, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday October 18, 2021 Lynn Lempel

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Oct 18, 2021

Monday October 18, 2021 Lynn Lempel

Theme: PICK ME UP (62. Morale booster ... or words that might suggest the arrival of one of the circled words)

16. Happy-go-lucky: CAREFREE.

24. Meddlesome types: BUSYBODIES.

38. Pie à la mode choice: VANILLA ICE CREAM.

50. Anxiety resulting from being stuck indoors: CABIN FEVER.

Boomer here.  

CABs are pretty pricey, I got rid of the VAN when we stopped doing baseball card shows and flea markets, so we purchased a new car last year but to my surprise it did not have a CD player.  Thank you so much desper-otto for fixing us up with some great music!

I was supposed to have today off however one of my teammates went fishing so as you read this, I am probably on the lanes at Super Bowl in Ramsey, Minnesota.


1. High-arcing tennis shot: LOB.  Yes, I graduated from baseball to slow pitch softball around 1966.

4. Merlot and Malbec: REDS.  Cincinnati lost their Red legs a few years ago.

8. Surname at Tara: O'HARA.

13. Thurman in films: UMA.  Strange name for a lady.  Also she has a daughter named LUNA.

14. British noble: EARL

15. Particle in a nucleus: PROTON.

18. Supper, say: REPAST.  Sorry but I have never heard anyone say "Breakfast, Lunch, and Repast."

19. Ancient Andeans: INCAS.  I did hear Jimmy Durante say "INKA"

20. Seek the affections of: WOO.

22. The "E" in HOMES: ERIE.  The Great lakes, of course.  I have only seen "S" and "M".

23. Fizzles out: DIES.

27. Germ-killing brand: LYSOL.

29. Norse explorer Ericson: LEIF.

30. As well: TOO. Also.

32. Cry from a sty: OINK.  That's the way it is spelled but it really does not sound that way.

34. State-sponsored gambling game: LOTTO.  I have seen these but Minnesota raises money with scratch off LOTTO.  However the state also seems to raise our taxes.

42. Tolerate: STAND.

43. PBS science series: NOVA.  Chevrolet named a compact car NOVA.

44. Chick-to-be, maybe: EGG.  Or you might just find it in your potato salad.

45. April 1 "honoree": FOOL.

48. First head of the USSR: LENIN.

54. Apples on desks: MACS.  Big hamburgers from the Golden Arches?

57. Codebreaker Turing: ALAN.  This is the first name of my bowling buddy who couldn't make it this morning.  I heard that he went fishing.  I really cannot imagine why anyone would fish rather than bowl.  This is the land of 10,000 lakes but also the land of 10,000 LANES.

58. Public health org.: FDA. This is for the Food and Drugs but we hear more from the CDC in these COVID times.

59. Bird that beats a birdie?: EAGLE.  I have one in my golf career.  It was on a 490 - par five.  I was on the green in two and made a thirty foot putt. 

60. Small, sizewise: PETITE.  These are mostly C.C.'s clothes.  She just does not know how to eat like us Minnesotans.

65. Left the building: EXITED.

66. Texan's neighbor: OKIE.  From Muskokie.

67. Cooperstown stat: RBI.  It's a decent statistic, but sometimes a batter can earn one with a fly ball, a man on third, and less than two outs.  That's baseball !

68. Gathered, as leaves: RAKED.  We are in the middle of FALL here in the Northland and our leaves are falling like Astros opponents.  We have a service that picks them up, but it seems heaven forbid, they don't want to come back and do the job more than once.

69. Use a Kindle: READ.

70. Fed. benefits provider: SSA.  All of us old timers are getting a 5.9 % raise in 2022.  And by the way, prices are going up 20 - 40% on almost everything.


1. Thinking clearly: LUCID.

2. Saudi neighbor: OMANI.

3. Spanish port city: BARCELONA.  Right on the Atlantic Coast.  I wonder if they have ships and containers waiting to be unloaded there.

4. NFL officials: REFS.  I think only one is a REF.  Others are line judges and back judges. 

5. Spot for a bud: EAR.

6. "The Chronic" Dr.: DRE.

7. Gobs and gobs: SLEWS.

8. Smeltery supply: ORE.  Also wondering if OREgon has ships and containers on their coast.

9. Wished one could have: HOPED FOR.  My Mom's name was HOPE and I think she may have HOPED for a boy on October 27, 1947.

10. Gaming giant: ATARI.  Played it forever back in the 1990s.  

11. TV personality O'Donnell: ROSIE.

12. Starts a poker pot: ANTES.  It was a nickel in the Caddyshack at Oak Ridge Country Club back in the 1960s 

15. Examine thoroughly: PROBE.  Then we had the opportunity to Examine 5 cards Thoroughly.

17. "No sweat!": EASY.  I usually do not sweat when I bowl, but that doesn't make it easy.

21. Tall, skinny Olive: OYL.  Popeye's girlfriend.

24. Bubble, as water: BOIL.  212 degrees F.

25. Forearm bone: ULNA.

26. Tin Man's lubricator: OILCAN.  I seem to remember the Red Sox had a pitcher named "OIL CAN" Boyd.  He had a relative that worked at a grocery store that we frequented. So one day I gave him a baseball card... of OILCAN Boyd.

28. Convinced of: SOLD ON.

30. Hotel room sets: TVS.

31. Meal opening?: OAT.  Oatmeal. Mine is usually WHEAT or CORN .

33. All in the family: KIN.  Archie and Edith Bunker.

35. Many "Twilight" characters: TEENAGERS.

36. Kids' chasing game: TAG.  I never wanted to be "IT".

37. Texter's "Heavens!": OMG.

39. Limitless: INFINITE.

40. "Merry old" king: COLE.  Then there was Nat King ....

41. Always: EVER.

46. Eliminated, gangland-style: OFFED.

47. Went first: LED.  Four Major League baseball teams LED but when the playoffs came they "WENT OUT FIRST."  Sorry TTP. 

49. Spiritual guide at a mosque: IMAM.

50. Frivolous escapade: CAPER.

51. Amazon Echo assistant: ALEXA.  Is she related to Siri?

52. Craft to dye for: BATIK.

53. Aircraft's trail: VAPOR.

55. After-school groups: CLUBS.  I have fourteen of these in a bag in the garage.  Bowling season has started and I really do not like to play golf on windy 55 degree days.

56. Old photo tone: SEPIA.

59. Barely got, with "out": EKED.  Last Monday I EKED out a 194 game.  We'll see what happens today.

61. Bill's co-adventurer: TED.

63. Name on a 1950s campaign button: IKE.  I remember him.  "EISENHOWER" did not fit on the campaign buttons.

64. Intelligence-gathering org.: CIA.  "The CIA'S subversive, and SO' S the FCC.  There's no one left but THEE and WE, and we're not sure of THEE." "John Birch Society"  Chad Mitchell Trio.



  1. Good to see you up and about and off to bowl Boomer as C.C. advised you were not feeling well. I know the feeling, though I am not dealing with any Cancer issues.

    Lynn Lempel would be a perfect girlfriend for Superman who like those double Ls. She is a veteran constructor who has been called the QUEEN OF MONDAY PUZZLES over her almost 42 year career including 69 Mondays at the NYT. She is very good at the concept of introducing people to solving and this may have been my fastest solve ever. Thank you Lynn and keep knocking them down Boomer.

  2. FIR with no erasure, but I had to wait for LieF/LEIF. No real unknowns.

    I was reared in the country, where the "three squares" were breakfast, dinner and supper. But when I started crosswords I learned that I ate REPASTs.

    Boomer, my new HP laptop doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. Hasn't been a problem so far, but I can get a USB-connected one if I need it. In my cars I find that I can get my entire music library on a 64 GB thumb drive. And when I want to listen to books on "tape" I just rip the CDs to MP3s and put them on a different thumb drive. (Those are really handy for our Florida migration.) Now if I can find a nice 1967 Impala Super Sport with a nifty 8-track player I'll be all set.

    Thanks to LL for the fun, very easy outing. And thanks to Boomer for the PUNishment. By the way, maybe the reason that ALAN would rather fish than bowl might be that the fish smell better than the shoe rental area at the lanes.

  3. Good morning!

    Zip, zip, done. This one came in under 5 mintues. That's almost unheard-of for d-o. No mysteries, no drama, no Wite-Out. Thanx, Lynn and Boomer.

    ALEXA -- Nope. I confess, though, that I use Siri in the car to make phone calls. It seems there's always some senior on my M-o-W route who doesn't answer the door. Usually, that means they're not home. Not always.

  4. BARCELONA is not on the Atlantic coast. It is a port city on the Mediterranean Sea.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, Agnes. You have had such a bad autumn. A bad cough without medicine is really bad news.
    Happy birthday, Dave and Wilbur I always look forward to posts from both of you.
    These days, except for the reception after funerals. I find the word REPAST only in books and newspapers. Even so, I hear people asking what a funeral repast is.

  6. Thanks Lynn for easing us all into the crossword week, read your bio linked by lemonade, very impressive resume’ and career you’ve had! Always nice to learn about the constructors and their inspirations. I usually shoot for a Monday solve time in under 10 minutes and managed this one in 7:29 so it made my day in that regard. Liked the way “oyl” and “oilcan” were in the same puzzle. Nice commentary Boomer, I do remember Oilcan Boyd (got his nickname from his beer drinking days in Mississippi where beer was referred to as “oil, I just HAD to look that up). Took me many crosswords to remember that it’s Uma Thurman and Uta Hagen and not vice versa. Also I agree that “oink” is not really onomatopoeia for pig talk :)

  7. My ride got delayed by a few seconds today - but I finished in 4:05.
    Not a fan of circles, but I don't think we needed them today as the theme was all at the very beginning of the long acrosses.

  8. Back to the Corner after a big family reunion at our place all last week. Been finding moments to do the puzzles but still have the blogs and comments to look forward to . Today's puzzle was a joy to fill (FIR) and the review also brought smiles. Thanks, Lynn and Boomer! Best wishes to all for a good week.

  9. Animal noises as interpreted in other languages.
    Around the world

    Have you had your COVIC booster? My first two Pfizer injections produced a barely noticeable sensitivity at the site and no other reaction, as is normal with injections for me. I had the booster on Wed and spent 24 hours in bed on Thurs. with a fever of 100.7 and bad body aches, though no respiratory distress. It was over in 24 hours.

    I love my car phone. I was in a traffic jam yesterday and whiled away the time talking to my sister who was celebrating her 85th birthday.

  10. YR, sorry to hear of your bad reaction to the booster. I got mine a few weeks ago -- no adverse reaction whatsoever. I got a sorer arm from the flu shot a week ago.

  11. Good morning everyone.

    Easy like others have said. Simple theme; circles probably not needed. Did like the phrase "PICK ME UP". No aid needed. FIR.
    HOMES - ERIE - - I've seen all five GREAT Lakes. Lake Superior and Lake Ontario levels are regulated; the others are not. Michigan and Huron stand at the same elevation, and together are considered one lake, hydraulically.
    BARCELONA - Some say it was named for Carthaginian general Hamlicar Barca

    Happy Birthday to YR's sister.

  12. Musings
    -Boomer will have to tell me if I missed any good clue/fills as I zipped through Lynn’s puzzle
    -Slow pitch softball and bowling have fizzled out as activities for middle-aged and above peeps in our town
    -Alan, my new neighbor from Alabama, supervises EGG laying for our $400M chicken plant
    -EAGLES are common on our 200 yd Par 4 that requires going over a dozen mature trees if you eschew the fairway
    -A batter with low RBI numbers and high LOB numbers may soon be unemployed
    -REFS don’t like making calls in the last minute that decide games, so “Buckle Up Buttercup!”
    -My kids were amazed that the temp of water stopped when it BOILED at 212F/100C in the lab. Continuing to add heat to boiling water doesn’t make the hot dogs cook any faster.
    -My golf CLUBS are in a new bag today because I had accumulated $100 in gift certificates at Scheels.

  13. Thank you Lynn for the Monday morning PICK UP, a real TRANSPORTING experience. And thank you Boomer for all the BOOMERS. You're a real CARD! And thanks to you Lemony for all your secret sauce on Lynn. Where do you get this stuff?

    A few favs:

    13A UMA. Her sister ULNA (25D) must be the comedian in the family. She has a CRAZY BONE!

    48A LENIN. The first of the REDS and famous for his quote, "A lie told often enough becomes the TRUTH". This idea seems to be making a comeback.

    70A SSA. I PAID into this system since I was 15 - it's not a BENEFIT! So the 6% raise in 2022 will cover what, 30% to 15% of inflation?

    9D HOPED FOR (baby boy). Nine days and counting til BOOMER's BDAY! May I be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday BOOMSTER! 🎈🎉🧁

    51D ALEXA and her sister SIRI are chatterboxes. For a calmer perspective on things, try their older brother HAL.


  14. As D.O. said, "zip zip, done."
    Thanks, Boomer for the expo.
    I am scheduled to receive my booster tomorrow.

  15. Thank you Lynn Lempel for a nice and very easy puzzle .. fatsest time yet.! God Bless.
    Thank you Boomer, for your funny review, as always. I am glad you are doing well, as can be expected. Glad you have your hobbies to look forward to. I must try out bowling one of these days ... golf probably not.

    Uma,as I mentioned before is a quite a common indian, nepali ... hindu/buddhist name. It is prob the shortest indian name I have come across ... short and sweet.
    Uma is another name of Parvati, wife of Shiva, the goddess of marriage, motherhood and fertility ... caring and understanding.

    I have 2 Umas in our family ... one, a niece in LA who is a prof in physio-therapy.
    Uma Thurman, got her name from her father (who else ?), who, in addition to his academic vocation, was presumably an ordained buddhist monk. Both buddhists and hindus have some common gods and goddesses, e.g. Uma and Tara.

    I thought REPAST was in the past, nowadays we just gorge ourselves ....

    My first car was a Chevy Nova, it had no power brakes or steering, and no radio .... it cost $ 3022 out the door. It lasted well past 9 years, and I resold it for $ 2200. The only car I ever had a loan on, for $1200.

    I never solved the circles in this quick puzzle, and I assumed that the PICK ME UP, was a small potent drink ... Alas, my drinking days and feasting food days are over.

    Have a great day, all.

  16. A wonderful Monday CW, FIR in 12, which for me is average for Monday. W/O LIEF:LEIF. Very nice CW, thanx LL. Terrific write-up, too, Boomer, thanx. BTW, I love PBS’ NOVA; excellent show!! D-O, I had absolutely no reaction at all to the Pfizer booster. I actually wish I'd HAD a slight reaction, so I knew it was doing something. I took my GF to Barcelona a few years ago. I love Gaudi’s work, and have been watching La Sagrada Familia construction over the years. She and I ended up in a Chinese restaurant to watch the soccer finals, which if I remember we’re being played in Brazil. Germany vs ????. It occurred to me that the situation could scarcely have been more international: an American and a Philippina in Spain watching a match between Germany and another country played in Brazil in a Chinese restaurant on a TV made in Japan!!

  17. C,C, has a CW puzzle in today's WSJ. I'll try it this afternoon.

  18. Hey Boomer,
    I'm practice bowling today and one of the friends I regularly bowl with on Mondays goes fishing half the time. I don't get it either. LOL

  19. Thanks for the heads up on C.C.s puzzle in the WSJ


  20. It took me a while (about 20 minutes) to finish today's delightful puzzle. I started the puzzle, made a pot of coffee, toasted a muffin and ate it and then finished the puzzle. I was sort of multitasking.

    No WO's or erasures today, although perps did help with a few words.

    It's National Chocolate Cupcake day. Celebrate. I'm going to substitute chocolate brownies for the cupcakes because that's what I have available

    Have a great day, everyone.

  21. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Lynn and Boomer.
    I FIRed in good time and saw the Vehicles (that’s pronounced with the accent on the first syllable here!) theme.

    Hand up for waiting for perps to decide between Lief or LEIF (not our Maple Leafs).
    Tis the season here for those Liefs (sic) to be RAKED

    I started 24A with Nosy until BODIES gave me BUSY.
    I noted EARL crossing EAR (we had ERIE also).
    PETITE crossed INFINITE.
    If you follow 30D around the corner to 42A, you get TV STAND.

    We had OKIE crossing EKED (and IKE).
    That reminded me of Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. Also of a more recent read, The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah (although the latter migrant was a Texan)..

    Wishing you all a great day.

  22. Only our seniors in Long Term Care, and certain immune-compromised people are eligible for third dose here. Most of them were given the Covid vaccine earlier than the rest of the population, and at the shorter interval between doses. The decision here to lengthen the dosing interval (and used mixed doses), because of our vaccine shortage at that time, has turned out to improve results (But the mixed doses are currently causing problems for travellers.)


  23. Delightful Monday puzzle, Lynn--many thanks. And always love your commentary, Boomer, with neat pictures too.

    Fun to see all those vehicles pop up in the circles. Kept thinking the reveal would be VEHICLE--but, no, the equally acceptable PICK-ME-UP.

    Can't believe I remembered Scarlett O'HARA at Tara.

    Russians are so regular in crossword puzzles--nice to see LENIN this morning.

    Chick-to-be was a cute clue for EGG.

    Have a great week, everybody.

  24. UMA is name a Goddess in Hindu pantheon . Her father,Robert Thurman,
    professor of Buddhist studies had lived in India for many years.
    UMA's middle name KARUNA means compassion in Sanskrit ,ancient
    language of India .


  25. Good afternoon. Yes, quite easy today, but that's ok. And despite being easy, I managed another FIW. This time my "Small, sizewise" ended up being PETuTE rather than PETITE. I wonder if running warm water on my hands before starting would help.

    Nice job, Boomer. True, I am a baseball fan. Long time Pirates fan. But they don't show many Pirates games in Chicago, except when they are playing the Cubs, or the occasional interleague game against the White Sox.

    And as you would guess, the Pirates don't exactly make the grade for the nationally televised "Fox MLB Game of the Week" broadcasts on Saturday afternoons. So I watch whatever games are on when I have time, and who I root for in any one game varies. There are certain teams I always root against, but they shall remain nameless here :>).

    Canadien Eh, you may be interested in reading this article with data based on CDC reporting issued in September, which offers a somewhat contrasting view of the vaccines efficacy beyond 120 days (in terms of hospitalizations).

    I intend to get the booster when it is offered to me. I will be eligible starting tomorrow as that will be 6 months after the 2nd shot.

    I have been tracking some of the weekly data reported by our county health department so I can quickly visualize change over time, versus point in time. If you take a look at the image of my spreadsheet data, you'll see that the number of fully vaccinated individuals contracting COVID has been rising each week, which would suggest that the efficacy of the vaccine wanes as time passes. Fully vaccinated cases went from .7 % in early July to 6.5 % through last Wednesday.

  26. What a pleasant way to start the day. I enjoyed working this cleanly-constructed puzzle.

    Speaking of going around the corner to get TV STAND, as CanadianEh! pointed out, you can start down at 49-down, make a left turn at 54-across, and get IMACS. And if you really let your eyes wander around in the 36-down area, you can allow yourself to see TAG TEAM. Yeah, I know, that's really stretching it.

    R.I.P. General Colin Powell.

    Good wishes to you all.

  27. As more people get vaxxed, the % of vaccinated individuals getting covid will rise. If the risk group is 100% vaccinated, the % of covid patients who have been vaccinated will be 100%. This is how it was explained recently on our radio by the e
    Chief Physician Executive Dr. of our county's major health facility.

  28. Puzzling thoughts:

    FIR with zero write-over's. Kudos to the constructor and reviewer.

    I found it interesting to find both BOIL and EGG in the same puzzle. BOILed EGGs are something I love to have in a salad or as an alternative to fried. Once I figured out the correct way to hard BOIL them, I get zero discolored yolks, and peeling them is no issue.

    The "secret" is to place the number of EGGs you want to hard BOIL into a pan; fill with just enough water to cover the EGGs, and then bring the water to a BOIL. Once the water is BOILing, turn the burner down to the lowest setting. Cover the sauce pan and cook for about 11-1/2 minutes. Drain the water and fill the the sauce pan with ice cubes. Once the ice melts you can serve or save them in the fridge. No need to add salt or vinegar or anything else to the water

    OIL CAN - made me think of Foster's beer. The "can" package is about the size and shape of the old OIL CANS that used to be sold and used for refilling/topping off the crankcase

  29. HG - I thought you were gonna say that you have a new golf bag because the old one didn't float too well.

    PICK-ME-UP (please) - That was a favorite phrase back in my tequila-shot-drinking daze.

    I was 8 months past my second jab on October 5. As soon as the Moderna booster is approved, I'll be in line. My PCP strongly hinted that I should try to shortcut the process at some of the less-picky providers (he mentioned one of the national drug store chains) and just get what the provider would think would be a first dose. He's not an alarmist (he usually wants me to wait on the annual flu shot to improve my immunity during the height of the flu season) so that really got my attention. But I'll wait another week or two.

  30. Boomer, I remember spiking a guy on a take-out slide in a church league softball game. He had been a teammate in a fast pitch league a few years before. When 66 came it was pre-vietnam party time. I ended up umpiring slo-pitch

    Cincinnati went from Reds to redlegs and back to Reds. The legs attachment was to satisfy Sen McCarthy

    Subway was the second joint out of eggs??? WaffleHouse was my backup.

    We Redsox fans who expect to knock off said Astros tonight, Dearly remember OIL CAN Boyd. He was bypassed on his second WS Start in 86 vs Mets.
    If there's NAE "windy 55 degree " weather there's NAE Golf
    I have Harlot's Ghost a Norman Mailer book about the CIA published in the 90s. E. Howard Hunt a major player. Couldn't be printed today.


  31. C Moe, my Favorite oil can Is Fosters. I prefer the green one, ale, but I like blue, too.
    I also use your boiled egg recipe. Had some for lunch.

  32. When we visited Red Square, we saw how LENIN's Tomb dominates one side of the famous Kremlin wall.
    We didn't go in the tomb itself but noticed how relatively low the top of the tomb is, the very same place we used to see Stalin and other bigwigs stand during parades.In the newsreels it always looked so high!

    It seems bizarre to have a tomb--with the dead body on display--right there in the public square. But I guess every country needs a place or person to "look up to." In the UK it used to be the monarch; now it's just the remnants of royalty, like Buckingham palace itself and occasional big parades.
    Here it is the capitol dome (!), isn't it?
    ~ OMK

  33. CMOE @3:31 PM Did you get your hard-boiled egg recipe from Fanny Farmer? That's almost exactly the same as I use and I get the same results. 🥚

  34. TTP- your American numbers (and your own private tracking of county data) are compelling. Our Canadian situation is different right now. I recall that many on the blog were reporting receiving their first shots months before we had availability in Canada. Then we still had shortages of vaccine, and second shots were delayed for up to three months, to give more Canadians a chance to get a first shot. Then Pfizer retooled and delayed some shipments, but Moderna started to arrive in larger quantities. Then Astra Zeneca was approved here, but some side effects meant that many of those recipients got Pfizer or Moderna as a second dose. Remember, we have no vaccine manufacturing here (mighty Connaught was sold away years ago!) and were reliant on contracts with manufacturers overseas (mainly Europe).
    Our need for boosters may change in the near future.

  35. Jayce- I love how you found TAG TEAM,

  36. Hi All!

    Thanks Lynn for the quick Monday puzzle. This is the perfect Monday to give to a beginner.

    Thanks for stepping-in on your day-off, Boomer. Enjoyed your expo.

    WO: started Nosy b/f checking perps for BUSY.
    ESPs: N/A
    Fav: I'll go with ATARI. I had the 2600. [Wiki]

    YR - glad to read you're feeling better.

    Spitz - thanks for the heads-up on C.C.'s WSJ. Just printed it.

    CED - thanks for the laugh I needed today.

    Gotta run.

    Cheers, -T

  37. waseeley @ 4:40:

    Trial and error. I didn't do much of the cooking when I was married. As a single guy I learned a lot . . . quickly! I kinda remember how my mom boiled eggs for Easter . . . just kept trying different methods until this one worked.

  38. Anon-T, if the next two games are in Boston, Houston may not see another game. Speaking of...

    No sign of PVX since the Yankees demise. Tin-beni is on ICE after Rays collapse.

    All is bubbly in Beantown


  39. WC - The next two games are in BeanTown.
    If we / 'Stros can't find a starter than can pitch more than 1 & 2/3 innings w/o giving up a Grand Slam... Yeah, the game 6 tickets (I may get [thanks vendor!]) will be worthless.
    We're in a bit of a pickle.

    Cheers, -T

  40. FIR with no problems, other than a couple of corrections along the way. Nice puzzle, Lynn; Nice expo, Boomer.

    Today's puzzle was the first one I've had time to finish in almost a week. Been awfully busy, and I do them awfully slowly, so.... Going to have another busy week ahead of me.

    Oh, one teeny, tiny nit, Boomer. It's Muskogee. I've had many a cold beer there. Nice town.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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