, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday January 20, 2025 Susan Gelfand

Gary's Blog Map

Jan 20, 2025

Monday January 20, 2025 Susan Gelfand


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, everyone!  

Theme:            A Wrench in the Works  

Constructor Susan Gelfand throws a few wrenches into today's puzzleworks, hopefully bringing a smile to the faces of DIYers. Here are her four themers:

17 Across. Ocular opening: EYE SOCKET.

23 Across. Rum and vodka cocktail: BRASS MONKEY.

35 Across. Actress who played dance teacher Lydia Grant on "Fame": DEBBIE ALLEN.

49 Across. Muffler attachment on a car: EXHAUST PIPE.

Next, the reveal:

59 Across. Good gift for a handy homeowner, and what the ends of 17-, 23-, 35-, and 49-Across are?: WRENCH SET.  Socket, monkey, Allen, and pipe are all types of wrenches. Together, they make a set of wrenches.

(l to r)  socket wrench, monkey wrench, Allen wrench, and pipe wrench


1. Famous __ cookies: AMOS.  AMOS is almost as famous for being in crossword puzzles as he is for his cookies.

5. Iranian currency: RIAL.  As of this writing, one US dollar is worth 42,000 Iranian RIALs. A gallon of regular milk costs 
101,000.56 ﷼ in Iran. That is about $2.40.

9. Hopping mad: IRATE.  

14. Daddy: PAPA.  
Also...I know that some of you listen to NPR's Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! and are familiar with panelist Tom PAPA. Here is 45 sec. of his stand-up comedy routine. (I've heard him on the show for years but I never knew what he looked like until today.)

15. Poker starting stake: ANTE.  

16. Parcels (out): DOLES.  
Can someone please help DOLE out these cans of pineapple?

19. Accumulate: AMASS.

20. Like a marching band, hopefully: IN STEP.  Who doesn't love a marching band?! Generally speaking, a band marches at 120 beats per minute. Each step is about 1.5 ft. long. Therefore, it takes them roughly half an hour to go 1 mile.

21. Peak in the Cascade Range: SHASTA.  Scientists think Mt. Shasta last erupted 3,200 years ago. This NASA page has some interesting information about Mt. Shasta, along with two very cool photos taken from the ISS.

22. Proposal fig.: EST.  "
Fiancé" was too long.
"Figure" is abbreviated, so is "estimate".

26. Some cars and trucks made in the early 1900s: REOs.  The REO Motor Car Company Plant in Lansing, MI was a National Historic Landmark from 1978 to 1985. National Park Service website with several old photos

28. Dinner and a movie, perhaps: DATE.  15 DATE night ideas for seniors  (Just saying...)

29. Sponsored spots: ADS.  advertisements

30. Stinks: REEKS.  

32. V, on a battery: VOLTS.     and     50 Down. Battery part: ANODE.  

39. Stands in line: WAITS.  Here's a flashback to 1981.
Foreigner  ~  Waiting for a Girl Like You

40. French pancake: CREPE.  
Do you usually order a sweet or savory crepe ... or both?

43. Guys: HES.  plural of the third person singular pronoun

46. Drawn tight: TAUT.

48. Share a border with: ABUT.  

54. Patient care pros: RNs.  Registered Nurses are professionals.

55. Song sung by sailors: SHANTY.  The video below is an example of a sea shanty. This group's story was told in the movie Fisherman's Friends (2019). Clips from the movie are sprinkled in this video. If you like the feelings in this song, you should watch the movie.

56. Capital of Oman: MUSCAT.  
a very strategic location
58. Diviner's deck: TAROT.  A diviner is a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or other means.

62. Skip over in speech: ELIDE.  Certain sounds are skipped over to make the language easier and faster to say. Some examples are "I dunno" for "I don't know"; "kamra" for "camera"; and "fish 'n' chips" for "fish and chips".

63. Merit: EARN.  

64. Green pod that thickens gumbo: OKRA.

65. Direct elsewhere: REFER.  

66. Crafter's online marketplace: ETSY.

67. Yellow jacket, for one: WASP.  
They are considered beneficial insects because they kill other insects
that are harmful to plants  -- sort of a natural (and more selective) pesticide.

1. Bonobo or gibbon: APE.  

2. "Can you please show me?": MAY I SEE.

3. Like most sandals: OPEN-TOED.  not recommended for cyclists
4. Back talk: SASS.

5. Indy entrant: RACER.  race car driver

6. Stamping need: INK PAD.  
this kind of stamping 
7. Noshed: ATE.

8. "__ the good times roll!": LET.  
The Cars  ~  Good Times Roll  ~  (1978)

9. State known for potatoes: IDAHO.  NPR's Planet Money recently did a story about Idaho potato farmers and NAFTA as an example of how pest regulations are sometimes used as a "sneaky form of economic protectionism". I would not label this as "political" since every country does it to some extent. It is more of a reality check on how trade works after the politicians get their pictures in the newspapers. Here is a link to the podcast and transcript, for those who are interested in these types of economic issues. It is about a 30-min. read.

10. Times New __: common font: ROMAN.  We use the Georgia font here on The Corner but I changed this one to Times.  a brief history

11. Baked __: dessert covered with meringue: ALASKA.  
This is a picture of a recipe for Baked Alaska in my first cookbook.
I was 5-years old. I 'was good' at my doctor's appointment so my mom
let me choose a book at the bookstore nearby.
I chose this one -- probably because there was a cat on every page.

12. Tried out: TESTED.  I tried out most of the recipes in that cookbook but I cannot remember ever making Baked Alaska. I was never much of a cake person and I don't think my family was keen on meringue.

13. Literature class assignments: ESSAYS.

18. Wagering site, briefly: OTB.  Off Track Betting 
National Problem Gambling Help Line

21. Aroma: SMELL.

22. Make a boo-boo: ERR.

24. Builds a nest egg: SAVES UP.  Here is a time-lapse video of a chickadee building an egg nest. You can see the entrance hole on the left. Also, when the fledglings start to leave, look on the right hand side for an insert view of the outside of the nest. The camera actually catches the fledglings leaving. 

25. Greek portico: STOA.  Def:  (noun) an ancient Greek porch-like structure, usually walled at the back with a front colonnade designed to afford a sheltered promenade.

27. Distort, as data: SKEW.

31. Agcy. that helps entrepreneurs: SBA.  Agency and Small Business Administration

33. Pampering initials: TLC.  Tender Loving Care  
Elvis Presley singing Love MTender with TLC on the Ed Sullivan Show (1956)

34. "Buona __": Italian "Good evening": SERA.  

36. Teensy: BITSY.     and     59 Down. Tiny: WEE.

37. "Let's just leave __ that!": IT AT.

38. Lincoln's locale: NEBRASKA.  Illinois also has eight letters and is known as the "Land of Lincoln", but this time we needed the city of Lincoln.
CSO to Husker Gary!

41. Football players often needed in fourth-down plays: PUNTERS.  Another option would be kickERS -- if they want to go for a field goal.

42. Aliens, for short: ETs.  

43. Prynne of "The Scarlet Letter": HESTER.  Hester Prynne is the protagonist of this 1850 Nathaniel Hawthorne novel. She has a child out of wedlock and is condemned by her Puritan community. She must wear a letter A on her bodice as a reminder of her sin of adultery.

44. Breathe out: EXHALE.  I do this about half the time.

45. "Doctor Zhivago" actor Omar: SHARIF.  
from the 1965 movie
Hi Lucina!
47. Stopwatches: TIMERS.

51. Say out loud: UTTER.

52. Like groan-inducing jokes: PUNNY.  

53. Key to exit a program: ESC.  
I copied this image from -T's write up last Sunday.

57. Grub: CHOW.  not a bug
60. Maze rodent: RAT.  

61. Spigot: TAP.  
If your spigot stops working, you can try 
TAPping it with a WRENCH.

Today's grid:
Thanks and have a great day!


  1. Somebody may not be familiar with Debbie Allen. But even considering that, this puzzle was clearly another Monday “walk in the park.” FIR, so I’m happy.

  2. Good morning!

    Tried METES where DOLES needed to go. Thought of our recent AIGHT at that ELIDE clue. Susan is a pro constructor, and today's puzzle showed it -- tight with no dreck. Enjoyed your expo sumdaze. (Methinks that chickadee entrance hole is on the right. Maybe you were thinking "stage left?")

    The southland is all agog with inches (not just flurries) of snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow accompanied by sub-freezing temps. Our house is equipped with a PEX water manifold, so I've shut off all the outdoor hose bibbs (TAPS). Phil, the philodendron outside our bedroom, is not going to be happy about this weather.

  3. Sumdaze, thanks for your usual entertaining and helpful guidance today. I believe that in your intro though, where you showed a wrench set, the second-to-the-left wrench is a crescent wrench, not a monkey wrench.

    1. “Crescent” is a brand name, commonly used in many areas as a descriptor for any adjustable wrench that looks like the one that sumdaze pictured. In Boston people refer to them as a “Wescott”, another tool manufacturer. I guess any adjustable wrench could loosely be called a MONKEY wrench, but what I think of as one more closely resembles a PIPE wrench.

  4. FIW, missing with HEcTER x cHANTY. DNK HESTER, but I knew S/cHANTY could be mispeled either way. Aso metes->DOLES, men->HES, and corny->PUNNY. I didn't enter REEKS incorrectly yesterday; I was just a day early.

    In NY/NJ, folks stand on line.

    FLN - Picard, looks to me like that dude is standing in or on glass shards and singing/rapping. I used to ride my bicycle to Venice Beach during lunch hour most days. Always something interesting and/or scary going on. (My office was on the 17th floor of the Lawrence Welk building, 100 Wilshire Blvd.)

    FLN - NaomiZ, you are right. I remember to thank constructors (at least when I think the puzzle warrants,) the bloggers (they always warrant my thanks,) and CC for all she does. But I forget our chief mechanic TTP who keeps our EXHAUST PIPE intact. So thanks, TTP, for all you do.

    Thanks to Susan for another fun start to the week. One small nit - a MONKEY WRENCH is just a brand of PIPE WRENCH. But at least we get a CSO to our own dear MONKEY! And thanks to sumdaze for another interesting and fun review.

    1. In "The Music Man" song "The Sadder But Wiser Girl For Me," Harold Hill sings, "I hope/I pray/That Hester will earn just one more 'A' ''

  5. For those who like an easy puzzle, today is your day! A lot of the clues and fill are standard crosswordese. Perps filled quite a bit for me, words I didn’t see till the expo, FIR in 6:34 (SS might even break 3 on this one). Thank you Susan for easing us into the CW week, and to sumdaze for your delightful review!

  6. Took 3:39 today to get the right combination.
    (Sorry, YooperPhil, for taking too long. I'll try harder.)

    I didn't know today's actress (Debbie Allen), but I did ok with the Iranian currency (rial), the Italian (sera), the Greek (stoa), and well, the "Roman."

    It's a role-reversal (too punny?) as crossword's (and Lucina's) favorite Omar gets his last name as the answer today.

  7. Monday puzzle. Debbie and Hester…..not a clue. The rest was open ended.
    Greet the day.

  8. FIR. We are starting the week off with an incredibly easy puzzle. Toughest answer was Debbie Allen, but the perps made it happen in case she wasn't known.
    Overall a most enjoyable Monday puzzle.

  9. Good Morning:

    As usual, Susan has given us a nice, tidy bundle of a cute, fresh theme and a clean grid with no junk and no obscurities. I saw the Wrench theme after Socket and Monkey, which helped to get Debbie Allen. Exhaust Pipe filled in easily enough, but I’m not familiar with Pipe Wrench. Needless to say, I’m not tool-savvy. No w/os, no unknowns, no complaints, just a fun and enjoyable solve.

    Thanks, Susan, and thanks, sumdaze, for the delightful review, filled with facts and fun. All of the comics are great but my favorites today were: The postal worker “stamping” their feet, the poker “Auntie”, and the Garlic couple’s “bad minty” breath. The young Elvis brings back fond memories and Omar Sarif is always a welcome sight. Just ask Lucina! Lots of good “stuff”, sumdaze!

    Have a great day.

  10. Susan brought us today not only a tool primer, but also a pleasant challenge to start the week. Her puzzle struck me as well-constructed and well-clued, without an overabundance of TLWs (or annoying staples like ACAI and OREO).

    Thanks, Susan, for a clean, fresh, and satisfying Monday challenge that was fun to solve.

    I must run, because Monday is always my duplicate bridge day.

  11. Easy sailing, didn’t have to WRENCH any answers free.

    PAPA, Tom is a favorite stand up of mine too. Has some current streaming TV specials

    “LET” …. As they say in NOLA: “LAISSEZ les bons temps rouler”

    ELIDE, sometimes the result of our weird (lazy?) English language schwa “ə” caməra, pencə l.

    VOLTS/ANODE: Friday I bought a Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid.

    Only heard Buondí used in northern dialect form, maybe once in 6 years , never as standard Italian.

    BITSY as a stand alone term for “teensy”? Needs “itsy”… “she wore a BITSY polka dot bikini??” 🤨. I find ITAT a bit awkward. Thanks HESTER for perp correcting “men” for HES

    “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” 1940
    film with Raymond Massey. Fit but wouldn’t perp.

    Groan inducing: PUNNY….
    Old Testament book with a cookie recipe…. AMOS
    With new oil wells Iran stands to make some ____ money… RIAL
    Couldn’t march with the band, sprained his _____ ….INSTEP
    A “boo boo” but not an “owie” … ERR
    “Guys” like me: old ____ …. TIMERS

    Reminded today of Dr King’s hopeful, unifying speeches. 🤞

  12. Marvelous Monday crossword, Ms Gelfand! Thanks so much! And many thanks to sumdaze, who brings extra sunshine to the Corner on Mondays. I enjoyed the Tom PAPA clip, and laughed at your breathing out about half the time.

    DNK DEBBIE ALLEN, or the rum and vodka (ugh!) cocktail. Perps took care of them.

    Ray-O-Sunshine, enjoy your RAV4! I have one, my brother has one, and my daughter has one. Good cars. By the way, I love the punny way you repurpose the crossword fill. Just lovely.

    Hey, Jinx, my mom pops in occasionally when I'm blogging just to give me an "atta girl." She thinks you're very clever. She's not wrong.

    1. Please thank your mom for me. She must be easily entertained. (BTW, I saw what you did there with " mom pops...". I like it.)

      I also love my old 2001 RAV4. Even at 220,000 miles I don't have to add oil between changes, and it still drives and rides nice. I like it better than my "new" car, a 2013 Honda CRV with 75,000 miles, but I have to keep the CRV because I can't tow the RAV4 behind my motor home without a dolly.

    2. Naomi and Jinx Glad to hear about the reliability. Have to wait a few weeks for delivery. I wanted a bunch of bells and whistles plus a bright red color. In my dotage I keep “losing” my car in big parking lots. 😄

    3. Hand up for loving my RAV4. Mine is a 2005 with 127,517 miles. Very reliable. DH and I have been a 1-car fam since 2011. I think you'll be very happy with yours Ray-O.

    4. Just remembered that when I bought my CRV, it was because my RAV4's transmission was acting all wonky. I almost called my favorite (non-animal related) charity to come get it, but then I read on an online forum that this was a common problem on second-generation (2001-2004) RAVs, and was often caused by the introduction of no-lead solder used on the computer board. The solder was cracking and causing intermittent circuits. They explained how to fix it, and also recommended a company that fixes them fast for $200 including return FedEx. FedExed it out and 3 days later received it back, reinstalled it in the RAV, and it has been fine ever since (12+ years.)

  13. Musings
    -A 5-minute sashay on this important day in American history
    -Anybody who has built Ikea furniture knows about ALLEN wrenches
    -Dinner on a “date” for us is still fine. A movie? Can’t find one.
    -Wagering site: Senators in LINCOLN’s unicameral are going to pass a law to allow online gambling for Huskers so they don’t have to drive across the Missouri River for fifteen minutes to place a wager and then drive back.
    -I have run many a stopwatch in all manner of Nebraska spring weather for track meets.
    -Finding the ANODE and Cathode in today’s car batteries can be a challenge.

  14. A very fast (for me) FIR in 8 minutes. I'm not sure I have ever completed a CW in 8 minutes before. That is NOT a complaint, BTW, I truly loved this CW, thanx SG. On the wrenches, I've always called that second to left wrench a "Crescent wrench", and the one on the far right a monkey wrench. When I saw the illustration, I thought Susan had it wrong, so Googled "Monkey wrench pictures" and sure enough, there was my crescent wrench, listed as a monkey wrench, with the one on the end a called either a monkey wrench or a pipe wrench. Susan = right, unclefred = wrong. So, my learning moment for today. The 16 names is a bit annoying, but I only DNK 4, which perped easily enough. Whenever I see a wasp I am reminded of my discovery while visiting Ibiza that almost all balcony ceilings are painted blue, and when I asked why, I was told because wasps won't build a nest there, like they would on a white ceiling. When I got home I painted the ceiling of my pool patio overhang blue, and, what do you know, no more wasps! I'm not sure why, but it works. Thanx again to SG, and thanx too to Sumdaze for the terrific write-up. I especially liked the rat in a maze clip. Try, try again, epitomized. Happy MLK Day to all.

  15. Fast, fun puzzle to kick off the week, with a nice recap (which I spent more time on than I did on the puzzle!) by sumdaze. BTW: a monkey wrench looks like a pipe wrench, but has smooth Jaws. A pipe wrench has serrated Jaws to grip the pipe. Rookie helicopter mechanics were sometimes sent on a quest to the tool room for a "left handed" monkey wrench. Other requests were a bucket of "rotor wash", or a fifty-foot coil of "flight line". (We were easily amused)

    1. Two other common requests that I received in the warehouse were for sky hooks (when I was in the 70th Trans - Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Battalion (AVIM - rotor wing) and later for muffler bearings when I was in the 51st Maintenance Battalion (both track and wheel vehicles).

  16. Yes, Susan Gelfand's puzzles are always a pleasure.
    I hope everyone is staying warm today! There's a lot of blue on the national map.

  17. Thank you, Susan, and thank you, sumdaze.

    An easy to solve puzzle followed by a wonderful review.

    What Charlie Echo said about the difference between a monkey wrench and a pipe wrench.   It is not uncommon for people to mistakenly call a pipe wrench a monkey wrench.

    Thank you, NaomiZ, and thank you, Jinx, for the kind compliments.

    1. Hand up for mistaking the meaning of MONKEY WRENCH.

  18. Fun Monday puzzle, many thanks, Susan. And your commentaries are always a treat, Sumdaze--thanks for those too.

    Well, in this puzzle PAPA did a lot of travel, heading to IDAHO and NEBRASKA and even as far as ALASKA. Hope his car didn't need a new EXHAUST PIPE, and hope he had a WRENCH SET in his car in case he ran into any other problems on the road. Let's hope this trip EARNS him a fair amount of money that lets him SAVE UP for his next trip. He should also think about making notes on his INK PAD as he travels around, so that he can then write some ESSAYS about his trips, and maybe get them published in the newspaper. That would be a great outcome of all his journeys, wouldn't it?

    Well, have a healthy and pleasant and great week coming up, everybody.

  19. Marvellous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Susan and sumdaze. And thanks to TTP for all you do behind the scenes here.
    I FIRed in good time, and saw the WRENCH theme. Since I don’t know my wrenches, whenever DH asks me to bring one when he is working on a project, I open the tool box and bring every WRENCH-looking item I can find. Same for screwdrivers.

    One inkblot to change Men to HES.
    This Canadian did not know SBA, but I WAGged the B in the also unknown DEBBIE ALLEN.

    I noted two American states with ALASKA and IDAHO, but NEBRASKA is a city.
    Canadian PUNTERS are often needed in third-down plays as our football does not have fourth downs.

    Our forecast is for a low of -17C that will feel like -28 with the winds (that’s -1.4 and -18F). Brr! No OPEN-TOED sandals.

    Wishing you all a good day.

    1. Thank You, C-Eh!

      We are having very similar weather here.

  20. Hola!
    I've been keeping a low profile today for obvious reasons. However, I perked up when I saw OMAR SHARIF in the puzzle as I love handsome men as most of you have noticed.
    i believe I've mentioned before that my grandmother always said "reales" when she meant coins or cents. It seemed to be a holdover from when the Spanish arrived in New Mexico where she was born.
    ALLEN wrenches are supplied with certain d-i-y furniture.
    CSO to Grary at NEBRASKA. I visited once when we went to my cousin's daughter's wedding. Actually, I was there one other time as we traveled across the country.
    With a daughter and granddaughter who love dancing, Debbie ALLEN is naturally almost a household word with us.
    ETSY is a good place to buy unusual and unique gifts.
    Most of my shoes are OPEN TOED but this week calls for close toed ones as our temperatures have dropped dramatically. I wore boots to church on Sunday.
    I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing and fun MLK day.

  21. CanadianEh! NEBRASKA is a state as Gary knows very well.

    1. Folks are reminded that California is a state by the Beach Boy's big hit California Girls. Bruce Springsteen immortalized NEBRASKA by writing and performing NEBRASKA:
      I saw her standing on her front lawn
      Just a-twirling her baton
      Me and her went for a ride, sir
      And ten innocent people died

      From the town of Lincoln, Nebraska
      With a sawed-off .410 on my lap
      Through the badlands of Wyoming
      I killed everything in my path

      I can't say that I'm sorry
      For the things that we done
      At least for a little while, sir
      Me and her, we had us some fun

      Now, the jury brought in a guilty verdict
      And the judge, he sentenced me to death
      Midnight in a prison storeroom
      With leather straps across my chest

      Sheriff, when the man pulls that switch, sir
      And snaps my poor head back
      You make sure my pretty baby
      Is sittin' right there on my lap

      They declared me unfit to live
      Said into that great void my soul'd be hurled
      They want to know why I did what I did
      Well, sir, I guess there's just a meanness in this world

    2. Thank you Lucina. I originally thought that three states were in the CW, but somehow my brain misfired when I was posting. I do know my provinces!

  22. Hi All!

    Nice Monday offering with a tight theme. Thanks Susan!

    What a fun expo, sumdaze! Thanks for the time put into all the links and comics.
    BTW, I too listen to WWDTM and Tom PAPA is fun.

    WO: MUSkAT
    Fav: PUNNY
    VOLTS and ANODE in the same puzzle is appreciated by this EE.

    Learned today that Crescent is a brand name and that a MONKEY WRENCH [Foo Fighters] isn't a PIPE WRENCH (Can we can blame The Three Stooges? I'll have to finish watching it later to find out).

    C, Eh! - Tonight in Houston it will be low of 28F (-2.2C) with 3 to 6 inches of sleet/snow/freezing-rain. Tomorrow night it's supposed to get to 19F (-7.2F). Then we'll have two days in the 40's (6C) and 50's (11F) with overnight dips below freezing. While that might not be cold to a lot of y'all, our houses are built / insulated for that (especially if the power goes out) so pipes and the tropical plants in our yard are at risk.

    Y'all stay warm!
    Cheers, -T

    1. Wow! That is cold for your area, plus snow/sleet that you are not using to driving in. I remember you posting photos of your philodendron after previous frosts. D’otto is worried about his too. Stay safe and warm.

  23. Happy Martin Luther King Day! I am back from all day celebrations here for the occasion. Thanks for the acknowledgement, sumdaze

    I have used all of those WRENCH SET pieces many times, so I enjoyed the theme. A very smooth solve for me to FIR.

    Here was my favorite CREPE being prepared and delivered to me.

    Nutella CREPE with fresh strawberries on top.

    From Yesterday and Today:
    Jinx Thanks for looking at my BUSKER at Venice Beach photo. Yes, you understood exactly what was happening. Argh.

    CanadianEh Glad we are on the same page about TER vs TID. Yes, my mother's father started out as a pharmacist and went on to a high position in the Public Health Service. When my mother died this past year, my brother did research on his deeds. He was never one to promote himself.

    I knew that when WWII broke out he was considered an essential worker. And that he was assigned an important role in allocating rationed resources in the US. It turns out he was the first person who created a list of all existing drugs. It became the National Formulary.

    Here I just found an article by him at the NIH web site about his big vision.

    He is the first author J Solon Mordell. To us he was "Grandpa Jack". A wonderful grandpa in every way.

    1. Picard, thanks for the info about your grandfather. I had a brief look at your link and want to look at it in more detail when I have time. It looks like he was a leader for his time (article is 1953) in establishing a formulary. Now hospital formularies are routinely used, plus government formularies like our Ontario Drug Benefit formulary for coverage for seniors, low income, students up to age 25. What a wonderful contribution he made. And I am impressed by his desire for the professions to work together.

    2. CanadianEh Thank you for looking at that article by my grandfather. His creation of the formulary was during WWII, long before that article, but I was not able to find that. Some of the articles about his work are behind a pay wall. I am going to see if the University of California library will give me access. They were closed today for the King holiday. I would be very interested in your further thoughts when you are able to look at it more carefully. Thanks!

  24. Thank you for the kind comment about my verse, CanadianEh!


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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