, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: How to Add a Link to the Comments Section?

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May 14, 2008

How to Add a Link to the Comments Section?

It's simple. You just need to code it in HTML. Here is the instruction.



  1. I believe 29A Hrs. in the Big Apple refers to Eastern Standard Time vice French word.

  2. Brian,
    You are right. I just tried to make the crossword fun.

  3. Tell Laura I love her is the lyrics to an old rock and roll song.

  4. in yesterdays puzzle dropping down.down was like goosedown

  5. Beebo & Anonymous @ 11:44am,
    I've moved both of your comments to today (March 14's Shack Up puzzle entry).

  6. gingiva is the tissue in ones mouth that surrounds teeth.

  7. I just wish the crossword creators would do more puzzles that rely on synonyms, antonyms, and clever sayings - also, answers that rely on common knowledge from education rather than pop culture. I hate having to try to find the names of authors, actors, obscure poets, etc.
    My enjoyment comes from seeing how much of the puzzle I can get without googling anything. The Saturday puzzles come closest to being the ones I like.

  8. Anonymous @5:33pm,
    I like Saturday's open grid structure, but I am very intimidated by the themeless style.

  9. As to your comment on clue 94D...I can say we never wore those outfits in gym in the 50's! I can't imagine what year they wore those...never heard of gymslips. We wore gym shorts and coordinating shirts! LOL


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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