, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Frank Virzi

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Jun 16, 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Frank Virzi

My House is Your House (If you can find it).  A type of an abode can be found "divided" in the circles of each theme answer.

20-Across. Tenderloin often served with Béarnaise sauce: CHATEAUBRIAND.  CABIN.

Chateaubriand is a very expensive filet mignon.  It was named after a French aristocrat and writer named François-René de Chateaubriand (1768 ~ 1848).

33-Across. Rockies resort town: VAIL, COLORADO.  VILLA.

41-Across. Sub on a plate: HERO SANDWICH.  RANCH.

There are many variations on a RANCH style house.

And the Unifier:

56-Across. Biblical phrase in Lincoln's historic 6/16/1858 speech, and what each set of circled letters contains: A HOUSE DIVIDED.  This bibilcal reference appears in the Gospel of Mark (3:25) where Jesus said, "If a House be Divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." (Revised Standard Version).  I am familiar with Lincoln's speech.   I did not know, however, that it was a Biblical reference.

1. Single-celled creature: AMEBA.

6. Cab alternative: UBER.  Oh, literally a cab.  I was thinking of our usual misdirection of a Cabernet wine.

10. Partner of aid: ABET.  Partners in crime: Aid and Abet.

14. Disinterested: BORED.

15. Georgetown athlete: HOYA.  Did you know that a Hoya is a genus of tropical plants?  That is not, however, the origin of the Georgetown Hoya, which apparently derived from Greek and Latin words.  The Georgetown mascot is Jack, the Bulldog.  Anyway, that's their story, and they're sticking to it.  I rather like the flower, though.

16. Hot under the collar: SORE.

17. Pricey violin, for short: STRAD.  A violin Stradivarius violin was created from the shop of Antonio Stradivari (1644 ~ Dec. 18, 1737).

18. Did some weeding: HOED.  This answer appeared in yesterday's puzzle and was clued as "worked the soil".

19. Start of a spell: ABRA.

23. Prince Valiant's boy: ARN.  He appears with some frequency in the puzzles, but I can never remember his name.

24. Highest degree: NTH.  You known the answer has to be either Nth or Ph.D.

25. Kindergarten art item: CRAYON.

28. Squeaked by: MADE DO.

30. Smeltery refuse: SLAG.

32. Inc. kin: LLC.  As in a Limited Liability Company.

36. Rifle range supply: AMMO.

39. Federation in OPEC: UAE.  The United Arab Emirate is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Company.

40. Les __ les autres: one another: UNES.  Today's French lesson.

46. Court players' gp.: ATP.  As in the Association of Tennis Professionals.

47. Disapproving sounds: TSKs!

48. Like a one-lane bridge: NARROW.  I wanted a Covered Bridge, but that was too many letters.

52. Topiary tool: SHEARS.

54. "http" often begins one: URL.

55. Lemon finish?: ADE.  Hi, Lemonade!

60. River seen from the Leaning Tower: ARNO.

62. Old bread problem: MOLD

63. Breezing through: ACING.

64. Rain cats and dogs: POUR.

65. "Do it, or __!": ELSE.

66. Eco-friendly word: REUSE.  We saw this word last Friday.

67. Falafel holder: PITA.  Yummers!  Street food in Jerusalem.

68. Letter opener: DEAR.  Fun clue.

69. Those in favor: YESES.

1. '70s-'80s scandal that inspired "American Hustle": ABSCAM.  Abscam was an FBI sting.

2. Lepidopteran foe of Godzilla: MOTHRA.  This creature has appeared in the puzzles before.

3. Quick post office run, say: ERRAND.

4. Outplay: BEAT.

5. Back-of-the-book supplements: ADDENDA.

6. "You betcha!": UH, HUH!

7. Blockhead: BOOB.  Hmm ...  //  Not to be confused with 34-Down. Blockhead: LUNK.

8. Watcher: EYER.

9. Politically extreme: RADICAL.  In chemistry, a radical is an atom, molecule or ion that has an unpaired valence electron.

10. Yoga posture: ASANA.

11. "Blowin' in the Wind" singer/songwriter: BOB DYLAN.  The answer my friend ...

12. Make a mistake: ERR.

13. Sri Lanka export: TEA.

21. Yours, to Yves: À TOI.  More of today's French lesson.

22. Legendary Greek ship: ARGO.

26. Ye __ Shoppe: OLDE.

27. Some mil. drillers: NCOs.  As in Non-Commissioned Officers.

29. Cruet filler, to Rachael Ray: EVOO.  Extra Virgin Olive Oil also appeared in last Friday's puzzle.

30. Tons: SCADS.

31. MGM co-founder Marcus: LOEW.

Marcus Lowe (May 7, 1870 ~ Sept. 5, 1927)

35. German industrial region: RUHR.

36. Cries of insight: AHAs!

37. Protestant denom.: METH.  As in Methodist.

38. Monocled food mascot: MR. PEANUT.  Mr. Peanut has undergone many changes in his 100 + year existence.  I think this year's Super Bowl did him in.

42. Houston MLBer: 'STRO.  As in the Houston Astros.

43. Took as a given: ASSUMED.

44. 45-Down inscription: INRI.  //  And  45-Down. Site of the Crucifixion: CALVARY.

49. The "r" in pi-r-squared: RADIUS.  Pi-r-squared?  Pi r not squared, pi r round!

50. Danish seaport: ODENSE.

51. Wood-splitting tools: WEDGES.

53. Now, in Nogales: AHORA.  Today's Spanish lesson.

54. Cow's milk source: UDDER.

57. Only: SOLE.

58. Film lioness: ELSA.
Elsa with Joy Adamson
59. Slushy drink brand: ICEE.

60. iPhone purchase: APP.

61. French king: ROI.  Our final French lesson for the day.

Here's the Grid:

QOD:  The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.  ~  John Tukey (né John Wilder Tukey; June 16, 1915 ~ July 26, 2000), American mathematician


  1. What's the difference between an UBER
    And an AMEBA on a scooter?
    One is propelled by cilia
    The other texts that he'll see ya
    Propelled by his need for lucre.

    Winston bragged of his skiing bravado.
    But on the slope
    He was such a moke,
    He skied like an avocado!

    {B+, B+.}

  2. Ah, how we never get Prince Valiant's other, younger son, Galen.

    OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, no 'the'

    The rain is POURING down in oodles
    Clouds are emptying kit and caboodles.
    So put on your weather togs,
    When you go out and step in a poodle!


  3. Good Morning all, especially Abejo. When I read your diagnoses yesterday I was devastated. Of course my mind went back almost 2 years when I went through procedures where they rolled me into machines that cost more than my house. C.C. was with me every step of the way through MRIs, bone scans, and radiation. My cancer is under control but will probably never be cured. But I have trust in my oncologist and I seem to learn that there are many treatments for various types of cancer and I wish you the best. I do not want to make light of the situation but I was born and raised a Catholic and through grade school taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph, I attended Mass six days a week in the school year. Now, due to Covid-19, my church has told me to stay home on Sunday because I am over 65 and have health issues. However the Archbishop did not tell me I could not pray, and Abejo, you have my thoughts and prayers for a successful recovery. Your friend, Boomer.

  4. Good morning!

    No problems with this one. I had the circles which, as usual, I forgot to look at. But, when "House divided" showed up, I knew it must be a reveal. Thanx for the romp, Frank, and for the tour, Hahtoolah. (George's aunt Rosemary sang about that house.)

    LOEW: The corporation he started owned 50+% of the company I worked for. Now that my old employer is in bankruptcy that ownership is in doubt.

    METH: I attended one many years ago. Several years later they sent me a letter asking if they could drop me from their rolls. Apparently, I was costing them money.

    MR PEANUT: He died earlier this year.

    CHATEAUBRIAND: It's a large cut, usually served for two.

  5. Good morning all .
    Great puzzle .
    Thanks Frank and Susan . CSO to my two youngest siblings .
    FIR after guessing right at ARN & MOTHRA .
    Would write more but just got a call and have to run.

  6. D-O It was interesting to hear of your choice of spending money earned in a bowling CENTER. They were certainly interesting back in the day. My spending money at age 14-16 was earned at Oak Ridge Country Club as a caddy. The $$$ was pretty good for a kid in 1962. We received $3.00 for one bag on 18 holes. Two bag rate was $5.00 but we normally got a pretty decent tip. $8.00 for two bags was fairly normal. Plus, we got to play a very nice course every Monday from 6:00 AM until noon. Did you receive free bowling??

  7. Boomer, no free bowling. No bennies at all. My main gig was clerking at the local drug store. I worked there all through high school: one hour before school M-F, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday mornings for 85¢/hr and $1.25/hr on every third Sunday morning. The store was only open mornings on Sundays, mainly to sell newspapers: Appleton Post Crescent, Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal, and Chicago Tribune. Gas was only 25¢, so a Sunday would gas up my Green-P (straight-eight '53 Pontiac) for a week! Sweet.

  8. Musings
    -I also was happy to learn of the biblical source in your lovely write-up, Susan
    -Prince Valiant used to be a Sunday funnies work of art
    -MADE DO – Ah yes, I remember being newlyweds
    -An ERRAND feels like a “day on the town” these days
    -NCO – “Don’t call me sir, I work for a living”
    -We see Essen in the RUHR area here often and so did Allied bombers
    -Tipping – I looked up manual pinsetters yesterday and learned that tipping at one establishment was done by inserting a bill in a finger hole and rolling it down the gutter after your were done

  9. "Disinterested" does not mean bored but rather neutral. I think the clue should be "uninterested".

  10. Frank, I cannot imagine the time spent to find the fill that worked for your theme. Like Susan, being raised without the Christian Bible, I was unaware of the reference Lincoln chose. Thank you for the double CSO, the LEMONADE as pointed out, and the ARGO to my first name.

    MOTHRA has had a resurgence in puzzledom. As pointed out, many coincidental fill repeats. METH with its connotation seems unfair and Les __ les autres: one another: UNES is not common knowledge French.

    Sad news about Mr. Peanut.

  11. Among my wo's was LTD/LLC. And MR Potato/PEANUT. No dipthong held up AMoEBA and I skipped the NW and started slapping ink around .

    It started unusually hard, OVOO only made sense because we just had it but it held up VAIL and VILLA. Topiary? ODENSE is obscure but I've heard of it. Have you, Misty?

    "Exporting Countries". I see D-O picked that up earlier.

    I thought simply "un autre" would suffice but LIU says Frank is correct with UNES et Les.

    Anybody have problems with their phone service yesterday? T-Mobile outages
    Ironically, we were at Verizon discussing switching from T-Mobile as we noticed it. Talk about HAVOC

    Nice to have some grit on a Tuesday. Btw, on that PEANUT Link, if you hit "Eulogies" the NewYorker piece on Mr P's gay persona is funny. Tony the Tiger said Mr P was "Grrreatt!"


  12. This one was Mon-Tue, easy. Seeing CABIN in the circles I suspected we would find all different types of houses. Yes!! But I didn't suspect the reveal.
    Lemonade, hi there! CSO
    The type of hat Loew is wearing in the picture is one of the types of hats men used to tip as a courtesy when meeting a woman.
    We bought delicious falafel on the streets of Jerusalem. Our wonderful guide directed us to the most hygienic vendors.
    I, too, was ready for a sip of cab, instead of a ride, but its too early in the AM. Merlot later.
    I loved Mr. Peanut. As a kid I had a pencil with Mr. Peanut on the end. I wish they had not killed him off and brought in the Baby Peanut to replace him.
    HG, I remember those MAKE DO years. A couple invited us over to play cards. We figured we could stretch the budget for a sitter. Then they insisted on playing for money, peanuts to them, but too much for us. We never played cards with them again.
    "-An ERRAND feels like a “day on the town” these days" Yes, indeed, now I love grocery shopping, even going to the doc for an injection.
    I can't dredge up Arn, either, without two perps. I remember Aleta because I have a friend with that name.
    Have a lovely day. I hope our new bloggers join in often.

  13. Good morning everyone.

    Welcome aboard to MitziMouse. Much better name than Minny the Moocher which is also alliterative.

    Double CSO to Lemonade.

    Bit of a clunky solve in terms of the cadence, but it was fun and getable. DNK MOTHRA but perps were kind. Knew ARN. Last I knew he was Governor of one of Arthur's provinces in Britain.
    AHORA - DNK that either, but it perped in easily. The imbedded root 'hor' seems to relate to time or 'hour'.
    UDDER - VERY familiar with UDDERS from helping with milking during my growing up years. Ger. is Euter; L. German is 'Jiller' which is what we called it. UDDER seemed 'foreign' at the time.
    Merriam says it comes from Old High German, and is akin to Latin uber. Another factoid.
    RUHR - Germans often say: RUHR Gebiet; 'Ruhr area'.

  14. Quite easy. I noted the theme as I went, but didn’t use it to help. ARNO makes me pine for European travel. For at least the near future, planes and cruise ships are out of the question. I’m looking to buy a bare bones camper van. I used to be into RVing and want to go part way back so that I can travel without entering any buildings.

  15. Hahtoolah: Good job on the write-up & links. Very informative.

    Well this was FUN Tuesday puzzle. Enjoyed the theme.

    It is a beautiful, sunny day here a Villa Incognito.

    Probably a perfect day for a 5 mile beach walk at Honeymoon Island.

    A "Toast-to-ALL" at Sunset.


  16. I think this is one of those days where the puzzle is probably actually good, but just not for me. Something about the cluing was off for me. NY Times was easier.

  17. Whoops I posted this to yesterday's edition.

    Good Morning,

    A sunny day today will inspire me to do everything I need to do before we pick up my grandson at O"Hare tomorrow. He's going from the car to the shower!!!

    Thanks, Frank, for the puzzle today. It was pretty smooth for me, but I needed Hahtoolah to find the theme.

    Thanks for that, Hahtoolah, and for the excellent visuals.

    Abejo!! You know we are here for you. Yes, I do have plenty of prayers left. And lots of love to send your way. Just for you. All this advice is quite good, and you live close to many options and doctors. PM me if you think I can help in any way--rides or ?? xo

    Be well everyone. Have a sunny day

  18. Anon@9:59, you thought ABSEIL and NIIHAU were easier?

  19. Good Morning:

    This was a fun solve that gave away the theme early on, but still offered an Aha reveal. In addition to to Lemony’s double CSO, there was a nod to Abejo at Tea and to the Texas twins, DO and Anon T, at the Stros. I liked ATP/App, Err/Errand, and Else crossing Elsa. Fun to see Mothra and EVOO again. My only w/o was LTD/LCC because my husband’s initials were LTD. Noted more than the usual number of foreign references: Ruhr, Arno, Unes, Roi, Atoi, and Ahora, but they are either familiar or we’re easily perped. Lunk w/o Head was a little wobbly, as was the clunky Eyer.

    Thanks, Frank, for a Tuesday treat and thanks, Hatoolah, for another outstanding visual display and informative summary. Of all the many meaningful photos, my favorites were the raining cats and dogs and the Jones’s condensed milk. Too funny.

    Boomer @ 5:22 ~ Your heartfelt an encouraging message to Abejo is inspirational to us all. Thank you.

    Do any of my fellow Cornerites have Spectrum as their cable provider? They have to be one of the worst customer-unfriendly companies in the country. I have gone through more set boxes (I think that’s what they’re called) than I can count. I am tired of having to constantly reboot and then having the same problem a day or two later. Don’t get me started on the hopelessness of trying to reach a human when you call. Does anything work the way it’s supposed to anymore? Does anyone care? Okay, end of rant! 🤭

    Have a great day.

  20. Could someone tell me why autocorrect insists on changing were to we’re.

    Sorry for the extra To in my second sentence, the missing D in my comment to Boomer, and the We’re instead of Were. I’ve got to do a better job of proof reading, me thinks! 🙃

  21. Terrific Tuesday. Thanks for the fun, Frank and Hahtoolah.
    I found the DIVIDED HOUSEs in the circles and FIRed in good time. Just a little crunch today to make things exciting.

    This Canadian knows when doing CWs to watch for the "American" spelling: AMEBA instead of Amoeba, MOLD instead of MOULD*, LLC instead of Ltd. But I am not SORE! (I see WC had some similar thoughts)

    EYER caused a nose-wrinkle (hello IM). ACING took a minute to register.
    I waited for perps to decide between Teem and POUR.
    I noted ARN and ARNO. Also many expressions - TSKS, AHAS and UH HUH (YESES).

    I have an ancient HOYA plant that flowers once a year (usually mid-August). Beautiful smell.
    My hairdresser might need SHEARS when I finally get there next week.
    My first thought with "Blowin' in the Wind" was Peter, Paul and Mary. Not enough space.
    ODENSE was the last to fill. (Odessa came to mind first).

    Spitzboov- my Dad had a "milking muscle" (on the top of his elbow area) from emptying UDDERs in his younger years.

    Wishing you all a great day.

    *I switch between the British and the American, and use Mould for the fungus, and MOLD for the shape/form.

  22. IM

    We have Spectrum. My main rant is all the bundled channels we have to pay for when we only watch a few. I usually get service good enough to not complain about but it's a crapshoot. Some techs are good; others just follow some sort of logic script to try to pinpoint the trouble. The on-site repairmen are usually pretty good.

  23. Another early week misfire. NCOm instead of NCOS.
    There were a few "rare" answers that have appeared in recent puzzles. HOED, EVOO. Then we have the usual NTH etc.
    AMEBA- occasionally amoeba, depending on the puzzle layout.
    When was the last time you used the word LUNK. Big LUNKhead. Ever wonder how that word evolved?

    As a lad, I always enjoyed fresh roasted peanuts. The store had a large size motorized MR. PEANUT tapping his cane on the window. They eventually placed a coin on the window to lessen the damage from his cane.

    Hoping Abejo has a very a positive outcome with treatments.
    Thank you Frank & Hatoolah

  24. Easy Tuesday. Unknowns filled themselves in. We seem to be overdosing on Rachel Ray lately. Thanks Frank.

    Hahtoolah, really sparkly expo. I somehow knew HOYA, but had no idea it was a flower. Much better to be a bulldog!

    Owen, I ve been enjoying your poems all this time but just couldn’t post. Thanks for ALL of them!

    Stay safe, everyone.

  25. This was a fun romp although the bottom half seemed a bit crunchy for a Tuesday. Nonetheless, mark it up as a FIR. The Arizona Republic paper lists certain notable events in a column called "Today in History" and today mentioned Lincoln's "house divided" quote. Coincidental? Go, go Abejo! We're all rooting for you!!

  26. Woohoo! Woohoo! I got this terrific Tuesday puzzle even though it was much tougher than I expected--many thanks, Frank. And wonderful pictures to go with your great commentary, Hahtoolah!

    My favorite item was DEAR for letter opener (I kept thinking of knife or scissors).
    Nice to see BOB DYLAN and MR. PEANUT in the puzzle.
    Never heard of EVOO but across items helped with this one.

    Have an online meeting in fifteen minutes so have to go. But just wanted to check in and wish you all a great day.


  27. I use the Merriam-Webster site, so, no circles. Therefore, didn't get the theme, but was able to successfully complete the puzzle. It was a good Tuesday puzzle and I liked Hahtoolah's explanation and visuals. Especially the miniature cows, but that's an UDDER story.

    Even though AMEBA is not wrong, AMoEBA is the more commonly used form of the word.

    Like WC, IM and probably a few others I also had to change LTD to LLC.

    Even though I lived in the DC area, and followed HOYA basketball, I never knew what HOYA meant. Same goes for the Virginia Tech HOKIES.

    I tried GDANSK instead of ODENSE, but it wasn't the right port, not even in the right country. Perps were very helpful today.

    I realize that the word SANDWICH had to be added to the clue for the theme to work, but having lived in various parts of the country I saw that they were referred to just HOAGIES, SUBS, HEROS, GRINDERS, etc. The word sandwich was rarely added to them.

    Have a great day everyone and please be safe.

  28. Hola!

    Nicely done Frank and Susan! Thank you. I found the DIVIDED HOUSES after the reveal.

    WEES. You all have provided excellent insights and analyses of this grid. It was a quick solve and nothing to be BORED about.

    We have seen MOTHRA before but I did not realize it was MOTH related. Boing! That's the V8 can you hear. I've never seen any Godzilla movies so thank you for that visual, Susan.

    RUHR or Saar? Perps needed and ARGO is not only Jason's ship but an excellent movie as well.

    DEAR was cleverly clued. ARN, ARNO, ARGO, that's a sweet trio.

    I hope we hear how the test went for Abejo.

    Enjoy a sensational day, everyone!

  29. Owen:
    Chuckleworthy poems today!

  30. Another almost "no inkover" FIR but spelled RUHR wrong (Rurh). Perpwalked. Again if I had just waited for the perps....No other errors. Did not pick up on the theme. Didnt even look for one. Almost spelled Odense as Odensk

    Climbed the Pisa bell tower the first time I visited in '72. Slippery marble on a rainy day. By slapping the bells with my thick college ring I could make them ring. Everybody turning towards the tower wondering what was happening. The torre pendente is one of three incredible structures in the Piazza dei Miracoli Cathedral and Baptistry. Somehow the bells were miraculously ringing that day. Both Pisa and Florence are on the Arno in Tuscany.

    Does Mr. Peanut suffer from a severe human allergy?

    Prince Valiant aged and family grew as I have followed the strip from the age of ten. But at a much slower rate. Like reverse dog years. Wiki says Val was 5 in 1937 so he's 88 in non comic strip years. Prince Arn was born in 1947 ao he's a spry 73 y o kid.....IMO the graphics and storylines have deteriorated since Hal Foster's days

    Speaking of deterioration....

    Apartment building______ ....A HOUSE DIVIDED.
    Fraudulent core muscle stimulator......ABSCAM
    What a college "townie" doesnt pay, Room and _____....BORED.
    Scarlett quote "I'll think about that tomorrow. Tomorow is milking time and an _______ day".....UDDER

  31. Sometimes I find it tough to post anything humorous,
    So I just take a Thumper to spare you all my
    ill humor.
    After reading Abejo's post, yesterday was one of those days...

    Abejo, Gods speed in a quick recovery. Our thoughts are with you.

    Today, my only thought is that in all the years I have done X-Words,
    I don't think I have ever seen Ameba spelt/spelled "that" way.
    I know it is one of the correct ways to spell it, but I
    thought I would look it up anyway.
    It seems Google thinks this stinks too...
    How do you "smell spell" Ameba?
    (scroll down to "people also ask...)

    Todays theme?
    Nope, still can't find anything humorous...

  32. Fun theme and a very timely reminder for these DIVIDED times. We have far more in common than we realize. When we travel abroad and meet another American we often become especially aware of this.

    Never would have gotten EVOO except for having it so recently. Never heard of Rachael Ray or most other cooking show hosts. Just know Julia Child who lived here in Santa Barbara.

    ODENSE came easy for me as we visited there when we lived in Denmark. Unfortunately, my main memory was that our parents got annoyed with us on the long drive back to Copenhagen and they punished us when we got home. ODENSE is famous as the home of Hans Christian Andersen. It is on the island of Fyn which is a different island than the one with Copenhagen.

    Here are a few photos of us in ODENSE.

    Note the tiny bit of TOPIARY, too!

    Abejo you have my greatest support for your challenges and wish you the best for a full recovery. I sent you an email last night.

  33. Around here we mostly call them subs, but I have them called HOAGIES, SUBS, HEROS, GRINDERS, etc. I also have heard them called hero sandwiches. There are plenty of references to that name online.
    hero sandwich
    Alan keeps asking me to bring him a tuna sub, but I can only bring things to share. We used to pick one up on weekends when he came home.

  34. Good Afternoon, my crossword friends.

    First, Abejo, so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Medical science has made huge advances in the past few years. My prayers are with you and your family as you move forward in your treatments.

    Go back and read the link I included with the Hoya. While Hoya is a flower, it is not the origin of the Georgetown Hoya.

    Summer is nearly upon us. Stay cool and socially distanced.

  35. Hi everybody,

    I agree with Anonymous at 8:11. I was taught that a person who doesn't give a damn is uninterested whereas an unbiased person like a judge is disinterested.

    Continuing good wishes for Abejo.

    ~ Mind how you go...

  36. God afternoon, folks. Thank you, Frank Virzi, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Hahtoolah, for a fine review.

    First and foremost: Thank you all for you kind words and prayers for my eventual recovery. Boomer, you wrote a nice paragraph. Appreciate that.

    I got up at 1:30 AM and started the puzzle. Worked it about a half hour and then got tired. Thank the Lord. Laid back down and eventually slept a few hours. Got up at 5:30.

    Hospital called and cancelled my MRI. Their machine broke. Maybe tomorrow.

    Puzzle went fine. Got through it and got the theme easily.

    Could not remember HOYA. After a couple perps it fell.

    INRI and CALVARY side by side. Very good. Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.

    MOTHRA again. I saw that movie a hundred years ago.

    Done for now. See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  37. Lucina, I don't think we'll hear from Abejo today. I've had several MRIs and never got the results the same day. But I do wish him well on this journey.

  38. Spitz @ 10:29 ~ I agree 100% that Spectrum’s bundling system is a pain, not to mention bordering on gouging. I have access to so many channels that I’m not even aware of, most of which I wouldn’t watch anyway. I also agree that their on-site repairmen are top notch. My problem is their equipment which, I believe, is mostly refurbished and highly unreliable. My nephew asked for a new set box for me after returning 2 defective ones the same day and was told that I wasn’t entitled to a new unit as I had been grandfathered into Spectrum from Time Warner! And, here I am, again, with a malfunctioning box. Oh, well, at least my A/C is A OK! 🤗

    CED @ 12:18 ~ Maybe some links of some cavorting canines and frolicking felines would brighten your (our) day. 🐶 🐱


  39. This Tuesday go presented no difficulty. Not a complaint.

    And no write-overs today.

    I almost went with Spectrum last year, when U-verse deleted the NFL RED ZONE. But they were so expensive. And relentless. And then I figured the H with the NFL, if they want to restrict their channels then go ahead.

    After reading the comment, I’m glad I didn’t change.

    Hey...Irish Miss...not to pile on...but “methinks” is one word, methinks. ;-)

    Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

  40. IM - If your set top box is defective, grandfathering has nothing to do with it and is bogus. It's their equipment and they have a duty to keep it operational. I would have asked to speak to the agent's superior and walk it up the chain.
    They have to satisfy the franchising authority who I'm guessing is the City of Troy. The name of the franchising authority may be on the front or back of your cable bill.. Maybe you have some leverage there.

  41. Congrats, Misty, on landing this pzl! The most satisfying Ta- DAs are those that we win over pzls that seemed especially tough at the start.

    A Woo
    and a Hoo
    to you!

    And may I take the occasion to wish you a Happy Bloomsday! (Ah, June 16 will never be the same...)

    I enjoyed this one too, and I thank Mr. Virzi for it. The HOUSE DIVIDED theme is especially relevant these days.
    And I am glad to see this wasn't deemed too political to be accepted.
    ~ OMK
    Four diags in all, one at hand and a 3-way in the bush.
    The nearest diagonal gives us an anagram for a phrase more commonly associated with British usage:
    When carrying on about your friends’ various relationships-- y’know, all that bunk and nonsense about who dumped whom and whose carrying whose child-- you’re obviously just yakking and talking…

  42. Optimum cable service includes many channels I don't watch. I watch very few channels. The cable service is bundled with my landline phone and internet connection. I haven't changed my plan because Alan used to come home every weekend and wanted channels I don't need. I am paying for an extra box and all these channels. Will Alan ever come here again?

  43. My online meeting this morning was a celebration of "Bloomsday"--an anniversary celebration of James Joyce's wonderful novel "Ulysses" which he set on June 16, 1904--the day he went on his first walk (date) with his future wife Nora. The main character in the novel is a kind, sweet Jewish man named Leopold Bloom, which is why June 16 is called "Bloomsday." So, thank you for your kind Bloomsday wishes on this morning, Ol'Man Keith.

  44. I’ve tried Comcast, DirectTV, and DSL with Century Link in four different states. I’ve cut the cable, but still have Internet service, currently from Comcast. I’ve discovered that the worst provider in the universe is the particular one the I’m using at any given time. There is no hope.

  45. Picard,
    being a photographer, perhaps you can answer my queery...
    Your Odense photos are a loverly shade of blue,
    but why?
    Just happy memories?
    Did the camera have a blue filter?
    Could it be the film used?
    Anywho, Your memories are better than mine,
    which always seem to be some shade of Sepia...

    Irish Miss,
    I dunno bout you,
    but I have to pay $7-/MONTH FOR THOSE *&^*&%^ BOXES!
    (sorry, somehow in my Ire, I hit the Caps key...)
    If they tell you to bring the box to God Knows Where for exchange,
    tell them you are Handicapped, & Carless, & you are going to sue them!
    & when they finally come to your house, spread deer poop outside your front door.
    after one step inside, totally freak out!
    (this got me a year of free movie channels)
    (but the deer poop was accidentally left by a deer...)

    Ok, calming down,
    (can you imagine if this rant was about politics?!?!)

    Anywho, IM, you always know how to calm me down.
    SO thanks for the suggestion...

    Contrary to the music, no kitties/puppies were harmed in this video...

  46. CrossEyedDave thank you for taking the time to look at my ODENSE photos and inquire about the colors. My father took these photos on Kodachrome in the 1960s, so they are over 50 years old. The colors have definitely shifted toward blue and green over the years.

    I actually did some color correction with Photoshop, but I did not want to do too much to change them. Indeed our memories do tend to shift over time, too!

    Your interest prompted me to share these TOPIARY scenes that we enjoyed two years ago near Santa Barbara.

    This place is called "Lotusland" and I hope there will be other occasions to share other Lotusland photos.

  47. I just lost my post! Rats!

    Thank you Frank and Hahtoolah for the fun! I got the theme at CABIN, then VILLA.

    Only a couple write-overs. I had indexes/ADDENDA, INRe/INRI.

    Around here, ATP means Anderson Township Pub. Excellent burgers.

    IM and others: today at the shelter I took out a new resident, Elaine. We went into a fenced yard and I introduced her to a toy. This is the third time I threw it for her. Cavorting Canine

    Have a wonderful evening.

  48. Pat: your link got a message Video unavailable/This video is private.

  49. I liked this puzzle and the theme, but did wrinkle my nose at EYER. I also felt the "Les UNES les autres" and AHORA entries might require more than a passing knowledge of French and Spanish. I very much liked the cluing for ABET and DEAR. The clues for ERRAND and RADIUS were pretty neato, too.

    Agree about disinterested vs uninterested.

    CED, I love that picture of the half a house.

    Owen, I enjoyed your verses today. Actually, I enjoy them every day. The "poodle" was pure delight.

    Good wishes to you all.

  50. AnonymousPVX @ 2:10 ~ Oddly, I had methinks first, then changed it. I’m surprised Mr. Smarty Pants Autocorrect let it pass. I’ll remember it in the future. 🙃

    Spitz @ 2:22 ~ I don’t have a bill handy but I would assume it’s probably Rensselaer County, if not the City of Troy. I’ll pass your suggestion about demanding a new box to my nephew who takes care of the returns. Part of the problem is the store where you have to return the equipment is manned by young men who lack authority and parrot whatever they’ve been told by the higher-ups. I’ll tell my nephew to raise some Cain this time! Unfortunately, Verizon’s FIOS is not available in my area, so I’m stuck with Spectrum. ☹️

    CED @ 3:15 ~ I pay $8.00 for one box and $6.00 for the other, just two of the numerous monthly charges. Interestingly, Spectrum just transferred my alarm system contract to Brinks. I never even knew that Brinks was in the home alarm business. On a more pleasant topic, I loved the kitties and puppies video and thought the music was just arfully purrfect. It was the prefect antidote to my Spectrum saga and brought a smile and a tee her, too! Thanks! 😇

  51. OKL, I had no problem watching Pat's video?

  52. Autocorrect strikes again: Tee Hee not Tee Har! 😤

  53. Thanks for the heads up, Owen KL. I tried again.

    Cavorting Canine

  54. Pat @ 4:02 ~ That is some energetic pooch! Thanks for sharing and promoting another smile! 😉

  55. Prompting not promoting. I think I need a Dewar’s!

  56. I came across The Cisco Kid reruns on cable. I've watched one so far. The video and sound quality were poor but the biggest disappointment was the supposedly humorous banter between the two. Poncho came across as a buffoon. It got tiresome very quickly. The old made-for-TV westerns don't hold up very well but these seem worse than others.

  57. Picard, Tx for the info.
    & especially thanks for the topiary pics
    which are a welcome diversion to our Cabin Fever...

    !st Cavorting Canine Video worked fine for me!
    (looks like one happy Pup...)

    Irish Miss,
    Pls do not mention Dewars on the Blog...
    You will have Tinbeni, & myself
    knocking on your door in no time...

  58. Hungry Mother @ 3:02 ~
    Indeed. There is NO hope.
    I call this the "Relativity-ily-Ill Principle."
    The perception that whatever system one currently employs must be the worst of that particular genre.
    ~ OMK


  59. Hi everyone,

    Long time, no communicate. Hope this finds everyone well. We are doing OK with all the precautions me need to observe. Haven't been post because ever since they changed over the puzzle provider, six days out of seven I can't complete the Damn thing.Too many proper names are the biggest issues, but lots of other stuff contributes too. Sort of embarrassing becoming so stupid so quick.

    Miss the baseball season. Was recalling looking forward to how the Astros were going to be handled. Don't give a hoot about the NBA or NHL. I hope college football is a full go, I'm a big No Dakota State fan and they bare scheduled to open at Oregon. Don't think it will be a killing, but we'll see.

    Time for the day to end, so good bye for now, Will try to chime in more often.

  60. Hi All!

    Dang it! RUHR. I spelled it wronger than Ray-O. FIW.

    Thanks for the puzzle, Frank. I found it very crunch for a Tuesday. Thanks for visually walking us through the grid, Hahtoolah.

    WOs: I put (0% right) answers in the back of the book. Lone b/f SOLE.
    FIW: RiHR | INES, SHEERS [sic] | EHORA

    Fav: DEAR made me chuckle. See, I had to stop and remember DEAR or DEER - the latter is how I addressed letters from Basic to DW.
    //She made fun of me. I tried to save it by saying, "But I fawn all over you."

    Growing up in Land of Lincoln and Catholic, I knew A HOUSE DEVIDED was biblical. Also knew that Lincoln is in Oak Ridge which abuts CALGARY Cemetery. [map]
    //my boyhood home was on 3rd between Eastman & Keys. Pop's house is literally across the street (Yates) from Oak Ridge.

    {A, B+, B}
    Cute DR.

    Abejo - The machine broke? Maybe a different hospital?

    Enjoyed the Mr Peanut link DO.
    HG - Prince Valiant is still in our paper. I always wondered who read it Ray-O.

    WC - Twitter was, um, atwitter w/ rumors that it was massive DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) - spent a few hours looking for evidence. T-Mobile still hasn't provided a root-cause.

    Pat - Elaine looks so happy!

    Lucina - Hahtoolah gave you the cartoon MOTHRA: Everything you need to know and then some [Nerdist]

    Nice to see you Hondo!

    Cheers, -T

  61. Anon T, I read Prince Valiant. Does that make me anything other than old?

    Irish Miss, I thought autocorrect had a personal vendetta against me. Sorry to hear you are included!!

  62. IM and Swamp cat. What is even worse than not realizing autocorrect has changed what you intended to say is when you try to correct it but it insists that it knows better than you.

  63. Uhg!
    Getting old...

    Went to bed early,
    only to roll over & dislocate my shoulder...

    On the Bright Side,
    not being able to sleep allowed me to re-read the Blog
    & discover Hondo is back!

    I have been getting used to losing people,
    but getting one back is definitely an occasion
    to celebrate! I would bake a cake,
    but have you ever tried to stir batter with one shoulder?


    You & Lassie (your avatar) are a welcome sight...

  64. Picard:
    I really enjoyed the pics of the topiary trees and recall seeing them in other places, notably in Mexico and North Carolina when visiting my sister.

    The switch to Brinks happened several months ago in this area.

  65. Picard - I finally got time to look at your pics. Nice!
    And they brought back memories of Great Aunt Jess's yard (she's the one with the secret pizzelle recipe she took too her grave which took me 3 years of trial & error to get Pop to agree "this is Aunt Jessie's!"). Her husband was landscape keeper at The Carillon Park and had a Teapot and Sugarbowl scalped from bushes in his yard. //Down North Grand across from the (old) Pillsbury plant.

    CED - LOL 1/2 house!

    Lucina - Don't suppose you took a look at the map I link'd? Go over to 5th street and Benedictine University was Ursuline Academy - my HS before moving to Shreveport. St. Joes (a little south) had a School but Springfield is an aging town - at least as far as poor Catholics in the North End go.

    Cheers, -T

  66. Ooops - Swamp: I wouldn't say it makes you old... I just remember it in the paper since I was a kid and it never elicited a giggle. These are the Funnies :-)


  67. Prince Valiant from a transition point (May 3) into their current adventure, where today Aleta is wielding her sword against pitchfork carrying witch hunters!

    Pat: your video runs fine now, from both the links you posted.


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