENT IN.  As, frex., your tax return.

10. Areas for religious statues: APSES.  Semi-circular recesses covered with hemispherical vaults or domes.

11. Young star: TEEN IDOL.  A young celebrity popular with an adolescent audience.

12. Tested for size: TRIED ON.  Refers to article of clothing.

13. Forbidding: AUSTERE. Severe, ascetic, of unadorned style.  This does not strike me as a particularly apt match.

18. Minimal: A BIT OF.  Not much.  Perhaps somewhat AUSTERE.

23. Officejet Pro printers: HPSHewlett Packard.

25. Feudal drudge: SERF.  A medieval peasant living in a condition of debt bondage and indentured servitude.  A SERF was bound to the land owned by the lord of the manor.

27. Horror legend Bela: LUGOSI.  Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó [1882-1956] known professionally as Bela Lugosi, was a Hungarian-American actor best remembered for portraying Count Dracula in the 1931 film and for his roles in other horror films.  His acting scope in the U.S. was severely limited by his thick Hungarian accent.

30. Beer after bourbon, say: CHASER. A weaker drink taken after a stronger one.

33. Save: BUT.  Except for.

34. Suffix meaning "little": ULE.  As in globule.

35. Smithwick's product: ALE. Founded n Kilkenny in 1710, it's red ale product is the most consumed ale in Ireland

36. Dance venue: BALLROOM.  A large room in a building that is intended for large gatherings.

37. Western baddie: BANDIT.  Typical black hat gunslinging villain.

38. Mosque holy man: IMAM.  Prayer and worship leader.

39. Male carriers?: POSTMEN.  I suppose female [letter] carriers would be postwomen.

40. Hotel door feature: EYEHOLE.  A small hole in a door, typically equipped with a lens to observe potential visitors.

43. Pained sounds: OWS.  Occasionally accompanied by colorful vocabulary.

44. Gung-ho: RAH-RAH.  Focussed enthusiasm.

46. Bother incessantly: GNAW AT.

47. Campaign website button: DONATE.

48. Grace, e.g.: PRAYER.  Grace is the name given to a prayer recited before a meal.

50. Transcriber's source material: AUDIO.  In this context, a spoken broadcast.

51. "Let's eat!": DIG IN!

53. Red head?: INFRA.  A prefix for red, referring to light with wavelengths longer than visible light - and thus lower frequencies.

56. Cardamom-infused tea: CHAI. From the Chinese word for tea.

60. Classified ad shorthand for "seeking": ISO.  In search of, perhaps?

61. Olive __: OIL. The OIL produced by pressing whole olives.  Also a clecho with homophonic answers.

That wraps it up.  Make sure you go the RIGHT WAY - which for now means to stay home and stay safe.

Cool regards!


  1. Would you put an IDOL in an APSE?
    Well, to put it elsewhere would be a lapse.
    The niches are semi-circular
    Which means the doming curvature
    Consist of semi-demi-spherical caps!

    Many a masseuse will use an aromatic OIL
    But not the kind that Popeye uses on his "goil".
    He squeezes it from spinach
    From the first drop to the "finich",
    Then he uses it to lube his squeeze, Miss OYL!

    {B-, B+.}

  2. FIR, but erased the web for THE NET, reo for REM, ava for ANA, gmc for GEO, and ite for ULE.

    Duluth Trading sells BALLROOM jeans featuring the "man space you crave."

    I would remember BAE if Ranger had called Stephanie that instead of "babe". (It's Wednesday, so I think an obscure Evanovich reference is OK.)

    I always thought the THRUSH logo bird was a woodpecker.

    Erin Andrews was victimized by a creep taking pictures through the eye hole, which I always knew as a peephole.

    FLN: -T, opportunists sold teeshirts proclaiming "I'd walk over you to see The Who" after a stampede at their concert in Cincinnati killed 11 folks in 1979. I wonder how many they would have sold had eBay been around.

    Thanks to Craig for the clever, interesting puzzle. At first I thought it was going to be very difficult for a weekday, but the many unknowns didn't cross and even I was able to get it all. And thanks to JzB for the interesting review. DNK ETTA James' birth name until today.

  3. Good morning!

    Got 'er done, but made a few missteps along the way. Those "common" things weren't NOUNS and that 3-letter band wasn't ELO. Had to WAG that O at the ISO/HONI cross. Nice mid-week adventure, Craig. JzB, I was right on your wavelength this morning with your thinking RE AUSTERE, ETC evoking Yul, and WAYWARD evoking Gogi.

    WAYSIDE: It's what we always called the picnic area at the side of the highway. I think there may even have been highway signs: "Wayside ahead."

    BALLROOM: My father claimed this was a feature of his "dancing pants.

  4. Thank you, Craig and Ron. I am typing on my HP All-in-one which uses an HP printer if I would print.

    JzB, I have bought Lime marmalade for many years for tarter flavor, but this COMPANY produces many intriguing variations.

    I do not think I have seen the OLIVE ___ clecho before.

    I love the new cluing in Red head?: INFRA which appears to be Craig/Rich's creation.

    Be carful, be safe and and don't get over-stimulated by those checks coming in.

  5. Completed the puzzle but did not understand the theme untill I saw the write-up.

  6. Fun puzzle with a nice Wednesday crunch.
    Red head?: INFRA make me smile.
    Didn't get the theme either until coming here.

  7. DNF on Natick ISO/HONI. It could have been a nice puzzle but wasn’t.

  8. Hi gang -

    I'll have to admit it took me a awhile to suss the theme - then it was an aha! moment.


  9. Good morning everyone.

    Really DUG the theme with the WAY words. Knew robin was a THRUSH. Held back on F MAJOR because nothing seemed to 'cross'. When BANDIT came in, D MINOR fit. Always have to be careful with AGASSI spelling because of similar Agassiz, a famous geologist and the namesake for Lake Agassiz, the post glacial lake that later became Lake Winnipeg.
    I enjoyed Craig's puzzle.
    ORANGE marmalade - I use Chiver's Olde English almost exclusively. Love it.
    PEAT - German Torf, L. German Törf. Seems akin to English turf. When in Schleswig, we visited the familial peat bog. As a kid, my mother had to dig up peat into blocks and then let it dry for several months before burning. Those wet blocks are really heavy and it must have been hard work.
    DIG IN - My Dad used to say "Hau rin!" (have at it!)
    WAYBILL - Differs from a Bill of Lading because it also conveys title to the goods carried. (Said with all deference to Hahtoolah and Lemonade.)

  10. Hola!

    Thank you, JazzB, for explaining the theme. Now it makes perfect sense, of course.

    I know of JOYCE Carol Oates but I'm not sure if I've read any of her books. BRO-HUG really stymied me for a while and in fact, the B was my last fill.

    Interesting to see OIL and OYL. I did a double take on them thinking it would be a repetition and a no, no.

    I like ORANGE marmalade and was unaware of other flavors. Thank you, Lemonade.

    YES, I AM a NANA.

    Peep hole is also more familiar to me than EYEHOLE. And learning ETTA James birth name was a nice surprise, too.

    MOOD rings flashed through a short span of fame in the 70s or was it the 80s?

    Thank you, Craig Stowe, for this Wednesday treat, and Jazzbumpa for unraveling it.

    Enjoy a safe and healthy day, everyone!

  11. 1derfool, I love your name! Welcome to the Corner and tell us about yourself sometime soon.

  12. 13 down; forbidding - austere, worse clue. Otherwise, enjoyable Wednesday.

  13. Hello, all. Challenging puzzle for me today. I drew a blank on BANDIT and didn't have enough help from the crosses to figure it out without turning on "Error Check" mode. But I don't have any complaints about unfairness or obscurity. I could've gotten it if my neurons were firing.

    I had never heard of a waybill but the other themed entries made sense to me. I liked BROHUG and I agree with other comments that "Red Head" was a clever clue for a common answer.

    I saw it snowed in Chicago today. No, thanks! That's why I moved to Texas all those years ago.

  14. This was a fun puzzle and theme - though WAY BILL is a new term to me thanks for the explanation.
    I was a little slowed up when I thought Smithwick made ham instead of ALE, but perps rescued me from that.
    The unfortunate stalker incident Erin Andrews went through wasn't from the EYEHOLE in the door, the man would get the hotel staff to let him know what room she was staying in and give him the room next door and then he would make peepholes to film her in her room. Every woman's (who has stayed alone in a hotel) worst nightmare!

    Thanks JzB - I always enjoy your musical links! and to Craig for the puzzle!

  15. Mirriam-Webster

    harsh and threatening in manner or appearance
    told us in a forbidding voice to stop calling him by that name

    Synonyms for forbidding

    austere, dour, fierce, flinty, grim, gruff, intimidating, lowering (also louring), rough, rugged, severe, stark, steely, stern, ungentle

  16. Nice puzzle. I liked the theme but to suss it I needed the reveal, which made it abundantly clear.
    JzB, thanks for The Wayward Wind and the interesting blog.
    My next door neighbor when I was a kid was the stationmaster at our small town freight only railroad station. He talked of waybills. Waybill is seen in novels, too.
    I would find downing a beer CHASER with the taste of bourbon still in my mouth to be forbidding. Yuk!
    In regard to people who are off putting: Forbidding - harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance. Austere - stern or strict in demeanor. I liked this clue very much.
    Also, a forbidding landscape is austere. I have often seen these words used as synonyms in this way.
    Lemon, my thoughts, exactly.
    Our condos here have many park like common areas, not forbidding or austere at all.
    Our dance venue is shut down. Square dancing involves close contact and touching so I fear it will be months until we can dance again. I miss it and my dancing friends so much. Square dance clubs and churches have both been struggling with declining membership in recent years. Avid dancers and church members will be eager to return when it is safe to do so, but I am afraid the less avid will not be likely to return. Those dance students who were scheduled to complete their lessons in April or May, without out any practice to reinforce what they learned will have forgotten most of it. Will they come back?

  17. Good Morning:

    Cute theme and reveal and well hidden, to boot; my kind of puzzle. Eye hole and Bro hug seem a little forced. I liked the duos of Oyl and Oil and Ule and Ale. My GNP morphed into GDP with perps. My favorite C/A was Male carriers=Postmen.

    Thanks, Craig and JazB, for an enjoyable solve and summary.


    CED, I loved all the Middle Man cartoons, especially the one you directed to me!

    Stay safe, all.

  18. Musings
    -I thought everyone would understand “33 Down, Save/BUT “ me. It struck me just before I logged on
    -Some say BUFFALO BILL was the man who created the Wild West
    -I looked up the last 25 Palm D’OR winners and we didn’t pay to see any of them
    -Disney carries no ORE but is big in TRAM ownership
    -I am rarely “infuriated” but have a knack for sometimes making my lovely bride “infuriated”
    -Does saying JAGUAR with three syllables sound pretentious to you?
    -Bad CASTING? Exhibit A
    -Indian to Native American and POSTMEN to Mail Carrier work for me
    -We can’t see INFRARED light nor can we hear INFRASONIC sounds
    -The Everly Brothers asked Roy Orbison for a B-SIDE for All I Have To Do Is Dream and he gave them the song he wrote for his first wife - Claudette which also made the charts

  19. Good GRIEF this was like a Saturday plus puzzle for me. Lots of head scratching (without face touching). Even tried PRAYER!

    Finally gave up, DNF. The rest was completed but in the end NW got me. Did not know JOYCE and stuck with "reo" instead of REM so YESIAM was blank as well. I should have know common AREAS. (But I did know Jag YOU are)

    BAE for "honey" was a perp walk . (Bee spit wouldn't fit) so were many others. EL Misti? (EL CID's emotional brother?)

    POSTMEN clue was kinda clumsy. Male carrier is the Y chromosome. One of my college classmates was the first post woman in Utica early 70s. Summer sub. Dad was a mailman, postman, or letter carrier depending on who asked me. "Is your father a doctor? Ans. " a specialist, a doctor of letters."

    Thought a CLECHO was same clue with totally different answers? OIL/OYL .

    In the spirit of the clever BALLROOM comments.

    "Going bra-less".......FRITATA.


    "If he won't answer to Mr. Corleone....TRIEDON.

    "Feudal peasants' association _____ Board" ...SERF

    Better luck tomorrow

  20. Inanehiker, just wondering where you got the information for you correction. Not the most reliable source, but reported, supposedly from trial testimony: After hearing Andrews leave, he removed the peephole from her door and went back to his own room, where he used a hacksaw to cut off the threads attached to it. "I removed the peephole, altered it,” he said. “I cut off the threads so it was basically a plug and could be put back in.”

    Was that fake news?

  21. "Although we both emphasize the first syllable, Jaguar is pronounced “JAG-you-ar” in the U.K. and more like “JAG-wahr” here.
    Pretentious means attempting to impress, an affectation. I think the way JAGUAR is pronounced is not usually an affectation. The same goes for VASE ( veys, veyz, vahz ) and AUNT (ahnt or ant).
    Our pronunciation usually reflects how we have heard a word pronounced most of our lives and is mostly unconscious. It is often regional.
    If we have only read a word and not heard it, our pronunciation is how we assume it must be pronounced. For years I assumed NENE was NEEN, until I learned it was NAY NAY.
    I liked the POSTMEN clue, it was a clever misdirection. I laughed when I got it.

  22. "Awnt" is regional, "Jag you are" is British. But Nay Nay!!.. "vahze" is pretentious. Like my pre-tense-ious "vahz-ectomy" when I was 30.

  23. All the dictionaries I have consulted say nay-nay.
    Right here in this region I hear all the various versions of aunt and vase. There is great overlap. So many of us were not born in this area.
    Also here there is a huge diversity of cultures.
    I suppose that is why I reject one size fits all answers and accept many pronunciations and usages. Somehow the search for the one correct answer bothers me.

  24. PS Among my friends bro hugs are common.

  25. NENE, the bird, is likely from a different language which would explain its pronunciation. Maybe Polynesian. Nene is also a Spanish word meaning baby, pronounced neh-NEH.

    In English one cannot assume pronunciation until as YR says, it is heard. And as Spitz has so often illustrated, it depends on the contributing language.

  26. Another wet paper this morning. Grr! I called to straighten it out hopefully for good. FIR in good time. Just the right amount of crunch for a Wednesday, but had to suss bae and brohug. Liked the redhead clue as well. Wifey, as she sometimes calls herself, and I are enjoying episodes of The Crown to keep entertained. We watched two of Tiger King, but found them to be vulgar, at least to the point of harming our refined sensitivities. Har!

  27. Young person here! Bae is a shortening of "babe", like the way it sounds when you say it casually. Before All Else is also a meaning but not in this context.

  28. Woohoo! I got this delightful Wednesday puzzle without any problem at all--many thanks, Craig. Usually names are a real hassle for me, but this morning I got JOYCE instantly (hey, I'm a JOYCE scholar, though James rather than Carol Oates) and also AGASSI, even though I'm generally poor at sports. And, of course, LUGOSI. When I saw OLIVE I thought oh-oh, is that going to be OYL or OIL. Then when I got to the very end and saw Olive again, I knew that first one would be Popeye's gal. ELOI sure pops up in puzzles a lot. And never heard of a BRO-HUG, but perps helped me with that one. Never got the theme, so many thanks for explaining it to us, JazzB. And I loved your picture of the JAGUAR--am not sure I've ever seen that car in real life.

    Liked your poems, Owen.

    Sorry to hear about your missing your square dancing, Yellowrocks. Hope you're doing lots of home exercise to make up for it.

    And welcome to the corner, 1derfool (with the witty name).

    Have a good day, everybody. Mine certainly got off to a good start.

  29. Well I was WAY off on thinking about the them today. Didn't notice it. But it was an easy fill. SELA and INA are such convenient fills for crosswords; other than that I have not idea who they are. Just a couple of unknowns. THRUSH & ALE- had no idea but the perps too care of it.

    BRO-HUG- 6 feet apart these days.

    Go to CODY, WY. to the BUFFALO BILL museum.

    Jinx- WEB is actually correct; you use the NET to get to the WEB site.
    Gary- If I looked up the last 25 Palm D'Or winners I probably wouldn't even have heard of most of them. Not a movie buff.

  30. Thanks for the write up Jzb,
    My only nit, (& I hate to ruin a good earworm)
    is that I cannot listen to the link for wayward wind
    without thinking that flatulence is in the words somewhere...

    Finding Nemo reminded me of a cartoon I saw that showed
    a theater marquee listing Finding Nemo
    next to a fish store with a single clownfish on ice outside...
    Can't see to find the cartoon, thought it was cartoonstock,
    but it might have been Non Sequiter by Wily.
    Here, see if you can find it...

    Enjoyed the olive_ clecho & red head=infra,
    but it has me puzzling as to how would you similarly
    clue UltraViolet?

    Charlie Brown did not say "Good Grief" in todays (rerun) strip!
    To recap: Charlie Browns team actually won a game!
    because no one could pitch strikes to the tiny little brother of
    Lucy & Linus. (named rerun) and walked him with balls.
    Then he gets a call from the League Commissioner who wants to
    see him. They visit him (in a bicycle store) & this is the result?!?!
    (Stay tuned tomorrow for the big reveal!)

    Oh yes, A little Themage Trivia...

    Don't believe me? Check the rule book!

  31. P.S.

    For those wishing to see the complete story of how
    Charlie Brown won a game, you will have to click back
    to March 22nd.

    Or, you could follow this link
    & click forward day by day...


  32. Nice job today, Craig and Steve.

    Sometimes when I solve a puzzle, it seems like I am going fast, and when I look at the clock at the end of the solve, it's not so fast.

    Sometimes it's the opposite. Today was faster than I thought it would be.

    Not much to say right now, other than I think I also know BAE as "Best At Everything".

    JzB, I posted this last week, but you may have missed it. It's too good to miss.

    "All Day Long (The Coronavirus Song)"

    Jinx, FLN, I didn't see that Spitzboov posted the link to the Microsoft Style Guide book a few moments before I posted the link to the online version of it. There's also an Apple Style Guide and a Google Style Guide that may better suit your tastes.

  33. Tried it in pen and was perfect until 54 across which I read has "Robinson's family" and found that Crusoe did not work. Grrr.

    - Birdseed

  34. I didn’t expect to have so much trouble with a Wednesday puzzle. Going/GRIEF, silt/PEAT, Woodward/SELAWARD.. Took me forever to correct my errors and plunge ahead. Good grief indeed! BTW, I’m following the Charlie Brown story in the LA Times, so I don’t know the end of this saga yet.
    I know the strip is all re-runs now, but I still love it.

  35. Anonymous at 12:06, thanks for the info on. BAE. It’s good to get input from other vantage points. I’ll practice it on DH!


  36. This Wednesday go had some crunch to,it.


    From yesterday....YR, no worries, it was a small leak, the Handyguy caulked up a seam all around the half moon window. As a bonus, he also solved a sticky door issue. All work guaranteed.

    I must say the BAE term of endearment just annoys me...does it really save time over BABE? And get off my lawn!

    Stay safe, see you tomorrow.

  37. FIR, my new acronym that others have been using lately. Nice puzzle, but maybe a few forced answers, like EYEHOLE.

    SELAWARD is popular in crosswords, this time her full name. She popped up at least once last week.

  38. Yep, BAE annoys me too as do some other trendy words. Like Ginormous. Ugh...

    ~ Mind how you go...

  39. Bill, you're just going to have to stick with "humongous" then.

  40. Bill, there's always 'phan·tas·ma·go·ri·a'

    BAE is a defense contractor.

  41. Hi everyone. I have enjoyed this blog for awhile now. Never thought that I would "try" to leave a comment but here goes. I do the xwords daily and I am always trying to improve my skill level. Not easy when you have CRS. It seems that at one time, years ago another blog for the LA times was hosted by Puzzle girl etal, maybe. Matters not, this is now. I hope I can add to the mix.

  42. SansBeach,

    Welcome to our little corner of the world. We are a very well-mannered group with an occasional snarky comment from an anonymous poster thrown in just to get a reaction. I hope you will like what we you see and hear here.

    Husker Gary

  43. SansBeach:
    Welcome! Please do make yourself comfortable and join in the fray. The more the merrier.

    I have good news and bad news today. My favorite Smart and Final store in Tempe closed for good apparently. However at the one in Phoenix I found toilet paper. We aren't desperate yet, but were approaching that point.

  44. Covid 19 Update on sister and BIL. Sis has recovered and is off isolation today. BIL Johnny was intubated for eleven days . He came off restraints on Saturday and off the ventilator on Monday and today they removed the feeding tube. Still has the oxygen tube . He had asked for a walker but his physiotherapist said he was still too weak for that. He is in good spirits. Both are 74 years old.Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers .

  45. SansBeach:


    CRS; me too! :>)

  46. Oas - Good news about sister and BIL. Wishing for their continued improvement.

    Welcome aboard to SansBeach. As Lucina said: TMTM.

  47. OAS, that is great news!!!

    Lucina, I remember Smart & Final (Iris, IIRC.) Great place. Kind of a restaurant supply company but open to the public. When I used to travel a lot on business I used to get cartons of little travel bottles of Tabasco there and always had a few bottles in my briefcase.

    Me too for CRS!

  48. Sansbeach ~ Welcome! Hope you'll become a regular Cornerite.

    Oas, that is wonderful news. Continued prayers and best wishes to your sister and BIL.

    Lucina, your good news was gooder than your bad news was badder! 🤡

  49. Can someone explain CRS? Google shows Catholic Relief Services.

  50. I'm thinking CRS is Can't Remember Stuff.

  51. Anon and Brian: How about Chronic Rhinosinusitis?

  52. Anonymous, Can't Remember S#$t! It comes with age.

  53. Hi All!

    Craig, I thought this was super-easy for a Wednesday puzzle until I hit 39a. After SESAME filled things BOG'ed to a crawl. HONI, lemme tell ya'...
    Perfect expo JzB - I needed to know what BAE and ISO meant.
    Thanks both yous.

    WOs: IrA b/f INA, LONI filled right after CHAI gave me the I - 75% of HONI
    ESPs: BAE, DOR, ISO (as clued), 7/8th of SELA WARD.
    Fav: Both Olives

    Robin's family was not Grayson b/c A) to many letters B) it's the bird not a Bat [sidekick], Man.

    {B+, A}

    Oas! That's great news. Keep us posted on Johnny.

    Welcome 1derfool (cute!) and SansBeach. SansB - That was the L.A.Times Confidential. After they went dark, I found C.C.'s Corner.
    To both of yous: What HG said - nice crowd here.

    CED - UltraViolet sounds like a female hacker I know (she has purple hair).

    Jinx - I don't recall the teeshirt but I do recall the WKRP episode [S2E19] (wiki) that helped (mostly) end festival seating nation-wide.

    Splitz said "BAE is a defense contractor" for the win!

    Cheers, -T

  54. IrishMiss:
    Amen to that! I like S & F because 1)no membership required; 2)products are smaller and therefore more manageable than at Costco whose larger than life quantities are way too much for me and I wouldn't have the storage space for them.

    Welcome! I'm sorry to say I didn't notice you this morning. Please stay and play.


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