, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday October 31, 2022 Doug Peterson

Gary's Blog Map

Oct 31, 2022

Monday October 31, 2022 Doug Peterson

Theme: Alternate Trick or Treat






Boomer here.  

Whew what a week gone by. Thanks to all you bloggers and readers who sent me a happy birthday.  I was overwhelmed and feeling a bit older. I have never been 75 before so I am not sure how to act,  However I do feel that I sleep longer now.  Happy Halloween to you all!


1. "Knives Out" actress de Armas: ANA.

4. Skin care product: CREAM.  Of the crop

9. Bread that's boiled before it's baked: BAGEL.  They always look good but I have not eaten many..

14. Not good: BAD. BAD Leroy Brown!! 

15. African animal with striped hindquarters: OKAPI.

16. Monte __: gambling resort: CARLO.  I never gambled there and never drove the sporty Chevy. 

17. Thanksgiving tuber: YAM.  Am I going to celebrate Thanksgiving?  Yes I YAM !

20. Genre of many works with "star" in the title: SCI-FI.

22. + or - atomic particle: ION.

23. Tot's scrape: OWIE.  My little sisters used to get them - not me.

28. __-Saxon: ANGLO.

29. Mar.-to-Nov. hrs.: DST.  I am now so old that I remember as a kid, we did not have DST in Minnesota.

30. "Sin City" actress Jessica: ALBA.

32. Sphere: ORB.

34. Waiting room seat: CHAIR.  The VA had plenty of these.

43. Tough to climb: STEEP.  Stairs in our home. C.C. has to help me climb.

44. Batman and Robin, e.g.: DUO.  Abbot and Costello, Punch and Judy. Laurel and Hardy.

45. Get ready, informally: PREP.  It's impossible to PREP for a birthday.

46. Flow back: EBB.

49. Flap on a jacket: LAPEL.  Great place to pin a 300 pin.

58. Email heading word: FROM.

59. Rock's __ Speedwagon: REO.

60. Honolulu-born "E Lei Ka Lei Lei" singer: DON HO.  Tiny Bubbles.

65. Spot for an AirPod: EAR.  WHAT ??

66. Stevie Wonder's "My Cherie __": AMOUR.

67. Advisory group: PANEL.  I remember all of the quiz shows that had PANELS.

68. $200 Monopoly buys: Abbr.: RRS.  Take a ride on the Reading.

69. Doesn't wear out: LASTS.  Bowling balls LAST.  Golf balls find places to hide.

70. Mean and sarcastic: SNIDE.

71. "Catch my drift?": SEE.  He joined the Navy to SEE the world.  But what did he see, he saw the SEA!


1. Vast chasm: ABYSS.

2. Rights org. that awards the Spingarn Medal: NAACP.

3. Worthy of esteem: ADMIRABLE.  Describes ALL of you crossword solvers and bloggers!!! 

4. Programmer's task: CODING.

5. Former MGM rival: RKO

6. __ de parfum: EAU.  EAU Claire - city in Wisconsin.

7. Tough H.S. science class: AP BIO.

8. Noble address: MI LORD.  Should not this be "MY LORD" ??

9. Slyly include in an email, for short: BCC.

10. "__ Burr, Sir": song in "Hamilton": AARON.  Home run King HENRY.

11. In adulthood: GROWN.  We have ADULT beans in our garden. 

12. Borden mascot: ELSIE.

13. One who draws the short straw: LOSER.  Or a pitcher on the Minnesota Twins.

19. Stops: ENDS.  Baseball season ENDS soon. Enjoy the World Series.

21. Concluding episode: FINALE.

25. Healthy aura: GLOW. In the dark on Halloween.

26. Golfer's warning shout: FORE.  Do not hit into the group ahead.

27. Calamine lotion target: ITCH.  We used to get poison ivy when we were kids. Ouch !

30. Contented sighs: AHS.  And Oooohs

31. Back muscle, informally: LAT.

33. __-and-breakfast: BED.  Don't eat it in BED.

35. "Fingers crossed": HOPE SO.  My Mother's name was HOPE.  She had sisters named Faith and Charity.

36. Passenger planes: AIRLINERS.  Pull out a credit card if you want to fly.

37. Hockey surface: ICE.  Well-known in Minnesota.

38. Agt.: REP.

40. Oil cartel letters: OPEC.  I am sure they are getting richer at $4.00 or more per gallon.

41. __ and void: NULL.

42. Christmas stocking disappointment: COAL.  We used to heat a home with COAL.

47. "Hunting Season" novelist Nevada: BARR.

48. Censoring sounds: BLEEPS.

50. Rainy day creation: PUDDLE.  We get them on our new driveway.  They did not quite get it level.

51. Scraps used by nose-to-tail chefs: OFFAL.  I have never heard of this.

52. __ donna: opera star: PRIMA.

53. Big commotions: TO-DOS.

54. Folding declaration at the poker table: I'M OUT.  Bluffing seldom works.

55. Des Moines resident: IOWAN.  Just South of the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

56. Windy City airport: O'HARE.  Been there once.  It's HUGE.

57. Viking language: NORSE.  Minnesota Vikings speak English like the rest of us.

62. Graduating gp.: SRS.  I believe this covers those who are 75 or more.

63. Singer DiFranco: ANI.

64. Checkers color: RED.  Or black which is not a color



  1. Good morning!

    Doug gave us a nice, easy romp for a Monday. We had ANI and ANA and OFFAL which sounds awful. Thanx, Doug and Boomer. (Glad to hear that your birthday was a roaring success.)

    FIDO'S REWARD: I always carry doggie treats in my pocket during my M-o-W rounds. There are several dogs that expect them now, so I'd best not forget.

  2. Trick or Treat ! Good Morning everyone and welcome back to the blog of 10,000 lakes. I had a fun birthday with a trip to Mystic lake, a local casino. After lunch, C.C. and I both took home winnings of about $20.00 from a couple of loose draw poker machines. My California sister, Connie and my son Bret joined in the festivities. I know what I was told by oncology, but I am not sure if this will be my last birthday. The cancer has not metasticized recently so the only symptom seems to be needing extra sleep. Happy November to one and all ! See you next Monday.

  3. FIR, but erased blurb for LAPEL and amore for AMOUR. DNK ANA and BARR.

    Many folks have commented on the difference in Cornerites' perception of puzzle difficulty. D-O found this one easy, while I found it to be Wednesday-difficult, especially during my first pass through the "across" clues.

    Monte CARLO is also a type of statistical simulation tool used to evaluate overall probabilities, given probabilities of many components. For example, pretend that you have to shop for 50 different items. You judge the minimum, most likely and maximum cost of each item, using estimates that you are 95% certain that it won't cost more than, and 95% certain that it won't cost less than. (E.g. a jug of maple syrup is most likely to cost $9.75, but could be as little as $9.25 and as much as $12.00.) Monte CARLO simulation can answer:
    - How much money should you take to be 95% sure you can buy all the items
    - Given an amount of available money, what is the probability that you can buy them all
    One of the most widely used tools for this work is @Risk, an add-on to Microsoft Excel.

    Yes, a programmer's task is CODING. If you work for Microsoft, apparently "testing" is NOT a programmer's task.

    Thanks to Doug for the fun Monday workout. And thanks to the other Doug for another enjoyable tour.

  4. I got my door prize in 4:35 today.

    Thanks to the Doug and Doug duo.

    "Mi lord" looked wrong, but Okapi had to be right.

    I didn't know the novelist (but I've been to a Nevada bar).

    Happy Halloween.

  5. FIR, nice easy Monday solve.

  6. I must admit to another FIW today. I had trouble with OKAPI, leaving RcO in place after correcting My LORD to MILORD (one word). Writing in the C, I probably was mistakenly thinking of the recording company RCA. Now I will remember how OKAPI looks. Thanks Doug for the Halloween puzzle!

    Thanks Boomer for adding the OKAPI picture to your cheerful review today. That will also help me remember the word in the future. I'm glad you had a fun birthday and like your positive thinking.

    FLN. Lucina, I have been enjoying Martin Walker's books too. Have you read any by Donna Leon? They are set in Venice.

    I'll SEE you all tomorrow!

  7. I saw African and striped and immediately inked ZEBRA. Except it wasn't ink because I'm online and it was OKAPI

    EST extends to Lake Michigan and said state didn't observe DST when I was young. That explained why Tiger mlb games came on later but Pistons games not. Fast forward and I'm at my in-laws cottage on lake Michigan and it's 9pm and there's still daylight.

    I could have had dinner and gotten in 18 holes

    My boss got me to try bowling c. 88 and sold me hos 20lb ball. 19 seemed better for me

    You can say 'ORE!!' faster and louder than FORE. Weird looks unfortunately

    My girlfriend and I did the Splendor in the Grass routine in poison ivy. She smeared calamine, I wore long pants.
    A disgruntled Ex would've had a field day. He never caught on

    Our governor foolishly dropped the tax on gas thinking it would reduce price at pump. It did for one day. Gas price is predicated on demand so the tax went right into the oil company's pocket

    OFFAL becomes hash or stew

    I solved online because I've caught a cold and didn't get out to buy a Sunday paper with the inset. I'm curious to SEE UncleFreds time.

    I make a lot of typos on my cellphone. That's my excuse and…

    Puzzle difficulty? This seemed Friday tough at first but I now accept that my brain wasn't at 100%


  8. Good Morning:

    I’m with DO on the easy rating and I attribute that to the cluing, most of which I found much too obvious, even for a Monday. The theme was cute and, of course, timely, as well. No unknowns and no w/os. That Okapi is one strange looking animal!

    Thanks, Doug, for a Halloween treat and thanks, Boomer, for a fun review. Glad you enjoyed your birthday celebrations with CC and family. Keep on keeping on!

    The anniversary party yesterday was very enjoyable and, understandably, family centric. My brother gave a brief but beautifully touching speech about the past 50 years of love and loss, of family and friends, and of gratitude for the past and present and hope for the future. BTW, this eloquent, sensitive soul is the devilish brother who gleefully lopped the tip of my finger off those many years ago.

    Have a great day and watch out for the ghosts, goblins, and gremlins!

  9. Paraphrasing Pogo, looks to me like Wednesday come on a Monday this week. 18 minutes to FIR a Monday! Disgraceful, but not as disgraceful as the play of my Packers last night. That was truly hard to watch. Looks like they are destined to be cellar-dwellers this year. Oy. Anyway, the CW: W/Os INNS:ENDS, HOPETO:HOPESO. DNK ANA @ 1A, so off to a slow start. Also DNK BARR, but did know the other5 proper names. Thanx for the appropriately Halloween clued CW, DP. Boomer, I always look forward to your Monday write-ups, your humor is just right for a Monday morning wakey-wakey. Now on to my usual morning task: stock market monitoring to see if I can manage to squeeze out a living. So far this year, not so good. I’ve had too many distractions with termites, roof replacement, solar installation, and some health issues. Hope to put all those things behind me now and get more productive. Happy Halloween, everyone!


  10. Good morning. An apt puzzle for the day. Easy-peasy to boot. Thank you, Doug and Doug !

    "Bowling balls LAST. Golf balls find places to hide." Boomer, that is so true. Although, there have been a few times I didn't think the bowling ball return was going to give me ball back.

    Wilbur Charles, bowling balls are 16lbs, max. Oh, and get tested. I thought I got a cold at the beginning of the month. It got progressively worse over the first few days, and then the lingering issues of aches, pains, headaches and sinus didn't go away until about the 23rd.

    Irish Miss, I'm worried about the ghouls ! Actually, I love seeing the little ones all dressed up in their costumes and so excited.

    Where does Dracula keep his money ? In the blood bank.
    Where did the skeleton keep his money? In the crypt-o market.
    Why did the ghost go into the bar? For the Boos.
    What did Dracula say when the witch and the warlock started kissing? Get a broom!
    What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? I scream.
    What do you call a hot dog that has had its insides removed ? A hollow weiner
    What do mummies listen to on Halloween? Wrap music.
    Why are ghosts so bad at lying? Because you can see right through them.
    What do you call a cheesy Halloween dance? “The muenster mash!”
    Do you know any skeleton jokes? Yes, but you wouldn't find them very humerus.

  11. I forgot to add that I also am old enough to remember a time before the feds created the DST default. Kentucky didn't opt out, and so implemented the time change. I remember that a friend's farmer dad never cottoned to it. If you asked him what time it was, he would respond "fast time or slow time?" He and his family (12 kids) pretty much worked sunup to sundown, regardless of what the clock said.

    (Another aside - this family of 14 had a 2-seat outhouse (equipped with old newspapers and magazines for personal hygiene), one light bulb in each room hanging down from the ceiling, and a wood-burning cook stove with a side reservoir for hot water. There was a single pot-belly stove in the "living room" to heat the house. Bedroom heat was provided by bodies and LOTS of blankets. Water was retrieved by a bucket that was lowered into a well via a chain and pulley. Baths were taken in a galvanized trough brought into the kitchen. They slaughtered their own hogs, cows and chickens, milked their own cows, and made their own bread and butter. The little bit of cash they had was from government alms and their burley tobacco crop.)

  12. Musings
    -A fun seasonal puzzle. We are ready for 220 “guests” tonight and hope that is enough. It’s all Joann can do to not refuse TREATS to insolent teenagers who do not even bother to put on a costume
    -OPTICAL ILLUSION – Crosswords have taught me that in French it is Trompe-l'oeil (deceives the eye)
    -BAD, sick and filthy have become slang for good. Go figure!
    -PREP – The worst part of a colonoscopy
    -My hearing aids double as excellent “air pods”
    -MI LORD sounds more like “muh lord” to my ear at Downton Abbey
    -END/FINALE of baseball season – We’re watching our cousin and my former student play for the Phillies
    -A guy I sometimes play with is so impatient he has hit into a slow group ahead of us
    -AHS is where I sub. There volleyball and football teams went 1 – 32 this fall
    -I’M OUT – Great poker players know when to “hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em”
    -Boomer – I enjoyed your write-up and your declaration “to go not gentle into that good night”

  13. Aspooktacular 👻 Halloween Puzzle. (except even hurts to say it....OWIE!...🙄). Although the alternate part of the trick or treat theme was a bit too subtle for me

    Hadda wait for RKO...forget if it's OKAPI or OPAKI. Not just any but the Dynamic DUO 🦹‍♀️🦹

    I am what I YAM and it's not a sweet potato we keep bein' told 🍠

    Very punny jokes TTP 😄

    Makin' mistakes.....AARON
    Keep your ____ the prize...ION
    Pug/poodle designer dog mix...PUDDLE
    Eating scraps from nose to tail sounds_____ !! ..OFFAL
    Am in debt to John in Madrid...IOWAN
    Reaction to all of the above....GROWN 😖

    Mom claimed that when they went out on Halloween ringing doorbells in costumes (late 1920's early 30's) they didn't say "Trick or Treat" but instead "Guess or Give" meaning guess who we are, if you can't give us a treat. Sounds kinder than demanding a treat in lieu of a trick (threat of mayhem 😈)..

    Have a delightful All Hallow's Eve...

    🎃 🧙‍♀️ 🦇 👺

  14. As AtlGranny pointed out, Milord is one word (no space).

    IM, your brother may have lopped off the end of your finger, but I'm sure he did it sensitively. And be honest, do you really miss it?

    Jinx, your "aside" sounds like my grandma's house "out in the country." -- Actually, it was only 1/2 mile outside the city limit. Not sure why, but her outhouse was a 4-holer. When I was little I'd visit her, spend the night, and catch a ride home with the milkman.

  15. Easy, timely CW and fun to do. Just one guess: BARR and REO. So more TREAT than TRICK.

    AtlGranny: I’ve enjoyed the Martin Walker series, especially the “food” and love Donna Leon series.

    I admire Boomer’s hopeful attitude. He’s so right. We have a dear friend diagnosed with a rapidly spreading cancer that had gone to his brain. He did not give up hope and last week the oncologist was amazed that the lesion had disappeared. Our bodies work in mysterious ways.

  16. UncleFred when the congrats appeared it said 17 minutes so it's not just me. Nor you.


  17. Maverick Monday. Thanks for the fun, Doug and Boomer (keep up the fighting spirit).
    Officially a FIW today,, although I did get the apt TRICK or TREAT theme. (Plenty of Wordle hints here today!- see also TTP).
    Yesterday’s Anon@7:34pm should be happy today. I HOPE SO anyway.

    I guessed correctly the N in ANA and NAACP (this Canadian did not know your National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Besides spelling Colored without a U, is that word still PC?), but somehow I entered Edi instead of ANI DiFranco. The resulting Padel made no sense, but was never corrected.
    But I did correct My LORD to MILORD, since I was sure OKAPI did not end with a Y.

    Saskatchewan remains with CST all year. We move from DST to EST this weekend, with the resultant complaints.
    I smiled at FINALE after ENDS.
    Ados was too short, TODOS fit.

    IM- Happy 50th Anniversary to your brother and SIL. Sounds like a great family party.

    Wishing you all a great day. Happy Halloween.

  18. This Monday puzzle was very easy, but was not solved as quickly as I can write like the Monday puzzles used to be. I just needed very short pauses to match the perps.
    I loved the theme. Our Treat or treaters slowed to a trickle years ago. We only got the few children of neighbors we know well. There are many trunk-or-treat sites and also house parties. In this complex we get none. The staff here all wear costumes and we will have a Halloween happy hour.
    Boomer great blog. Glad you had an enjoyable birthday. Like the Timex commercials you take a licking and keep on ticking. I admire your grit.
    After turning 80 I chose bed and breakfast over tent camping. "Those were the days, my friend."
    I think that okapis are cool. Zebras are striped all over. With okapis, the stripes are mainly on the rear.
    I am prepping for 85th birthday party on Dec. 3, wine and hors d'oeuvres, dinner, dessert and dancing with 40 guests. My family always made a big deal of my Christmas birthday in the evening of the 25th. Plenty of presents and much love, but I never had a friends party. Starting at age 70 I have made myself a party every 5 years a few weeks before Christmas.
    IMO grocery store prepackaged bagels are not really bagels MEH! We we can buy bagels made just a few hours before. YUMMY!

  19. Two years ago, our porch pumpkin was all chewed up by "something."
    Last year, this showed up...


    Happy Halloween!

  20. DO @ 9:31 ~ If you can ascribe sensitivity to a meat grinder, then I guess he gets a pass and yes, I do miss it when I have to use my middle finger for all tasks normally done with an index finger, i.e., dialing a phone (no longer an issue), untying a knot, typing, tapping a touch screen, etc. On the positive side, though, manicures go faster! 🤣

    CEh @ 10:33 ~ Thank you. It was a lovely get together. 🤗

    CED @ 10:39 ~ Loved all three but the ghost doggies was my fav! 🤭

  21. Happy Halloween to all you fine Cornerites! I, too, thought of “zebra “ before “okapi” but the perps soon straightened that out. And I enjoyed the topicality of the theme, something I find quite rare in crossword puzzles, even on major holidays. Anyway, FIR, so I’m happy.

  22. Boomer Glad you had a good 75th birthday celebration!

    IrishMiss Glad you had an enjoyable 50th anniversary party with your brother. Did you really lose part of your finger? My brother caught my finger in hedge shears. Still have the scar, but it did not sever the finger.

    Hand up this seemed tough for a Monday. Hand up puzzled by MILORD. It really is a thing.

    For three days now we have been enjoying the Isla Vista Haunted Pumpkin Patch. A positive event in our little college town as an alternative to what has turned into a riot some years. Delightful!

    Here our friend Krystal Freedom plays the Oracle in the Underworld and gives my DW a tiny ORB.

    Notice Krystal Freedom's creepy eyes!

    Here we posed with our friend KYM who was responsible for all of the lighting at the event.

    KYM said she and her partner and their crew laid a mile and a half of cable for all of the lighting! "I am getting too old for this!" she added with a smile!

    From Yesterday:
    CrossEyedDave Thank you for that amazing video of the International Space Station as it would appear if it were at 10,000 feet. Wow.

  23. FLN
    Anon-T, your brother calls it "Quac?" Sounds Daffy.

  24. Fun Halloween puzzle, many thanks, Doug. And always great to see you on Monday, Boomer, especially with your good news today. Great to hear it, and keep taking good care of yourself. And I also wish you and C.C. a Happy Halloween.

    Hope you recover from your cold quickly, Wilbur.

    Lovely that you had such a great anniversary party, Irish Miss.

    Well, I should go and see if I have any coffee CREAM and a BAGEL for breakfast.

    Have a fun Halloween evening with lots of happy Trick or Treat visitors tonight, everybody.

  25. Thanks for your wise comment Wilbur Charles. More people need to understand what you said:

    "Our governor foolishly dropped the tax on gas thinking it would reduce price at pump. It did for one day. Gas price is predicated on demand so the tax went right into the oil company's pocket."

  26. Thanks for your review, Boomer. I always like your take on the clues!
    Thanks for a fun puzzle, Doug. I liked the order: Trick then Treat then Trick or Treat then Trick then Treat. Well done!
    Thank you, Patti, for selecting a Halloween-themed puzzle for today. Solving it was a little extra fun!
    Thanks TTP@8:56 for the punny jokes!
    When I make bagels, I first broil then boil then bake. Don't knock it 'till you try it.
    Happy Halloween everyone!

  27. Oh, and nice pics, Picard! Your festival looks like they could make a Hallmark movie there. (Yes, I'm a holiday rom-com fan.)

  28. "Milord" seemed quite natural to me,
    having grown up watching Thunderbirds (kids puppet show) and hearing Lady Penelope's butler "Parker" speak.
    here is an example...

    Picard, if you liked The ISS flyby at 10,000 feet,
    you might get a kick out of this...

    Went down the rabbithole again with "home made bagels".
    I watched the above recipe, and thought that the baking soda bath was missing. But it turns out that is the recipe for soft pretzels.
    But while researching I came across an intriguing bagel method I just have to try, using a food processor!
    However, the secret ingredient is barley malt syrup.

  29. Picard @ 11:45 ~ Yes, I lost about a 1/2 inch of my finger. Meat grinders are unforgiving, especially with a two year old’s tiny index finger.

    Thanks for sharing the colorful festival photos.

  30. CED @ 1:04. Thanks for the bagel-making video link. Her "cooked flour paste" method is new to me. I don't use barley malt syrup but I do put 2 Tbsp of granulated sugar in the boiling water. It is supposed to help with color & shine. I've seen a few options on what to add to the boiling water. Also, interesting that she uses her food processor when she has that nice KitchenAide mixer behind her. I've always just hand-kneaded my doughs. Lots of ways to skin a cat!

  31. Hi Y'all! Fun & fast Halloween treat from our dynamic DOUG DUO. Thanks.

    Only DNK: ANA. I've been to OHARE airport, but couldn't think of the name for a few minutes.
    Didn't know DON HO's birth name but knew the singer so a couple of perps & I had him.

    Currently reading a Nevada BARR book and have read most if not all of her works.

    Boomer, please be a sweetie & take pity on C.C. and have your house rearranged so you don't do stairs. I have a BAD thought of you falling on her and both of you tumbling down those stairs. She could be so badly hurt, she could no longer help you. So glad you had a fun birthday. You may beat the Doctor's predictions. My nephew has lived 5 yrs. longer than he was expected to and ran several marathons each year which he has decided to stop now.

  32. sumdaze, Irish Miss Thank you for the kind words about my Isla Vista Haunted Pumpkin Patch photos! My article on the event was just published. You can see why it took a mile and a half of cable to do the lighting!

    Here is my article on our little Halloween festival, with more photos, videos and explanations!

    Irish Miss Oh, my. Thank you for explaining about your finger loss at your brother's hands. As a musician I often feel gratitude that I have all of my fingers. Are you able to play an instrument?

    CrossEyedDave Thank you for that awe-inspiring "what if" moon video. They provide a link to commentary about all of the other effects this would cause that would make it so you would be dead if you saw this. The time scale is all wrong, too. Nevertheless, the animation is magnificent!

  33. Hi All!

    Thanks DougP for the Halloween puzzle; nothing too sp⊙⊙ky.

    Thanks DougB for the spirited expo. You keep on truckin' - only 361 days 'till 76yrs ;-)

    WOs: RCA -> RKO, My LORD
    ESPs: ANA, BARR (as clued), OFFAL | AMOUR, ANI
    Fav: CREAM cheese on a BAGEL. Of course, I also like CREAM [White Room]

    Runner-up: REO Speedwagon [Roll with the Changes - FF 0:50]

    WC - Sick is no fun. Get well soon.
    D-O: You caught my FLN typo; at least I know I'm being read :-)

    PK - E Le Ka Lei Lei is a song, not Don Ho's nee name.

    Fun pics, Picard. Thanks for sharing.

    Punny, TTP. I too await the little monsters though I don't know if we'll get any in the new neighborhood. I have $$ candy if they come. If not, DW & I will split it for the office.

    CED - The video made the moon look like the Death Star. Picard knows it would be!

    I hope tonight's game isn't rain-delayed too long, tomorrow starts at 5:45a 'cuz I gotta commute to the office :-(

    Cheers, -T

  34. A Peterson PZL, brought to us this Monday by Boomer...

    The HALLOWEEN theme is appropriate.

    Halloween has lost its magic in our neighborhood. There aren't too many little kids around to do T&T. We don't much care for college students trying to mooch candy.
    And nobody, of either age group, enforces TRICKS. Not serious ones.

    For fear of being arrested, I guess. Even so, it kinda takes the edge off the day--when it lacks real bite.
    ~ OMK
    One diagonal, near side.
    Nothing very spectacular. This anagram (12 of 15) must be what happens on each hotel flag pole when the Wyndham group acquires a new property.
    It is time to...


    Or, perhaps more dramatically, it was the LAST gesture of pride by the Spaniards in 1588 when Philip II's "most fortunate fleet" sighted the English ships.
    The signal probably went up to...


  35. Hola!

    My Monday schedule always insures that I arrive late here but then I get the benefit of reading all your tales and today being Halloween, it's more than interesting. It's intriguing.

    Today's puzzle was, of course, Monday easy and suitable for the holiday. Thank you, Doug and Doug!

    The OKAPI is a strange animal, almost as if it started to be one thing and ended up being another.

    In the past I read many of the books by Nevada BARR but haven't looked for any lately.
    PK, I'm glad to learn that you enjoy them, too.

    And Tante Nique, good to know you also enjoy Martin Walker's books.

    Picard, I know that I can always expect great photos from your Halloween and other holiday activities. Those are great. Your wife is so photogenic, too.

    For some reason we never went to a DON HO show all the times we were in Hawaii and I've regretted it ever since.

    CSO to my nephew, AARON

    OFFAL is an awful word!

    Have a safe Halloween, everyone!

  36. WC - have you compared the average FL gas price changes to changes in the national average or Georgia average? It's really hard to believe that the variety of gas retailers can possibly pocket the gas tax break for long. Being a commodity, the market should be fairly efficient. I guess that the big guys like Wawa, Circle K, 7-11, RaceTrak and the like could collude to fix their prices artificially high, but that would leave the many little guys to "cheat". And it would be a huge risk. The behavior of the OPECkers would be illegal in the US, and I'm sure the DOJ would love to bust those big chains, especially this close to elections.

  37. It seems to me that boiling is the secret to the traditional bagel, even with a mix.
    boiling bagels

  38. Puzzling thoughts:


    Thanks Boomer and Doug

  39. I zipped through this pleasant puzzle.

  40. Picard, I suspected that you folks knew how to celebrate Halloween

    Jinx, it doesn't work that way. Those "retailers" make their money on cigarettes, lottery,coffee etc. Regardless of the price at the pump they make x$amt/gal. It's the futures price that determines the pump price and periodically it's set by computer and every single retailer will reflect the new price at the same instant. There may be a mom&pop that's not on the grid but not for long.

    Ocala is interesting: East of 75 is 20-30 cents higher than west where Sam's and Murphys (Walmart) have discounts and the Circle-K competes.

    But trust me, the price at the pump has nothing to do with the gas under the pump and the retailer doesn't pocket the difference


  41. Dear C-ED @ 1:04: I'm not sure that the moon being that close would be a stable orbit ... plus there would be some tremendous lunar pulls to deal with.


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