, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday, October 14, 2020, Jeff Stillman

Gary's Blog Map

Oct 14, 2020

Wednesday, October 14, 2020, Jeff Stillman


♫ ♬ 


19. Outerwear in the bush: SAFARI JACKET.

25. Rhyming hair-loss metaphor: CHROME DOME.

43. Large urban areas just outside of a central business district: EDGE CITIES.

49. Reply to a salesperson ... or a hint to the start of 19-, 25- and 43-Across: JUST BROWSING.

Melissa here. As C.C. would say, a very scrabbly grid, short only Q, X, and Z of a pangram. The first word in each theme answer is a type of browser. Surprising how many there are that I've never even heard of. Feds may target Google’s Chrome browser for breakup.


1. Tranquilize: DRUG.

5. Req. for some IKEA purchases: ASSY. Haha. Assembly. See also 31D.

9. Icy coating: HOAR. I never see that word without thinking of Agatha Christie. The first time I read the word hoarfrost was when I did a term paper in high school about Christie and her mysterious disappearance. After her car apparently broke down, she checked into a hotel, her hair covered in hoarfrost.

13. Convenience: EASE.

14. Construction __: SITE.

15. Planning to, informally: GONNA.

16. "Is there a problem here?": WHAT GIVES.

18. Peyton Manning's alma mater, for short: UTENN.

21. Tiffs: SPATS.

24. Feminist author Wolf: NAOMI.

28. __ vu: DEJA.

32. Metal in Montana's motto: ORO"Oro y Plata" is Spanish for "Gold and Silver" and hearkens back to when mining ruled Montana, and the state was nicknamed the "Treasure State."

33. What snobs put on: AIRS.

34. Descartes et al.: RENES.

35. Film critic Kael: PAULINEPauline Kael was an American film critic who wrote for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991. Wikipedia.

37. Brother of Ophelia:

39. City on the Ruhr: ESSEN.

40. Draws a bead on, with "at": AIMS.

41. "We ___ the World": ARE.

42. Grasps: SEES.

46. Goggle: STARE.

48. Decorates superficially: GILDS1. To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold. 2. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to.

54. Top dog: ALPHA.

55. At risk of running aground, perhaps: NEAR SHORE.

59. Get fuzzy: BLEAR. Never heard this verb form.

60. Glamour rival: ELLE. Magazines.

61. Breakfast-in-bed aid: TRAY.

62. Cut with a tool: SAWN.

63. Place to see runners: SLED. Nice clue.

64. Kind of terrier: SKYE.


1. Morning coat?: DEW.

2. "Yay, team!": RAH.

3. G7 member: USAThe Group of Seven is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of seven major developed countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, which are the largest IMF-advanced economies in the world. Wikipedia.

4. Bugs: GETS TO.

5. "In your dreams!": AS IF.

6. The Destroyer, in Hinduism: SIVAShiva is known as "The Destroyer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is one of the supreme beings who creates, protects and transforms the universe.

7. Cans under dishes: STERNOSSee them there, under the serving dishes?

8. Emphatic confirmation: YES I AM.

9. Drink on a chilly fall day: HOT CIDER.

10. Fun run dist.: ONE K. One kilometer.

11. Elizabeth I's mother: ANNE.

12. Sound off: RANT.

15. Island east of Manila: GUAM.

17. Utility pipe: GAS MAIN.

20. Java: JOE.

21. Checks (out): SCOPES.

22. Part of a sentence: PHRASE.

23. Stimulate: AROUSE.

26. Article in Der Spiegel: EIN. This may be referring to the German news magazine, Der Spiegel. EIN is one in German. Anyone have a different take?

27. Dr. with Grammys: DRE.

29. Involve by necessity: ENTAIL.

30. Rode from the stands: JEERED. Rode? If you say so ...

31. Take stock of: ASSESS. Also 5A ASSY.

34. Formally steps down: RESIGNS.

36. <: <: b="">LESS THAN.

37. Fish story: LIE.

38. "Mad Men" network: AMC.

40. Look 35 at 45, say: AGE WELL.

43. Keen perception: EAR.

44. Unmanned fliers: DRONES.

45. Common circus wear: TIGHTS.

47. Skier's aid: TBAR.

49. Setups for knockout punches: JABS.

50. Uma's role in "The Producers": ULLA.

51. Gush forth: SPEW.

52. Pitcher's goal: SALE. Not baseball - tricky. Hand up for BASE?

53. Teed off: IRED.

56. TV planet: ORK. Where Mork is from.

57. Bit of hope: RAY.

58. Watch: EYE.


  1. I liked this puzzle. A fun theme!

    I definitely prefer ASSY as an abbreviation for assembly over some other potential definitions, but I've never seen it used in that way. It's a legit abbreviation according to the web, but is this in common use and I've just missed it?

  2. Good morning!

    Didn't know that SIVA is an alternate spelling for SHIVA. No problem with ASSY. The abbreviation that stumped d-o was "dist." -- couldn't get "district" out of my mind. Making that "Icy coating" RIME didn't help. Maine was the last corner to fill, but fill it finally did. Yay. Needed Melissa Bee explanation of the theme -- oops, missed the reveal again. Thanx, Jeff and M-B.

    GUAM: I'll take a CSO for that one. Spent a couple years on that island back in the '60s. Loved it. Hated to leave. All of the free boonie-stomps we enjoyed -- Marbo Cave, Talofofo Falls, etc. -- are now pay-to-see attractions. The base where I was stationed is gone, reverted to nature.

  3. Took 9:31. Didn't see the theme - I guess I'm still "searching" for it.

    I'll deduct a point for "assy." Blear, sawn, ulla, and spew made for an off-putting lower-left corner. I didn't know the film critic, and I'm not a fan of foreign words (ein).
    Does anyone say "U Tenn"? Isn't it just "Tennessee" or "UT"?

  4. I fondly remember my STERNO stove from Boy Scouts and Explorers camping trips. My last ASSY was a grill that I put together on the deck of our beach house. Since then I’ll pay through the nose for an assembled product. No write-overs today.

  5. Ooh, that V8 can hurt. As I opened the write-up and saw SAFARI etc highlighted it hit me. I do use chrome but default is Google.

    Yep, I couldn't grok ASSY but it finally clicked.

    SI had an issue referring to 1946-69 as the gilded age of baseball. Can't find it on web

    Yes I knew "her" as Shiva too.

    In sports terminology "Rode a player" would be the same as JEERing him.

    Clause/PHRASE threw me off plus I never saw M&M so I tried awk/ORK. Actually I thought I FIR but is that a P or a K on SKYE?

    Took some work for a Wednesday but here's a story. Since I have the full week I solved on Tuesday. When I solved Friday I thought it was devilishly difficult for a Friday. Then I realized I'd done Saturday. So, I say "Friday should be much easier". Nope. Il y a plus angst ahead.

    I remember PAULINE Kael. Ebert before Ebert.


  6. Yes, “riding” someone is JEERing them. In baseball , players in the dugout who verbally harass the other team are known as “bench jockeys.”

  7. FIR, yes! And I got the theme, being familiar with the BROWSers. Thanks, Jeff, for a challenging puzzle which made me work to FIR. And thanks to MB for confirming I got it.

    I admit I had a few detours so the grid has w/o's. JUST lookING before I saw it was too short and my HOT drink was Cocoa/toDdy/CIDER. Perps to the rescue there and a couple of other places. But YES I AM happy today.

    Hope you all have a great day.

  8. Good morning everyone.

    Didn't get the theme but, no matter, got it done anyway. Had rime crossing Maary, before seeing that HOAR crossing ANNE would work much better. Also had 'toddy' before CIDER. Luckily caught them early before entering a lot of othe wrong fill that would need to be changed. FIR.
    EIN - Play on 'article', a news piece or a type of word 'in grammar usage'? Der Spiegel (the mirror) being a German magazine would contain both. Since Der is a definite article, EIN, an indefinite article, would be a cleaner fill. EIN would take an ending to agree with the noun it was modifying, as to gender and case. EIN , as it stands, could be masculine nominative or neuter nominative or accusative. I might have missed something but that's the general gist of it.

    1. Always appreciate your teaching us a little German, thanks.

  9. Slow start in the NE. First entered rime for HOAR. Eventually corrected and FIR.
    Had to wait on the type of SAFARI wear. Helmet, as in pith, would have fit.
    Did not catch the theme until Melissa explained. Thanks.

  10. Wow! Did this theme ever fly over my head. I use a split screen when commenting with the blog section on the left using the EDGE browser and I write my comments on the CHROME browser on the right side. When I open both browsers the ads that appear of the right are never the same.

    C.C.- do you get paid if I click on one or buy something if I do. I've never clicked on one yet.

    ASSY- when you do a job correctly, as opposed to half-ASSY (really half assed). ASSY was my last fill- assembly. I had to change HOT COCOA to CIDER and PAROLE to PHRASE as writeovers.

    PAULINE, ULLA, & NAOMI were the only unknowns. UMA playing ULLA- did she want it close to hear real name? I've never heard the term EDGE CITIES and I don't think that it would apply to the way 43A was clued. Maybe another city close to the main city. LA & Pasedena.

    EIN- Article in Der Spiegel- well since it doesn't refer to Spiegel catalog the answer is JA.

  11. Good Morning:

    The theme wasn’t evident to me until the reveal as I never really studied the theme entries. No harm, as the reveal was perfectly clear and spot on. Siva and Ulla were unknown and I stumbled briefly on Gas Line/Main, Hot Toddy/Cider, and Pole/T Bar. Did anyone else notice the seemingly excess of plurals? I liked the duos of Ray crossing Tray (Hi, Ray O!) and Ear/Eye.

    Thanks, Jeff, for a mid-week treat and thanks, Melissa, for an informative review. i enjoyed the trailer of the Pauline Kael bio so much that I checked to see if Netflix offers it. Unfortunately, it’s not in their inventory, but it is available on DVD. I’ll check further because I’d really like to see it.

    Have a great day.

  12. BTW, I forgot to mention that three sources show that Assy is the most popular abbreviation for Assembly. It looks odd but I guess it’s commonly used..

  13. Musings
    -It’s more fun to earn a “got ‘er done” and I did today
    -SAFARI and CHROME gave me the theme and so I figured EDGE must be a BROWSER as well
    -The RAF dropped over 36,000 tons of bombs on ESSEN
    -DEW becoming HOAR FROST is very near for us
    -GILD – “You know what would really make those lilies stand out?”
    -YES I AM < agreeable with BLEAR and GOGGLE
    -A PHRASE has words in search of a verb
    -DRONES seem fun and scary at the same time

  14. Hola!

    With DE JA VU in place for a start, then RENES and LAERTES I was off and running in that center area. JEERED seemed like a stretch but it makes sense.

    I've not heard of EDGE CITIES but it fit nicely.

    CSO to RAY-O-Sunshine!

    Most of the rest filled smoothly though BLEAR took a while to emerge. It has been a long time since I saw The Producers so ULLA JUST filled itself.

    ASSY was my last fill and I was unsure about it. Okay, if you say so.

    STERNOS was cleverly clued.

    Thank you, Jeff Stillman and Melissa. Especially thank you, MB, for explaining the theme.

    May your day go well, everyone!

  15. FIR but wees about some odd clues/fill. Nice MB write-up!

    The new version of Edge performs well and isn't the memory hog that Chrome is.

    The last warm day for us here in Chicago before fall temps set in. Stay safe and well everyone.


    1. Thanx for the tip on Edge, JB2, I’ll try it. I got very upset and REFUSED to try it when MSFT pretty much FORCED it on everyone after one of their far-too-frequent WIN 10 updates.

  16. FIR, resting my back in my cmoputer chair in between spasms of downsizing. Missed seeing the great theme. Easy, but I am too distracted. Nice expo, mb.
    The only time I have ever had breakfast in bed was when I was sick or in the hospital. Coming from a family of 8, our custom is everybody comes to the table unless they are ill..
    To add to what Spitz said, "(The) article, ein-, is used equivalently to the word a in English, though it literally means one. Like its English equivalent (though unlike Spanish), it has no direct form for a plural; in this situation a range of alternatives such as einige (some; several) or manche (some) would be used."
    I sometimes use RIDE to mean harass or tease, especially when done continuously. It seems more unkind than merely tease.
    Strange that we seldom see assembly abbreviated.
    Back to work.
    I have seen SIVA for SHIVA before.
    I thought goggle as a verb was more common. Synonyms are gape, gawk, gaze, peer, rubberneck, stare. He goggled in amazement at the huge statue.
    Edge city was new to me, but easy to wag with a few perps. It is a relatively new term. "The term was popularized by the 1991 book Edge City: Life on the New Frontier by Joel Garreau, who established its current meaning....."

  17. Decided I was GONNA try to FIR and did ...but lots of inkovers: Pole/TBAR getson/TO, eye/esp/EAR, JUSTbrowsing off/BROWSING. Thought it said "at risk of running around ...Is that a the reason why HOAR was crossed with ANNE (Boleyn)? 🤭.. .ASSY? As in some assembly required? (or...even "ASSESS" like me can assemble an Ikea desk?). I agree about S(h)IVA..why I perpwaked it. Thanks for the CSO..Lucina I always thought ARGENTNA refered to silver in Spanish (argento in It.)

    The theme, as usual, escaped me.

    Anonymous T from last night "I was 2 years old when I heard "Here Comes the Sun"...hey don't rub it and respect yer elders (I was 19 in '69)

    When I see IRED in a crossword I see RED!....

    Took a successdul business, and _____ into the ground...RANT.

    Hearing impaired echos _____... RESIGNS

    Tonsil Doc's preferred brew....ENTAIL

    Where urban cliff dwellers once lived...EDGECITIES.

    An emphatic negative.....STERNO

    One of Dad's favorite geography jokes....
    "Are you Hungary?"...."YES SIAM!"

    1. Broderick Crawford and gene wilder sucked in their roles.


  18. Big Easy....the characters actual name is Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson...and then you can add Bloom as well....a popular woman for sure.

    1. PVX, I have a neighbor will the last name of ULLO. The movie was also unknown.

  19. Loved the Agatha article, learned that Chrome may be tarnished...
    But I really wanted to complain about rode from the crowd=jeered,
    And then Billocohoes splained it, and I feel stifled...

    Thank you Billocohoes, but I've got a rant I need to get out
    And don't know what to do with it.
    Maybe because I DNF'd without help.
    I know! The clue for 6d should have read "AKA" the destroyer, in Hinduism...

    The eeriest thing about this puzzle, is that I typed in Dejavu,
    Erased it, and it kept coming back again...
    Hot toddy became cocoa became begrudgingly cider.
    (Which one would you rather have?)

    Anywho, a silly browser link.

    (Just kidding)
    oh, I am in deep doo doo...

  20. I, too, failed to grasp the theme but got it done. I have some of the same nits to pick as others, above. For example, ASSY and GONNA

    Fortunately, I remembered LAERTES from studying HAMLET in Jr. High. Mrs. Linville was a great English teacher. I never studied German but ESSEN and EIN are commonly used in puzzles so they were not a problem.

    I have studied urban planning but had never before seen EDGE CITIES. Learned something there.

  21. I just solved C.C.'s "Royal Family" USA Today Puzzle that I assume will be published tomorrow. I enjoyed that the clues and answers were eclectic. It was quite solvable but, with the exception of a couple of sections, required working things out a few answers at a time.

  22. I’m with desper-otto on the NE; went thru the same contortions. Never did figure out that ONEK is ONE K, as I never got past DISTRICT instead of DISTANCE. I don’t know how many times I read 55a as “....running around” instead of “....running aGround”. Oy. Never figured out the reveal, either. Not one of my better CW solving days, but did get ‘er done....eventually....with lots of perps. Good mental workout, thanx JS, and very fine write-up, thanx M-B!!

  23. Puzzling thoughts:

    Unlike a few of you, I did manage to "get" the theme ... JUST BROWSING ... and it dawned on me twice. First, after seeing SAFARI and CHROME (I used SAFARI on my iPhone), and then again when I sussed AGE WELL crossing the reveal.

    There was some loose fill in this puzzle, for sure: ULLA was a perp, as was LAERTES and PAULINE; HOT COCOA/TODDY finally became CIDER; BLEAR was an unfamiliar usage (BLEARY is quite familiar!!)

    All-in-all, it was much more difficult than most Wednesday puzzles, but a good challenge on hump day is occasionally welcomed. Thanks M Bee for some clarifications as well as the musical links.

    Believe it or not, I recently went into an IKEA store, as I was intrigued by their business model, as well as the popular "Swedish Meatballs". I was dumbfounded when I went to the meatball "department", and saw that some ASSY was required for them as well. Here's what they "sold" me:

    "In a large bowl, combine ground beef, ground pork, Panko, egg yolks, allspice, nutmeg and cooked onion; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Using a wooden spoon or clean hands, stir until well combined. Roll the mixture into 1 1/4-to-1 1/2-inch meatballs, forming about 24 meatballs ..."

  24. Stationed in Guam for a year with the FAA to design and build a navigation radar for Anderson Air Force Base. A beautiful place.

    Oh... puzzle easy peasy

  25. Well, Thursdays and Fridays had become toughies for me, but today I had a bit of a tough time with a Wednesday too. Thank goodness the top and bottom filled in okay, with the exception of the unknown BLEAR. I did remember PAULINE Kael and LAERTES in the middle too. And my German helped me with ESSEN and EIN. But the theme made no sense to me--guess I'm not a browser.

    But no problem, I still enjoyed it--thanks, Jeff. And, Melissa, I loved your Agatha Christie story and your STERNO picture. Thanks for your fun commentary, too.

    Have a good Wednesday, everybody.

  26. Wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for the fun, Jeff and Melissa bee.
    I got the theme (I am entering this on Safari on my iPad; may I add that I use Google not GOGGLE! and hate Bing. That’s my RANT for today.)
    But I had a big FIW at that Natick of SIVA and ASSY (really, can I have a second RANT?)😁
    I guessed at Kiva; that had me rethinking STERNOS and wondering if the IKEA assembly required an A KEY (short for Allen key). Then I rationalized that maybe you Americans call those cans Eternos!😁☺️

    Hand up for Rime before HOAR. I loved seeing that with DEW.
    Another hand up for that M leading me astray to Mary before ANNE.

    I hope that I AGE WELL. I don’t consider myself old yet; old is a relative term - about twenty years older than your current age!
    I am quite comfortable with my salt and pepper hair colour (well maybe more salt now), and if my wrinkles are laughlines, then they are fine with me.

    Yes HuskerG, I thought of GILD the Lily.
    CSO to Montana today. I’ll take one at 1A.

    Wishing you all a great day.

  27. Unlike WEES, I had CIDER before HOT. Couldn't get R _ _ CIDER. Then rime turned to HOAR.


  28. Jeff, I enjoyed the puzzle, and Melissa, I enjoyed the review! I grumbled about BLEAR and JEERED, and of course ULLA was unknown, but that's pretty low on the grumbling scale, and I was able to FIR along with my morning toast and chai! Thanks to all y'all for playing along.

  29. Hi All!

    Jeff, I use all three Browsers (plus IE & Firefox) daily but totally missed the theme *hangs head in shame*. Fun puzzle though. Thanks!

    Swell expo mb.

    WO: ANNa
    ESPs: ASSY(?), BLEAR(?), PAULINE, LAERTES, NEARS HORE(? - perps were solid though)
    Fav: Déjà vu? I feel like we had that yesterday. EERIE.
    Runner-up: ULLA. When You Got It, Flaunt It [3:39]

    Hand-up unclefred - I also kept (until mb corrected me [see ESP above!]) reading 'running around' @55a.
    //I also held off on Edge for the same reason. My secondary Win10 box, however loads it by default.

    CED - That McMakeup is disturbing. Card's cute.
    C. Mol - LOL DIY meatballs.

    Cheers, -T

  30. HOTCocoa/HOTCIDER,GASline/GASMAIN, EDGEoftown/EDGECITIES, TRAY in the wrong place but finally got things sorted out and finished. Whew! Thanks, Jeff, for the work-out and thanks, MB for explaining things, including the theme.

    20d Java JOE Shout out to Java Mama!

    Enjoyed the puzzle. It's been a good day. Hope yours has been too!

  31. -T @3:50

    I Liked the Producers clip ... need to re-watch that movie

    Also, I replied to your email a few days ago, mentioning that the crossword editing attachment you sent me wouldn't download ... just making sure you saw that ...

    Also, thanks for picking up on the DIY meatballs ... ;^)

  32. Tricky, but do-able.

    Theme didn't help, as I didn't recognize CHROME or EDGE as BROWSers. And anyway, I thought it was a play on JUST B. LOOKING for the longest time.
    Well, I straightened up and flew right before the end, so I'm not complaining.
    Not much.
    ~ OMK

  33. C-Eh! : No, the Corner doesn't practice RANT control; a second rant is fine.

  34. Thanks Michael. Glad to hear there is no limit on RANTs.

  35. Happy Hump Day! First of all I was late to the blog Tuesday night so today I want to thank Hatoolah for posting the photo of the "West Coast Cornerites"! We did manage to met up for lunch a few times at Dodo's lovely retirement home (always including a Champagne toast). She was a gem! Chickie, JD, Lucina and I still try to hook up when ever possible.

    Thanks MB for today's write up. I liked the puzzle, but I have to admit "ASSY" did stop me for a bit. Edward Duarte, I believe you might have meant Matthew Broderick (not Broderick Crawford) who starred in the Mel Brooks production of "The Producers" along with Nathan Lane. Gene Wilder starred with Zero Mostel in the original.

    Edge Cities? Never heard the term.

    Thanks Jeff for the Wednesday workout.
    Over and out...

  36. GarlicGal! - Nice to see you today. I've missed Chickie & JD. How are they doing? -T

  37. Hello Anonymous T. We had lunch waaayyyy back in March, right before the quarantine set in. I'm sorry to say I haven't been in touch with either of them since. I think I better remedy that right now and fire off an email to both of them! Thanks for the nudge.

  38. Anon; PAULINE KAEL was a giant in the Movie Criticism Business.

    Pauline Kael wrote for The New Yorker from 1967 until her retirement, in 1991. In 1968, shortly after the publication of her review of “Bonnie and Clyde,” she became the magazine’s film critic. While at The New Yorker, Kael wrote hundreds of Current Cinema columns, as well as many shorter film reviews. She was the author of thirteen books, including “I Lost It at the Movies,” “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,” “Deeper Into Movies” (which won the 1974 National Book Award), and “5001 Nights at the Movies.” Kael received a Guggenheim fellowship in 1964 and was an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received Front Page Awards from the Newswomen's Club of New York in 1974 and 1983 and a George Polk Memorial Award in 1970. Kael died at her home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in 2001. In 2011, her film criticism was anthologized in the Library of America collection “Deeper Into Movies.”

    She paved the way for the modern film critics. We still see references to Ransome E. Olds.

  39. Thx L714; Here's Ebert on Kael:"She had a more positive influence on the climate for film in America than any other single person over the last three decades." Kael, he said, "had no theory, no rules, no guidelines, no objective standards. You couldn't apply her 'approach' to a film. With her it was all personal."

    Their film critic history paralleled each other. Ebert talking to an urban Chicago audience, KAEL to the New York(er) Intelligencer.

    And... I learned here that REOs were Ransom(E) OLDSmobiles. And that they were around in the 30s.


  40. WC - I hope you also know REO (Speedwagon) [wiki] are nice boys from Champaign, Illinois (Fightin' Illini!) who could Ride the Storm Out. [5:02]


    Cheers, -T

  41. Finally time to play say...

    EdwardE & Garlic Gal - I've never seen (didn't know!?!) the original with Gene Wilder... Just found a CLIP.

    Cheers, -T

  42. Busy day. Way late. FIR, but it took some work and perps and WOs. Didn't look for the theme again. Enjoyed the puzzle. Somehow remembered LAERTES.

    If the term EDGE CITY was a term that popped up in 1991, how come so many of us have never heard it before now?

  43. Check our the poem "General William Booth Enters Heaven " by Vachael Lindsay--or the song by Charles Ives-- for a good use of the word "blear"


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