, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday January 24, 2022 Jerry Edelstein

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 24, 2022

Monday January 24, 2022 Jerry Edelstein

Theme: Anagram Time

20. Nicholas II was the last one: TSAR OF RUSSIA.

34. Hopping western rodents: KANGAROO RATS.

44. Meteor: SHOOTING STAR.

58. Tasks in music, painting, etc.: ARTS PROJECTS.

Boomer here.  

Today is the day I STARt Radiation.  Been there done that about three and a half years ago.  I don't remember many side effects but C.C. does.  Last week I had a taste of physical therapy and occupational therapy.  Things went well but I have more to come after I take care of a few other appointments at the VA.

Boomer OT grip strength test, VA, 1/21/2022

1. Baghdad is its capital: IRAQ.

5. Really slow parties: DRAGS.  Really FAST stock car races.

10. Bloke: CHAP.  Ollie's buddy Stan.

14. Hindu spiritual adviser: GURU.  While I was in the VA hospital recovering from surgery, I was visited by a couple of Catholic spiritual advisers.

15. Latin for "gold": AURUM.

16. British nobleman below a marquess: EARL.  "Duke, Duke, Duke of EARL".  Gene Chandler.

17. Rifle range rounds: AMMO.  It's been a long time since I was on a rifle range.

18. Failure to exercise appropriate care: NEGLIGENCE.  I did not hear this word, but I was told what might happen if I failed to exercise.

22. Nod up and down: AGREE.  So I nodded up and down!

25. Enjoy the slopes: SKI.  We have Olympic size ski slopes here in MN.  I am sure we will see more in Beijing.

26. Nav. rank: ENS.  Same as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army.

27. Bath bathroom: LOO.  Skip to my ???

28. "To make a __ story short ... ": LONG.

32. Jessica with two Oscars and three Emmys: LANGE.  Born in Cloquet, Minnesota but also lived in Stillwater, MN for a length of time.

38. Jai __: ALAI.

39. Formal "Door's open": ENTER.

40. Green Hornet's sidekick: KATO.  Short for MANKATO, MN

47. Glide on a rink: SKATE.  Lots of High School and College Hockey in our state.  Waiting to see how players do in Beijing.

50. Soon, in Shakespeare: ANON.

51. Well output: OIL.  Prices have risen drastically over the past year.

52. Tic-__-toe: TAC.

53. __ Lingus: AER.

56. Submit a résumé (for), as a job: APPLY.  Not me.  I had a job, but now I am too old.

63. Like hastily made plans: LAST SECOND.  We do not do this.  I have all of my appointments in writing, and we usually leave an hour before the appointed time and arrive early.

64. Berra or a bear: YOGI.  Pride of the Yankees. O Booboo.

68. Dip __ in: test the water: A TOE.  My TOES are pretty numb.  I just use my hand.

69. Meeting leader: CHAIR.

70. Enjoy, as gum: CHEW.

71. Well-mannered man: GENT.

72. Works at, as a bar: TENDS.  Used to be an afterwork stop and the bartenders knew us pretty well.

73. __ sapiens: HOMO.


1. Supermarket initials: IGA.  We do not have these in our area, but I've heard of them.


2. Mojito liquor: RUM.  "Away, away with RUM by gum, the song of the temperance union",

3. Chair's elbow rest: ARM.  And sometimes I have to push up on the ARMS to get up. All of you over 70 -- tell the truth.

4. Repeat exactly: QUOTE.

5. Scully on "The X-Files": DANA.

6. Regretful sort: RUER.

7. 2012 Affleck film that won Best Picture: ARGO. Corn Starch.

8. Large bodies of water: GULFS.  GULF of Mexico is huge.

9. Smug grin: SMIRK.  Not that funny.

10. Chicken cacciatore quintet: CEES.

11. "Dear Evan __": 2015 musical: HANSEN.

12. Curving, like the sun crossing the sky: ARCING.  Like a golf ball flying off a three wood.

13. Polite request starter: PLEASE.

19. What a plea deal concedes: GUILT.  We have a trio of cops in trouble from the George Floyd incident on trial at this time.

21. Ward of "House": SELA.

22. __-Seltzer: ALKA.  SPEE DEE's commercial.

23. Objective: GOAL.  He shoots !  He SCORREES !!

24. Barrett of gossip: RONA.

29. Creme-filled cookie: OREO.  One of my favorites, but not a treat for diabetics.

30. It's forbidden: NO NO.

31. Have to, in slang: GOTTA.  Sometimes it's a NO NO but sometimes I just GOTTA have a piece of pie.

33. Questions: ASKS.

35. Main point: GIST.

36. Horse rider's strap: REIN.  Also Santa guiding his sleigh.

37. Florence's river: ARNO.

41. Where division leaders sit, vis-à-vis the standings: ATOP.  On TOP of Old Smokie?

42. What a dog wags: TAIL.

43. Paris airport: ORLY.

45. Jalopies: HEAPS.  Mine was a 1953 Dodge.

46. Tiny biting insect: GNAT.

47. WWII prison camp: STALAG.  Colonel Hogan lived there and made a TV show.

48. Self-defense technique: KARATE.  Never tried it.

49. Responds to, as a tip: ACTS ON.

54. Build: ERECT.  Myself and all kids my age had an ERECTOR set when we were young.

55. Tamiflu producer: ROCHE.

57. "Fooled you!": PSYCH.

59. Editor's "keep it": STET.

60. Folk singer Baez: JOAN.  Song writer of folk music.  I think she was a close personal friend of Bob Dylan.

61. Oklahoma city: ENID.

62. Some USN officers: CDRS.  I believe our friend Spitzboov had this rank.

65. "I get it now!": OHO.

66. Diamond, for one: GEM.  "Baseball Field" did not fit.

67. __ Jima: IWO.  A major battle by U.S. forces in 1945.




  1. Once there was a cowboy GURU.
    This GENT was also a YOGI, too!
    He had a weakness, tho
    For a chaw of tobacco!
    You couldn't separate this CHAP from his CHEW!

    There were some RATS who offed a TSAR.
    Felt the need of SHOOTING the STAR.
    They had no ARTS,
    Took naval parts
    As COMMANDER and ENSIGN and tars!

    {B, C.}

  2. Good morning!

    Zip, zip, done. No Wite-Out required. This theme was so obvious (especially with the circles) that no reveal was necessary. Thanx, Jerry and Boomer. (Hoping your treatments go well.)

  3. So good to start the "work" week with a Boomer write-up. I feel like I have seen this theme before but it did not matter. No unknowns and a very good intro puzzle to attract more solvers.

    Thanks Jerry and Boomer

  4. FIR with no erasure. HANSEN was sorta unknown, but we've seen it here a few times. I forgot to look at the circles.

    Did KATO live in Green Hornet's pool house?

    I had a Mercury Capri (Mustang by another badge) with t TOPs. Wonder what it would have looked like with A TOPs?

    IIRC, Steve Jobs and Bob Dylan were rivals for JOAN Baez's affections.

    A hot-rodding chum from my high school days went on to be the NASCAR champion DRAG racer in the Pro Stock class. Ended up in the pokey for trafficking drugs.

    Boomer, at the annual San Fernando Valley Yacht Club Christmas party, we would all join in singing "Away, away with RUM by gum, the song of the temperance union" - all the verses - after getting appropriately liquored up. We passed out copies of the lyrics for noobs and for those that were too drunk to remember them.

    Thanks to Jerry for the nice, easy Monday offering. And thanks to Boomer for the witty tour. My hopes and prayers are with you as you go through treatment and rehab.

    PS - Looks like Covid peaked in Virginia and Florida on or about January 8th. Maybe the worst is over?

  5. Like DO, I zipped through this easy puzzle and got a FIR with no WOs. What a nice start to the week! Thanks, Jerry. And thanks to you, Boomer, for the personal touches in your review. Nice to see your picture and hear your progress. We are cheering you and C.C. on.

    With the circles, the anagram theme was easy, though I expected a mixed arts reveal at the end. Not really needed. As Lemonade said it's a good puzzle for beginners.

    Well, time to go Wordle. Hope you all have a great week!

  6. Good Morning!

    First and foremost (the English teacher chooses a cliche!): Thank you so much for the birthday wishes on Friday. I noticed as a result of seeing the old photo C.C. posted that the gal in my mirror has a bit more grey hair! Whoa. That's happens pretty fast!

    I have already broken a number one New Year's resolution: I vowed to spend more time here because I enjoy this clever corner so much. We have been very busy with the usual family and age issues since June. I have done some lurking, seldom participating. For a while, I couldn't even get to the puzzles. My MIL passed away very peacefully as a hospice patient in September. We celebrated her 98th birthday in June. We think she felt she could leave after my hub promised to get his hip done. He was so stubborn about it, he was actually pretty crippled. Ah ha, this owner of two artificial hips finally convinced him to go through with it; he is doing SO well. No rehab center, just me after one night in the hospital. Well, a nagging wife may save your life.

    Thanks again for your kind words.

    Thanks, Jerry for a perfect Monday restart. I liked seeing "gent" and "chap" in opposite corners.

    Boomer, thanks for another informative tour. Nice to see you at rehab. I hope a nagging wife makes sure you do your OT "homework." ;-)

    Have a sunny day, everyone. Not possible here on the SW shore of Lake Michigan where the fine snow is expected to be here until 3pm.

  7. Very nice start to the week JE, thanx for the fun Monday. No W/Os, so no big messes (for once). DNK HANSEN, SELA, but managed to FIR with perps. Boomer, good to hear from you, and thanx for the terrific write-up. Good luck w/ your radiation and therapy. Very cold here (for Fort Lauderdale) 48* this morning, made for good sleeping last night.

  8. Good Morning:

    Even though the theme was as plain as the nose on your face, I was surprised there was no reveal. Usually, anagram and jumbled word themes have a reveal, using a verb to indicate the “mixed” letters. No harm, though, as others noted, it’s an easy solve for beginners. Lots of dueling duos today: Chap/Gent, Ens/Cdrs, Arno/Argo, Rum/(Au)Rum, No No/Oho, Ski/Skate, and a triple with Arm/Shooting/Ammo. CSOs to MalMan (Ski), DO and our dear Spitz (Ens and Cdrs), and Roche (CanadianEh).

    Thanks, Jerry, for an easy start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for the usual serving of fun and facts.You may need physical and occupational therapy but it’s quite obvious that your mental faculties and sense of humor haven’t skipped a beat! Good luck with your treatments and continued therapy.

    Have a great day.

  9. Fun speedy Monday run - like ATL and IM I expected a theme reveal like Mixed Martial ARTS but it allowed all the permutations that are actually words to be in the puzzle.

    I had a little slowdown at first with entering NEGLECTFUL before NEGLIGENCE - but SMERK had to be changed to SMIRK. I enjoy those nature videos of KANGAROO RATS jumping.

    My dad never went higher than PFC in the Marines in WWII but when he went into the Naval reserves during dental school he stayed in for 30+years and retired as a Captain (equivalent of a Colonel in the Army or Air Force).

    Thanks Boomer and Jerry
    Boomer, I've heard rumor that you are allergic to exercise but those who do the therapy assigned at home every day do the best! Hope you have a GLOWING report after radiation treatments (groan)
    What an exciting end to the Chiefs game last night! Condolences to the Bills fans after their QB/team had an amazing performance as well

  10. Very easy start to the week. With TSAR and RATS I guessed the theme. HANSEN was all perps.
    Boomer, I know you will faithfully pursue your OT and PT. I like your spunk.
    I liked PT because it gave me hope as I gained more function every time. That is a big incentive.
    Boomer your arms comment reminded of one of my favorite exercises. Sit on a chair and cross your arms so you can't use them. Then rise to standing and sit down again with arms still crossed. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It strengthens your core. To make it more difficult use lower seats as you progress.
    I think HEAP dates back to the 1920's. Not used much these days.
    I had a bad sore throat as the sole symptom for three weeks. I could see the doctor only by telemedicine. So I couldn't take the in office rapid strep test. Ten days of antibiotics didn't touch it, so not strep. Then I took a rapid covid test. Negative. Only salt water gargling eased it temporarily. Today it is gone, self healed. Telemedicine seems so limiting. My PC has a very good eye in person.
    Madame D. so good to hear from you, Glad your DH agreed to hip replacement. I hope the coming weeks are less chaotic for you.

  11. Not sure what the theme or title would be as each is a word consisting of the same letters and not a Jumble, maybe the reveal was edited out? Anyway, a very solvable puzzle and always nice to start the week with a FIR, and as others have said, the early week grids are a good way to attract new people to the CW world. Thank you Jerry!

    Have never heard of KANGAROO RATS, DNK DANA or AURUM, my last fill being the A in that crossing. Learning moment of the day - I now know why the symbol for gold is AU. Haven’t really heard the expression PSYCH as defined by the clue.

    Boomer ~ good to see you at the helm this morning, hope you are progressing along and that you respond well to the radiation with minimal side effects. I’ve actually worked in Cloquet MN on a couple of occasions, very pretty area west of Duluth, only learned that it is Jessica Lange’s hometown from your blog. Also, north of there is Hibbing MN where I have also worked, which is the hometown of another well known person you featured in a photo today - Robert Zimmerman, AKA Bob Dylan. Drove past his boyhood home which is not in any way a tourist attraction. A lot of folks in that area are not Dylan fans because they feel he abandoned his roots.

  12. Nice quick no fuss Monday to start the week off.

    Renfield gives away the theme

    The way TSAR Vladimir is behaving he may join the anagram pack.

    Couldn't recall if it was HANSON or HANSEN, so perpwaited. ARTScommisions, too long.

    When DW says "to make a LONG story short" the story gets even loooonnnnger.

    Green Hornet's Roman senator sidekick....KATO
    Roy Rogers....SHOOTING STAR.
    Nerve fiber.....ACTSON
    RuPaul's reality competition show just ____ on....DRAGS
    Brooklyn petroleum....EARL
    Brooklyn nobleman.....OIL

    Boomer, it's a good day for gamma rays. remember, don't move 😊

  13. Not much to say this Monday. I was disappointed that there wasn't a reveal, but the theme was obvious. The only other point I'll make is that "arts projects" seems kind of shaky. Generally, the term is "art projects." Other than that, an easy Monday, as usual Oh, and by the way, nice to hear from you, Boomer! As a "golden ager" myself, I hope your rehab goes well. That's about it.

  14. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Jerry and Boomer. (Continued wishes for your treatment and rehab.)
    I FIRed and saw the STARS in this straight-forward solve. No inkblots today.

    KATO was the only unknown, and it perped. AURUM took a couple of perps to recall. (Yes, YooperPhil, that’s how the AU symbol for gold originated.)

    Mini-travelogue today with a British LOO (and CHAP, GENT, EARL), French River (ARNO,)and airport (ORLY), Irish AER Lingus, Russian TSAR and STALAG, IRAQ capital, movie set in Iran (ARGO), Australian KANGAROO, IWO Jimo, and back to the USA with ENID. No Canadian stops in our journey (but maybe SKATE and SKI) will conjure up a northern resort.

    Thanks for the CSO Irish Miss. I knew ROCHE immediately (although the company was also widely known for Valium, Librium, Gantrisin and many others in the early years of my career). When patents ended, generics became available and market share for ROCHE dropped drastically. Tamiflu patent ended in 2016 and generic oseltamivir is commonly used now for influenza A and B treatment and prophylaxis. That brings back memories of preparing dosing lists (based on weight, kidney function) for wards at rehab hospital in preparation for “flu” season. And no, Tamiflu does not work against Covid-19.

    Good to hear from you MadameD. Condolences re your MIL. Glad for the success of your DH’s hip surgery.

    Wishing you all a great day.


  15. from: GRANTS FOR ARTS PROJECTS: Program Description › grants › program-description

    "We fund arts projects in the following disciplines: Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts ..."

  16. Thanks for the recap, Boomer. The very best of wishes to you today.

  17. What a dog wags?
    ( I would have preferred the clue of just "follow")

    So the theme WAS the 1st long answer?

    I dunno,
    as easy as blank seltzer, (not Bromo)
    I am still a little mixed up about the theme...

  18. Godspeed Boomer. Keep at it. Yeah, I use the arms of a chair to "spring" up. I too am a retired Commander CDR. GC


  19. First things first ... From Last Night ,,,
    Canadian Eh!, to continue in your professional avocation, thank you for the info on Hextrazan and the link on refugee medicine and tropical medicine. My MIL has passed on, long before the end of the last century ended. Your point, as above, on the patents of newly discovered meds, and the day the patents run out, and cheaper generics appear, is very noteworthy. We all, want the pharma cos to make big profits, to continue their research, but we also want the patents to eventually run out, so cheaper generics will become available...

    Thank you Jerry Edelstein for a nice and easy Monday puzzle, which I enjoyed very much.
    Thank you Boomer, for your always charming and humorous review. Its nice to see your picture in the OT room ,,, I didn't know they would allow pictures in there, but the Occupation Therapist seems to be very caring.
    As an aside, you know you've fully recovered, when your shake the Occupation Therapist's hand ... and she winces in pain ...

    Hopes and prayers, that you continue to recover and get better soon.

    I had no real problems with the puzzle, except I had AURic before AURUM. The first one was the Goldfinger...
    Jessica Lange's biography and her numerous awards was a learning moment for today.

    Once I used to push up on the arms, of a chair, to get up ... until the next moment, when I had to go to the toilet ... which has no arms. So, I decided to stop using my arms to 'get up', unless I want to live on the toilet forever...

    Have a nice day, you all, and a good start of the week.

  20. Did I remember to wish dear John Lampkin Happy Birthday on Saturday? A renaissance man who likes people and of course moths and butterflies.

  21. Thank you Jerry for a slightly crunchy Monday FIR (fer a change - I blew it last Monday).
    And thank you Boomer for your STARring role in punfully explicating today's word scramble. And be sure that you follow the Doctors, and PTs, and OTs, and C.C.s orders. Oh my!

    A few favs:

    I think that 26A and 27A were out of order: shouldn't a LOO come before a 2nd LOOIE?

    28A "To make a LONG story short"? I'm unclear on the concept.

    32A LANGE. Jessica has great taste in dogs. Reminds me of my old LAB Jupiter.

    71A GENT. Is it still safe to assume that most of them are CHAPS?

    3D ARM. Arm up on that one Boomer.

    11D HANSEN. DNK this musical. Now I do.

    29D OREO. At least Jerry didn't try to hide it.

    37A ARNO. The ARNO is crossed by the picturesque Ponte Vecchio bridge. Legend has it that it was not destroyed by the retreating German armies, on express orders from Hitler, one of the few good things he did in life. Teri and I bought new wedding rings that bridge on a trip to Italy celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary.


  22. Word of the Day: apodictic

    Pronunciation: æp-ê-dik-tik

    Part of Speech: Adjective

    Meaning: Unquestionably true, established beyond the shadow of a doubt, incontrovertibly demonstrated.

    Notes: This word is spelled and pronounced less commonly apodeictic. Should you need an extra syllable some time, you may add the suffix -al, apodictical, but you must add it in the adverbal form: apodictally.

    In Play: The proof of a claim may be very obvious: "No one argued with Noah Zarque's apodictic assertion, 'You cannot call me young anymore.'" This word, if not topical, is at least relevant to current US politics: "The majority of Republicans seem to take ex-President Trump's claim that he won the 2020 election as apodictic."

    For more on this word see the Alpha Dictionary.

    Bill's comment

    Just so I don't run afoul of the "no politics" rule, I did a Google search and came up with several hits similar to this one, to the effect that the last sentence of today's Word of the Day is in fact, for the moment at least, apodictic.

  23. As Irish Miss said, it was easy for a beginner, thus I FIR, enjoyed Boomer's commentary, also thought the theme which was not obviously stated, could have easily been "mixed arts", visual, performing, etc. The most difficult pushing of arms involving a chair is the "push-away" from the table after persentation of the dessert! Boomer, keep doing your exercises as prescribed.

  24. Oh, and by the way, not to brag on myself, but I did FIR the Sunday crossword. Because I got a "data warning" on my phone (which, thankfully, has expired now) I'm not doing the crossword corner on my phone anymore. And since I don't have access to a computer on Sunday (not having a personal computer at home) you generally won't see me on Sunday, but I always enjoy looking at the commentary on Monday.

  25. Delightful Monday puzzle, Jerry. As soon as I got TSAR in circles, I knew the theme would be STARS--what a pleasure.

    And, even before I got on the blog, I prayed that Boomer would be well enough to comment today, and Yay! there you were, Boomer, with your great commentary, getting our week off to a good STARt. And thanks for the update, and picture, on how you're doing.

    IRAN or IRAQ? Took a chance on IRAQ which set me right up for that QUOTE.

    The formal "Door's open" showed up as ENTER/PLEASE.

    I guess I like ARTS PROJECTS a little better than KANGAROO RATS.

    How nice to see JOAN Baez in a puzzle.

    Have a great week, everybody.

  26. By the way, can someone please tell me what a "Natick" is? I pressure it's when you get something wrong, but what's its exact meaning?

  27. Subgenius,

    please refer to this link.

    on the right side of the Blog,
    scroll down to Oleo,
    select abbreviations,
    and then follow the link under Natick for details.

  28. Boomer, you are an inspiration. Keep on keeping on!

    Mondays are a nice way to ease into our puzzles, especially after the challenges of the end of the week ones.

    Waseely, I thought Wordle words had to be 5 letters. Is your version an advanced level?

  29. Hola!

    First, Canadian Eh, I know you know that the ARNO is in Italy not France.

    What a neato puzzle from Jerry! And thank you, Boomer. You are a STAR for providing us with the guidance in spite of your problems. I hope you will feel better after PT.

    Sometimes I wish a puzzle were not so easy so I could mull it over but Monday's puzzle are meant to be easy and that is okay. By the weekend I'll be screaming "uncle". I'm still working on Saturday's puzzle. First, lack of time. I was hardly home on Saturday or Sunday but I'll eventually finish both of them.

    I hope all the rest of you are well. Please stay that way.

    Have a pleasant Monday, everyone! 60 degrees and sunny at the moment.

  30. Wendybird @12:54 PM Sorry, you've mistaken me for my wife. I don't do Wordle, she does. She says she's not aware of an "advanced level". Her Wordles are 5 letters long.

  31. Thank you, Cross-Eyed Dave. I got it now. Seeing the other abbreviations was also helpful

  32. Subgenius @11:46 AM NATICK is a small town in Massachusetts. Until Will Schortz put them on the CWD map, no one outside the town knew that. Schortz coined the term NATICK as an intersection between two unknown words, with an insufficient number of perpendiculars ("perps") to figure out the letter at the intersection. Whether this configuration is actually a NATICK is a matter of opinion depending on the size of your trivia reserve.

  33. Most of the puzzles i do are filled with
    "personal" Naticks.

    For instance,
    I read rifle range rounds=ammo
    as "rifle range sounds," so i put "Pows."
    If i had read the 1 down perp, IGA, i should have known
    my error.

    Such are the trials and tribulations of doing puzzles Cross Eyed...

  34. Was it Mal Man who suggested I tried the Baltimore online version as of the puzzle as suggested.

    It works up to a point then suddenly even if I tap the correct letter it keeps putting in the same wrong a P or and L for every answer. Whaddami doing wraung? 🤔

  35. typing fast with sloppy thumbs..sorry for all the errors

  36. Puzzling thoughts:

    FIR with just one hiccup in the SE corner; I had an AHA moment before an OHO moment fit better

    Boomer, best to you with all of your therapies. It sounds as though you are pretty well-prepared, and your attitude seems positive. We here at the Crossword Corner will continue to pepper you with our own positive vibes

    I, too was expecting more from the puzzle. Not to say that it was bad by any means. Perhaps it's refreshing to see a simpler, non-themed puzzle every now and then.

    I tried Wordle for the first time today, but the APP I downloaded (to my iPhone) was a copy-cat version. I went to the official UK website - on my phone - but couldn't figure out how to get it in APP form. Anyone else with an iPhone figured out how?

  37. Hi Y'all! Fun & fast, Jerry, thanks. I too, was hoping Boomer was well enough to do the fine blog. Praying your day goes well, Doug.

    I don't skip to my LOO (don't want that much jiggling), but sometimes I walk fast, Boomer.

    DNK: ROCHE, HANSEN. I got AUR then waited for UM to perp in.

    Madame D. good to hear from you. Sounds like you have been busy.

  38. Madame Defarge @ 7:45 ~ Nice to hear from you. Good news about DH’s recovery. Condolences on MIL’s passing.

    Bill @ 1:01 ~ I believe WendyBird is mixing up your Word of the Day with Wordle.

    Bill @ 1:10 ~ A minor correction to your Natick comment. Rex Parker, not Will Shortz, coined the term Natick and he offers a detailed explanation on his Blog’s home page of its exact meaning. 😉

  39. Wishing you the very best as you resume radiation, Boomer !!
    And thank you for making me realize the hidden meaning in "Skip to my LOO."
    That had never before occurred to me. SO many children's songs & poems (e.g., "Ring around the Rosie...") are based on words we have either forgotten or not realized in a new context.

    This was a fairly decent PZL for starting the week. My only caveat to Mr. Edelstein is noted in the Diagonal Report, below.

    I was a bit surprised to see the STAR theme unremarked--neither in the PZL itself nor in the Corner write-up.
    ~ OMK
    Just one diagonal, on the near side.
    Mr. Edelstein may think he has me licked, providing only a single diag and over-loading it with 12 vowels (only 3 consonants!).
    But with a bit of ingenuity, I uncovered a fair-sized anagram (13 of 15 letters) after all.
    This one refers to the state of mind of a thirsty Britisher, a GENT who relishes his afternoon breaks.
    When 4 o'clock rolls around, especially on working weekdays, this CHAP is thinking...


  40. Ooops, my mistake!

    Math was never my subject.
    Correction: There were FOUR consonants and ELEVEN vowels in today's single diagonal.
    I believe everything else holds true in my "DR" above.
    ~ OMK

  41. RaY - O @1:23 PM MalMan and I both blog on Thursdays, but don't look at all alike. I believe I gave you this link, but suggested you print it out and do it on paper. I assumed (silly me) that you have a printer, and also a pen or pencil. You do have a pen or pencil don't you? 😎
    Irish Miss @2:30 PM Thanks IM, I sit corrected. Here's Michael Sharp's (alias "Rex Parker") account of the creation: click Ctrl-F and key in Natick to find it.

  42. I agree with others - if there is no reveal, why even bother with the circles, unless to dumb down the puzzle. But even a newbie could finish this one without the circles. At some point you need to tailor the product to your loyal customers.

  43. Waz

    Yup, that's the link, I thought I might try using my phone, easier to carry around on breaks at work otherwise do the puzzle at my work station with papyrus and quill (what you call pen and paper). It's not that easy to print out non work related stuff.😯.... Thanks

  44. Irish Miss, THANKYOU for setting me straight. I did indeed misinterpret Waseely's Word of the Day. Now I have to figure out how to do Word of the Day too.

  45. Wendy Bird.

    Why does your name sound familiar... then realized last night while watching the new and final season of "Ozark' Wendy Byrde (Laura Linney), and her husband Marty are the main characters



  46. Hi Waseely, Thank you, for the Natick link you provided above.

    I just read the link to The New Yorker. And, after reading the whole article by this Anna Schectman, and about her Anorexia Nervosa, and her entire biography at some rehab centre, and her mastery in constructing crossword puzzles, at a precocious age... and also watching the video with the crossword construction 'expert' presenting easy and difficult clues, at the drop of a hat ....

    I resolved a few things...
    1. The NY Times crossword is not for me.
    2. The Amer Crossword tournament is also, not for me ...
    3. The New Yorker magazine, while well written, is a much ado about nothing ... and I can jolly well live without it ... Fortunately, it has also informed me that this is the last article I will be allowed to read ....
    4. SOME Crossword constructors can get soo cutesy and An-l about their contributions, and show off their knowledge on frivolous, trite, esoteric and punny things ... that the solvers can get totally frustrated, and give up on the whole game for the day.

    At my age, my attitude is .... my remaining life is at a premium, and I can think of better ways to spend my time, thank you.
    But again, thank you for an important Learning Moment.

  47. Musings
    -I ACTUALLY taught today making my full length NASA presentation to six classes. I’m bushed!
    -DIL’s husband’s father died leaving him 42 guns and boxes and boxes of AMMO to dispose of.

  48. A pleasant puzzle it was and a terrific write-up too.

  49. Relatively new to the lingo of CWP solvers and you’re very good site. What are the equivalent phrase and word for the initialism “FIR” and abbreviation “perps”?

  50. Just saw perp above. How about FIR?

  51. Kangaroo rats are real. I have read about them before. Their large back feet help them jump up to nine feet in one jump to escape predators.
    Link text

    "Skip to My Lou” is a simple game of stealing partners. It begins with any number of couples hand in hand, skipping around in a ring. A lone boy in the center of the moving circle of couple sings, “Lost my partner what’ll I do?” as the girls whirl past him. The young man in the center hesitates while he decides which girl to choose, singing, “I'll get another one prettier than you.” When he grasps the hand of his chosen one, her partner then takes his place in the center of the ring and the game continues. It's an ice-breaker, a good dance to get a group acquainted with one another and to get everyone in the mood for swinging around.

    (Lou means loved one.)
    Lost my partner
    What'll I do?
    Lost my partner
    What'll I do?
    Lost my partner
    What'll I do?
    Skip to my lou, my darlin'
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
    I'll get another one
    Prettier than you
    I'll get another one
    Prettier than you
    I'll get another one
    Prettier than you
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
    Can't get a red bird
    Jay bird'll do
    Can't get a red bird
    Jay bird'll do
    Can't get a red bird
    Jay bird'll do
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
    Skip to my Lou, my darlin'
    Source: LyricFind

  52. A request for info from Tony the -T (and TTP?):

    AOL just sent me a 'free' offer for NordVPN. (I know, you're laughing ... who still uses AOL, besides old fogeys? Well, as an arch-fogey, AOL is free; it's reliable; it's known quantity; and I've been using it for over 30 years.*)

    So, what's Nord VPN? Is the service worth it after the so-called "free" offer dies?

    [*The long use means that I do NOT have to learn another, different, set of commands, or a new programmer's idiosyncratic decisions, every time there's a new revision out.]

  53. Chairman Moe - there is no app as of yet for WORDLE - just have to go to the website. There are a lot of copycat apps that are not the game everyone is talking about.

    My son got us playing it a few weeks ago and everyone who does it for a certain day puts it on our family group text. I haven't done today's yet - but I heard "it was a doozy" quote from same son.

  54. Anonymous ~~ just above the area you post comments there is a link to “Comments Section Abbrs”....FIR means Finished it Right

  55. YR, I had those symptoms and they negated strep, covid but never had a diagnosis. Rest and fluids.

    I misplaced insert so solved online. 10 min. Flat. On cel so time is greater. One of the easier ones.

    Always a pleasure to have Mme De aboard

    CSO to moi on HANSEN, my mother's maiden name.

    As I once said, Natick is the town Heisman Trophy winner Doug Flutie played his HS at.

    And FIW is Finished it Wrong (c. Sunday). As opposed to Did Not Finish eg quit.


  56. Boomer, I hope today went as well as could be expected, and you are not feeling too terrible with the side effects.

    inanehiker, yes, Wordle was quite the doozy today. Got it in four, but it took some noodling.

    Michael, I too have had an AOL account since way, way back. Nothing wrong with having an AOL email account. I used to have a few AOL ids. Along with other email accounts from other providers, such as Yahoo, GMAIL, Comcast and others. Different email accounts for different purposes.

    I received the same email about the free trial to try NordVPN for AOL members on the 18th. It's a legit offer, but I didn't bite.

    Here's a rather comprehensive article on VPN: What is A VPN

  57. FIR. Nice easy puzzle for a Monday.

    Thanks, Jerry and Boomer!

    “Bloke” is the call sign of one of our volunteers at the museum. Here he is showing a group of school kids one of his planes:


    We have kid tours just about every weekday during the summer when school is out. Bloke and/or his wingman TRY to fly in (depending on their work schedules) and give the kids a little presentation about the aviation industry.

    Here he is buzzing the museum:

    Buzzing the Museum

    YES!!! If the pattern isn't full, the tower lets him do it!!!

    My first car was a 1954 Ford two door Ford, in that yuck light green color, three on the column. Loved that car. Wish I still had it, but we didn’t know to keep such things back then.

    Oh, and for you newbies (and anyone else who hasn’t done it yet), while you’re looking around in the OLIO section, please click on Blog Map and email your location to Husker Gary, so that we know where we can come hunt you down.

  58. Lucina- thank you for correcting my memory lapse. Of course Florence and ARNO are in Italy. It has been so long since I travelled that I was making an itinerary; now I can add Italy. I made a similar error earlier in the month by forgetting that SAO was Portuguese.

    inanehiker- yes WORDLE was more than Monday level today. It took me five tries.

  59. Más…

    I knew Sela Ward (thank you auto-correct for making me retype her name), and I have seen her on TV, but when I looked at her list of roles in her Wiki article, I didn’t see anything I recognized. Strange.

    I saw a posting on Facebook today complaining about the NFL overtime rules. I didn’t realize that both teams were not required to have the ball, if the winner of the coin toss scored a touchdown in the initial possession. I imagine there will be a rule change.

    IRAQ/IRAN --- Just remember that Saddam was in Baghdad, when we invaded IRAQ.

  60. Lucina & CanadianEh! ~ Misplacing the Arno in France is a minor error compared to my memory of the hours I wasted on my first visit to Italy.
    I was just 22, old enough to know better, but still innocent enough of local geography to screw myself up. And afraid, I guess, of losing face, because otherwise...
    I would have sought out an English speaking ticket-seller or conductor in the Italian railway office to find out WHY it was that I could not find "Florence" on the posted list of ticket fares to Italian cities.

    I swear it took me FOREVER (well, at least some hours!) to find a fellow American, to learn that ALL Italians MIS-spell "FLORENCE" as "FIRENZE."
    I mean, WHO knew?
    ~ OMK

  61. Hi All!

    Thanks for the smooth puzzle to welcome us back to the work-week, Jerry.

    Nice to read you in jolly spirits and good humor, Boomer. Thanks for the witty expo and good luck with all the hassle on tap.

    WO: wrong ROa[c]HE
    ESPs: HANSEN, RONA, ARNO (bonus anagram!), SELA
    Fav>: I liked the clue "Bath bathroom"

    {B+, B}

    FLN (well, all weekend) - enjoyed what little I got of Saturday's puzzle and enjoyed reading everyone. I lurk'd yesterday but, again, no time to post. Eldest and I spent the entire weekend in the kitchen making ~2.5 gal of chicken-noodle soup (Saturday) from scratch - including the noodles. Sunday we did home-made spaghetti noodles & 1.5gal of meat sauce. Freezer is stocked :-)

    Nice to see you MdF! Sorry to read about your MIL but glad that your DH's hip is hep.

    Michael - You don't need NordVPN unless you're trying to pretend to be somewhere in the world (useful to watch other country's TV on your PC :-)) that you're not. And, contrary to claims, consumer VPNs do NOTHING to increase your privacy; your traffic can still be traced back to you. Further, they will claim "encryption!" but most (if not all) of your data is already encrypted in-transit.

    C. Moe - There's not an App per se. However, you can make Wordle an icon on your phone [I'm assuming iThing in the following]:

    1) Open Safar and browse to
    2) At the bottom of your screen find the "share" icon [in the middle of the bottom row; a box with a pointing-up arrow coming out of it] and tap it
    3) On the "share" icon 'pop-up', scroll down and find "Add to Home Screen"
    4) Click "Add" in the upper-righthand corner
    You should now have a green W icon on your home-screen

    Cheers, -T
    Wordle: 4

  62. OMK:
    That is funny! By happenstance I am bilingual in a language that is compatible with Italian and quite often the names are really similar. Otherwise I would be in the same pickle as you which I am when it comes to German and some other non-romance langauges.

  63. Dear TTP and Tony -T:

    Thanks for the replies. As for privacy or encryption, I just assume everything electronic is public, at least for interested entities. What protects us is sheer message volume, so how can you find anything in the daily mass of verbiage? (It's no wonder NSA, GCHQ, etc., are looking into message traffic scanners and so-called 'quantum' computing....)

  64. CED, no need to go thru all that scrolling anymore. Someone finally got wise and put the olio link on the comments page, 9 lines above the text box. Too bad when Blogspot flips you to that page, it only shows the last line of the info, which doesn't give a hint that are another dozen lines above it.


  65. Michael, there you go.

    Dash T, that's why they pay you the big bucks. Dozens of companies that market VPN are now meeting to develop a unified response to refute your statements :>)

    Owen, "Too bad when Blogspot flips you to that page, it only shows the last line of the info, which doesn't give a hint that are another dozen lines above it" ???

    I can't recreate that. It always opens to the top of the page, regardless of whether I right click and "Open in New Tab" or just click the link. I tested it on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. There's nothing in the HTML or hidden that would cause the page to open anywhere besides the top of the page.

    You use Waterfox as a browser, correct ? Not sure why it's happening that way for you, but I would suspect a browser or a browser add-on issue. Do you get the same behavior with Chrome or Edge ?


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

Please click on Comments Section Abbrs for some blog-specific terms.

Please limit your posts to 5 per day and cap each post length at about 20 lines in Preview mode.

No politics, no religion and no personal attacks.