, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday July 11, 2022 Justin Daneau

Gary's Blog Map

Jul 11, 2022

Monday July 11, 2022 Justin Daneau

Theme: TV Time

16. Where to watch pillars and frames?: SUPPORT NETWORK.

36. Where to watch Stonehenge and Big Ben?: ENGLISH CHANNEL.

59. Where to watch tracks and tunnels?: RAILWAY STATION.

Boomer here. Congrats to Justin Daneau on his L.A. Times debut!

Simon and Garfunkel were "Homeward Bound" sitting at the RAILWAY station.  Seeing the word CHANNEL reminds me of many years ago as a kid,  We had a 19" black and white TV and two channels were broadcast. (4 & 5) Those were the days !


1. Apple discard: CORE.  The fruit. Computer too.

5. Cash dispensers: ATMS.  Never use it anymore.  We use a credit card and get cash back from the bank.

9. Edinburgh resident: SCOT.  We have a great golf course near our home called Edinburgh.  LPGA used to have a tournament there.  C.C. and I played it once. Difficult and high price.

13. Highest point: APEX.

14. Metal corrosion: RUST.  I've heard of a bar called a Rusty Nail.

15. Novelist Tokarczuk who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature: OLGA.  Often clued as "Gymnast Korbut".


19. Professional org.: ASSOC.

20. Big name in ridesharing: UBER

21. Observe: SEE.  "I SEE" said the blind man, but he really didn't. 

22. "Rugrats" dad: STU.

24. "Almost Famous" director Cameron: CROWE.   

26. Low-scoring tie: ONE ONE.  Extra innings.

29. Guzzles (down): SNARFS.

32. Serious hwy. crime: DUI.  Never for me and I do not imbibe.  Now Minnesota stupidly legalized some kind of chew that makes people high and they are also looking toward Marijuana.  I cannot imagine what might happen to insurance rates. 

33. One-sixth of an inch, to a typesetter: PICA.

35. Uncommon: RARE.  How do your like your steak?

40. Bengay target: ACHE.  No problem here.

41. Smell: ODOR.  Getting tired of this word. Baltimore second baseman.

42. Ultrasound goop: GEL.

43. "Onwards!": LET'S GO.  Let's go Twins!  Your bullpen needs changes.

46. Put a hex on: CURSED.

48. Play idly, as a guitar: STRUM.  I had a guitar once. Never could play.

50. Stitching target: RIP.

51. "Frankly," in texts: TBH. To Be Honest.

53. Coup d'__: sudden regime change: ETAT.  We call it an election.

55. Modern creatures that are technically dinosaurs: BIRDS.  Baltimore team.

62. Facts and figs.: INFO.

63. Egg on: GOAD.

64. Volcano on Sicily: ETNA.  California city also.


65. "The Martian" actor Damon: MATT.

66. Writes the wrong ZIP code, say: ERRS.  Or drops a fly ball.

67. Filter (through): SEEP.


1. Spanish house: CASA.  Blanca.

2. Magnum __: masterpiece: OPUS.

3. Gym sets, briefly: REPS. Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

4. Tell-all news story: EXPOSE.

5. Flight update abbr.: ARR. Delayed or Cancelled are frequent these days.

6. Ballet skirt: TUTU.

7. "The Beat With Ari Melber" broadcaster: MSNBC.

8. Has the wheel: STEERS.  Old cattle.

9. Female pig: SOW.

10. From a short distance, with "at": CLOSE RANGE. Within 50 yards of the green.

11. Big, mean giant: OGRE.

12. Help oneself to: TAKE. A nap in the afternoon.

17. Ocean floor dwellers with many arms: OCTOPI. 8 arms and no feet.

18. Sci-fi film with light cycles: TRON.

23. Aussie colleges: UNIS.

25. Wave a red flag at: WARN.  I think someone got kicked out of the game.

26. Postal scale unit: OUNCE. Now .60 forever stamp to mail.

27. Workforce during the wee hours: NIGHT SHIFT.  

28. Amazon gadget activated by saying "Alexa": ECHO. HELLO. hello, hello.

30. Set loose: FREED.

31. Unload for cash: SELL.  Be an eBay user.

32. Start a card game: DEAL.  Ante up for 5 card stud.

34. Rock band with the album "Powerage": AC DC.  Most homes have AC.  You need a battery for DC.

37. "__ we forget": LEST.

38. Length of many TV dramas: HOUR.  Sometimes even longer.

39. Joyful Spanish shout: ARRIBA.

44. Mushroomed: GREW.  C.C.'s green beans are coming along.

45. Power interruption: OUTAGE. These can really upset refrigerated foods.  XEL energy does a faithful current job for MN.

47. Treats with petty malice: SPITES.

49. City hall bigwig: MAYOR.  Every city has one.

51. Barbershop request: TRIM.  I was in a quartet.

52. "Dirty John" actor Eric: BANA.

54. Ruler of imperialist Russia: TSAR.  Anagram of RATS!

56. Solemn observance: RITE.

57. "All finished!": DONE. Almost !

58. One of the Rice Krispies trio: SNAP. Crackle.  I think POP is their dad.

60. "Thanks a __!": LOT.

61. QB stats: TDS. Rodgers and Mahomes go deep!


Notes from C.C.:

Happy birthday to CanadianEh!, who joined our corner in 2012. Don't you guys wish she could blog for us? I tried :-)


  1. FIRight. It's Monday.
    TV systems is a good way to start the week. I'm paying way to much to Xfinity, so been intending for months to switch to antenna. Maybe today I'll stop procrastinating.

    Survey time: EXPOSE' in the puzzle today. I've noticed many names we have for the main blog posts -- expo, explication, expose, write-up, explanation -- and I don't want to standardize it. The variations are fun! But I would like to see a fuller list of the terms we use. Do you use just one all the time, or what all have you used?

    The A.T.M. was getting RUSTY,
    Its counting bills was no longer trusty.
    It swallowed checks without receipts,
    Gave different balances without repeats,
    Was now an Antiquated Timeworn Machine.

    He was a SCOT, but he needed to scoot.
    She was FREED, but needed to flee.
    It was a bot, so we gave it a boot.
    They were quilters, so I gave them a bee.
    The Thing could SEE, so let it SEEP.
    Or was that The Blob? I need to sleep!

    {C, B-.}

  2. Yep, still awake. Zipped to a FIR in 12. Nice fun marvelous Monday CW; love it. One W/O ACME:APEX. I liked the theme clues, fun. I did the Sunday CW and posted a comment about 2am or so, and now the Monday CW. Can’t seem to sleep. Thanx JD for the refreshing witty CW. Thanx Boomer for your usual fun write-up, and good luck with your procedures today. Enjoy the cafeteria chow.

  3. Good morning!

    Crunchy Monday fare. Looked at T_H/_ANA and luckily WAGged a B; DNF avoided. Nice debut, Justin. Thanx for the explication, Boomer, and good luck with those upcoming procedures.

    ATMS -- Occasionally use the one at Walgreens. My bank is online with no physical presence.

    OUTAGE -- Hurricanes raise hob with the electric grid around here. Following a major storm we can look forward to an outage of one to two weeks. That made installation of a whole-house generator a no-brainer.

  4. Good morning,

    My assignment was to track down Justin Daneau (not Trudeau) to learn about this new constructor. Today is indeed his LAT debut, but he was published on June 15, 2022 in this Universal Crossword . He appears to be a recent graduate of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    A nice Monday and always a fun time with Boomer at the helm. Welcome to the Corner Justin, come help Canadian Eh celebrate her birthday

  5. BTW, today's grid is an unusual 14 x 15 which should help solving times. Happy 7/11 all; I too am off to the doctor today

  6. FIW, missing ScARF x TROc. I thought about TRON but don't remember light cycles, and I didn't know SNARF. As much as I guzzled back in my imbibing days, I don't think I ever heard SNARF. Or maybe my SNARFing killed those brain cells where the word lived. But I got the Natick TBH x BANA, so I got that goin' for me. I thought this one was Wednesday-hard.

    Back in the 70s I belonged to a club called Apple Corps. We shared information on how to use our Apple II computers. Still have the tee shirt, showing an Apple II complete with the dual paddles that were used like etch-a-sketch knobs.

    OKL, I don't have a "go to" phrase for the morning blog. Seems like I use "tour" and "explanation" a lot.

    HBD to C-Eh!

    Thanks Justin for the fun challenge, and to Boomer for the chuckles.

  7. Belated happy birthday to Bill and Tony. You both add so much interest to the blog. And happy birthday to Canadian Eh today. I love your posts.
    Two bad cells today. I should have had the N in TRON which was too deep in my brain to bring out. So I had scarfs, although I do know snarfs. My bad, but missing the B in TBH was cruel. I never have seen it, nor BANA. I liked the theme. Once I got one theme answer the others were easy.
    We have never had a successful coup d'etat in the US, but we need to be ever vigilant.
    If my name were ODOR, I would legally change it. Imagine the abuse a kid with that name would suffer.
    We used to have a Rusty Nail bar, a real dive. I used to drink an occasional rusty nail, but these days I find it too sweet. Also, no sugar in the iced tea and no "lady" cocktails for me.
    Boomer, I use various phrases for the main blog because I have not hit on a word I really like. Good luck today.

  8. Oops, forgot to wish a happy birthday to CanadianEh! Hope it's a good one. You really should take a turn at writing the daily blog.

  9. Starting a new week with a FIR. We'll see how long the streak lasts this time. It was not a sure thing because of my BANA/TBH Natick. (Hi, DO, Jinx & YR!) When I did the alphabet run the second time, the phrase "to be honest" occurred to me and saved the day. My only WO was starting to write "acme" before carefully checking the perps. Oh sure, APEX is the highest point needed. (Hi, unclefred!) Otherwise a smooth fill. Welcome, Justin. I enjoyed your puzzle. Come back soon!

    Hope you have a good day, Boomer. Thanks for an excellent review of the puzzle, done with your usual wit.
    (OwenKL, "review" is the term I most often use for the blogger's product.)

    Happiest of Birthdays to you, C Eh! I too really enjoy your comments and have learned a lot from them.

    Time to SNARF down a second cup of coffee. (Without sugar, YR, but with milk.) Hope you all have a good start to the day!

  10. Good Morning:

    This was a Goldilocks puzzle, i.e., not too easy, not too hard, but just right. Olga, as clued, was the only unknown, but everything else was Monday fare with a relatively low count of proper names and three letter words, both major pluses in my book.

    Thanks, Justin, for a fun start to the week and congrats on the debut and thanks, Boomer, for always bringing some sunshine into my morning. Good luck with the medical appointments.

    Happy Birthday, CanadianEh. Hope you do something special. 🎂🎈🎉🎊🎁

    Lemony, best wishes for a good report from the doctor.

    Have a great day.

  11. Took 4:44 for me to tune in today.

    The "Olga" clue was awfully obscure for a Monday puzzle.

    Nice debut effort.

  12. Amusing theme today with clever clues. Speed run with my only erasure being ETA changing to ARR by perps.

    Thanks for the fun blog Boomer - prayers for you that you will soon be sling-less and tolerate the infusion.
    Congrats to Justin on his debut!
    HBD to Canadian Eh and belatedly to the Sunday birthday boys! We have had our youngest and girlfriend here over the weekend through Tuesday - so not much extra time!

  13. A few write-overs today but no serious problems. Only real unknowns were OLGA and BANA, but they perped. I was at Sydney UNI 1963 through 1966, so that was my easiest clue today.


  14. I sure am glad, I am early enough to post ... I missed posting several days in a row.
    Thank you Justin Daneau for a nice and easy Monday puzzle, I finished in record time.
    I have actually heard of Eric Bana - he was a 'baddie' in some movie. However, I unaware of TBH...
    Thank you Boomer, for your review, hope you continue getting stronger and better, healthwise.
    Good luck and prayers to Lemonade for a good doctor's exam.
    I have so many doc exams during the week, I stopped noticing, and counting.

    Happy 75th Birthday to Waseeely, (would that be a platinum anniv. ?) and others, ( I cant remember -) ....

    and Happy Birthday to Canadian Eh! ... I love your posts, and they certainly bring a different point of view, in an otherwise parochial setting.

    From yesterdays clue about 8D ... chatting on SLACK, for instance .... IM ING ... I was confounded with the answer, but now I realize that a similar, restricted messaging system also exist for doctors, here, called DOC HALO.
    My DW uses it all the time, and she always gets prompt replies to her questions... especially about changes to my treatment.
    I also know how to email the docs here, by the email DW uses ....

    DNK that ARRIBA was an actual word, I thought that was Speedy Gonzalez's marching tune.

    Have a great Monday, you all.

  15. Good morning!
    I still do the puzzle every night and read the blog the next day. I never miss Boomer's. They are great!
    Also, I like Husker's.
    Today was easy enough for a Monday.
    I have signed up for a "balance" class at local clinic. It’s 12 weeks long, twice a week. It’s going well.

    Happy Birthday, Canadian-Eh!
    Where I live and all around me are Canadian flags. (Within 100 miles of border). I think of you every time I see one furl.

    Take care everyone,

  16. Hi All!

    TBH, I felt that xing BANA was natick-y. Took two (2!) ABC-runs to settle on B. (Hi, D-O!)

    Thanks Justin for the puzzle and congrats on the LAT debut.

    Cute expo [there you go, OKL], Boomer. You keep strong this week as they poke & prod you. #LovingThoughts

    WOs: N/A
    Fav: TRON light-cycles.
    (CEO) Bro texted last week to inform me someone was selling an original TRON arcade game. Price? $8k.
    Dang!, and I just spent all my money on a house.
    Bro didn't offer to buy it for my birthday :-(

    Better luck than I [see above] today, C, Eh! :-) Happy Birthday!
    //yes!, I'd love for you to Blog the reveal and give us some Great White North humour (not that your posts don't) sometime.

    {A, C+} //I've been trying for three years to ditch Xfinity/Comcast. Unfortunately, everyone's email is tied to it. The move will force them to switch.

    CSO to kazie at Ausie UNI.

    Jinx - Are those Apple ][ paddles similar to the ones that came with Pong? Is the tee sporting the Rainbow-Apple? [I have a 5.25" floppy-holder that I put the Apple Rainbow sticker on - it's at 'new house' so #NoPic]

    Gotta run. #Work
    Cheers, -T

  17. -T, I've got an 8" stack of new 5-1/4 floppy mailers. Haven't used one in a couple years.

  18. Musings
    -Me too, To Be Honest, T_H/_ANA was a potential Natick but a very short alphabet run saved me
    -Edinburgh, Scotland - ED In Bra. Where my golf partner “winters” – ED In Burg, Texas
    -The only two fonts in my H.S. days. I always used PICA with double spacing and big margins for reports.
    -Speaking of my H.S. days, here’s a LET’S GO earworm.
    -We called our uniforms UNIS
    -The last HOUR of a TV drama’s season usually has a cliff hanger, e.g. “Who Shot J.R.?”
    -D-O, what has the highest priority for that generator during an outage?
    -I salute you, CanadaEh!

  19. Phast & Phun. Not a very Mondayish clue for OLGA though and Ari Melber? who? I promise not to start the OCTOPI argument again... but... yet once more another Shrek ("Big mean giant") shaming clue...."Start a card game" DEAL: not unless you're playing 52 pickup 😆. The song title gave ACDC away. Scarfing Snerfs = SNARFS? "Barbershop request", "Don't cut my ear off"

    "Modern creatures technically dinosaurs" ..a lot of us cornerites!!..🩕😅😆😁 🩕

    Inkovers: spurns/SPITES.

    Boomer: "Pop Is their father" 😆.

    Hope our new constructor has other puzzles up his sleeve Justin case he gets asked to "book 'em Daneau!" đŸ€š

    "Put a hex on" "I Put a Spell on You"

    When I was a tot (early 1950's) Utica had one STATION, CHANNEL 13, NBC NETWORK

    Add my belated B day greetings to Waz & Tony and new one to Canada eh.🎈🎁

    The Spanish house now belongs to my "run-a-round" ex-wife: "Mi ___ es Sue's _____ "... CASA
    That meddling swine will just ____ discontent...SOW.
    Lonely item in the dryer...ASSOC
    Result of a small kitchen...CLOSERANGE
    Some umbilical positioning...OUTAGE


    _____ week be filled with happiness!...MAYOR. 😁

  20. FIW, I had ARReBA and never noticed the ReP in my trousers. Because I only wear shorts(with side pockets for wallet and cellphone

    And frankly text abbrevs are passe and DNK "Dirty John ". No matter how "Easy" the xword, Patti * etal want that one Natick to thwart the FIR

    Speaking of TSAR. Do I hear correctly that Russia 's current Czar is questioning the 1865 sale of Alaska (Seward's folly)

    $7 mil bought a lot of art and jewelry in those days

    Hbd C-eh, a welcome addition to J-ville.

    Owen as long as you don't climb up on the roof to affix that antenna. And…
    You have no C's. And … My spell check recognizes write-up (I don't need to insert the '-'. I see UF likes it too

    The poor 7/11s, Circle-K is beating them all. They have a $6.41 Sip&Save deal. Refill/ day for a month. 7/11 and WaWa are not decaf friendly nor AP** friendly.

    Enough bytes out of Wilbur today


    * AjA° I'm Patti friendly
    ** Arnold Palmer but the Boston accent makes it hard to grok down South

    ° All in All

  21. As many others have said, it was a bit of a WAG to get "TBH" and "Bana." Also, as one or two others have said, I had a little trouble with "snarf" but fortunately did remember "Tron" so it came out okay. Other than that, pretty smooth sailing for an FIR, so I'm happy.

  22. I too had SCARF instead of SNARF. First had ACME, but soon corrected to APEX. Fun puzzle for a Monday.

    I hope C Eh has a great BD.

    Yep, Edinburg Texas first came to mind for some reason.

    Best wishes to Boomer and CC for their multiple appointments. Hoping for positive results.

  23. Hola!

    ARRIBA! That actually means, "up" but colloquially, "let's go" implying, "go higher".

    Thank you, Justin Daneau; I liked your puzzle. It's just right for a Monday. And yet I had a wite-out, BRIISH before ENGLISH and a couple of missed letters. Sometimes my eyes deceive me.

    I would love for Canadian Eh to Blog but would she be frustrated at the lack of U's? E.G, ODOR instead of ODOUR?

    It's surprising NO ONE has commented o OCUPI as a plural. The dictionary offers OCTUPUSES first then OCTOPI as a secondary option.

    Though I don't watch any of his shows, Eric BANA is so handsome I know of him.

    Did I miss some birthdays? I'm so sorry about that. Yesterday was a strange day for me and I didn't finish the puzzle.

    My favorite go to word is SASHAY but I wore it out.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone! Thank you, Boomer!

  24. Lucina, I was under the impression that Canadian Eh! was a guy - could I possibly be wrong about that? Or are you mistaken? Maybe Canadian Eh! will weigh in and let us know. Or maybe you already know something I don't. If I'm wrong, I'm willing to eat crow. I certainly have some familiarity with the taste!

  25. Lucina: I decided to look up Eric Bana on your “recommendation” and yes, he is quite handsome. I’ll have to try to get some of his movies on DVD.

    Sashay was the name of my MIL’s tiny silver poodle, an extraordinary little dog she adored.

  26. Delightful Monday puzzle--interesting and manageable--many thanks, Justin. And, Boomer, so happy to see you here doing the commentary on a Monday. Gets our week off to a good start. Good luck with all your medical appointments this week.

    The biggest surprise in this puzzle was having BIRDS turn out to technically be dinosaurs. What?

    I'm sure OLGA is not an OGRE, but that was a fun crossing.

    Also nice that someone STEERS that UBER in this puzzle.

    I guess if someone SNARFS down too much booze, like more than an OUNCE, they could end up with a DUI.

    Hope the GEL on that ACHE doesn't produce an ODOR.

    Have a great week, everybody.

  27. Happy birthday Canadian Eh!
    Choosing your cake was a toss up between
    exh8bit A
    And exhibit B

    Tony, your belated cake was a no brainer...

    Ditto re: tbh/bana (wees)
    To be honest, tbh was was unheard of, because, what is really honest on the internet?
    (With the possible exception of this blog)

    I have never been asked to do this Blog!?
    ( possibly because of my sarcasity)
    Or possibly because I use words like sarcasity, which apparently do not exist in the dictionary, but you know what I meant...
    Besides, you would need another blog to explain my explanations...

    Plus I can't read...
    I read 23 down as "Aussie colleagues", what could it be? Chums? Cobbers? No, it's unis! What?

    Also, I take exception to 48. Play idly, as a guitar: STRUM.
    No one strums "idly" except the village idiot!
    Just take a look at YouTube strum pattern lessons!

    Lastly, the Rusty Nail brings back fond memories of summer vacations in Cape May NJ.
    To the left of the Rusty nail is a dog friendly motel.
    But we stayed to the right of the Rusty Nail at a place called Summer Station, where each unit had a kitchen and was more family friendly. We did that for 15 straight years, because, to get in you had to reserve your "apartment" a year in advance!
    (Two years if you want an ocean view patio)
    Anywho, the Rusty nail, who's slogan is "the coldest beer in Cape May, was a great place to wash down my fav. you get someth8ng that looks like this, except instead of sausage they used anchovies! Lemme tell ya! There is not enough beer in cape May to wash these things down!

  28. Sorry,

    I don't know what happened to my last lines, it looked ok in the preview but a whole sentence disappeared and the link went kerfluey...

    I was trying to say The Rusty Nail used to have jalapeño poppers that looked like this except instead of cream cheese they used cheddar!

    At some point they sold out, and while the new owners kept their slogan of "the coldest beer on cape May" if you order poppers you get something that looks like this, except using anchovies instead of sausage! There is not enough beer in cape May to wash these things down!

  29. WC - I forgot to mention that 7/11 stores are offering free small Slurpees to anyone signed up with their loyalty program. (Leaves me out.) Remember when the Bundys were at the beach, and Bud was on the way to the snack bar. "Hey Kelly, want a Slurpee?" She puts an arm around some guy she just met and says "got one".

    DO - Having an 8" stack of 5 1/4" discs is more useful than having a 5 1/4" stack of 8" floppys. (I think our DEC used them. Or maybe our 11/70).

    -T - I took a pic of one of my tees from then. Let's see if it really shares. Seems like I have to relearn this every time I need it. Memory like a steel sieve. I meant to iron it first, but I had just sprained my ironing wrist. Should be fine tomorrow. DNK the rainbow.

    1. I remember belonging to the Apple Corps, or was it Apple Scruffs?

  30. Happy Birthday, CanadianEh!! Hope you have, or had, a wonderful celebration with family and friends!

  31. CED..You DO realize that "sarcasity" will now find its way into a CW answer. THANKS 😳

  32. SubGenius - C, Eh! is, as I understand, female.
    But, on the Dog nobody knows you're an Internet [Strike that & reverse it].
    //Inspirational NY'er comic.

    CED - that was too easy a cake :-)
    //I need to re-register my '86 Spider so I can drive it up to 'new house' garage.

    Lucina - I think Ray-O decided NOT to touch OCTOPI an 8th time :-)

    WC - um, Popular Mechanics(???!) [paywalled after 2 paragraphs] has a story on TSAR's re-bid for AK.
    And NPR isn't covering this? ;-)

    CED - Dr. DW (PhD, ENGLISH) taught me: 'If it falls within the symbolic construct* and conveys meaning, it's a word.'
    I think Shakespeare agreed 'cuz he, like you, made much up too.

    Jinx - Awesome tee! -- I'd bid but $$ in new house ;-)
    The only 8" floppy-drives I saw were shelved-boxen at Tinker, AFB back in the early '90s.
    Apple [not Records #Beatles] logos.

    Cheers, -T
    *I guess that means it can be spell'ed't(?)

  33. Back from the doctor who determined that everything is just the correct amount of abnormal for the world but normal for me and therefore I am good. Great news? Apparently one can be in permanent A Fib; who knew? He wasn't scared, so now only three other problems to deal with. Thank all who asked.

    1. Lemony @2:18 PM Sounds like good news. I'm in permanent, asymptomatic AFIB. I take an outrageously expensive drug called Eliquis, manufactured by Squibb. Fortunately my insurance pays the lion's share of it. It doesn't really do anything about the heart rhythm, but does prevent blot clots. Hmm, I wonder if CanadianEh! knows how I could get it cheaper from across the border (aside to Subgenius - SHE is a pharmacist).

    2. VA prescribed Eloquis for me too. In place of the 81mg aspirin.

  34. Right off the bat I'm predicting that OCTOPI is going to frustrate Picard; actually it frustrates me too. But hey, it's just a puzzle; designed for entertainment, no? So some sloppiness is, I suppose, to be tolerated.

    On the whole, though, I enjoyed solving the puzzle today. An almost-Natick for me was the crossing of T-H with -ANA (hello desper-otto), but it was possible to deduce the B from the 51 across clue. If it weren't for that, however, solving BANA would have been 100% impossible for me.

    I also liked your write-up, Boomer. Yes, Owen, I always call it a write-up.

    Happy birthday, CanadianEh! No pressure, eh?

    Seeing the word CHANNEL evokes the same memories that it did for you, Boomer. We were living in Tomah, Wisconsin, when our family bought its very first (yep, 19" black and white) TV and of the only two channels we could receive, one was broadcast from Green Bay, which was east of Tomah and one was broadcast from Eau Claire, which was northwest of us. So Dad spent big bucks for an antenna rotor so we could point the antenna toward whichever broadcaster we wanted to view. As I recall, it turned out that we ended up always watching just one of them (I forget which one), so that expensive rotor rarely got used. I remember helping Dad install the lightning arrestor.

    I still sometimes get mixed up between the movie director Cameron CROWE and the actor Russell CROWE.

    Good wishes to you all.

  35. Yeah, Lemonade, as I understand it, if you have been A-Fib for a months or years before it is discovered, your heart has probably already "remodeled" itself to accommodate, so therefore it is unlikely to be curable. For example, I have A-Fib and my heart's atria are so enlarged I am not a candidate for treatment. Of course, as soon as my A-Fib was serendipitously discovered by an ER doctor years ago, I was prescribed, and have been taking ever since then, an anti-coagulant. The good news for you and me and you many others who have it, is that you can continue to live a "normal" life. I find that very comforting.


  36. Happy Birthday, Canadian Eh !

    Belated Happy Birthdays to Don G., Waseeley, and Dash T !

    Dash T, I know another place you saw an 8" floppy disk. Watch as David Lightman grabs one of the shelf at the very beginning 36 second this video clip .

    Jinx, yes, 8" disks were fairly prevalent for code loads and fixes on minis and some mainframes, but I remember them most as as the next gen replacement for 80 column cards. All of those electro-mechanical keypunch machines were eventually replaced with the "electronic keypunch" machines. I just looked it up to get the numbers. A single 8" disk stored the equivalent data of 3000 punched cards. That portable storage invention saved a lot of trees. The NCR 500 system I ran in the Army in the 70's used 80 column cards. Loading tray after tray of cards into the card reader got to be fairly tedious.

    Jayce, Tomah ? Was your dad in the military at Camp Douglas or Ft McCoy ? I used to drive by those on my way to Minneapolis and Rochester. One of the Chicago guys I worked with was in the Air Force in the 60's, and he was lucky enough to be stationed there for awhile. I read recently that Ft McCoy is being used as a processing point and relocation holding center for Afghan refugees.

    Hope all went well for you today, Boomer.

    Gotta run for now.

  37. Lemony, join the club. I got that diagnosis about 25 years ago. had a routine physical, and after I had been home for a few hours the doc called and told me to take 2 aspirin, and that I had a cardiologist the next morning. Scared me nearly to death. Cardiologist was much calmer, and explained that other than causing me to tire and get winded easier than before, I should be able to live a normal life. They gave me two scrips, but I didn't convert to normal rhythm. Then they put me in the hospital, stopped my heart, then put jumper cables on me and restarted it. Tried 4 times while I was knocked out, but I still didn't convert. They prescribed rat poison (warfarin) to keep me from having a stroke, and required me to come in for a finger stick every month to make sure the dosage was keeping my blood within the therapeutic range. Now I take Xarelto; much easier and safer, but much more expensive. Thank goodness for my Medicare HMO plan.

    We won't be running any marathons, but we can still live a nearly normal life. Hang in there.

  38. IIRC, I believe I have heard her refer to "DH several times.

  39. TTP, we lived in Tomah for a few years because my Dad was an MD in the VA and was assigned to the VA hospital there. I myself only spent one year there (man oh man the winters are severe!) because I was sent off to boarding school in Pennsylvania.

    Jinx, I was not a candidate for cardioversion (getting zapped) because they knew it wouldn't work. Yes, Xarelto is much easier and safer than Warfarin. I am on Pradaxa, which works very well for me. Lemonade, what Jinx (and I) said: we can still live a nearly normal life. Be of good spirits, good sir.

  40. Oh, I forgot to say I was in the Air Force in the 60's also, but was never stationed anywhere near Tomah. I ended up at Malmstrom AFB, just outside Great Falls, Montana. It was a SAC base (Strategic Air Command, i.e. bombers and "Minuteman" ICBMs) but also had a Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (the 71st, if I recall) there, i.e. fighter-interceptors, specifically the F-101 "Voodoo". I served in that Squadron. The winter there was severe as well, and the summer was hot and humid. The winter was so cold that if you happened to park your car on damp ground your tires would freeze to the ground. I blew out my reverse gear trying to get loose. I also learned about plug-in engine block heaters while I was there.

  41. Jinx, Jayce and Bill thank you all for the informative and supportive words. When first diagnosed I was put on Pradaxa; my heart returned to natural rhythm and I started peeing blood so no more Pradaxa. My A Fib did not reappear for three years but when it did it was mad at me. Back into the hospital. No medication until last winter when I began my Xarelto regimen. Like Jinx my Medicare HMO pays most but it is still not cheap. Thank you all, this is the meaning of community.

  42. Jayce...@ 4:26

    Your comment stirred up a forgotten memory. I remembered my DAD also put a motorized aerial (antenna) on the roof. The idea was to get one extra Syracuse channel (worked) and maybe even an Albany station (too snowy).

  43. Final comment for the day (and the crowd goes wild!)
    We had a 26" Zenith TV, featuring beautiful, living monochrome. I grew up in a mom & pop motel/restaurant/gas pump place, and the TV was mainly for our customers. Our single station was WSAZ-TV, NBC Channel 3 from Huntington, WV. Channels 8 and 13 in Huntington weren't strong enough to get to us, due to their shorter wavelength (higher frequency) that were more line-of-sight. WSAZ is probably most noted for developing the technique of switching a live broadcast between cities, Huntington and Charleston. Frequency synchronization is easy, but they figured out how to do phase synchronization with vacuum tube technology. This method enabled NBC's Huntley-Brinkley Report with studios in New York and Washington.

  44. Hi Y'all! Great puzzle, Justin. Thanks a LOT to you and Boomer.

    Happy Birthday, CanadianEh! I enjoy your posts.

  45. Y'all had a motorized antennae? Pop had me climb the mast to change the channel!
    //I'm joking but I do recall him sending my 10yro happy-a** up the pole to re-set the antenna after a storm. Eventually, we got civilized and got cable.

    Jayce/Jinx/Lem - y'all sound like old men discussing health issues.
    And I've banked every word of it for when heart happens to me.

    TTP - Ah, yes - 8" floppies in War Games. But that wasn't real-life, right? ;-)
    Thanks for the clip - I'll probably end up watching the whole movie tonight as I tend to Eldest -- she just tested C22-positive after attending Comic Con in Austin for her friend's comic book / music release... //Kids are so EMO these days ;-)

    Cheers, -T

  46. TTP and Jayce,
    Tomah is just a bit northwest of my home here in Richla NH d Center WI. Just thought I'd mention that.

  47. Richland Center. I usually proofread better than that. Sorry.

  48. Just lurking, but had to pipe in,

    While you guys were waving about your fancy hi-gain antennas,
    I was in a studio apartment in Manhattan with a 13 inch black and white that started picking up CB chatter from taxis on 1st avenue.

    The channel knob shaft that ran thru the tuner was no longer turning all the wafer switches (in synchronicity?)
    Resulting in picking up odd frequencies.

    When the airplane model glue would no longer hold it together, I found a discarded old tv in the trash and did a tuner transplant!
    Wasn't that hard, only 7 wires, just don't get them mixed up...

    ah, memories...

    (I was only around 12 at the time and couldn't afford a new tv.)

  49. Katie, I remember you live in the Madison area.


  50. Jayce, I got lucky. Ft Knox for basic, but it was cold in Jan and Feb, then Ft Lee (near Richmond, VA) for AIT (same as AFSC), which was a NORAD location, and then Mannheim and Karlsruhe, Germany for the rest of my RA (reg Army) duty. It was nicer winter weather in Germany than where I grew up in Ohio. However, the skies seemed to be gray and overcast during the winters. At least there was no real freezing weather where I was stationed. Except in basic in Kentucky in the hills which seemed to be worse than the foothills of the Alleghenies where I grew up.

    As far as TV, we had, IIRC, either a big Sylvania or Magnavox console TV, but that was only because one of the local town dealers sold them and my parents always shopped and bought locally. We also had a power rotor on the antenna, and we could aim it at Pittsburgh, Youngstown, or Cleveland. That was a big investment, and my one sister always seemed to be in control of what we watched.

    Dash T, I code loaded many systems using 8" disks. IBM systems had what was called a 72MD. MD stood for Magazine Drive. It held 33 8" disks. 3 magazines with 10 disks, and 3 single slot disk feeders. It was used on the System 38 (a mini) and IIRC, also a Sys 36. Also IBM's 5520 word processing system, which every oil company, law firm, and big bank in downtown Houston used. There was also a big furniture company in Houston called Finger Furniture (that TXs Miss would remember) that had a distributed data management system that used 8" disks.

    Kazie, I know where Richland Center is ! In fact, I went to the Sauk County Fair one year in Prairie Du Sac, got lost, and somehow ended up in Richland Center. Finally found my way back to Devil's Head in the opposite direction ! At the county fair, I entered the county cow chip throwing contest. Fun times, way back when. Pork Chop on a Stick !

  51. Puzzling thoughts:

    HBD, Canadian, Eh!

  52. TTP - a) I just watched two "reaction" videos re: War Games. One guy (with an Indian accent) nailed the AI take b/f he was 1/4 way through.
    b) I recall Finger Furniture but, outside of Ethan Allen, Mattress Mac is my guy. #AmazingPhilanthropist

    TxMs - agree?

    CED - once we got cable I hooked telephone-wire from the 75ohm adaptor on the main living-room TV down to the 10" B&W in my room / basement. //shhh - don't tell Pop or the FCC.
    (CEO) Bro & I could get HBO (not subscribed but the filer on the pole kept 'falling off' into Pop's mower [again - loose lips!]) sound but not the picture.
    Little Bro and I would listen to comedy shows -- Carlin & Pryor changed our lives.
    //I pay $$ for HBO now so, you know - the universe is square.

    I also tied the hot-wire'd cable/phone-wire to my stereo's antenna input. The local TV station's sat-dish picked up KSHE-95 out of Crestwood/St. Louis. Much better than the Taxis [relaxing theme] on 1st Ave CHANNEL :-)

    Cheers, -T


  53. Dash T, sorry, I was preoccupied with the cooking I was doing...

    Didn't get the C22 ref until the AHA moment. Oh, duh ! Hope she's doing ok..

    Neighbor's daughter and beaux flew into IAH and drove to San Antonio (to save money) day before yesterday. I tried to talk them into visiting a different time of year, but they had planned and booked it and were stuck. That heat. Good grief. My brother in the Temple area said they've been over 100 every day with sweltering humidity and no end in sight.

  54. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun Justin and Boomer.
    Officially a DNF because I had a Natick cross not knowing the TBH text short form of BANA.

    But I am late to the party after having my own party all weekend. Daughter took me to Stratford yesterday to see Little Women; then DH, daughter, SIL took me out for dinner to a great Italian restaurant in daughter’s town. Today I celebrated with my Mom, sister , brother, uncle. And there is another celebration with son and family later in the week. I am well fĂȘted.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes (and appreciation for my posts). I could feel the love! (And Jayce, yes, just a little pressure!)
    Yes, Subgenius, I am female (and a retired pharmacist).
    (And you could get Eliquis in Ontario for around $190/100 I believe. But if you are over 65 in Ontario and meet the Limited Use criteria, cost to you would be $6.11. Is that cheaper, waseeley?)

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes to waseeley and AnonT. I hope your day was as great as mine.


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