, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday November 15, 2021 Catherine Cetta

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Nov 15, 2021

Monday November 15, 2021 Catherine Cetta


Theme: Split Wood - Three kinds of wood are split up.

17. "Sorry to say ... ": ALAS. With 18. Tubelike pasta: PENNE. Aspen.

28. Maternal "Holy moly!": OH MAMA. With 30. "By all means!": PLEASE DO. Maple.
47. Duplicitous: TWO-FACED. With 51. Response to "Am not!": ARE TOO. Cedar.
63. With 65-Across, chore on a winter to-do list ... and what appears in each set of circles: SPLIT.
65. See 63-Across: WOOD.
Boomer here.  
It was one of my chores to condition wood for a fireplace we have down the basement.  It was warm and relaxing in the winter months however it was a nasty chore to clean up when the ashes piled up.  
Not only that, but Tiger Woods was not one of my favorite golfers and I think Upper Deck published cards of him and they sold about as well Joe Shlabotnik.  I still have a bunch in the basement. Maybe I could burn them? Now, on to the puzzle.

1. Coarse file: RASP.  Hey, Hey, to Moscow chicks he was a lovely dear.  Ra Ra RASPutin.

5. Separated: APART.  "We might as well be APART.  It hardly matters, we sleep separately.  And drop a smile passing in the hall.  But there's no laughs left cuz we laughed them all."  (Simon and Garfunkel)

10. Places to relax: SPAS.

14. Prefix for an eight-armed creature: OCTO.  Prefix for my birthday month.

15. One who prefers their own company: LONER.  There are no bowlers that are LONERS,

16. Causes of some head scratching: LICE.  Also some of those 9- letter words?

19. Fairy tale beginning: ONCE.  Upon a time.

20. Wacky: NUTTY.  Buddy.

22. "Ciao" cousin: TA TA.

23. Ring ref's decisions: TKOS.  Technical Knockouts.  It's amazing how some of these guys are still standing on their own when the ref steps in.

24. "Good grief!": EGADS.

26. Top often with a slogan: T-SHIRT.  I have a Spare T-SHIRT.  A gift from C.C. to help me with those darn ten pins.

32. Cappuccino feature: FOAM.  I like coffee, but I am too cheap or conservative to spend dollars at Starbucks or Caribou.

33. Interwoven strands of hair: BRAIDS.  There once was a little girl whose mother tied her BRIDES so tight that when she cried, the tears ran down her back.  We called her Backteria. 

35. Conical abode: TEPEE.  We see many of these in some of the parks in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area. The Native Americans are poor, and Minnesota winters are tough on them.

37. Unreturnable serve: ACE.

38. Enjoy the rink: SKATE.  I did this a lot as a kid.  We had a public rink and warming house in the neighborhood.  I never got into hockey though.

43. Put away money for the future: SAVE UP. Little by little.  Then we took a birthday trip to a Wisconsin casino.  I am so tight,  or the machines were so tight. I probably spent more money on gasoline to get there than I left behind in the casino.

46. Clapton who sang "Layla": ERIC.

53. Intrepid: HEROIC.

54. Leaky faucet sounds: DRIPS.  We have pretty good faucets in our home.  No Runs, DRIPS, or Errors.

55. GPS suggestions: RTES.  We did not use GPS to find the Casino. We mapped out before we left the house.

56. One with a password: USER.  I have a few.  I am too old to remember more than a few.

59. Gas grill place: PATIO.  We have a deck but we got rid of the grill.  Too much of a hassle.

62. Sacred bird of ancient Egypt: IBIS.

66. Run out of steam: FADE.  My tee shots generally FADE to the right.  They ran out of  steam years ago.

67. Lets up: EASES.  If I EASE up on the bowling shot it usually hooks to the left. Also out of steam.

68. Pisa's river: ARNO.

69. Cafeteria carrier: TRAY.  We are long past cafeterias.  Can you say "BUFFET?"  

70. __ naked: STARK.

71. Wine bottle number: YEAR.  I never drank wine, nor did I wonder why the year was important.   Is it like Albert Pujols' or Mike Trout's Rookie year card ??


1. Horse coat color: ROAN.  I did not know that horses have coats.

2. Rights org. since 1920: ACLU.

3. Many a U.S. atlas page: STATE MAP.  Mine are all in a drawer. 

4. Like much sports analysis: POST-GAME.  Everyone has an opinion.  Mostly I turn off the post game.

5. Swiss peak: ALP.

6. Dickinson and Keats: POETS.  They are POETS and don't know it, but their feet show it, They're Longfellows.

7. Tolstoy's Karenina: ANNA.

8. Monopoly payment: RENT.  Take a ride on the Reading.  If you pass "GO", collect $200.

9. Took to dinner, say: TREATED.  Restaurant business is starting to pick up even though that doggone COVID is still hanging over our heads.

10. "Three-toed" critters: SLOTHS.

11. Little finger: PINKIE.  He went wee wee wee all the way home.

12. Honda sedan: ACCORD.  Too small for me.  Plus I try not to buy anything made by a country that bombed Pearl Harbor.

13. Takes care of: SEES TO.

21. Thanksgiving tuber: YAM.  Ten days away.  Much to be thankful for, but not YAMS.  We have pumpkin pie fixins in the cupboard.  Probably look for a turkey next week.

25. Tiny bit, as of cream: DAB.  "Brylcream, a little DAB will do ya."

27. Impudence: SASS.

28. Bard's "frequently": OFT.

29. Garden tool: HOE.  In spite of our relatively cold weather, (temps in the low 30s in the morning,) we still have a few flowers surviving in our garden.

30. Walked back and forth: PACED.  I used to take short walks outdoors, but my health has my legs a bit weak, and like I said previously, our temps are ranging in the 30s.

31. In __ of: replacing: LIEU.  Pumpkin pie will be in LIEU of yams.

34. Enthusiastic review: RAVE.

36. Actor Morales: ESAI.  I used to watch NYPD Blue all the time.  It seems to be gone from TV these days.

39. Another name for Monkey in the Middle: KEEP AWAY.

40. Paint seller: ART STORE.  George Costanza is still looking for a Jerk Store.

41. Spanish uncle: TIO.

42. Green prefix: ECO.

44. Points a finger at: ACCUSES.

45. Birdie plus one: PAR.  I was watching a quiz show recently and they said that a hole-in-one on a PAR 5!! was called a Condor.  It could be the next feat of Bryson.  I have never heard of a hole in one on a par 5. I have come within several inches on a par 3 hole but never in.  I don't need a hole in one because I have 20 - 300 games.

47. Careful cash management: THRIFT.

48. Home mixologist's dream: WET BAR.  Fix the roof!

49. Tater Tots maker: ORE-IDA.  Lots of Tater growers in Oregon and Idaho.  I had an uncle in Idaho that grew potatoes.

50. Primate studier Dian: FOSSEY.

52. Fabric fault: RIP.  Maybe Mr. Van Winkle had torn pants ??

54. More arid: DRIER.

57. Tiff: SPAT.

58. "Frozen" queen: ELSA.

60. College named for a Scottish island: IONA.  Catholic College in New York.

61. Scent: ODOR.  This word shows up a lot in Monday puzzles.  I think it stinks.

64. "You shouldn't do that": TSK.  I think you have to "TSK" three times.



  1. A STATE MAP may cover a page of an ATLAS,
    But that's not much use while driving, ALAS!
    A G.P.S., at intersections,
    Can make ROUTE suggestions!
    But it won't remind you to fill up with gas!

    The macho man, with a RASP in his voice
    In everything took the manly choice!
    He SPLIT WOOD with his hand,
    Took any HEROIC stand,
    But his "PINKIE" embarrassed, drinking tea with poise!

    {B, B.}

  2. What did Big Ben say to the Leaning Tower of PISA?*

    I slowed down when I reached the South. tirE/FADE was an inkover. I'm far removed from an inclination towards WETBARs

    Thx Boomer and thanks to Ms Cetta for her Intro to Xwords 101


    * I've got the time if you've got the inclination

  3. Where in the HECK did a classy outfit like the NFL get three officials that called twice as many penalties on both the Chargers and our Vikings, and had to stop play on a fake punt because one official was out of position ??? I fixed a snack at halftime and did not get back to the game after 90 seconds had expired. I thought they were going to make me move my chair five yards for delay of watching.

  4. Good morning!

    Catherine Cetta nice easy romp for this Monday. Only needed Wite-Out to change yoMAMA to OH MAMA. Otherwise, it was zip, zip, finished. Thanx for the expo, Boomer.

    SKATE: As kids, we used to skate on the mill pond every winter. The "rule of thumb" was that the ice would be 4" thick by Thanksgiving -- thick enough to skate on. The ice would remain until late March or early April. Now there are years where it never gets thick enough for skating, another sign of climate change.

    TRAY: Luby's is the cafeteria standard in Texas They've been around since 1947, but fell on tough times this century. There are a few locations still open under new management.

  5. Hey Desper otto. I have also been around since 1947. I have been managed by C. C. for a number of years too.

  6. Re. NFL and officiating. The newest thing is QB protection. Apparently the overseers felt the officials didn't protect the QB enough and the next week 'Ne touchez* pas " was strictly enforced. Almost as impossible to officiate as NBA.
    However, having said all that I'll be wearing my Patriots shirt tomorrow.


  7. Good Morning:

    Well, Catherine had me fooled but good as I was certain that the reveal was going to be about trees! Split Wood was an Aha and very much spot on. Never heard of Keep Away and I’m not even sure what Monkey in the Middle is. This CC brought her O game today with Octo, Please Do, Are Too, Patio, Arno, See To, Tio, and Eco.

    Thanks, Catherine, for a pleasant start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for the humor and nostalgia. How you remember all those song lyrics is beyond me.


    YR, I hope your physical travails are behind you! Feel better soon.

    Have a great day. (46 years ago today I said I Do.)

  8. Took 4-minutes exactly to chop this one down.

    Oh joy, circles. Didn't use them though.

  9. octagon therefore octApus which leads to pAst game analysis.
    FIW dumb, dee, dumb dumb

  10. Anon, if you were ever to go Bannister this was the xword.


  11. Good morning.

    Three sets of five circles caught the eye first, so they got solved first. Mox Nix.

    SPLIT WOOD - Boomer, did you miss your chance for a bowling comment at this one, or is that a phrase you don't use ? A few of the guys will say "split wood" for a split, "double wood" for a 4-8 or 6-9, and occasionaly "chopped wood" when they chop a two pin spare such as the double wood, but most do say just chop or chopped. Maybe it's a local thing.

    Boomer, maybe they were the officiating crew from last week's Bear's game, and they making up for the three ("no calls") penalties they missed.

    "... five yards for delay of watching." - Funny :>)

    STARK (County, OH) - Home of the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton.

    Moe is the resident sommelier, so he can help you understand why some wines get better with time, and why other wines just get old.

    Primatologist DIAN Fossey: Mountain gorillas. Primatologist Jane Goodall: Chimpanzees.

    John E, "dumb, dee, dumb dumb" sounds like the music that plays during the close of Dragnet episodes.

  12. FIR for a good start to Monday. I too had one WO to mar my grid: IsIS/IBIS. A momentary brain blip until perps cleared it up. My first thought was "iris" but at least I didn't write it in. I enjoyed the puzzle, Catherine. Thanks! And like Irish Miss, I saw trees so the reveal was a surprise. Thanks also to Boomer, who never disappoints. And we can see that C.C. takes good care of you.

    Sorry to hear of your recent problems, YR. Hope they resolve themselves soon. And hope everyone has a great day!

  13. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Catherine and Boomer.
    I finished under PAR today (but not as quickly as Anon@8:01- OH MAMA), but arrived here to see that I FIWed in my haste.
    My Tater Tots were made by Oneida (silver instead of potatoes); ALAS that gave me the Intrepid fowl, Henoic, in LIEU of HEROIC. EGADS,
    But I did see the SPLIT WOOD (and especially loved that our beautiful Canadian MAPLE was represented).

    Bare was too short. STARK fit.
    Tent changed to TEPEE.
    I debated DRIER or Dryer. No, the latter is the machine in my laundry room.
    58D had to be ELSA because the other Frozen sister, ANNA, was already used at 7D. They have BRAIDS.

    Our ancestors who lived through the Depression YEARs knew THRIFT, but were hard-pressed to SAVE UP; they were just trying not to be STARK naked. They knew how to SPLIT WOOD too.

    WC- thanks for the smile/groan with that Big Ben joke.
    YR-thoughts and prayers for continued recovery.
    Lucina-may you have many happy memories today, even if tinged by grief.

    Wishing you all a great day.

  14. Musings
    -Henry Ford – “Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice”
    -I played some nickel slots once and all I got was dirty hands from the coins
    -Our grill is on the deck and covered. I will uncover it and use it on decent winter days.
    -I did SEE TO getting the leaves up yesterday. My electric mower made short work of them.
    -"The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them; The Good is OFT Interred with their Bones"
    -This map from UNL shows which parts of the country are DRIEST as of last week

  15. "Honey, I'm home!" 😃... We had a great week on Sanibel Island Florida, perfect weather. Back to reality.

    Puzzle was easy as (soon to be consumed pumpkin) pie...There ARNO difficult clues ORIDA made some errors but FIR, no inkovers.

    Easy 4 letter first names like ERIC, ESAI, ELSA, ANNA lady named Karenina.

    Saw many flocks of IBIS last week. The "GOT" STARK & Lannister enemies (York & Lancaster). TIO, then his father PATIO.

    Parsed the divided 🌳 trees theme but didn't make it to "split wood"....clever.

    Perpwaited on the Y or I for DRYER....

    Does anyone say "Oh mama"? 🤔

    Betcha haven't missed....

    Comedy team Dan _____ and Dick Martin....ROAN.
    Comedy team Bud Abott and _____ Costello...LIEU.
    Grab both.....SEESTO
    Not the lady but ____ ...USER.
    DW: "_____ Honda Odyssey minivan not an ACCORD"....IONA

    Stop gagging and moaning you've had a week respite...😄

  16. I've heard of YO Mama but not the somewhat anemic Oh Mama. And think the meaning is different.


  17. Could not get my printer to print the CW this morning, so had to FIR in 12 on the computer. I much prefer to print it out and ink in the fill, because the paper gives me a place to make notes for this blog. Anyway, a very good, enjoyable wonderfully Monday level CW, thanx Catherine. And thanx too for your usual outstanding write-up, Boomer.

  18. song by Jimmy Castor..1966

    "Hey, Leroy
    Yo mama
    She's calling you, man…"

    (Why is she calling you man if you're name is Leroy?)

  19. Hola!

    Welcome back, Ray-O! I see you returned in good form!

    I finished the puzzle at about 6:30 this morning then went back to bed and slid under the covers. The mornings are a wee bit chilly now but not enough to turn on the heat.

    It was a pleasant walk through the WOODS and recalled my recent trip to New England where trees abound. My friend who lives in Connecticut has a complete forest behind her house. Most are MAPLEs and a few CEDARs but but I don't recall seeing ASPEN. All were brilliantly colorful at that time.

    As children we girls always had long BRAIDS. My dad took my brother, John, to the barber shop every Saturday when he went for a haircut.

    My late b-i-l practiced THRIFT and now his widow, my sister, is enjoying the benefits of it.

    Seeing APART over LONER seems like a sad commentary.

    Yesterday I mentioned my Honda ACCORD.

    Thank you, Boomer, for continuing to keep us entertained on Mondays.

    Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!

  20. Puzzling thoughts:

    FIR with zero mistakes

    Thanks Catherine for the easy Monday puzzle

    Boomer - I have 3 holes-in-one but zero 300 games. I’ll trade you one! 🎳🏌️‍♀️

    My Moe-ku for today’s puzzle:

    I hear Iron Man
    Wears no clothes under his suit.
    Is he Stark naked?

  21. TTP & Boomer:

    Regarding why the YEAR is or is not important on a bottle of wine … to the vast majority of wine drinkers (99%) it’s not that important. To those who prefer to age their wine, it is. My current oldest bottle of wine is 23 years (1998 vintage). I recently drank a 20 year old bottle of wine and it was still quite drinkable and delicious.

    Lots of factors go into knowing which YEAR’s wines will age well, and for how long, under ideal storage conditions. It was sort of my “job” - as both a sommelier and a wine “geek” - to know

    But I’ll revert to my first comment: it really doesn’t matter except to about 1%. Buy; drink; enjoy! In vino veritas

  22. Thank you CC2 for a fun puzzle, which alas and alack I FIW. However I did actually find the theme helpful.

    Not SPLITTING WOOD here, but didn't we fill CEDAR just yesterday?

    And thank you BOOMER for another outrageously PUNishing review to make our Monday FUN.

    17A OCTA seemed like a good idea at the time, and it perped with PASTGAME ANALYSIS. That's what the color guy does when the game's over, right? You can tell I watch a lot of sports shows. 😁

    26A TSHIRT. I recall seeing one of these once with the slogan "Save the 22As".

    46A ERIC. Long before Clapton, George Bizet wrote a paean to LAYLA in his opera "The Pearl Fishers". Rivals for her affection yet still best friends, the tenor and baritone pour out their hearts to her in the duet "Au Fond du Temple Saint". Not much appreciated in his lifetime, poor Bizet died believing that his masterpiece CARMEN was a flop.

    62A IBIS. The National Aquarium in Baltimore has a pair of Scarlet Ibises in its rooftop Rain Forest. Beautiful birds.

    11D IIRC my MOM used to pull on my TOES starting with the BIGGIE, saying ...
    This little PIGGY went to market.
    This little PIGGY stayed home.
    This little PIGGY had roast beef.
    This little PIGGY had none, and
    this little PIGGY cried wee wee wee all the home"!
    (I think this just was her was of making sure my feet were clean).


  23. John E @8:08 AM Thanks for that. I don't feel so alone now.

  24. Fun Monday puzzle--a total delight--thank you, Catherine. And always fun commentary, Boomer, thanks for that too.

    Neat moments, like having the POETS Dickinson and Keats right next to ANNA Karenina.

    Boomer, I loved seeing your T-SHIRT. Your clue had me thinking for a second, Catherine.

    Yes, it might be helpful to have some SPLIT WOOD on your PATIO, if you're planning a barbecue.

    Well, that's it for my RAVE for this puzzle.

    Have a great week, everybody.

  25. Ray - O @10:26 AM Oh you again? Whad'ya mean nobody missed you? Everyone's been concerned about your health all week! Well your MH anyway. 😀

    IIRC ANNA was anything but a "lady".

  26. Hmm,

    Split wood...

    I wouldn't give points for style, but...

    I now always use a bungee cord when I split my logs.

    When camping, long split logs can be made into
    Tables, chairs, and all sorts of bushcraft furniture.
    The question is how to do it with just an axe.

    If you are just at home cutting firewood,
    the crazy Russian hacker is not so crazy...

  27. As a child I wrote to Charles Shulz offering to join Charlie Brown's baseball team. He wrote back and I have spent decades trying also to recall what I did with that letter. How long has it been since I thought of Joe Shlabotnik? Too long to remember. A true blast from the past. Thanks, Boomer!

  28. Boomer, while YMMV, I wouldn't burn the Tiger Woods' collectible cards as many liked his and still so. See this array ARRAY ON EBAY for sale.

    Yo Mama

  29. Ironically, Eric and George Harrison remained friends even after a woman came between them

    Having just reread the book, ANNA was more a victim of a very anti-woman system.

    How about the xw'ers FAVE PGA Card: Isao Aoki


  30. I zoomed through this puzzle pretty quickly and enjoyed it. Enjoyed reading what you all had to say, too.


  31. Thanks, Moe !

    OH MAMA is used in the lyrics of Renegade, a 1978 song by Styx, still heavily played on classic rock stations.

    I have no hole-in-ones, and have no 300 games. Close in both games, but no cigar. Maybe that's why I liked horseshoes.

    MM, even if you no longer have the letter, can you recall the gist of what it said ?

    Waseeley wrote, "I think this just was her way of making sure my feet were clean." I can relate :>)

    Forgot to mention earlier this morning that we have CrossEyedDave's initials in circles to start the third tree !

  32. TTP, IIRC the gist was "Thank you. They need all the help they can get!"

  33. Hi All!

    A little crunch in the SW but overall a nice Monday puzzle. Thanks Catherine for the grid.

    Thanks for the POST-puzzle review, Boomer. Never heard of condor, so I LIU - there have been five recorded.

    WOs: N/A
    Fav: PENNE - I loooove pasta

    {B, B+}

    Welcome home, Ray-O.

    LOL Tony STARK naked, C. Moe.

    TTP - I was going to say the same re: Renegade. It's been playing in my head all afternoon.

    Play later, Cheers! -T

  34. My mother used to play with our toes saying those very same verses! She may very well have been checking them for cleanliness! I hadn't thought of that.

    My grandson asked for Pokemon cards for Christmas and I just bought him a de-luxe set at Game stop. Since he did not ask for anything else the price balanced with what I bought for the others. Pricey!

    The wrapping continues!

  35. A good-enough-for-a-Monday PZL from Ms. Cetta! Well explained by Boomer!

    I do not believe there is a chid in the English-speaking world who does not know what the Piggies did each day of the week...
    ~ OMK
    Two diagonals, one to each side.
    The near side offers an anagram (11 of 15 letters) referring to what happens when a series writer doesn't know enough to get out of the rain, especially when he comes to a "collection" session, where story-lines are falling like raindrops.
    That's when he dons his narrative ...



  36. Dash T, I know, right ? As soon as I entered the answer, the song popped into my head. In this video of the song..., FF to 1:14 and then pause it. Whoever added the lyrics to this version needs to do more crosswords ! Baa ! Styx-Renegade Lyrics

    MM, when I was a wee one, I wrote to "Ask Andy", a syndicated feature that ran in the local paper. If your question was published and answered, you would win a prize. It was my favorite column on the comics page. (Later in my youth, I got teased and made fun of for being the guy that read the dictionary.)

    At the time, I had no idea that it was syndicated, or for that matter, what syndicated meant.

    I couldn't find a definitive source on the column, but I did find this article from the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal. Ask Andy.

    Based on the linked article, the motivation for "Ask Andy" was to help counteract the "evils" of comic books.

  37. FIR without erasure about 4:00 AM, but was preoccupied with the aforementioned colonoscopy. Two small polyps; expect good news from pathology.

    Welcome back Ray. I love the Ft. Myers area.

    So, would a home mixologist's BAR be a WET dream?

    IIRC, some wines improve when the bottles are stored in their bottles properly, but even good wines can "turn" (to vinegar) over time. But I thought that the year (or "vintage" if you are trying to impress someone) matters because the growing and harvesting weather have an impact on the wine, leading to the term "good year". Frank Sinatra also had some thoughts about that term. (Good ole Kentucky Bourbon neither deteriorates nor improves after bottling - all the magic happens while the spirits are in the charred oak barrel.)

    Thanks to Catherine and Boomer for all the fun.

  38. I liked this theme. I suspected it was trees, which made the circles easy. At the reveal SP was enough to think of SPLIT WOOD. instead of trees.
    IM, ATL GRANNY and CANADIAN EH! thanks for caring. That really helps. I am recovering. I hope this is the end of the siege for now.
    One new stressor. I had Alan home for the weekend and he had another anxiety episode. I kept him an extra day to see how bad it was going to be. Fortunately it is minor, not needing hospitalization, but not yet gone. These days it only happens once or twice a year so the group home does not understand it. I had to meet with them to explain. Alan processes slowly and his verbal communication is weak, so he can't explain how he feels.

  39. We played Monkey in the Middle and Keep Away when I was a kid. I think David's generation did, too.
    MY mom played Little Piggy with us babies right after our baths. I did, too, with my grandson. Nothing like a cuddly sweet smelling baby to play with.

  40. H.Gary That map of our western drought was interesting. I was amazed to see it even extended to Hawaii!

    Didn't know Monkey in the Middle until recently, but knew Keep Away all too well -- and not nicely! That was how bullies would torture littler kids! For me, it was usually my hat, but it could be a text book, a lunch-bag, whatever was important to the little kid. And if it was breakable, so much the better!

  41. FIR in fairly decent time. Didn't even print it out until about an hour ago. Got the theme and saw the trees.

    LAYLA has always been a favorite song of mine. One of the nighttime DJs (I forget where --- somewhere between when I lived in Denver and eventually got here) used to sign off with it at midnight every night.

    The NFL (and MLB, NBA, NHL, and NASCAR) have NO class anymore. The only sports I watch now is college football, and sometimes I seriously think about giving up on that too.

    Speaking of the NFL, one of my REDSKINS heroes, #70 Sam Huff, passed away Saturday.

  42. FLN - I forgot earlier... Lucina - thank you. I'm w/ your friend; Communion is communal and should be open to all.
    //Pop (on his 3rd wife now) was denied Communion for some time...

    YR - your tribulations are a testing indeed. Hope for you that things turn up roses SOON.

    Cute DR, OMK. Work w/ what you got, eh? :-)

    OKL - there's the bullying Keep Away and the fun Keep Away / Monkey in the Middle. A twist on it is Hot Box where the kid in the middle doesn't want the ball but to avoid it / not be tagged by the two guys with the baseball as s/he runs back & forth between bases.

    Jinx - mind in the gutter much? :-)
    //I had that exact same WET BAR thought. Ever hear the song WET Dream? [It's not what you think - 5:04 of Ray-O worthy(?) puns]

    TTP - LOL 'years on the lamb [sic].' How you caught that in < 1sec is impressive. Interesting on Ask Andy - don't think that was ever in my paper. //Royko was :-)

    Always nice to read you LeoIII.

    Cheers, -T

  43. Thanks, -T. It would be more often, if I weren't so "busy" (NOT!) got here sooner. I've got to work on that!

  44. It's late enough for this...

    CED - my Scout Master could have taken a hint from the Crazy Russian log splitter...

    //those with a weak stomach read no further. Seriously!!!
    Our Scout Master was showing us how to fall a TREE that we'd already been whacking away at.

    We were a bunch of 11yrs at the time.

    He took one swing at the tree and the ax bounced right into his left ankle. He hit the ground and ended up with a wood-chip lodged in to the wound for good measure.

    I took out the wood-chip (First Aid Merit Badge said I wasn't suppose to do that(?)).
    We stopped the bleeding, fashioned a gurney out of our shirts and a few limbs, kept him calm, and dragged him out of the woods to the road. Another Scout Master took him to hospital in his station wagon.

    Later that night (after returning from hospital) we had to treat him for shock again. He went back to hospital around 11pm.

    He and we kids survived the trauma. And - what a story, eh?!

    Cheers, -T

  45. Anon -T ... wow, you're up late (he says, writing at 0040R (Romeo time zone = PST), or 0240T = CST.

    On 'open' vs. 'closed' Communion, there's more legitimacy in closed ... but that conversation would take us far into the forbidden topic of Religion.


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